HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-15, Page 44 110.1041,11.0.111111.01.1MerillisiMPIWIAIA Christmas Is Cowing Catch the enthusiasm.. of Christ- mas and do your shopping early. The choichest things go firstas a matter of course, and because of the general pros- perity everybody will be buying more holiday goods this year. - - TOYL AN D On the Second door Is now ready for your inspection stocked with Lots of brand new Toys, Dolls, Games, Carts,. Horses, Dishes etc. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS Why not Books for Christmas? Montreal Standard Xmas .r Number, now on sala - �� Christmas Globe ready Elul - December` the 8th ijuu Private Greeting Cards now on sale. Make your selec- tions early. Cooper & CLINTON Holrnesvllle i Clinton Nevin -Record Sui unerblll Mr. George Holland went down to Mr. ,Geo. Mains visited at Mr. Geo. Flgiu county on Tuesday to buy up Tyner's on Monday last.' another carload of grade Durham cows The .Stork paid a vitt to Mr. D. • which he will dispose of by auction. at Writzht's on 1 riday but and left a Londesboro next week- In bringing a superior lot of milkers .into this dis- tn:ct Mr. Holland is doing his broth- er• farmers a good turn which they will appreciate more Bully a year or ao hence than in the less ren'oto fut- ure. Preparations are in progress for the Christmas Tree entertainment. That it will be good, no one doubts. Rev. Mr. Rogers of Seaforth, chair - roan of the district, occupied the pul- pit of the Methodist church a.m. and P.M. on Sunday last. Mils discourses were listened to with pleasure and profit. 1vIrs. Mulholland visited Goderich friends on Monday. Miss ' Tcssie Crooks has returned home from, Kincardine, the millinery season being over: Mr. and Mrs. A. Elcoat and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Elcoat of near Brumfield visited at Mr. Stanley's this week. A special Meeting of the Canadian Order • of Foresters will be held in the hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 21st. The organt:zer is expected on Monday and it is (iuite likely there will be a number of new members initiated, A good attendance of the members is requested. If The News -Record pleases - you The News -Record will 'be pleased if you will recommend -- it to ycur friends.. The poultry business is still going at its usual rate. An average of over two tons per week is the record for the season so far. Sonic 8000 birds have been shipped weighing over 32,- 000 2;000 lbs• amounting to over. $4000. A. ' more det?nitc account 'of the bustness v3ai1 be given When the season is over. After the poultry season is completed a large business will be done in now laid eggs and -butter in pound print's. The following following is the report of the Public School here for Novenitier, bas- ed on attendance, demeanor -and gen- eral proficiency : - .4th Class.—F. Jenkins, C. Connell, L. Levis,,('. Malt, II. Levis, C. .11°17 land, A: ;Alcock. - Sr. 3r1-11. Ostrom, V..1e.rvis,' E. • Proctor, R. 3lunti,ings. Jr. 3rd, -L --M. Holland, land, A. Leonard, S. Mair, L. huller, 1), u'.i:delon, L. Jervis, 0..l'rcetor.. Jr. 2nd.—F. Levis, W. Alcock, Cr. :Reid. - ' - Part II.—N•• Meer, . Ostrom, A. McCartney; 1.. Ford, II. Feted Part I'.:1\'. - Jarvis, W. Miller, • P. Fltini,ing: . —J..11, Lowery, Teacher. LADIES Dry Goods i Ready-to-wearCol Millinery GARMENTS. Dress -making baby boy. Miss 'Vire Mair has returned to her home after spending some time in Lon- don. Kr. Will. Beacon). has returned. home after spending the summer months at Yellow (grass, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale of the lti ron Road visited at Mr. Geo. Jolinsona's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johnston visited at Mr. John Johnston's. 1!4r. and Mrs. Joe Gov4er of the'.13th visited at Mr. R. Govier's on Sun- day. Master Harold Big -gins has taken a position in the store of 'Tozer & Brown, Clinton.. Miss Ethel (iovier is visiting at her home here this week. The Ladies' Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mair on, Fridayaf- ternoon. • At a regular 028 the following ed :.--. Master, J. Rapson. Deputy, • J. Watkins. Chaplattt, J. Colborne. Rec.-Secretary, L. Johnson. Fin. -Secretary, C. L. Tyner, Treasurer, Win. Prown. D. of C.., J. S. Miller. - Lecturen,, R. J. Draper. Committee, If., Beacom, S. Lens- ' ing, A. Rapson, G. Johnson, A. McLaughlin. After , the business of the evening had been disposed of lunch was serv- ed and a pleasant evening was spent. Mr. Wm.• Beaeont is home from the west and intends to retuin thereto in the course of a ecuple of months. Ile with ' leeks as if the climate' agrees him and he: is favorably impressed with that. part of the Dominion. ri_HRISTMAS shopping has begun. • The linen° :de- partment is one of the first to - feel the approach of this great festive season. •So runny useful things in linens that only .require an initial or a trimming of.: lace tel make them dainty and acceptable gift. . H uckabacks for making Toweis. ' A large range in of designs in fancy bucks, all linen, including Pansy, Shamrcck, -Fleur de -lis Fancy . Stripe, Tulip, Water spot, 24 and 25 inches wide, 40c, 50c and 60c a yard. Magnificent stock .o1 Tray Cloths, Doilies, -Cen- tres, Scarfs, Shams and Bed Spreads Christmas Gifts in Furs It is baldly possible for one to think of a. more suitable Xmas - rift to. a Cana- dian than a fur. Its usefuluess•in• this climate is too apparent t.o. need mention, while there is nothing prettier or more luxur- ious than a beautiful• fur.. Be- fore buying your Christmas furs call and see ours.: ' Comparison helps' to sell our Furs Th$i; rtbiye will b`e' opar'i every night next weelrt EVERY co1JRTESY AND A.Tr1 NTION AWAITS YOU HERE, • 1 Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. ',lames Mose returned home on Friday from a visit of sever- al days with [Vends in Stephen town- ship. .•. At the regular meeting of : L.O.4: NO. 189 on Monday evening the 1ol:aw- ing officers were. duly installed for the ensuing, ` year : . W.M., John Emmerson. • Walt. Emmerson. Chaplain, John Woods. • Ree.„ -Secretary, Wesley ;'Vanderburgh. Fin. -Secretary, John' Sturdy. • Treasurer, George Vandenburgh. D : of C ,' Russel Currie, 'Lecturer, .Adam, Cantelon, Committee,. Gciorge'C.antelon, James Fltiott, . Wm, Ctuirie, Oliver Proust'.,, Franp Cole.: • They' were then called on for speech- es,.alsothe. visiting.brctutrn. ihes. Bell .and John McClure of L.U.L:.No., 1.45,'. and Robert Hanley of 14.0 L. No. 306.. Lodge then- closed and refresh- nients were served, after which a plea- sant hone was spent in playing carpet balls. ' Dame. Rumor says that in the ad ,vent of Messrs. :Sturdy and McClure contesting the reeveakiip that Mr. John Yeo will also? be a candidate. Should there he thnsltniangular fight even. the boy on the street . will • want - to .bet on Yeo. - Mr. George Miller attended court at Goderich this week as juryman.. Mr: and• Mrs. George Cook of the 11141 roti. left on Saturday last for .1. week's visit among 'relatives° in. the Win—glum' district. It is seldom that this worthy -couple takes a , holiday and we all :hope.t'hat they May ghee- oughly enjoy themselves. . ' Mr. Fred. Kerr cf Saskatoon, Sask,, a nephew of Mrs.. C. Lowery and Mr. W. Nesbit, late of the t(itli: con. and of Mr. 1I° Baker .of Clinton, • recently made an exchange of 800 acres of land one and one half miles from Saska- toon, and valued at' $00 an acre, with Mr: Hugh Sutherland; M.P., for City property . worth 848,000. lieu. Mr: Greene' of Clinton conduct- ed the service at Ebenezer on Sunday last: - !Mrs. Fitzgerald of Lucatt is visiting Fier sister, Mrs. IT..1. Thompson. - meeting of L.O.L. officerswere' elect - Varna On Tuesday] evening next a Christ utas Tree and concert will be held in the Methodist church, the receipts to be donated to the Sick Children's hos- pital, Toronto. Local talent will fur- nish the program, assisted by the Law family of Bayfield who are becoming noted as entertainers and whose set: - vices are in 3n14el1 request. The pre - grata will be pleasing. Let as many as possible of us attend. Mr. George Anderson of the Parr Line is ab time of writing critically ill. He is one of the oldest residents of Stanley, being now in his flOth year. The township council meets on Thursday to wind up the finances to date. It is understood the showing is a good one. Mr. and Mrs. Jam'ees McClymont ited Clinton friends on Saturday. Mr. David Johnstone and sisters 'Om guests al Clinton friends on Wed- nesday. London Road Mr. Wm, Grant went to Toronto on Saturday with a carload of ('hristmas cattle Mr. Grant is a well known and a:cperienced feeder and his cattle wt re a first class lot. If The News -Record pleases , you The News -Record -will be •pleased if you • •will • recommend it to your friends. • . ` • - Mr. Geo. Manley attended the in- stallation of officers in the Orange. Lodge in his own old neighborhood Monday evening, . 13y the *ay, Mr. Hanley has been entertaining one of Job's comforters .lately, but that did not lender hint from attending so in- tertsting a gathering. • Mr. Arthur Stephenson was fn• Say - field yesterday acting as witness in a division court case...,. Stanley.• Township Deceiixiber 1Sth, 1916 Brucefield, A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. Geo. Hart yesterday al. - tetrnoon when his daughter, Miss Kate, was married to Dr. Charles W. Saw - era of Napier, son of Rev. ,and Mrs: Sewers - of Brucefleld. The ceremony was performed by the groom's father in the presence of only a few intimate friends. Dr. and Mrs. Sewers, who are both well known and `popular' young people, left the same afternoon for their home in Napier, whither they are followed by the good stilshes of their many friends, - Miss Alice- Rattenhury and • Miss Maybel Swan spent Sunday hi Dash- wood the guests of Mrs. R. T,' Dun- lop. . Miss Mina . Munroe has returned. home. - •- - • A few of the girl fti:ends of Miss Kate Hart gave. her a linen shower at Miss. Jessie Ueninneli's -home last . week. - 1eliss Aggie ;Sawers has. returned home from Napier. Mrs.- McIvc.tt• of Clinton was the guest of Mrs. Jas. Turner last week. A . quiet wedC, ng took place 'at they manse here on Wednesday, when Miss Berth). Gibson and Mr. George Lobb of Henan were married. • Mr, John Aikenhead • has returned . home from the west. . .Mrs. -Rogers is visiting her son, Dr, Rogers. Messrs. ("come and Cecil Simpson were .in our village last week. . • - The many friends of Mrs. (Rev,) Simpson were very sorryto hear o{ . her death Which occured at Wroteter. The' remains arrived •here on.:Thursday on the afternoon train and tthe•fnner-. al .took place from - the Depot -. to Baird's cemetery. - -- Miss Olive Bowy is hot well- at pre- sent, we are 'sorry to hear.. . • . Revivalserviceswill be conducted in the Presbyterian .church of . . this village.during the -month of January by .Re. Mr.• Graham .of Parkhill. Messrs. • Armstrong,.. Stinson and Taylor shipped five carloads of .catitle from our station last Saturday and Mr: C. 11. Reid ,shipped .from Clin- ton. • The young (people of this coman:un- ity are busy practising for the corning Xmas tree. Miss. Annabel' Petrie .is 'home front -Toronto• Normal.. school. • •- Last week• a bide and fur buyer go- sag • his,,rounds colied ,an Otho dealers• of Our village; 'two of the • latter having several of the .Sable type,,.. to dispose of, ' invited "the traveller to the place where they were kept,- hut on reaching . the spot, to, their ser-, now, . found that ' the precious furs were missing... Doubtless at Once all kinds. of "bad:'wishes" and - "hard luck" exclamations were. extended to the unknown party or parties, • ,who had,„eloped with same. For 'Some' time a search was continued, but' all in gain and the :hunters and traveller - were obliged to return empty handed. However, the next day •• the• tinvestiga- ti:on was again coinmenoed and finally the valuable treasure was 'found in a - coal bin. Mr. Win. Aikenhead . - lost a horse valued, at '$250 last week. Gunn unn of Clinton paid 'a • ',pro- fessional .pro-fessional visit to our village -last weer:.• The 13rucefreld Boys' Club is mak- ing rapid progress, Since. its organ- ization this season over thirty per- sons have enlisted on the member- ship roll. The hall is wt il, heateg7 and well .lighted and is an ideal place to spend -,,the :long winter evenings. Much critici.im has been issued . against this little institution during the past few weeks, bait the same comes en- tirely without foundation.. Backbiting is • cowardly and never. pays. I as a member and promoter of this club do wish to invite tine critidising public of this vicinity to prove their state- ments when they say that the Club is ,a "fake" and a "frazzle." Dere is a ehanre to show them, perhaps what they have been waiting for, so come on big brothers. •. f5 A commission -of three priests was appointed by Bishop Fallon to - look into the nriaMet of. the -. Separate Schools in the French sett'lttnent where , three are.to .be found: Their finding has been handed_dgwn. The Stanley school- and. Inky •school at the church stand wb:le St. Joseph school - closos. . , ' Mr, P. Baker purchased for himself a fine teain *of ponies from Mr, . T. J. 14larks:of Bayfield: Mr.>Baker has a snug, .span and When well Broke ' cart 'Iinoek spots'; oft all their'tane Show teams:• • ; . - If The . \ews-Reeord pleases you The News -Record will be pleased if you - :will recommend _ it .to yieur friends. ' . •• -• ' . Rev. Mr. Johnston' of near London has accepted. the .. earl of .Blake . - and Verna and will' be inducted during the holiday week. '. Mr. David Johnston called.on. friends iii the neighborhood of. Blake on Sat- iirday. - , The fine sleighing , :.and the. clear nights induces many of ore. youths (some of the bachelors too) to go out duiving. ' • Howard Bros. of Drysdale purchas- ed a large pile of. wood from Valen- tine Wilds of Bayfield and have. had it removed to their home.' The `Zurich telephone subscribers are looking for equal .privileges and ex- pect. night service soon.. - - Miss Ma,irnie.Reid, who has • spent the .past six months in Varna, .has re- turned - to her home. - • Mr. and Mrs. (Itev.). 1t. A. Miller,; who spent a few days at the home of \'Ir. W. Clark, returned to their hone at Aubntrn on Thursday last.• • Miss Allie Teck, who has •been' at- tending • - Stratfoird Business College, has been successful in passing her ex- amination. For Stanley news The News -Record .easily leads. The many friends of Mr. and - Mrs. • Ed, Merrier, Dashwood, extend their Sympathy to them in Abe loss of 'their only son, Mersin, who died last week, Deceased was a bright boy of five who had been ailing for about six weeks, before death came. .. Mr. W. J. Stinson took a couple of fat cattle to Toronto ••on Saturday and. while there attended the fat stock show. Tlike Telephone Co. are installing the phones and the lines will soon be in working order. - • Miss Cora Yticholson of Clinton Spent the week • end under •the. parer- ,tal roof. - ' I� rom present, indications there will Jre a munieipai election en Jan. 2nd, indeed tt is just about assured for Mr.. W. L: Keys is already in the field for the tfee4eship• in apposition *a -the present efficient holder of e that order, Mr.: Wm. Glen. Both of these gentlemen are "sons of the township,'; and• are deeply interested: Will,. s'er`ve s in its welfare, .and w i,t in- terests well, but as there Can't . be two reeves' at one and the sante time one must stand aside atter the Incl. It should be a source of pride to any niunieipality that its most eapabld citizens are willing to take part in the management of its public affairs. Porter's 'Hill Mrs. O. W. Dotter is spending a few days at -Mr. Philip Potter's, Ruron Road. Mr. John. A. Cox wears' a broad Simile these days. Another little daughter has arrived. Mn. and Mrs. Daniel Gardner have returned and have taken up house- keeping on the old homestead. Their marry friends wish ttiennit` many years cf wedded bliss and happiness. Mr. John Torrance spent Sunday ' nth, hfs friend, ylitr. Will. Coir. illissDaisy...., tattle is. spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. Georg Vand'erbui gh. a • . The E Ivo •th League and Sunday si;hool at1 bity ' practising for. the Christmas 'tree next Thursday even; ing. Everybody come and have a good time as a most enjoyable pro- gramme is being prepared, b'ir. John Finley has engaged will Peter Macdougall, Jr., for a couple o weeks. t Signed, The Brumfield Correspondent, MelKillop ' Township There is good sleighing at time et writing. ' 'Begley Bros. are on the rounds in quest of fur -bearing gauze and are doing very well in that, line. Amos Wilkie and Miss Brown of. Moncton spent Sunday the guests of the f ormer's sister, Miss Pearl Wilkie. Munn Bros. have begat. doing efts- torn, sawing and are using the new building recently, put op for grinding purposes. It is reported that Councillor Mc- Quade intends entering the contest for the reeveship. Gardiner's hay 'press has been on the rounds pressing all the good' hay in sight, which is being shipped east and west. Miss Milne has been re-engaged to teach in S. S. No. O. Miss Milne's hone is near Fergus. Terms CASH ONE PRICE ONLY irTHE'N EXHILARATION Of the season pervades the atmosphere. The anticipated joys of family reunions is express- ing itself on every hand. The store life is full of it. The inspiration of large trading is here. Moving - on Clinton Another army of dolls more numerous and for- midable than ever captured the town before. They except to capture the citidal about Friday and will hold a grand reception for all the little folks on Saturday when we expect that one at least will accompany each visitor home. - We Have Passed Into stock this week what we believe to .be the most attractivestock of fancy Linens in this locality. We solicit your inspection. It will result a ctvantageousl; to you and you ' -will go away satisfied that you have a beautiful gift at a reasonable price, They are here in the shape of doilies, centres. drapes, tray cloths, stand cov- ers, pillow shams, etc.,, in great variety, . and prices ranging from 5c to $5. ' Here is a List For Der: -- A.` Handkerchief Sowing Bag Powder Box Cushion Gloves - Fancy• hose' Scarf Umbrella A Belt . . Belt Pin Collar Slippers Furs Kimona Fancy, Apron Waist, ect. - For Hirn:-- Lounging Robe - Fancy.Socks. • Suspenders Handkerchiefs Scarf - Umbrella Tie Collar Muffler -- etc, We Have: Revised prices of our beautiful Fur.: ;stook for the sole purpose of giving every,., purchaser an. op- portunity of securing Fursat once at the low- est prices. for which they will be sold this wint- er as positively no further price concessions will be made, 1 1 !WEEP --ME AT 1RWIN'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE 1.1111•11111111111111 rM XMAS FURNITURE ALttEi\UY o.rEa:IIrnIrr(A'' AT -•• - WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE We have been busy for the past few 'weeks filling; . our store with choice and up-to-date fttrnitnre for our Xmas trade. It will send your heart bounding with indeseribable joy to visit our warerooms and see the nicest array of furniture ever shown in Clinton. Prices Right. PianPicture Fram Orans g aand nd 12 ivinpaiiringines We will have by Dec. Istinother • big Showing of . those; pictures worth $1,00 for the sante priee as before 35c. each, the best value ever put before the public. Give us a call, only a 'pleasureto show you through our store. A low secot+ld hand pianos to sale cheap. 3 slightly Used Sewing Machines at a bargain. The Store of Qualit3r. Phone 28 W. Waik& Fuiiniture Dealer and Utidertaiker lteeidenee Phone 140