HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-12-15, Page 22 PURITY-- --ACCURACY , ..1141•••, 41140010••l1011R•111141UUw- D it We are now ready to have I you inspect our study aY Xwas • I goods. It will -be wisdom on your 1 « part to choose early. e will Ibe pleased to hold your pu chas- es till you are ready for them. For Ladies • We are showing a beautiful • collection of .Ebony goods, • Dressing Cases. Manicure Sets, • Pocket Books, Ravel I3ags, Hair IBrushes and Mirrors. Our Per- fumes are something extra spec- fol. • For Gentlemen 1 x We are sho;ng Dlilitary Brushes and Cases, Rubber Set Shaving Brushes and Mirrors, Safety Razors, Razors and Strops,Chamois Vests, Ci ars , Pipes, etc. For the Children • Don't forget the Kodaks. We S. R. HOMES + 1<lanf g Chemist. i•••••••• •••••••• NW* 0•411, —RELIABILITY — EXPERIENCE - 1 He Knows What Fixed Him Up. ..41"41_.... Dodd's Kidney Pili r c:'ured S. D. Vickar's Lumbago. He suffered throe years, but the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy made short work of his trouble Edenbridge, Sask., Dec. 12th. "(Spe- eial.)—"it was one box of Dodd's Elk. ney Pills that fixed me up." This is the cheerful answer Mr. Sato. D. Vic- kar is giving his inquiring neighbors in this district. Everybody around here knows that for three years hhow been suffering from Lumbago. he's strong and well again. ,My unba o developed op ed ran a cold," Mr. Vielcar goes on to say."My head would ache. I was always tired and nervous. I had a bitter taste in my mouth in the morning, was troub- led with dizzy spells and was always thirsty. The doctor .old me I. bad Lumbago, but did not help me very, much. Dodd's. Kidney Pills cured me,„ Dodd's Kidney Pills went straight to the root of the trouble. le. Ti e Ycured his kidneys. The cured Kidneys} strain- ed the uric acid out of the blood, and Mr. Vickar's Lumbago vanishes, Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure-all. Theykidneys. They , simply cure sick never fail to do 'that. ,000000'0101010)0•0r/101000 O 0 O WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 0 O 3rd. 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 O 0 ,o The great, practical training 0 school of Western Ontario. 0 Our courses are practical, our 0 teachers atm experienced in- 0 structors, the demand upon us 0 for help during the Fall term 0 was seven times the supply. 0 Our graduates are in demand as 0 Business College teachers. Our 0 graduates succeed:. Three de- 0 part•ments. 0 COMMERCIAL 0 SIIOR'rIIAND 0 and 0 TELEGRAPHY 0 Get our free catalogue at once. 0 0 D. A. McLACIILAN, Principal. 0 O 000000.0,000.0010.000 W. H. Watts & Son. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE CLINTON Stare opens at 7.30 a. m. and closes at 8 p.in. We are practical Boot and Shoe Makers and repairers. Boots made to order in from 1 to 3 days notice and repairing done while you wait. FARMERS ATTENTION. • We keep on hand Boots and Shoes of our own make which are just the thing for farm work. W.H. Watts atis & Son OUR TRADE DOUBLED • Belgrave Master Reggie Bobier is recovering from an attack of croup. The manyfriends of Mrs. Colo will be pleased to see her about again, Mrs. Thoseproctor seems to be improving in hea?th. Mr. Stanley Watson had the mis- fortune. to get his hand cut,'in a circu- lar saw last week. • 11i;r. T. S. , Brandon of Stratford and Rev. W. II. Brandon of Caledonia vis- ited their sister, Mrs. Thos. Proctor, recently. Mr. H. McDowell is considerably= improved. . Mr. and Mrs. John McCallum were at hone to 'a large number of friend) this week. Mrs, D. Wheeler is suffering from an attack of rheumatism in herback and is quite disabled: . Our sale of Flour, Feeds, Seed Grain, Etc., has doubled this season over last What better evidence can there be that our stock and prices are right, FORD &/WcL LOB .< CEDAR POSTS for sale COOS JAS. HAMILTON Coal frerchant PHONE 52 • Clinton News -Record a.rlt__y December 1501; 1910 :uron County News Gathered for ]..ews-Record Readers 8 Years Ago can cut, split and pile as much wood in a day as any two white moi in Morris. Thursday of last we they put up five cords of beech and maple in six hours just for amusement. From The News -Record of I Wonder what they could do for a wag- er. Abgut six o'clock on Monday of last week the large, flat, barn of Mr. Clinton, Dee. 14th, 1892. Thos. Forbes' was destroyed by fire. fedi he barnfeeding was in Forbes tg iVlr. The Messrs. Sheppard of Nile were the stock and had set the lantern on visitors in this section last week. 1 the floor while he gave the calves a rtalked forver There are manynames al ed of abasket chaff, One of the cal of , I. the reeveship. Mr. A. MglKurchic, we r which wasrunning around loose, up- believe, p- s ' ,e if ld ftMr,Dfire. IIr eller e inthew causing e hastern ausi the f'r b , isset. the la fi Cantelon in hob pursuit. If these two gemtlelmiert enter into the contest it will be warm,as bothara good men and would fill the position • with cred- it to tbeniselven;and the town. De a be 1401,1.892. C Rl l” Mayor Doherty announoes in another column that he wishes to retia e from the chief Magistrate's chair. Several names have been spoken of, but none that we have learned of with certaain- ty. Among those mentioned, as well as •Mayorpoherty, are etc -mayor's Forrester and Whitehead, As the coning municipal elections will be held on Monday, January 2nd, there will likely be a large vote poll- ed, The 'statute says they must take place on the first Monday in January and the nominations a week before. Christmas and New Year's fall on Sunday, but will doubtless be obsery ed on the following Monday, so that, the nomination will practically bo held on Chrirstmas and the election en New Year's Day. 'there is;no election excitement here as yet. The elect4on of officers of Clinton lodge No. 84, G.R.C., A.F. and A.M., held on the 9th inst. resulted as fol- lows W. M., W, J. Paisley. S. W,, J, R. Howe. J. S' ., G, 1'. Baird. Treasurer, 0. S: Doan. Secretary,. Thos. Smallaconhbe. Auditors, D. Robb, W. D. Fair. Tyler, Jos. Ryder; • • WOMEN SUFFER. More than. Men. Women havo more than their share of the aches and pains that afflict hu- manity. They must "keep up," in spite of constantly aching backs, , •or. headaches, dizzy spells, etc. Mrs: Ed- ward Calwood of 123 AS: Harold Street, Fort William, Ont , says.: '"I suffered with dull, niiserahle pains, soreness across my back and in my sides for months. They would catch me .so badly at times that I could scarcely move around. I would have dizzy spel?s . and . altogether, felt generally run down. After 'tieing a number of. remedies without • finding relief, I learned pf Booth':s Kidney Pills and found thorn an excellent re- medy. They not only relieved me of the miserablepains and soreness in my back but cured me of my kidney trouble." The M Coal IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROM US. ORDERS LF,FT AT 'AVIS & ROWLAND'S I•IARDWARE, STORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO. Booth's Kidney Pills ,cure Back- ache, •Dull Shooting .Pains, T411 a, n d Cloudy . trine, Gravel• or ,Stone, , Rheuma- tiger- add 'diseases -of the kidneys and bladder., ; All druggists • and dealers 50e. • `box or. post paid front. The R. T, Rooth Co:; • • Fort Erie, .Ont. If yc.0 derive. no benefit pouf nnonty will be re fund- cd. Could we say, more ? Sold ,and guaranteed., by W. S. R. 1Iolines., TIIE LEADING SCHOOL: The Central Business C"ollege of Stratford stands to the forefront as the great practical • training school of Western Ontario. It is. not only the largest of its kind in the West, but it is also the best. Its good work is appreciated; and its registration for the Fall teed is by far the lar- gest in the history of the Co:"iege, and yet the demand upon the school. for trained help was : many times the number graduating. By the College advertisement; which appears - else- where in this paper, you will . see that they have three distinct dcpart- menta-Conimereeel, Shorthand and Telegraphy,. • Write the College for its free catalogue. You will find it in- teresting. n-terelsting. W. J Stevenson buggy, cutter, three horses and the calf that caused flee -trouble, were sav- ed. a ed.. Seven cows, three calves , 190 bushels of wheat, 60 bushels of bar- ley, hay, feed and other articles were destroyed. The Weekly Sun, Toronto, is a large seventy column farm weekly news- paper, making a specialty of all mate 'hors of business and social interest to. the farmer and Ii:s•"family. The Sun's market reports are admittedly the best and most accurate published. It has no equal in this field. Stanley Tp., Dec. .11th, 1892. Mr, Robt;McMurray and his moth- er have moved from their former resi denco to Bayfield.. ' Mr.. Robt. Blair has bought . Mr. Thos, Parker's share of the threshing. machine ' formerly owned by Messrs. Parker and Andrew Reid. Miss Fee hes been visiting friends in this vicinity. Miss Mary A. Reid, who 'has ' been visiting friends in Centralia, has re- turned home. • We are glad to see that 1VIrs.. Mc- Connell is able to he around again. If you take a ,few doses of • FIG PILLS All Backache and Distress from Out - of - Order Kidney's or. Bladder Trouble will vanish, • and you will feel fine. Lame Back, Painful Stitch- es„ Rheumatism, Nervous Headache, Dizzieness, Sleeplesness, Wernout Sick Feeling, and other symptosis of Slug- gish, Inactive Kidneys and Liver dis- appear. Smarting, Frequent Urina- tion and Bladder Trouble "ends. FIG PILLS go at once to the disordered Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Sys- tem and complete a cure before you know it. . At McConmll's drug store at 25c a box or five for one dollar. Londesboro, .Dec, 14th, 1892,• Miss Edea sellen has gone to Wyom- ing to take a position as.b'ookkeeper• Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Ruddell of Mani- toba are visiting at•tiie old ,home- stead. They . " are but lately married and are on. their honeymoon tem. • Mr. John Weymhouth was married on: Wednesday,' last to Miss T;, daughter of Mr. Geo. Cnckerline. :Miss Maria Ailey. °has gone to-Clin- ton'te live for, a while. .t their regular .meeting en .Thus - day evening the: Orangemen elected the following office"rs W. M., Matthew Mains.' D.` M., Joseph Riley: Chaplain,' A. Woodman. ' R. S:, E. Crawford. F. S., S. 1V'IeCool, T., S. Woodman. D. of C , T,,. Ruddell: Lecturer, ,Wash, Brown. Committee, W. Jenkins, J, Leach,. N. Pringle, W. Little, A. Spuhl. There. is a lively contest going.. on in the I.O.G.T. lodge. 13. Lawrason and J. Fairservice are the captains. Last week the programme was given by Bro. Fairservices' side, when the following took part : W. McVittir, Or- pha Whitely, Jennie McKenzie, :John Shobbrook, Edna Allen,..Sarah Hill, Thos. Cole, Thos. Watt and Agnes Scott. Seven names were added to the roll. Mr. 'Thos,. 'Boles of Delaware. organ- ized a Home Circle here last week, Owing to the bad state of the wea- ther the Good Templets did not visit Summerhill last Wednesday evening. They intend going' tonight. The Ontario Agricultural Depart- ment, propose to insure Fall Fairs a- gainst loss by bad weather, William Maki was killed in the Tre- thcwcy Mine at Cobalt by the eon - tents of a bucket falling on his head. to. W. CttTLi' R, PAINTER. AND Paper hanger. All work done •guar- antecd satisfactory and prices moderate. Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute, Clinton.'82 • Things are very "quiet in regard to municipal elections. • It. is thought the contest for. Reeve will be • be- tween J. Britton and 13,: Scott, and for deputy between I3. Churchill and the - present deputy, A. McDonald. QLD TIME RELIGION Rev. John Wesley and the Weisel „ Mob. Here they were at a full stop, till ono advised to go to Justice Perse- i us Weasel. laeatala Allagreed W l to this. So we hantened on, and about seven came to his house, but Mr. P— likewise sent word, "That he was in. bed." Now they were at a stand again, but at last they all thought it. the wisest course to make the best of their way holne, About fifty of themundertook dee ook to convoy me ; .but we had 'not gone a hundred yards when the mob of Weisel came pouring, in, like .a flood, and bore down all before them. The Darlaston mob made what defence they could ; but they were weary as well as out -numbered ;, 'so that short time' ina m , many being knocked down, the rest ran away, and left me in their hands. To attempt speaking was vain; for the •noise on every side was like the sea, so they dragged ane along till we came to the town, where seeing the door of a large house open, I attempt- ed to go in ; but amen catching nee by the hair pulled me back into the middle. of the mob. • They Heade no marc stop till they had carried. me through the inainstreet, from one end of the town to the other. I continued speaking all the time to those within hearing, feeling no pain or. weariness. At the west• end of the town, seeing a door half cpen, I made toward it, and would have gone in, but •a gentleman in the shop would not suffer me,. say- ing "They would pull the house down to the ground," However I, . stood at the door and asked, "Are you willing to bearnie .speak?" Many cried out, "No, no, knock his brains out ; down with him, kill hint at once." _ Others said, "Nay . but we will hea 1jjl mi fiirst." I began asking, "What evil have, I done?"' Which of you have, I wronged in :word • or deed?" and ccne Untied speaking for about •• a quarter ' of an .hour, till - my voice • suddenly • failed ; ;,then the floods - began to lift up ; their voice' again ; • many _crying• out, "Bring him away, bring filed away." Meantime .my strength and my voioc returned and I broke out aloud into prayer.. And now the roan who just below headed t•he mob, turned and said, "Sir, I will spend my life for, you, follow me, and not one. soul here shall touch a hair.of"your, head." Twa. or three of his fellows confirmed 'his words, .and got close. to hie irinnediat- city ; at the sane time the gentleman M the shop cried out, • "For. shame, for shame,` let'him, go." An honest but- cher, who was• a Tittle farther off said, "It `. was .a. shame they should do . thus,"and milledback f u ba o r or • five p one after another, who were cunning on the most fiercely. ' The people then, as if it has been by'comnion consent, fell .hack to the. right and left, while those,, three oe four took me between ,tlheiih, .and carried me through them; all. • But on the bridge the mob ral- lied,•agtin.; we therefore went on -one side, '•over the lliill-dam and thence throu .h ; the meadows till a.lfttle •af- t; ter ten and brought me safe to K"ed .neskury, leaving .loel only one flap of; ney waistcoat: and " a'little skin: from one of my.'hands . I never' saw. such ••a chain of provi dencee. -before so'enany conviincing proofs,. that tlie.: hand of God _' is oir erv- ery person and thing,. over -ruling all as • it seemofili flim good. , • 'rho poor woman at Darlaston• 'who had headed that mob and sworn that• none slioulel touch hie, • when she saw tier followers give way,' ran into the tIt:ckest of the throng, and knocked. clown three or four men,' ane after an- other'; but many assaulting ‘here. at once,. she was soon• overpowered', and diad protably been killed in a few minutes (three .men keeping her -down and • beating her with all their might) had not a man .called to one of them, "Ilolcl,. Toin, hold," "Who is •there" said Toni, "What honest Munchin ?" Nay 'then let her go." Sa they held 'their hand, and. let her get up and crawl home as webs as she could. From the beginning to the end ' I Uiund the same.presince' of mind as if 1 had been sitting in myowi; "solely ; but I .took no thought for cne°'mom- •ent before another only once it came to .my mind that if they should throw me into the river, it would spoil the papers that were in my pocket, fo myself, I did not doubt but I sho swine across, having but a thin coat and- a light pair of hoots. • The circumstances that follow, I thought, were particularly. remarka- ble, 1. That many .endeavored to throw lase down .hill on a slippery path to Blgth The young people have been having. some very good skating on the pond since the freeze-up..• At the regular meeting of the - 1.. 0.0.F. last week, after initiating two candidates, the election of offic- ers took place with the following re- sult: -N; • G. Bro.. J,. Petts e T. G. Bro, R. II. Robinson ;. R. S: Bro. A. W. Robinson l; •. F. S.. Bro. P. Gard- iner ; Treas. Bro. D. Fleody, . • The Members of St. Andrew's Club, with their friends, spent a most en- joyable. time one evening last week, having grasped the 'opportunity to have a dance on the advent of a couple of musicians to town• The "hop" was gotten up very htiriedly, bat was fiche the less thoroughly enjoyed. A , Iquiet, wedding'took. place on •' Wed- nesday of last week at the. residence of .the bride's brother, Mr. E. Floody, 58 Close Avenue; Tcriinto, when IV'I1Ss Margaret. Floody. •bt Blyth was mar- ried to the Rev. W. 11, C•eoper, pastor of . the Methodist chureh, Milverton, formerly of this. place, The bride. looked pretty in her travelling cos.- tunie of sage green broadcloth and turban of green velvet. Miss : Oliye Floody, neice of the bride, played' the wedding. march. Only the: imemediate friends and relativesof the `contract ing. parties Were Present. The •Rev. W. B: Caswell, 'pastor of Dunn ;Aven- 'uc 1Wtthodist .church, performed " • the Mr, •Mre. 'lei e rent n �It, and .I Co cr t c o y op on' the evening train for their. home in Milverton. • doubtless thought I did)and found d hint standing in the shop, which gave the first check to the madness Of the t en Mat the firs m people. 6.very whose hearts were turned were the heroes of the Town, the captains of the rabble on all occasions, one of them having been a prize-fighter at , •the beer -garden. 7. That frons the first to last I heardnone give a revil- ing word, or call ine try any oppro- brious name whatever but the • cry of one and all was "The Preacher, The Preacher,The Parson, The Minister.f, 8. That no creature, at ?east within my hearing,. Iced anything to my charge, either true or false ; having in the hurry quite forgot to provide` themselves with an attirsation of any kind ; and lastly, That they were as Morris Township' - Quite a number. of. •Mbrnisites were in attendance at the Wint•er 'Fair • at Guelph, . • •Walter' and '-.Andrew' Miller, '. who . have been in the west, are here on •a 'visit. with relatives and friends. • • . Mrs. Jno. Melville of - Lo,gde.ihoro, who was formerly Miss. hotel 4141 E m - �. bury of Morris, liar been sierouslq but we hope a change for•the. better will soon ensue,.' The . fine 100 acre farm • belonging to Wm.` Keys, 5th line, formerly. owned by e.k-Reeve Mooney, has besot =old to. George Kerr•of the same locality who gets possession next spring'. !'rice" was $6,200. • The "probabilities are Mr. Keys may go west .when the win- ter .is past. Wm. Bernard, who has ' hal the John Mooney farm, 5th line, leased for the past term, has purchased lee Lot 23; Con. 6, containing 100 acres, from Jas. 1Vlaxwell, , paying- 15,200 therefor, . Mr. and Mrs. 13e hard. will move to their new home next). spring, The fare, is a good -one .and was form- erly owned by Wm.: Robb, who is now ated on the 50 acre farm 'purchased lir o'ri. Jno, Mowbray,. near • Walton. Mr, R. Nesbitt of Morris Tp., had the rni,sfortune last week toloose a orso valued at $200. Mr. •Geo. Sterling; father of Mr. Robe. Sterling, .formerly of Dorris, died at Melita, Man., on N'overber 2nd. Deceased, was a native at York- shire., England, and prior to going west in 1887 lived for a, number of years near'Clinton, Wm..•Shorttreed, Wm. Skelton and Wm. . Taylor were among the . sight secrs'at the Fat Stock Show, Guelph, last week. . Morris Tp,,• Dee. 14th, 1892. Sleighing once marc. • ° . Miss Jessie Lowery of flullett is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hender- son of the 3rd line.. . Mies Mary Sample of Brussels was renewing old acquaintances on the 3rd last week. Mrs. McTaggart'of Collingwood has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Forrest on the 2ad. Wm. Forsyth, who went to Dakota last spring, has returned and will spend the winter •at his home on the Otb, Mrs. Geo. Peacock of Kincardine was visiting Mrs. Jas. Wilkinson of the 4th line last week. A Musical and Literary.cntertain- ment was held in S.S. No. 3 an Tues- d'ey evening, under the auspices of the. young people, of the section. A very enjoyable time was spent. The proecicds will go towards procuring school apparatus. 'rhos. flour, Jr., • and George Cal - hick of the 3rd con. claim that they John Wheeler has sold his well I the town ; as well -judging, that if I known 100 acres, 4th line, to Robert Nicholson, who owns the farm across the road, $8,900 is the figure and Mr. Wheeler takes next season's crop. It is a. dandy piece of property and has belonged to the Wheeler family was otcc on the ground, I should hardly rise any more ; but I Made no stumble at all, nor the least slip un- til }.was entirely out of their hands. 2. • That although many strove to lay hold on my collar or clothes, to tea is the result of care and experience in blending—must be the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richness. $ecause all these elements are ;so generously included in Red Rose Tea it, well merits the . term "good tea." • r.. '84 NEVER SOLD IN BULK Your . Grocer Will Recommend It Years of Suffering A D.sp.rat• Cass of Catarrh in th* Head, "My father bad catarrh in the bead for a long time. It was much a desper- ate case that he didn't know what to do, but ane of his friends recommended 11ood's Sarsaparilla. He got a, bottle, immediately, and as soon as he comms menced taking it he felt relief and after the use of two other bottles he was completely cured. IE1a was so well pleased he leas ever since recom- mended flood's Sarsaparilla„" Delle Aline Begin, Levis, P. Q. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. $old by all druggists everywhere, But how gentle degrees does. God prepare us for his will. Two years ago a piece of brick grazed my shoul- ders. It was a year after that a stone struck me between the eyes. Last month I received one blow, and this evening two ; one before we Otte into the town, and one after we were gone out ; but both were as nothing ; u for though one mat rstruck c me on the o breast with all his might, and the other on the mouth with such farce -that the blood gushed out immediate- iy,I felt no more pain from either of the blows than if they had touched me with a straw." Extract froni the Journals of Rev. John Wesley. Copies of these • and other smell instructive books may bo procured from! Fred. J. Hill, Clinton, Can. • utterly at a loss what they should`do with the, none proposing any determ- inate thing only, "Away with . kill him at once." Seaforth Mrs. Ed. Bunt and son, Homer, of McKillop have been visiting relatives in Guelph. Mr, J, S. Porter of Sharon,. North Dakota, is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. S. Porter. It is fourteen years since Mr. Porter was home before. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Patton, ' who have been visiting friends in MVlichigan for the past three months, have re- turned home. Mr. Francis McCulla and his daugh- ter of Leadbury left last week' for Park Rapids, 'Minnesota, where they will speed the winter with his daugh- ter.. The public school board visited the school one day recently andunknown. to teachers or pupils sounded the fire alarm. In oneminute from; the first sound of the gong the pupils were all. out of the building. The fire drill seems to be in good working order all right. . Mr. W. R. Wallace, of Simcce start- ed a parcel delivery in Searorth on Tuesday of last week. Several of thee, merchants have' adoptedthe new sys- • tient and Mr. Wallace, hope that time will see all of the , places of .business who have private deliveries fall in line with . his system. • Mr. R. F. Jones, who has been fn Winnipeg,for some months, has return- ed to ki:s hrorne here: Mr. James McMichael, .cattle .buy- er, had buy-er,:had the misfortune to fracture one. of his legs below the knee as a re- sult of a fall. on Main street. for we'll up toward 50 years. This pull me down, they could not, fasten purchase with what already was pose at all ; only one got fast hold of the sessecl will give the .Nieho son boy a flap of my waistcoat, wlticihwas soon, most desirable property. left in his hand ; the other flap, in the pocket of winch was a bank note, was torn half off. 3. That a lusty man, just behind, struck at me sev- cti•at times with a large oaken stick, 'with which, if he had struck me once on the back part of my head, it would have saved him all further trouble: ; If you are suffering from bilious- ness, iliousness, constipation, indigestion, obron- ;ic headache, invest one cent in a pos- tal card, send to Chamberlain Medi - eine Co., Des Moines, Iowa, with your name and addressplainly on the but every time the blow was turned back, and they will forward you a aside 1 know not how ; for I could i free sample of Chamberlain's Stom- not move to the right hand or left. ach and Liver Tablets. Sold by alt 4, That another came rus'h.ing through dealers. the press, and raising his nem to strike, on a sudden let .it drop, and only stroked my head saying, "What Me W. F. Nickle, M,P.P., returned soft hair he has." 5. That I stop - from the conference on the milk prob- ped exactly at theMayor's dhoti, as if I had known it, (which the mob Christmas The Age of Sensible Gifts: Our specials Now Are Suitable acid ..Useful Christmas Goods. People now -a -days 1ook;rnore for the° hensihle and prac- tical that will be of pernhi neat vellre end be a, perpetual remind.. er of the giver.: The list lie)ow• gives an 'ides} of the 'lines that: . are specially adupted°to .Christmas giving. Nick le Plated Teapots • " • ` " • Coffeepots Trn ys (Irnmb Trays Tea.h"s'ttles • Nut Bowls . ,. Tea Spoons Dessert Spoons Table Spoons Berry Spoons I3ntter Knives Pickle Foi ks . .r 1" 11. Everything in Graniteware at • O;irv.int;• Sets rs ' n Oases asea' Bread Knivee Children's Sets Band. Sleighs • Skates • Scissnrs'in.Cat;es Pen Knives . Pocket Knives; Mitts and Gloves ?Piss Potts' Irons CIL rpe e Sweepers Knives& Forks in Sets one-third off the Regular Price 1111=11111s HARLAND BROS. -Hardware and Stoves, fern. fi/ SAN WWWwwwkWoyVVVVYV ANWI NAAAWA wM w Our 1'lotto This Year is , 'The Best Yet. Only Another Wee/r for Christmas Butting Christmas is only 10 days Christmas is away. Have you done your shopping ? If not, let's show you our stock. We have what will please you. Come as early as . you can. W4 li#!:...CPPaNT:PR Jeweler Issuer Marriage Licenses +4el014A Atin+Nor+Airi 4AMA o+ MAA' AAAA.0 A ►S