HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-11-24, Page 8Nom- 4 November 24 PRVIATE Christmas Greeting Cards 4re GROW 1 N G mot e infay- or .every year and the selectiongreater and m Ore refined. Supplied in genital - ties of twelve or more with your name printed on each. • In Anticipating your requirements for the cold weather we have made liberal provieion tor your comfort, in heavy rubber shoes we are agents for the celebrated KANT KRACK RUBBERS. They are guaranteed not to crack and they cost no more than others. Granby Rubbers wear like iron —we are sole agents. William's warm lined shoes are the farnaees delight. We are showing a big range of styles as $1.25 to pc*. Men's, women's and- chit- dren's felt shoes ond slippers of all kinds. See—Our children's corduroy leggings at 85e, The very best. Repairs White You. Wait. Lowsammini • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • FRED. JACKSON : I yl ['Shoe Bargains : uuu ........„...uu u . : 4> : * i . Shoes of all kinds, makes and sizes and each one • A BIG SHOE SPECIAL MEN'S SHOES WOMEN'S' .SHOES BOYS' SHOES GIRLS' SHOES • • • Big Sale commences Friday,. Nov. 25th and * • lasts for 8 days.. • 4> • • • I Hundreds of odd lines and broken sizes to clear at wonderfully low prices. Don't fail to see Naha we are offering in this department. during these 8 days. It will mean a big saving for you. Also some big money savers from our mantle department.. See the Ladies' Coats we are clearing at 495 Children's Qoats 2.75, Every day a Bargain here. I I SMALL . MORE I BUSINESS PROFITS PLUMSTEEL BROS. i•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••+••••••N••••••••* • ! 0 0 0 I I $ , , , ; 1 I (CENT , $ • • $ • • $ .!• • • 0 • • • • • • will pay a subscription • 0 • $ ,. to The News -Record. to $ ' • • • any address in Canada i • • • • • until the end of 191.0 or $ 0 $ • one dollar from now to $ • • • • • • • Jan. 1st, 1912. • • • • • • • $ • • • • • • 4............................... ii•••••%••••••••••wanhawle,...g....a... • e•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44••11414•••••••••.*4 1 I • 3.0151 \ Our i .• !:, .. ::.,• 1 IFurniture .-. • s,--._-------------i;--:-.2;-f;,-. S • ale ....-----------, --,-------,..--------ri------..„----7-. ..., __..._. _.... Affords an opportunity for the thrifty to refurnish the whole or any part of the house at a splendid saving, not made at the expense of I quality. t J. B Hoover Nelson Ban •• i* .4** 1 1 Hoover & Bail For Parlor, Dining, Bed Room or Kitchen, There are complete outfits and single pieces that are marvels of furni- ture excellence and economy. Better see them. 1 The Cheapest spot in Huron County to buy ail kinds of furniture. MraRl•T.i.'X'trlt,111 .A.XV/:)AL712)XX=1,VCPWOIVAS Christmas Number or The Globe and The Standard Will 8 N BP ready and it wouldbe as well to let us have your or- der as some years they are uot to be had soon after publi- ation. W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - Always the Best 1WNW illimuilln114 10r ----271 11 Ai.. D: • Cantelon is in Montreal this.. Cowuek neeil. or WH. McElroy, Blyth, was in. town on Monday. Miss Rebecca Friel of Seaforth is the gueit of 1VIrs. Jas. Flynn. ' Miss Ruby Irwin was in London a couple of days this week. Master Jack Farr of Goderich is 'Os - WWI Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly of town. Miss Mary Gaffney has returned to. town after spending a few weeks at • her limnin Kennicott.. Mrs. Jelin -Wilford •of Blyth has been. the guest- of her sister, Mrs: T. Mo - Kenzie, Jr., the ifest. couple of days., Mr. and Mrs, Edward Boyce of . near Blake were the guests Saturday and Sunday of Mr. and Mrs: Win. Wheat- ley., Mrs. Broth: of Ottawa, who is well known lo many Clinton people; is spending the winter la Santiago, Cal, . '• • Mr. and Mrs, Bremer left last Friday: ,for -Detroit, Mr. Bremer was con- • nected with:the Motor •Car Com- pany. • Mr, E. J. Heniy has been gen. aged as principal. of Tara Public school and 'will -commence his duties at the be., ginning -ofthe 'new year. . Mrs. J. E.. Best and little daughter, • :Miss Eleanor ,, of Seaforth spent a i()V,r • days in town last week the guests. of .Mis,".W. 1-I. Agnew. Mr. W. 'J. Paisley has, been iu.Strat ford the past couple of 'daps" acting as valuator in a transfer of ' the Al- bion hotel. In his capaCity as val- uator Mr. Paisley's services are in request far end near. Mes.,Robert Johnston returned to. ber . home in Toronto Saturday morning. after a three week's visit with • her nephew, 'Mr. Dave Crawford, and her , neice, Mrs. E. J. Johnston,-.. also other friends and relatives Are this vicinity. . • . Profegsor Client of Toronte Universi- ty .was the eldest over the week .end of his 'brother,' • Mr. 'FL I3. Chant. ?On- Friday. evening the Prefessor gave a lecture in Stratford on "The, Planet 'Mars" which, was very highly spoken 'of by the local press. . • Mier Carrie Shipley has been "Com— ing out strong," to use 'aMak Tap- . ley .phrase, as an eloeutoreist and • 'has • been in demand lately at dif- ferent ..entertaininente in the sur- rounding'- districts. Miss Shipley's ,name appears on the program of the Varna entertainment . which takes - Place a -week irom Monday. Mr. W.. E. Perdue of I3ay .City, wasin• :town Monday, He came 'over the. latter part of the week to at-. tendthe wedding of his sister,:Miss Florence .Perdue, who was' married' On Tuesday afternoon at the - paren- tal home on the Bayfield Line to Mr.Adelbert Gardner of Detroit. Mr. Perdue looks as if employ/neat in, . a big motor, car works agreed with him. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cleave left on Tuesday . to return to their old home near Bristol, . England, after a 'few montihs' residence in Ontario,. for seven weeks as the guests 'of Mr, and Mrs. Win, .the of town. They have . taken a fancy 'to this. ' country and said they would return 'in • March, business now calling them back to the old land. "They were accompanied by Mrs. Cleave's: .bro- ther, Mr. John Luxton, who, - spent the 'past six months on a •Goderich township far in and purposes making his permanent home in this countrz. Mr. Cleave is a farmer and intima- ted that he purposed buying a place on his return, Miss Nettie Woman started on FL* , 1700 mile journey on Tuesday of last week, She first went to Benton Harbor, Mich., where she Visited re- latives until Monday of this week When she reomedher long journey to Nolan in New Mexico. Her bro- ther, Mr. P. 0. Wasman, located at that place wine 'months ago where he is engaged in farming but just rocritly he bought a merehantile business of which he takes posses- sion the first of Detember. Miss WaStrian goes tO Nolan to as- sist him. She is a popular young lady and has numerous friends in VlinttnoWl10 were sony to see her leave, even for so sunny a portion of rnele Sam's domains as New Mexi- co, 1 ENTY LADIES (.OA 1.5- - At big Reduction FRIDAY and SATURDAy we are putting on sale 20 Ladies' Top Coats, made of good qualityl Bever, Chev- iots and Fancy Tweeds, colors black, blue, brown and greys, full length, warm, right and good sfyle. Regular $10.00, 12.00 and 15,00 value, for quick selling Friday and Saturday your choice for 15Children's Winter Coatsat Half • Price For quick selling Friday and •Saturday we are laying out fifteen children'a coats, sizes -5 to 12 years, made of good quality beavers and tweeds, trimmed with but- tons and fancy braids, full length and good styles. Reg $5,00 to 8 50, Friday and Satuiday your choice at exactly .half price, • A Special in Dress Goods for . Saturday About 300 yds Fancy Dress .Goods in blue, brown, green, wisteria old rose, and red in serges, panamas, broadcloths and fancy tweeds, all pure wool, made of long, twisted yarns .and will give splendid wear. Reg 500 and 60c per yd, Satorda.y price will be 39c. $7,50 $5 and $6 Ladies'. Hats lit Saturday $3.65 • in the Millinery -department we have laid out a num- her of Ladies' hats, beautifully made and trimmed and all new styles for quick selling. -Remember this is our first fall season and we have no old styles to make up a sale—every hat ie new this season. Come, early for these, they won't- last long. • Reg $5 and 0, for 3.65 At the Men's, Store Tailoring There is a style and fit about our Tailoring that puts it in a cies by itself. We are putting on sale twelve suit ends of worsteds andtweeds, all good patterns, browns, greys and, blues, Reg $20 and 22, for 16,50, made up with good linings, Fit and wcrkinanthip guaranteed. Slaughter Sale of Carpets, Rugs, Mats, and Linoleumns , • , We are determined to clear up our stock of piece.Carpets in Tapestry, Brussels, Wools, Rugs, Ivlatts, et,, hence this great slaughter sale. This isthe time of the year you should be on the lookout for bargains to bright. en up your home for Christmas. Don't miss this chance of getting one of the biggest bargains in floor cover. ings ever offered in Clinton. Terms of sale; Cash only.-- No free sewing or laying of linoleum. Free deliverys. $1.25 and $1.35 $1 Tapestru and 75c Wool 50c Tapestry 39c Brussels $1. Brussels 79c Carpet 58c 10 good patterns in Brussels carpet in Fawns, Greens, Reds and. Two tone effects. Some pat- terns have borders to match to Wake Rugs of. Reg, •$1.25 and $1.35, sale price - • - $1 75c and 85c, • . Tapestry 680 15 good patterns, in Tapestry carpet, Reds, Greens, Fawns, in • Two tone, several with border and stair to match. • Reg. 75e and 85c,- salepriee . - •68c. -Deep cuts in TapestryRugs 3x34, Reg $15. for $11 8ix4, "18, for 14 3x4, " 12, for 9 3x31, , " 8, for 6 2fx3, 8,- for 6 15 -patterns in the Best quality , of Tapestry and second quality .Brussels, in Two tone, colorings Of all the popular shades and colors, Reg. $1, sale price •- 790 $1.10 Wool Carpet 83c. 5 New, patterns • in all Pure • Wool Carpet; .3 ply. Two tone . effect. of Fawns, Browns and .Greens, :one yard wide, Re $L10, sale price . • • Brussels Rugs at sig.Reduction. • 3x3i, Reg. $20,. for $15 30c4, 25, for •20 3x4, " , 35, fOr 23 8 Good patterns in 2 ply all Wool Carpet, in Two tone effects • in Browns, FaWns,. Reds , and Greens. one yard wide, Reg. 75c, sale price 58e 5oc Wool , Carpet 39c • 0 good patterns of Wool Carp- et•all good colorings and will give splendid wear, Reg. 50c, sale price - - 39c Wool Rugs at Cost • • 30c4, Reg. $ 8, for $ 6 3x31, " 10, for 7.50 • 3x4, " 11, for 8.50 . 31x4, " 15, for $10 • 10 Splendid colorings in Tap- estry Carpet in T.wo tone color. ings in body. border and stair, Reg. 50c, sale price - 39c $2:75 Melton Matta 52 '50 Melton Maths all new pat-. terns bought for this season's trade at a big discount. These matts are sold regularly' from $2.75 up to $4, while they last the sale price will be . • •$2 Linoleum Bargains 15 good patterns in Linoleum, all good colorings and designs and 4 yards wide, •Reg. 50c, per yard, sale price • 39e C2nv70Ar About People -You. Know. The News From Londesboro Mr.. 0. Hoare was in Toronto • this Mi. • R. Graham Was in Toronto on - Mr. John Hutton received , a new The regular reeding of the woinen's Institute will be field on Thursday. ternoon next at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. 0. Lounsbery. All ladies are cordially invitdd to. attend. Mr. and Mrs, John Tamblyn spent Friday of last week with Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Medd of Goderich. The syndicate Threshee•Co. had the, misfortune to freak a portion of their machine Tuesday of this week, which laid themoff work for a couple bf week. Saturday : .• . • Mr. Joseph -Coombs .of 13lyth was in Clinton on Tuesday. • Mrs. L. Greig isviaiting in Seaforth the -guest of her son, Mr. J. , C. '.Greig . • • • • • Mr. George Robetton was in Zurich. on insurance businets• yesterday anti , today. • Mrs, J. C. Greig of Seaforth was in town this week. • Mr: R. McMurray of Bayfield was in Clinton on Tuesday. Mr. Will. Cantelon, who has been homestea,ding in Alberta since Apeil, has returned home. . • Rev. J. E. Ford preached at Con- stane•e on Sunday afternoon, it be- ing their anniversary occasion. Mr. Len. Cantelon, who has been in the west for the past few months, is holidaying at home at' present. Miss Jessie Ford spent the week end in St. Thomas with her sister, Miss Kate, Who is on the teaching 'staff of Alma Ladies' -College, Mrs. R. Bell andMiss „Margaret were in Goderich several days ' of last: week as, guests of Mr. George Bell and Mr. Bell was in the comity • town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNe af Shep- pardltion were guests of theirneice, Mrs. D. S. Cook, last week . while on their way home from a week's visit in Buffalo and Brantford, 1VIr. Louis Wasman, who recently vise ited his brothers, Mr. G. F, Was - man, town, and Mr. C. Wasman, Brucefielcl, left last week to return to his ranch near Great Falls, Mon- tana. Miss I. Foot returned on Saturday last :from.a six months' visit in Xilke.my, Ireland, and is the guest ot her sister, Mrs. C. 1-. Hale. Miss Foot intends shortly proceeding to Alberta. • Mrs. T. Jackson, Sr., received a tele- gram on IVfonday apprising her of the death of her youngest brother, IVIr. Joseph Vannoven, of Crestline, Ohio, who passed away on Sunday aged about) fifty years. Mrs. Jack- son visited her brother a few weeks ago and he was thcn in the enjoy- ment of splendid health. Mrs. Jos. Itobb of Bluevale is the guest of Mrs. F. G. Weisman. On coming' down on Saturday Mrs, ltolyb laid her purse on the seat and Ieft the train at Winghani without . it, not noticing her loss until the train bad pushed ahead for Kineard- Jae. Fortunately the conductor no- ticed the purse and be took posses. sion of t until by telephone the ow - ter, was located. The purse was sent by express to Mrs. Robb here on Monday. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Feeney of Lendes- bore were in Clinton Tuesday and Wednesday. . ' . • Miss Lizzie Sullivan was the guest of ''Goderich. and Kingsbridge friends • from Saturday. until Tuesday-.. • Mrs. Fe.ar and Miss Helen Fear of Seaforth atteaded • the dance given by, the Pastime Chen last. night. Miss. Depew, • who has been visiting ..frientis in town for the past few viee•ks leaves tomorrow for Toren- - to. \ • Miss. Livingstone of Blyth was. • in . town on Wednegday and stayed over ler the Pastime dance in the even- ing, • Miss Annie •Gaffney, who has, 'been (engaged on the Morrish Clothing staff for sonic time went to Lucan on Saturday last. -• Mrs:. Hyslop, Doternien organizer, for the W.C.T.U., has betn the -guest the past few days of .Mrs. W. . S. . Harland, president, of the local breach. • Brucefielde. Miss Anderson ''of Kippen visited Mrs. D. Munroe and took in the an- niversary services in Union church, • Mr. 1-loward Snell and sister, Miss Mary Snell, of Clinton spent Sunday the guests of their cousin, Mrs. D. Tuder: • • Mass Jennie Love spent Sunday at her home near Walton. Mrs. Bayley. of Clinton spent a few days the guest of friends here. Miss Nell Sutherland of Seaforth spent Sunday the guest Of her par- ents. Rev. Mr. Ford of Clinton preached in the afternoon and Itev. Mr. Pearcy of Londesboro preached at night at the Anniversary services held here on Sunday. boiler from the Doty Engine - works this week: . • Mrs. Hamm, .who has been ill; is, we are, pleasedto learn, able to be around Mr. J. Brunsdon and son •have dis- posed or their strap ima to a Goher- ich' Junk dealer,' who shipped it ' thf,s week. •• . • • Messrs. . T. Millar and T. Sampson attended a masonic meeting In -Blyth Tuesday evening of this week. days. , • Brucefield Budget. Hay is aelline in Brutefield 'at nine dollars per ton.• Mr. William Taylor of the Front Road, Stanley, ;Shipped a carload of cattle from Brucefield station on Sat- urday. . • Rev. E. Fr and Mrs. Sewers .are visiting at Westminister and Napier. Mr. Ross of Clinton Secretary of the Canadian Max Mills,. Ltd., was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Winter of Leamington was the guest • of her daughter, Mrs. G. A. Turner, last week. '.Miss Cricli of Seaforth spent a few days last. week weth her friend, Miss Netta StinDson...- Quite a number from here took in the Guy Bros. in Seaforth on Friday night. Mr. Wilson Turner arrived home -on Tuesday. Miss Jessie -- Grainger of Clinton was home for a' couple of days last week, The band boys, are busy prattising. trope to hear some good music .soon. Mrs. Weeks of Varna ‘i:sited Mrs. Piewes last week, Mrs. McLaren of Masan was the guest of Mrs. Will. Berry this week. Miss Sadie Dewey of Clinton spent Sunday at ber home here. Miss Mary Gibson is visiting at her home here. Mr. Mack. Alkenhead spent a few days with his brothers here last week. • Mrs. W. 1I. Itattenbtay is the guest Of her daughter, Mrs. It. T. Dunlop of Dashwood. Mr. Chas. Gibbons has engaged with D. Ross of the Dixon Muse for the winter. • Mr. O'Neil . of Toronto hasteken Mr. Seberts •place in the Bank.. kr,' Hebert is taking his holidays.. • .Rev. Mr: Davidson of Forest con -.• ducted services in the Presbyterian ' • church. here last Sabbath. The young people ef . the Presbyterian church are busy . practising fox the Ohristina tree to be held in the basement :rm. the night of Dec. 28rd. - Mrs: Sproat of Seaforth and Miss 'Coldwell of. Irensan visited (their r sister,•Mrs. Len. 'McConnell, this week.• • The following- from Miehigari paper refers to a native of Uxbridge, Ont., and brother of Mrs. T. J. El- liott, BruceVeld, and Mrs. 'D. Junor, Clinton : "Elections are "on" in the States _A and occasionally a Canadian looms up wr among the candidates. The Advertis- er of Holly, Mich., We notice has an article favoring .D. F.' Noble of Mil- ford as Proseculfng Attorney for Oakland teenty, Kr. Noble i it son of Mr. Colin Noble of this town. Of his candidata(' the. Michigan paper says : "His brilliant defense of. Wm. Ford, of Highland township, in the Circuit Court at Pontiac five years ago stamped him as an attorney of tat, judgment, and ability, and at once established his reputation as one of the best trial lawyers in the coun- ty. The Pontiac Press at the time, in speaking of the verdict acquitting Ford used the following language "rhe ease was very thoroughly sifted and the prosedutioii made every ef- fort to convict but the argument of Attorney Noble, for the defense , was a masterpiece of pleading and evi- dently had good effect.'."