HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-11-24, Page 66
(Ottawa Free Press.)
Canon Henson, a noted English di-
vine, remarked on marrying a promi-
sxeaat couple, that without happy
&Imes the empire would lose its, es-
*mettlul vitality. flood, but a trifle old,
Carson !tension.
George Bull of Brantford was badly
injured when an elevator he was on
dropped three stories at the Massey-
assey,L a ris works.
Hamilton Man Badly Injured.
Reuben Atherton, of 367 Ferguson
Awl, Hamilton, an employee of the
'fleet Elevator Co., sustained serious Pa-
lmy while at work. A plank fell from
as height on to his right foot, crushing
badly. He was taken home, where
parrs Buk was applied with good re-
Melling his experience of the balm,
&,e said: "After the doctor had dressed
the damaged foot with some prepara-
tion of his own I was in great pain,
and as day after day I seemed to get
rte relief I lett off medical treatment
.ai.nd tried Zara-Buk. From the very
lira st application I traced an improve-
ment. tam-Buk really seemed to act
tike magic, cleaning all the unhealthy
metier from the wounds, drawing out
aall? discoloration, inflammation and
�~txreness; and started healing in quick
time In two o weeks the toed foot
an o0
were well again. 'Lam-Buk balm
•reTraln;y a wonderful healer, and 2
would not care to be without a box in
the house. You can use the above
ata.tement in any papers, books or pub-
lications, as it may lead some other
auxtarer to use Zam-Buk and get relief
't did."
All workers should keep Zam-Buk.
,handy. Applied to a cutor wound, It
,slops the pain, commences healing, and
-what is equally fine -It prevents all
possibility of blood -poisoning. Zeal -
Bute is equally good for skin diseases.
and cures eczema, itch, ulcers, ab-
sresses, varicose ulcers, scalp soros,
blood -poisoning, etc. It heals cold
cracks chapped pP hands, d , fr ost bite; cures
piles and all inflamed conditions of the
skin and tissue. Fifty cents a box
Ceram all druggists andstores,
avoid imitations and substitutes,some
cif which are highly dangerous, and
gone are beneficial.
.Business 81 Shorthand
Resident arid Mail Courses
Cnta.ozo-s Frce •;
3. \V. \Vcstery i , J. vi 17catervch, Jr.. C.A.,
Vice -Principal.
FOR 1918-11
Much good reading
for little money.
WEE si 1,s
News -Record and Mail and
Empire $1.50
?t ews-Record and Globe ... 1.75
."iTews-Record and Family
Herald and Star with
Premium 1.75
News -Record and Witness 1.75
News -Record and Sun 1.75
:Mews -Record and Free
Press 1.75
News -Record and Adver-
tiser 1.75
News -Record and Toronto
Saturday Night 2.30
News -Record and Partner's
Advocate 2.25
News -Record and Farnt
and Dairy 1.75
"News -Record and Cana-
dian Farm 1.75
News -Record and Mail and
Mows -Record and Globe
"Wow -Record and News
:.New .1 eco•d and Star ...
News -Record and World
News-13ee',rd and Morning
Free Press 3.25
News -Record and Evening
Free Pressj 2.75
.News -Record and Adver-
ttiser 3.00
News -Record and Lippin-
cott's Magizine
tlf what you want is not in
this list let ns know about it.
We ran supply you at less than
at wouid cost you to send direct.
In remitting please do so by
Post -office Order, Postal Note,
!*press Order or Registered
Letter and address.
W. J. Mitchell
News..Record rr CLINTON
A Lesson for Apple Growers
The apple growers of Ontario have
been in convention this week and have
been asking themselves the reasotl, for
this year's poor yield. The answers
tt:nutter down to one thin, namely,
lack of proper and suffioieet aprayine.
The i'rssoit is not a new ono by any
moans, but it has taken such a season
as the one just closed to impressthe
tact upon some of the growers.
•Profitable .apple -growing is depend-
rnt upon two tbitlgs. Hirst. the fruit
must be of god quality; sean d
, it
must reach the market in good condi-
tion. Co-operative fruit sotl:eties are
tending more and more to look after
the second feature, but the first de-
pends upotelhe individual grower, the
man with a dczen trees, quite as much
as the man with a dozen acres of•trees.
here is where the matter of spraying
comes, i' n, That it pays has been de-
w, •.uto!.xa ora :el 3i• I1Tun pa;:neasuouw
verthelcss, it has not been carried out
as it should be,and the province is
lasing thereby. • It is true that spray-
ing takes time and is a troublesome
job, and must' be done at a • certain
period or not at all, but these same
conditionsapply to all kinds of farm
work. Unless the , farmer recognizes.
the proper conditions, he gets no
crops of any kind, The fruit industry
in Ontario is, therefore, on a 'plane
with all other farming industries. If
it is to become great, there must be
the earnest co-operation of small and
greqt growers alike to the end of pro-
ducing the very best possible quality
of fruit, and that best quality of
fruit must conte to the markets of the
world in the .best possible condition.
When these two ideals are realized
there will he among the industries of
the provinr•e few indeed . bringing
greater wealth to, its people.
When the hair thins out on the top
of the head and the bald spot is g+et
ting ready to appear in public, don't
get discouraged or irritable. ".lust go.
to your Druggist and ask for Parisian
`nage hair Tonic. .I -Ie will charge you
50c. for a large bottle but if it does
cause hair to
grow where the hair
thinning out nothing on this earth
:1rd we want to say to everybody,'
pian, woman and child, that you can
have your money back if Persian Sage
isn't the best hair grower, Daae° sav-
er, hair beautifier and dandruff cure on
the market to -day. .
-It stops itchin. scalp and falling
hair and makes hair grow thick and
abundantly. Ail druggists cveryiehere
we'll Parisian Sage or .postpaid- : from
Thu Giroux Mfg. Co,, Fort Erie, Ont:.
See that the girl with the Auburn hair
is on every bottle. Sold and guaran-
teed by W. S. R. Holmes, •
A Straight -Cut Declaration:
The following resolution, moved by
Thos. Mcl'dfllan and '.aeconded• by
'Peter Kerr, was unanimously. adopted
at a meeting of farmers held.. at Sea•
forth recently : •
"That • we, t• he .; farmers and other
citiz •n
t sf.
o art'
U 1
an f
P o Huroncounty,
having ass nblet1 for the spegial_
pose ofconsidering of the bearing.
the customs tariff of the country as
itff ^
c. C� tS
farmers. par t
,. and
the large body
of con `u
� sineis
ally, are extre'rnely desirous that sube
st.au i i
t a reductions- be made in th;;
duties upon agHeti ltura I implements
and general fain) machinery, includ-
ing c'
g seri gcs,a d waggons; ,and
ria eand waggon material's •
and windmills mtbls
wa ti'
n machines ma
g c n s and
u as
tanned leather, har-
alness and saddlery ; boots and shoes,
and hardware ; that the duties upon
cement and coal shoulki be entirely
removed, and upon- ' cotton • and woollen
goods and general clothing we be-
lieve there should .be'substantial re-
ductions made in the British preferfee-
tial tariff..
"And in view of the favorable ap-
proaches alread'p made through Presi-
dent Taft and the.Amltrican Govern-
ment Locking towards • more favorable
trade relations between Canada and
the united State, we consider that
the Canadian Government, while not
sacrificing the' interests of. the Cana-
dian people, should bend .their best
energies towards securing a favorable,
receprocal trade arrangement, a here-
by Canadians may have: freer` access
to the great consuming markets of the
American Republic.
"And for the purpose of pressing
these matters the more strongly upon
the (lovernment, we' hereby direct
that a copy of this resolution he.
plao,•d in the hands of our sitting
member, and that a•delegatiotz .be ap-
pointed at this, meeting, to interview
the members of the Cabinet, . acting
in conjunction with :the deputation • of
Western farmers: when they approach
the Government in December next."
State of Ohio, City of Toledo,
Lucas County. •
Frank ,J. Cheney makes oath that
he is senior partner of, the firm of
1'. J. Cheney & Co., doing business
in the City of Toledo, County and
State -aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by the
use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. prank
Sworn to before me. and subscribed
in my presenee, this 6th day of Dec-
ember, A. 11. 1886.
A. W. (fLE;A;c,ON, Notary Public,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally:, and arts directly on the blond
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for testimonials free,
F. J. CHI'',NEY & CO., Toledo,').
Sold by all druggists, 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
John Murphy, brakernati, was killed
at Ilrid eburg under the wheels of a
About Stray Cattle..
This is the time of the year 'that
cattle wander off and a publication of
the laws regarding Stray cattle would
not be '.amiss. The laws of Ontario
on this matter are ver definite. In
cases where cattle run at large and
wander onto the premises of one who
is not their owner, there are the two
courses to pursue. So Soon as an
animal is found on a man's. premises
he may drive it to the pound and
notify the clerk of the municipality,
which will
attend to its release or
position, or he may secure it on his
premises and retain it while lie is
complying with statutory require-
ments for its dispett:tion, which are
these: he must first publish a notice
of the presence of such beast on his
property and keep the same running,
for three. consecutive weeks. If the
owner fails to claim the animal itd
custodian must keep it for two months
and if the value Weeds twenty dollars
it must be sold and aftier all expenses
of harboring and sale which must not
exceed twenty dollars, have been de-
ducted, the balance must be handed
to the treasurer of the municipality
in case the lawful owner of the animal
has not in the meanti:•me been found.
If the value of the animal is• below
twenty dollars it becomes the proper-
tyt:of the pian on whose premises it
strayed after he has properly adver-
tised its presence. When an animal
is claimed and expenses of pasture
and feeding are determined, the law
makes provisionagainst exorbitant
charges. Any person harboring an -
finals which are " not his own and does
not advertise their presence is liable
lei prosecuition, when a heavy fine may
be imposed by the justice of the peace,
Cut this out and save it,
Many school children suffer from
constipation, which is often the cause
of scenting stupidity at Lessons,
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are an ideal medicine to give
a child, for they are mild and gentle
in their effect, and will c}ire even
chronic constipation. Sold by all
druggists. `
Distribution of Seed Grain
and Potatoes.
of Agriculture a distribution is being
anade this season of samples of sup -
wide sorts of grain and potatoes. to
Canadian fanners for ilio improve -Intent
of seed. The stock for distribution
has' been secured mainly from the Ex-
perinientallt'arms at Indian ):lead,
5ask:, : Brandon, Man., and Ottawa,
Ont.. The samples ecnsists of oats,
spring wheat, barley, field pens', In,
.dian coni • (for ensilage only), and po-
tatoes. The quantity 0f oats sent is
4 lbs., and- of wheat or barley. 5. lbs,,
sufficient in each ease to sow one itwen=
tieth of an. acre. The samples of In-
dian corn, peas and potatoes weigh 3
Ls each: A quanttty of .each of the
following . varieties'. has .been .secured
for this distribution:- •
Oat's,--Banirer, • Abundance, Danish
Island, Wide Awake, 'Thousand Dol-
lar, UnprovedLigewo-all white var-
ieties. .
Wheat. Red varieties:- es-1Marquis is and
Early Rcd Fife (early • beardlesd'sorts
of high baking strength),
• Rod ...
I rte
(beardless), Proton dad. Heron (ear-
ly, bcalded Wi
tc v tic 5
rife (beardless), Bob
s rax beard -
•1 � aro
e ' i-
1 .
c s)
: ';1lru,-
uta t
(a ore i n rent .�
-Two-rowed : ;Standwell and In -
vi ci '
n ,..
Field � ,.
Flcld .cas.-•-
I Althill' . and rtalaen
Vint: • .
an 'Co
n (tor c s'Ilag
). Early
sorts : • Angel of. elidniglit, Compton's
Early and Lot,g1ellow. ;Later variet-
ies : ,Selected Learning, Early Masto-
lMasto •don, and white Cap Yellow Dent.
Potataes.-Early varieties: Roches-
ter Rose, and Irish Cobbler. Mediums
to late varieties : Gold Coin, Car-
man No.:1, and Money Maker. The
later: varieties are, as a rule, more
productive than the earlier. kinds.
Only .one sample can be sent t!.i each
applicant, • hence if an individual re-
ceives a sample of oats he Cannot alan.
receive one of wheat, barley, peas,. In-
dian corn or, potatoes. , Applications
on printed cards or sheets, orlists •
of names from one individual, or ap-
plications for more • than one sample
for one household, cannot be enter-
tained. The samples will be sent free
of charge through, the mail.
Applications should be addressed to
the Dominion Ccrealtst, Experimental
Farm„ Ottawa, and may be sent in.
any time from the 1st of Decudnber to
the 15th of February, after which the
lists will he closed, so that the sam- •
pies asked for may be sent, out in good
time. Applicants should mention the
variety they prefer, with a second Sort
as an alternative. Applications will
be. filled in the order in which they
are received, so long as the supply of
seed lasts. Farmers are advised to
applyearly to avoid possible disap-
pointment, Those applying for Indian
corn or potatoes should bear in mind
that the corn isnot usually disturbed
until .1nri1, and that ,potatoes cannot
he nuailred until danger from frostin
transit is over. No postage is require
ed on . i'nail matter addressed to the
%expei,inenta1 Parte Ottawa.
WM, SAi3Nf* RS,
nireetar of 1 xperhnental Farms,
Lame back comes on suddenly, and
is extremely painful. It is caused
by rheumatism of the muscles: Quick
relief is afforded by applying Cham-
berlain's Lihinient. Sold by . all
Mr. Asquith in the House of Coln -
mons announced that unless the House
of Lords passed the veto bill without
amendinent Parliament would be dis-
soised ort November 28th,
Clinton Newa-Record
(Montreal Herald.)
New is lovely woman knitting silk
thread into Christmas neckties that
look like a section of a flour -sifter,
W. A. McConnell has an invigator
that will make hair grow or money
The time to take care of your hair
is when you*have hair to take care of.
If your hair is getting thin, . grad-
ually falling out, it cannot be long
before the spot appears.:
The greatest remedy to stop the
hair from falling is SALVIA, the
Great American Hair Grower, first
discovered in England. SALVIA fur-
nishes nouristnent to the hair roots
and acts so quickly that people are
amazed. A large bottle for 50 cents.
. Two Acquaintances. Worth
From now until May., 1st, 1911, The
Daily Mail and Empire and our own
paper for 12 months. The two together
for the respective periods stated wall
be sent to any individual address, by•
mail only, in Canada- (Toronto and
suburbs excepted) for $1.25.
Now this is the chance of the season,
and during a ,particularly newsy period
of this year and next, in which The
Mail and Empire will be especially iin-
tereating, while our own paper will
contain a maximum local record all
the time, with the combination stub-
scriptien, as. the above price indicates,
at the least nominal rate.
The Sessions of the Dominion and
Provincial Parliaments, the Municipal
l•.lections of Town and Country, many
of the most important public functions
and eonventeons, will be covered and -
We want more people in this , pro-
gressive district to become regular
subscribers to our paper, as by doing
so they indirectly co-operate, with its
in advancing the welfare of the, coin-
munity, and if a mutual acquaintance
theMail ani and Empire will serve
to introduce us to new patrons, we
feel that the consequent . association,'
as , reader of both papers from now
to next May, will lead to a permanent
and valued friendship for as all. •
• Send • Order. To The Office Of
. • .This Paper. , -
A Census -of. Manufacturers
On first of Julie, next year ,a census
will be taken of the , manufactures of•
Canada. It will ascertain the capit-
al. employed in:,vorks in 1910, foget-
er with the value of land, buildings
andplant,the kind or class of pro-
e to las,
ducts, of the works by.quent•ity , or
number of finishedarticles and their
value in the year.. . These statistics
wilt relate generally to factories em-
ploying five hands ormore during the
year, but in such. industries as . flour
and grist mills, brick :merles, saw and
shingle mills;. electric light and pow-
er plants, and a few others where. the
value of products is large in prop
t(on toth number. of persons employ-
m Iay-
cd returns wi
11 be required ed wlih tit .re-
r .gard
to the number 0f employees, The
employees 'of work will include
s a
superintendents, ttndeats etc:, ori t
les: ..officers, cic •ks i etc:, on salaries
t nrratives or workers classed as aver
and under.16 years on wages; and
pied: -workers employed outside of .the.
Salan'e wages. ., ge and payments
toall officers ti'ce. � employees o sand wily be
entered on the schedule for the cen-
sus yeas' by sex; and' will include the.
aggiegate weeks employed in the year,
`average . hours of working, time per
weeks and aggregate wages, paid. to
them in the year. . The aggregate
weeks of time and the aggregate wag-
es paid will refer:to the -whole body
of employees for the year, while the
average hours of working time will
refer to an average computed ,.for . all
eniployeos in the year for one' week
only. l'or piece -workers outside of
the *arks the :statistics are required
to show by sex. the aggregate pay-
inents made to • this class in the year,
and also the aggregate value of their
products: The power employed in the
works will show the number and
horse power of steam, gas and gaso-
line enginese wader tt^heels and elec-
tric motors, as well as the, power sold
to or bought from other public or
private companies:' Tlie fuel , used at
the works will show the quantity of
coal, wood or, other , fuel 'and .its val-
ue laid down at the works, including
transportation and duties: The coal
will be classified by: measure to show
whether . .•it, is foreign •or • Canadian.
Custom work andraw materials will
be .reported by kind or class, and en-
tries will be made to show, amounts
received in the year for custom work
and repairs; and the cost • value of
raw or partly finished materials used
at the works. •The kind or class of
products of the works 'in 1910 will be
entered by separate name ifmore than
one .is made, the quantity or number
of each f,'hished article and the value.
of separate products in the year. The
aim of this record isto show. the ex-
tent and variety of manufactures inn
each provinee and district; but it will
be understood that the statistics as
compiled and publisthed will give away
no records of individual business. To-
tals will be published only where
three or more industries of a class Or
kind are reported. Alt information
here referred to toil! be collected by
enumerators ort sehedule No. 9.
The census of the dairy industry, re-
lating to the production of butter,
Cheese, eream and Condensed
Will be taken, on se'Ttedtile No. 32, and
will show foto each kind of product its
quantity and soiling value, and the
quantity of milk and cheese used for
conversion at the factories, the num•
her of patrons, and tate amount of
money distributed to them in the
Archibald Blue, . .,
C°hief Officer.
(Buffalo Express.)
"What do you do when your 'wife
cries?" asked the younger man. "Do
you have to give in to her?"
"No," said the older roan. "Clive
her soma: money."
The Origin of the Harvester.
To the Editor of The Globe: By the
iteczi in tt zecent issue uf The Globe, ra•-
the inventor of the leaping wecbine,
one is to believe that Robert McCorm-
ick wart the inventor tttei•eof in loft.
Now.1 chem flute neither be nor his
sou (iyrua sbould have the credit of
that wonderful invenctolt, because in
1841 the late Rev. Patrick .bell of the
Established (!burgh of Scutla,.d, Carta -
311e, Fotfarr•hirt,, obtsiued is prentiun.
trout the kiighland and Agricultural
Society of Scotland. It is eowewba,t
remarkable that this machine . btu!
continues to he the neat of the .kind
5n0 promises by the aid of swine im-
provement's, womb, however, Uo out
Affect the pricipal, ultimately .to
triumph over all Its rivals,
1 quote the lollowing from $hackie
SG Son's popul tr Lncyciopedta publi,it.
ed in 18e1;- it (the machine) cut the
corn (grain) with shears by means ot.
lturizentnl row of fixed blades, sharp
on both sides, beueath which, as the ,
machine is driven fur•waid by horsee,
another row of similar cheats In mad':
to oscillate, their edges cutting right
and left with thotie above thaw. ('this
principle is still retained in the Ate
Cot -mica wachir.eJ. 11 is well klIOwrt
that !felt's machine has been wouder-
t udly inipruvet:I by ale Cor•tisiek and oth
ere, Nur an tat.ce, a not:cable improve
merit on ifeti's is that ttie machine is
nuw drawn by hui'eee instead tit bn•
fig pushed..
it is well known that the Americians
at e• great inventors, but also it is well
knuen that nuttily of •.hem have claim
ed credit tor tuveiitiuna to which they
have no right, For Instance,, the app -
immune tit steam to ship navigation.
And twiny °'bets.
lieiwg.•ttuav i,u the verge of My 87th
year 1 sin oideneugu to remember
of tate people in ucotcaaud speaking of
.vlr..I3e,1't3 ivo ti1ec•IOlt invention. His
met:htue a was uper•ated on the first treat
uii a filial owned by his knottier either
nu the Out,e of tiowrie or in Mid-
hsthortu near Edinburgh, I have for-
Matta' which.
If your take a few doses of .
All I3acicache and Distress :from
Out a of - Order I{idneys or. Bladder
Trouble - will vanish, and you will
feel fine. Lame 'Back, Painful Stitch-.
vs„ Rheumatism,Nervous Icadaclte,
' Dizzieness, Sleeplesn.ess, Wornout: Sick
Feeling and other'sympto:is of Slug-
gish, Inactive Kidneys and Liver dis-
appear.. Smarting, - Frequent t'i:ina-
tion and. Bladder Trouble ends. FIC
I PILLS go at once to -the disordered
1 Kidneys, IJladcler and •l;rinary Sys
teal and 'complete a cure- before yam, linow it. .
. ,- -
At liT c (. a n n c• l l;s ante, store a t«, i c a
boxone o
ar•fire for .dollar.
The Noble Work- of- Child
Saving... .
-Stratford Beacon :The'mostimport-
ant event of the week in the city' wes
the annual meeting. of the Children's
tAl D and Humane
Society. It must
gratifying tr every lover of his toce
to ser .
s the renewed interestwhich i,
taken .in chis
noble work of
child saving, an interest which it is Lo
be hoped wen -never -he allowed again '
to flag. The visit of Lie
aroar Gibson and 4
r. dJ
. Kelso,
Piv i :il bi er' tpncln •ot Neglect
ed and dPpr ndent Children, bnctitrt. n
with the xnnal meeting will .no doubt .
giv s
r t � vel • •'t
r t work • teeth r.im ecu.. But
e u
there is a reflex action ..•in- connection
which 'a n n' ben.
het i, not t overlooked. The
t� 1
visit of these gentlemen tinder .sueh
71 till F -I p'wIP Ad - possible h t s i .cu e s ole i
pP P r p si .
the tenewed interest in the work.
A few yeers agon even their
ene. Mr. Ream did come .at times,
would not have stirred- to sueh en•
ttivaiststn es was manifested on Thurs.
day. This visit in return willspur the
officers to renewed exertion for bum.
anity in the form of neglected children
in whom are held, past experienca
proves, the possibilities; •of milking
gond And •useful citizens, . assets of
more value' then the• fine tigriultera!
lands of Ontario, the broad prairesof
the west, the fish that stock. our, north-
ern wilds, or the minerals that are to
he found in variou' parts of the Doun-
inion Much of the 'success of the
Children's ' • Aid Society in the
past year is due to . the euerg
tic and capable agent, .Rev. Hugh
Ferguson., He possessess • splendid
qualifications fora work which .
quires special aptness. He is enthus,
iai.tir, and• hence communicates his
enthusiasm. He has large sympathy
for children, without .which no, man
retold besuccees itt staff .a wok. He has
been the soul of the work and fes he
continues to .snake it kilewn and . to
evert himself in its behalf greater .suc-
cess will result and greater work will.
he accomplished. Not the least irnport-
ant incident in connection with the
work of the past year has been so
gen erouslof fer of a Stratford gentlern an
to donatea site for a children's Borne
now modified to a proposal to erect a
dwelling whieh.t:an be utilized as a
shelter at a reduced price:
GIN PILLS Brought Roller
"I suffered untold misery even when
under treatment from the best doctors
for over ten months, and nothing seemed
to do ane any, good or relieve my painful
condition. sly trouble was Inflamma4
tion of Kidneys and Bladder.
I finally determined to go to the Victoria
Hospital, Halifax ,for treatment.
Two days, however, before my intend-
ing departure, u neighbor culled and
happening to have a GIN PILL fit'
his pocket, insisted on my taking it, I
did so and six hours after taking it, the
results and benefits I derived were
simply nothing mote or less than mimes
'Mons. Instead of going to the hospital,
I sent for a box of GIN PILLS with the
result that Sam a cared roan. I recotn-
mend 'GIN PILLS to everyone suffering •
from Kidney Trouble." •
/,Mmes 14.ecPseekSoN.
Take GIN PII.T.S on our positive
guarantee that they will cure you or
money promptly refunded. goc.-a box
6 for ,$a 5n -sent on receipt of price
if your dealer does not handle ('.IN
PILLS. Sample box free if you write
us. National Drug and Chemical Co.,
Dept. A. Toronto, 62
November 24th, 1910
Builds youup and
makes you strong
How do you feel to -day P ` Not quite right?
Energy a little below standard -not strong
enough to make much exertion?
is what you need. Don't get frightened about these
words "Cod Liver." You'd never know it from the
taste. It's a real tonic, containing cod liver extract,
extract of malt, wild cherry and hypophosphites--
a. .splendid combination. The cod liver extracts.
build you up -so does the extract of malt. The
wild cherry soothes the bronchial tract and\ the
hypophosphites supply phosphorusto the nervous
system -just the thing it needs. And the taste is
pleasant. As an all 'round tonic, strength restorer
and body-builder you'll find nothing better than
Nyal's Cod. Liver Compound -so why look further?
You will be pleased. The price is One Dollar.
Anything you
with the Name
will give you
satiisfacti o n.,
Sold and guaranteed by - ,n„
W, S. R. Holmes, W. A. McConnell. J. E. Hovey
appeniogs North Printing
are always noted in
Invest your spare cash in
Huron and Erie Debentures and .•
get 4 per cent. Per annti m inter-
instead of 8 'per cent.
allowed on • Savings Account's.
The security is guaranteed by
Assets of over $12,500,000. Huron
and Erie Debentures are Issued.
for sums of :$100 and upward;
for terms of one year or longer;-
Write for Debenture Booklet,
which gives futi particulars. •
,., \•moi
' Assetser .v -
Paid-up Capital - $1,900,000.
Reserve . - - - $1,800,000
Huron •
& Erie
&" Savings. Company
Incorporated 1864.
442 Rlehmond St., ,x,ondon,
366 Talbot St., St: Thomas.: •' 2.4 .
o Leading Fam111 eef1ies for
For the small sum of 20c we will send to any _ ad-
dress in Canada to Dec. 31st, 1910.
The News-Record,Clinton
and the .
Family Herald and Weekly Star,
fir T�e ,NeWs'r R.ecOrd
and the
Weekly Mail and Empire
Each ,excels in its field, The .News -Record as a
County ind Family newspaper.
20c pays the hill.
J 1' 'CEEL l .
cws-Record' -Clinton