HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-11-03, Page 8Ses Ys { •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Don Forg N••NN*•N•••••••••- o......or. et OUR SPECIAL PRICES -- —FOR--- - 3 Friday:Saturday See our Men's Special , 10.00 Suits and Overcoats at ,, See our Men's j Pure Wool Underwear at ' �`7 5 Special prices in Shoes and Rubbers • We can save you money on your fall purchases. The I Give us a call. cheapest place in town for Boots and Shoes. MOREOS. BUSINESS • PLUMSTEEL PROFITS 1 1 0 1 1 � CENTS 1 � 1 will�pay a subscription to The News -Record to any address in Canada until the end of 1910 or .0$ one . dollar from now to 1 Jan.1st, 1912. 0 Ta, 0 0 0 0 '1 1 1 0 '/ 0 1 10 1 j� i ,S 111••46,1'111.1N1110•i114614 i The Peerless Shoe A. very moderate priced shoe for ladies. Itis' made of a choice selection- of Dongola Kid, with patent tip, Cuban heel, medium sole, the very newest shapes, andithe price Only $2.25 lookeen ityou don't have a V Call end y Good Shoes Our stock is large and complete : Small Shoes for the little chaps and low Strong Shoes for the sturdy boys price for Stylish Shoes for their fathers • Dainty Shoes for little girls and misses. everyone ' Elegant Shoes for their: mothers. Repairs While You Wait. FRED. JACKSON •••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nelson Ball . J. B Hoover Our Furniture Sale ' -., - saaMe'1.—..ter. l . or in oboe AfEc,rcis air oPliprttiYrfty kr the thrifty to refurnish the Y made at the expense ease of i notP ' saving, ] ndrd the ottseatasie , I of h f3 part uality. I 1 For Parlor, Dining,' Bed Room or Kitchen, ulrni- 1 off ' tos that are marvels l � •outfit sand sin There are Torn stir 8 piece' P see them. tore excellence and economy. Better i iture, , ' The chettipest spot in Hilton Countyto buy till kinds of Earn i MAY WE SHOW YOU • Hooveri .` Cs ztS i "t7'iRm Aram) 3±" 1� ''�`�'3?iR.A. 4044.444,••••• NNN1144444NNNNNr►t1N+WNi MMMT r. A line of boxed writing paper which we are much. satisfi- ed with at the price and, further we are sure you will be sat'- Wiest too. There are ten styles of beauti- fully covered boxes each containing twenty sheets of lin- en finish note paper, modern in shape and came quantity envel- opes to match. The price is 15e. If yea will examine them • you will see the truo economy of guying. People have willing- ly told us that vlwy are worth 25e. W. Q. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest — Always the Best q:11 u1�11m�mnsetseseeeem4Wi,! illi iii _ . rmumjnlh,. Amongst those who spent the holi- days out of town were Mr. Murphy; London, Mise Glebe, Wellesley. Miss S. Mahaffy, Staffa. Miss Ruby Irwin, London, Mrs. John Foster, Wingharn. Miss Emma Pickett, Toronto, Miss Marjory Lappine, London. Miss Bessie Porter, : Londesboro, Miss Florence Cunninghame, Galt. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Trowell, Dundas. Misses Baker and McCullough, ' Mit- chell: Mr. and Mrs. John I-Iartley, Wrox- eter,'. Mrs. Wise and Miss Masons Sea - forth: , Misses L. Spark: 'and Ross Lavis, Stratford. ti.. Mr, and Mrs. T. Jackson, Jr., and Master Tom, Seaforth. . • Mr, J. A. Irwin, Windsor and Lon- don. • • Mr., S Cluff of Seaforth called , on friends in town last week. Mr. Jack :Irwin of London spent the • holiday at his home in town. Mrs: R.' Fitzsimons visited friends in Londonfor few days of the• • past week.• Mr. and Mrs Wm. Cantelon 'spent the holidays with their son, V 311;, in To- ronto Mr; Roy Ball student at the Driver-' sity, Toronto, was home over the holiday. Mr, 'Allan •Lamont, •Brussels, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunford Thanksgiv- ing Day.. Miss :lia.y Armstrong of Toronto was the guest of Miss Olive Cooper over the holiday.. Miss Annabelle McEwen, medical stu- dent, Toronto, was home for over the holiday, Miss Olive Cooper of Toronto spent the' •Thanksiving season at her home in. town. • Mrs. Bolby and _daughter of Windsor were the guests over. the 'holiday of Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Ford, Mr. James Stevens was the guest Saturday and •Sunday. of his daugh- • ter, Mrs. Israel Taylor, London.. Miss Mabel Danford; • Stratford, was the guest of her father, i\fr. Jas. Dunford, Saturday until yesterday. Mr. Douglas Stewart of Varsity, Tor- onto, , was, the guest of his parents; Dr. and Mrs. Stewart, at the manse ever.the. holiday, Mrs. S. S. Cooper and lier daughter, Miss Meryl, spent from Saturday, un- til Tuesday evening with her sis- ters, the Misses. Hanna, Toronto, Mr. C. E Dowding returned on Mpn- dayr evening from:Oweh Sound will- . they: he went Friday evening, Mrs. Dowding made a somewhat longer visit at the parental home. Mr,. and Mrs. Frank Dark and' three children were guests from Saturday ttntil, Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grigg. Mr. .Dark is as- sistant city engineer, London. Mr. A. F. Johns, principal of the Rockwood Public school, `.came • up Friday 'evening and visited at the homestead in Tuckersmith and with relatives in town until the evening of the holiday. • Mr. end Mrs. Joshua Thompson of St. Marys were the guests for a few days of the past week .of: their son, Dr. Thompson. Mr. Thompson is eighty-seven years of age but is as bright and active as many men twen- 1y years younger. Mr. ' W. W. McCulloch came down from Kincardine Friday evening and remained until Monday. Kincardine has in its midst several Tomer Clin- ton.ians to each of whom a warm welcome is exrtended whenever they come down on a visit. Mr: Janes IVleClay, formerly of Clin- ton been farming at n ton but who has Belmont, Man , for the past few years, has disposed of his farm there Saskatchewan and gone to Saskatchewan to home•• stead:He ha:: many old friends here who bear him in pleasant recollec- tion. Mr. Pete Ker is at Macklin, Sask., where he has put in a busy yet plea- sant season and has at the same time, added to his bank account. Ile is expected in Clinton at the holi- day season and, Dame Runior has it, he will West again behies whets that w e buy tickets for two However, be that as it may, we are at least Safe in 'saying that he will have a fine Steck of stories, fragrant of the prairie, with which to regale bis Mends whets he conies east. • November 3rd, 1911 )",i(LAR, Sr Millinery That's Right up to the Minute paidus 1' ens b p prideourselves p our l4Jillnery Department the cause for which is tl�e many comp lm t y We• our patrons, We strive to produce the very latest styles at popular prices and we have gained our point judging from the increased sales over our first season. Miss Baker has had a wide experience as bead milliner in several large cities and is thoroughly capable of filling your wants. Come and consult her before buying your Fall. Hat. • • Ladies' Winter Mantles That.. Have Style We are Showing the largest range of Winter coats for Ladies and Children that it has ever been our pleas ure to display. For style, comfort and fit our convertable collar in Rough Tweeds in Fawn, dark grey, brown, 1up.�. Ify da blue and. viae.,,, buttoned close to the neck,at $10, 1s unbeatable styles es and tericesa children's, you nee new Winter Coat for yourself or your children don't miss seeing y p New Winter clothing for Men, Boys and Children at the Men's Store Our stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's New Winter Clothing is complete in every detail in: Ovsrcoats: Suits, odd pants, underwear, sweaters, Coat sweaters, overal]s, hats, caps, Fur coats, sox, ties, braces, neckwear, mufflers, shirts, collars and assecories. A call will convince you that our styles, qualities, and range of prices :are. such good value that it will pay you. not to pass this store when buying your winter outfit. Ask to see our special Winter Coat for Men at $1.0, Slaughter Sale of Carpets, Rugs, Matts, and Linoleumns Matts, We are determined to clear up our stock of piece Carpets in Tapestry, Brussels,• Wools, Rugs, Matas, etc,, hence this great slaughter sale. This is the time of the year you should be on the lookout for .bargains to bright- en up your home for Christmas. Don't miss this chance of getting one of the biggest bargains in floor cover- ings ever offered in Clinton, Terms of sale: Cash only. No free sewing or laying of linoleum. Free. deliverys:. B irusse s $135 10 good atterns in Brussels carpet in Fawns, Greens, • Meds and Two tone effects. Some pat- • terns have borders to match to make Rugs of, Reg. $L25 and $1.35, sale price - - $1 75c and 85c • Tapestry 68c. 15 good patterns. in 'Tapestry. • carpet, Reds, Greens, 14'awns, in '1'wo tone, several • with bordrrr and stair . to • match, lieg, . 75e , and 85c, sale price . • O8c Deep cuts in. Tapestry Rugs 15 Tapestry Rugs with seams or . seamless, is Reds, Greens, Fawns, Browns, 3x31, Reg $15. for .$11 .:310x4, ` " 18, for 14 3x4, `•. ' 12, for. 9 3x31s, " 8, for • 6 21x3, . " .8, for 6 Numerous oth $1 Tapestrg and Brussels 79c 15 patterns in the Best quality of Tapestry and second quality • Brussels, in Two tone, colorings of all the popular .shades and colors, Reg, $1, sale price - 79e $1.10 Wool Carpet 83c.. • 5 New, patterns in all Pure Wool Carpet, 3 ply, Two tone effect of Fawns, Browns and :Greens, one yard wide, Reg.. $L10, sale.price 83c Brussels Rugs at • Big Reduction. 15. Brusssels Rugs in great var• - iety of colorings and designs. • Sale priees•as follows : • 8 i3S, Reg. $20, for $15 3tix4, " 25, for 20 3x4,.. " 35, for 28 I lues that space will not permit tis' to mention. 75c Wool Carpet 58c 8 Good patterns in 2 ply all Wool Carpet; in Two tone effects • • in Browns, Fawns, Reds and Greens. one yard wide, Reg.. 75c, sale • price - 58c • 50c Wool . Carpet 39c 6 goodpatter sof Woolr1 Carp- et - et al good . colorings and will give splendid wear, Reg . r �4lc', .. sale price - - •• :39e• Wool Rugs at Cost Wool .Rugs, all good patterns' and designs, splendid Bed Roos► coverings, at the: following deep cuts 3x4, Reg, $ 8, for $ 6 3x3e,• " 10, for 7.50 3x4, " 11, for 8.50 31x4, .." • 15, for $10 50c. •Tapestrg 39c 10 •splendid colorings in. Tap- estry Carpet in Two tone color- ings in body' border and stair, Reg, 50e, sale price 39c $21.75 Melton Matts $3 50 -Melton Matts all new pat- terns bought for this season's trade at a big diseouut. These • irtatts are sold regularly from $2.75 up to $4, while they last the sale price will be $2 • Linoleum Bargains 15 good patterns in Linoleum, all good colorings and designs in 2 and 4 yards wide, Reg. 50e, per yard, sale price - 39c mossessmosisimesmniimmosontwat About People You Know. Mrs.' Grant of St. Mary's oli- •.is the guest Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Constantine 'of r of her .daughter, 1VIrs.. J. Wiseman. Zurich were in town over the 1 Mrs. •E. Saville• visited friends at' day. ]:.ondesboro on Thanksgiving :Day. Mrs. James Flynn spent from Friday Mr. Knox •Mair, •.teacher; . Kimball, 1until Wednesday . • as a • • Berlin • enjoyed, the .holiday at his home in guest. >~ . town. Misses Cook. of. Kincardine spent . a Misses Irene and Mary Rathwell were i fe?w days with Mr. and Mrs. John • guests over 'Phanksgivi'ng of Varna l • Kelly. friends. Miss Flo Johnston returned to Clod- Misss Lila Ford spent the holidays in erieh after spending a couple , of • town the guest of her parents, Mr. - days in town. . and . Mrs. Jas. Ford. Miss Brown of I-luliett spent Setur- • . day with her sister at St. Joseph's. convent, Goderich. Miss. Irene Guest of Ilderton was the guest. Sunday and Monday of her father, Mr.' John Guest. Mr. John Runibail of Varsity, Toron- to, spent the festive holiday • t1,e • guest- of his aunts, the Misses 'Rudd.. Miss Minnie Cosens of Trowbridge spent the. Thanksgiving holidays. with her, brother at the Ont. Street parsonage. Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Jones, of Chi- cago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fluker during the Thanksgiv- ing holidays. , Mies Mrs. W. S. Harland and. Wash- ington attended the provincial Con- vention of the W.C.T.U. at Owen Sound this week. Miss Olga Husband of Stratford Normal accompanied by her friend, Miss McGregor, spent Thanksgiving holidays with the former's aunt, Mrs. J. A. Saunders. • Miss Kate Ford of the teaching. staff of Alma Ladies' College St. Thom- as, and Miss Ford of Durham spetnt Thanksgiving withheir parents SiMontreal staff, Guelph,h, was in ndiu Wesley parsonage. • town over the holiday Atte g Miss Bessie Davis, who has been vis- the marriage of his sist a. iting friends in Parkhill for a coupleMayorThe andMrs. Taylor and d of months, returned home Friday. Mrs. ''. Rodaway were guests of • She was accompanied by her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Taylor and Mrs: S. 11 I-Iarrison, and her two other friends in London, Friday un - children. til Wednesday. y of the Mousseau of } i� cooper, " er editor ranc noaMr. and Mrs. b tubi. Joh A.P , Canadian Courier, Toronto, with liensall spent a few days at the Vim. Cooper and two sons, Norman home of the latter in Ilullett and ivin the is the and Jack, spent Thanksgiving g also vrtidtCd a sister Who is an posts of the formers mother,' Mrs. traehin Staff of St. Joseph's Don- C er. • v t 'Ci 'e m. oo cvt odea h W P , Messrs. 1 Bert Johnson, Mt. `Forest, Mr. Arthur B axter of Toronto is ex - and Stewart Rosi Wentworthorth eon. peeled, Saturdayay and will be the ty, two progressive young teachers whose home is in Clinton and are graduates of our C. t., were borne over the holiday. Miss Lizzie. Sullivan spent • the Thanksgiving holidays. -at her hanie an Kingsbridge. Mr. Bert Manna of London was in town on •Thanksgiving, the guest of Mr. Robt. Irwin. Miss Olive Marland of Toronto . was a guest over the holiday of • Mr: and Mrs. W. S. Harland. Miss Sadie Bowey of the Tozer & Brown rnili•inery' staff, spent a few days with her parents in Brucefield. Mr. .Grant Beaton, principal of the Zurich. Public school, spent Thanks- giving with bis father, Mr. A: • D. Beaton. Mrs. (Dr.). Allen of Brussels was' a Thanksgiving guest at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Pattison. The ladies are sisters. Miss M. Jenkins of Woodlands spent the Thanksgiving holidays with het sister, Mrs. 11: D. Cameron of Ar-' thur. Miss. Ruby Suitter of Sitncoe visited at the parental home in town, that Suitter, Mr. and Mrs. I,.. Bartter, oyer the holidays. Mr. Jack Wiseman of the Bank of The News From Londesboro • Mr. and Mrs, Walters of Sanford spent Sunday at the home of Mt. J. Lasham. • • Howard Lee spent Sunday at home. Miss Z. Whitley spent a few .days 'at home this week,, also Percy who is attending College at Toronto. Mrs. D. Roberts and son: of Harris- ton spent the holiday at the honk. of Mr. S. Woodman, • Miss. J. Reeb returned last • week to fort Colborne after spending a couple of weeks .with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Pearcy: 'Misses L. and R..Young and . Miss' Hyslop of • Brantford_ spent Thanks- giving with the former's mother, Mrs. (Dr.) .Young. gueast, of Mr. Austin Campbc111 for t r who is a c the week end. Mr. Bax well known soloist, will sing in Willis church on Sunday. Misses E. Lyoni and E. Mains spent Sunday at their hones here. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rose of I'e!trol- ia spent the holidaywith the lat'ter's sister, Mrs: Albert Vodden.. • Mr. W. G. Beaton of Zurich was' a caller ; in the village. over Thanksgiv- ing. Howard Brunsdon paid a flying bus- iness ttip to Brantford Friday of last week. Miss Porter of. Clinton was the guest of Mrs. Jas. l:lsley over Sun- day. • .. Tho Anniversary services in connec- tion i • .Murch were• y.th the iVlethod st . ci \\ Seth decided success. Rev, Mr, Fear of. Blyth .Occupied the pulpit in the morn- ing and Rev.. • W... %. Pearcy in. • the ev- ening,- each rendering very instructive and inspiring sermons, The annual fowl ..supper -Monday night drew the Excellent addres- ses r wd. 1 usual large e 1. o ses were given by Mr. J. Wilfred of Blyth, Mr. Brigden of Toronto, • Rev. W. T. Pearcy, Rev, C, S. Clysdale. of 1. W. and the local pastor. ,1nd there were solos by Mr. ,J. Hill of ' Wingham and readings and solos by Miss •Gertrude Hast of Hensall which were much _appreciated by all., The receipts of the anniversary including. Sunday's. collection and ieceipts of Monday evening amounted to nearly • $250: • Mr. Joe, Carter sold a team of hon es to Mr. Fred. Shobrpoke last week. •• Jas. iSisley is. spending a fee, days with his parents near Leamington. Miss E.,Lyon spent the Thanksgiv- ing 'holiday, with friends at Woad - stock. Mrs. J. D. Ainslie, who has bear vis- iting relatives here for ..the past month, returned to her home at. Leamington Wednesday of last week, Mr. Joseph Lyon is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism; Constance Concerns. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Andrew • of Gerrie visited theirit daughter, ter, Mit. R. B. Stephenson. t henson. The Forester's oyster and fowl supper came ofon Tuesday e vr ert g with a large attendance. The re- freshments were such as the ladies of Constance always provide and wete much enjoyed by the company. The program gramco consisted o f songs' by Mrs. McGuire, Seaforth ; Mr. Scott, Sea - forth, and Master W. Jaunt. Miss ..• Sev- eral CC Scott was the a om P anrSte. S eral selections were given by Miss M. 1',lcoat of T3rueefield %vhieh were much appreciated. Mr. Thos. McMil- lan performed i . ted the dutics of chair- manCorn pian very efficiently. The proeeeds amounted to about X570. Mrs. atty.) Albert Allan of Gull Lake spent a few days the guest' of her .sistei:, Mrs. Robert Lawson, ) We regret to have to chnonicte the 1 death of another of the pioneers o6 this village in the person of Mr, Rob- ert Lindsay who departed this •h a at. the residenee of his daughter,,Mts. J. : Dorrance, Hope, North Dakota. The remaine were brought east to t ha home of his son, Mr. V'Cilliam Lind-• say, reaching here on Tuesday even- ing. - ing. The funeral took plaoe on Sat- urday afternoon, the services being conducted byRev Mr. Ir araY of Lon- desboro. Mr. Lindsay is survived by and daughter, Mrs. J. Dorrar tee r, a d four sons, Hector of Cleveland, Wits f Killa ice IRobtsr t o rtas i i f Constance, fanC o r by and Peter of Constance. Thus one. by one the pioneers to whom this county owes so m'uah pass into the tanks of the Groat rttajority,