HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-11-03, Page 3I � 4 I . � . . I . . . f.10 , � . . . QiUt0A Newa-RecoroIl . - 3 November 30,1910 . __ "Now __ __ ___ ____ - -_ . I � . I I I - .- I; , ,. . .. - - - __ I . I . - ; I I ­ � o� -1 - - - 11 - , , ; ; . I-- I . _. 1; ; I _k . - I. I ; , ; 1-1 - -11 I I - I - Good Roads and the; Farmer A _7 . I .."..''..... - _ �_Z.�_� , , , - , - � , , ... . - � . . " .. . . �.. ; ,. , I I Letter From an Arcola .. . .... __ 1. , . ..;..." . 9& 0 ;E % M�b b � Stanley Townablip . deathtr , �., . . ";_ , L ' , , I ' . I I . . . L -- - Trouble is At the Bottom Tile following Windsor - - , . I 1.1.. 11 ­ ,. .. ­ � 11 TRIED REMEDY* . I Seldom do we lwar of two is front the FOR THE GRIP. I . Booster, I taking place in neighboring liouses Rovord, a Libi-ral paper right on the _' . (From the Toronto ('17 1 O'bC . ) really. firsot-cla11% ioads, that will ,with- I --- . almost at thL, sarne hour of thesanip day alvdid on Tuesday afternoon ,of ground, and goes right to tliv root of tilt, matter under discussion. I I - 1 . i , . I The Secretary of the New British stand heavy nit)tol, trucking. Ruad Board says that whereas, tell I Within a' very fe iv years the bulk . Arcola, Sask., .Oct. 3rd. a nice tOwn. There is good shoot- I last week. Mr. Henry Holtz: whose , J I "After all is said On this bi-lingu I a 11 11 .. 11 I , I * 11 L" 11 it " so I i. years ago 95 percent. of the road I of the ritilk and dairy produce coui- Holitor A A I - 1 . ;-'-,) Toronto from, it r4ollus of - News-Itecord : ling in the mountain, lots of ducks, Igeese and chickens and there are two irijury was reported retently, . pass- ed away oft the date above statVil. school question the substantial fact - IV nialris (hat tilt. School act 11lakt-s ill(. � L 'a II , L I . LLLL I!,R I '... ; d trallic of Englan consuste ox iolr ,;- 11 4-h J)par Sir,-E'ucimied find one dollar Igood. sized lakes where tile pcople go Ile Ila drawn vehicIvs, the pvrcentage haa g,jty littilcs will conic by trolley car . i ,d reached the age of 70 Xt-aiK. most Complete and aniple provil.11011 ) ' Co up from. town to camp ; Fish Lake His remains were laid to rest On for every child to, gilt all elcuiviltur), alrLady been reduced to between 30 1 or motar trucks. The farmer who for which Sind mv The NVws-Re rd 10 ! now spends a tollsO11W (lay hauling for a year. Well, I have got out to' I and White Bear Lalie, the latter in Thursday morninL;, in tJJV Bronson education. arid 40, arid the decline is likely . f(:ave it tlis part of ill(, west and I like it' I tile India,, rc,�Crvp, which in a nice Line Cemetery. . It uliv child is II(A getting thi'i ia continue. 'I'liv horseless age is' upon Ill his product.% to town will depot fine. The farnieni . around. hert; bad We extealf our us and we lit Ontario had better i at tho trolley or illotor truck 's Outing. The sympathy to the bvreaved widow ,eparai., or public s-Aitiolthe fact I.,; ]torsi,' splendid crops and tile wheat thls� . , tuakv ready for it. Toronto lags ne. and one mail with a modern kroula Methodist church installed one arid two daughters, Mis. George due, to local call, v,; over which there 'great communities inrriod� I less vthicle operating On a good road year vicloted from 35 to 10 bushels to of the Clintori chureft or- Edightiffer of Dashwood, and 41 1 rs . Imid otlitr .. I)olierty i ,an is perfect local control. : urnizing iliv main highways loading 1 will do the ,work that now takes the acre, which is the best they llavt� 'a firic two Joba. �Iteid of �'arna. Abou. I galls last weekA,it is I If it is dut, it) poor teacher8, that 1% into umn. The $100,000 it) be voted'] twentk a,way from, thV farm. for IV had Ili this part or tho wesst for live I inanual arid so,*ar they like it line. hour after tile above death, Miss � Lip to tilt, school board. I I . as part of a road fund large part Of tilt, time arid greatly year,;. Down lit Alan itoba - ,,�ivd other I They havi, a good choir ,arid it is� tilt, J,izzie Lawsod, a sister of ."vIrs. .John in Januari ell tile County and .1c,"ens their productive Power. Tile parts of tliv west 4he,crops siMered I largest church in tilt- district. The ThirWk, where she was visiting sillev If teaclivils lit schools are not living (.f $300,000, to %%Ili s ,%Vill be used grvatly from want of r . ain but, . 112 bills ; -,July, pass. . She tip to tile. regulations it is up. it) ill . e -io Governinvul: will each fear that gocd road, � , .. i weather sa Jar has been line 114s . ied peacefully away lit, Ontal SOUR, mostly by pleasure velli0es is not way they Ila([ some nict, rairls*wl- ,fall. Tile air .is so clear and frosty badi bteaunder medical treatment, inslitetor. 11 Ontribute $100,000, bIIOUId.gO leading borlie out by ex crience elsewhere. out hall, which has Caused *;*,!. kl�tt - 'es - Came to 1:116, I -ire . %-, that in p _� in tilt, morning!" that it mah one almost since slic If good teachers . scarc. ,ais towards iLlIproving the . - to the Country. The .bigvst . - -a I - ate place I part is tip to the school boardy,, NOio oads. 'file money should not be I ,rhe farfiier will get more benefit from dalliag( Jkle �Jt is feel like living arid when nit tiniE neighborhood from, her 1, I sproad over tot) large air area, but I then) than atly other class Ili the part of tire threshing is (I comes you always feel like doing your of rt-sidence in Massachusetts. Be-, Put positions ill) at auction, tile low- , a fint' SWIt to .see th(q,44f.'siling) , .. are a lot of settler% sides ber sist'vr Mrs. Thirsic ,Ind 1 vst bidder taking them. be usod in the building Of coloAllunity. '%' , . share. - There , sho-uld .1 .., . �_�.� they do it oil *suell 'Arge scale. ' around here from 1111ron county and two liepliews, Gilbert and . ,Toll" , It childriln are not attending .school ___ I � � There are six plevators in Arcola and Lhave met quite a few and have had Frecklettin in thili country,. *She the prescribed nuin'bor of days Ili tile one day about noolf I counted sixty- %onie friendly Chats with thom while leaves several friends Ili Scotland, �;cllool year that is tip' to th',v t(acher Too Busy to Work* . lour grain wagons waiting r their turn lit the store. They secon to like to where thz� deceased's early hofitV to report illV fact and ill(- civil autho- . I to get into tUe elevator. rhese wgg- i e ' e - - 1 4 hear from the Old 'place and to find was. Her earthly remain% wcr riti" to prosecutV the part-rits it they . ons hold f rom forty to ..51%!ty bu.shels, out if ",;licit and such a person ,I is laid to rLst in BayfivId Cemetery on are to blame or to .round tip ill(- tru- .S The [able of tile grasshopper idling merchant round himself surrounded by 'IT . I so you van -see what a loi of ,grain . ilave Thursday afternoon. . living. W0,1, I Suppose I will . ant -4 it they art, deceiving their par - away the summer and applying to' unemployed arid unable to got - help' that meant. There I,, .a let of grain ring oil or I will tire you. . C It U)" . � I . it� more industrious brother, the I There was nothing to it but to take wasted in this country arid they se,,lnn. to, I had off hisown coat, and this the mer- to think noilibig of it. Arcola is in . Yours. truly, . . 11 ,good teachers do not apply for ant for sustenance in the winter, , .. 'SS TILIN A position.%, it does not indicate . -012111- a chant did, Assisted by -Nort.11 Wal- 1-vic"Moose Mountain district and is . W. ,W. Nitilens. . STORIES AT LE I its counterpart in Walkertorn ­ I . hand%, lie' I . CENT APIEXE. city. Mvii arid women must Jive�'arid d local hardware merchant broko into I ford, oliti of tit(, station . . . --- - � I . � I . they -Will not bury themselves Ili the a band of unemployed and tried to started in shortly after twelve Oil � � _ . . .. In the Plity-two issues of a year's I I , night and heaved 'coal until " :country for the starvation wa,e give thern a job heaving coal, says I Sunday volume The Youth's Companitia prints .:e off er- . the Timus. Although they had been %lix O'clock the xivxt morning, unload-. Farmers and Power. fully ti�o hundred and fifty sto I ell. I ho -Wing down places all day on the 'ing -during that time over twenty- , . . I 1. . . .. . . I I ries, It there be a. real .scarcity of quali- ' , too two tb � bough lie dirt- : . . F .1 I I I . The subscription price of the papor fled. teachers, as some, .say, that of ,,treet corners, yet they were all . Its of coal. Alt . o . . it 11 t . . busy di.;cussing tho.state of the .Iabqr led, his whiskers arid sweatE,d his per- The Berlin 'News-Re�ord -slivaks of duce the voltage to 220, at which Vol- to Cariada is b t $2.00, so t a the course is tip to*tbe department lit Ilie , . . - piece � market to listen to the coal -heaving son ovrr the -affair, sayP, tile Times, tile likelihood of a meeting Of- farm- tagc- it could be used Ili houseg; and .stories cost less.than a cent a I I abolishment of tit(, old model school, _ I . . . I � witiliout reckoning Ili all the rest of . . . ,atisfaction ,Vrs e 11 hold tilerie soon to discuss barns, . , I . I I . which 6fferod the double advantage ol proposition, and the number of ekells- yet the inerchant, has the , b I 9 . . � � the contents -anecdotes, humorous is givtn niust have aniuscol. if they �f knowi � tig that, bi-, taxes will prob- tfie tapping "of Niagara power lines lrliis� is, in sbort, the mothod. , by --kcto,lies, IV article, home and' a short 1-orm, ,� -tho doctor's week ' . wlileb. tilt, new city .lighting system, . . efficiency didn't convincV the merchant, Like I ably be used �llex�t winter Iowdr ' ds. fur- so VIlat farmers call get. advantage . papvts on popular topics by fairlous with prob,ably little less . . I tile sailor oil the sea thirsting with i nishing relief tosolile,ot thos, wilo fruni tilt, passing current, and light will be- done. Tliere will Ile 2 200 � women. - . than tlw noriiial. is men and . I . - - - water all around b-im, the hardware , refuse'd to IIvIp 11111, with the coal. their. homes. arid other buildings arid I volt lines 'about tile. city, ill0 li�711 . N1 hy rail and mve at tile depart . � . � operate .,�tatioiiai,y. I rill maclAnery not being sery . but from Although the two hundred and fifty 11 . lritent until it Ila% bevit'shown that the - I - I _ -, V - , - - _­!! .4 . ed front tbem', W=* ­ . I- . .--- ­­ ----..---, - - __ - . I—— � - � I I ,(t tIIC,rV which stories cost so little, they are 'lot trouble is not at the bottouV1 Tho (IV- ' . . ­ I with, it.. As one o ' I the a""'; of tile transformers her(, an I In variety of seene, In fIydro-E'IvKric transmissioli.- sVStLqll are sE-rvQcl by Iliv.2,2000;vOlt, line arid cheap fstOrl", part-vient Is not IILUrIY,pvrfect but it I . . � Employ Hired- Men Steadily Is to serve NXIIIA'S, thV Veotilation of � . diycrslty of. Incident, %kill and truth is, not wholIv wick.d or delinquont. - - . . .. I . .. ,., - . - which In turn bring tile current d6wri -ter * cannot E '�ry def 'idor* of bi­�Iingtial seliool,4 . . . I I . .5ticli plans should Ile attended to, . . to .1,10 or 2210 volts 1617 purposys of� in' cliarla(. -depicting, they � V I of . � . ' . . . . -(Ctiv. adinitted I . I . a la�90 percontage . of these will be 'I. I'llerV ,let', howL-Vor, vertain dilli- 9 . ets and in house%, The �e vxcelled. . . . . �-O far bas tacity or (ill. , . - Ii his oil stre I ' "i , -for 'provem tit, . .It . lip The Announcement [Or 911, beaut ...'I'll(, ideas brought* out ill tit(, article � 11 (1, ood Vtllflel; r . . Of . farin communitiv§ - ,,Vill i- I �Iia; ther here lost over morO to the fari .. , . Will I ell ftirillorl, must UodV - I . mm , . - * i i e Is room . fill V "The Furin Ifelp Problem" elsew . . . nowliVre tat) .. the , fully, .illustrated - fildicated are not Pec - I hired lielp is ,,%vorthy of. any re.l%oll- -stand. Thvy call: . � have *it) Ile (lone on, lireei-�WIY %ill'-flar , . , giv,ing mory detaiI7 'hilt Aliv,defect.s it, this issue %hould ,be iiotvil by every, " I 11.0 OOO-volt main lkiv. -7,111, cost. of - . � ed particulails of these sto'kies. and I to. I lie svparatv or bl-lingLial nd a good hire( , , .. s . . . . . I . . I '. abI6 consideration, .1 line. . . I , .. ullar s coun- isforming ,-) Urce I,-, curr-eat (town . I . -hil-li - en- 1 , - ack. f -Ind ' eniplover of farini labor lit Ihi trai . I other new features vl e 4 %-,Ind , . great I, sellOiol. Tlici I. it I o mail is worth rt-tainingi )C pro 117. , It. V,,()Ill(l appear that matters. are I � . I � I .. * , ly. _11'r. Barnes (if tile FxtvnSiOI1 Scr- . - *to it usable 220 Volts woUld'I 1 ' large the paper, will Ile smi t ill any -1 coniscit it(-(, on tile Irlilge, of,the syst- - (I mail or . . . I . � .1 . � . 1 . . Rat;hvr, than allow a hire now SUMOL'Iltly advanced in towns " � vit-o of tile Minnesota State College value who Ila% wo'k' Vill bitive, :1,11(v would have to, be,surv-. . . . � atltlr&.�s in'Caiiada free with sallilliv eiii all' through. I . puts his lint, . to r v(I well for sev Vd: froni's6itle Celitry like Stratford or- arid cities to adnilt of a bcginning tit. I . - - I I I All dercets call 'Ile rtnioved 'at: tile ger oil a vital side of it . Or pigh, nlon,lis to drift, .n%�ay, '. il . I . - : already tile way of plans for �artriers, hence. cOpies of I Current . Issues. . � ! it directIv interE-st- � question colicc rni lig tit(- larmer's help. 1 I"orl-iii, where thv power.is I ., . . Every .new (lanaillan subscriber re- . will (if til()4e ilios . ' Farm arid Dairy yeaders will be would. 1)v bettL r .to provide* -,*vork, khtd transforniett down to not over 2,200 a nivcting liko. thv above proposed- 'eviv(si free The q Col lipa 11 loll's Art Ctd- I Vd."-WtlKvtOwI1 00111i'll"If- .1 retain his s�,tivicvs'fqr 12 nionths of . Ili' ly. leaf niers,1111tyl., Ile - . . . . . .. . . well advisvd to read bis article, and I . I . I . - volts.� It would then lie fval4lble .. to would Ile - !i i . . . (nda.r for.1511, Ntliogralliled- ill twelv.L.1 . .- . � \I iliv year upon the. farm. - A Comfort , - . rV that tile li�l(lt-()-T,;Ivctric,,('6iiinils� . � . I - . - to treat hired ht,lp accordingry it they I -Cal . lioniv �', rot, .%(,It(( out lilies tz-) �.`Vr�v farriling."cOm. 8111 I I o ov(,rlo64 tbeill'. . eolors. arid gold, all([ if the stiliscrip- . , � 11 . . I able Voltage .that is 11 I . ' ' � I . -A - . � would ,solvv to a greater exte�t their, illurilt it's, - thi-st" lilius to be of 42,200 sion do:�I)Ot ProPO,4V- t I tioft is received at once, all tile . is.- ."ensall - ,��­­�701'1 the hirctl , . , . - - I . - want . . I - . . I . � . - man .t;olv(,s many of ill( do- and th'it 'If tile 4alritters the our- e I . I - I farm labor probit.111. .. i I' � , hired vo,ts; with tra,II.&I-rn.rs located .her(!, , . . - . . � - Sue's for the reffiaining wveks. or 1910" ' - ' * - ' : li(,,��ic problems a%. wvIl as tilt _ . , ature . !.'L I ,I(),, cas, orr6ronto vis'ilvd-IlVrisall I I . � ; -it to* then, D'onomi- :THK YOUTIPS U0,1111ANIO.,�T, .. I . I . .. I nnd thert . N�11Vro-vvvral tivighbo "-". rent, effort will.,be niltdc. to ni . I � . � Ere long thousands of men through- I lielp probleni, (in thr average Farm. , I . . Idings ro. fItirly- plans,to, furnish C � . I � . . out. the country whohave been . ('111-:. 1, A' holi, . I .11 - houses and farlit., Imi a I . � . . . I � .� I I 1. I . I s Sunday last ' . . IV nli(I steady.eiriploynicint wit' . ,I, - . c'1IIv.____�,q'r.atfoird, I ferald. � . I I.It lierkvivy- .S, t_'.Boston, 11"I.S.S. relative. . , . . C . I iss Rubviell . , - . I I � . .. . well butielml tog,vilier, -to. rurtht -re� . I 'I Ill. , *lioli, 'fruill.,the Paoilic . . � ployod oil farnis for seven or eight ,, fair � wa,ge,4 'apIJVdIsJo tit('. avVraP' . ­ .. .. I I - . . - - - ___ I � New Subscriptions J410efved .at � Th4s "I Coast, 'is . t . Ile gtiest of. .Alr.,�., Cliarlo. s . * __ 111(yrit-lis will be sent adnill without 'a inan ; tight-siglited pro,grcssivo ftirlit:- __ ___ - _____--------------7- ' - . . . I . � . Oillev. - , - - . . , , . . . . . . . . I . . job. Mariv (,f those men will .' seek t ers. ( f todliv rmogill?.(� this ract , 6 rid . .. . . 101. . I ' T nship I . . . . . 1.)tcMli�st�:r. . . I . . I . � .). . . . . � . ungannon, , � . .. :Grey ow I .-. I . -y John, -1.1it"U'd ' . : . _­ , I- - . � Ili%s Mai slon has r( I'lliplmnietit in cities. towns and vil- : pi:oVidv. UVRe. filings. -for thvir lielp.- � ' . . . � I . ­ . � . : , . * , . . . . . .. . �. � . . . latn ' , ' . . . . I . . I . . . - . Durl alii formerly of � ... .. . . . . : . from a prolonged Visit. with ]lot.. %!St - ,vs wbere they will find work, arid Farin and Dairy. .. . e ,it r e' sorn, to hear of - I lit, illness Nr,�.; Atfiv4d of 11 I . . . .. 4 E'N E 'S ()I,1rF,,'Iz. . ' . . . . . . I . . I W " -r 'Ili* . I .� . olil ,�: ( � 4 Atot ,- . I . o,r, Mrs -Short, of JVoodstock. � - ' . . . . . . . __ -n (if Mi.ss E I .) . . . . I . . ... . � . i3o-w r% o I, villag( . NV e this to witship, w,is ronewl"K . . - ... ... : - � . ,.r( -(" , a __ . _ - - ___ _ .--- __ ___________, ... - * , * .. * . , �. . .. * -4. It � s �� ill . -Your . RON, MCG .rgor of \ Tcl )Ilto . I . s. � , .. - o airl, as T,ri,ndkilips lit re. . W. " - .11olilles , . . - . liope 0 I " willisooll lit , tit � - ig, . . . , . Refund I gutw8t tit Robert Mc� rtlfifr's, I The Marvels of '. Electri* *ty. -sho lias a goo(i nurse, .\lis#s '.\Ic.\I.1istvr, , I 11 Mollev if . Parisiall Sa e *I)o(,.,;'Il,t:! 7\11's_ Dr. HICULTV ant . I childrvit - . I cl. - . . . 11, clark and,wile or Oskilsk, Wis- . - . . I . 9 . . . iverc I I . . . . . . . . � : . . . .. or. Clinton. Banish Dandraff. . . I 11 -vvk. - � - � . . . . . -it , J%S_' are bere on a visit at . - I I . .� ill ,1,orollto, 11 sI �� . . . I . . .� . . . I %. . Coils I � . . . .� I 1. .1 . . .. . ____ . I . I I - VN- -niog, Ili(, . 11resby- - . I . . I I . . . . I - . � 11 r, Mrs. 'MC(11- -N , . . . I . . .. - . ()n Wednvs(la) I ' . , , '' . . - . ., . s. (Dr.) Quito, I it ' i. -ft and � ( , a . '. ' . *tit' I I I. . ali - -e tv - stroll", I'll , . . . 1),1vid'-Cl rk'v., 1.10� coil.,. after , I , 1; ,�Cnie twenty yearsago, one o.f tile ( -in view of -what . has beeii; , accont- Nv as. vvV I rill it: -Thv.0 -: * .111 perhaps you'll . � t6rian ell C -, I ( . . - . . In . ,Mi, -.is'- Wallaev i all of ClInt011, attended I . . . . . � . . . . .1 .. . 's honvst I. -cry word . .01 gave. an ex'Celli-lit Coil- forV111OSt atithirl'ties on the subjel!t.* . lvejul.j. -givell bN -Mrs. absenev of .10 N cars. The men arv' � 01- I plish(( thc. proplicey. is, not'an - idl' I , a . . � .sai lill t it . .1k, vi I .. .1 . . c CaF,;oll,wu% .. I . . . . . . Ca' rall. 1 chur pressed tile opinion that eight or tell - � v (,,auld, iii.;.v.sionary from Formosa. . . brother.%. � . , . . of it, becallse if � * W. S�, It. lJoInles . ' w.eek. - one that holise4ephig arid . factor. . . . . , ' I . . I oprt oil flie evviliug of I�ridaY miles was the maximum distance � . � . - . . � . . . was not..absolutvl� ci,rtailll; if tit(. . I far, .. . .9perations in cities will C'f long con- I W, McClury and family \vvry Visit- Olivc r Turnbull, 150 con.', is away . O old Ilarvis and .()V,'Vn Sllli.',�y WVIT er which electrical energy could be . . . . - t, . . GTiroux , Vo� did not lot w front I 'and to. ilioSv who . .. -rich ()It ,Nlonday- , the " entertalnurs . ov . , . N.. ors'at oodc I to theWest witli.a caror well " bred- I Iransmitled without ruitious loss, To- sist ill� large part of .Pll.%,Iltllg .a Sell S . ,to t "I'll'? 11 I A, - , tiles . I, l-bilIg' :. bV - - Tuesd V; of 1,.,-.31 -. V.,( . ph \ I I ty . I . . I . . .. tual, re.11.1 Is they would tilt I iake 1 have ever heard them * tha:t wol is , "' "I we sa v it Ur 11 . I 11 I I - I I I , 'I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I i I t I I day the fluid I,, being t ran.&Init'ved over of. buttons, .- Nor .%Vill . 8 . . . .. I . Leicester slivep, I �* . . . such a, gvIlevous ol ff 0 r. . . '! . . . I I-si. cl4ssi� . . . . uitj yino lwaring blos- . . I I . . . , . .4tifflelvitt. The ' -si. (-I 1. � wirps 200 niflec long. It Ls, burt ve- i confliied to Cities. lit New. York S.taiv village a tolij, . I . cionevri. . was fit . . . A dI,ivo'.qIivd 4 ,I) x 5 2 feet, bit cen-rent . Parislan Sag -6, wbich Na now Ile . . � ' ;1 I . C, - . . . . . . . - a .. I I . lot o,b . la�illvof. ll I it -Canadaj The dea.th, occurod I(rV- last, WIT-' . r" '110119 - polver Illus there" aro � many SUM, also gr.1vi,..all(1 ripe loniat'oes., . I . . I ill L'VL'VV IOW ' ' I - I . � tvrola% that.. the nivsteriouE, cur crit", � . I . . . . . I . �. ' ..irn, combiried with , pig a, I I � ', Y, A, .Mr..- and, � 3 . . ; ` - It. . 1;"lillvi. of _�uburn. preavll-� r.oundafi( i . � . . I . . . , I �.() f. \lJss Am% .gfitugllf,or ( ,.f v,as used only for lighting, and cvVn farmers who arv� using� this new agi. lit Ilk v A . . . I I ­ e f is., also guaranteed to, st (i p' f a.1 I i ny, I Mrs. David Nichol, ,at tliv early, agV . I ' I ,,, in tile �lctbod_` licit hotis."', -has b6cin built oil th arm,, I I . . . for this . Purpose its use was limited An driving separat6ra, operating fei,d . E -d- nl.issionarv� s' rnion.. I , ... I I . I I I hair arid itching. scalp', . -of - a . � .. . . . -'ri.-In., 8th Cori. J I .Petell , - . of :11inetc(Ii veat's. * .Hhe was - :' . I .or J osE pit 11 , . . I 1, i . . , to a very niodi-rate scale. Today it I Cutters, in lia-litin -1 chure I lit'n. .oll.Sullday. Itev. �- .L� . 't;is the JdVal, Jli�l' (rllt fill, r(Juvi Ila- . . . . 0 g thei.r ll�vnlis(s arid is I g , . IiIlOI1 . p,ts t or . , too.,' was in.Nitrge '.of - Uiv carpentry - arid . - . ­ . Ixriglit -and happy disposition ainds.had - I .1 k .. � I is difficult to enumerate any considerl in -operating tile milking machine. A , Ilarflett, 'the J)"11.4 tingr. liair , drc.s,(ng .1bal inak" � hair . . I . . , . .Messrs. 'Furtney & Mvdd did- tile * - I ,6! ' "ItllV is I'm - I I I , ; I- i'finin has' bo6ii made in the* Sallia )I.r.. -, Ilt'r's Work. . . . I miliv friem , Much 9yrill), . Ili . . ' . . WrOxx� in aburidatice Parisian *8 ,aire . . . I . Mr. Russell Ilea, Liberal, was elect - 7 d at ill(, bye-elvvtIon in Soutil Iliolds, by a majorliy of 3,019. James Ovorham was found guilty of its mother's murder at FIL-terborol k8sizes, the jury adding a reeornimen- ation to in-vilcy, Chancellor ' Boyll id not scritt-nce tilt, prisoner, but will solid tilt, vertlivt to Ottawa. Mrs. George Tancey was attacked ' by , three highwaymen wIiilV driving with her little daughter near AyInier. Her horse ran away saving her from. tho hikliwaynicit, but ran into ,it fence arid Mrs. Dancey arid the vitild wvva both severely hurt. I � I � . . IWIM I - :I ow A OVFW 7(­_�ITOLIIIN 'i . Sbines StOves So . . I . I . Tbey Stay Sbinne't .-I . � � . . I i "Black Kpight" is a joy .to, . every wornail who takes pride iii her home. - � - It' enables her to have the stoves always cl*�,,an, freshly . 'J:ied arid brilliantly black. polis .. . "Black. Knight" is ready'to use � -easily applied -and a few rubs brings a inirror-like polish. - "Mack Knight" (toes away with all tli.e hard work and dirty work, of stove polishing. . . I . . . � I If your* dealcr should, n t bave . .111IAck Knight",,%ve will S� dyou . . tL' . , 11 a large cait,'p6stpaid, for i - . .. . . . . I . I I . . I . . . . I Tht-IK V.- 1)8111e* Co. &A, . 11 . . . � ,': EikmmToN. "on � - :24 ' I . Ne'terr3tthe famous , , 21.01 . ",' thhoo P0110. I . . . 1�, ., able list ol services to wIl C I C ME - el M . . q � . . . ' - . . . . 1. . .. . . ',Or- . .� . . . . . A.' � 4,; . , A 4­­!,� .- On iliort, tha' I� . . T 1i 1-il.fl o's tile nosSMSar of -cement - Work, - . �,. )*,-;'­,� f-6rite, with wolll(n Ile- pre"ed. fi)rliL,r paronts Ili Ibeir , . . . . : , 4 r ,;; I 4 li-Arpil nart- 1. ity, Ili an ir�xpvrinlcntal way at WaSi,,'; � I 11 - . . . . . 1%Vv- " . . . I . . . 'L I . I r I .1 . ­ .1 sit pill(. 0 6' . . , . : - . � O W . I � � is not bcinit appli(-d. it is' being used ! one farni: ol".trical'etivrgy is being a ,,ijuik-k-1*1 twi)-scatv(I auto. Ile ar- Mrs. 1�mabvlla Millet, nee .Stevenson, I C, an t -a ild , . * * . I ' � . � . I . I . AUF� it- kCvps tilt, hair brilli, . I I ridges* from Chalk'River to Montreal' -rate a potato peeler arid to'! niAde usf� of. in this 11rovince . today rivVd. bolne witIl it li,,cently and now died.*suddonly, of licart, failure at the fascinating, is da � latily ptn'tinivIl . . . I . . . . " ,onfl, ,att:(L � .- �_ was � seized at�Qtlaivkt and -o, . .ft 'to opt '.I . . pastoral residence of, h(r ,sist�,r, Mrs. liNizabetli ' tickv' or gi-casy. �_ . . I . � . ", . I . I I . . . . I � sitielt iron or(, : it runs the waAflng ,and on hundreds of.farms tile example �w I, may exi)(et to' 8(',v.tll" I . . . Is.not 8 . . - I. I I . Afantral arid �John *])ow .�yqe kil. . . , I . *maglict- 1 will' b0 followed before the, pKesdiit Vj�%ItSj VolldtictVol ill Up-to-datt, �:;tylv... Qash,* of GOderich-on Oct.. 20tb, and Tile price . . of a large . bo . tile is only ' (10up is Illost. pr.pvalent. (I tring tli.6 . . -. ' machinv Ili the bome and, by � . � V a,t t. y' c weativer'(ir ilie I, � � at ' Cobalf by falling down tile. . , . I,auI'F, wfts hurivIl oil' Sunda Moh-sworth .o - . dr old . arIv winivr 10d . le attraction. carries tons of steel !decado - end.%. Indeed, farhiers ., ill .I'll(, congregation of', St.- . ' . 5 -conts at .W. ,S. It. llolm(s' who shafts of mines, wid L. N. Oervahp dy ' aged 73. hildren I Fails or-svrap Iran from the railway i -Waterloo county are alrea 'taking celillot . Mrs. Miller was !uarantovs it. Sold every -where," or niOn*tIls- 1'ar�llts of., votilig , C . . church held their. annual hot -supppr, ery, � * .. M . . .. .1 . . I ip heap. It is used .st.eps. to's dire a share in fht% . power IIiIIK of Thank,&,: tile ivid'ow of the late Francis ililler, ' -(!(A, 'harge .Should be prepared for it. \11 * that dropped (lead. - . , . I - n nevrt on the vve . Iruck to tit(- dun C . a d co . . olit ,all -c s pr(paid, by., tit(. . . . - I I- � . . . . . a I foriner well knawn r I 1, N 1. " -necill: I hanibvi-1,ain'.s. Tilt, - ('6ronor's jury at Delhi found for licat in ironing in tile donle�stic : which the Hydro Electric is furnilil giviliN Day, . . esident of tile (, ft J.111 tiidk(-r%, Giroux Ifg. Co., 14'. -d is*a hoti,k,.:o� ( I . . � . I . a act .. ' . . . o' . . . I es I wag Fort. 1,,ll,� Ont.. - ' .. . Cough Uwllcol�. Many Illoil.iers .. ,are , that Mr - I its - - oking arid in .pumping ing . for th(,� town of .14(flin.-Mrlin - J. Raburts Von iif our toWnsiliall, 3rd colic' &io-ri of Grey. ,Site I . . . . ,Rider's death w. accident . ' I � � . air,, and was.- kil- laundry, in c � � I ripvc.r."Nvith �ut it in fliphi hom6s and al. lit, fell down, st., ., . * ., . . s, hay.' bevii apoolilted tel- barn in GlOngai.,ry Co., Ont., in 1817 1 � I � I . I ' water. . .. . \ews4leqorol. . . . . J, -%I, llobe�i, . , � I � . . I I I - Ile attending a Police Court . .1 . . let. Ili .01V F0,171, Eric bratwh. ,of tile and was, the mother of. five.. children,, . , . .. 1. � 1 it has n0vvi disappohiled them. Sold, icci. wit . - . ­ ­ 11 � . __ - .--! . . . I . . . . _­_ - - � -.--.-. - - . . . � ' . by all' dvalvrs-, - � . tilial. . .. � . . .. vrling Bank. I .. . those of whom ,survive ber are, W.. . r ,R ov NECE,14SITY. ,.. , - 1, . 1. . I . . I . A MA' T I;. . . . ' - ";' I . . . -1 AV. Plerce of Cincinnati, Ohio ; Mrs.. .. - - I . .. . I . . I � . � . . ., . � - I . . I . . ' I I . . � ' . . . : The Apple Situation' Un I ' . � I . . � jolill Ilryans of Grey ; and- Mrsi. Al- A Washington. Wonian. who wa�f vis- I . . I . I . h -bert. Tuck of. Clif,*ord, *. - . � . iting somo friends Ili Philadelfil . ilai,110- I . I Man dope fiends -contracted . . . Ashfield TownshiP � - I .. .. � . y . . � c h a n g' e' d.- .-- * � . .. . . . . . I . t Iced that Ahe 'little girl i a - , . I 1. . . I . .. . . . . - . . . in tho _11.1- . - . . . . . . Its 'onie' it w.sort. of (:or- I : e e - , 1. ' sent: I . 11v w, , C. - . ____ , .___­-­_--_ . I . . . . All the Ille'llbers .WVrC . pro. I � K . . .... I '. � . eathig s - the drug habit in 'th " cradl'. � 1 . Of the Zurich . . I t brvakfast. She evilict:d liLtl( � , , � , . . . 1. Noffolk � . . ; � .� ut regular nivetill;4 town� . - .. . .. . I . Pq a 1 t1w . stu . ff. . . �. .. . .� , * � . 1 . I - to theirl'in I _. Reports of thi, apple crop a.nd pric, Pitnian . , Counly . - . I 'iwSill to . Certain danaero s . . - ' almost a fallure. Appli. - ship. Council (in Oct, -2�>nd. * The - . . I ent.1111% Y, . . I u. d'rugs were given . . . . ib .. . " Crop. is - . rill litors are putting. a new front I "Doift :you like' it, dvarle ?" . their baby days inth � . . I i s rec, iv(d from Farm .and Dairy coir ' . . I of ,gcptVIl,bo-I- I.Ztli and 24tb C. a . . A . I I . e form of. "Soothing Syrups," . : . -I � I �:Illg from' $.'!.00 JO $3.20 . . . . . ' rv%pondents during the past week do ary . I I ;l (ninutes . led oil" Illotiom of. into M r. C. li'ritz shoo Kbop. - I the visitor. ' - I. . . . .. I . not differ materially from' the reports. barrel*, -E, J. Borrowni'an" Lailipton. 'W(Te rcad arid adop� "I'l M*r.' .1 -. - J. - ne'r's little son, ( I ,1, I I . ,� '.'colic cures" and "infants' friends. " The harmful ' . .,. published Ili I-'arni arid Dairy oil Oct County. .. - - . . Afvssrs. ijunter. and Daltoll. . le Mvr 'lare. "I don't think much of it' r(plivil . . I effect of "soothers" containing opium, morphine, I ' . . . , . . . . -oil � 0 . 1. . . 11 .0 .. . ic . I . . . . . I . . _ ., cannot be too strongly. - .. . .1' 1 - . I . "Then why (10 ypu cat it'?" . � . . . . � Ober 20th. A short crop 6f, winter Spy orted It tifYing tilt. �,vcretary i�. laid tip with I rni of rl " uniatigin., tile child.' . I I . s are it 'short Crop. lliildwins ':lVl ,, I . . chloroform, c ' ldoral,'etc . , � I . liprovin . I . . . . . lariol--ties is rcportod from al %ec, , or' Ontailo Westshort, it, V ('O., hilt is 11 9 I . . I I I tv�.o-tbirs. of ,it crop. . A,Tip�e .. allwa 'of the Sauble Line, . , . o not give baby a."s6other" unless I . . � . I � 'itLs range from $1.25 to ibOth ry CO-111plaint. ()I 1�,Ill, McC.OnnVil and' r� .Joseph '.NUero The little girl paus.ed in lier task of . ly must. Then give it. - . ' t ions, I'l dealers arv'paving' aborfit $1.25. ,-4onl(! ' � . . M . you positive . I calling their attention .to our agree- C4 � . I . . . . $1.00, tit(, latter ri )I I I tot* , 4 have b6vi* ' , tanley, hasleas,ed III.,;. farm to Mr. disposing of thv. obno,xiou,v article and' . . . . . I t, p C(I I Ing �Iv(lll . saIV. i,made Ili cal' lot -4 .at . 11, them i,t, tilt, ereet ion of. . I . regarded her filiorlocutor gravely. .. I I - -ai -, f C . Illutit, it - -les, ,13edard, Jr.,.' for a terni of I . , I w . Chat . . , . sii glit Spys . O,b. on ars - $3.00, Straight * Spys ary briwritw - - le guards. ii.lotir, ill(- Lak�l Shore- � ex�oqs to move to C "It's got. to be eattri," sliv sa i I] . . . It is int(resting to note that wher-' 1-1.00 f. o. b.- I Chas.. It.. 'A,vuvi"'.. : .1 ( I 11, .4uitub I . 1. . lod . er- solenlll,y. "The grocer giv('s Ill . anlin . a - . . . . . . . I . . . road arid road the reply or. the ('0111- -.ell. . . . I (-ver inory than $2 a barrel Ila% liven tario.. County. . I . . . . I - I. . .� . . . . . .. . ' - enginc,r 1lit'reto. It'was mov- ' a coupon for evezy two packag(s .,.,he .. . . .. . v. � i . � . . � , . pany's Mr. 11. Lamont disposed or' about buys arid it's got to he (%,licit vvery . . . , r . . %-cars, and rv�,vlvcd, ith-as been flirough Co-op- , . . . - ,.1 . � � � ; 4.: AT - V1 �l . ri I I. . -_ � oil by ifel"irs. ,�tothers and Ilunter . cattle and seve . . . I ,�/ YOR , . I . I . a hundred head of ral ; f) � . . � � . . I .. . I'll, � . , � I, �_,� � erative assoc a ons. 1. 1. I., . 1 . . '11. ad Stewart � I . womilng, I Weavt I*, Sccrvtary of tile Dunnvilld I M A. . K E . .1; TIAIR GROW. ' tbat Cdullcillo�s 1), tolfal I . necting at horses by,auction lastweek. . . . . I . . I . ' � I . be appointed to arralig(I a , . ... .1 . � I "'00THING Sy RUP Fruit Glowers' Association, reports, I . . 1, Aliss A-rinie Weber of Derlinh,asbeen : . " that some sails have been made or port A.lb.�rt with r0presVid 'lives 01 . I I S1 I .1 in IV. A. 'MeConnell has tilt invigat th(I - ('01111pally.ill n-gard to the Me-* visiting, hor .sister, Mrs. (Rev.) " A, There art, .persistent runiors of ,'t � ' I .1 . -ir loads at $3. I.- J. ljorrowill,an, that willilialiv, hair growj-r .mono' riscIA Vr. . and rest contentc& Nyal's Soothing Syrup coli - C, . I . � . . Connell ctimplaint arid ill(. Inattell of D. G 1 . . . fvvolution, in Atlitns. . Secretary Wyoming Fruit (trowors' back. . . . . , . . . Thirty-sevvil ae- 'My. .Josiah (,eiger Ila-, moved to -is ar. ,aid to be . tains no opiates. It induces natu ral, .heal thy , guards. Carried. Spallish. Socialis - s I Associal ion, reports applo-s selling ai. -The time to take� care of your hair gravel, gravelling, olftehing, I' dwelling nevt to his a t it, . to the ytoldivrs in . slo-ep'- ives immediate relief to baby, calming � I f colln's for IN dowit-town . Illpting to Inci k $3.00 to $3.20. Mr. 1). Johnson of, I% Avh(ti you'*have buir to talou Care o . iling repairing -bridges and rest ,Ill rant, � ' ri-ading, t ". I I . . the. diff.event barracks to.revolt. the mother's. tired nerves-Aoes not put on soft,. the far-famed 'Norfolk Assoiciatfon. I:(,- It your hair -is getting ihin, grad- " ' ervil paid, .ant- a (Tit made all hon -- ,low bridges, wpriv ord . A commission, cons!sting of t-brep' King 01voilge h 8 1) gabby flesh,. makitig the little. folks easy' victims . Ports the priev to grow(Ps . at- $2.50 Ually failing out,, it,catiftot be long ouiltilig to $,,�88.78, . . I pilit'sts, has been appointed by Bishop orary . nicnibft.or- the .mitient arid . of childish diseasfl.s. .. . a barrel. . before ill(, spet apputim. . � ... 11 . -ebool irrat. 11,ery (A Masmelill-m-Its.. . 0 ; I . , . allan to aditist ,separate ,s Jlonorable Art � The crop is not, (lilite .so heavy as . Tit(- greatest r(inedy to stop ill(. . . �_ I - I . 141, fisherniall lost their live-:� We wouldn't' think of recommending Nyal's . lots, on the ,'-.,auble Line in llay and Seven 1� I I ]list year. Prices range from $1,25 hair from falling I% ".;ALVIA, the Fire nt'vietoria, II.C., catisi'd a IOSS Stanley.* . . when the Newfoundland schooner Gol- ' . Soothing Syrup' it we were not certain of its . to $1.75 trvp run. -Norman Mofit, ('Treat America I it Pair (Iriowt,r, first - I . I , . . . Arrow ,was wrecla4l tival" -St. ." . beneficial effects. . . I gornerv, Northumberland County. . di.4covi-red in E.nglarid.' SALVIA flit- of ono millia . it dollar%. I Tile .following ofricen� were, . elected 0" . . . . I I . � I . Pric:. . tits iVs nourishment to tliv'hair roats - . � � 11 Zurich -101111".111 I � . I � . . . % range frony .$1.00 to $1.501- . I I t tile atinual niecting of tile I . � / T h os. 1,. UsNe, Halton County. and acts so quickly that p.,blile are . brancli of the Bible - Society. : nev, I . . Anything you 11 . . � Will give you s are not morti than one Al,,�nv school. children ,iltrier from Mr. Maass, President ; Rev. Mr. GIs- . . I � I . 1�wv *1 1. I I . t App!�N I r I aniazed.. A large buttle for "I patioll, which i I I ... . I ' . 50 el Its. bus, entire quarter of a crop but are of fit* . lollsti s ortVil the"cause chlor �()r tits success -or, Vice president, Whon a cold becomel, svitled it, the & . � I I will take ,several d "' ' 1 with the name satisfaction. qualitv. 11tivurq are paying from I' . I - I . of wenling stupidity at Jvsscms. tI, Well, Treasurer and sceretary ; D, systetil, it ays 0- . $1.00 . for fall applep; to $1.50 for win- . � Chaniherliin's Stornach and Liver .S. Faust, Dcpositor ; Directors Jac- treatment to vitro it, arid tilt% ht,.qt , . I . I I . . . � Chaltiberla in's � I ter varieties.-Cliarles .1. Staratt, 11layor Nathan of ltome has J."UtIA Tabli,ts arc an ideal niedleine to give ob Tlaberer, William Hey, Henry rentiedy to use is . . Sold and guarantetxl.by ,F" . Mallon County. I a Ivift to tire e0felsilis, of tb(� Arch- it child, for they are mild and genth, Wespish, Samupl*Kliencer, CyrusSch- ('011911 RvIlled.Y. It, will Cure tilliekAkt � � I I � ' ti Wo 5. P,. "olmes, W. A.AcConnell. J. E., H Not rnough apple% for looal mn, bishop Of 111OWTVal and nther.t). . in fbeil- effect,. and will cure even ,och, Ed. MernVr, John Pret-ter, Sal- than any other, arid also leaves it, s,umption.-J. Davidson, Bruce Court- Y.'olward Jarditiv was arrested al VIII-oric Constipation. Sold by all vantis Wftnioz Collection ab public s,ysteroi in a natural and healthy con- - . I - CLINTON . I ty. Goderich (In fi, (,)large of rnurde�ing druggists. . . ineeting anounted to $9.50, . dition. Sold byall druggiv,ts. I . � . I �.­.­.. ­­. ­­ 1. ... . � � I � . The appip crop is away 'below the Lizvie Anderson, abol 1,.,�s brother Was 4 - I . ­ 1 . ..- ­ I .. ­ , �_ � I . I - __ , ­_� ­ . -1 . ­.... _. t�*�T!________. . wft_11�0� -- .1-1 ­ ­ ­­ ­­ ," ._ . ­ ­ ­ -1 ­­ _1__-__- , , � .... I nverave hilt thf% quality Is good. $1.74 5 arrested as Aeces,"ry. I t=fn�=��_,_!_ . __ __.________W__L�__ _ ­ .. . .. � . ­ * I . I net- barrel is the avortiop price an(I . . . k�ubsoriptions reoeived to the NeWs-ReCord as follows : . . S2 On For choice onP.S.-W. J. LittlP, . I Arant Cnuntv. Lanic- back vomrs on suddenly, ind - . I �� I . .1 1 to 17 a I _, �., Crop' ie4 be . low the average. Pri(TS 1.4 (,%tr(�Jjlely painful. It is callsed . ­ . I � , rrin,yp rrnrn $1.00 to $1.75. a bartipl.- I by rheumatism of the museles, Quick . IlobeH Wnods, Oxford Countv. relief is afforded by applying Chaill- .1 � .. I.... . .... :. . , ., 11, , Apples are obout one-third of a I herlain's Linfinent, Sold by al I I WS t . : 9,il . I .o r n. k7 11 o. ,rop. PrIve $1.00 a barrofl.-Gleorge druggists. � 1 0 , 0 N I 11 $ 1 1 I � I , 1 I ,e ,� . I . � . 1� I � � . � . . � 1 4" 6 �& "I � 1. . I .11-11 1. 1. . I 1 4 ----...1. 1. .., . � I 1. . . .1 . 1� . I . . \\ , 1. .1-111-- 1, 1. I � . . � I __ � ­ �4�_.­__._ 1