HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-11-03, Page 22 • ......... _.... v-ruu TX-P:l1cCUli. 0Y-- DO Y OU t w 11 A'g SAY? • For years you have thrown your money .a may on Stock foods while • your neighbors have been • making Handsome Prof- its by feeding i DOUGLAS • • • STOCK I INVIGORATOR to their Horses, Cattle • • and Hogs. I REMEMBER el It is absolutely the Best Z and Cheapest Digestive tonic for your ur stock. Call i in and talk it over. .t� Ayr Clinton Newels -Record November 3021910 Was Up Against A pard Combination: BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS VAN. WISHED THEM ALL. Sundridge Man Suffering From Gravel, Diabetes. and. Dropsy . Finds an Easy and Complete :Cure. Suniirrdge , Ont., Oct. 31st.—(Spe- cial,>-gravel, Diabetes and Dropsy are a terrible combination for one mart to have. It means that his life is in the gravest danger, unless like George Vanbooser, a well-known resi- dent of this place, he finds the simple and natural .cure. here is the story Mr. Vanhooser tells„ and all his neighbors know every wont of it is trust : "I had pains in my back and across the loins. 'My stomach would swell.'' I was .constipated and I had sharp cutting pains in my bladder, which made me sure that I was stiffening from the terrfbie.;Gracel. The doct- or attended me, but I kept growing worse very day.. "Others had told me of the great good Dod�t's Kidney Pills had done for them, and a determined to try them, Six boxes made a new man of me." - Gravel,. Dropsy and Diabetes are all either Kidney Diseases or are caused by diseased Kidneys. The easy and natural .way to cure then is to • use Dadd's Kidney Pil?s. They never •fail to cure any form of Kidney Disease. e A LARGE PAIL FOR 75c. Z i • W. S. R. HOLMES i•••••••••••••••••••••••J Manf'g Chemist. -RELIABILITY -- EXPERIENCE - Huron Go. unty News Gathered for News-Reeord Readers 000 00000 00 000 0000 000 00 O U O 0 it 0oU O STRATFORD. ONT. 0 If you purpose attending our 0 0 School this winter you should 0 0 register' on Nov. 1st. Spend 0 0 two months with us this terns. 0 0 - Students are entering each 0 0 week. We have three Depart- 0 O merits, Commercial, Short- C. O hand and Telegraph. Our cour- 0 O ses are practical, the teachers 0 O are experienced and our grade- 0 O ates succeed. The demand up- 0 O on us for help exceeds -the sup- 0 O ply. Write for our free cat•ae 0 O Logue. 0 O ... 0 O D. A. McLACIILAN, Principal 0 0 00 0000000 000000 00000000 Watts &' Son. W. H. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE CLINTON Stare ope. s at •7.30 a. m. and closes at 8 p.m. We are practical Boot and Shoe Makers, and repairers. Boots made to Lice and no order in from 1 to 3 days repairing done while you wait. FARMERS ATTENTION. We keep on hand Boots and Shoes of our own make which are just the thing for faun work. s Son t & So t W.N. Wa The Montreal Board of .Control has f rma- for coo $500 reward of offered a va 0 tion leading to .the conviction of the murderers of Cecile. Michaud. OUR TRADE DOUBLED Blyth ' The removal of the fe!ent fence and , Dr. Hamilton of Belgrave,who has interior fitting up at. The Methodist 1 for the past year been taking a post • parsonage have been decided improve- ments. �r From The News -Record of Mr. A. II. Wilford'.has opened up a commission store in Winghams and November 3rd, 1892. well handle poultry, etc. Ile isl a Clinton, November 2nd,, 1892,. chip of the old block, so brine full of energy. . n 'Mr. W. G. Smitli, who unlortunat- The Young People's Society of the ely broke his leg a week ago Satur- day, is doing nicely. Mr. Jas. Howe returned from Man- itoba last Friday, Hb spiltabout u Belgrave AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK etc. at lot 36, con. 8, Base Line, Hullett, on Tuesday, Nov. 80, at. 12 o'clock noon the following horses—mare 10 years old in foal to Sir Mathew, mare 6 .years, horse 4 years heavy draft,. driver 3 years, filly 3 years. heavy draft, filly . 2 years general p•vvrpose, filly 2 years heavy draft; gelding. 2 years, filly 1 year. Cattle—thorobred cow in calf, thorobred heifer 2 years in calf, th orobree heifer 1 year, heifer calf; 5 cows in calf,. heifer • 2 ycrars • in calf, steer 2 years, 5 steers 1 year, 3 heifers 1 year, ":d well-bred Hole stein heifers 1. year, 6 spring calv- es, Pigs—Sow due to pig, 4 .young sows, 5 fat. pigs. Machinery—Mas- sey-Harris .binder nearly new, Mas- sey -Barris hay .loader, Massey- ;Har- ris cultivatoe, ' new, Massey -Harris mower,,, • hay rake, disc harrow, 12 plate, land roller, •Massey-I-larris riding plow, walking plow,set iron harrows, gang. plow, scufiier, root pulper, • set scales 2800 pounds, set. spe:ng tooth harrows, pea harvest- er, seed drill, wagon, top buggy, op- en buggy, set bob -sleighs•, . long :. sleigh, cutter, fanning -mill with bagger, Clinton fanning mien, hay- fork, pulleys, . rope and slings, hay rake,. gravel vel box,wheel-barrow,. set double harness,' set- plow harness, set single harness, a quantity • of hay, nangolds, 3 .dozen grain bags, grindstone, about 100 hens, Whiffle- trees, neck yokes, forks, hoes. and numerous other articles. No res= erve.. Terms : 12 months': credit or 4 percent. on 'credit amounts. 'Bay grain, mangol'cls • and fat.:lege cash. Walter Meer,..proprietor ; T. Gund- ry, auctioneer. Our sale of Flour, Feeds, Seed. Grain, Etc., has doubled this season over last What better evidence can there be that our stock and prices are right, FORD &cL EOD �ll. CEDAR POSTS for sale JAS. HAMILTON Coal rierchant PHONE 52 eisessawasioninnews English church drove to Wingham one gusov'•s 'parents in, Newmarket evening last week and attended a Mrfi r D. • rents i,•is home from, • ;;Lae meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of that ; e spent .hc ast t vo hr, si ti place, They report a good time. i westwee hp graduate course in the old world med- ical institutions, has returned and will renrne his practice in Belgrave. Mrs. fray returned last week from visiting friends in Hullett. ere and 111rs. J. Brooks have move ed, tp,Williara Watson's house. Hers:- (Rev.) Ferguson and Master Scott have been visiting, Mrs. ler- 1 Seven nurses in the John IL Strat- ford Hospital at Brantfor'l struck on account of overwork. rile board is filling their plaees. siting . filends six weeks in the southern part of that The executive', committee of the months vis Dr. Allison has gone to. Londes- province. Ifoeal branch of the Bible Society have born where he has purchased the Dr. Blackall and Traveller Hinchley decided to hold the annual meeting of took in thio shooting match at Blyth the Society on the 10th of November practice -of Dr.MaeCalluni who pure t. Andrew's church. poses going to the Old Country to last -week and brought home a fine lot in S of the "feathered. ones." Mrs, A. Carlow of Glasgow, Scot- land, who is speneeng the winter in Canada, and Mrs. Nesbitt of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. W. J. Irwin. Mr. Jas. Fair's .new house already, presents a handsome and substantial appearance but a lot of work is yet required before it will beready for oc- cupancy. The structure will greatly improve that part of the townwn in which it is located. • A committee of Orangemen have rented the newheel in the McKay block over Runiball''s jewelery ' store and will take possession on ,the 1st of December. • Clinton builders have put in. a very good season so far this year, and 'the work will continue well on' into the new year.. A large amount of money has and still will change hands as a consequence of building operations. Capital, locality, has' not been locked• up in the matter of improvements. •.Mr. D. A. Forrester has purchased the McAllister farm,. 127 acres, for $8,500; the latter taking •Lite former's town residence. at $ ',500. Mr. For- rester will convert the new property into a stock filtin. He has a farm of splendid work they were accomplish- 200 • acres and will make extensive ing for the church. • buildings and other improvt!:nents. Mr, . • - and Mrs. McAllister will takeposses- sion Melee town property in May. Whitechurch Dirs. John Layton, town, fa• vored Mrs. Jelin Gillespie Sr. l eft on Friday to visit. friends in. llamiitrn. Mr. ll:.:0. Taylor of Lueku'rw teem - pied the Methodist • pulpit, here en Sunday. , ' Mr. Carnaelous of Langside . has rented. the Worden farm and is doing fall plowing an it. It is reported that Me. Geoege- Cottle has sold -hie. saw' at planing mill to Mr. ,James WBeen of •Culross .It is reported that Mrs. tleorgc Me- Intash has- rented. her Mel;e t3 Mi. v to sone cI{a • and 'is goingn D. M Y Wingham. School has hcen closed for: nearly four weeks owing to' ,semi t fever it is a mild type, but secnrs 10 be n ak- ing its presence •felt in the vicinity. Mr. John Morrison opened the sea- son of parties and social gatherings on Friday evening by giving: the young. people •a social gathering 'at, his •home.Music and_.dancing were+ the features. of the evening, and e a 'very enjoyable 'time isreporte'd. The Goderich Rural Telephone line from Auburn have had their wires caruied into the corporation on the Bell Co. poles without asking per- mission or anything else. The Coun- cil has notified them to remove them. The, town fathers assume it would have been courteous for them to have said "by your leave" seeing that Blyth has a local system organized. The Blyth Rural Telephone Co. con- trectors are busythis week getting g the wires on the poles. This line will connect with Brussels circuit at John Shortreed's, 9th line.' Service will . be. free to subscribers on the. two ciee cuits for a five minute conversation but if over that five cents will be charged. • The, Young People's Society in con- nection with Trinity church "hese[ a most successful and enjoyable social evening .on the 19th ult. The -Object was to introduce the new rector • and fancily to the congregation. The rec- tor, Rev, le Farr, delivered a stirrer ing address, in which he expressed himself: as. delighted with the. recep- tion that had been .tentici:ed himself and Mrs. Farr, and highly compli- m'ented the young people for the The •News -Record • on October 28th with • a large bench. of second -growth red raspberries. 'They were large, ripe and well flavored. • Apple picking, packing and` shipping will . be about wound • up in Huron county. the latter part of next week. The yield this •year:and the demand has been the means• of circulating an immense amount of money. Our farm- er friends and an army of - packers should be a great deal better off than b a a e 'hare Y las t fall. will always. 7 market for all the apples Who right quality that we can produce. Londesboro, Nov. ',2nd, 1892: • Mr. Joseph Stevens of Auburn was tri the. village • on: Tuesday last. • Mre Tighe, who . has been visiting her sister, eIrs• John, J1runsdon . .for 'sonic time, left last week, ' 'Mr R`. Wallace and son, Will:, and Ilarry, •Kade returned from White- church, Man., ,Past week. •Johtt,McCoo1 has moved into Jetties Manning's house,. lately occupied by Mr. Geo. Cockerline, Sr. •• 1Ir. and.Mrs. Braithwaite have left, ITuliett, alter living Here for.42 years, and will' reside with their son-in-law., A. Laivrence,'i4etlaiid. • • Judging from the apples •shipped from the station the crop is the larg- est known for years in this set tion. •The following are the: ofirctrs of the "Noeth Star" lodge of Good Temp- ters for the present quarter: C. T., John Cartwright. W. 1'., Sarah Stewart, R. S., Wnc. N. Doig.. A. S., Orpha Whitely. - F S., B. Lawrason. . T,,' Martha Cartwright. C.,, James F airservice, M..,John Scott. 0., Martha Brogden. S., James IIil1.= • S. J. T., Jennie McKenzie. Organist"; Jennie Woodman. P. (le T., Edna. Allen.' Next Tuesday a contest. will start in this ledge to last eight weeks. STOCK' AUCTION SALE OI' FARM STOCK etc. at lot 12, con. 12, Willett, on Tuesday, Nov: 1st, at 12.30 o'clock, the following,: . Horses—draft geld- ing rising 4 by St. Patrick; draft. filly rising 3 by Imperial, draft „filly rising 6 by St, Blaize, aged draft mare in foal to Lord: Jim,. aged carriage mare in foal to Prodigal Son, draft. spring foal sired,' by Im- perial, driving spring foal' by. Gold- en Crown, Cattle—Newly • calwcd cow, 5 cows supposed to be an calf to thorobred bull, steer rising' 3, heifer rising 3, heifer rising 3, sup- posed to be in calf, 2 yearling steers 3 yearling heifers, 4 .spring. calves. Pigs -2 brood sows, • 20, pigs 2 mos. old. Implements Massey- Ilarris binder, Maxwell mower nearly new and ,Pea, harvester, Massey ITarris drill nearey new, combined; 12 plate disc .harrow, land roller, sulky rake, 2 sets iron harrows, 2 walking plows • No. 7 Verity, 2 gang plows, 2 scuffers, Perrin Tiding. plow, loot. pulper, 'Melotte cream separator, nearly new, straw cutler, set scal- es 2,500 pounds, Bain wagon, near- , ly new, truck wagon, top, buggy, buggy pole, read cart, set' bob- IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP, PLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT tlAVIS & ROWLANI)'S HARDWARE' STORE PROMPTLY AT- -TENDED TO. W. .T stekrennson sleighs, cutter, cutter pole, fanning •mill, hay fork, car, pulley rope and slings, hay• rack, pig rack,• gravel box, pig crate; good watering tank,• wheel barrow, 2 sets double iharness set plow harness, 2 sets single hare ness, quantity of hay, nrangoids and turnips, 2 doz. grain bags, 2 sugar kettles, 2 stone boats, 'quantity of sap pails, Doherty cook stove near- ly new, Daisy churn, extension table, grinding stone, 100 hens, whiffle trees, • neck yokes, forks, chains,, ;spades, shovels, 2 dozen cattle chains, 500 bushels of oats, 300 busne?s barley, 40 bushels peas. Without reserve. Terms :12 months' credit. 5 percent. for cash. hay and roots cash,—Nath. Sundercock, pro- prietor ;. T. Gundry, auctioneer. BOYS AND GIRLS Wanted. Good wages and steady ' employment assured.—The Mooney T3iscuit & Candy Co., Ltd., Strat- ford. F. W. CUTLER, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work done guar- anteed satisfactory and prices moderate. Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute, Clinton.Wi• 83 take a post graduate course. R. D, Cameron, lecturer on Govern- -n'lent Annuities, will deliver a lec- ture on this subject in the Forctster's hall, Belgrave,' on Thursday evening. Grey Township.. Miss Jennie Hogg' was a visitor in Wingham last week. . Mr. Janes. Pearson was in tsborne attending the funtral of 'an uncle. . Miss Beatrice Whitfield -visited her sister, Mrs, Angus, Brown, during the past week. • Mrs. John McAllister, who' has both visiting with friends here,. returned to her home in Toronto last week, Mr. Will. Pearce of Cincinnati, and Jos. Murray of Goderich, were - here last week attending the funeral of Mrs. F. Mills, • • • Wedding bells chimed merrily in our locality last Wednesday : evening, when Miss Annie Cunningham of Eth- el became the wife of. James Pearson, • in the presence . of about thirty-five •friends• and neighbors. The bride was beautifully attired .in brown satin, trimmed. with lace, and carried a bo - vet of flowers.,•• After the ceremony and congratulations were. over the company .repaired to the dining room to partake of the good things prepar- ed •by the .hostess. The 'evening •was spent in music and social carat; etc. The groocn''s gift to the bride. was a gold, watch and chain, to the pianist, a brooch.. The happy couple have set- tled down on the groom's fine farm, with the'.. hcarty.Congratulatiorls . of a host • of friends. • ,Summerhill, Nov. '2nd, 1892. The wife of Mee Joseph Gooier of the Base Line died- on Saturday even- ing. The funeral took place Tuesday. Mr. John 'Johnston has put a new and more elevated. ceilipg in his house • and mode other iinprovements ' which greatly' add to its appearance and comfort. The raffle for ducks and geese at Mr. Wm: Lawson's on Tuesday of last: week was weei patronized. There is still a large quantity of un- packed aspic's in this vicinity and pac- kers and barrels are in great demand. The 'old, old story, told times with- out number, and repeated over and over again for the last thirty -fix years, but it: is always a welcome story to those in search of health— There is nothin;,• in the world that cures coughs and colds as quickly as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by all deak'rs. • Wingham -Miss Dcpew of New Work i5 visiting at Mrs.- H. K.e'rr's. • Miss. Eya Gracey is visiting ralat- ives in Essex •for a couple- of weeks. Miss Houghton spent Thanksgiving holidays with friends in .London. • Mr. F. Buchanan attended the Pro- vincial Sunday.' School Convetition held at. Oshawa' Iast week, Mr. Fred. Johnston's hand is heal- ing: nicely since the mutilated fingers were removed. . Dr. and Mrs. John Agnew, of Crest- line, Ohio, have .been visiting at the former's , parental home .in Lower Wingham. • Dr. `. Ramsay of: Wai hington D. C. and Mrs. Watson of Rockwood, Ont„ have been visiting., their sister, Mrs. Wrlliain Bone, during the past week. Mr. Gavin •Willson Iasi week sold a firic heavy draft spring colt to Mr John E. I}.,omuth for $100. Dr. A. Downing or Bruce Mines has purchased the residence of • Dr. Peter :Macdonald, now of London, mi Centre street, and wilt take possession al- most immediately. The •.A. Y. P. A. of St, Paul's Church entertained the Blyth A. Y. V'. A. one evening last -week when a very pleasant social time was spent. • The first Uiterary 'meeting for this season of the .Parish Club will be held ' on Thursday veining of this week, An Italian earned Martilat has been. arrested at Montreal on a charge of Swindling bank:, by raising e:tpress or- ders. He i.s said to have operated in Toronto and oilier Ontario •cities unr dee the name of Sprakeletj. Exeter • Miss • Mattie Willis attended the wedding ' of Miss .Laing, . Denfield, last Mr. I. is improving from his recent illness and. is •able to . be out. Mrs. James Fitzgerald and• son df Seattle, Who have been. visiting her mother, : • Mrs, J. Jarrett for -two months, `retutnid Bente last week•... Mr.. Chas. Dyer, who has been act- ing es teller,:•in the Molsons Beni( here for 1 he ,past .rosy years., • bas' been • transferred ;to the .Hainilton•. branch: Ilis place .here has hen . taken by James i3awdcn, an E,xeteir• boy, who w'ae. with the bank ae Port Arthur. • Miss Irene . llandford, daughter; of Mr, amid Mrs. 7. E. IIandford, • •left• last week for New York city to enter on. a course. ;of training. for a nurse • in ' ,Carl-, MissEva, a Ca St. Luke's Hospital. ins; is -head directress. in this hospital. At .the Epworth League Tuesday evening in the Janes_ street 'church Mrs. le, A. Fsnick gave an t xceleen•t' report- of 'the •Christian Endeavor .convention recently held in 'Toronto. Miss I:. (Quackenbush sang a solo and Mr. le. Phillip -gave an instru- mental. . The choir of the James street Meth- odist church was banqueted on Fri- day evening last by Rev, R. and Mrs. Tlohbs. After choir practice a very sumptuous repast was served in the Young Men's Bible Class room in the basement of the church, after • which impromptu sleeches• were given by' members. of the choir and a very en-, joyable • time spent. Tlic nianriage took place'. in Van comet, B.C., on October 26th; at:' the hone of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. J.' Glanville,' of their daughter, •Edith, to Mr. John . W. Jones of Vancouver, formerly of Lon- don. .Mise Glantelle was a, former re- sident, of Exeter, and is a granddaugh- ter of Mrs. .Sweet, Runen "street. OU have pro- bably been in- tending to try, Red Rose Tea for some time but froth "force of habit" have just kepton using another tea. Break the Habit and buy Red Rose next time. NEVER SOLD IN aULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It ss Loss of Appetite Is lo>ii of vitality, vigor or tone. and Is often a forerunner of prostrating dis- ease. It Is serious and especially so to people that must keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine to take for it to the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Get it today. Sold by all druggists everywhere. 100 poses One Dollar. Seaforth Mr. J. L. Yue;, who for some tin was organist and choir leader in th Presbyterian church here, has lei Owen Sound to take a position as or ganist of, Knox church, Berlin. Mr. Wm. °illcspt!, chief of police, has purchased the brick .residence .for- uerly owned by Mr. D. Farquharson, in the north ,ward„ and will occupy it. Mr. Gillespie will have a comfor- table and pleasantly situated hcme: Mrs. Colson of Montreal was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stewart last week, and left Isere to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Shepherd, of j'•Iensall. Mrs. Colson is a niece of the late Mr. Donald Stewart of , Tuckersinith. She intends leaving shortly for Scotland, where she will spend the wineer. ?dr.. W. M. Doig, barrister, of Sault Ste. Marie,' Michigan, was in town last week. Mr. Doig intends leaving the Soo and will open an office in De- troit. IIe makes the change in order to get into a larger sphere in. his pro- fession and also to be In closer touch with his Canadian home, far which he still retains 'a commendable after= tion. • FOR DYSPEPSIA You. Risk Nothing by ,Trying This Remedy. We want everyone troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia to come SleAFORTI3. to our . store and obtain a box of • Rexall- Dyspepsia Tablets: They con Mrs. Janes Sproat of Tucl:ers:nith, Iain: Bismuth -Subnitrate and Pepsin after a viiet of several m'ontics .in the prepared by a process which develops their greatest' power to overcome di- gestive disturbance. Renall Dyspepsia Tablets 'are• very pleasant to take. 'They soothe the irritable, weak stomach, strengthen and invigorate the' digestive organs, relieve . naesea and indigestion, pro- mote nutrition and bring about a feeling ;of ccnifort, • If you 'give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- -. lets a reasonable trialwe will re- . turn your moneyy •if you are not sails- fled with the result: Three- sizes, 25 cents•,:'50 cents and $1.00.. o� Remember .you can obtain Rexall Remedies y at the Rexall Store—W. S. R. Holm- es; Clinton. western provinces, has returned ho!.n,e; She was accompanied . by her daught- er, Mrs. W. Morrow. • ' • Dn; D. P. I'enhallow, professor of. botany at McGill' University, died at Liverpool on board the steamer Lake Manitoba. The Montreal, authorities are. taking action against seventeen proprietors of moving picture shows for violation of the building by -lags. .. The Portuguese Finance Minister bas intimated. that all the. employees of the old Government will 'be • die:. missed.. The Turkel Famine' A statciment was made a fc•w days ago' by the Dominion Biologist, Dr. Charles Iliggins of the Department of Agriculture relative to the cause of the first turkey famine in Canada. Dr. Higgins accounts for the soaring prices for 'the birds to the fact that n parastic disease, commonly known as blackhead, is responsible. for an alarming turkey mortality in all the Provinces. The disease is manifested f theomb 1 k appearance o c bya bac a, lu' P and is due to .parastie affeetion of the digestive organs. 'Unless stringent measures! are used to combat tido dis- ease intelligently, says, ,Dr. Higgins, the supply in ail parts of Canada will be still further seriously depleted. A remedy suggested is to starve t•Iie bird for forty-eight ]tours and then let it drink from a 'mixture composed of a teaspoonful of muriatic acid to a quart qt water. MI I IN MI 11111111WIllannimennimmIEW Our Specials For Cash next Sat'arday'and 'the following week will 1'•e Coal Heaters ,2-1'slo 113 Famous Roy a'l base burners, $33 for:$29;00 1 --No 114' «` « . .40 36 50 rY 4(1: " 37' 50 with oven 45 " 42,50 « : 21:." 19 00 1 --No 5 Radiant Home cc• 3.— Fairy . We have a quantity of Good second hand Heaters at. a big Reduction. CALL AND SEE THEM. Furnaces and Plumbing a Specialty. HARLAND BROS.. 1 Hardware and Stoves, Molt BALI) HEADS •- ' A Treatment That Costs- Nothing if it Fails. We want you to try three large bottles of Rexall "93" flair Tonic on our personal guarantee that the trial will not cost .you a penny if it does not give you absolute satisfac- tion. That's proof of our faith in this remedy, and it should indisput- ably demonstrate that we know what we' are talking about when we . say that Rexall "93" flair 'Tonic will grow hair on bald heads, except where baltlness hae been of such long dura- tion that the roots of the hair are entirely dead, the follicles closed and grown over, and the scalp is glazed. . Remember, we are basing our state- ments upon what has already. been accontplfshcd by the use. of Rexall "93" Heir Tonic", and we have „,tile right to assume that what it has done for thousands of ,others it will do f r you. In any event• you can- not Tose anything by giving it a trial on our liberal guarantee. Two sizes, 50. cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall R.eniediesbilis community only at our store• -the ) Itexall ,Store—W. S. I2. iIalines. ewM/W 1/WVVV VW V VI/VANWee1 f, Veddhig Presents. 1 To those who purpose buying Wedding Presents and to Sept. Shoppers in general we extend a cordial invitation to visit our store as we believe we can suit them both for quality and price of goods. W. It. Coimter J'e is eler and Engraver. CLINTON Issuer of Marriage e Licenses. hNV+�VW�VV0I1l1NV V1AetnA�l/�e�oel►IVV' �1I�r► IIA/OI�'M�/li�1M� rV�A1�w 1 1 3