HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-10-13, Page 8Testing
trouble with your eyes-- difl-
distinct, o'r reading, aching.eyes,
,you suffer from headache, if the
a well at school or if child's eyes
'ed, call and have them examin-
iances for careful examination.
guaranteed satisfactory.
er and Optician.
Nlarri age Licenses
less Shoe
to priced shoe for ladies. It is
selection of Dongola Kid, with
eel, medium sole, the very newest
Only 52.25
look even it you don't buy.
tock is large and complete :
Shoes for the little chaps
Shoes for the sturdy boys
Shoes for their fathers
• Shoes for little girls and misses
t Shoes for their mothers.
While You Wait.
ellsktaaa Nevra.Reeerd
Octabar 13th,9
All Worth Reading
i eside the Bonnie Brier Bush
Auld Lang Syne
Land of the Leal
St, Cuthbearts
Isabel Carnaby
and others by
Ian Maclaren
Annie S. Swan,
W. D. FAiR CO.
Often Cheapest — Always the est
Mr. Jas. Walker Sr., who has been
very ill, is slowly recovering.
Mrs. Field of ,Mitchell has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. • McMath.:
Miss 1%I. McLeod has taken a posi-
tion with Messrs. W. G. Barge &
Co. •
Mrs. F. Wasman of Hibbert is the
guest of her son, Mr. J. F. Was -
Mrs. Howson and Misn Amy How-
son spent Tuesday with Seaforth
Mr. and Mrs. George Grigg of *Wal-
• ton have been the guests of Mrs,
W. Grigg.
Miss M. Scott of Toronto is visiting
her cousin, Mrs. J j Holmes of the
Huron Road.
Miss L. Keane returned last week
after spending several weeks with
Brussels friends.
Mrs. L. Suitter returned on Friday
after a fortnight's visit in Inger-
soll and Woodstock.
That these Personal columns may con-
tain a complete list of personal com-
ings and goings of town and district;
is the wish of The News -Record and
in order that it may do so we ask
the co-operation of all fi:iends of the
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Green and &heir
son, Master Mervin, of Port _Huron
came over on Wednesday of lash
week to attend the funeral of the
late 'Mrs. Geo. McGratton to Col-
borne cemetery on Thursday: They
afterwards spent a couple of days'
with Mrs. Green's father and broth-
er, Messrs. Wrn. and Herb Alexander,
• respectively, of town and on Satur-
day afternoon left for home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ransford, Dr. and Mrs.
Shaw, Mrs. H. T: Rance and Mr.
Melville Ransford, who took: the ex-'
cursion to Quebec and attended the
meeting of the Ticket Sellers' • As-
sociation in that city, returned: on
Monday after a very enjoyable trip.
While Quebec is a fine old city to
excurt to and while a trip to the
older provinces is always an enjoy-
able one, the travellers admit that
Ontario is the place after all.
Mrs. E. J. Routledge and her grand-
son, Master Willie, left on Tuesday-
ib return to their home at New
Liskeard, New Ontario, after' a
tD fortnight's visit among friends in
town. Airs. Routledge thinks New
Ontario is a country of great pos-
sibilities and that any, than will-
s ing to work cannot help doing well
there. ller son, Mr. Harry Rout-
ledge, who went from Clinton to
New Liskeard about six mon-
ths ago has been ".engaged in
cement work in• the con-
struction of septic tanks particular,
ly, and is getting good pay. • It
could hardly .be otherwise for there
isn't a lazy bone in Harry's body.
Master Willie, by the way, took a
tumble while here and fractured his
ore seeing our big new stocks.
New Fall Dry Goods, Clothing,
ubbers at lowest prices
s Sweater Coats at $1.00.
bargains in (Clothing and Shoes
and Get Our Prices.
.40.404000414.0^11b,nbmib.e iibeiltaeoak.,o.lor•0
Nelson Ball
refurnish the whole or any
ity the e
tZ splendid saving, not made at the expense of
Dining, Bed Room or Kitchen. , Z
outfits and single Pieces that are marvels of ftirni-
t K
economy. Better see them.
It in Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture.
.A.IsTrt I>X C'3:'Ol.S
♦♦•♦••••••••••••••♦• N•••••••N•.iiV•
ish Prints Saturday
Friday and Saturday we place on sale fifty pieces of English prints in light and dark colors,
regular 10, 12% and 15c per yd, at one price Sc. Come early as possible for these.
right arm which spoiled somewhat
the pleasure of his visit.
Mr. S. Wilson returned on. Tuesday
evening from a trip to New Lis-
keard, New •Ontario. On his way
up he visited his son Addie who
has a responsible position in Eat-
on's, Toronto, and on his return
he spent a day with his son and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Frank , Wilson
of Orillia. Mr. Wilson was a
member in 1866 of the: Mt. Forest
Rifles which was stationed at Sar-
nia for two months during the stir-
ring tidies of the Fenian Raid. Ile
is thus one of the veterans and
participated in the Iand grant made
by the Government a few years
ago. The 160 acres whioh fell. to
Mr. \\ ilson are situated nine ;,tilt's
west of Liskeard and it was to
see the place that Mr. Wil$on made
the trip. He looked it over and
decided that it was good enough
to hold for some time to come.
Thi"taxes amount to some ten dol-
lars annually, more than half of
which goes for the support of
schools. • In the district in which
Mr. Wilson's farm` is located• three
sections have combined into what
is .called ''a C'ottsolidatetl Sebool to
which the children are . .taken- in
conveyanees. ' At Liskeard Mr.
nd Mrs: Barry
• Mr. a
Met Wilson t e
Routledge who are quite itt love
Saturday we will show the finish range of 'all pure wool Dress
Goods in Venetians, Panama, Box Cloths, Cashmeres, Plain and
Stripped Serges, Tweeds and Wale Worsted effects in black, butte,
red, brown, greys, wisteria, old rose and reside that it bas ever
been our pleasure to display. You can't judge the values of these
fines until you see them, Come in, look them over and pass your
option on them whether you buy or not. Saturday all one price 50c
Millinery Notes
Have you paid a visit to our Millinery Department ? If not you
have missed a treat, Come tomorrow and see the many new styles
we are showing for fall wear. Tastes differ, we know it and have
bought our styles this season to suit all tastes. This Saturday we
will show a splendid range of black beavers in large and small rims
very daintily trimmed. Any special orders left with Miss Baker
will have careful attention.
New Fall and Winter Coats for Ladies.
Our new range of Fall and Winter Coats, Capes and Raincoats is now in stock in
all their glory. Never in our history have we shown a larger or more exclusive range at
popular prices. in. Tweeds, Beavers, Sealettes and Pony Cloths, in blacks, blues, browns and
greys; Ask to 'see our special line at $10.00.
Men's and Boys' Overcoats : at the Annex.
We are showing a splendid range of Men's and Boys' Overcoats for winter wear, in
heavy tweeds in browns and greys, plain and check, double breasted with storm or college
collars, from $5.00 up to $20.00. . When buying a coat you should see our range. Ask to
see our specials in men's at $10.00and boys' at $5.75.
Boys' ,School, Suits and Odd Knickers
No mother should pass this store when buying clothes for her boy. We have the
right cuts and values. Give us a trial order. Corrie in and see them, we will.be only
too pleased to show you our lines.
About PeopleYou Know.
Mrs. (Dr.) .and little
Marion have been visiting London
township friends the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shipley were in
Exeter on Saturday last attending
the funeral of the late. William Baw-
Mr. John Dodds and daughter, Miss
Iva, of Seaforth were the guests on
Sunday of. Mr. an'd Mrs. J. Ratten-
Mrs. .S. C. Rathwell ip spending ' a
few days • at Mr. S. Rathwell's,
Bayfield Line, and with Varna rela-
tives. .
Mr. "Oswald Hunt of London
been spending some time in'
the geesit of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs, F. R. Hodgens and
Miss Doris Hodgens, Goderich, and.
Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Fisher, Den-
ver, Col., were in town on Mon-
Mrs. (Rev.) Clufi, Mrs. (Rev.) Hod -
gens and Mrs. (1)r.) "Robertson and
Chauffeur, Stratford, were in town
Monday while on an auto trip to
the lakeside.
Mr, t1. H. Goodwin and daughter,
Miss Winnifred, returned on Mon-
day evening after a pleasant two
Months' visit through Manitoba and
Messrs. Gordon Cuningliare and Mur-
ray Jackson returned Monday fiom
a driving trip lasting several days.
They visited at Henfryn where the
former has relatives.
Mt. and Mrs. John Walker have mov-,
ed into the cottage on Orange
street recently purchased froni Mrs.
T. Carling, and are becoming com-
fortably settled there.
Mr. Frank Walker reached home from
• Winnipeg on Monday' 'night, being
called by, the death of his mother,
Ile had been on a visit of some time
with hisparents and only left for
the west a week previous to his
mother's decease.
hase • on
be n
tr wl
A. iVicGlt r
Mr.D.A ,
the Molsons Bank staff for the
past year or so, has been promot-
ed to the teller's desk. Morons
have always had Popular
the se
r .
but no more sop
with their surroundings. As the re- one who is held in much esteem
suit of his visit' Mr. Wilson is eon- by the patrons of the Bank, Mr.
vineed that New Ontario has a 1+'. Tupholtire, late of Sheffield,.
bright future ahead of it. Eng., has joined the staff,
. town
John 'Moore and. Miss Moore
came up from Bengali on :Tuesday
to attend, the funeral of the late
Mr's. Robt. Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick Stewart . of
Stanleyreturned home • Monday
front a visit of some days . with re-
latives at. Dungannon. '
Mr:. John Wiseman. Jr.. of the. Bank
of Montreal stall, Guelph, returned
• on Saturday for . a fortnight's poli-
day at the parental home.
Mr. James"Smith, auctioneer, former
ly of town, who located at Sterling,.
Alta., several months ago, has mov-
ed to Letlibridge, same province.
Mr. and •Mrs. John Hunt of . Galt
were in town, a few -days last
week. AIr. H. fIlimt returned with
• them to Galt and will probably re-
main during the winter.. •
Mrs. H.'Pennabakei and her dangh-
• ter, Miss Edna, has been the •guest
for the. past ten days of her moth-
er, Mrs. George Burrows at Shep-
pardton. • Mr. Pennabaker expects
to drive up for them on Saturday.
Mr. Fred. Chant leaves tomorrow
for Scranton, Pa., whore .be has
secured a good position. Though
his many friends regret his depar-
ture from town they one and all
wish Fred. the best of good for-
Mr. W. S. Merryficld of Monkton, or-
ganizer of the I.O.F., is in town
this week in the interests of the
order and expects to be instrumen-
tal in adding to the membership of
Court Clinton. Ile is a brother of
Mr. 0. Merryfield, London, one of
the Supreme Court organizers,
Mr. and Mrs, T. 'Jackson Sr. return-.
ed on Friday after a visit of -sever-
al weeks with friends at Canton,
Toledo and other places in the
State of Ohio. ' They had a very
pleasant time from which 1%tr,•Jack-
son ,particularly seemed to benefit
as Iwe has gained in weight Oven
pounds avoirdupois and looks it.
Mr. W, Dixon of Coatham,S't`rk-
shire, England; was the guest it » a
few days of the past week of
Squire Biggins of the London TOM
' and leaves on Thursday by the
` forMine.
• ta
Dixon was here a few months rg,o
d so well pleased with the
The News From Londesboro
Mr. Jas. Campbell returned • Mon- I
day, evening after a three, week's .visit
with his son of Pearson, Man.
Quite a few of the farmers are busy
shipping, their sugar beets. There are
about twelve car loads in the vicinity
this. season. •
M _r. E. Watson 'shipped a car of hogs
Wednesday of this week. The • price
was $8.00 per cwt.
Mr. Thomas Sampson and family
spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Spindler of Lucknow.•
. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Ainslie of Learn-
ington, are visiting' relatives here on
their way ]tome from the west where
they spent the summers months. . •
Mr. Chas. ,Manning had a.very suc-
cessful sale of his farm• stock and im-
plements Tuesday' of this week. .. •
Mr, and Mrs. Kain of Gorrie were
visitors at the parsonage on Sunday
Miss K. Scales has engaged, as teac-
menced duties Monday of this week.
, fowl
t fog
ieste s
On :Friday last Mrs, William ` N. Dont forget the
McMichael .
rest after a short illness with pneu-
monia. Site was the youngest chip_
of • the late Silas Andrews and was.
born at Andrewsville on the Ottawa
River' forty-nine years. ago. When
she was five years 'of age .circ fancily.
,ri ay
ichael of McKillop passed into supper to beheld on the 27th of Oct.
moved to _Clinton and there she. ,re-
ntained until the death of her mother.
Shc� then went to Vancouver, B.C.,
where she remained some years and
on her return to Clinton she married
Mr, William N. McMiehael of MCKi1-
lop township. They took, up their
a�bodc on the - lith con. of that -Own-
ship • of which Mrs. McMichael was a
continuous resident. until the • , end
tante. The funeral., took place • on
Sunday to Clinton cemetery, the
services being conducted by Rev. J.
1 . Ford, pastor. of Wesley chtirclt,
Clinton. The• pallbearers were her
three brothers, . J. S., C. A. and II.
F. Andrews of Clinton, Alex. Mc-
Michael and Samuel Dorrance, the
sixth being Murray McEwen of Clin-
ton. Mrs. McMichael is survived by
her husband, her three brothers men-
tioned above 'and one sister, Mrs. It.
A. Leonard of Vancouver, B.C.
Rev. Mr. Hazzard will lecture in
the church on Tuesday evening of
this week in the interests of Bible
Society work and will illustrate it
with lantern views.
Miss Nell Sutherland of Seaforth
spent Sunday the guest of her par -
huller partieulars.later on.
Mr. a:.d Airs. Adam Glazier • of
Stapleton spent Sunday the guests
Of. her parents, Mr. and MTs. Cole.
McKillop Township
The Hastie farm on the 6th con. has
been sold to Mr. Webster of.Lucknow.
.I t contains .100' acres and the price
agreed on•is $6,000.
Cattle buyers are quite numerous
this fall and are offering fancy, prices
for stock steers and beef cattle.
Mr. James McNichol has bought the
farm lately occupied by Mr. George
Richardson. It contains 70 acres and
the price paid is $3,600.
Mr. Thomas Davidson, who came
home shortly before the death of his
father, has returned bo Milestone,
Mr, Amos Wiekie of Moncton was .
out visiting liis sister, Miss Pearl Wic-
kie, one day last week.
Me. John Dundas has moved into his
new -residence and has a comfortable
The Ladies' Aid of 13tethel held a
special meeting at the :ohureh on Mon-
day afternoon last. They are making
arrangements to hold a bazaar of
fancy articles in the near future. Mrs.
Annie Morrison is president. of the So-
ciety this year.
Nicholson n ar-
Mr. and Mrs. Adam rt
an was rived home on Saturday from the
country that the second visit fol- west after an extended visit with re -
lowed. latives there.
Dr. Ti. P. Reynolds of Lepreaux, N.
B., was burned to death by his Cloth-
ing 'taking fire.