HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-10-13, Page 61stti was 't•br, ,tier it•w .t - ,,ks ou.l'u1 II' is to guar- guar - I" 1(1 ism, tient alit - all our rug plass mutat-, :Agent. \gent. Grey Towaship l uune 1 'nut on Monday of last 11t.k 11.e .t bit 1 411)1 s in the Grey school question, that interested so malty p(u?!e, derided not to grant the re- quest for a 111 \\ nt't't tU ll. Mrs Hoover of Edmonton, wht has been tisittng her sun, It. It., 811 curl , aid old :ret nits at 11'lyth ane awano,h, intend, returning to th Rt nl 111x1 111.1 k. 11e rt•gtet to be called upon to re ots1 the d,,1111 of .Alberta Isabel, to la daul.ilttr , f \ C. and Airs 'fuck of 1 Iii 'id, 1thick had even took plats• V"ritay of last 1\•telt. In centile paralysis was the cause. Tit lit ', last• aas in her lith year The fun cal was attended by Mi SSTs Jt lot 130 -au,, Joseph Ames and .111 ,us ?:rules Alis Tuck Was a Miss, .Diller of this township. 1)n V t tlitesttaa of last Week tht lama. of 31 r. and Airs. Jas. McNair 11th con., 11 as the scene of a happy e' rut When the it daughter, Alaggie, at as united in marriage to :ilex. Pt rrie, a pi pu.'.ar resid(vri of the 12th ((u The grt o1u's brother, Ret•, 11. 1 i'rie of Vlingham, assisted by Rev. f) Ii. McRae of ('runbruok pirfot'lned the ceremony. Aliss ,Janina Petrie of ti inghatu, neice of the groom, played the VV'cdding Mare's, while little Ali.;s Sadie A1cNau', twice of the bride, acted as Mow, r girl. The invited uut'•1' consist'd of the neat' relatives of the contracting parties. Mr. and Airs. Penh. are well and favorably knotvo and hate ' he hi st \visst s of a wide circle of friends for a happy Weld. tl life. (Intended for last issue.) tivdney .1rtostrung It -t last wrek for Hamilton to attend Normal school. outer 1'(:rnhuli was a ,judge of sht'ep at (kali rich 1", f r, die four iron bridgis that r<uire p:tic.tittg are to receive their law dress fr, it 1 r, tl. \le('ra -kt n's Stall, 13rus- ,e1s, $:44(1 tieing the figure. 13, etre .1 'cock was the successful tenth r r f,ar the l:rauter drain, his ?Lute being t.546.(t(t. It. C. .irn(- mtrimg get, the Lacking drain at $398. ,?riot toll .11es. Iiyde of Stratford tet re 1.14,1' lg at the home of \Wilma' Evans, 121 h eon. They art* sots tit John 111 (1e, ioruterly a resident , f this township, who moved to the e:assie tit six )ears ago. Will. Hui, 11 of Di trait was Immo 1a hisi,lth,r tor afity days re- t n1!v. ('ha.s. Ito, ell is somewhat inl- proted in heal;h anti. ac(on]pani,d by -Mrs. BuielJ, plain's! s paying a vim?' I. o their 1I.augat r at 111 11:l. ilt•t( r' In! etre. 1, 0141. .'Ai -ins, 1 111! eon., 4,4,1(1 lti� l •pan of roan colts to Actin D. uholnl f lilyth for tlr >um of Stain. Ther' wer,• 2 and I years alit and raist11 by 1Ir. Stei.es. 'rhea- were .trtaitly a '(11:111:4 mei', 4V,11 that eh: d tram. 1 c Mr. Clinton News..Recor4 Exeter Mr. Phil Rowcliffe has moved into his :louse on Sanders street. Mrs. '?'hos. C'utimore has pureitast4 the cottage of :4i'. John Snell on Al- bert street, :and will uIOVe in short- ly. • Mr. Tutu Carling has been s'i:dting ill Kingston. Miss Mary '?'app has returned home' atter visiting in :Manitoba for several months. ►Trs. .1. Q. ltobier has returned to Buffalo after visiting its town and lieigrave . Mrs. Arthur :)avis is recovering nicely from her netrtt illness. .hiss 'rui'key of 13irr visaed Iden sis- ter, Mrs. 1'.. G. Powell rectally. Miss :,aura .lore Is visiting her sister, Airs. Amy, of Burford for a month. \C11.1. M.1l I:. i1.1Iti GRO11' 1•:••1 rt/ am -la -date woman should %,lte radiant hair. . Ther:' ate tin•to•;tnds of women with harsh, faded, eharac•ter1sn hair, who do tact try to improve it. In England :o1(1 Paris wam 11 take i:ride in Mating beautiful hair. ;':v1•ry handand Ineuriant hair by using S.11.11.1, 'mat Lot woman can hart' lustrous IIsi• (;teat .\ttu•rican Sage 1lair Tonle. out nes w..1. :McConnell sells a large 40111.. ;or 5n eeut •., and ,guarantees it hani:!t [Madrid!, step tailing hair C.A.. .and in ten dues, (i t -Principal. money such. or town .where 1loud''.41i; Sap u'ili:i. has not prot'ed its:'neat ii: • 1: ecce 1.0111('S than on(', 111 al't'e:ning 11111 t•nnlpietely eradicating s i' r f 01 a which s almost as .serious and as •h to .lir ieairwt1 aS il. ue:al rel (leo. 1lackey, who bas been with Ml'. W. J. 1ieaulan fordo' past live years, had resigned his position to take one in Brantford, The aunt%ersary' 1crvlees of the Main street Methodist v-Inirch will be held on Sunday. Revs. T. W. Cos - ens of Clinton wilt be' the preacher, Mr. 'Phos. Nestle of Jldtrton lsr moving into the house* he recently purchased from Mr. John 'l'iiylor on Main street and 'he Ts cmprov'ing the sank by adding a new verandah, 1 1)r. Amos, who recently returned from Saskatc•11ewaa and,'"Ihas been visiting, his brother in McGillivray, has dieidcd to settle 1n Ailsa Craig. 1(arvest 1 tome Thanksgiving s' rv'ie- es were held in James street (•lulrch on Sunday week. The church was II very prettily decorated and t'he pas- tor, R. v. R. Hobbs, preached c'Vccl- lerht sermons bt tit morning and evert- ing. The thole prepared especial and apprepriato music, which was inti(h a14, r. ciao d. .1 tea teas given . on Monday evening followed by a pro- gram of lilerairy and muss •al num- bag. '1'h.•n' was also a social held 'Tucs.tay evening, The prilec'cds of 'tom evicts amounted to $210, Mr, 1 loraew i lurwood of. 1''littt- :Mich., has been VIsilltlg itis nu>thet,: Mrs. James I'ickal'(I, in to\cn, . . Mr., ,John Welsh has returned after a stay in Winnipeg Veath- her scuts; Mr. John •llitnkin of 1'sborite has rented the dwelling rect'ntly.vacatetl: Lt• C. 11. .S;enders of William, St. and will move there°n sherds. • . (;itlord Ilogatrth, son of :ter. H. 1!. l01:111'1 11, S1(ph,vr, has gone to Guelph to take a1 two-yt'ar cout'se 1}il..the On 1.1ri<i: Agricultural .t'oilege. On,. of 1144 m:'u :working, on (he 1411,t - r' tower had the under 11d • of cite 911- cry burned Iris by a piece <lf flat' metal last week Airs. Rich. 1>4415' i_•t 4, lv ed vvi,t•d that her moth. r, Mrs, 1:01, of ltttt'ro<tt1,- Minn., was dangerously ill... - \less Davis left last week for that :Wave.. '1'111•: Rill' \1, 1iON'f1I INf)' `i'1li' • lt0V.11, Sudden changes of 'weather' her „1 , (4� p,<'ially trying, ani1 probably 10:none more so than to . the scrottlliius anti consumptive. The progr'e'ss of serofti- la during a normal Octciber :m .t„n1-. nx,nly great. \1'11 tl('l't'1' think ,1f scrt.- fula—its • . buoc•itt S, cu{aneu is •tr,:,)- tions, and tv-4Stin;'i' al Ytu' Iiu(lth;i ,ab• r Mame—without t3i111t1I>;, <,f ".tl,e',,t .,t t;uod 'many sufa•r'ts from 4 101Ve dt- t•;ved- from 1.6od's • !,-;111--01): a•,tu, whose radical 1111(1 1ei•nian'n1 t,t,trti <rl. this one disease. are <uu t':It;t'4. tut 1.i >. it the mist fau:nets :,n. r.uw:r in the' world. .'Th( rc is• • probably • nut ) Cling y. • 1.7.; •'.:3111 2.25 1.75 1.75 1,25 1.'2., 2.:311 2.30 25 Ch: r 11114( tIna sand dllar: 1,':(C subscribed to the Irish lanae rale lt,','1 tit 11r 'T 1' (1'('o,, ..,- s. nn, in 11 mat )1nntrial. ; +ice-eensuntptl len. OTA.ML,LINS ADMIR nett r Royal Naval Club, .. To tho Zorn •.?,ulc Co., Dear Sirs. -I have i'oun]l Am.21.fis most Pei/able for healing outs arid abrat$Ions ; while fel' the. roller of stein Irritation it is invalunbiat. • Yours iaithfolty, ' .. (Signori) fODNEX 1ti3, LLOYD, Admiral. Igypv 'rts�,�sauw,.•on.ta How ileeeti a Ten11 ie Burn -e From tap to bo':tom of the great Eritish naval laddor Zana-Buk is know): a,nd used. ,Admiral ,and stoker alike have proved its value, as the foregoing• and the following :how: Stoker Kingsnorth, or H. M. First Class Cruiser ” Cochrane," says :—".Ono day 1 slippc j a,nd full With my arm on an exhaust 13te tan. pipe, which. fairly frizzled the skin. AI once the ship'-; surg'•on di eased my arlri, but from the first, the ba::ls r ooi t he wrong WA y, owing to a lot or coal dust and dirt froth the pipe having got embedded in the flesh and setting un brood -poison. A large scab appeared, and from underneath, the festering flesh matter oozed cut. I was in fearful pain and didn't know how to get eftfie " For weeks I rrrolunwtt under t r"rt.tnletlt, but Cllr( ordinary of, tr o• mrntt prow d ngavel for spy sr"., 1ndst„d, I ,g,<>t, worse, t'ln1 1 :tune alarmed tit tint ',pigtail nit of the poison. 1 at eefttb (lhteeintld Apply of Zarn•liulr atul alnr,rtt ire) :woo, sty this 1 118 applied t got Frond the v •ry fir'tt 5l,pli,t:s.rio',, healing' email -I inced ; Lltitl'a xes of "Lam -flak b(,•t'ed Inv wound C4 441i1)144 V'1.110" atter in what Nampa, or( or stage of life you ttt'ty I)e, for ies and disea.'zes of all it• rola you will find Zola 1311'; the beset in seientifca healing. That is'i'lhv it,isl so. popular thers sslhatild see that it is always h:hely iii the home, oved cure for eczema; ulce'.rs, 11.1iseesne,t, t'in'.fWotln, ds, tetter, itch, had leg, varicose' Met'e'd, xuppu't•svti14i res, chapped hands, babies' sor,'8, if lji+ttne(1 pat4hes, also n Speoi1i .int piieta, M1 ''druggists ►in•1 stores t f>vea from Vadat-181: Esso., Toronto, for price. tet and Masts: imitati<>tti3. v Zurich • Mrs. C. (ireb and daughter, .lir.). Si'iiliam J)umart, of Berlin visited here for a test' days last week. Mrs. ?McAdams and son, William, have returned Moate to Detroit after a pleasant visit with the fornier's. parents, 31r. and Mrs. 1V', Hassoty, Monsen :Line. Mrs. George Sienna), anll family have Moved into the house bought. from Mr, Louis Jeffrey and the lett- lir has moved into the house recent- ly • pttt•chased front Mt'. .Joseph 1)uwV- Slat. Mr. JR1nirl Mipple (lied at his home - in Iletruit last eves rt. Dan. was a native of this township and was of a quiet disposition. Ile tea.' about I.. ty years of age. Mt. Valentine Gerber' of Minnesota, his wile and l.e .1 u1 tht'te sorts and tt'o• daughters. arrived Here recently and have' oaken possest0n of .the farm purchased from Mr. George Douglas. near Illak.', The newcomers brought two gars 01 erects, , including nine horses, and it is probable they will secure more land in this section. .lir. and Mr's, Elmore Thcil, who lost their little four -months -old twin (daughter a couple of weeks. age), were walled upon to part with- the other one lash Wre11. The little one • died after but a brief 'illness.. • A Brune Farmer Bangs Hina self. T.ucktlowv, Stpt. 20: --Donald ' Ross, a farmer, 3.1 years of age', living star the little village of Sihitcdutreit, six milts. Past from ht're, romnitted std.. cidt' t.0 -day _by.11anging. Ross, win) Was unmarried, anti liv- ed with his mother and two sis'te'rs on a fares, left home early in the morning, preswuably' to attend a neighbnt•'s ttu'ashing• Laterit was dis- covered that ht' was 1101 the re, and, on 'ayreareh being institutc(1, his,dtttd body was found hanging' by the seek 'fr'ont a beat» in a small_ celiac of root- house uml . r the barn, ill' had lii•un;f (It a(i s,"'y(ral hours. • .An examination revealed the young man had first attached the rope to t111 bettor, tdl('(l mounting an opturne(l, pail, placed the noose about Itis melt,: •securing his'arnls • Iii stall a planner they could tic;•t• he ea.5il3• raised, and kicked The pail aside, - . No -mot iv(''tact be•as./'sec t'or.the dyes?, as atlltr than rem atty. l.e - had complaint d' of ;n ettli.u: sensations . in his head. Two. (;c)OI) i' \I'1..T1s. 1:) months' subscription -to Fat'tn'nnct Dairy and. The \•1'w1'8-Jti�eur(! a11• for $L,511,' including •your v11ui(•t'.01•a:Far- tnel's'- Record ?Book., or two. fine title- ographf'd pit lfines.of Kling George an(1 (dui c'n Mary, ..b 2 21 •inc'hes. ' :1'Jti above' olf('t' apptieO only to new nubseribers to either .one' or, both of the above. papers. • . ?:'arts and'. 1)airy is a live, up -10 - Mit farm 'palter publishl(tl. eaelf. week. Its market and crop 'reports. art most valuable and ac•Ctlrati': It has • de-. par ttnt'nts for ('•very branch' •of the fauni. Its household Department ' is (111' .of 11.' - strong feat s : ' .Eight. spoc•iai • magazine i:e.ues and seceraj• eight. page illustrated .ttpplchilintS are lfh1.16(11t1 ill .rt years Sllb'cl'iptil)n 'in ih(' '1ihihvf••; . offer. Sanl;ile copies. can bt j)foctia U •tion? this olliee,, itp - on aippliea1140ti Send in ":;aur sub- scription.. to dal•. This tiller. only •halls goad.:.for a short time.. Rem; umber a 'year's ;vtlbsc•i•ip 1 ion • to (14011. of the above' papers,.and .your choice 1 of (itht�r' <>f 4he..abo01-rm'ntioned pre nlltnils, all. J'or•'$P.50 per 'year`. • .'I'n11'- TO '1'11 f: 01,Ji COW .: • .:TR \` — OPEN "1'O .17,1. HEADERS' 01" TUE NEWS-REC(JIti) The. Family .1Ic•rald ani?' I\'teddy Star, of ;Montreal, is gti`ng 11) send three or .more til the it' reade'r's to the • Old'. Country .next: June at the time :.of the Cot on at ion', with 111 ex- pense -A, paid frim any part . of C atia:da and a liberal. allowance .for.. spending luonev. • 1\'e hat/( completed arrangenn'nts With • flip Fancily 111 rald publishers by w'hic'h cur reader's Can enter_ the eolilpetition for .:Iris print' trip and it certainly will he a trip.10 he r(,- 11t(m lm rt (1. I IER1;. :11:1" '1'11.E..('Oti D1.1'IO:`;S The Issue of i'h<' hardily 1J(rul( and. Weekly .Scar of September 15th; 1111'0, had 050,:370 readers based on an average of tlt't' i•eitelo Ld t0 ca(i1 paid subscription— • • 1101' Many Readers; Wilt the issue of Mardi 151 It, :011, on the satire Bask (fav(' T •* 1\'e otter. The News -Ate o•rd and The I"amily Herald iota Weekly :Star for one year each at $1.711 and evt ry Per- t -ion aeeepting this otter has the right to retake an pot imale and The Family Herald and Weekly Star' will it'ttd the first three, of its ' readers who Mattethe eorreet of nearest t'orreet estimate to England with all expens- es paid from any part of Canada and a liberal allowance for spending money. •,• Estimate coupons ran .. be had at 1lu`s 'office, which must be' filled in and accompany your snhs('riptiou f<r the two paper. -4. • The 'Family 1lerai( and Weekly .star' 01 Montreal is lh( greatest l44444tily and Farah 4 ap:'t' on this Con - linen t, • ote-linent,• and cath surely he depended upon to carry nut this lntigtte (Ism - petition impartially. We ?tope to ;See some of our reader's win the trip. Send your subst'riptions in now. T1l1. N MS-IV:WORD. A Letter From SAslmtehe. W40. Corinne. Sept. 25. Editor News-lie(Ord Dear Sit',—,l thought I would soul you a few lines from this titled out ('notary so that you :night 'have Sunil' idea Of how things are out Isere as there .have bet a so many eunflk'tirtg report:* as to the e't'trp:a that it nhlISt he hard to ic>rm an idea to what .extent they were injur- ed by the drought during tht' sum - fuer. The summer of 1.710 was the driest ever knower here with the ts'- ('cpti0it uf' 190U when 110 rain fell from April till :November. '1.'ihis year we had no rain ca('1'pt a few ° drops. about enough l lay the dust a:t two or three different units from. . the 15th .funds• till the latter .end of August which was about the time vatting- V0trrt11eneVtl. And to add to this last whinft' was a very tuiltl one with very lit tie • snow and so very Ii#tie frost that it was all out. of the ground e'ar'ly in the summiltr. Now the cutting is all done and the weather being fine the threshing 18 progressing very fav'or'ably and the yield of the different grains is large. We have heard of fields of wheat going . 15 to 47 bushels to the acre. We had one ' field of: 80 acres pleasured - hire which yielded 3,320 bushels or an average cf -11 R to the acre. This farm is situated -three miles Pram. Corinne. 'flus farm fa -nu exception its the average yield for this part will: be 35 bushels per acre, The pri('e Here. in .the eleVator is 85 seats per bushel • F:ax is not :50. goo(:. a crop and 'will average• 12 bushels to the acre, but the price is e:xt•ellcnt, being 112.'15 at Ft. Wit Nadir, and it takes 12 trouts • for transportation. As every one knows this part -.'of the Soo Line front Rouleau to Yellow (Transis-r'(t•ogni'- ed as a good flax country and each s•'ctiuti contains from, brie to three hundred acres 01 .flaw. •Oats are also a :Nor crop., the average -yield being iU 1)11.'!ielsper a'w'e with kohl fields; running 60 and others 30, 'I'111 ,price is at,() • lent',. bring • only 26 colt.% Ilowt'v.r, •very 111111' oat,S are grown not ' more. than 'enough far 1 he ?neal, demand and at this ti 1111' 11(4111' are. off( red for sale. ' 40lV ell twill Se(• by then' few facts ,that flu' farnly(rs• Ire• just as•'welloff here as last stilt•, v:lii u•. flay had such all a sin-. dance of Straw because they have al - 111e141 : (iS much grams With. :less ex- pen,'i 10- handle and thrash and the opted; are tltltrll bete The` aint r- ieans see' this and have comp up in large nunith•ri fel hay land • which • My raised $8 to'$10,,per aCl•e: and within three miles of this : town can- not be bought • less titan fifty.' In. one instant'e a section wtiie'li' ryas. l0(41(((I - over by- Mr. II. Peck • of . .Staniey'and the .wi.'it(1•.- and- which i't1114( • have bet a,: bought slot' ' el'eve'n •dolfa('s •p(r acre wvas recently 111(1. for lift) -one'. This. Shuwv8 ilu' increase - in tlie. prie'e� ol` land which we • have • no doubt' will go to 47 in the next 4 ti'i Years, NO , Mr,•1'lditor,. 'just ti WOO] in elcsing, hoping tittu 1 flare not ,taken. to- 1)10(3 :pact, •in yourw'aluabli' paper., 7 Might saws we •like'our ••new 'location'and vuea-' tion better than what vete urea ex - Peel cd but have nothing sur the kind- est -remembrances •. of •'I3aytield .and kiatrl('4 people, and hops erre long to lie liacit'. to see: them .<z1!' again. 1 . , cannot i'i.<i: ' 14 1(11(4111 drat we "great lr'itppre cat 'The' News- . I;ecod' tvhtci .gide$ tis S0, fully...,the.. et1•s 14r the old lime diiltricl. Thanking Sint again for the . valu- able s?ac(,• 1. rt. -Main. • u • 1V lI..Johuslon, \'Otte h.tSk. CorrtSpandtnt" • lis' a vote o1" :>ti 7 'to 115, Colonel' '1)tt' nI ll'e 1:oost'ytlt . was vlecte(I Tem- porary Chairnhan 'of this 'Seta` ' Fork State Republican Convention at Sar- atoga. The', pollee of Berlin .c'lashi'(1 • with strikers in the city stilets, and in the fight, !Rett followed 'used . swords and revolvers against bri'ku . and stones Of their. aosrail.ants, "Can he depended upon"' is ' all° ex- pression we •411 likt tohear, and when, it ilt used' in. cnnncel ion with ('hantbeh'1'ailt's ('o1ie, t holel'ai and I)iarrhnta. Remedy it means that it • ncl'r'r fails to cure. diarrhoea, dysert- tcr•y or bowel complaints. it is plea- sant to take and equally valuable for ehildren and adults. • Sold by all dptti(a>s. . 111 1t1;1'T'1RN TIC'K l''1'S 1'T S1N(It.l': h.1R1;, O('T011i;tt 1(1')'!( To Noy, 12TiI, To points in 'T<magami, points Pet- ewawit to Port Ansa?', Itu<1 10 at 1t(1111- bpl' of points reached by Northern Na- vigation Company, also to certain points in Quebec, New lirunswic'k,o No- va Scotia, and Maine. ' :• O("7013l:1t 2(1'1'11 'I'O NOV. 12'1'lf. To 'Muskoka • Lakes, Pcnt'tang, hake at !Jays, '4I411and, Magnetrawan. Rircr, Laketipt(d, :Madawaska to Parry Sound :4i'gy'1e to C'000eonk; t',ittd'say to 41alilrurton, :Shar'bot take! to C'al- abogie via K111' Railway, points from Severn to :North Bay insistslv('; and certain points reached by N(irtin'e'rt :Navigation Qothipailyr • - 4tcturn limit on all tickets Bee, 15th, except to 'paints leached' by :,teamed• 1itu's November 1'41111, 19.10. ]� lrll pat•tinithat•s (u41 tickets (?'0111- 101(N IIANSV Oltl•) 'l'Utv'n 1 V 1bd,)(t '11:C)Sst.1..T,vrl '(J 'V October 113th, 19th John M. Laird, Fornterly of •Clinton,' Marries• t► St. ,Catharines, Belle .St. t'atlari:n(s, Sept :35,--•:V. pretty little romance, which began ai year or two ago when the young people con - edited 11,*e 1'11' students together at the 1 rtiversits' of Toronto, culminated Timidity afternoon in the marrriage.of Hina Jessie Morton Adie, only daugh- ter of Manager Jane: Adi(', of the C.P.R. and Dominion I':xpr('so Company, her(', and Mrs. Adie, to .John :Melvin Laird, B.A.,- A,I.;1., of tlartfurd, Cugn„ )'or)net'ly •(hf Clinton, Ont., a sorra Mt's. E. -Laird. Rev. I)r. {Teo. JI..Smith,. pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church, c'onduc'ted the ceremony at the Ronde of 1111' bribe hi the Kismet* of numerous guesis from various points. T1n' bride was ail(!Wed by hiss Doris 'I'hompson,'I'o- ronto, and the hest than was Gerald Wagon, of Toronto. After - the , re - option the happy couple left On their Ilonettn0011, which trip will 'end at Ilartford, where tlter."wilt take - up their residenee. Mires Attie was one of this city's most popular . young. tactics; a general favorite with all her friehhd.t, MIRACULOUS RESULTS IR OMEGAI, C.Q. G111 P1LIS Brought R 110 "I suffered. untold inisery evert( when under treatment from the best doctors for over ten months, and nothing seemed to dQ me any good. or relieveltiy painful. condition. My trouble was Ullman - tion of Kidneys and Bladder. 'finally determined to go to the Victoria; hospital, .Halifax ,for treatment, Two days, however, before my intend- ing departure, a neighbor sailed and happening to hive a GIN I'II,14 in his pocket, insisted on my taking it. I did so and six Boars after taking it, the results and benefits I derived were simply nothing more or less than snirac- mous. Instead of going to the hospital, I Sent for a box of GIN I'IL,I,S with the result that I alt a cured man. T recom- mend :GIN PILLS to everyone suffering front -Kidney Trouble." I.F;wIs 1'1.1 CP'ill(RSON. Take GIN TILLS on our positive guarantee that they will cure you or money promptly refunded. 5oc. a box —6 for $2.50—sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle (;IN ' PILLS. Sample box free if you write us. National Drug and Cheiuieal Co., Dept. A. Toronto. 52 Several arrest.' have been onde'r:.d in -connection -tit the Los Angeles dynamiting outragtt. When you're off color ---a little bit sick yet not sick enough to call the • doctor—you want a SUREfamily and. SAFE medicine—A MEDICINE THAT YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY RELY ON. That's why we are advertising III this trade ar ir. ti 9 LooK FOR T 4101V GOt-oReD PACKA 1 ME piktiOE Look for tate dandelion -colored wrappers and the name Nyal'.. The farmulatt of Nyal's Family Remedies are all exceptionally goad -very similarto what your o doctor would prescribe. There's a special Nyal Remedy for most ordinary, every day ailments which we know to be effective. y We strongly recommend Nyal's Family Remedies because we knowwhat's in them —your doctor can, know and you may know too. Anything you buy withthe name . will give you entire • satisfaction. Sold and guaranteed by 24111 W. 5. R; Holmes, W. A. McConnell, J. E. Hovey • CLINTON - „'' .,,.,, i.., �„'.. honesty, Ability; )anergy and Thrift .are four of. the most inlportant Success- Qualities. Cultivate thein ail .in ,ustrio11sly.,' Stttrt clef:elopfng Thrift THIS creek. `Get the habit of placing 'it: part, bi .your weekly or monthly 'salary -in our Sa\'i.ngs "7d'pt.;- where it will work' nI(;ht and dal earning inteeeSt for y 011 Then, 'when YOCR opportunity ..arrives you'll _ have the money' necessary to -take advantage of it.. 27 Assets over $12,600,000;'• Pard -up Capital,; $•1,900,000; • 'Reserve.$1,800,000. 4, �o Lcadin� Fa�il� Wccklics for 35c For the small sum of 35e we will send to any ad– dress in Canacirt to Dee. ,1st, 1010 The News -Record, Clinton and the . ' t r Iy I e'al and Weekly Star, Montreal. or The. News -Record and the Weekly Mail and Err re a Each excels in . its field, The, News -Record as a County and Family newspaper. 35c pays tete bili. .. NivirialioNalsimitrar �wttt�t♦, IN RElli Y T No ADDRESS J.MITCHELL News -Record, mon a •