HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-10-13, Page 1No. 1650 -31st Year
e Clinton News -
13 cents will pay a subscription ,to '11----------'rs,Record to encic to end of 1911.
vert( 21an Amid
twn a Watch sttrot
The importance of tine demands it.,
From the time he gets up in the morn -I
ing until ha goes to bed at night -so
long for this job, so long for the other,
so long for meds, so long for recrea-
tion, so long for sleep. Y01i ought to
see our display of watches and you
ought to. buy here. We can save you
fauirletrW A. iellgar
Ii The Right Rev. David Williams,
Biahop of Huron, will preach morn-
ing and evening•fn St. Paul's thumb.
ori -Sunday, The Bishop gees. out to
; Summerhill . to conduct a continua-
: flail at rice in .the afternoon.
hlr. S. J, Andrews.will soon, have
completed the building he is erecting
in • which to manufacture eentent pro-
ducts duriag- the whiter I nonths. - It
is of cement blocks and will be 30
x 52 with a fiat roof. Mr. Andrews
will have the building heated and
will thus during the cold months be
able to turn out tile, blocks; etc,
so es to be able to supply, the de
Mand when another season opens up.
Capital $5,000,000. Reserve $5,928,000. Assets $75,cloo,000
130 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
special atteption given to the requiremeats of farmers,
Interest allowed (m deposits of one dollar and.up.wards,
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch._
•leaker on Friday, aside from. the fact
In one comer of the initialing
•Andrews? office will be located in
which le: will vonduct his private
business and also such cases as come
to hin ia his cepacity as police
Had the Spot, eommittee of the
Collegiate been ordering the weather
for their Field Day sports they could
,searcely have had it Mar than it was
last FuldaY when, after two or three
days of rain, the salt' came out and
shone brightly all day. The turnout
of spectator& was fair and the intOteSt
in the program of sports was keen.
Tho•boys and girls acquitted them-
set:es well -running, jumPing; vault-
ing and doing all sorts of , stunts in
a way which proved .that the C. I.
is •an alhround-developer, that while
a is second to none as an sducat
institution, it does not neglect
physical development of •I he stud
And :this is certainly as it should
A well-informed mind in a - s
body" should be the aini of every
mama Ont' thought that hm resSed the en-.
Oats.hPa 88c to 90e,
300 to 33e.
Butterr 3 ar i ey4792( ttoo 4735(e.
190 to 20c.
Eggs 20e to 21e. •
Live Hogs $8.00.
A COSY 11051E.
Mr. John Cueninghaine has been tins
proving and altering his property, the
elittage occupied by Mr, II. E. Rorke,
having raised it and put a comeritseela
rail underneath, built a neat poth.bs6v-
er the front door and had the •extertior
freshly painted. Waterworks service
has'been installed and a, new. furnace
is bsing put in. The interior is being
artistically. 'decorated until when
Mr. Mr. fintshed, it will be one of the neatest
and easiest little homes in town.
Last week one of •Clinton's most
energet ic and enterprising ei t izeus,
Mr. A. T. Cooper, passed atwitter
milestone in life's journeyS Ast be is
only one year past the, forty .mark,
and as the rest of him does not seem
to be aging as quickly as his hair, Vie
probabiithies are that he will • tor
many years -enjoy "lite fruits ot his
labor's" connection• with -the wat-'
erworks system, to the. installing of
which he basadefoted .sri mu, time
and • energy.. . "Many Irapp
to :Mr. Copper. •
'rhe Public SChool board met foe
, their regularaneeting on - Thursday eta
jolial ening. The chief business Was the
the passing of several aceounts,
ing one for. $5t trent hir, A. E,'Tash-
be* er for installing waterworks, and one
arid front Mr. R. Rowland for $225,58,
er and a few other minor accounts,
Miss Walsers came before the board
to deny any cruelty On het 'part in
the ease of •May Rutledge, who re-
cently broke her arm while at• school,
The• board seemed satisfied with Miss.
Wilson's account •orthe affair,
Capital Paid up - $4'000,000 Rest Fund 0. •$4,400,000 ra
Has 78 Branches 'in Canada • m
that teacher's and students'. were . tak-
ig a keen interest. in the • affairs was
tat numbers of the Parents were
not enough interested to be .peesent,
the suggestion presented - itself
at perhaps if the event
could be ara
nged for earlier in the year . 11
!gilt call ottt anoth speetatora,
fan weather labound to be some -
hat • chilly in October no 'matter
w brightly the sun shines.: : There
e obvious difficulties the way .of
ting -the Field Day• early, but these -
• ti
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities •
in the world.
. ha
of the.etanta of the year in a • bteoownne
. ,
. • like Clinton, and inight well tall
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate. • the sympathetic intereat of • yo
rnd old alike: The students - in
Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager . • a';,-
Ilools are the hope pithy . coun
d thas‘ having in charge their d
- . , ' . • • elopement im ntal, Moral and plat'
• • • • ' • - ' al shoidd have. the enceuragement •
4 , •
• &cry. Citizen. . • ' . , •
ure during the tese: •
Sty" L Our citizens are becoming better
pleased with the system the more
eV -
they. ma of it in pperetion.
of BOT 10,000 BARRELS.
Mr. A, Cialtelon, tc,allatTennt, Tester- 11
day but .left agate by the afternoon t9
train .to resume hia'aPple alterations 11'
in Prince Edward . tied ether mn, PI
or- flea:: While he. ha a . a number of Men al
engaged in packing,' he is principally
buying in parcer lots. and so tar has
puthhased• 10,000 -barrels of Spys„ we
on, Russets and Baldwin. Mr: Canteloa to
says he finds the crop to be about la
.fifty percent. of.• the niirinal in those la
counties but. oWina, to the advanee in as
• price' the farmers :Will hetabout as •
much cash as usual. Some of • the a.
• ' evaporators are also being, operatedhi, hl, and the price of the otanta has also.
r. LT"antelon will ship a carload of
apples to Clinton . for sale n:xt
week arid says that this will .be the
.first time be will have done so in
seventeen years.. •
• •
a yor •Taylor bad an alarm sound-
ed at two O'clock Monday atternoMa
and •in short Order .the • 0re ,brigade
ap•peared upon the scent and had • the
hoar set The pressure from the
standpipe • ivus first applied *and then
the direct pressure 'of 340 pounds
from the pumps and hoth , proved
very satisfactory. Mr. W.• East was
ia• charge 'of the. engine while . Ser-
geant •looked after• the. presia
CLOTHING I The Morrish Clothing Co .1- OWNED
Fine Tailoring
No Risk Here!
Satisfaction Assured!
A Tailor's ad-
vertisement is the
work he turns out.
The finer the
garments he makes
and the better they
fit the louder they
proclaim his ability.
Our Fine
ing ad vet tises us
well ;.and. our busi-
ness grows and
Fail Woolens
are ready and we
count it a pleasure
to show a man and
talking Tailoring
with hiln when he
does not feel exactly ,
sure of what he
wants or ought to
8nits $18 to $30
Overcoats $18 to $35 •
Trousers 3.50 to 8.50
Our Special
$22 suit in Black and Blue or Fancy Worsted is a
winner. Ask to See it.
Huron's Largest Clothiers
"A Square Deal for Every Mau"
skppended is the IiSr el' events. and
the namea of:the ,prizewinners :. . ..
• Senior - Bays. . *:, •
Pul Una Shot. -W. Wallace, : C. • T
. ,. .
ranee, L. Greig. a • : .-
Hop Step and Juanita -fa • Greig, .
Brandt, E. Pattison a h • „
Bread Junipaara Gthig, E. Pettis
W. Tamblyn.
Thr i e • Legged • Race.-LA..7 Wel race and
E. Torrance, R. Blatchford and •r„•
wmis, C. East Mid C. Hoare,
100 Yards Race. -L. Greig, E. Pal
son, W. Wallath. •
High Jump. -E. Pattison, C. -Del
•W.• Tarnalyn, •
Pole Vault, --C. Hoare, R. Blatchford
and II: Farquhar. • . •• '•
One Third Mile Rate., -L, (7reig, ' W.
Tatriblyn, C. East. '
Ilardle Race. -L; Greig, E. ?Anson,
• W. Taniblyn. . ••.
Mile Race. -0. East, F. Tainislyn, W.
• Tamblyn. s . . • '
Relay Race Ss -Pat ti arm, Greig : and
1 Reid, Farquhar; •S't urdy. and Blatela
foraPotato Race. -II. Farquhar, L.. Was-
men, \ E'.• Willis.
• . Junior Boys. .
Hurdle RaCe.-0. Harland., IS. Miller,
• M. Shipley,' •
Ilop, Step and Jump. -D. •Cleff, ' le,
Miller, M. Shipley, E. Beacam, W.
McNatighton. . , • ' •
Putting Shot', -1'. Miller, D. Chat.,
E. Beacom, . .
Running Jump,s-P, Rumhall, ,1, Me.:
• Caughey, 1'. Harland. • ,
100 Yards Race .-F. 'Walhalla •C. •
1 Harland, E. Miller,
High Jumpas-F. RuMball and E. Kel-
ly, (7. MeTaggart, M. Shipiq and
13, Ramadan, •
Pore Vault: --(7. MeTa.ggart, B. Bren-
dan, D. Chill.
One Third 'dile Race. --F. Bambini, la
Chuff, E. Kelly.
100 Yards, 3 Somersaults. -L, Greig
E. Willis, F. Minitel'.
50 YardRace.-Daisy Coppa Mary
Davidson, .1ary Cathert,
Putting Shot. -Daisy' Copp, McConn-
ell, Chowen, and Mary Carbert,
Thread the Needle Rave. -Jean ,for-
tis, Marjorie Chow ee , Lore t to
Flynn .
Egg Race. -Mary Carbert, Lizzie
lord, Sara Agnew.
Potato Recta -Daisy Copp, Orace
. Walker, Arian Morris.
A game of Basket Ball between the
following teams saas won by the that
by a score of 11 to 3 : Thtisy Copp
• AL 'Manning, V. Lobb, L. Beaton,
• Ma Davideon; S. Copp, M. Yates ;
13eSsie Ross, A. hreConhell, N. Chia,
• G. Draper, V. Barge, II. •NteArtlair, J.
risiLiace.-Dalsy Copp, L. Voill
• M. Mower], M. Carbert, V. Carbert,
V. Flynn.
The. concert to be given in the
.towh .hall toniot, under the auspices
of the Y.L.U. at St. Paul's aurith„
promises to be a great StleMS. 'The
Imperial Male Quartette are very
highly spoken of in the &tato. which
they have el:sited, and 'Eddie Pigott,
"The Harry Lauder of Canada," • is,
said to he very. funny. The sale of
scats has Men large,
A: couple of weeka ago there passed:
away at the residence of her son at
Qu Appelle, Sask., Mrs. Archie Math -
(son, widow of. the late Rev, Axchie
;Matheson, and an aunt of MiSs Mary
Matheson of town. The .deceased lady
was at one time a resident of Clin-
ton and will be remembered by :many
of !he older citizens. The funerattook
plata from, the residence of her son,
being made itt Qu Appelle.
On Saturday affernoon Mat a nuna
.her of lair friends went down to the
station 'to see Mrs. ',opine, off to
London, her pew home. . Just as she
was about to board the train one of
the:number presented her with a hand-
some handbag which she was warned
not to open until' well upon. :her way.
Feminine euriousity, however, ss
too strong and •a peep was, taken in -
M •
side etre Was diocohered a gold
piece. *Just a little token of effectual
and remembrancem frothe Clinton
friends of this lady, by whom• her
departure • it much regretted.
Tbe *Riche re meet ing of' t be League
on Monday evening wtis very well at-
tended,' when • Mr. J.,W, Treleavea
gave ;every. interesting, instructive
and:well-thought-out address.. on the
subject of "Mythology." • Mr, terelea-
hen Was liiteeed to' with much pleas-
ure; as he always is; and the''imating
was 'one of profit to thtayoung •people.
Miss s Maud Wiltae • favored the audis
vitae,: with a Sole.• •
Next Monday it, is expected that
Rev. • Mr. Ousterhaut of. Latidesbero
vilI adahcaS the.youpg people on. the
subject al mission: •
. A TH 0 th(1 (71:FT. •• . •
Mr. ,John Foster of A lbeet street,
who has been tenable to walk, about
•for -some years:, back, on account of
the loss of one (oat and- 1 he Denten-
eat crippling of the other, received a
surprise the other day in the shape cif
an invalid's chair: • It is oneMath
heh ean himself around mid der -
trig these fine days past he has. toren
enjoying the unwonted pleasture- ofdaily . a.
jaunt. • down town. The 'chair le
question, which . a strum, and
=Nome: pipet, of workinaushio, was
le gel M his soh, of •I'res-
n. s It wasaa thoughtful gift -rad one.
hich will give a greet return • itt
elisure to the invalid father, .a•
The 131ble Society &Deere, • which
ro elected at the•reee.t ing- in •the
wn hall Cm Wednesdayevening of
st week, which was reported itt the
at isane of The Newa-Record, are
follows) • •
isesiaspa, Rev. J, arena.
The Pastime: Club gave a little
informal dance in. their club rooms 011.
Friday evening. • • - • h.
The ahls.(1. of St: Pa.ul'a church
are giving a. grand concert in •the
town hall tonight.
A "Lest," ' "Foetid," "Wanted,"
etc. advt. hi The. News-Rectvd bringa
good results,: Try it,
r. C. lloath shipped a beautiful
Frateli organ • to Mr. W. Seale or
North Vancouver ,the other day. *.•
One dollar , will pay 'a subscription
t� The News -Record for the remain-
der of 11110 and • the where of 1911.
Mr: Hughes of 'Woodstock College,
who emidueted the services in the
Baptist church last Sunday will 'do
so again tint. Sunday also.
A load of young people of town
went out to 131yth on :110114ay even-
ing to hear Rev. A. L. Gra* lec-
ture in St. Andrew's. eburela
The monbers of the W.M.S. •of
Arethodist Mutat are
Paying a: friendly vista: to the Auxil-
iary of Wesley church this after -
/loon, • .
.1, 5, Mitch, a student • at the
Collegiate, who was report al as 'hav-
ing failed at the mid-aummer mama.,
has on appeal obtained his. Pt. 1.
Faculty eutrance.
('ol. Chandler, who was head of the
Salvation Army Traieing School in
New York State for several years,
will deliver an address in the S. A.
hall this evening.
Mr. ('.11, Pugh has moved into the
house owned ay Mrs: Brielienden and
, lately oecupied by Mr. Geo. • Rite.
Mr, 8: C, Renewer' has rehted the
place vacated by Me, Nigh.
New members are being added to
Murphy Lodge which has increased in
membership almost one hundred per
vent. in, fire past year or so. Num -
hers are a?so joining the Royal
Sehretary, A. lit:toper..
rreaserer, F. J. Hill.
• The repreaentatives •of the churche
are as follows : • •
W• illi, Jamas Scott.
• -St.. Paul's, John Hartley.-
O• nt. St., D. Tiplady.
Wesley, J. MeMath,
• Baptist, Wae Robb.
Contributions to the Society may
be handed to any of these. gentlemen.
Last, week The News -Record § made
mention in its persona1. colenths of a
legacy in "which Mr. W. (Boxer)
Coats of town .sbared. 11 is learned
that the said legacy' was left hy an
aunt in England, lately do:a-a:i.'1, to
•the children of the late Robert sell
William Coats of Clinton and to a few
other relatives itt England. The ler-
tune' is something cater $50,0sand is
divided amongst sixteen legatees,
amongst whom are' Mr. W. Coats,
Mrs. th G.- Middleton; Wooeside
Farni, Goderich .township, and ail the
other members .ef the two Coats' fam-
ilies, now living. It is a • lice. 1;ttle
legacy and congratulations are ex-
tended. • •
On Salarday last death visilt ed the
battle of Mr. Robt Walker, manager
• of the large stock farm of Mrs. S.
Stilith on the Baytle?„1 Road, and
claimed the wilt' and mother, who
was in her Pity -eighth year. Mrs.
Walkerla maiden name was ?1aria
Anne Pearson. She leaves, besides
her husband, two sons and three
daughters to mourn the loss et a
good mother. The children • are :
?rank E, of Winnipeg, Jaine4,
Mary, who bas been in Toronto for
some time, Clara and Annie. In re-
ligion deceased was a Baptist and
was mach devoted to her church,
Iler former paator, Rev. T: Char-
lesworth, seine front Parkhill : to cola
duet the funeral :services. • The fullers .
at took place on Tuesday afternoon
to Clinton eemeiery. The pallbearers
were : Messrs. WM. "Men, Edward
Glen, Malcolm MeEwan, Robt. Trick,
!Hata, Beacom and Mr. Scott.
To the bereaved 'husrhand and fam-
ily is 'extended the sympathy of 41
largaeirclo of friends.
• Some refusean the boiler room of
the Hotel Normandie 'aught fire this
manning and the brigade semi _called
out The flames were soon extinguish-
ed, without, damage being done.
On November lith alt the Protes-
tant pulpits in the county are ex.
peered to be occupied by representa-
tives of the Dominion •Alliance and
on the following Monday a moven-
tion will be held itt Clinton of coun-
ty workers. • .
Mr. John Govett gathered 'in, his
mangolds the other day and found lie
had sixte-sir bushels off a very small
Piece of ground. They were trig and
heavy and just to see what they actu-
ally weighet1 he put six of them on the
scales and they tipped the beam at
77 pounds or an average of almost 13
pound. each. Is, there anybody, here-
ial_eiraovtlyta; 'alto has maegolds rust as
THE riEs:r NONE .T0() GOOD.
In connectiee with the Mast Huron!
Teachers' coma -Mimi which wilt be
bad in•aClinton en s()et. 20th and
Sast, the local teachers wili give an
.kt Home to the teachers of the coun-
ty in the town hall on the evening
of the :first day, begiariing at 8
o'cloek. At this meeting Mr. J. P.
loag, 13.A,, of London will give aa
addriss on "The Education of to -day
and the Nation, of To-morrosv.," All
interested • in educatiew atr invited to
a t tend.
IN THE, Rwil't' PLACE.
"Mr. T. J. shera was up to Goder-
ieh last week serving as juryman and
while away he. called upon Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Match at. the 'House of
'Refuge, in CI aton. To say that Mr.
Shona Was pleased with what he saw
at Clinton is putting it mildly. • .11e
thinks • Mr. and • Mrs; hutch are la
aria proper spheres. •Ile Is not the
first to express that opinion. • Every
cap from these parts who - gees to
Clinton: have the same•good words
Ir s2y‘447lorr,!,,z Vidette. • '
• rhe Parkhill 'Gazette says "The
&aslant of the preSenstation to • Rev.
ler. Dune ha last week's. imile of the
Gazotte stated "several of ilia friends
among tile citiihns of town aasemba
ed at. NS residence and presented ahim
.with two well-filled parses, of: githi."
To have been correct it should • have
read, "Several of his friends among
the citizens of town assembled at
Itis residence andnrcSented hint With
a belletiful• sea Boit beg with fixtures,
Oe Tuesday ethning, representatives of
the Parkhill .'end the Borniall parish-
'espresented • ;the reyerend gentle4Wati
with two •well-filled wok. of :gold."
Rea::• ,7. E. Ford preached • morning
and evening on Sunday,' Al. the' ;
ing airee the choir was assisted by
Miss .1va Dodds of Sealant, who•sang
very 'sweetly "The .Shepherd of the
Fold." '.
• On Monday evening the League had
their monthly 'consecration. meeting
which was led by Miss Margaret Dav-
is, who gave en earnest talk on "Cons
secretion," bawd' upon addresses:
• livered by Rev. Mr. Peshop and others
at the Summer School held - in St.
Thomas in August.. The pastor atter-,
wards empathiZed some itf the lead-
er'sremarks, impressing upon .• the
young people the need of eseater con-
aecralloe: Next Monday a literary
meeting Will be held.
• •
Rev. Dr. Stewart • exchanged pulpits
with Rev, Mr. Sewers of Brucefield
on Sunday evening. The Young Peon
ple's Guild held a devotional mooting
at the close of the service.
New Advertisetnenta.
Piano for Sale -5.
Noticsa-G. E. Greenslade -5.
'Start! i1ellyar-1
Were 73c Now 47c-Irwiths-4.
Out Speciels-liarlaral Bros. -4
Auction Sale -J, 13. Diass1ale-5:
New Falls Coats -Couch -a:
Apples. for Sales-4.'400bn Bros. -5.
Strayed. rieffer-11. J. Trewarthe-4 •
Stock Invigorator..,S.R. Irelmes-fsh
An Extra Pair. --O. W. Harp a, Ch.a-hlis
,Wauted, 2 Girls-RattenbstrY Irohhess**
Mrs. N. Mace:as:hem• will t'i'c'
ort Fridays until Christmas and af-
t erwaials 011,1110 71 Ts t Friday of t
• as* •
Mrs. C. M. Yates will not levels's.
until some time in November.
Registrar ('oats, Goderich, was era •
town yeaterday,
Mrs. Glazier, Sr., • who has been in-.
disposed for some time, is improv-
Ed, Steep, IL Lawson and Olen Coats*
are home from. Petrolia for a fees
days.: • •
Mr'-, Findlay Meislwen is spending, tles•
week with her brother, Mr. Jana.
Ross, Ilenuall, .•
Misahletaily Smith returned to Tar -
onto an Tuesday after a fortnighthaa
visit to friends in and about towaa
'Mira. E. P. Maloney and three childriaa
of Sault Ste. Marie have been guests -
(thane lady's :mother, Mrs. alcCest-
nate for the past. week. •• • ,
Mika Annie McCorvie, who iinderwent
an operation a couple .of weeks 'akr.
and, who has been an initiate& ' the •
hospital • siace• then, is improvinka
•• very . • '
.11ressrs. Wm, and' 1 Alexander aaa
tended the funeral of: the late Mrs.
Ed. :MeGrat ton which took place on
Thursday mat Irian GOderich 'to Col-
borne cemetery,
Mr. • and Mrs.: Bert Langford, itliaah
Larene and Master •Ilarotd,' town_
• as:, ompanied by Mr, Wm. Vodden
Hu 'sett vimited Merida is West Wu-
Wenosh haw .,nrepart • of* the week,
making • the .t rip ite-Mr, Langharea-
euto. •
Mrs, LapPine• • left: an .Saturday rah**
for Loudon where Mr, •Lappine hold
a *goodpo.etion and where the fans-
ily intend in future to reside, :Wass
Lappine will reinain in town • sorna.
time as she does not intend giving
• up her position with' the Morrisia
Clothing, ('0; mitil tlie end of. Urea •
Mks: Parsains; mother ef-Slia, If C.
33rewcr, lot inerly of Clithen .: bat'
now of Montreal, died, at the. rekais•
• drace of. her daughter, Mrs. Daniatas,
Onderieb, ow Sanday, •The' later-.
meat took • al ee at :Montreal. 'him --
Parsons lived for some , year in
Clinton . and is • . well • remera- • -
!serial by • 4inany • of our cithiaass
Mr. and 'illas John .1-iewitt arrived za ..
week ago front Greenock . township,:
13ruce county, and have taken '
their •a,bade'soiab • of the t(7.T.E., ,
track in the house °Wled • by iltr....••
Jellies Ycung: Mr. Hewitt .k:r7 •
t he ' . . purchaser • of the • . Waists'
farm •on the London Road::
birl does not get possession . math;
next fall,. Mr. Ilic(lee's lease not cr-
. piring until, that alma' . - '
* • * * * * * * * * * *
* • *. ,WHY IICY AT HOME4h•
• -a
Neat Monday evening the Guild in- ,
tend having a social meeting as a sort ,
of reception •. for the . young people, *
students and others, who have' but *
latoiy . 'come to town, and to' which
*alt the young !ramip'. of the eongrega-
• tion are cordially invited.
- The Mission Band met on Tut
afternoon and gathered up- their forces
and -made- plans fa the whiter's work,
Mrs: McLeod; 'Superintendent, presid-
ing. . -
The Women'a Association held their
monthly, tea yesterday afternoon.
DO nusnE
A start bas been made on the
macadamising of Albert . street from:
mill nail) and if good weath-
er . lasts. for 'a menth longer tho.
stretch to . the eorfioration Jifliits
may he (hashed. Our eitizens, And.the
farmers who come in from the north
will be Dula disappointed ifthe
work is not campleted.
- On Tuesday Chief 'Wheatley and his
gang finished up a mile of cement side -
wow. The town, is now • wen served
in that testiest.'
ily the end of next week 190 water-
workserafces will have been installed
and 111he good weather -continues still
mina, may he asking for csainectien
1200 feet of fomainvh Water Mains
have rt' (stirs been Mid under the sup-
erintendence of Mr. George Trowhill
and at slightly less -cost than When
laid by 'Contractor ...
. •
. Beeataa-You , ,eamitine your '!*f
purchase and are assured of. *.t:
satisfaction • before investing "•'' •
your IllorteY. , . .
• . ..Becanse;,-Yone . home ' inerch- *a
ani fO alwaya ready and •Civilling *"
. to make right any, error Or any *' :
defective article purchased from : *'
labia ' ' ' • : ' *•'''' •
Becausa-aWhen you are tick
4' or for any 'reason it, is necessary
* for you to ask credit,' • you *-
* ran go to the local merchant. "
* Could you ask it of a mail order ss ,
* how ? . Mil I
* Beeause-If a merchaut is
* willing to extend you credit you ** ••
* thou itt give him the bonefit Of 4' .1.• .
* your cash ti•ade,
* Beesause-Your home ,.. inc`*i.
* chant pays local taxon and. , • - he
* erte every egort to Martha ie
fall *S
* Better' Mir Market, thus itt- 4*. '
* creasing the value of both city
* and' couritay property. • ' *a
* rhaause--The inail-ordett mers
* chant does not lighten .your tax **
'- or itt Any Way help the value of *6
# your property.
* Because -The mail-oialer triers *
* . chant diva nothing for the *
* braelit of markets or real estate *". •
* velum •. 4',
* .1leeause--If you will give your *'
* home Merchant an opportunity Is
* tar compete, by brinp,ang your *
*. ta•der to him in the quantities *
* t nu buy out or town, he . will *
* demonstrate that, quality eon.- **-
* sidered he will save you money. ""
* *,
* * *4' * 0 * * * * *4' * *' *
Fifteen mats will pay 'a subseription?
to The•tims-Reeord to end of 1010 'aft
One dollar from now to .end of 1911.,