HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-10-06, Page 84101111101.111.11nomailmotioni illoollielibeltieWl*-qa,lie, 1°*4111041frsii-14-11*~cO•liae4Wiliesil* $ Sight Testing • If you have any trouble with'your eyes—diffi- culty in seeing distinct„or reading, aching eyes, tired eyes, If y u suffer from headache, if the child cannot see w 11 at school or if child's eyes soon become tired, d )1 and have them examin- ed most carefully. NO CHARGES FOR EXArlINAT1ON We have all appliances for careful examination. All work guaranteed satisfactory. A. J. GRIGG Jeweler and Optician, Issuer of Marriage Licenses BOOKS PREVIOUSLY 0 SOLD AT • $1.25 0 0 ,N111111111111111111111101111111•111111111 1111111111111111.11111110 The Peerless Shoe A very moderate priced shoe for ladies. It is made of a choice selection of Dongola Kid, with patent tip, Cuban heel, medium sole, the very newest shapes, andlthe pri2e Oriltj $2.25 Call and have a look even it you don't buy. Good Shoes Our stock is large and complete : Small Shoes for the little chaps Strong Shoes for the sturdy boys . Stylish Shoes for their fathers Dainty Shoes for little girls and misses Elegant Shoes'for their mothers. and low price for everyone Repairs While You Wait. FRED. JACKSON 1 Clinton News -Record R 30c Ali Worth Reading Beside the Bonnie Brier Busb Auld Lang Syne Land of the Leal St. Cuthberts Isabel Carnaby and others by Ian Iklaclaren Knowles .. Lyall Hocking. Oxenhatn• Annie S. Swan. • --... • W. D. FAIR CO; Often Cheapest — Alwasrs the Best 11111M11711111111M11111111, ttttttttttt Ill, Mrs', Farrah •is in Toronto week. Mr, JA: Irwin was- in Landow/ on Tuesday. • Mr. J. C. Armour spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr.. Arthur Clarkson was in Strat- ford an Sunday. 1\r.. John Lajearn, Lendesboro, was • \in town on Monday. Mrs. Jelin' Gibbings, Who has; been' very ill, 'is improving nicely. .M.r. and Mrs. McCallum of Winnipeg aro guests at St. Paul's rectory: Mr. P. Tupholm of Sheffield, has joined the staff of the Mol - sons Bank. Miss -Jarvis. :of Holmesville is • tak- ing a course in the BusineSs • Col- lege, Clinton. Mr. Norman Mutch of Aubern•is tak-' ing a business course in. • Clinton • Business College. . • • Messrs, Newman Garrett and Derwin Carter and .Misses Magpie Garrett . and Mabel Vodden of Mullett spent Sunday •With friends in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp -and hiss Nellie motored• to Stratfcrd on Sunday and :Were ethe gusts of Mee,. G. Doheny and' Miss Doherty: Rev. F. W. llovey. and , family, who.. • have • been visiting relatives- in town for some little time ' leave this week for their home in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. W. -Jteksoli, Dr: and • Mrs. • Shaw, Mr.. • and Mrs. - • john Ranglord, .Mrs. IT: T. Rance and Mr, Melville Bamford are in Qiiebece this :.week 'attending the 24th. anima:, meeting of.the Ticket Sellers Association.. . • Miss. Lewis; daughter of Mr. E. N.,. • Lewis, .inP„ Underi.vvot an opera- tion in (3 unn's hospital on Monday' nnel..IS now improving a'. idly, as:can be expected. Mrs,. 1,c,wis . andMiss • •'Jtrlia. Lewis are rem aihe . , tele ene t tea while • .111..1 eveis. coineA (low (Very day,. . • .• Mr. an rs. Jelin. A. Cooper•of °I'or- o (the' former being a brother of .1r. A. -T. Cooper of town and editor` of the (anadian, Courier) lost their baby girl on Sunday last, at tii.e age of five months. Both sell 'known here and will have - the sympathy of a large circle' of ' friends in tlreir deep sorrow. . Mr. Bert Niteins of ;New York I spent a fortnight very -pleasantly* visiting friends in 'Clinton and in Goderich, leaeing town. ion Friday. Mr. 'Nim - ins is•a. former Clinton tidy and learned telegraphy with the late M. 14', W. Watt ile 14 now one of: •the managers - of the Wastern Union Telegraph Co. of New. Yorke While intown- Mr. Nimins was the guest of:his aunt, ND's. Thos. Kearns. . Mr. Thos, Archer ,or Hallett returned on' Thursday evening last from Grie- weld, Man„ where he ha(1. been for five months. Aire. Archer remained, Griswold. With iht: •daughter, Mrs, •.las. Macdonald, who has for a long. 41/11MINIMMilial . • /0•41.6'0160•fttee'41.6KIrcezli.liiKti.604.11b4,141:.0111a.411.4,11re;c114•31,4011b;'411t4DALAII • • 0 0 0 -a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MANTLES : • • S.WEATER. COATS DRESS GOODS • • CLOTHING • BLANKETS...pit..:::," 0. • 0 Don't buy before seeing our big new stocks. • o. Full range of New Fall Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and'Rubbers at lowest prices See our Men's Sweater, Coats at $1.00. Some special bargains in Clothing and.Shoes • . now on our tables. • Come and Get Our Prices. SMALL PROFITS AND MORE BUSINESS.. iPa PLUM$TEEL BROS. a g,•/,^4t> m•yL.ft-c.c3-.:Ce-c,ca-le.erve-a -io•ee-itt-a4c,,e1rAt••••••at.eAt•aa-cal.4aj this *444 •••-• •••• •••4••••••••••4***••••••4 •••••••••44.0••• • •1• .0 J. B Hoover NelsOn Ball :- • • * • i,,...,\ - . • Our - 1 • • . • . . : . ,,,...„..,.44 ,. :.,,,, • : .,i,,,.. . • Furniture • $47' • • • : • • ______,...,...„-.,_„,__,..„ ....., ----7-;_.... S a 1 e • 41.1. • '''.''..--••••':;;."--•••,...........,---er"..-411......*"2r4 : 1,25.--•,—""" t°01111.1..."–A43r,00°.;•Ee=g-.."."1 . . • . • Affords ail opportonity for flee thAfty to refurnish the wliole out any ',1 ' • • part of thp house at a Aplenditl St/Villg, TIOt 1116.0 at OW expfnise .of i tomtit y: . , ° • :e. e• , a ' .. .. ; ' ' • : . . • • period been very 'painfully afflicted with acute rheumatism and who is nowetoo ill to be removed to the old 'homestead. Mr. Archer • came hoine on business and May only ire - main. aJew weeks, Dr. G, F. 1Tohnes of • Saskatoon, Sask., Arrived in town Tucsday eV - ening' 'andhas been calling on, old friends. Dr: liohnefo has been visit- ing 'the. hospitals of Chicago; St. LottiS, New York and. Boston, get-. ting plans and suggetstions for the hospital hoard of. Saskatoon, ot which he is a member, with a view t� the the improvement of the hospt-• • • • • • tats of that oily. Tie leaves for home this week necompanied by his wife and two children, who have spent the summer in town the guests Of Mrs. Hohnos' parents, Mr. and NIrs. W. Doherty, Dri, fowler of Toronth, for- merly of Clinton, hasiust i turned from the west, where he has spent the ',V tit four months investigating contagious diseases. Dr. Fowler .9.1,ys that western .larmers and ran- chers • have sustained heavy lossei. from outbreaks of such diseases which have bruit caus'(d principally by settlers .from the 't nited Stales bringing infected animals into the country. . The doctor has bad the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary. Science conferrol upon him .during the past summer and is now baek at work upon theteaching staff of the college., at which the atten- dance is larger than ever. ,.. i : ' • , . 2 r. For Parlor Dining, ed Room or .kitchen.... Tamp ore contpleto outfits and single iieees that are 1nitrvc:15 -of f;irni- • tare exeellenee and (pommy. 1.Iktersee them. ' '' " , 0 • % . : • ' • ., ---s•--; i • 2 The chetipest spot in Hur9n9Itenqt to buy all kinds of furniture.. 0 1 li • ve ,,, -oo, r Bali. I : Wit711,11*.l.'14V-1=LE Aele.TZ Vt7INTZTZ.A.r...1 1011.°0•1161 • 4...44414 ••••••••••••••••••••••4.14•44.•••••••••••••••• October Otho 1910 Ariko ~../azAg 5rJAK/ oy English Prints .Sattirdau ge: Friday and Saturday we place on sale fifty pieces of English prints in light and dark colors, regular 10, 12% and 15c per yd, at one price 8c. Come early as possible for these. ALL PURE WOOL DRESS GOODS SATURDAY 50c per yard Saturday we will show the finish range of all pure wool Dress Goods in Venetians, Panama, Box Cloths, Cashmeres, Plain and Stripped Serges, Tweeds and Wale Worsted effects in black, blue, red, brown, greys, wisteria, old rose and resida that it has ever been our pleasure to display. You can't judge the values of these lines until you see them, Come in, look them over and pass your option on them whether you buy or not. Saturday all one price 50c Millinery Notes Have you paid a visit to our Millinery Department ? If not you have missed a treat. Come tomorrow and see the many new styles 0 •\ v4 e are showing for fall wear. Tastes differ, we know it and have , , 4.0 \ 4 ' ‘ , bought our styles this season to suit all tastes. This Saturday we '911(P) will show a splendid range of black beavers in large and small rims k t I \ • very daintily trimmed. Any special orders left with • Miss Baker •\ \\ \ (I will have careful attention. A - New Fall and Winter Coats for Ladies. Our new range Of Fall and Winter Coats, Capes and Raincoats is now in stock in all their glory. Never in our history have we shown a larger or more exclusive range at popular prices in Tweeds, Beavers, Sealettes and Pony Cloths, in blacks, blues, browns and • greys. Ask to see our special line at $10.00. Men's and Boys' Overcoats at the Annex. • Weare show,ing a splendid range of Men's' and Boys' Over.cuats for winter wear, in heavy tweeds in browns and greys, plain and check, double breasted with storm or college collars, from $5.00 up to $20.00. When buying a coat you should see our range. Ask to . see our specials in men's. at $10.00 and boys' at • $5.75. Boys' School Suits and Odd Knickers No mother should pass, this store ,when.buying clothes for her boy. We have 'the right cuts and values. Give us a trial order.' Come in and see them, we will be -only too pleased to- show you our lines. Ar, e•e1-1.1' ••• 111111.,2113•1•110 C.4.12vraier .. • Inspector • Draper of Montreal , paid •a visit -to • Maisons Bank • this week. Miso Livermore -of the London 'Road is a student'at the Business %College. J. Jowett and Miss Whidelon of Baylield wore in Clinton•thki latter part of the.week. " • Miss- Margaret Wiseman, of the civil service, Ottawa, is spending .a butt- • day at her home in town: • "Grandpa" Ildoper, the intearance man, is all stnileo .these days (Ting to the birth at Hensall on the nth• ' ult'. orb's' first grandchild, an elev- en pounder boy, by the.way. Mrs. Macdonald and Mrs. \\*bitty of Gederich Visited at the . home 'of • Mrs. Jas. Reynolds, litillett, last: Week 'and also with Mrs. Jas. Flynn - in toWn,. 11r. W. P. Egg of 'Montreal has • been the guest of Mr. .John llohnes of the • Huron.; Road for.n. few 'days past. Mr. Mg,to the travelling represent- • atiVe of a high class Montreal publi- cation and as a circulation, builder he has very few suneriers, -• Victor:French, publisher of The • Times, •W.etaskewan,• Al formerly • of Clinton, speitt from Saturday un- til yesterday in town the guest of his. mother-in-law, Mrs. Wm. Coop- er.. Mr. French has just, route from • Atlanta, Ga., where he attended tut tioveneign Grand Lodge Of the I.O. •as.deleghte from the Grand Lodge of Alberta. O'n Sunday evening next Mrs. Howard . Humphrys with Tiske O'Hara, the Trish actor, will give .a concert in the "Lyric Theatre" at Bitfialo, N. 'Y. During the next wo,k Mrs. Humphrys vifl sing at the Third Buffalo Tndustrial 1.:xpositien which is thing held at Broadway Avenue, Mrs. Tiumphrys accomPatti- ments will be played by the 71th "Rep,intent Band under the direction of Mr. J. W. Bolton. Mr. and Mr:v.. Russel Andrews rt•turn- ' ed on Saturday • from Cupar, Sask., and will he the guests of the forin- t es parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. drews, until m xt saving, probably. • Mr. Andrews wont to Ctipar four years ago and 0110 the Cupar • Iterald which he successfully concha. - ted until a few weeks ago when h. disposed or thy plant and businesp. • Ile purposes, however, returniior,o newspaper work agaio. • -- • Mr, . D. A. ('antelon of. Hensall was in town on Sunday. . • • • Mr. P. Freeman, head miller at Fair's, spent theyeek end in Seaforth. Mrs. Jas; 'l'witel,wll and . 1Loiy ie - turned home Saturday nignt after, spending the week in Toronto. . Mies Jessie --.Wiseman: • 'has returned from- a' visit with friends hi Otta- . wa; St. Marys and other places. Mrs.. Ed.' Cotton arrived from Detroit .on Thursday last and h.. the guest of her Parents, Mr, and:Mrs. Thos. e Mason, Sr. • ' . • Misses1netrews. and Fe rgueon e.f 0 oderich. were. the 'guests en' their cousins " the 'Miss( s Jenkins - • of • "Woodlands, Farm.," over.. Suneay:' • Mr. Robt. Mason went to - Blyth Thursdaylasratal spent a kw very pleasant days With relatives .there. Ile. remained for .the fair, 'of course: Principal Hartley has moved into the house on Rattenbury 'street lately vacated by Mr. A, P. Gundry and 15 becoming • Comfortably sentled therein. Mr. John Scarlett and his, .son of Winthrop and; Mr.' Robt. Mont .4om- ery of Wingham were stunt those who attended t he funeral of ;Mr. Watkins YE sterday. Mr. T. Cooper of rfelena, Montana, • is. making a flying visit in town this week, having been the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Cooper, the lasi. couple of days. 'Air. W. Coats; with other membeN of his family, has emne in for some gond fortune, having been, left a nice little legacy by the will of a relative lately de c eased 111 .Ettee land. Master Willie Bell, who' has been laid up with a broken arm for several weekS past, has Lad the bandages removed during the past week and the little fellow will soon be him - sl if. ar,ain. Miss Jennie Galt of Detroit, who has been the guest of Miss.Etta Twit eh - ll during the past wtek, le ayes the t•nd of the \‘...(k, accompanied by Int sister, 'Alio.; Emma, who. has beet visiting in lowu for some time. .Ladk,s, Aid of 51. Pane; (Atwell, will hold their annuli ha/Ault on the last Thursday in NiveLlher and make this early announceetent order to pc:.-erot the tittle. The News From Londesboro , Mr.- James Campbell, our excellent • township rk, now in Alberta and will visit a nuance of points there and in Saskatchewan before rot -timing home, which he is expect ed :le do about - the middle of the month. Mr: Camp - heli is. a close observer and hiS pressions Of such .a trip would make interesting reading V he could be in - diced to give then•ete the peblie. We. rave all Wished Min .a pleasant journ- . ey and safe return. OnMonday evening thmm e ober,' of • Wesley League, .Clintott,; numbering" about- forty-five, • spent. a social even- ing with the Leaguers here:An ex•- eellent. program was .givea• by the Clinton League.. Those taking, part Were Misses .Ford; Davis and Hill. ,Addresses were given by Rev. Mr. 'Ford of. Clinton, Rev,Mr. OSterhout,. 'Lendesboro' and Mr. Et. EaSt, presi- dent •of the visiting League:, -.Y.ter tho program all participated in a guessing cont-et.after which cake, cof- fee and home made candy was served by 'Alit, ladies of the entertaining 'Rev. Dr. Stewart, ClintOn. and Rev. W. Pearcy exchanged 'pulpits on Sunday evening last. •LcAgne, after which all joined :in singing. "BleSt be the tie • that.• hinds," "When the Roll is . tailed up yonder" and "God Save the: King" when. Mr. Ford closed. v..ith • • the benediction. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Wenger 'of .. Ayton • spent Wednesday with Dr, McCallum.. • Mr. Wenger 'met quite a number of his old aequaintances Who were plea...l- ed to see him, he having been cm- .- ployed here about nine years ago with .Mr. 'Ournettv. . *Several of the farmers in the Vieille ity have 'their sugar beets up readY for shipmeht..,. • Rer. w. T; and Mrs.. Pearcy left Monday fon Toronto and Port. COI -- borne, where they will spend. • tett. days- with .their parent:S. • - Rev. Mr. Osterhout . Will. occupy pulpit •:of. Bern's church Sunday Morning: Rov. J L. Small will: oc- eupy the pulpit pf KM* church in the'. afternoon. The„regular monthly Sunday saool meeting was held Wednesday evening .at which several matters..of impor- tanee were discussed. • Constance Concerns. Word was reci'ived here on . Mein - day morning that Mrs. Edwin lent- erson of Mongolia had died nn that morning freim typhoid fever and hem- errhage of the bowels. The body was -brought benne to her mother's Mrs. John Britton's on Monday ev- ening alai the funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon • to Constance cem- etery. She haves to mourn her de- cease her ntertia.r and two brothers, Edwin and William, at home and one sister, *Mrs. David Weir of Kinstea,d; Sask., and her husband. and two Anal!' children. The funeral was lar- gely attended. Rev. Mr. Ost erbont of Londestairo v00110 ing the , services. My. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Sun- sh'ine at It nded the funeral of their friend, Mrs. 'Edwin Xmerson. :qr. ail(' Mrs. john Priee of Lead - bury, •Mr. and Mrs, Samat•I Pollard of Myth attititied the funeral . of their cousin, Mrs. Edwin Enurseett on Tuesday. a Mrs. James Rapson and her creis- . 0.` Mrs. McAllister ot Stratford, • ,ipeht a few days in iIensall boa last • week. Mrs. McAllister of Stratford le the guest of her cousin, Mrs, James Rap- son. -A Narrow Esdalle. Mr. %'tn. Hill of the 2ad con, - of Ilullett bad a very • narrow escape from meeting with a serious accident on Friday last. Ile was engineerat a threshing at John ConnelPs on the. lath von., God( rich township, and in stepping on top ofthe engine to do some oiling be got caught on a so sere'W and had not the cloth of irk' trouo.,rs, given away he could scartety have expected to escape with itsg than a broken leg. As it was he was laid up for •a few days. .