HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-10-06, Page 2Clinton News -Record uwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoot +-PURITY-, ..-4001X.40T- rt•••••••••••••10*******110, 2 KODAKS AND 1 • PHOTO SUPPLIES I IEverything an amateur I Iphotographer is liable to need is to be found hi our store. Our store is 1 the only place in Clinton 1 where you can'buy kod- aks, Eastman alms and supplies. We can get the other cheap varities,. but Iwe prefer to supply you * with the best, it pays us and it pays you. It is our way of doing busi- • Inebs, we always try, to have the best for you. Get interested and you are welcome to any in- formationyou want about amateur photography. ASK FOR CATALOG, • 8.2 W. S. R. HOLMES Manrg Chemist. ••••••••••••••••••••••••2 -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCEr- al...M.Noom•••••••••• W. H. Watts & Son. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE CLINTON Stare opens dt- 7.30 a. m. and closes at 8 p.m. We are practical Boot and Shoe Makers and repairers. Boots made to order in from 1 to 3 days notice and. repairing done while you wait. FARMERS ATTENTION. We keep on hand Boots Shoes of our own make are just the thing for work. and which farm W. H. Watts & Son OUR TRADE DOUBLED Our sale of Flour., Feeds, Seed Grain, Etc., has doubled this season over last What better evidence can there be that our stock and prices are right, FORD&MoLEOD CEDAR POSTS for sale •11110, JAS. HAMILTON Coal rierchant PHONE .52• esominewpwwile, Debi Coal• IF YOU WANT- TIIE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT ')VIS & ROWLAND'S HARDWARE • STORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO. W. j Stevenson .CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. . The leading practical training • school in Western Ontario. All . ambitious young men and young . . women should read our live • catalogue. Learn what. our grad- • times are doing and you will he interested. We have three de- pertinent:4, Commercial Shorthand • Telegraphy . • • Each department is in hands al . • experienced instructors, Individ- ua.1 instruction is given. Thiais • the hest time of Ow year for • students to enter. Write for free . • catalogue at once. 3). A. MeLACIILAN, Praia * • WHOLE FAMILY WAS AFFLICTED, BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 111- 4TORE1) ALL TO PERFECT HEALTH. Father, Mother and Daughter after years, of suffering are made healthy and .happy by great Vanadian Kia- eey Remedy. St. Leon, Standoa, Dorchester Co., Que., Oct. 4. (Special). -That Dodd'a Kidney Pills have no equal as a fam- ily mediein. is proved conclusively by the statement of Mr. George La- easse a. well-known resident of Ibis place. His statement given for pub- lication is: "For twelve years ' I had pains in. the small of my, back. My head would ache and my muscles would cramp. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured. me. "My wife Was troubled with Kid- ney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. "My little girl had *nervous trouble. She was so bad that she could eat keep her hands and feet quiet. Dedd's Kidney Pills cured her." . Is it any wonder that Mr. Lacasse is shouting the praiees of Dadd'a. Kii- ney He has learned through experience as !lavethousandsof oth- er Canadians that Dodd's Kidney Pills cure .Kidney Difsease ao .reatter where it appears, or in what fortis it is found. Dodd's Kidney Pills nbould . always find a place in the family meacine chest. Seaforth Miss Gladys: Headers -ion visited in Stratford recently. Miss Floreuce Thompson is taking; a Normal course in Stratford. • Mios E. J. Parkes. of Nelson, •13.0., who ,has been staying with Mr. and Mrs., •Wm. Bullard, is taking a course at- Stratford Business College. • On September 27th, in 'Calgary, Alta., Miss Ilerriet E. Phillaps,. daughter, of :Wr. and Mrs. :Phillip 01. town, was united in marriage to Mr, P. • I', Graham, harrister, Altas . 1 Mrs. Long and daughter have re- turned to their home th Rochester, N.Y., after spending some These with the. parents .of theformer, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Sperling street, • Mrs. 'Parkers, Miss M. Cowan. and Miss Vera ,Dorrance left Iasits week to perste' their .studies in Taranto. Mrs. Parker goes to the Taisersity, Miss' Cowan. to the Lillian Massey • Sebool and Miss Dorrancp- to the Faculty 'nt Educat ion. Mr, Geo. M. Chesney,who has beet in the West buying eattle, has returned 'haw with .a fine lot of cat- tle. He bought in all' four carloads. Mr. .and Mrsa L. L. MeFaul left last week for Vaacouvar, B.C., where they' will epend the' winter with their daughter, Mrs..Mtillen, • . . . ' Hensall'• • • Mr, Joe Dristine, who has been at the Canadian Soo during the summer inont.hs, has been visiting his sister, Mee; Jas. Moress .• • . ' - , • Mr. •Itera•Geigeo left last week to take a position la -a drug •atore: 'In Toronto: • • ' • ' • . . Mrs. itarry Taylor, whom, husband I died a ,couple of .:weeks ago as • the - Desalt 4f a fail from •a scadeld in :a silo on the Thames Road, near . Ex- eter, has. come to town with two little • boys and • is at 'present:at the home of her brother; Mr. Robt. Echeet.t. Mrs. Taylor lie not .- en- joying the best of health. . Dr. •P.. Maediarraid of Des Moines, Iowa, has been visiting: his. 'uncle; Dr. Macdiarmid. ' • r . . . • : Mo. F. B. Card:en, wife and Child of. Detroit, who have' been visiting -MEL Cardenas :sister,. Mrs. Janes Moore, teaurned• to their honie Last week, . Mrs. Ellis. and. 'daughter, Miss Mat- tie, have • moyed. into the residence they. purchased .' from- Mas. J. ' 0 - ' Stoneman, They are hating tha house greatly Unproved., . • st aaion. at Triangle, talked with Honolulu, Which is the 'Pacific record for .long-distanee wireless. STOMACH AND LIVER PILLS banish headaches -- that tired, listless feel- ing, by livening up the liver and removing biliousness: Good for the stomach too. 25 cents a lox Anythine feu buy With the Mahe , # will Elio Iron entire '' A HOP'16.1. 145S Oen, a...A Hofer, Sold and guaranteed ty Va. W. S. R. Holmes, W. A. McConnell, J. E. Hovey CLINTON, Ont. • E, tV. cuTixa, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work done guar- anteed to give 4atisfaction. Prices moderate. Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute, Clinton. 83 Ceober 6tb, 1910 Huron County News Gathered Paine Have Vanished The cure of Mrs. L. 13arrett, Njuralgiii Completely -Coml. Gathrle. 1'. Q., is another victory by Itoodas Sarsaparilla. This great mall - from neuralgia in the aead, face and Saarett says: "I suffered intensely eine bas succeeded 1n many easee where others have utterly* failed. Mrs. shoulaers. I had used variours Readers eines without relief. heard or Hood's 18 Years A10 From The News -Record of October 5th, 1892, Clinton, Oct. 5th, 1892. The Whitehead Block will soon be ready tor its tenants. These band - scale buildings will be an ornament to Clinton. ' Messrs. Harland Bros. have cleared up the grounds in the roar of The News -Record office, wifeh they recent- ly purchased, ,and fittad up the build- ing thareon for an. iron warehouse. Many years ago the same building was used by this firm as a tin work- shop. . . On Tueeda,y evening last a meeting was held at the home of Mr; IL Fos- ter for the purpose of commencing the Rimini of the loin, terms of the Cbautugna course, the officers re-el- ected being : • .., President, .L C. Stevenson. Vice -President, Mrs, Shilton. Sea -Treasurer, W.. N. Moteiag. Tuesday evening is the nigat en which it was decided to anat. The studies are of Greeters .an.1 ..,arnerican interest., Mr. II. 13. Chant has suoveil into the house lately occupied hy • Mr. Btu:chill. Mr. IV, Kay is na ela • set- tled in his new pima 00 the corner of Rattenbury and Gibbinies '.,11 eels. Mr. J. Taylor is in fall paesession of hiss new house' and 'preperty on Rat- tenbury etreet. • On Sunday afternoon there wee a lively runaway *near- the pact ist allured, _Heron steial. 'rhea, laeyele riders' caused . Mi. K.eaPia paiotle's horse to take . fright. Mr. Pisney's son and two daughtert were in the ug.!the buggy email in et ret act: with a tree' and buggy end ciaapants were -soon' entangled. The tee was severely • cut and .bruised aaewl the head, line of the young • Lyres had her arm severely bruised„ while... the 'other escaped with iess Mary, The buggy was badly suet:that,. Mr. Geo. • A . Conner of Oodel4'11 township placed on The Ni s Record receiving -counter teat Sethi dee a half .dozen beautiful freel. egg's. We examined them and Were almost led to proaounee the monsters . gouse eggs. Mr. Cooper (leaned the editor that they were • the el ()duet eda white' leglairn hen. .They weighed. •ex- actly 1 lb. '04., worth ;it tato sia day's :market In .Clinton 1 L tas is. er 22' cents a dozen. We fames' it wools:. pay farmers' Wives to raise this class of few], fot they are of the class that will produce what isregnired for Britain -large eggs. ' • Mae. Murray, Mrs, McTaggart, ,Mrs. Jaa. Fair seed Miss. McTaggart were in Woodetoisk last week attending the funeral Of • the 'late • Mrs. Smith. aloe' j. G. Steep of (leder-Mi. to-wri-:• 'ship end Mr. J. P. Sheppard ef tOWn have .returned from their . southein visit: •Mr. Sheppard .waesill for severaldays after his rettire but, is' about in hie usual health again Last. Friday, at McKenzie111,ninir. mill A. Cantelon's horse WO 1 ight end created a Eiisati9m for a The boy driver was severely eaten:en. up; and stunned • and. the freginrins of the .rig contents were diet ears la ed a considerable distance down. the Bayfield Road, ... We do not mean tosay that Jataa son Bros. 'clothe 'the lightning. But they can Make and fit a man with a •suit of clothes with eueh speed as might well make a thunder bolt en-- . vioas. Monday Of ;We week a p t in „Seaforth sent an order by 1..110 10 eau. train to Jackson Bros.; -Clin- ton, for a full snit of clothes and an. overcoat extra. The goods were 004;0, cua and made up and warded by thi, 4.50 train the,Same day and the pleased recipient, as he took train for his American mme,' tele- graphed, "O.K., neve' was better fit- ted01 pleased in my life:". East Wawanosk: On 'Tuesday of last week Elizabeth ,Tyner, :wife of Lancelot •Nethery, died at her home, cm. 5, East Wa- Wanoeh, aged 57 years. She had, heen in failing health for about a year from stomach trouble. Deceased was horn near Napalm, and •moved. to Huroncounty with her parents 35 years ago. She was. 1111iied in mar- riage to her now sorrowing partner in 1880. There is one son, Willie, at, home. Mrs. Nethera was a faithful member of -the English Church • at Belarave and was held., in high c- 11(01. The funeral took place . on • Thursday afternoon of last week. Rev. W. IL Hartley of Durham, de- ceased's late pastor, conducted the iNiet.. Interment \vas made in 1\le- Claw eetnetery. Deceased was an in- dustrious, kindly and -hospitable uta man, • who •had a wide circle of friends. s Chamberlain's t 'olie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy s today the best known medicine in use for the relief and eure of bowel complaints,. It cures griping, diarrhoea, dyeentry, and should be taken at the first un- natural looseness of the bowels, It is equally valuable for children and adults'. It always tures, Sold by all dealers. .. i. is visiting Zurich Mr. Chas. Eley :9f Bad Axe, relativesMich.., and friends in the vicinity. . • Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of Detroit have been viedting with Mr, and Mrs. John Gellman. The W.O.T.U, held their 13th an- nual convention here last week. There were delegates from Goderich, Clin- ton, Blyth, Brussels and Exeter. The .yeeches. were inspiring and to the pOint and the program. throughoit a were excellent and helpful one. Maio Stella Edward of !amain us:: tho guest ot her friend, Mks liteeie Stelck. . It is reported that Mr. 0. Fritz will open a boot and shoe' liminess in his. old -etand. Ile- has bought out a stock at Acton. Mrs. Ernest • (Hes had the misfor- tune to break her ankle last • week While carrying some wood into the house, Mr, J. Babe= - is getting ready to move the old stable on his pro- perty, 'recently purehaied.fram tho Demuth estate. The stable will be played to the rear of the dwelling. It will make a decided impeovemene sta the: property. a . • Wingham Mies Sherlc has retarned from a month's. aloft with her sister in Brantford.' Mies Bessie Marsales has gone to Buflalle to take a position as teacher of Domestic Stance in one of, the schools there: Mr, But. R. Fraliek of Bross:ton, Mass., has been visiting his • uncle, Mr. Allen Fraliek. Mr. II. W. : Araatage of Toronto her taken the, place of ledger -keeper in the Dominion Bank herr, Mr.. R. Millard being promoted to a branch bank' in Toronto. Mr.. P. 'Fenny has been promoted to Grav'enhurst. Mrs. D. Rush, who has been a spatted resident of Wingham for Many yeans, has moved to Toronto. • Her son, Fred., ,assisted he!' in closing up the beeinesee here.. Dr. Jas. Agnew and bride of Fos, toile, Ohio, visited the pretrial home of the former in Wirighain last week.. • Miss Tina 'Barber has gone to Lon- don to 'take. a .poaition in s millinery establishment. • , • Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Malcolm have. returned after •a visit - of sevdral weeks ia.: the western provinces. ' The death occurred in •Chathern on Sunday week • .of Peter Macdonald - Dean, •son of. Mr. and Mrs. -Peter Den. The Yourig m a e , who .was wel I • known and- :mech. respected here, eon - traded fevc it feW weeks ago which was followed by pneumonia. • The reniains were brought bona, for Meat Belgrave, Miss Mary- Scott -of \\Ingham is spending a few days in Belgravia Mr. 'Bobier, 'Who has visiting her son, G.T.R. agent here, returned' home on • 'Monday.. • •• • • ...Mrs. Corley and ;datightere' •Marv, have returned to sBurketatri, after -spending a 'month with friends here. Mr. and Mrs). Coombee, Mrs. Me - Ewen de Palmerston ani • Ma raid Mrs. Pelton: of Atwood, Weis, t isatora at D. Sproat's last week. Haryest Home Services were can - ducted:. on Sunday in the fairelish Churob, when tlx•it new rector, Farr, conducted the:service. • ' Exeter Mrs. Wnr. Penhale has returned from a trip tothe wcst. • Misses May Jones, Mary Parsons and Mr. 'terry Trtibrier have gone to Hamilton 'to attend Normal,' • Miss Olive . Pifor has returned from a visit of several weeks in London. Miss Minnie Retie has returned home after amotith's• visit with Wood- stock and Hamilton friends - • Miss Ida 'Rowe is taking a Normal course in London. 0. H. Sanders moved teat' week from his residence on Willlam street to the residence arcuated ty his mot- her on Huron street. A surprise party of friends enjoyed a pleasant timeat the home of Mr, and Mrs. V. W. Madman one even- ihg recently the occasion. being an an- niversary of their wedding day. Mfr. Kostle of Ilderton eras moved into the house recently owned by Mr. J. W. Taylor, Main street ' Misses Mabel and Mary Tom visit - mi their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Tom, recently. Mr, Richard L. Long, a former EX - der boy and son 61 Mts. John Welsh of town, was married in Win- nipeg last month to 'Miss Gertrude •McCal citron of that 'city. 'Mr, ANTI Brintnell is in Brautiord attending Normal. Mr. MIL Knight, who has lue:n sailing on Lake Ontario all .sumsher, has returned home and intends con- tinuing his studies in medicine Ibis winter in Landon. Mrs. Harry Taylor, whosa husband died a 'couple of weeks ago as the result of a fall from a stalold in a. silo on the Thames Road, has gone with .hor two little boys to Hensel' to realties with relatives. The Michigan Central tunnel under the Detroit River win be opened for freight service on Sunday, and for pawnor service within a week. Skink The congregation of .St. Stephen's Cburch, Gorda, presented the follow- ing address and also gave Mr. Farr, a beautiful gold -headed cane and Mile Farr, a Secretary, on the eve of leav- ing that place for. Blyth. The ad- dress was as folks Rea. T. II. Farr : Dear Friend in Christ, -It was with much regret that we learned of your intention to brever your eonneetion with this parish, and as a congrega- tion we are taking the opportunity of expressing our sincere sorrow at your removal. We all realize how you have striven during the five years of your incumbency to build us up in the tree virtues' of the Male 'and with your faithfulness and earnestness have, we been .edified in the truths of the Gos- pel and in the exposition or our 13ook of Common Prayer. •We trust the Lord will gaideelau -and yours in your new sphere of Itiliesaaaad. that you may he the means under God, of turning many frees darkness unto light and from the power of Satan unto Christ, that theyntay receive' remission of their sine and an inheritance among them that are sanctified through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. You will accept this gold -headed -cane and 'Alia. Farr this secretary as alight tokens of our friendship for you libth and our appreciation of your • • labor amongst us. Signed on behalf of St. Stephen's Chervil cangregatien. ' • 11. Vellolineo, 'Isaac Wade; • Wardens. The reverend: gentleman made a very appropriate reply. The marriage of • t. Tunney of Westfield, and Mrs, Isabel Butler nI Blyth, took place in London on the 14th ult.. The .eerenseny was • per- formed by the Rev. Jaa. Ross,' D.D., • of London, The bride looked cairm- ing iti a suit •of old Rosa, with white satin waist. Mr. Frank ('arr, who has been suf- fering from a Severe• attack of ty- phoid fever, is new on the mend, Rev. 111r. Farr has. removed 1 his family Irons . Corrie and they now ois- ctipy Trinity aectora... Miss Fannie :Mason ; whohas been the efficient aasistant in the eostof- flee for some time peat, has gone to Paris to.. take • a einillat position. Miss -Margaret Roos • has taken Miss' Mon'a• place in the office here. St. Andreiv's' church will celebrate its jubilee anniversary on Sunday and Monday net. Rev. A. L. Genie of Parkdale will be the preacher' at both services on Suialey: and will .alto give an address at the tea on Mon- day eVenirig, There Will also be .oth- er features in connection with the en- tertainment. On Sept. 18th, there passed away at Ninga, Man., an Old reeldcat of 110000; in the s person of Mrs, Thos. ' Boyd, mother of Mrs. Wm. Begley of Blyth. Deceased had been ailing, lir about 20 year's. The late Mrs, I3oyd • was horn in GOderich. township 71 .veers 'ago; and lived at .for a auniber of•yearsa Ineeing thete ebotitell 'years ago. far the West: She. was Ind:tried . to. her •beareaved husband in 1808. Besides sher • hus- band she lava five ,boys, one hoy hy- ing dead, ad eix. girls, Who . are as follows : • Anita,. Thos., • Ritchie, Frank and 'Fred., at i•Ninga, • Man. ; Mrs. Pilkington, 'Columbia a Mrs. Ilenry • Meetgoniery, ',Detroit. s Mrs. George Montgomery and Mrs, John- ston' at. Ninga, Man.; and Mrs. • 'Wm. Begley - of. .illyth, Deceased was a consistent member of the Methodist Churela Work an the rural- telephone is bee ing pushed. ahead and a large number of • :the .poles are securely. planted; erase 'arms; an, ready at the Hill' far - tory and the wire gang will soon. be at work.: There are already about 150 'eubseribers and many more to follow no doubt. " THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION Xueli Sickness) Due' .to Bowel , Diseedere . A sdoctor's first question when consulted bY a patient is, "Ate your bowels, replier, ? ' Ili knows, that 98 per cent. of illness 1,eattended with inactive bowels: and torpid. Ba- er,- and that this condition Must be removed gently and thoroughly bee fore health ran be mitered. • Rexall Orderlies • , are a :positive, pleasantand safe remedy for con- elipation and bowel . disorder.' in general. We are so certain .of their great curative value that we prom- ise to return alai parehaser'smoney in every ease. when they ItUtto produce entire satisfaction. Rexall Orderlica are eaten • like candy, they act quietly, and have a soothing, 'strengthening, healing influent(' 011 .the entire• Inas:anal tract. They do not Purge, • griPe, CatINC flataletwe, excessive looeeneSs, diarrhoea or other annoy- ing effect. Theyare especially good for children, weak persons or old folks. • Two siaeo; 25e. and 10c. Sold only et our store -The , Rexalt Store. W. S. R. nohni,s. Not a minute. $410111d be .lost when a Child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's 'Cough Remedy given as soon as the ehild1 becomes hoarse, or.evert after the troupy' tough ap- pears, will prevent the attack. Sold by all .dealk,rS•, A strong 'movement is afoot in Ger..' litany to bring about free trade in cattle and meat. Mr. J. Ransom, Ilowitt was moraine; ted by the 'Conservatives of South Wellington for the seat in the Legisla- ture made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Joseph Downey. it. • tea is the result: of care and experience in blending—must be the combination of fine flavor, smooth strength and richness. Because. all these elements are so generously included in Red 'Rose' Tea it well merits the term "good tea." 54 NEVER SOLD IN OULIS Your Grocer Will Recommend It . HER PREFERENCE: • The pastor of a ehloredchurch in the South was rather too Muth Melina ed to be high,'' introducing various innovations in his church that were not at all to the liking of the old-fash- ioned darldee, • Among his "new" ideas, the pastor had. arranged for stained .glads lin the chuteh windows. • This be -was ,show- ing in triumph -to 'one, -old woman par- ishioner, when he asked her how' she liked it: .• "It's short'', beautiful," the old lady was forced to achnita "but 'deed an' 'deed, sab, 1 preters de • glass Jest as' God Made la!" • s -October Lippineottes, Sarsaparilla and decided to try It, and bless the day I die. I took it :several months and now feel well: All mY pains have vanished." Get Hood's Sarsaparilla, today. Sold by all druggists everywhere, 11ER FIRST STEPS. Mr. Murray, irritable from long --an- f.'nemat to a siek-bed, cocked up his ears and listened. "I'bat's all that piano-5engin' itt Us' parlor?" he dun demanded, e:ar- ing at Weve:He. " 'T"is our daughter Mary • taalie her first steps in piano -Playing," re- joined his wife. "Her first steps! Phat's she d la', welkin' on the keyboard?" --October Lippincott's. ASK W. S. R. HOLMES., Parisian Sage, the Hair Grower. Now Sold in Canada on Monee Bach Plan. It's a mighty good thing for the women of Canada that Parisian Sage • ' can now be obtained in every t swn • of consemienre. No preparation for the hair has done soemuch to stop falling hair and eradicate daddauff and make woinea's• hair beautiful as Parisian Sage. Parisian Sage is the only eestain destroyer of the dandruff microbe which is the cause of '97 percent •of These pernicious; persistent and de- structive little devils thrive on the ordinary hair tonics. • Parisian . Sage is such an axtrearda nary and quick /acting rejuvenator that W. S. Holmes, who is the agent in Clinton,. guarantees it to cure dart- (haat sten • falling hair and itching scalp in twoweeks, or- Money bask. •.• It is a Magnificent dreaSing Inc women who desire luxuriant, iusteous: hair that compels. Adiniration. Med a large bottle Of Parisian .Sage costs • only,50 cents at. - W.. S. R. 'Holmes and all over Canada. The steamers Monteahn and Cr • wn Prince. Olaf were in collision a al.art • distance below', Quebec; ' and. both were -damaged. The cottage women of England are -a sending a petition to the Queen,... ask- ing that automobiles, be'foreed to go slowly through villageoa ../igirous preparationa .aie being . made En New York State for the Re- publican and • Democratic 'eanventions: . at 'Saratigasand Rochester this.week,- atannternn 1 Our SPeeial Sa logs For the Corning Saturday a all Next Week Graniteware • 'Lipped Preserving • Kettles reg 60c for '35e reg 65c for .. . . ' . :40c ". . reg 7.-ic for ........50e Pie Plates reg 15c for .. a. 10e • .", reg 12c for .. .. •80. .reg 18e for •• Jelly and Oake moulds • i.eg 23c far 17e • " reg 20c foe 14c " • reg 15e for a . ; 100 'Water Pails reg 75c for,.. , 50e reg 85c for 55c reg $1. for 67c • Basting Spoons reg 15e fora 10e reg 120 for. 8c. reg 10e for.. 7c • . • Di epee's reg. 30c for ; ...a 17c Mixing Bowls reg 60e foe...-. 40e Feed Boilers reg12 for 1.50. • Hot Water, Steam liot Air and Plumbing 'a specialty. • ALL WORK GUARANTEED. HARLAN') BRQS. liardvvaie, Stoves, .PurnaceS and Plumbing 1 1111111111111111 • osasewsowwwwwwwwwww.aroisisaiwovAiseveowasseaseseweaesasevaiaa. I Weddinoi Presents. To those who purpose buying Wedding Presents and to Sept. Shoppers'in general we extend a cordial invitation to visit our store as we believe we can suit them both for quality and price of goods. R. Counter Jen eler and erigraver, CLINTON Issuer of Marriage Licenses, • ov,AAAAAAwdkm.km.okmovkamov,00AAAAAAAAmmoodwvo