HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-29, Page 88 ht Testing c • 0 News*Record. If you have any trouble with your •eyes,— diffi- culty in seeing distinct, or reading, aching eyes, tired eyes, If you suffer from headache, if the child cannot see well at school or if child's eyes. soon become tired, call and have them .examin- ed most carefully,. NO CHARGES FOR EXAf1INATION• We have all appliances for •careful examination. All work guaranteed satisfactory. A.J. U.IIGU. Jeweler and. Optician. Issuer of Marriage Licenses ME The Peerless. Shoe A very moderate priced shoe for ladies. It is made of a choice selection of Dongola Kid, with patent tip., Cuban heel, medium sole, the very newest shapes, and the price Only $2,25 Call and have a look even it you don't. buy. Good Shoes Our stock is large and complete Small Shoes for the little chaps Strong Shoes for the .sturdy boys Stylish Shoes for their fathers Dainty Shoes for little girls and misses Elegant Shoes for their mothers. and low price for everyone Repairs While You Wait. FRED. JACKSON • W4106'4w14e•v'ee'bm•w.aie.e4la'e.64swieelewe 3j 0 0 0 0 Full range of New Fall Dry Goods, _ Clothing, : Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at lowest ,;prices P P See our Men's Sweater Coats at • 1.00. d . • O Some special bargains in Clothingand ,s 0 P now m out tables g Shoe, e. 0 0 et.Come and Get Our' Prices.:• 0 O.e #. 0 A SMALL PROFITS AND MORE BUSINESS. B i PLUMSTEEL.BR.Os.. 0 O m mE!•t!y'4•efl'bA 4w4s'd0btii-gb•ri •'b MANTLES SWEATER ; COATS DRESS GOODS. CLOTHING BLANKETS ETC. Don't buy before seeing our big new stocks... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41•••••••••••••••• • • J. B Hoover Nelson Bal 2 The Roughest Kintj Of i•. t Z t • • .. MCiti may scratch our furniture but 'can hardly injure., it otherwise. iso. dor it is•bult to stand hard service as well as to look attractive. Our Summer Furniture T is no exception. Light as It there is •a strength about it that is surprising. n r Our porch hairs rockers, este ,, will stand dthe e wathrtro e s r matter what it may be. • The cheapest spot hi Huron County to buy all kinds Of furniture. Hoover 'C7R23.dhs7'131 Z`"t.7 Ztii":LR;Eihe IhtXtECV012ZEI s••• •••• Wrfr 4Mt••••••• N••••••.444v$1040 •to•••• A Few Words About id t'eiwfls We have bad many kinds, but none that feeds and we':ks so smoothly as the one we have now. It is made in Engle •d and called i.ONGSHORT, so celled .; because when eloeed it meas. ures only he inches, Just' Right for Ladies Purse or Vest Pocket. and when required for use can be made 4 inches long Convenient and Practical for the hand We believe it is in points of superiority in ink Pencils what a Waterman is in fountain Pens. Made In two colors-- niottled and black. If you are interested we invite inspection W. D. FAIR CO,. Often Cheapest - Always the Best Miss Macpherson of Goderfch was in town one day this week Miss Pearl O'Neil visited Miss Lulu Best in Seaforth on Monday, Mrs. A. J. Holloway. and Miss . Rey- nolds visited in Detroit last week. Mrs. Robert Vole, Waterloo, . isthe guest of hen daughter, Mrs. George ~Jackson: Rev, J. Greene atteeded.the county convention of the W.C.T.U. in Zur- ich this week. Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart, who has been vis iting 'Toronto friends• the past' week, is expected. home today. Mrs. John Wilford of Blyth 'spent thn past week with her 'Aster, ;Mrs. T. Mackenzie., Jr., of town. • Mr. Frank Herman left on Tuesday for Toronto wlirre he intends taking a divinity• course at Trinity College. Mrs. A. T; Cooper was in Ztuich a e couple of days this week .attending the county convention of -the W.C.T, Mr. Dave Cook, Jr., Albert street, is assisting Mr, D. Cantelon- in his. ap- ple operations in Prince Edward county. 'Misses .Dollie. Cooper and Mary Law- son visi•te4 their friend, Miss Han- nah . Mole 'Scaforth, Saturday and Sunday Mn. A. Jackson 'of Boston has been • the guest of his sisters; the Misses • Fannie and Effie Jackson, . during the past week. Xrs.:}W, Brydone left. last week on •a trip to the west; • She will go • through to Vietoria,.'B.C..,• •v'istting fitiends en route.: • . ' - Mrs. Chris.: Tebbutt and child, after a . two' month's • visit. with Mrs, •Teb- bett, •Princess street,has' returned to her home at Ciesley Mr. John ll'eDonell of Hensall was in. town Tuesday. Mr. McDonell ts,' a thorogoing hustler and it is in- no small measure owing to his activity that. 1Iensall holds , its, own so • well. • in a business way. Mr, and Mrs. I •d. Jones of the elm* Road, east, left on Tuesday for Victoria, accompanying Mr. and • Mrs: Sam. Jones, who had been vis. iting them'for a couple' of- months. • The- latter have been. living near Victoria for several . years. . The following young people :lett or'•are leaving town Ibis weelc for Toronto to continue their studies in connec- tion with the i'niversary:.'Miss Edna C.00por, Miss Anna McEwan, Miss Ruby. Kitty, Miiss Isabel Gunn, • and Messrs. Donald Ross, Douglas Stew=. art, : John Ruinball and Clarence Rance. • Mr, • R. W. Williams of the . London brancIi of Molsons'Bank is relieving teller- in the local branch and front here expects to go to St Marys.. He was formerly of this branch and. has many friends .in Clinton. Me is a son of Mr. J. A.• Williams of Zur- ich, one of the most progeessive bus- iness non in South Huron and. -°who also at times.takes an active inters est in politics. . . Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keys having ren- ted the Sage cottage on .• Ontario street will take up theft abode, there about the 4iret of November. • Mr. Keys is one of the most • s1ccessful organizers in the service of the Can- adian. order of Forresters and hie • field being a wide one he has found residence on the old homestead . in Stanley :iomrwhat inconvenient, hencethe chiof .Clic choice* ritoh as a eCn- tral location Mr.. and Mrs. Keys have already many friends here who sre all much pleased to learn that they will take up their residents en our midst. . ltr. W. Jaekson leaves on Saturday t as their - man •- for Toron o to ,complete, rr iecu iv • n in t • urban pf the r. t c, arra gen roti , for the 24th annual meeting and excursion of the Canadian Railway 'ticket .Sellers' Association.. On Monday he will be joined by Mrs. Jaekson, Mrs. H. T. Rance, Mr. and Mrs. John Rensford and Dr. and Mrs. Shaw, the Clinton eontinge'pt, to take part in the excursion to Que- bec where the meeting will be held at the Chateau Y rontenac. The party expect to be away "hen days or so. By the wan lir.. Jackson was one of the charter members of tha Associa- tion twenty-four years and is the Only of Ithas not onethe bunch who 0 o y Missed an •annual electing, Ile has filled- all the important offices, for the past two or three years their - man of the executive committee wherehis energy, experiencescience and a f- ainty are of great service to the A:lsociatierr, September 29th, 1910 NE/ PoparzAR) 4rJ12)47 _ __4 • „„, , „.‘ Exclusive Millinery • Our first Fall Millinery Opening was a huge success,judging from the complimentary remarks made by those who attended our openings and the number of orders placed withMiss Baker. We are sparing no expense or labor to make this department the most pop- lar millinery parlors in town, You don't buy a hat every day, and when you want one, you want the very newest,. and best value you can get. We invite you to our Millinery Room as often asyou like to see our' styles whether as a prospective purchaser or not, Come, Miss Baker will find it no trouble to show you through. . New Fall and Winter Coats for Ladies. Our new range of Fall and Winter Coats, Capes and Raincoats is now in stock in all their glory. Never in our history have we shown a• larger or more exclusive range at popular prices in Tweeds, Beavers, Sealettes and Pony Cloths, in blacks, blues, browns and greys. Ask to see our special line at $10:00. Special Dress Goods Displag Saturdag at 50c per Yard: Saturday, we are making a special display of 50c Dress Goods in all the popular shades'.iu Serges, Wales,Tweeds, Panamas, Box Clothe, Venetians; Cashmeres, Etc. All pure•wool and without doubt the best values we have ever shown, See display in window Men's and Boys' . Overcoats at the r Annex. We are showinga splendid range of Men's and Boys' Overcoats for winter wear, in heavy tweeds in browns and greys, plain and check, double breasted with storm or colleges. collars, from $5,00 up to $20.00.. When buying a coat you should see our range. Ask to see our specials in men's at $14.00 and boys' at $5.75. Boys' School Suits and Odd Knickers No mother should pass this store . when buying clothes for her boy, We have the right' cuts . and values. Give us a trial order. Come in and bee them, we will be only• too pleased to show youour lines. About People .You Monsieur Contine of the "City" of St. • Joseph was in toein • yesterday. Mise Norma` Yanstone' of Wingha.m was the • guest of Miss ',idle Bartliff • lastl week.. Mr, and Mrs.. Israel..Taylor, • London, visited with Clinton, relatives over the week end:. • Mr. David Millen left this' morning for Brooklyn, N.Y., after visiting his sister, Mrs. T. Hawkin;i. Mrs.: Wm. A. Brown and son of . De- troit,' who have been visiting for •the past month with hire.. Roht. :.Brown, Mullett, left for their home today..' Mr, Hislop Dickson, who supplied . in Willis church during July •and Aug- ust, sails on Satuieleeefron' Mon- treat for Glasgow, where he- purpos- es. taking a post -graduate. coticse in the` Presbyterian College. • Mr. and Mrs. le. Schettler and child- ren of Sa;lmonica, Cal., who have been visiting friends in: Ontario . for the past three months, were .guests, of :Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pohl on Mon- day. They leave for home this week. Mr's. TT, Humphrys, after a inonth's visit with hen parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Jas. Heath, left on Monday for Buf- falo. and will .spend a Month in that city and New York before returning. . 1o' her home at Jacksonville, note- . da, Miss Helen Ford, who has ,spent the &thinner in Winnipeg with her bro- ther who is a well known newspap- erman in the western eity, returned hone recently and leaves immediate- ly for Kingston to finish her arth course. at Queen's. 117r. Elliott of the news staff of the London Free Press was in town yes- •terday on his way back from 'Godes- MI oder-telt where he represented hit, paper at the Andersen murder enquiry. 1T was a Goderich boy, by the way, a son of Mr. M. O. Elliott. Mrs. El- liott accompanied him. 't Mr. T. Jackson Jr.,returned on Fri- day last Rahn a trip to the Pacific (;oast•, in the interests of the Jaek- son Mfg. Co. ITh was absent only four weeks es butt took Sotan rel r ri o c5 Y that they of thenieelves alone would keep the Company's three factories Way for some time. On Tuesday esday Mr. Jackson started of againir e time for Montreal but only. to be absent two or three days. Know. Mine Daisy Middleton left last'I'liurs- day for a trip up the ekes. • Mr. Wm: Morgan of London. was his, iting friends in Clinton last week. Mrs. Joseph \Webster' and little'netigh- • ter; Bertha, of Londesboro are 'vie - Mpg Mrs. Ed, Saville. Mr. R. E. Manning re"tur,ned.this week from a pleasant visit to Denver, Col., and other•..point8. • Hdward•Cellis of Iienfryn was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cuninghatne one day . this vttek. ... Miss Libbie • Gibbings was. up from Stratford' for over Sunday and -as- sisted . the Ontario street church • • choir at Both service,. Messrs. ]Ernest and Roy .Steep • of Marlette,. Mich., who have been vi, iting friends io Gedtrieh township for some weeks past spent the ,week end in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. (iso: Lavin. Dungannon, miss. •4' S ndrC1V�, s of Durham visited at 'l Wm. Matthews. . Miss Iona Stewart of.Winghaiii spent Sunday ather• home bore.. . • Mrs. W. R. Wilson of Goderieh visit- ed at, Thos. Parks' on Sunday. • Mrs. Turner and• daughter of Gode- rich visited friends • here last week. t,ct. Herold and E. Byitte of New York 'Visited at J. Wh:yard's. Miss Ella Ryan of Wingharn . .Buse- tithe College spent at Su c a week' t a her home here. Miss Reeves Inas returned to Toroth to after her week's visit eith' her father here. Miss McKee of Atwood has charge of the millinery department at J. Walkom's, The funtl 'funeralof a the la to Mrs. Wm. liicWhinney took place Monday. She leaves her husband, two sons and four Port daughters; James of 1 ort Albert l3ert.he homestead; nn tMrs. 'G, John- stun of Ashfield; Mrs. Mole of Dungan- non; Mrs. Mark Young of I; indlater,. Alta., and Miss Clare at home. The pallbearers rrrg wereS. J' Young, R. Mollwain, Thos. Johnston, 1). John- ston, Andrew Johnston, Mr. Andrews; The News From Londesboro The regular meeting of the „Woman's Institute will be held next Thursday afternoon, commencing at 2.30, at the home of . Mrs. Joseph Manning, Tke subject discussed will be • "Cranes and Home Amtisement:s," and will be taken by Mrs. Jas. Woodman. - All ladies .are cordially invited. • • Fred hlibb.s left.. Monday for London where he has taken: a position as steam fitter with the CT.'I'.R.. • Mr. R. J. 'Martin is hone from God- erieh nursing a, sprained :welsh Sunday Iast was observed as Ra,ly day in the Sunday.sebool- here.. Rev. Mr•:.. f stei'bout delivered an excellent stenion to the children in the morn- ing. The collection was taken in aid the Sunday ,Sehoo] Aid and Exten- sion fund. xtensionfund. 1Mr.::Th6s. Mi1Par has erected :a ;CAP'. . ing shed.., •. 'Mrs, S. Liar lias.had' herhouse re- painted : ' . • ' . . 'lfrs.•S. 'Lee and Miss Mabel "Lc' of Goderich are visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Lee. • Mrs. • Annis .(nee Ashley) in viiit'ing• her mother, Ales. Millar, on.the 13th con. Mrs. F. Gibbs tis,: we are. please(: to 1' tirn, inproving. . . Rev. Mi'. Richardson . of Kippee was a gnest at the manse Friday of last. Week. The Blyth Telephone Co. have, et gatig of men at work framing tlrennl es at elite station 'here and are••drawing' them out. on the 13th con'. This leeks ae if we will have the .telephones 'W.: rk- int; this fall. l`ulieett' Happenings. A quiet wedding occurcd at n the homec of the bride in Seaforth on \Wed-• nes:day of last week when Miss .Agnes Crich, daughter of the late John Crich, was maerkd to Mr. Chas. Glew, son of -Mr. and Mrs. M. cilcw of Mullett. rite her e cemony was •performed by Rev. 1). Rogers and owing to a recent bereavement in the bride's family the wedding was a very quirt one, on- ly the immediate relatives b in; pres- ent,. .The same evening a reception • was held at the•homr of the groom's pars (hits on the 2nd of Mullett, When a number of the friends of both fani:lee responded to the invitation to reeet the newly -wedded pair and add their ' congratulations and good' wishe,, Mr. and Mrs. Glew have taken up their .residence on the Huron Reed, just south of Clinton, on what is: known as the Vanlegrnond farms, lav- ing moved' in this week. Mrs. Glow' 4islna nton. e ten. of Mrs. el/r.) P'owler . of The ' News -Record extends a •otd . wishes for a long and happy mar. ted life, Constance Concerns, Miss Edith Anderson of Warwiik is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Wur. •Bri.tton. Miss McMllliau of Vaneout'er, 13.C., is. visiting her aunt; Mr e, McIn- tosh. Mrs': R IL zo c son entertained id a number of the ladies on Monday after- noon. ` (loth rutting and threshing is • tate order of the day now. Mr." •trchi•r t.afnpbcil ttr'rfvcd hong after spending some time. in the west visiting relatives. • • Sunday being Rally day the eht.: ci: was nicely decorated with Clow :i5. Rev. Mr, 'Ousterout pueached to the children. • it 'Tis, Nell Sutherland of ,Seafertl; spent p t Sunday with her parents, Mr. at td Mrs. Sutherland. Col. � RooSev ed#s lr a, definedhis ,,�. � "'c Nationalists as the application of e,ld. • time morality to conditions of to- day.