HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-29, Page 7%
September 29tb, 1910
G. D. ltlicTA06ART � I
�A� ���� +►#ssss+Mt
Xcxaggart Bross I COLLEGE I
Is a link in Vanada7s. greatest i.
---BANKERS---' chain (if Iii h -(:}rade Colleges
founded durhiF the past twenty-
. years. `ibis chain is the
----- Iaigest tra hers of young; people
Ili Canada and it is freely admit-
ted: that its .graduates pet the•
best xcsit#ons. 7,'bereisttitiasttii;
n"wrc�uA. tnew?KTNY3 3BTI9I: 1 _ .. 2
- * i
Clinton News -Record
w.. ;.:.
bees to her own. Safety sineti she bas
been well enough to move about In her
1 room, which I ha•re net yet seen her
leave. This nervousness and ,sudden
I (,are on Wier hart, wbt(-h bad structs
i N. Darzae, had given me also ,food for
thought. At the time of the crime In
the yellow room there ear) be no doubt
that she expected. the murderer. Was
%he .expected this night? Was It she
' 'herself who bad opened 'belt floor to
k hlm? Had she some reason for do -
lug so? Was she obliged to do it?
Was it a meeting for purposes of
1 crime? Certainly it was not ;a lover's
; 1. meeting, for I believe Allle. Stanger.
the Gtnrirnerclal k'ducaiotr Ai;: 'rI .- _ a
TRANSCTED. 1vUTEla � trtust oozy"chew you ti►e lie'st fluor _ . ... - . _ _ . _ . - ..
WESS socfatfon of Canada is a passport of talc+ chateau, where 1 , w living," loo se s a sor o e over the se i-
tctsuccess, � g, I ked closely at Itouletablile and �►a t f terrace ve t an
•NTED. DRAFTS ISSUED said my friend, He motloned we to could not help smiling on hearing this circular projection of a room on the
DISCOL 'ol may art home e follow him up a magnificent flight of bo of i hie n talking . i n ound floor. Cine could If one wanted
'k u a, Study partly at 1 i g g y e g a i b o. a ma . who gr d ,
ON PE- And hiiish attlie College. stairs ending in a landing o4 the first bas proved to the world that be was jump, from: the window on to the ter-
lTiTEI,EST ALLOWED floor. From this lauding one could the finest police sleuth hognd in. Eur race and tallow oneself to drop from it
pass to the right or left wing of the .rope. Into the „curt of the chateau. Who-
pGSrrS. SALE NOTES PURCI-I- : Enter Ali , Day, chateau by a gallery opening from It. "'You smile," he eland, "You are ever had entered by this road bad evi=
.,. -" ,.r. Fall. 'ler o erred •,t►ugyst 29th �� Phis gallery, high and wide, extended wrong. I swear I will outwit him and dently, not had a key to the vestibule
OSED. -- - - p along the whole length of the buiiding in a striking way. But i must melte do ,But why should I be. thinklog of
and was lit from the front of the cha- hast4 about it, for he has an enormous m previous night's attempt with the
icon facing the worth. The moats the stark of me given. hi la er7 Because of the o en window.
, g v m by bI. Robert P
CL1N'1tN windows of which looked to the south, Darzae, who is this evening going to le open perhaps by the negtigencg of
- - - II. T. RANCE. -- - opened out of the gallery. Professor Increase It still more. Think of lt, a eirvant? I reclosed It,. smiling at the
NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ; • Ston:erson Inhabited the left wing of every time the murderer comes to the a ae with which I built a drama on the
• Business. College the building. Mile. Stun erson had her c teau a er su est o of n open window.
Ar CER, FINANCIAL, REAL Z g ha . M, Darz c by a strange fatal- a gag # n a p w
U - Gk O. SPOTTON, FR(N. apartment In the right wing, ity absents himself and refuses to give "`Again the cry of the Bete du Bon
ESTATE AND FIRE INS R t I' WO entered the gallery to the right an account of how he employs. his (Dien and. then silence. The rain ceased,
ANCE AGENT. REpR,ESEN- *#t*#*��*"*." 6*0. 0$N 4 narrow' carpet laid on the waxed time." o beat on the window. All In the charm
TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE •.,_,. oaken floor, which shone like glass, "`Every time the assassin comes to can slept. I walked with Infinite pre.
deadened. flee sound ..of our footsteps. .the chafieaul" I' cried, "#Ins be re- caution on the carpet of the gallery.
COMPANIES. Rouletabille asked me in a'low tone to turned, then?" On reaching the corner of the 'right'
+DIV'ISION COURT OFFICE, r walk carefuNy as we were panning the "Yes, during that famous night when gallery I peered round It cautiously,
The News Ree,or door of ;bile. Staagerson'tc apartment. the strange benome.nou occurred," There was another lamp there with. a
CLINTON. Tbis consisted of a bedroom. an tante- 1 was now goingto learn about ens- reflector which uite lit u the several
room, a small bathroom, it boudoir and tonishin 1h q p
s,, - -- a g phenomenon to which ItoUle- objects in if, three chairs and some
drawing room. One could pass from tabill:e had made allusion half an hour pictures hanging on the wall. Whitt
W, BRYDOiNE, ne to another of these foams without earlier without giving me any explana, was I doing there? Perfect silence
to o by wa oP h� �SeRt g y the gullt.ry. tion of it. At last It short, reigned throughout, Everything wits
a o t, rapid g g g v
BARRISTER, SOLICITOR The l;allery" continued straight to the phrases he acquainted me with things sunk to repose, What was the Inskiuct
we>;tern end: of the building; where it which plunged me Into a state border- that Urged we toward Dille, Stanger-
NOTARY, PUBLIC. ETC. was lit by a high window. At about { Ing on complete bewilderment. Indeed, son's chamber? Why did a voice with.
to any address in • , two-thirds of its length this gallery at the results of that still unknown sci, in• me cry, 'Go on to the chamber of
OFFICE -Sloane B'.-ek--Cd INTONy � a rigat angle joined another gallery ence known as hypnotism, for exam- Mile. 'Stangerson!' I cast my eyes
Caned$ following the course of the right wing, pie, were not more inexplicable than down upon the carpet on wh!t'b [ was
--- The better to follow this narrative the disappearanee of the matter of the trending and saw that illy steps were
r we shall call the gallery leading from; murderer at the moment when four being directed toward ;Ulle, Stanger
CHARLES B. HALE ...the ,'stairs to. the eastern window the persons were within 'touch of him. I son's chamber by the marks of steps
'jj'��� ,'right"gallery and the gallery quit- speak of hypnotism as I would of epee- that had already been made there.
tau^^ ft at tt right " yp e
.. A i g angle the off turn- trfcfty,, for of the stature of both We Yes,. on the carpet were traces of foot -
and In." gallery. 1t was At the meeting, are ignorant, and we know little of steps stained with mud leading- to the
* point of the two galleries that Rouleta their laws, I cite these examples be. chamber of.Atlie. Stilligcrson. Horror,:
iNSL'RA SCE for the small sum 4f Mile had his chamber, adjoining that cause at the time the ease appeared to ' . . .
of Frederic Larsa.n, the door of each me to be only explicable by the inex- -horror!' ,I recognlzed in those foot
9FFIGF - - HURON ST: opening on. to the. "off turtling" gal- plicable-thatAs to say, by an event prints the impression of the neat boots
lerv. , -while the doors of Mlle. Stan- outside of known .xtntural laws, And of the murderer., He had Coote, then.
rcrson•s apartment opened into the . yet if I .bad lead Rouletagllle'q brain'I from without Ju this wretched night.
'Tight" g
Twe"nt*y-five " g gallery, should like him. have had a ~sse ti- If `ou'could descend rom the al
DR. W. GUN:o
ltpuletailille opened the door of his n y f gallery
menu of the natural explanation, for by way of the window,. by means of
L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. I.- room and after we bad. p'asseti In care the 'most curious thing about all the the terrace, then you could get tato the r� t fully drew the bolt:,- I had not • had mysteries of the Glandier case was the Chateau by the same means,
Edinburg co, nits blue to dance : around the dace in ••
glance L natural manner •in which he .explained The murderer. was still in the .cha-
which he had been. installed when he ,them• teau, for here were marks as of return-
071ce-Ont*ria street, Clinton. Night uttered a cry of- surprise and pointed I bav0 among the a ors that were in footsteps. He Iliad entered b t
b papers s p, e y .lie
calls at front door of office or at to a pair. of eyeglasses on a ide table. sent me by the young wan after the opo- window. -at the extremity of the
residence on Rattetbury street. D. N. WATSON "What are these doing here?" he affair was over a notebook of: bis, in 'elf tirrning' .gallery; be. had passed
asked: which a complete account is given of Frederic Larsin's door and mine, had
-------- -- CL12NTON, - .- .ONT. • I should have been ptrz Md to an r the phenomenon of the .disappearance turned to the -!•iglu: and bad entered
P. -DR. J. W. SHAW— LICENSED AUCTIONEER swer him., „ , . of the '°matter"• of the as§assin and � .Aide. Stangerson's• room. I am before
. ' I wonder, be _ sald- 1 wonder if the thoughts to which' #t, gave rise in < the door of 'her. anteroom. fit :.is open.
for the County of' Huron. :Corms- this is what I bare been searching, for. the mind' of m 'ours friend. It is I push it wi hour ;m king the least
-OFFICE- pondence promptly answered. Charg- ,.I wonder if these are the e e lasses. y Young
t a
y g referable I think,, to lye. the reader I-nois Under the oro the room
es moderate and satisfaction' aran- from, the' resb ter :' p g . • 1 e+ door f t>o, . it
p y y this gccountrather than to continue to self I see a streak of'light. I listen.
RATTENBURY ST. FAST. teed. Immediate arrangeiiieats for .. He seized them -eagerly, his fingers reproduce my conversation with Roule- No sound not even of breathing. Ah
1 b •.
sale dates may be made by '• calling 'caressing the -glasses.. 'Then looking at tabille. . � If I only knew what , was. passing In
CLINTON.-. at The Nears -Record Office or on me, with an expression . of terror. ou. the siienee• that Is behind that door! I.
Frank Watson at'.McEwaq'-s .groc,' his face,.he.murmured, "Oh, oh!" CH�iPT�R XV.' Sad the door locked and .tile key turn-
cry. . . ...I7. He repeated the exclamation , again -
and a ed o,' the inner side. And the 'mur-
DR. C. W. T11OMPSON. gain, as if his thoughts had sud- - •- derer is there. perhaps. He 'must be
m.1 denl turned his brain. The Trap. f
r y I there. Will be escape this time? All
PHY SICIAL, SLRGEO - ETC. He rose and, putting his hand on myF- ,depends on_ rne. I must -be' calm, and
HOMAS.BROWN, LICENSED AUC-- shoulder eau bed like one dement
Special attention g'ven to dis- tione r for the cunt` Huron g as " AST•aight,.the night bet* 1 above all I must make'no false steps.
eases of the Eye, Ear Arose. and e o nes of H fie said:
the 29th and the. 3i)th. of Oc- 1 must see Into that'room--.I cab enter
y + + and Perth. Correspondence prompt "Triose glasses. twill drive 'me silly. +t I t b Mile. to a son' drawl room.
Throat. I tober,. wrote Joseph Roule- 1 # y le S nfi r s ng
ly . answered. Immediate arraa e I Aiatheinatically s eakin the thin Is i./
Eyes carefully examined and suitable ' meats call be made for sale 'dates at possible, but humanly speaking it 'is tabiite, "1 woke up toward ;i'' But to do that T s4ould. have to cross
. glasses prescribed. Im ossible, ,or .afterward . o'clock in the , niorniag, Was' it sleep her boudoir, and while I am there the
The Dews -Record; CTfnton, or b)'•. p ,,,. or After, Iessness or ,else without? The cry of murderer- may escape by the; gallery
Office and residence : 2 doors west t calling.phont: 97, Seaforth: ChatgeS. ward" --
p '• •the Bete du'Don Dielt rang out with door, Clic door in trout of which x.am
the Commercial Hotel. Huron St, moderate and satisfaction uamn- Two light knocks struck the door,
_ $ sinister loudness from floe end o! the now standing. • '
teed: i:oulefahftle opened. it A figure en 'park, I rose and opened the window: "I ani sure that no other crime is:be
. tered • • I ' recognized :the. concierge .
wino I Iia seen Cold wind and Nolle; opaque darkness, Ing committed- on this night, for tliere
m d when §he was .being ;. silence: I reclosed 1, ' window: Ag airs is Complete: ` silence In the boudoir,
.taken to the pavilion for examination. y g
DR. F. A. AXON. the sound of the cat's weird .ry.fn the' where two.nurses are takin .cnre' of
DR. - OVENS, ,M,. D., I: R C: P., I. `ryas surprised, thinking'she was still, g
distance. I partly dressed'in baste. Mile. Stangerson until she is.restdred
DENTIS'>ik Eta., Specialist in Diseases. of tlfe under. loch; and key. This'woman said :rjbe weather wan too bad for even a . to health.
. Eye; Ear, Nose. and. Throat,' Ina very low tone: . eat.ttl be turned out iu 4t: What did It �'1.
Will tie, at Holmes' Drug' Sore "In the' of the paiquet" As''I am almost sure that the ..
Specialist in Crown gad Bridge t mean, tben=tbat imltatit>; of the tiiecv- dere r is' there, wlty do l not at once
Work. Graduate of C.C.D.S. Clinton; on Tuesday, Manch ist;. Rouletabille replied, Tbanks, The Ing. of !bother Angeuoux's cat so near ive the alarm? The. murderer may
' 29th 9 Nil 26th 11za 24th June, woman then left,, He again turned too g ay
Chicago, and R.C.D.S., Toronto. ' p ' y 'the chateau, I`, seized a good sized r perliaps.escape, but perhaps 1 may be
21st. If. you require Glasses do it 'me his 'look 'haggard. after having, stick, alae only wen ori i' bud,'and.witii- ,.
fail to see Dr, .Ovens. carefuliy refastened . the door, mutter- y p able to stivr. Mile. Stanguson s life.
out making any noise opened my door, Suppose the murderer on this occasion
Bayfield on 3fondays area May to Ing some incomprehensible phrases.' ..The y fs 'not here ,to murder? The door has
„ galley into which I went was
If the thing is mathematically pos well lit b , a lam with a reflector. I
December. siple why should it apt be humanly?. y p been opened to .allow.11fm to enter -by
felt a keen current_of air and on turn-% whom,? And it .lists been refastened-
"� Ansi if it is humanly possible tbe'mat.
The ICK iia I�ti�ual FIR to 3 s ++ ing found the window open at the, IV'
by whom? Aflte: Stangerson Shuts her-
- r s imply A�rfui• treme end of the gallery,. which. I call
h .I interrupted him in his_ soliloquy. g' e , self up ,iii her , lit, meat me her
•��j� InnsuraIlce Co « ,. the. 'elf turnlib. gallery to -distinguish nurses ei cry aiiglit.. tt'tao 'turned the-
►la1 pli lam,n WptanU have they set the concierges at liar •it from the ri""ht'_ ^alle:r , on to wbioh
err then?" -I asked. b g y Ivey of illat chamber to :ptviv the aur.
-Farm and Isolated Town Property- ",y; ,� sed « the apartment of • Mile. Stangersdlt deter to enter? .The nurse w faith-
-TIME TABLE— -Only Insured- les, he. replied. I Iced "them liber- o opened. These two galleries cross each. s, two f. th
OFFICERS- ate& .f ,needed people I' could trust. p fol domestics? • Tlie uhl chambermaid,
Trains will arrive at and depart The woman,'is thoroughly devoted to
other- at tight angles. Who had left Sylvia? It #s eery Improbable. -Be-
from Clinton Station as follows : J. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P. .. that Wanda v .open or vitro had come.to sides, they slept in the boudoir, and
O. ; M. , HoEwen, . nice President me, and her husband would lay: down • open it? I went to the window and
hisriife for me." , • Aille. Stan+*ersOn. very nervous and
BUFFALO AND CrdDERICH DIV. Brucefield P. 0. ; '1'. •E. Hays, Seca i„ leaned out, I� ive feet below.,me there careful.' M. Robert 'Darzac •told nae.
doing East 7.35 a. m. Treasurer Seaforth P: 0.. Oho., 1 said. 4%'hen will. he have .
" 3.07 p,in -Directors occasion to do ft?"' .
" 5.I5 P. m, i�'illiant Chesney, Seaforth ; Jahn ;`:Thin evening. for this evening 1`es-
Goin Reat :1,47 s. ni. Grieve ttfnthrdp ; Geiir a Dale,. lea- wt the..mttrdeler. �",
Going ' , g ' fou expect the aur'@erer this. even;, '� ✓ : •y- `'
" 1:25 p. m, forth John '1'i'att .Har.lock • •John
tc e, , . itl9'i Then. you know him?" 7+° ' ..i, / " i I I 1. i
fi.40 " diad Bennevvies, Br.odlia an James Evans '" '' ,�✓ -;%a , �. ,j4 ; .
„ p g ,, . f shah know liim abut. `I should be. - `° ':. -.' .-'., 'f- . �. ' ,' -
u o J':% ., 1,
Beechwood • Janl s Connoll (
iI..,B a :..
p . yt ' in el, to affirm categorically alt this moi' . . -, ..� • ,: s. f' i?
LONDON, HURON da BRUCE DIV. Coderich.. mt;nt thitt I do !;navy bim. Tile matte* 1, «c: ' ;r� i '
Going South ;.54 a, m,
inarical _ idea 1. have of the murderer �.?'� . , C 2 ; t
44 " , .4 50 p, m, Robert Smith,; fiarlock-';- E. Hin- glues results- so _.frightful,* so mon. -' ."'. I -'
chley, Seaforth ; James Cummings, strong, that I hoe it is .still ossible I �.....- - -_ - "r" i ' ' �el
p p r- M. --
Going North 21.110 a- m,. • ,1 l ;
94 „ i;gmondviile ; J. W. Yeo, Holmes- that I am mistaken, I'hope so with all ,li , I a,' 1114
61.35 p. M, vide. „ I
�,v heart. a.' .• i
Any Inoncy to be paid in may be it j! 1•." �' i i (� lI'..
101ve minutes ago you did not know t ' , ✓, l
ll j: 1 i.
the'murderer. • How can you say that 4�'?,'•-_'i '' k
paid to Toyer & Brown, Gunton o; -..-• 1- f
,rl.,.. ,, /, 4 ir^I
, Li
. CVER t65 YEARS' at Cutts grocery, 'Goderich. . you e;;pect him this evening?" .0; "' •l • + "',;' ✓ r
g ,{ ii,; ; ,, l:1
RtEfYC -desirous tI None
i» Pttr#ties `{lCS1 Ot S t0 C CCt .nSu a 4, .
•Because. I !anew the he -mus �• '�''�i�'.• �� t •.l
t t ;y � • �/,y., i .
or traltsact other business will be ! tr`, o,1i, , »'' f , ",it Ts:� ' l
crime, ,r • i .! F,. ;,,1!p,( ! .
fomutl attended to on application Itouletabille very Slowly 1311ed his I� i.i,.J
to an of the above officers addressed 1 - ��•• ` °:= ' " I • '`" >
l y pipe and if. That meant an interest i "F'• ,y,, f. f ��.. ,. .
their respective o •tuffices. Losses 1 "f
to he re5pcc i e p s Ing story. At that moment -we heard ,;1, + � rl. ' , �' t
inspected by the director-• who fives sodic one wanting in the gallery sand , pr' lr-y� - = e
TRADt; MARK* nearest, the scene. pass(ng before Our door. Itouletabfile �§, V.
t .j 1�e � s i k"
Destami lister!' qd. The sound of the footstep i; r '' ,i r a- 'i i1 'v
•� = l:
COPYRIGHTS &C. ' - died 41way in the -distance, - r,� F.,,, , ;
Anyone sending a eltetob and description ina l u ,�°
gnlckiy ascortnin our otanion freo whether an ,. - "Ia I�-redcr is Lar tan In Itis room?" I 11, 11. :t , :-. i
btvcution is probably pntentablo. communiea• f� r h + ` r - - �. 't .,..._.r. �. •
"nitsstrrottyconndentlpal. I1AN0000I1 on Patents rl Croton hews -'Record Asked. pointing to file partition. , : Y,.' .-. r ,
ecnttrue eldest aRenvy for securing�pateute. ";4'O." my friendanswered. "He went w - ( i
[>naln o C9, wl tiuou i Munn b t o. toceive CLINTO.v ONT. to i'ilris this morning, still On the scent - ' � '
•�rctal notice, without charge, in the +f r ; L
• , z ¢¢zz NN of Darsae, - who luso left for parlq, ;" .tr' M 7
tQii�Ce��C�1! 1) Ion--tl er eat. in 'f t 4
�.i a eras of subsert t p 9 Tliat matter rvi11 turn Drat bldly, I et- v•,1,�
A handsomely tthtntrafed weekly. Lnttteet sir. advance 51,54 may lie charged if „ - ;,r r
it tion of tiny s,•ien M6.
r, n y t jcun.ai, zerine for pect that Ili, barzac will be atreater] 3n a
Canada, $5.7t a year, postage Prepaid. sold bat not so paid. - No paper disconthul0 � "'. u `xi'; ' t � g . � ' � c
all newsdcalere the course of the next wee>t. The worst .t V •,,: •� ',) 7 ,
981®ro>ttlnniy, .until all art'eats are. paid', unleso at (Wit is that everything seems to be . tom' .1)
Ml�NN & Co. New , t �'
DranChNN & C e7a xr w York the opinion of the publisher. In tea ue a a nst I 1 `• i .;
Bt. asbingtoutD.C. g > g # h m-cireumst:ances, ::.., -
daid s which every subscription boli is• , things„ people. Not an hour passes , t,
Paid is deputed on the label. '
�, r
without ..n ng satin new evidence �- ' 1
uver.ising rates--rransicat Anvet-
' - .
�-:.. ,..
tlsements;l 19 cents per nonpariel
line f first s _ .
or r t in ertion and 3 cents
ilghtnst him. The examining tnagis-
"'" I,
, �" - ` - - ,
, , .•-- .•••
Per line for each subsequent insertr
trait Js over.tvhelmed b it and blend. „
"]'r'rederic 7.arsau, however, is not a
>r x
Ion. Small advertisements nod to
novice," I sold.
- , ��,,.,, ���,`
exceed one Inch, such as "host,"
"Strayed," or "Stolen," etc,, iv
"I thought so," said 1#onletAbille,
f - • . ' I ---
sert(•d once for 35 cents and tAch
with tt slightly contemptuous turn of
his lips. "1 fancied be was a much
" . `' ,
1, .. �w w
subsetlucnt Insertion ,10 cents.
abler. mon. I bad, Indeed, a great ad,
,. , '14,0i,
l; .-„,,'"” ; t - ✓ �•
olningnft~atlons Intended for pubItt,41
miration for him before I got to know
*, • ,,,, :„„ wa .. , '
tion must, as a guarantee of good
his method of working. It's deplorable.
:.. w... : ' ti
raitfi, btY aCCbmpanied Ivy vhf; ttatne
IIo awes lila reputation solely to ills
- ., a,+wj/ph
Olt the writer.
ability, but he lacks reasoning power. -
The mathematics of his Ideas Are very
�:dltor afld T'roprletor.
,00r. ,i
l'OfN'1`l b TO AN Mt3TV BOr11CCASr~. ..
I "'It fsiilossiblethat there was some
t reason for• the awful silence. Afy in.
tervention might do more harm than
good. How could 1 tell? Ilow could
1 know I might .not ally: moment cause
a'gother crime? It I could only see
and know w•itbout breaking that si-
"I' left the anteroom and descended
the central stairs to the vestibule and
AS silently as possible made my way
to -the little room op the ground floor
where 1)4ddy Jacques had been sleep.
Ing since the attack made at the pa.
vllion. .
"I found- Hine dressed, his eyes wide
open, almost haggard, He did not
seem surprised to see . ale. 1rc wld
me that he had got up because lie had
heard the cry of the Bete flu Bon Dieu
and because he hud heard footsteps in
the park .close tohis window, out of
which he had inked and just then
had seen a -black shadow pass`by. I
asked him whether he had a firearm
I of any kind. No, he no. longer kept
one since the examining magistrate
had taken his revolver from him, We
µvent out together by a little back
. door into the park and. stole along. the
chateau to the point which Is just be-
low blile: Staugersou's window, '
"I ,placed I,laddy Jacques against
the wall, ordering him not to stir
from the spot, while '1, taking advan-
tage of a moment when the moon 1yils
bidden by a cloud, moved.to the front
of the window out oft the patch of
light wllkc.4 came front it, for the win-
dow was half open, If I could only
know what w is passing in that silent
ehamberl 1 returned to Daddy Jacques
and. whispered the word 'ladder' in his
ear. At first I had thought .of the
tree which a week -ago served. the for
an observatory, but I immediately saw
that from the way the window. was
half opened I should not be able to see
from that poltit of ;view anything. that
wits passing.in the room, find 1 want.
ed not, only to see, but to bear, and to
act,' .
"Greatly agitated, almost trembling,
Daddy Jacques disappeared for -a mo
silent and returned without the ladder,,
but makng signs to me with his arms
as signals to me to, come .ghastly to
him. When I,got near him be gasped,
.'Come!' b .
•'IIe led -me round the cbateau past
the donjon. .Arrived there, he said:
"'I -went to the donjon in'-sear6 of
My ladder, and in the lgwer part of the.
donjon which serves me and the gar-
denerfor a lumber room ( found the
door open and the ladder .gone. ' .On
coming out that's what I caught sight
of by the light of the moon' '
"And he pointed to tate .farther end
of the chateau, where a ladder stood
resting against -the stone brackets sup-
porting the terrace, under the 'wIDAOW
which I.1iad found open, 'The' projec-
tion of t'he terrace bail prevented my:
seeing it.. 'Thanks to that ladder, `it
was quite easy, to get tato the 'off turn-
ing'• gallery, of the first floor, and -1 );ad
no 'doubtof 4t hav;ng•' been the -road
taken by the unknown.
"We ran to :the badder, .but at the
I of reaching it Paddy Jacques
ilrety my- attention to. • the half open -
door of the- little semicircular r -room'
situnted•, undei the terrace .at •tlie ex-
taelnity' of .the right wing of the cha=.
teau, having the terrace for -its roof.
Duddy Jacques pushed. the door open a
little farther.alid looked In.
"'He's nbt therei'.�he whlspered. 1.
" iWbo is not there?'
'The forest keeper''
"With bis lips once more to my ear
he, added: ., '
�" `Do you know that lie hasslept In
the .tipper• room of the .donjon even
since it was restored?' And with the
same. gesture he pointed to the halt
open; dour• the ladder, 'the terrace and
the Wlntlow in the 'off turning' :Sal.
Eery, which a •Iittle whiie before t had
" Whtit were my thoughts' then?, 1
had no time to thins;;. I felt mole than
T. thought: ..
"Evidently I. felt if the forest keeper
isup there In the chamber (1 say if
because at this moment, apart from
the presence of the ladder and bis va:
cant room, there are no evidences
which permit me even to suspeetAhtm}
--3f be is there he has been obliged to
pass, by the ladder, and. the rooms
which lie behind bis In his neve lodg
Ing are occupied by the fancily of the
steward *and by the cook and by the
kitcbons, which liar the way' by the
vestibule to -the interior of the eba-
tcau; And if he had been theye during
the evening_ on any pretext it would
have been easy for hila to go Into the
daliery and see that the window could
be simply pushed open from the out-
'side. This question of the unfastened
.window easily uarrowed tate field of
search for the murderer. He must be-
long to the !Souse unless he had an ac=
complice, ,which' I- do not believe he
had; finless ---unless Ailie, Stangerson
herself find seen that that irlidow was
not fastened front the Inside. 13ut,
then, what could be the frightful se.
cret which lint her under the necessity
of doing it way with obstacles that sep-
arated her from the murderer)
"I 801zed Bold of the hrdiler, and we
returned to the back of the chatenu to
see If the window of the chamber was
still .half open. The blind was drawn,
but slid not join andalloyed it bright
streatu of light to escape and fall upon
the patio it our feet. I planted the
ladder uudeiNbe window. I am al.
most sure that l wadi,' no Boise, and
while Daddy Jacques remained at the
foot -of the ladder 1 mountetl It very
(Juietly,, lily stout stick Ill' my hand.
I held ucy breath and lifted' my foot
with the greatest care,, Suddenly a
heavy cloud discharged itself at that .
moment In a fresh downpour of rain.
"At the same instant the sinister cry
Of the Rete du Bon Dleu arrested me
In my aseent. it seemed to rat* to have
tome from close by me, only a few
Yards Away. `tVas the.cry it signall
Had some, ACCOM0110e of f)IA train liens
me on the tadder? Would the eWL
briny the man to the window? felt-
hafts, Ali. there he was at the windowt
I felt his head above me. I heard find+
sound of his breath: I could not Joel; a
up toward Ulm. The least nlovemo at -
of my head And 1 might be lost. Would?
be 0-ee me? Would be peer into tlwt
darkness? No; lie went away, Ue IiatF
seen notbipg. I felt rather than beardl
bim moving on tiptoe in. the room, ata
I mounted a few .steps higher- MF
head reached to the level of the *jig.
dole sill; my forehead: rose ;above it;
:my eyes rooked -between the operilogg
"A malt seated at Allle. Staggersou's
littlardesk writing, Elis back was turn•
ed toward we. A candle was lit befoire
hint, and lie bent over the flame, the
'light front It projecting shapeless Shat3-
ows: I saw nothing but a monstrous,
stooping back. .
"Aisle, Staugerson herself was: not
there! Her bed had not been lain not
Where, then, was .she sleeping that
'night? I)oulttiess. In the side roouc
with her women, Perhaps this was
but a guess. I must content • myseft
with the joy of flndhng the main alone.
1 must be calm to prepare, illy trap.
. "But who, then, is this man writing
there before ,m eyes, Seated at the
desk, as It lie were Ili Ill's own home? .
If there bad not been.tltat ladder un-
der the window, if there had not beets
Those footprints on the carpet In the
gallery, If there had not been that opera f
wfndgw, i might have been led to
think that ibis loan had it ri;;ht to W
there And that be was there as a mat-
ter of course and for reasons about
which as yet I knew nothing. , But
there wits uo doubt that this mysterl-
ous unknown was the roan of the ye;",
low room, the man to wliose murder,,,
ous assault .111le. Staugertion w'itilout
denouncing hint hied had to subtult. If
i could but see his face! $nrprlsH apt'I •
Capture Wm!.
"It i ztprfug Into the loon) at the% •
moalelrt. he will ese•upe uy Ills, right
hat*idi door olreu!ng into the boudoir, or, ,
eme.stug the drawing ruoul,tie will
leach the gallery, and l sh:ali lose hiva-
i brie ,1!111 now, :and in five minutes
more he'll be surfer than if 1 had bald!
Ili a gage. What is lie doing thert;,
alolte in \1110.St:augersou's • routu?
Whac is .lie. writing? 1 deseen,d and
place the laclder.on the ground. Dat'!.- . .
sly Jacques follows me. We re-eta€er
the chateau, :I send Daddy Jacques
to wale ,Nt. Stangerson and instruct
bill) to nwa!t my coming in -Mlle
Sttu gersou's room and to say not#tlig
deftn!ie to him before tap arrival. A .
wirl bo :and awaken Frederic Larsast.
It's a bore to have to do it, for 2
should have I'lked to workalone undr - .
to hale Parried off !all the honors of
this affair myself right tender the very.
nose of .the sleepiug detective. But
. Daddy: Jacques and Al. Stangerson are
.old hien, and 1 am not ypt fully de- .
reloped.1, might not be strong,
i enough, Larson is used to .wrestling: . .
and putting on the handcuffs. 0e •
opened his. eyes,'swollen with sleep,'.
ready to -send me frying without in the
least , bel,ieving In my reporter's . fax .
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