HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-15, Page 44 Inenelenallanaint x_...,....1.......:1.:,,=1 Schoo! Books For the Opening of School. onsmons also SCHOOL SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS may be had at 0 COOPERS BOOK STORE CLINTON Porter's mu. Clinton News -Record September i$th, 1919 Mrs. Walter Weston spent a few ' days last week with•friends at Vol- tralia. 1\Ir. Robert ,Beacon spent • days last week with' his sister, R. Thompson, .16th con, lilts L. McLean, Dungannon, is vis- iting her cousin, Miss Maggie Cox. Several from this vicinity attended the Toronto Exhibition last week. All reported that it was extra good. Among those that attended were Mr. and 1\Irs. Geo. Vanderburgh, DIr. and 1\Irs. Hall Rutledge, nInss Nettie Sturdy and Mr. Ben. Lindsay, - Many, attended the London Ex- hibition this week, they being to numerous to name. Mr. Howard Cox is visiting his sister, Mrs. Dawson, near London. Mrs. Richardson, London,, is visit- ing at Mrs. Sam. Ilurke's. few Mrs. Holrnesville. I3arvest thanksgiving services were held .on Sunday afternoon is St. John's eluirch, at• .which Rex. J. Berry o•f Seaforth preaehed an excel- lent sermon. The church was appro- priately decorated and special music was rendered. The Jubilee anniversary servic- es will be kid on. Sunday at Ebenez- er church, Rev. W. Baugh of 13en- miller will preach at 2.30 and 7 o'clock. The. special colleett'.drns wilt be used to defray expenses of • re- painting and repairing. The annual meeting of the Holmes - vine Civilian Rifle Association will bo held in Holmesville.'hall onthe evening cf the 23rd inst., to com- mence istiarp at 1.30, A number from here attended: Use District Epworth League and Sunday Se,boo' . convent+on in Clinton bits' week. 44=1111114111111•111•1411141111111•4111MIUMM4 1111111116. LADIES _ , . Dry Goods Ready-to-wear(MC 0Millineryy GARMENTS. Dress' -making Grand Fall Openin Friday Evening -Sept; 23rd and Following Days. Friday evening, Sept, 23rd, we make our first dis- play of New Fall Millinery, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Mantles, Furs, etc., and cordially invite you to be present to see the finest shoN�t ing of new and fashion- able merchandise ever exhibited by this store. Store open from 8 o'clock until 10.30. New Fall Coats One hundred and fifty Coats on our racks to -day. each and every . one new this season. More Coats, Better ()oats, Coats that have more style here tb•day than you will find in most stores here- abouts. This is a strong statement, but the garments are here to back it tilt Prices range from 7.00 to 20,00 FURS tVe I1jteeialize. on rues tatid. T'ur=hne(I Garments of ' all kinds, and better class of sets and single pieces of Mink, Sable, Fox, Persian s an La ><nb and other Furs .' EVERY COURTESY . AND ATTENTION ,EVERY YOU HERE. t p N,U.'fl1:EN!f:8 •our Specialties ties r 4Stock Guaranteed, not tq•Pde Workmanship of the Best Prices ;_ P iteasonablo Prompt Delivery Opposite Post Office .. Clinton111.111.111110111111.101111111 1 ti 11 .Goderich Township Mrs. Wm. O. Elliott entertaiuted a number of ;friends on Friday evening last in bonor of her son, George, who has lately returned from Luekaboy, Nev. A very pleasant time was spent. George has been in Nevada for some little time but he considers that Old Ontario is -good enough for hint and it is his intention to rer• main at home now. Very sraecessful Harvest home ser- vices were held • on Sunday last in St. James' church. Rev. J. Berry, rector of Seaforth, preached in the lemming ing and the incumbent, Rev. W. I'I. Dunbar, preached in the evening. The former took .for his tt t, Luke 17--16, from which he preached an excellent sermon on Thankfulnelss. Mr. Dunbar took for the subject of lilt: re'niarks the words found in. Psalm ,i—$. Large and appreciate congre- gations were present on each occa- sion. The collcctiong were for the Dioccson Mission fund and M.I.('.C. and. were very liberal, oven ninety dollars having been tweed' by the Pett- ish. The church was suitably decorated and special music was prepared, Miss Bone= of Ottawa, a guest . of - Mrs, John Middleton's Sr., rendered. • a beautiful and impressive solo at each service, The anniversary services in ounce - Hon with Cole's church will take place on Sunday next when R. Dr. , Medd will be the preacher at 2,30 and 7.30. -On the Monday evening following there .will be a Harvest thanksgiving service. Tea will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock after which there will be a good program, inelud- iog selections by the Clinton orches- tra. • Council met Monday afternoon. Ali the members were- present. Very lit- tle -business was brought hefora the council. The Tele;lhone Debenture By-law, -which will soon be prepared, was discussed and also .a letter from the. Blyth Telephone Company. • - 'l'he•following accouu•ts were pass- ed: -John Stewart, gravelling, $3.00 Chas. Cook, gravelling* - $1.50 ' ,u, The*following figures'', cs•, may . she of interest: to G'odeu;ch• township rate- Payers . 'Number of acres in township• 52,336 ,Number.o•f acres cleared 42;115' Pottilation • 1,870 <\sscssed••value of real . t ' P optt.t. y..t$1,392,925 insessed value of buildings $ 31.1,650 County tax rate 2 mills, township rate 2.3-10 Mills, general school rate 1 -9-10 mills. —�. W:.Trcwartha; .C`lerk.• Summerhill: A most.. enjoyable and suceessaful Harvest Supper was 'held in the 'Or- ange hall on Iriday c\ennmg last un- der the auspices of St, Pt tcr's church.. At tbe'appointinent boar a very largo. numberof. people .assembled apt the hall and' the' ladies of •tile congrega- tion 'were ongrega-tion'were kept • ext;remely busy froth 6 to i p.m. serving the. excellent• sup - •per of .chicken pi•e, salads and an abundance of 1:1a and eake, etc•., •which they had so abundantly provid- ed and winch Was -heartily enjoyed: by, all. ItirniediatOr-atter the. ;nipper a splendid. musical and literary pxo- grant-was rendered at the home. et Mrs, C. Beacom,. teeh. to tide enjoy-.. ruen.t of all present.. The Rev. lF. H. [)unbar .in his remarks expressed his sineere .thanks to.;the ladies for the excellent. supper they had given then, 'and for the untiring etforts. at all times. on "belialf of•the church. The singing of .the • National • Anthem brought a- very enjoyable ..everting to a close. The aitiount realliaed was.ov- rte $35. St. Helens. .lir. and Mrs. D. Todd Jr. are away on avis,it. tri Michigan on a visit to the latter's mother, • ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Coleman anti children of Ilillsgreen called on friends here• on their way up to Visit the lat- tt rs patents at Lucknow. Mr and snits, Cresby Lackie • of Winghant visited at Mr, IlenryWoods for e 7ew days last week. We are sorry to report that Miss Anna. Stewart is en the. sick list .at present,_ (wife _a number from around 'here spent a few days at. •Toronto Fair last week, The Misses Emma, Edna ted Nina Woods visited their cousins in : Ash- lield last Sunday. Goderich . The members of the Woman's In- stitute are requested to meet at the Exhibition '� b tion builcitiigs on Friday aftcr- noon with decorations, All Are ex- pected to send something in the way of baking, Captain A )rit M. Shepherdlar d left .16r his boat on Monday. At the family residence, 250 Lang. side Street, Winnipeg, Myrtle Mitre llrwrll, only daughter of Mrs Ilan. 11cTvrr, formerly of Goderieh, was married to D. W. Rutherford of W in - topeg Reeds. McKay ofWinnipeg and Dr, Manly Ill nson of St, Cathar- ines officiating. at the cert ninny;' '1 he bride and ,groom' will be at borne to their friends• in their new tu'tiid,nn t, .30 Arlinkton strte•t; atter ')tit 4.r 13tH, Mos. Thomas Videan was a Clinton visitor on labor day, the guest et Miss rias '6 se on and ret, Wise. ;I, �� We are sorry to learn oI the re. taps0 Mt. William liable is undergoing at present. lMr. and Mrs. 'Fish have returned to thein hottte at I3ochiester after a pleas- ant visit with the latter's brother-in- law, ,lir. James MItc'itell of The "Stall," 'i'Pd 4ltissca Warrener left en Sat- urday kr their home in Detroit. • outmost at the evening, sessions.. The following were among the dele- gates who attended the convention : • Auburn—Miss M. Erratt,. R. An- drew, I\Irs. A. A. Naylor. Slieppardton---Misix_'•A. Dougherty, Miss 13. Green. Bethel—Miss J. Woods. Ebenezer --W. J. Qliftott, Miss Mab- el Wilson. Ltindesboro—Miss Altec Bell, Mies 'Ada. Beighaut, Miss Mabel Vodden, Miss Minnie Lyon Rev. J • I3. OSteis hoot, (leo. Garrett, Derwin Carter. I3lyth--Rev. A. I+,. Fear, Mrs, Fear, lir. and Mrs. John Dlisses Lena i:dnieston, Lillie Catt, 5, Bent- ley. A.laggie Johnston, Carrie :Slater, \linnie 1''a veett, Hannah Moiler, Eva Main, , and Tborn tonIHarRussell id - ley -,.red Jfcksnr and .1. 1ottitt.,(oleriel Rev. Dr, Dougall, Rev. Dr, Medd, Mrs R. Sinclair, 3Irs. 5. E Hicks, L. I3. and Mrs. Hell, Mrs. R. Aitkin, Mr's, L, Green, 11 Snydee, E. Regan,, E. Blake. A. Davidson, Rose Jamison:. Miss Watsltington, E. Doti - gall ane.Messts. -.1, Yates, A. M. Rob- erton, ettt n 1 C. Dlillian, I. 1'I 1lhlliiiai, F ili �s •' lc uc \ 111E-^-Itc•v. Mr, 5uaWdHn. Mrs. N. '\V. Tresv rtlta arab Miss L. -jowls. . Portees I[tll -Mrs, Aiat's1iaili .0_. W. PottE r' and 11iss. R. Pont Varna—Miss Annie Kennet, Mins I..• Robinson Constanee---R. Clarke, J. W. Button and Al iss G. Bully . • Westileid Mzs. At. McDonald, Mrs. W. Stcieklinu;e, Mrs. G. - W'i?htuuui.. A/issa's .11cDot\ell, L. Snell Canto - bill, 13. .1 olinston, M. Snell, (xk.. . VC igilt- ninii, 1,. \Vi rhtniau,'A. Taylor, A. Ale - Do w e 11. a ittl l\Te ssi•s. W. Stockhonse, (4. Snell" E. iVhitntan,' T. 'Taylor, T, Aloon • Seaforth-Rev. D. Rogers, hiss M. llrhvhlle, mitis M. Young - • • bile-'-�1rs. R. gehliii, :Mrs. Hotller• ington, Mrs J. I)nstoN, Miss M. Bail- lie,. 'Miss V. Mc'S&e, bliss R. Pentland, miss ('.•Shephci:•d, 11isa.T.Mc('atin'and J, I)ustuse, and 5, Shel,heed, Rev. W. Conway, Mrs. ('. V1tright, Miss (4, Pen t,lencl - Donnybrook Miss A.;..('hanning,. M I;. A.Thompsou - .. Two Days Convention of , 5, �V7)1teral (ContinleruedWad from ,3page few minutes as he wished to give all the time possible to Dr. Endi- rott who, as he said; they might never have an opportunity of hear- ing again. He encouraged the work- ers to go on and do their best work. "Find out where you can make your life count for the most said lie, "then stick to that place." Rev. Dr. Endicott spoke of the work that was being done in west China by Canadian Methodism ; - of the way that work had broadened out in the past ten years and of the . wonderful .opening , � p g el at there is for fitrthct. work. "We sometimes hear it stat- ed, said he, "that the 'Methodist Church of Canada is responsible for tun millions of people in -West China. Who has a right to put such a limit upon our work ? 'I say that every man is responsible for all that he can do," The Dr. Is before everything else a missionary, and in his ad- dresses. before the convention he 'en- deavored to inspire the young people with a zeal for the 'work, Each session of the convention, width is considered one of the most successful ever held on the disetrict, was well attended, each school and League on the district being .represen- ted and the townspeople turned out Well, the chureh being taxed to its C i,7N'i'0.N MA RK I,T • REPORT. Old Wheat $1'.00 to $1.03'.:. New Wheat • 90'c to 95c. Old Oat,, 32e_ to 36c. . New Oats 30c to 35c. Peas 72e to 75c. Barley. 42c to 45e. Butter 18c to 19e. Eggs. 17c to 18c. hive dogs i;3:65,•' , , Goderich 011ie Euchannan Is now one of .the stab of 'Long's, 'grocery. The beautiful Salvia plant that stir - rounds the. Sunset Hotel, was pretty well blasted on the lake side liy the recent storm, ' but. where it flourishes on ,13ritann-ia .Road, it has not bloom- ed ytt The fruit bearing iters in town are not over laden this.•seascn. ' Vi'ii' few trees have any: 'Irui•t at all. • Mr. 2r. Reginald Tye 'leaven today fon Trinity College.. Sttidy docs n',i in-' Pare his • constitution and he looks wonderfully well, ,Rev. Mr....Ball intended .f,i settle God.ericta.hitt he .thinks that it will be wiser for him.to go west and take up his residence near his In other • We note that some Atm ritetus, have nurcltat;cd lots near the lake and 'John Parsons . of Toledo is trying tc. get sale for one. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Gordon paid a visit recently to the sister of the latter, Mrs. ('has. Newton. Their hone is now in Victoria, B.C. They had visited at Woodstock en route and had ente red their son at Victoria Col- lege. • They left • here for. Detroit, wherethey will .visit frirnds►; after which they sail to Liverpool and in- tend taking an aiviund-the•-world-trip. it•Ir. Gordon is the son of the late .)aGordon.Wiltoto, , r Mrs, Charlotte Beck is the guest of her brother -in -lave, Major Beek, Tor- onto. ITer daughter, Miss Lydia, has acctt'pted a litisition in one of the De- partmerits of the Parliament, I3ttikt- in ii i t Toronto,' Mists,'f.ydie 1e a clever stenographer and `teas employed for •a tong time• in one of our Wein- ass orners'hcre. lieu sister, Mies > 1,1'-'' lit', its ninth Mrs. Reek ii1 Toronto, Mr. John ;1turpliy is superintendent of the hell Tete pbone lb.'s work a t p or Auburn. 1j'Wo men Were drowned in the sink- ing of the barge Bristol oft New York, t. lliclrivtwei, the French aviator, will attempt to fly from Bordeaux to The 1"re3ricli Government has order- ed 30 new military 'acronlants. ST. VITUSDANCE A STRIKING EXAMPLE OF ITS C"t'RI', BY THE TONIC TREAT- MENT. St. Vitus dance is the commonest form, of nervous trouble which af- flicts children, because of the great demands made on the bcdy by grow- th and development, and there is the° added strain caused by study. It is when these demands become 90. great that they impoverish the blood, and the nerves fait to receive their full supply of nourishment, that the nerv- ous debility ensues which leads to St. Vitus fiance. The remarkable success of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pins in curing St. Vitus dance should lead parents to give their children this great blood -build- ing medicine at the first signs at the approach of the disease. Palos, list- lessness,inattention, restlessness and irritability are all symptoms which early show that the blood and nerves are failing to rm.et' the demands made upon them. Mrs. A. Winters, Virden, Man., says : !Viten my little Was six years old .she was at- tacked with scarlatina, which was followed by St. Vitus dance. iter limbs would jerk and twitch. H.r speech became alYeeted, and at [ant site became so bad that she could scarcely walk, and we,hardie ttaend trust net alone. She was under the care of a doctors, but in spite of 'thus was steadily growing worse, and we feared that we would lose her. As Dr. Williams' Pink Pills' had ; tired her older sinter of anaemia I dect:lc.l to try them again. After the use of a few boles, to our great joy, we found they- were helping her and in the course of a. few weeks more her power of speech fully returned, and site could walk 'and go about as well as any child, and she Iles been . well. and healthy since. When illnass comes to any one of our family now, we never call in a doctor, but simply use Dr,• % iltiam:,' Pink Fills', and they never disappoint us." •. Sold by all medicine dealers or by; mail at 50 cents a box or .;ix boxes for $2.50,. from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cee, Bsoekville, Ont. FOR SAI I —IIO•i SE. AND • i:tt'l' ON Huron. street, also lot on tfati••'n- buty street,. the property • of the late Alex. McKenzie.. Two storey, ten-ruome<t frame, house with veritn- • dal,.. Small . stable, hard and soft water, also a number of . • fruit trees.. For further information •up - ply to Geo: • D., McTaggart c r .Cottle, Clinton. 44 • IIOU4E FOR SALE ON •PRTNCL.SS - street. 14 story,seven rooms. At present occupied by Mr. Daynrent. ' acre' land. Sold en reasonable terms, Possession cane be given Oct. lst. Apply. to E. Saville. 43 DRAIN TILE.FOR SALE. -WE NO\o 'have 'a stock of Tile 'on hand 'ping- . ing in sizes fronts 24 up to 8 inches. •10 and 12 -inch, Tile drily made to erder. Works Balt mile east of l.gmoncivifle. Phone No. 9• on 145. --Kruse Bros.. Egi}iondvilie P. 0. • 39-6 MORTGAGE 'SALT; OF FARM. PRO- perty.—under anti by virtue of the powers oontained• in a certain wort-' ' 'gage, which will be produced at the time of .sale,' there will be offered foe sale by:Public Auction on Tues- day, the• 20th day of September:, 1910, 'at the. hour of 2. o'clock, in the ', afternoon, at the Comntereial Ilotell.in. the Town of Clinton, by Thomas Brown;'°Auctioneer, the fol lowing property, namely The east half of jot number. eighteen (18) in the sei:enth' (71h) concession .of the Township of Il;tillett in the County .of Huron, containing 50 acres inore or lass. This property is well • lo- • cated in a good farming district, and within easy distance of the Town of Clinton. Terns : 10 . per: cent. .of the purchase' money to be paid down. at the time of . sale. Balance to be paid in 3.0 days thereafter, . For further .paet:ieulars and C'ontlitions of Sole apply .to. • J. L. Killoran,"_ C3ods•rieIt, Ontario, Solicitor for the Vendor: Dated at •Goderich,•the 20th day of August,' 1'910. 44-3 • At'C".'ION SALE OF FAR\r, FARM Implrli,ents; ete, in the, township of Goderich. 'There will he offered for sale by public auction at the .:. premises on Friday utay •ter 23rd Clay of •,Sepierpbcr, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m. the property known as the Proc- tor Farm, being . composed of Lot number, thirty-two and the south- tVE S tat"of p t Lot number thirty- three, Maitland Coneession, Goder- ich township, containing 114 acres more lir less, There aro about 95 acres of good arable laird and the remainder is bush and grazing land of . desir- able quality. '!'here are on Me pre- mise% a good frame house with' 7 rooms in excellent repair and a good frame barn of sufficient cap- aeity. 'there is also an orchard of about 200 bearing fruit trees. The property is beautifully located on the. 1luaon Road midway between towns : of Croderipit. and C'lin- ton. Tb ne ;will be offered ,for, sale at the sante time and place a quan- tity of farm., stock, farm innpie titrntss furnituxc, etc, including ' 3 hotsrs , t . , head• ,of cattlc , a ,binder, mower, seed drill, •horse rake, eufller, plows, harrows, wag- on, buggy, cutter, etc. and a quantity of ' household fur- law. ur- n turw. Inspection nsprctiori of the property is invited and terms and conditions fit sale will be made known on the premises or by application to eith- er of the undersigned: --"Thomas Gun- ddry.:luetioneer ; W. Brydone, Sol'r for the vendors. 45 nnounce To the ladies of Clinton and surrounding country Our Grand Miillnerg Open-, Ind onl Thursdag, Friday and Saturda}i,' September 22nd, 23rd and 24fth, We have made extensive pre— parationr` and have spared no pains to gather together a col- lection of up-to'date Millinery that will be a credit to the town and to this store and its ever increasing business. In Connection with .our Millinery Opening we will show a most select stork of Ladies' Fall -'Croats These Coats have already received a more than local reputation for the splendid" correctness o t their outline, fit and finish, with a price -ticket attached that makes us won- der how such garments could be sold for the honey. In Ladies. Dress Skirts In Ladies' Dress Skirts we have added some very interesting lines in the most pope- lar weaves and colors.' See them at $2,50, ' 3.00, 3;25, 3,75, 4.00 and up. �. .. Our Fancy' Goods Our Fancy Goods Department is now thor- oughly furnished with New . Fall Necessities of every description. Manufacturer's Ends Of Table Damask should rivet the attention of every house -wife, from 4 to 211 yards bleached and unbleached. See them on 0111: counters be. fore they are all gene! MEET ME AT IRWIN'S THE PEOPLE'S STORE wit► i►.�r'_�a-r vii► ti` ti��►^a �►�.. .mSlio mill t nic. 5. C.R a t h ell, Shoes .i >t w Special Bargains iin Ladies Oxfords for July. We antto cleat, Want ea out all 11 our ladies ofxords. Your chance to getO s summer A h e at wholesale prices. Ladies Pat Oxford, .1, McPher- son make, lyes $3.li0, July Sale price - - . $250 ' • . Ladies Kid Oxford, s Mc1'her- eon make, reg. $3 00, ,'fnb' $ale price • Le dies rdnR ` n t make, reg $250 ad $2.75, July Sale [e r e .,r.00 Ladies Kid (lxtord, eels. $1.75 tend .$2, Special July Sale price $1,85. C, Hoare, Music 0 Shoet Music .as We a tryto keep in latest in Songs aInstrumental0 Music. If we levee not what you want weract ill it tv re p i on Short notice. 0 Try us for Violin Supplies 0 tVe keein stock a fall supply of. Violins Violin Bows Violin Bridges Violin Strings Violin Resin IlarrnonieM in All letter's always in kinds and stock. S• C RATHWEL l Ht ARE s r The Piece 'Where Vous Dollar Always Does its Duty,