The Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-15, Page 22 Clinton Views -•Record September 151h, 1910 ePU ITY- -- CCURt�GX 1NM. eNt NN Neo. NN: 2 KQDAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES •Everything an amateur nphotographer is liable toI eed is to be found in our store. Our store is the only place in Clinton where you can buy kod- aks, Eastman Rhos and • supplies. We can get the •other cheap varities,. but prefer to supply va « we pP yo y with the best, it pays us I i' and it pays you. It is our way of oing busi.u•I t Webs, we always try to have the best for you. Get interested and you are welcome to any in- formation you wantabout e amateur photography. ASK FOR CATALOG. • 2 • W. S. R. HOLMES • Manf'g Chemist. j to•••••••••••••••••••••••2 -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE- • Watts &S n. W. H. at s o OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE CLINTON Stane opens at 7.30 a. m. and closes at 8 p.m. We are practical Boot and Shoe Makers and repairers. Boots made to order in from 1 to 3 days notice and repairing done while you wait. FARMERS ATTENTION. We keep on hand Boots . and Shoes of our own make which are just the thing for farm work. W. H. Watts & Son. OUR TRADE DOUBLED Our sale of Flour, Feeds, Seed Grain, Etc., has doubled this season over last What better evideAce- can there be that our stock and prices are right, FO RO & MoL EOD LIGHTNING RODS Lightning Rods are a cure prntec- tic.n to your building during Elec- tric Storms. Barns rnded from $15 00 _ up l: ands with a COPPER ROD through and through. A written guarantee given. Also Galvanized Rods niuch cheap- er. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For particulars apply to W. H. Stogdi/ VARNA CENTRAL STRATFORD. STRATFORD. ONT. The leading practical training school in Western Ontario. All ambitious young men and young , women should read our free catalogue. Learn what our grad- uates are doing. and you will he interested. We have three de- paetmen ts, Commercial Shorthand Tele>:,raphy Each department is in hands of experienced instructors. Individ- ual instruction is given. This is the hest time of the year for students to enter. Write for free eat.c!.•gue at once. I). A. Mc1..\Cf1L.AN•, Prin. The BcsC Coal IF YOU WANT THE BEST TcST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT nAVIS its ROWL:AND'S HARDWARE STOItE ?ROMPTLY AT- .,,TENDE'D TO. in tea may moan to you flavor or strength or fragrant richness. Red Rose Tea isblended with such nicety that it is the combination of all three points of merit. Will you try a paclia€e. RED,RQSE TEA 'is • NEVER SOLD IN pULK Your Grocer Will Recommend It St John Kelly, charged with home stealing, escaped from New Hamburg • lock-up. "Can be depended upon" is anex- pression we all like to hear, and when it is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera. and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it never fails to cure diarrhoea,. dysen- tery or bowel complaints. It is plea- sant to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. YOU NEEDN'T DESPAIR. ' here's. an Offer that :Should Interest Sufferers of. Skin Irritation. First of all we Want to. explain that the remedy we are about to tell you of caries our promise of money back for the -mere asking to anyone not thoroughly pleased with its use. That should unquestionably establish .the sincere faith we have in it. Parasites or germs cause eczema, and rezeme is probably the most pre valent cause of all skin ailntente. To overcome them the remedy must of necessity destroy or remove thepar- ateitei .or germ' before relief can • be obtained. • Posscsiiag remarkable. antiseptic, germicidal, cleansing, soothing. and •healing power, 'the curative value of Rexall Eeeema Ointment is very pro- nounced in the treatment of eczema and allied skin diseases, .whether of the dry.scaly sort,. the weeping .type, where there is a flow of -ill-smelling excretion, or •the intermediary. kind, such as pimples, blotches, diseolora- ations ren •orrisor. acne. Itis gear a n •useful very for y usefel o Treating hivcy, nettle rash, insect bites and wounds. It is ideal for the .skin ailments pecediar to children. • • Rexall Eczema Ointment is gray- ish -white in color, has a pleasant od Or, and is very, cleanly.for use, • If you•are a sufferer of skis irritations or eruptions in any form whatever; We. urge you rto .try • a box at our. • risk. At the mere hint of dissatisfaction; .you may have youre Toney back. Two sizes, 50c. and, •$1,00. Remember; it is only sold at. our store. -The. • Rex al:' Store: • W. 'S.. R. Ilolmes. • W. J Stevenson F. W. .CUTLER, PAINTER AND ^Paper hanger. All work done guar- anteed to give satisfaction. ;Prices moderate... Residence nearly. opposite Collegiate Institute. Clinton.: ' 8.3 • MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS., BEST MATERIAL JAMES DOIG OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. Notice to Public Your Patronage Solicited • • Laving purchased a set of -tools and Machinery necessary for PLUMBING AND• TIN SMIT RING I world respeet.ftillysolicit the patron- age of the Town of ('linton and • vicinity. • REPAIRING • •of all kinds promptly attended to Leave orders at residence, 70 Victoria Street. Phone No. 139. - W H . WEBB • CEDAR COSTS for sale sass JAS. HAMILTON Coal rlerchant PHONE 52 Huron County News Gathered for News-Reeord Reader i ygirs Ago 81hth 1Mr. Chas. Taman of Iiincardinaa was in town \vitt 'friends and rola'- tivee for a few days recently. Miss Maggie Dishier o£ Dungannon and Miss Menzies of East Wawanosit were visitors at the home of Mrs. Geo. Powell. Mr. and Airs. Feed. A. Lewis and little son, 1lar•ry, of Mount Forest spent the week end in town. AIr. Joseph Stalker, principal of 1\in;han uh iestha 1 was renewing I n g old acquaintances. in town and vicin- ity last week. Mr. Jas. McMurehie has beret an- tler the care of a doctor for some little time. ''_Mr. and Ales. J. Il. Chellew attend- ed i' the Toronto Fair and also visited friends at Niagara,: Thorold and oth- er places. Mr. Frank Carr is suffering from, an attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. Emigh and two children of Bridgeport, Conn., have been vis'iting with. Mr. and • n'lrs..1.. I1'ni•gh, ?Jr. and Mrs. W. Jackson received a visit recently from. Rev. Mr• Bough of Benmiller, the minister who unit- ed them in marriage nearly thirty years ago. • Mrs. Quinn, who has been. visiting friends in town, left last week, ac- companied by her. si.stcr, Mrs's Cattle well, for a visit to Toronto and Nia- gara before returning to her home in. Ileileybury. Miss Grace Stewart intends taking a course at the Normal ,School, Ham- ilton. She is visiting her sister in Beamsville. until the term opens. From The News -Record of September loth, 1892 Clinton, Sept. loth, 1892. Miss Hattie Read returned to Lon- don la et , t s Miss Washington is visiting friends in and arourrd Exeter. Messrs. Jacob and Israel Taylor were in IIensa11 on business last Tuesday • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 1). McTaggart re- turned from their holiday, .vielt on Thursday last. Barrister Scott left on Saturday on City. a visit to the QueenCity. Miss Witts, who has been on sever- al weeks' visit in Clinton and vicine. ity, returned to her home in Toron- to on' Thursday. AIr. John Ranstord, who is a. -dele- gate to the Provincial Synod, left yesterday morning for Montreal on that important duty. Rev. Rural Dean Craig expects to take charge of the Petrolia parish a Week from Sunday next. Mr. Jacob Miller has adorned' his parlor with a handsome new up- right piano. Rev. Rural Dean and Mrs. C'r'aig, assisted by the W•M.A., will tender an At Jiorne farewell at the rectory on Tuesday evening, • A club bas been organized in .town to be called the "Twenty-five; Club." The object is. social and intellectual improveriierrt. 'Tie officers are: Presie dent, W. P. Spaulding ; Ser..-Teeas., E. E. Barrow ; Executive Committee, Dan. MacPherson, hack Kennedy, J. l'.nunerton. A 'large party of 'friends assembled at the hone of Mr, and .Mrs. Plum - steel, Ontario street, on Friday ev- ening and honored the host and host- ess op the twentieth annivertiany of their marriage: The fleet oysters of the season weg'e a: vi placed on sale at th c r csta - t rants on 1 Thursday, • ' commissioner of Public Works Plummer has filled a long feltwant by over turning and placing convex side' up several sti'etehcs. o£ siflewalk where the planks, had "turned up their toes," and with Which the toes of pedestrians often carne intie ultpleas- ant contact. Several ;lank crossings have . been renewed and aTtogethec 'Mr. Plummer's department,, themost important tinder civic control; ise be- ing very efficiently and economically administered. • Londesboro, Se.pt. ;.'tth, 1892. Miss Edna Allen is visiting friends iA the country at. present, We are sorry to .learn that. Mr. Joseph Calelough : is! dowa. with: typhoid fever. • Mr. J. ,11, Mellain preached in. the Mc thodist church, Clinton, on Sun- day last. There will be a mocktrial in the good. 'l'einplars lodge next Tuesday evening. There should be, a Tull at- tcndence of member's. Belgravc, Sept. 1'4th, 1892. • Mr. Wm. Watson has enoved ' into, his: new..house. . Hareest Home services will. he held in the Presbyterian* church on Sun= day, Sept. 251h. •A meeting of the directors of the Agricultural Society was held, on Wednesday last:, The IIarvest . iI'ome services in. the .English church, which was held . on, Wednesday evening, were a grand suc- cuss financially and socially. Beigrave • Mr. anal Mrs. N. A. Bryant wck'e recent visitors in Belgraee.. . \Ir•. and Mrs. Wren of Seaforth were guests at Roht. :Armstrong's. Mr. C. Burney of Exeter .was . a Labor Day visitor at Belgrave. Mrs. \Cray. is home again, after spending a week with Blyth and 11'ul- lett friends. Rev. Fear of Blyth 'and Durant -of I3elgrave exchanged pulpits on Sun- day week for.: the evening, service. Rev. Austin Budge of Hanover preached very acceptably to the For- esters_ or-cstern in the I'';esbyterian Church on Sunday week. Mr. and 3Jrs. John Hooper Jr. of 1hcsealon, Algoma, called on 13e1- grave friends, before going to Toron- to, Niagara Falls and London. They were en their honeymoon trip. The funeral of the late Mr. Corley c•f Ilurketon• took place Wednesday of last week at Blyth. Mr. Corley had been' in Hour health for several' months,- and died at his brother's in Lindsay. Mr. Corley was for pearly -,thirty-five years a resident of this vicinity, and was widely -known, nn account of the interest. he took ' .in thcrtough-bred stock, Ile *as highly esteemed and wets a member of 1 'rin- itY church, Beigrave, Politically, he gavi' his support- to the C'nnservatire party. About two years ago, he sold his fa m hers' and removed to Burke - ton. Ile . leaves to mourn his death, his widow,. one son, Fred., and one daughter, Mary. Rev. W. II. Hart- ley, a former rector, conducted the+ service. Mr. Corley was 61 years of age. Mrs. Corley and daughter have returned to reside in Belgr'ave. • Win gham Miss Lizzie Wilson has return- ed from: a visit to friends ia Dundas. Dr. J. 1'. Kennedy has resumed •hila practice after his trip west. .Mrs. Dtitliild and daughter have re- turned from their summer's 'pitting at Bayfield: Mrs; C. 3.w.' Walker andfamily have returned•after spending the summer at Grand Bend. • . Miss Viola Davidson has gone to Brussels to. assume her duties on the public ' school. stall.. Rcv. 1)r. Rutledge, Mrs. Rutledge and daughter have returned after a rnoeth's. stay at Kincardine. -Hiss Chapman' of • London, who was with them at • Kincardine, returned to•. Wingham, with them. • . Mr. Leckie Inas dieposed of his bakery business to Mr: Carter; • of Forest, who took posse:sten . , last week: Mr. I3: 1). Mason was taking a load. of six or seven hundredpound's to the second door' of the \\'esteen Foun- dry the other day when•the repo broke. The . hoist Was about 'ten feet frons tht' il'oor and in the fall Mr. Mason sustained serious injuries to one• arin'and one ankle, besides; being coitsid'crably, shaken and bruise .The 'members of thc•\Cofnan's;I (,field and' Woman's Auxiliary of St. •Paul's church presentees Mrs. Jlc (lnirc,. ' one of their most active everkcrs, with an address. and a eut glass bowl. prior to her removal to Naustedt.. The marriage took. place Iai t week of .Edith Emily, d'aug'hter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. •Gregory, to Mr Ernest Gilmour Britton of Shelbourne; son of Mr. and Moi. t\'ut, Button, formerly of W'irtgham. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Button left the same day to .spend • their. honeymoon amongst the Thousand Islands. Mr. David Rush, a well known reel - dent of \\`ingham passed . away last week after only a few days illness. His death was the result. of a cut in the pahn of his hand inflicted by a damp glass. Deceased had beets ` a citizen of Winglrarn for. about- twenty- nine years, the larger portion of the timebeing engaged in the grocery and 'confectionary business. Ile • was a member Of the :Methodist : church, a Conservative and an Orangeman. Ile leaves, besides his wife, twd •daugh- ters, Mrs. E. 13. Hart of \\inglham and. Mrs..F. W. Mertens of• Toronto, and .one son, Fred. N.,'also of Tor- cinto. The. funeral' was attended bee the L:O:L., the religious ser\'it'c be- ing .conclucttd•by.Rev. Dr. Rtttltdgc, • A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr, and Mm l'anstone on the est inst., when their eldest daughter,'. Florence •Olive, became the bride ofMr.I . 6' rr's •r of W. t c tc Charleston, Hiss;iter, son at .ilrs .I• Forster of Sweet Springs, Mo,, fcir- nterly of 'Winghan. The ceremony was performed by Itev• E. 1I. C'r'o11y, rector of St. Paul's church. Miss Norma • Vanstone was maid of honor and Mr. G. 0, tinhorn of Toronto was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Fore:Re left the sante afternoon for a short tour before settling in their new home in Charleston. '- 'Bert Atkinson was fined $25 at St.' Catherines for etriking a witness against him in court. Two children named Londlaid and Wood.% were burned to Heath in a barn at. flying Inlet. . C'hamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Ile today the hest known medicine in use for the relief and cure of bowel complaints,, It cures griping, diarrhoea, dysentry, and should be taken at the first un- natural looseness of the towels. It is equally valuable for children and adult-'. It always cures. Sold by all dealers. ... Seaforth Clarence Scott, youngest sea of Mr. James Scott left last week for Win- nipeg, where he will enter the Bank of t'onrmerce. David Wilson, son of Mr. J. A. Wilson, won second prize with bite ]cony, and also second prize for bov riders with pony at the Canadian. Na- tional Exhibition. Mr.Patrick McGrath has sat the • residence on James street, whim he purchased a short time a o frontMiss McGregor, to Mr. George Brownlee. \I0Grath bas purchased Mr. I3rownke's farm in Tuckersntithe Prior to her departure for ('al- gary, the ladies of the Methodist church presented Miss Helen Beattie with a handsome diamond pm, in re- eognition of her faithful services ae a member of the church, choir, a Sun- dayhand church school teacher a c wore ker. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Loch, formerly of Clinton, were here last week visit- ing Mrs. Loch's sister, Mrs. C. Mac- dougall, and other friends: Mr. ' and Mrs. Loch have been residents of Vancouver, 13. C.; for the past three years,: and. they are now on a tour “.,:ting old friends. in Ontario, pre- vious to going \vest. Midr•"lIazel Winter has returned to Westminster College, Toronto. Mr, C. F. ('oiling ren:inted his dut- ies. at the Collegiate last week after a pleasant jaunt through the west: Mrs. J. 1). Hamilton and daughter,. Gladys, • who have -been visiting et the home of Mrs. R. Hammett, left last week fur their new home at En- elc'igh, Alta. \1r. and Mies. •Win. Stoddart have gone to .Lethbridge, ,Alta., wbei•e they intend. to remain- for the wihter with the latter's • mother; Mrs. Math er•S. Mr. T. F. Robinson • of Thamesville will open up in the store just vacate ed by \lessers. Pickard Son. Ckner- al improvements are now being shade in the building. A eery eecc•cssful flower show was -held:. by the I•lorticultural Society on Saturday week, . On.September 2ncl there died' t the earl ageof 31 'ars • Earl A. a .early yt r Ceeeh. • Ile has .been in business in his.h 1- the west for •some c tfmend ca . th railing he e•.ame: back honk in the hope that a change would be bene- ficial, bet .the disease had •gained too •firma foothold .arid:. after. a • -few weeks at. homme he 'became much worse 'and gradually sank until the , ` end: tante. Deceased was well known -here having. spent Most of his boyhood here. .Learning• the barbering • in Scaforth he later spent -some lime in Clinton before going west Ho was. of • .a cheerful and Bunny. disposition. and •a+ favorite .with• his',Companions. Itis remains were laid to rest •in \iaitland Bank -cemetery. Dungannon; Mese Norman Treleaven and • (3111( arrived last week, from••Napanec.• • Mr. •and Mrs. John Gien:n „of .Whig- ham spent Sunday :week in out . vise lage. • . Miss Lily McArthur 'of Goderich. is •visiting: Miss Edith Aegnstine. Pinkney of -Seaforth spent it few days at hie uncle's, Geo. Brad • - for•d's: McNev in Sr. visited his daughter, :Mrs. •Ed..Fowlet•; .of Wart. \l:awanosh• J. Nevins and family of Goderielt, visited friends here Sunday.. and Mon- day of last week. • • Rev. ,J.•C. Reid Of Atwood occupied the pulpit hi the Methodist church- last hurchlast Sunday evening. 'Misses Nevins and Burnside re 1ureed•le (iodericli after their visit with. friends here. Mrs.. John Daley and Arthur Daley of Seaforth .spe lit a . few days with Mr. anti. -Mrs. N. It'. W1i}•.ard. Hiss Pauline Berger of ,llilvewton will have charge cif the. millinery de- partment at C' 1:lliot•t's. this season. W. C. \Ie('iilloeh Of the • Sterling •Bank, has left to spend two weeks holidays at his heme at Grand Val- 1(•v . \Ir. Cyril ('arrieof Goderich preach- ed in. St, Paul's church here ,Sunday tifternoon. • • ' 5; ICoach is taking for N. Tree. leaven while .lir. Trel aven's regulare baker, i\Ir. Reeves, is vielting in Toronto:, • lie•tas. 1Irt< elI�Se test 'Moffatt, Crawford, Sproul,lohnston, Walkom, Reeves, Me :Wattles J. AV'alkom, W. Sproul, G, Jackman, anti Miss Cowles were among the visitors at Toronto 'exhibition from eta' village, Geo. Case, Loehr Young; Clarence and [.awlsenee Smiley, Roy Medd, Bert Wiggins, :hisses Ethel Case, Ethel Glenn, Elea Johnston, Pearl elrKen- ✓ie. Cora Allen, Birdie and Vera Diti•nin,. left Monday of last week lo attend the (1odcricb Collegiate In- stitute. The ' Epworth League end Sabbath school: institute, held in. tho Metho- dist church \vas fairly well attended. Addresses •\vire giC•en by Rev. F. L.• Farewell of Totonto.Rev. Dr. Dougall of Goderich, Rev. W. Conway of Nile tend Rev. L. Bartlett of Dungannon. The \Vest Wawanosh Mutual Fir•, Insurance Co. met last week t.n El- liott's hall. It was a busy day for the directors. Seventeen losses (ler- ing the past Month were satisfactor- ily adjusted and paid with perfect ;tatii.'action . in ('very case and the Company has still approximately $8,- 000 in the treasury. One hundred and five applicants for insurance, ranging :from $400 to $5,000, also Were con- sidered and accepted. Zurich. Mr. andMrs. ,. its ,• D 1 Sl inb c II. e a h left in their auto for their home -in De- troit last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kalbfeisclr -want back with them for a short stay. .Among those who visited the Tor- onto Fair last week were : Mr. Fred. Hess Sr., Mrs. E. Appel and son, Harold, and Mr. Beaton. Miss Vary Witmer returned to De- troit last week. - Miss Rose McNevie of Goddrieh vis- ited friends in town recently. Mr. Fred. • Ii. Schnell, who has been west ice a number of years, is visiting at his home here. • - \ir. Gro. Hess -left laid: week for Detroit having ng secured a peyi i on thee^. • ?dr. ('.has: Bedard of Goderich town- ship has purchased Mr. 'Maxine Den- c:nmme's farm on the Sauble bine and gets. possession almost immediately. ...Mr. Lewis Jeffrey has purchased Mr. Joseph Dowson's dwelling and will move in shortly. The pur chase prieefs said 'to be $1.600. Mr. Thole. Johnston has purehactd for $1000 the property of Mrs. Schuit- tier on the corner, one of the main business blocks. • Mr. John Johnston has sold to 'Mr. Maxim Denommc his farm on the Town Line, ,Stanley. The. price being $5,700, Heasall ' Dr: ,ilei?wan of 'Toronto spent a few days at his ]tome in town re- crntiy., Mr. .Tas. ('lark has returned after spending soma" time at Preston Springs. Ile•seems much improved in health. Years of Suffering A Desperate Cate of Cotterrh in the Head. "My father had catarrh In the head for a long time. it was such a deeper- ate case that he didn't know what to do, but one of his friends recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla. He got a bottle immediately, and as soon as be com- menced taking It he felt relief and after the use of two other bottles he was completely cured. Re was so well pleased he has ever since recom- mended B'oot's Sarsaparilla. • Delle Aline Begin, Levis, P. Q. Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Sold by all druggists everywhere. - Exeter Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Hueston rind family have returned from Ctantl Bend where they spent the summe. The marriage of Miss Hannah F .,k- beiner to Mt. Sweitzer of. Tavistock took place ea Tuesday of last week at the hone of the bridee Parc :. t s Only immediate relatives were rpt. Mrs. Munroe is leaving on a :rip. to England where she expects to spend the winter. Misses Marjory and Jean Seeion hovel -:,• i a d returned front a lengthy v. it• with friends in Ingersoll. Mir'i Maud Parish, who has ben visiting in this vicinity for the past six months', left last 'week for her home in Essex. She was aecompar.iect by her Cousins, Mrs. J. Harding and daughter, Ina., of Eden. Me, and Mrs. Richard Salter et Fenton Harbor, Mich., visited lir. and Mrs. John Salter last' week. • lr. Jas. Salter of Essex also came up and spent a day with his brothers, this being .the hist time in fourteen years thatall three brothers vele together. The Anniversary and ibis,. it Thanksgiving r sorvlccri in connection with the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday week were very s.ut:.:s ful in every way. Mrs. Found .and cliildr.en •of Winni- peg are visiting Mr.. and Mrs. C'ar- lislc, the parents of Mrs, Found, af:, ter. five years absence. Mr. W: Maunders, for some time in the employ • of the G.T.E. here, has gone to' Preston where he has . tak- en a position inthe shipping depage- riient Of. Clare Bros. • Dr, .j,: Bell visited the Toronto Ex- hibition hibition •last week, Miss Shi'rritt tae returned• frons' a• •pleasant `visit. with relatives in .Otic- bete.. .Mrs. Robt. Bc'ngough is-vistiting her, old home Me Midland, .iMich.. Goderich .hiss Polley took her certificate aS a teacher some years ago, but n::'er thought.of., making use of it hail now that the• trusters of a sc•l:,>ol. that leas had no teacher for s,:m+' months persuaded. her to under:.tkr tlie. work. . Walter Macdonald 'of • tho Doinlc:ion Bank of Canada, Toronto, is spending his vacation at "Dundonald" r, si- deiice of M1. and Mrs. 1). Macdonald. Bliss Collinson has -churned t:�•nt the' M llitiery openipgs at . '•Torortn, .and has accepted the position of bead :milliner 'at Cameron'e. establfshms:nt. Mr. Fred, Scheeler and 'family of Milverton now -occupy the. "Beaune -int. Cottage on Newgate street. ' • A. death from infantile paraiysi; .IP reported from• B•onetted, Ont. 1 Our Special SaTings For the Coming Saturday and all Next Week Regular $11.500) Screen 1)oors,compiete for 80e 123 , ..$1 00 1.75 1 120 .. 1 45 2.00 I. 50 ' .25 Screen windows '.20 24 • .35 • .40 2S .32. • A Step Ladder Bargain -A good 5 foot Ste Lnclder for Glc • A gond O'foot Step Ladder fur 85c. A good 7 foot Step Ladder'for. OSc Mend Your Pots and Pans -VOL -PEEK GRANITE CEMENT mends holes in anything. Graniteware, tinware. aluininuut; etc: Will iuend a hole In two minutes. 'A -package mends 50 holes. • ' , Another consignment of Quick Meal Stoves,, the only 'complete . Gasoline Stove on the. market. We have a nice line of Plumbing goods -Sinks:. Baths, Closets; Lavatories. Hydrants, Pte -and can install anything in the line at a rest-: 'sociable. price and in a first class manner. • • .ALL WORK GUARANTEE1). HARLAND 5ROS. :. Hardware, Stoves, Furnaces and Plumbing • 1 Wcdding Pre;sent s. To' those who purpose. buying • Wedding Presents and to Sept. Shoppers iii general We extend a cordial invitation to visit our store as we believe we can suit them both for, quality and price of goods. W. R. Comtei' Jea eler and Engritver. CLINTON Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 1 z 1