The Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-15, Page 1.e Clinton News.. Record. No. 165 --31st Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, , SEPTEMBER t5th, 1910. THE HOME PAPER 23 cents will pay a subscription to The News -Record to any. address in Canada to end of 19I0.. Watehed: 110 HEAR. TJI "QUEEN OF SONG." I flour Watch V'adte Can be suited here. It will surprise you to. see how cheap we can .sell you a really good watch. We carry the old reliable Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Sith Thomas, etc. Also our Own Special Movement in different grades. A binding guarantee goes with each watch.. A good American watch fox mal from $4.50 up. �r'M YLYidkar Clinton 5Bwwc/er 1 The ROYAL BA N K, of CANADA ANa� A HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Capital $5,000,000. Reserve $5,928,000. Assets $75,000,000 13o Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. INCORPORATED 1869. Special attention given to the requirements of farmers. Interest allowed on deposits of one.dollar and upwards. R. E. MANNING; Manager Clinton Branch. i 1 The MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 1855. Capital Paid up - . $3,500,000• , Rest Fund - $3,500,000 Has 73 Branches In Canada . and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities ii the world,' A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS* N S TRANSACTED: • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. interest allowed at Highest .Current Rate. Clinton Branch - C. E.'Dowding, '.Manager ' READYMADE CLOTHING The Morrish Clothing 9 Co ORDERED'. • CLOT . NINA . The School Suit Problem Schoel opens _ in a few days,. and .there's no. economy 'and no money saved in buying for an active boy .a cheap .School.. Suit • Schooi Suits cannot -be made too well. We know all the clothes rem qu-irementg of the most scren-: nous school ..boy, and we are equal to the occasion.. Buyboy the' 'one of our • IiewSon Tweed Suits and let him go the limit in running, jumping orany oih-. er sport. .. - BOYS' SUITS FROM $i.so TO. $10 BOYS SWEATERS This is the Sweater. Season and our Sweater Stock is how at its best. Every boy should own a sweater. Prices from 50e to $3.50 Fall Woolens • e Ready Come in and talk Tailoring with tis -we will show you and tell you what's what. THE MORRISH ILOTHING CO, Hurons L ar�� eat E Tot � ,tele$ "A Square Deal' for Every -.n"t. . Yr}�ttiu► There has already been so. large a sale of tickets for the concert to he ed ' held in the �'� h to*n ti hall on 'Friday ev- ening of this week that a full house i& assured. The concert is being look - tel forward to with Hauch anticipation as it is regarded as the ntusica« event of the season.• TAKE IT AWAY. There is a large stone on Albert street, north of the milt, which was dug out by .the waterworks gang and whk h, if not removed, may cause a bad accident. Horses are continually shying at it. Why not have it hauled down and crushed for use in road mak- ing ? A NEW INDUSTRY The News -Record has it. on good authority that in the course of ten dai's or so the Ontario Gazette will vo:itain notice of the incorporation of the. Clinton Motor Car Company. ']'his Company will be a subsidiary of the Canadian Flax. Mills, Limited, with pract.icaliy the same directors, but Toronto capitalists are also tak- ing an intercrst. The intention i 1 ent'on i ;a to begin at once i bt t 'ld' ing the fall models for width experienced' mechanics are being se- cured. It will, however, be some time before the industry is in full swing. The Company is taking over the Thresher Company property and t;:otrgh the buildings have large floor. s +ace it is expected that next suring :tire roof -will be raised and. another s'. ory added. - . '1'lie importance of wit an industry to 'Clinton can not be.ovesestiiuwted especially. in view of the .fa.et that• there is.a sufficiency of capital he - hind it. . . THE .BRITISH BOWLERS. • On Monday the British :Bowling party, who have been touring Canada t isiting the principal cities 'and lead- ing towns, starting at Montreal, ate rived in Clinton by the J...30 train. 'they, were met by the reception coin:- • tutee' and a .numsber of members ieeed the local club and driven to the home of Mr. and Mrs. tt': Jackson, where an hour was pleasantly spent in social in- tercourse and where they were weleom- ed in an. address by Mayor Taylor. At noon ;•a luncheon 'was served to. the gentlemen -of the partytat Hotel Nor- mandie, or- m d an sc the -lathes, t a cines , , whowere accom- panied :frown London by -Mrs: James: MacdonalM, wife of 'the 'President of the O.8.A., and Mrs. E. Shee, being entertained by Mrs. Jackson, After lunch all repaired •to the green ,.where the four rinks of Britons were met by an equal nsin ker of local bowlers and: an interesting match was played off.' Dtwing the first partof the game everything seemed to be coining •the way" .rot the h onie 'playe.rs were away aha.1d. but�nodoubt deeming it a dasEouiteny.to win fi.•onr stic•h distinguished .visitors,• they bei gen to fall:oft a :little and the Brit- ons began .to "even up" trritil in the sevent•eentlr end the .visitors were me, l .six shots:• .beliinrl and i' t Ytz the twee ty-first they Were throe ahead. Thus it is that• not always is the "race to rho •. swift nor the 'battle to the strong."', n 0 g Clinton Sports are, howev- er, "good losers,"• a sure sign :of true sportsmanship, and . took - their •defeat;with the best of good .grace, MIr. 'John ltansford presided at the luncheon at the Normandie and • in the course of his;. characteristically terse and witty remarks he impress- ed. upon •the'Britons that:Canada has the biggest' .wheat field, -the biggest elevator, flour aril], railway yard, lift lock, collieries, seams of coal, fisher- ies, nickel mine, silver thine, .copper mine; ete, Referring to , the report- ed decadence In the Old Country, MIH, •Ransford said that for • his part he didnot place any confidence therein, for in his opinion any country that out of its old maids and childless tnar'ried women 'can produce the mili- tant Suffragettes' could onlybe de- scribed asdbeing rin the zenith o ita rirility, 'T'her'e was a good turnout of spec tators, a number coming -front Sea- forth, ,Godcn:ch, Elyth and other nearby towns. and the citizens also tutted out well to witness the game The .greene which was handsomely de- Borated •with flags and, bunting, was lined- with spectators ,all the after- noon, •chains land seats ,leaving been placed on the lawn, `Che .'Clinton or- -ch sera furnished sweet • music, At four o'clock tea was served on Mins. Chidley's lawn, by the wives of the Clinton bowlers, to the visitors, the club and their friends, and at five the visiting party - were driven to the station and .took the train for Stratford, where they play- ed on Tuesday. The day passed at very pleasantly to alt' concerned. The game between Messrs. MleMiehaei and Coombs, which was to have been played in the morn.- lege morn• leg, . was called off on account of the illness of the latter, An interesting game was played af- ter fter the departure of the British bow- ler's between Fred. Davis' Trophy rink.. - from Goderich and J. Ii, Hoover's Trophy rink, resulting in a win for the home rink by twelve shots. The skips were as follows : 13r(tono Clintons W. McCall • ' 25 W. Jackson 20 : J. Kirkland 24 D, A. 'Forrester 18 A. J. Smith 18 J. B. hoover 21. J, P. "Mforrnson 10 J. Harland 24 • • 80 • , 83 ONT. ST. C UC RCH. At the Monday -evening mcieting of the League Miss Bessie Irwin, who is engaged in Deaconess work, and who bas been in Montreal for ..rhino time, gave a very Interesting talk about her work. WILLIS CHURCH. - The choir on Sunday was ably ate sisted by Mr. Austin Campbell, wile rendered -a fine bass sold at the ev- ening service. • Mrs. Howard Ilumpbrys, (Madame Wall) will sing on Sunday evening next. - - T he Young Peoples' - Guild has been rearganized after the ;Summer holi- days' and • will have a meeting 'on Monday evening.• . THE ORGAN RECITAL. - The manufacturers of the new $2800 organ for the Ont. St, church will in Vie course of a few days have it fully. l,stelled. It will not, however, be used on Sunday but will on Thursday next when there will -be an organ re- cital to be conducted' by Prof. Bcirlg- man, organist of Central Methodist church, Stratford. Ile will be assisr ted by soloists and the whole pro- gram will he a rice[ treat ter all lov- ers .of mnsie, WilO WILL BE 1;NGIN1?I';R ? Owing to the death of Mr. Silas Pratt, engineer of .the -waterworks. plant, in whom' the utmost confi- dence was reposed, a new , engineer is necessary and the council is now asking for applications to be consid eyed next Tuesday evening. In- - the meantime• .Sergeant Welsh IS filling the gap and doing .it so Wel:' that he has been asked to take: the vacancy. He has declined, however; though. entirely, willing to help out: -in any emergency.. - '1'O THE .SOO lilt✓ CE,FE. Rev. • Father McMenamin, a former and- very much esteemed priest of the Clinton and Blyth palish,• in a note• to The \'ews-Record says : - 'd liaeo bade 'good..bye to the good people of I3iddulpli and.. the London 1.)iocesc, and .am going to devote the rest, - of my days. to the Sault Ste. Manie,Diocese. •w^hete L firmly believe Clad is calling me and there I will: do all - I can to Save.So U 1Sour for 0 Dear ar Mast i e .. Iahs. making a.great sacrifice but Cod wilt - reward ireand-fill My life with ..Many consolations in the far north," TIIE PASSING OF. J. C.:. GILROY . There passed away at Sarnia en August 23rd, a.t- the age of sixty years, a man Well known in Clinion,. in the person of Mr. ,J. C.. Gilroy, . who • 'for years was en- gaged in business in this town with 31r. J. Wiseman.; -their f;rin name of Gilroy Wiseman Will be remember- ed: h meek* y a v ':Ncws-Itreoiei. readers.. During his residence in 'Clinton llr, Gilroy built -the ' house en .• • Ragltire Street whfeli is ,naw owned by Mr, W.: S. B. Holmes. The family. -removed- frorn here oast •� s c. rlrrrng'a gars a� and Y MIrs,- Gilr•'oy died very suddenly short- ly afterwards; Since the ileat•li • "of his wife- Mr. Gilroy and. family have inade tilde hotetr with a sister in Sarnia where he ,.died. He had. for Sonne years- and unfil. a few -months ago, when his health failed', been travelling in the .west. Ile is surviv- ed by tiu•ee sans : Fred., Murray and Erie; Who are. all in the west, and one daughter, Kathleen, who lives. with hc'r aunt in' Sarnia, • DEATH OF SILAS. PRATT'. MXe. Silas Pratt, who- after blit: a brief illness departed this life on Sat- urday `last, was one of Clinton's pio- neers. -Mr'. Pratt', was. born in New York State seventy -there years ago. IIc. -canis-•t-o Clinton when a --. young man' -to take it position in the foundry. and was identified with; it as long as the business Was conducted. He. was married to Miss Jane Weldon of Fin- gal, thirty -sic: years ago, • Since •the closing. of the foundry Mr. Pixatt• has lived retired. • . When the waterworks i.ystem was installed ]acre and a prac- tical engineer Was.: requited tai take charge of the power plant; Mu Pratt- tvas chosen for the position wliieh hr filled with marked" ability until within a week or so of his death,. Mr, Pratt's illness -began with a batt cold but pleurisy soon developed and. a heart .weakness' of which even his own family were not aware, added to the trouble and in spit af all that careful' nursing and medical skill -rnuld do he gradually sank - It was • not thought until a couple of days before his death that his rase was so ser - ions and his daughter, Mrs.- Perkins, of Winnipeg, who had been visiting her parents, had left for hone*, She only. reached Toronto, however, when a wire recalled hen to his bedside. Mr. Pratt- was of a very quiet, re- served disposition, a kind and thoughtful husband and loving father: He was a good citizen, respected by all who knew him. Ile leaves, be- sides his wife, four daughters : Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. llandseonib and Mrs. Point/. of Winni-peg, and Mrs. F. Peek.. itt of town. • The funeral tarok ptaee on Tuesday afternoon to Clintoncemetery. . The pallbearers were all aid friends and associates who bad known hint many years, being :. Messrs. Wens. Harland, Jas. Twitchell, Fred, 1tunsbal';!, John Leslie, T. Shipley arid D. 'riplady. The services were conducted by Rev. - J. =E, Fiord. BAPTIST CIBJRC.EH. The services hi this church will be conducted nduct ed next Sunday ax by new. , Mr. Juniper of Toronto, tate of South Africa, who comes very highly- re- commended. in the afternoon he will preach in Auburn. ST. JOSEPH'S t'lil%•BCf. On Sunday next Rev. Father Han- lon will conduct his farewell :Ervices in St. Joseph's church of which he has been the faithful pastor for the past five years. His Lordship Bi:r,top Fallon will administer the Sacrament of Confirm- ation in St. Josepit'ir church en Thursday, Sept, 22n0." ATHLETIC CLUBS. The Athletic Clubs at the Collegiate Institute have been re -organized for the season, as follows : Girls' Club, Hon. President, Rev. C. R. (inane President, Miss Delmage :Sec.- i rea:cirer, Miss 5, Copp Curator, Miss V. Barge Committee, Misses J. Morrie, Du chenau and T). Copp, Boys' f']ub. President, non. I icsid•ent, Dr, Shaw President, Principal inc•ipal 1 releaven Sec.-'1reateires, Mee. N. MMeI+:acleern' Curator,- Mr. Nixon Welsh Committee, Messrs. Mustard, Pat- • tison and Denholin. LITTLE LOCALS, Large shipments of cattle have been made during the past week by oui genial local cattle dealer, 1'4r. Mason, -•- . Good morning ! Ilow -does . your sub..' ;to The .News -Record stand ? If in arrears, then wiry ? . The 'label' tails the. tale. . A 'regular- meeting of •the M'onien's Institute will be held at the residence of Mrs. 1$. •.,Stc'plienson on Timis -day afternoon- next, ' The annual meeting of the W. C. T. V. will be held on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W, 5. Harland. Officers. for the year will be elected and also delegates ap- pointed to the catnap convention: wEs. ',1':Y-('Ilt'l ('II, Rev. J. I'.. F'ord-occupied .his: oun pulpit - on ,Sunday mooing and even- ing. Mr. Ford, preached with his us- ual .freedom and :ability in the morn- ing and in the, evening hegave'a very interesting and instructive ,account of the proetX'dings of the General Con- ference tram which .he' has . just-'r•e- iurned. . Next Sunday will he Rally -Day In connection with the Sunday school. A program - has been prepared and an interesting session is expected. •1t the regular monthly meeting, of, the W.Ml S. on Thursday rvenigg last, - Muss • Bessie 'Irwin,. wire has been ; en - 'gaged in Deaconness work for some int t r ilei a r•tssrcl the. ladies; who .:ap- preciated .it• -very Hench: A IIAPPY GATHERING.' - very happy Ap Y fainily gathering ;took place in Loudon List week when Mrs, Wm. Walker -and Mrs. A. T. Morris went., to that city. and there jeered the other. members of -the fanitly in a happy re-union.''The other . mem- bers present were,' Mr. Robt. • 'Shep- herd, -Mrs Kemp, Mire, Mason and Mrs, 1 urnsides. A pleasant feature of the. gathering was the meeting for the first time of a cousin, 11rs. Will, formerly . of Dundee, Scotland, now of: Cleveland, Ohio; - It was unfortun- ate that,owing -to illness Mr, Jas. L. Shepherd, Mrs. Will's uncle, was unable• to at tend tlw mullion. Such periodical meetings togeth- er of: -the members of -.a family, .who in this ' age of travel and unrest;. tend to drift _apart, does • merit • 'to keep -alive the 'love of hon aitd'kind- red;than which there is neo' purer or. More rnobling sentiment: A PREHF:N'TATIO N, . • Some of the friends of Mrs, Mof- fatt., Princess street, the ladies .asso- ciated with her 'in Wesley church; met at, Iter home on Tuetsiay evening and in vie?w of the fact • that she purposes .leaving ; Clinton to take up her resi- dencc=, for the; time being at least, in far off •efontana, presented her - with an address aiid,' as a slight -token of esteem., a pretty brooch. Mfrs, Mof- fatt was much surprised and sincerely thanked the ladies for their kind thought of her and assured them that .she would not soon forget the many friends left behind in Clinton. Af- ter a peasant hour spent in social chat the la'diee bade Mrs, Moffatt, who leaves today, farewell and God- speed. The following is, the address: Mrs. Moffatt : . Dear Friend -We, your friends of Wesley Church, with to express to you our sincere and abiding affection. We deeply regret your departure front among us, and will - greatly zni,ss you in our church work, especially In our Ladies' Aid Society, in which . you have always taken an active part and, as one lady remarked, "have worked well and talked but little."' It may be that your example in. this respect, will he an incentive to the rest of us to do likewise. We feel we can- not let you depart without pxprescsin'g in some way our esteem and love .for youand tv a rl .'ityour cc t n< of o f a5a c a t p the accompanying gift, not for its in- trinsic value but for the love of true friends embodied in the gift. That happiness and prosperity may attend you in your new home is the united wish of your friends of Wesley Church. ST. PAUL'S CIIVRCJI, The rector, Rev. C. 1-L Gunnm,. will. Ot'elrhis own py pulpit on Sunday. Mrs. Howard Humphreys will ren- der a solo at the morning service. • VALUE OF SCJHOLARSHIP,S. On Tuesday Principal Treleaven ut the C. I, received the amount of the two Carter scltolarsl ps won by Clinton students.: the Ist, amounti ig to $100, won by Douglas 'Stewart, and the 3rd, worth 460, won by Dean (ourtice. The Principal add staff extend ' a cordial invitation to the frir'ttds of the students to be present at the pre- sentation of these prizes .in the . is- senthly hall of the Collegiate at 3:30 o'clock- on Friday afternoon of -this! week. Personals. Tho Misses Walkinshaw, Miss S, Mia - belly and Miss Walker took in the London Fair on Tuesday. - Mr. -and Mrs. John Wilfordcame down from Blyth on 'Tuesday to attend the E. Ia. and 5, S. convention and remained for both days sessions. They were the gur,sts of Mrs. T. Mackenzie Jr. • \1r, R. E. MVlanning, lova! manager of the Royal Bank, left last week for a three weeks' trip to Denver, ('oi- oradt), During his absence the gen- ial accountant, Mr. J, 1':. Murphy, Is in charge: Mr. Chas. McWilliams of Toronto was the gueet 'of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. C'antelon from, Saturday until Tues- day and accompanied them and the • Mis,ses Cante•lon on a visit to Clod ivric h Monday. - - 1Ir'. Hawkins, 'propriertor. 'of the Lis- towel Standard, was in town ycs- terday. Mr. I'Iaiekins 'has been in the newspaper: business for thinly - five years and in the past year or two has been taking a little re- ' in•the way of handling C. 1'. -R. lands, in Central Alberta, Varna Mr. James Reid sold' st good horse a few days ago- for . the -handsome suer of $300.. - . . M•r, and Mrs. M. McNaughton were. guests on Sunday last at the hone of ex -Treasurer Rvid. - . Mr. Wm. Clarke and daughter Miss Florence of the Babylon Line, spent Iasi week in Toronto. • Mr. Chester Duncan,who for sever- al m'oriths past: has been in -the west, returned -home, last week, •M -i: s. S. 'fits: of Scaforttz w;as the guest of kir friend, Miss Emilia Teck; last Week; ' Rev. R. A. Miller of Adbutn visited friends in Varna aiid vicinity recent - Miss: 1,<•fttr l.11scitt or the C=Oshtn ,Line, returned last weekfrom a vrry pleasant month's visit with relatives in Toronto and .'Thousand Is1a'nds.. Rev. W. G. Richardson,- B A: zee. •turned to Arthtzr•.'on Thursday last Stanley Township Mimeos Annie aiid Emma. -Stephenson,. were on -Sunday the guests of Mr John Stcp'he'nson, . Mr.Iioltz of Blake was the guest of hiv'daughter, Mrs, J. C, Reid, on Sun-, day, last. • Mltss, Lottie Elliott, who has been visiting her• eousin,e Dr, Elliott; at 'thousand - Islands, - has returned 7 to her home, • -. Mir. Edward Johnson; Sr., who has been visiting friends -in Stanley,,- re- turned - to Clinton on 'Tuesday. - Mrs. Ed. Johnson and Mr. George I. •Johnson attended the ,• Sunday. School Convention in Clinton an Wed- nesday. . • A very sad. and sudden. death 'ton place at the • hone of Mr., and Mrs, Robt•. Talbot of -the Sauble Line at 4.30 o'clock on :Saturday last . when their youngest child, Edward • Lloyd, passed away, aged one year all but'. two days: 1 -Te was a very bright and, promising litte lad but cholera infan- tum seized'.sepon hurtand soon weaken- ed the dear little 'fellow. At times, lie seemed better and brighter and hopes were entertained . till Saturday the day he died. The funeral took . place to, Bayfield cemetery on: Monday, the r' viecs being conducted by Rev. Mr. Burgess, Methodist minister. A large number of friends attended • and con- veyed to the bereaved parents their sincere sympathy. - It iz a singular co -incident that Mr. and Mrs. Talbot lost • their other • child by the same complaint just exactly to the day and the hour two years prey. iousty. Coderich Township The interesting news was received here recently of the birth of a son on the Otis inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A; C. Whitman of Lansing, Welt.. Mrs. Whitman was formerly.idins Amelia Sturdy, daughter of Mr., John Stur- dy, L.{i,T, No. 180 Sharon intend hold- ing their annual fowl supper on Fri- day evening, Nov. 4th. Kindly bear i forthoroughly tl o date in mind cs a happy lime is a<rsured. Mr, and Airs. Charles Cook of the Lake Short: Road have returned from a visit to Toronto, Mrs. Cook mak- ing the more extended stay,' being there for a couple of weeks. New Advertisements. We Announce• -•It win's—t. u r �-N r J'o 11 �'. fret y W. varttta—a. Fall Opening ---Couch 4. Co. -1. .Auction Sale -G. Brownlee -5. Ink •Peneilse-W, D. Fair Co,—t;. Sight -Tts'ting--A. J. Grigg -5. New Fall Dress (foods -•Tozer -•4. The Old Reliable --Josh Cook—;i House to hent --Mrs. Kennedy—'z.. 4pplicaticns--D. L. Macpherson --:i Non-resident Fees—J. ('uninghantc---:> The New Parrish Priests Rev, Father Dunn.. The 'above photogravure will intro- duce to readers of The News -Record the Rev. Father Dunn, who will nett week :succeed Rev. - Father - Han- lon as ?rifest. of the Clinton and Hlytla • Parish,. - • - Father Dunn was born near Wyom- ing, on the farm where his father, .a- brother and sisters still reside, •Ho studied for the priesthood at Ber- lin, Sandwich and Montreal and' was ordained as priest in 1902. He Spent One year in' London and An Jan, 2904 he was appointed to the Charge of the . - parish which includes - the- Sweet • Heart church, Parkhill, and St. Col- umbus church., West Williams, succeed- - ing Rev. Father.McRae,. now of -Clod= erieb - During Father Dunn's .six years .irz Parkhill nearly five thousand dada'[ - - has been` expended. on an addition anet' - wing '• to the church,. besides, frescoing 'the walls and eating.- New eenient walks Isere also laid doan and many, repairs were made to the residence. • 4t •St. Columbus church, Many fin provements were . made in the sheds-, cemetery grounds and in the church itself. ' Bayfield Mese II. Little. entertained a mem- -bee of friends. the: past week; among. them being Miss Hazel .Dorrance of Seaforth Miss Florence Mitchell - of Goi e ei rt'1 r ' t 1 1 Jahn(. nt l a tan . and Y. sistrn . Miss Gladys Cantelon• of C'Izn- ton, Mr, George. Brownlee and daugh-. tet, Edna, Lotitlon, and Rev, John ston,• an Old Tuckersmith friend. ' Miss Sarah Parke, .'who.' spent • the past six weeksat Icer home in the eif- lage, returned to New York 'last week; Mrs. George Erwin ,returned home Tucw•lay after spending the past twee weeks with her daughter, . \Irie Beat- tie ttie aC Trout ('reek, - Rev. Fortner of Strathroy, .t bre was pastor . cif -the Methodist eien irr .herr the past year, spent the' . past week -in the village packing his furni- ture. Mrs. Fortner and fatnily left last 'week for her new home at Stmile- roy. • Messrs 1-Iugh MrKay, George Lind- say, Fred, Geminhardt and • 'Thomas: Myers are attending the Nair at Lore- don on-don this week, The ' Ladies' Aid of the Methodist choral held their monthly meeting an the home. of Mrs. Cleave on the Szuit ke Linc on 'Thursday afternoon, of . - tliis week..• Mr: locl Mrs. John Gardner and si • ter, MCS: W. Collyer of Clinton, -spent Tuesday in the village. Miss Ina Fow«ie spent die past week - att - London. •• ' The .Veribest-- Club gave •a hop in • the town hall on Thursday evening last. Miss Forbes, cif' :4eaforth, who* lids-. been engaged as principal of the Pnt,- lie school in this village, 'arrived lest+.. tvelek and has entered upon her duties.' Me.' and Mns. George Weston anti ' Mr.. James Reid are attending 7110 Fair at London this week, • Mr, Frank Keegan was in (*tinfoil:04 Tue=sday. Miss Katie Tittle ]las returned af- ter spending a week with friends in (i odcriclt, . The News-Eeeord keeps you posted in the newof -Hayfield and tote whcie eount•ryside,s September 2.7t•1'r and 28th are fire dates of the Bayfield Fair. - • BIBth Andr'ew's church is making pre- parations Inc a Jubilee on clot. 9th to mark the 50112 atrnivcrsary of ite organization as a congregation. The Rural 'telephone Company is pushing the work and the system is expected to be in working order in w kW watt. A number from, here attended tlzC .Epworth. League convention in OW. ton on Tuesday and Wednesday.