HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-08, Page 6b
A number of United Statist physi-
cians have succeeded in preducing the
leprosy ba. illus in pure cultures.
United Status Customs officer's are
evat:'hing the Canadian border closely
to see that valuables from Europe ate
not smuggled in that way:.
The upsetting of a mud now has
closed mtvigation ation in the Rideau Can-
The grand stand and stables at De-
lorrrier Park, Montreal, were turn-
The stowaway who was taken from
the hold of the steamer Mount Teal -
pie at Montreal died fromstarvation.
When troubled with fall
rashes, eczema, or any skin
disease apply Zam-Buk t
Surprising how quickly it eases
the smarting and stinging! Also
cures cuts, burns, sores and piles.
Zam-Buk is made from pure her-
bal essences. No animal fats—no
mineral poisons. Finest healer 1
Druggist. and Storer Everywhere.
The Methodist General Conference
>oted down I h aroposal to admit
women to the C'
courts, and ap-
t ,
e used e•onen itt
i to' ]guru for
p prepare c o
the publication of a new hymn book.
The cholera scare in (Germany has
grin tly abated.
The Russian Emperor and Empress
are on a visit to Hessle.
Solomon J. Ilirsch, a millionaire
clothing manufacturer, committed sin -
ciao at New York.
Rei .) . Wilbur Chapman, the even-.
geli.i, was married to Miss M. C.
Moulton of Providence.
Business & Shorthand
Resident and Mail Courses
Catalogues Free
1. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A.,
f rineipal. Vice -Principal.
Much good reading
for little mlney.
WEEK Litis
News -Record and Mail and -
Eu1plre $1.51)
News -Record and Globe1.75
News -Record and Family
Herald and Star with
Premium 1.75 .
News -Record and Witness 1.74
News -Record andSun 1.7:5
News -Ree v
and tl
o t 1 le'rece
Press 1.73 •
News -Record alai Meer -
timer 1.73 •
News -Record and 'l'ornnto
Saturdaty Night 2.31)
News -Record and Farin.•r's
Advocate 2.23
News -Record and Earn
and Dairy 1.73
News -Record
and ('stoat-
tdian Farm 1.73
News-Reeord and Mail and
Empire 4.23
News—Record and (.lobe4.2,5
News -Record and News 2.:30
News -Record and Star 2.3(1
News -Record and World :3.25
News-Becord and Morning
Free Press :3,2
News -Record and livening
Free Press 2.75
dews -Record and Adver-
t•ise.r 3.00
News-Reeord and Lippin-
eott's Magiriut•
If what you want is not its
this list, let ns know about it.
We can supply yon at less than
it would cost you to send divert.
in remitting please do so by
Post -office Order, Postal Note,
fixpr•ess Order or li;tegiste 'ed
Letter and address.
W. J. 1lliitchell
News -Record e CLINTON
Mr- George Perley 11 an American
Brought Up In Canada.
When the Conservative members of
the House of Commons, gather • them-
selves together at the opening of
Parliament in November next it will
he different. Some of the hands who
have been guiding that party for a
quarter of a century have finished
thcirt politieal tasks, :because their
owners have earned superannuation.
As an example of the changes which
tire occurring, the veteran Conserva-
tive Whip, Mr. George Taylor, mem-
her for the County of Leeds .since
1882; will he succeeded by a man who
came into the House twenty' years
later. Mr. George H. Polley. though
a member for Ar,cuteuil, a county
on the north shore of the Ottawa
River. is a resident of Canada's -cap'.
tat city. He once attempted to repro -
sent the County of Russell, but Mr.,
now Senator, W. C. Edwards got
more votes than he did. On the death
of Dr Christie in 1902 he made an-
other attempt in Agenteuil, :but again'
found himself somewhat short of
ballots. In 1904 he had better luck,
and since then )w has conte to be a
force in the House.
A Whip's businees is to be a man•
ager of men and to be industrious,
1I1. Periey being in the lumber. busi•
ness knows how to manure men
ihverybocly in the iumber busin Pee
does. His industry seems to have
come to him by 'inheritance, since
his., father was .a great lunlbernlan,
and himself member of t*nrliantent
. r the City of Ottawa.
Mr. Perky shares with Sir William
Van Horne, Mr. Custell Hapkins.nnd
others, the honor of being an Amer'.
can by birth, s Canadian by training.
and: a Britisher by predilection. He
was born in Lebanon, New Hamp-
shire, but educated at the Ottawa
(ra mrn.ar School Later he went
Harvard University. and this filet.
may have helped him in his political
career, as it is saec to have helped
the Minister of Labor. He is a direre
tor of the Bank of Ottawa, a past
president of the Rideau Club. a prom-
inent member of the 'Golf . Club, and
takes an interest in all social and
eliaritatble work.
Arthur E. McFarlane.
Arthur E. McFarlane i; a Canadian;
dust as much as that other. ,Arthur,
crony of his yelept Stringer, with
v1teui he frieil panenkes in New York
many a month yes, -with Canadian
Flnne;y too. They were a
jolly, brainy 'but irlt?iec'hnious- three.;
<nid of them tlint once in those botch-
ing years one of thein at last sold n
story. The three adjourned to a gild-
ed restaurant; took a table at therenr
end and looked •ritically over the bill
of fore, as if any one' of them could
have bought out the entire menu.
"What are you going to 'mire?" said.
eaeh to each.
Impossible to. decide.
"()h -gees we'll take fried eggs,"
said one of th( . rihuee.
'flint was long before either Arthur
I .
McFarlane or .lrther Stringcr..be.
came a top -liner in the United State.
periodicals. A census of the really big
stories end articles in the leading
United States magazines would show n
large percentage dueto the Canadian
colony in New York of Whom •M.fit'ar.
latte is one of the brightest. • He wee:
born near -.Stratford, Ont.; has trnveh
oda gnod. bit; written a great variety
of good' thing :s stn time
worker; lives.niost ref his three at Birch
Cliff, near Toronto. •Just at' present
he is on a shoopack.jaunt to the Peace•
River, incidentally picking up sone
good things :ind .nt bunk -tinier ;wheae
the rest of the;gang is asleep pegging
away at a novel he must deliver.in
the early fall. --Canadian Courier:.
.The Attorney -General and the Boy.
Hon. J, .1. •boy is telling a gond.
story' .on. himself. The other week.
on one of 'the torrid days, 'he was
walking to the ' Niagara boat, and
feeling the oppressive heat, looked
around for -a boy to carry kis' valise,.
Seeing. a • newsy close at hand, he
offered five centsto be relieved ,cif
his baggage. "Being a director of
the Niagara: ,Company, 'Mr.' Foy has
access to all the private entrances
on the Yorige street wharf, :Toronto,
and started through that of the.. -Can-
adian Customs, when the boy •stopped
him with a'warning that anyone. who
.ntr t
th t h that• door would likely
be arrested. "Oh, never mind," said'•
Mr. Foy in a • joeuf:ar .manner. "1.
own • this wharf. .
•"Wdiat?"' answered • the newsy.
"Why. this wharf is worth .ti million
"Well, even at that, couldn't' 1 own
it?" asked the Attorney -General
"Well,. if you. did," added the tidy,.
shaking • his head mournfully, "yen
wouldn't offer a guy • a nickle, for
earrin' this here ,valise.".
Cured. of Resigning..
D. AleNicholl, vice-presidentof the
C.P..R., once had an irrascible,though
very capable G P,A. at an important
point on the system. Whenever the
G.P.A. ran a .tilt with the vice-
presi—dent.• -which was riot infrequent,. he
would write his resignation to the
vice-president, Mr. McNicholl, with
true Scotch: imperturbability, stowed
the resignation away in his desk .ani
in course --of .time had quite .a pollee-.
tion of Ahern. •
By and bye the G.P.A. got cross
with some other 'official and fired in a
resignation to that gentleman. It took
considerable diplomacy 'on Mr. Me'
Nicholl's part to get the matter into
his hands for adjustment, but he fin-
• ally. succeeded. Then he wrote the
asked him. in future to
send -his resignations direct to the
vice-president where they would be
properly dealt with. It •is said that.
broke the G,P.A. of the resignation
habit. Attyway'he is still in the com-
pany's service.
DI.Alrtit-;SS CANNOT'.' -1310. ('t'RED
by local applicatione, as, they can-
not reach the diseased. portion of ' the
ear. There is pray one' way to cure
deafness, and that is by conet•itutioli
of remedies. Deafness is caused . by
an inflamed condition of the raucous
tieing, of the Eustachian 'cube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum-
bling sound or 'imperfect hearing, and
whoa it is entirely closeei, Deafness
is the result, and unless' the inflam-
mation can be taken out and title
tube restored to its normal condi»
tiara, . hrari,ug Will be destroytd Cotttev-
er ; nine eases out of teen are causal
by Catarrh, which is nothing but an
irkflamr d condition of the mtieoule stir -
\Ve wici give One hundred Dollars
for any, case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot he cured. Send
for circulars, free:'
F. ,1. Cheney Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 7'Sc•.
'fake hall's family Trills for eon..
st ipatiott.
Clinton News. Record
' The Grand Old Man of Canada Hoar
Had a Wonderful Career.
Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal,
for years known throughout the Brit-
ish Empire as Canada's Grand Old
Man, though born in Bonnie Scot-
land, celebrated • .the other day the
90th anniversary of his birth.
His career is certainly one of the
most wonderful in the annals of
modern tines. Born at Forres, Scot-.
land, on Aug. 6, 1820, as the son of a
saddler, he made the prediction. as
plain Donald Alexander Smith. to his.
cousin. now Lord Mount Stephen,
then a herd laddie, that as there
were no lairds in Canada to lord it
over man, he would leave for British
North America to tempt fortune and
win a competency;
Accordingly, as a raw youth of 18,.
he set sail for the hest, years before
Horace Greeley was known, and has
done better on this continent than
any man from the east who ever
crossed the western plain.
Arriving at Montreal, he at once
entered the service of the Hudson
Bay Co„ and for years'was immersed
in the solitudes of Labrador. He en-
dured terrible hardships. but finally
became superintendent of that cone -
puny, whose sphere, of influence ex-
tended 3,000 miles,
Afterwards, in company of his
cousin, now Lord Mount Stephen, he
advocated, against strong opposition;
the building of the Canadian Pacific
Railway. He was told that the re-
ceipts ofthe road would not pay for
axle d, s
a e. of the, trains. Be
had faith in the proposition, however,
and has lived to see it the greatest
transportation company in the world,
carrying passengers from Great Brit-
ain to Hong Kong over its own lines.
Lord Strathcona is to -day the
world's oldest multi -millionaire, Can-
ada's ,
s searestphilanthropist,
kblunt ro ist ott-
ist and financier, the British House
of -Lords' second • oldest peer, Great.
Britain's most prominent railroad
builder and Canada's high commis-
sioner at tbe,seat of empire.
Son of a U. E. Loyalist,
There are tens of thousands of Cana-
diens who claim 'descent from the .
United Empire Loyalists, but 1 doubt
if there are many Left who can claire
".the distinction of being actually- sons.
and daughters at 'the men- and women
-• who left the revolting colonies and
. canto to Canada for the sake of Ring
and Empire. • Mr: John Wightnian,
who .died at Digby.Nova Scotia, on -
n2 could make thet_boast, and. so
can Itis sister,.MMrs_- George Worden,
of New Brunswick, but they are the
last left of the family, and they. al.
ways regarded themselves as the Iasi
-who Could cleirn actual U. E. Loyalists
• as their parents. The late Mr. Wight-
• man was horse in St; John West, Carie-
ton County,' .in 1823, :end Was the
-youngest -son of the late Capt._ John
\\ ightman, who was born in Newport,
1 ode• bland, during the Revolution:
ary War, the son .of Lieut, -Col. Geo.
\\'ightman, 'who performed distin-
guished service an the Royalist -side
during the war, • and -7 after ;the acz
knowledgnent of the independence of
the United State, came • to Canada
with hia family, and took up land in
New Brunswick.. The.late Mr. Wight -
man spent most of hie life on the old
homestead near St. John, which had•
been granted to the family by the
crown. • Rev, F. A. \-Vightman, Metho-
di st minister of Souris. P.l.i., isea
San.. 'The reverence ,gentleman is one
of_ the -best' known writers of the little
island province,, his best known book
being a volume on. Canada 'written in
abroad Canadian. spirit, drawing at
tension to the. resources of the'Cana-
dian West and urging the young men
of the Maritiine•Provinces, •if they
.feel that they • must leave home, -,t45
turn their- steps • in the .direction of
Western• Caaiada in • preference to the
manufacturing centres, of the Eastern
Statee, which have beee so attractive
in the -Past to the. adventurous. youth
Of the Maritime Provinces. The fam-
ily is indirectly connected with. the'
Prince Edward Island family of the--
name-which gave to the Island one of
its oldest legislators in the personal
the late ..Ron.' Thomas Wightman.=
Chesterfield ..in Family Herald •and
Weekly Star. ' .
A Tragic Thought.
A Winnipeg mother has react more
than usual trouble with a bashful :son
of about thirteen' years: of .age: The
boy's "embarrassment on .meeting a
.stranger w'ie painful to behold:-• The
other day Sir Wilfrid -Laurier stopped
in the corridor of the hotelto speak
to the: mother. who was an oldae•
quaintance and • the hopeful, to the
mother's dismay, made several fran-
tic attempts to .bolt in an opposite
•direction and thus avoid meeting the
Premier. After Sir Wilfrid has pass-
ed on, the mother gave •. the boy a
severe• curtain lecture. The. lad was
evidently much worked . up by his
scolding and after n few minutes deep
thought, enquired: •
"Mother, yeti:don't think Sir Wil:
ftid will tell the King, do you?".
. New Brunswick Repartee,
In a trial growing out of the recent
venter -works. extension in St. -John,
N 13.,. Hon. H. A. Powell and Mr.
J. B. 'M. Baxter were opposing conn- •
Mr:•'Powell was' e:eamihing a. wit-
ness in reference. tri the depth, etc.,
of Lake Latimer, and finally in a juca-
lar snood he asked:
Is the water fresh?"
"Yes." replied the witness soberly.
Mr, -Baxter asked leave to pet a
n the stir... which w.
eeue tt tt to l e t. a t.h a•t
:ranted, whereupon be gravely asked
^la it half as 'fresh' as Mr. Powell?"
A Versatile SoId'ier.
Cherter d its' ount,ant, graduate• in
ngrrt.•e:iture traveler, athlete and sol-
dier, l,icttt, (. nl. ,Tames George Ross is
one of the most all-round erten in
Montreal, whirr' he was born in 1861.
1 -Te loos seen long service in the Cana-
dian militia; .beginning with the On.
tario Field Battery at Guelph in 1879.
At that time be wit" plugging up agri-
culture et the () 1.C, Just after he
got lits degree of 13.5,:1. from Guelph
he took a trip ft> fitr-nway Manitoba --
e ' P ' was akin
' et C..dt.
tsar h
} u t
a )0 poking
a nose info the province, After an
extensive tour in the West be return-
ed to Montreal and went into accounte
ing in his father's office, At the same
tame be linked up with the Victoria
Rifles: beenme identified with all the
:Wilkie and club life there was in
Montreal ---es well as melt of its fin-
ancial development, being soon at the
bead of his deceased father's first.
Snowshoe runner, life member of the
Montreal Amateur Athletic Assoeia-
tioo, expert ennoeiet, crack player .of
131 Rennie Football Club—particularly
on sew wslinee, however, he made, a
nim e. having several medals and re -
('(((1,e on the wi+ekers, But always
interested in the militia, be went from
the Victoria Rifles to the 5th Royal
Highlanders, of which in 1909 be be -
.ane lieutenant -colonel.
Whalers In Hudson Bay Rely Upon
the Eskimos.
A season spent in the far, north has
an attractive sound to many adventur-
nus spirits and explorers or Hudson
Bay whalers have no trouble in get-
ting a erew. There is a certain amount
of romance iii the frozen north which
will never die out. A vessel staying
a year at Hudson Bay goes into win-
ter quarters in September and is not
released until the fallowing July, thus
leaving two months in which to cruise
for whiles. Vie ten months in ivinter
are well occupied, At the outset there
is fresh water to' get, the vessel has
to be banked with snow and ice to
keep the crew warm during the times
when the mercury goes far down the
tube• and then there is the work of
lielitering the vessel several times dur-
ing the winter. I.ightering does not
(801111 taking out the cargo, but owing
to the aecuittulation of ice and snow
on the vessel she gradually settles un-
til it become necessary to cut the ice
from her and relieve the pressure or
else she would be sunk, Cutting ice
six feet thick and sometimes over ie
no easy job.
In the spring before the ice breaks
the crew is engaged in floe whaling
and this is the hardest kind of work,
because the whale boats • have to be
dragged over the ice sometimes a con.
sicderable distance to clear water. The
boats have crude runners on them and
the work is made lighter with dogs
and sometfrnee sails when the wind is
favorable, but the ice is not always
frozen n
e evenly, eel
and hummocks h mocks ane
ridges have to be surmounted, making
the approach. to the districts for floe
whaling a difficult one,
The Hudson Bay natives are very
friendly with the whalemen and many
of them, from the yearly visits of the
Scotch and American crews, have
learned to speck pretty fair English.
time the of both
sexes dressed .somewhat alike, .but
with t the approach
of civilization
tt >
feminine desire for the fashtionable
spoke out as strongly in the frozen
north as anywhere and the women:
have recently adopted the dress skirt.
The mined of .the Hudson Bay woman
runs to bends, and.the sailor who car-
ries a goodly supply of the cheapest
glass trinkets its his chest is sure to
meet with n welcome reception. With.
the beadsthe native women decorates
everything. The belle, of the tribe ie
the one who cansew the g•re'iitest
number of head.,. on her clothing.
Some of them, -if the tales of the sail-
ors can be relied upon, wear. dresses
on which 1,;•or20.pounds of beads are
embroidered in -all sorts of fanciful
designs, A pocketful of trinkets re-
lieves "Jack' 'of much of a seaman's
life of housekeeping drudgery, for the
Eskimo woolen will sew andmend for
The . Ivilick . tribe of Eskimos . are
yvell known to most parties of :\retic
whalers. They de all the hunting for
the white men and in the winter they
build their snow houses close by ;tile
wintering ships so that eornmuiicia-
tion between the ship and the- tribe
will' he easy in the very relit- weather.
Nast-Shl-Nog, ..or "Shoo Fly" as .she is
called by the whaleruen, is the belle
of the 1yiliclt.tribe, She has the niost
bends, the beel clothes, and is the
only E.ekinln lit tete Hudson 13ay coun-
try that can write English,
The Real Winners of Lewsuits.f
Peter 'McKenzie, the last cif the old
Hudson Bay factors, had. always a
great hatred and fear of la.wsu4ts,
dined with Mr. McKenzie in
Montreal not lone ago," said a min-
im,*. engineer of Ncw York;. "and :he
reiterated his dread of lawsuits, d'riv
hie home his point witIi 11 story.
"He said that a certain Smithwon
a ease in the lower courts, the high-
er courts, and the Supreme Court.
Smith was .thus finally . awarded,
after seven years of litigation, $500,-
500,`\Mien Smith heard, the glad news.
fief sned 'to his lawyers.
•Hur.rall 1' ee .said, 'Gimme: my,
$:500,000,' .
'Yes, $500,000 was the ' award;'
mill -the lawyer, and at the same tine
'. he 'handed Smith a duller bili-' '
'But.—what's this for?' Smith,
"'That's all that left, Mr. Smith,'
exclaimed the lawyer, 'after the de-
duction of my fee, the, cost of the
various appeals and other 'expenses
which- Will be duly rendered you in.
an itemized account.' '
"Poor Smith studied the- bill in his
'" 'Say,. what's the matter with
this?'' he. demanded. ' 'Is it bad? "
.Trade. With U. S. Grows.
Canada's trade with the 'United
States continues to grow in greater
proportion than Canada's trade with
Great Britain, in spite of the ;prefer-
ential tariff, yet Great Britain is a
better purchaser .of Canadian pro-
dncts thein is the United States,
• Trade statistics are now complete
for the first two months of the pres-
ent fiscal year, and they throw a cur-
ious, light oil. the policy of Canadian
'enporters..—Thus, While •Great Bri-
tain bought 815,670,681 of Canadian'
t;•aods, the United Kingdom sold al-
most tin equal amount to Canada,
V.5,784,050. The united States bought
from. Canada • $14.104,081 worth, or
more than•a million less than Britain
did,while Canada purchased from the
Unitech t'4.ates $44,372,681' worth, • or
oee•th,tn $29,000,000 in exeees.of pur-
chases ha:ses from the United Kingdom,
The purchases from the- United States
are• $13,000,000 more than during the
sante period last year.
Canada's Railway Mileage,
The total mileage of railways in
Canada is approximately. 26,000 utiles,
or about one-seventh that of the Unit-
ed States.
The Dominion of Canada has the
tartest railway mileage of any countey
in the world in proportion to popula-
Shorter, But Not Uglier.
The English word "typist," as arta.
Plied to a stenographer. ns become
familiar lately through the newspaper
stories of the rapture of I)r. Crippen
and Miss Leneve. The word is much
more concise than stenographer, incl
might well be adopted in this coun-
try. The words lift,"as descrip-
tive of an elevator, and "tram" of a
street car, have also the advantage
of brevity. The nomenclature of many
things in England is preferably to
that we in Canada employ,
Both Were Scared.
Charles Fox of Long Lake, near
Brockville, met a black bear on the
highway recently, aand. to escape a
mix-up climbed a slender tree. The
%Odell be stood broke and be
fell tthe ground directly in front of
Bruin. The bear became frightened,
as well as lox, 'and both ran away ittt
opposite directions.
Discovery of Wells in the Town of
Constant Ges-Light-
The discovery of natural gas in
1Vtedieine Hat is an interesting story,
Says W. Lacey Amy in the August
Wide World Magazine. As far bank
as 1883 the Canadian Pacific Railway,
while boring for wiatee at Carlstadt. n
point about forty miles west of the
city. earne across the first gas. but no
practical use was made of the small
supply met with, other than to Fiala
and heat the section house in the
vicinity. Early in 1691 Sir William
Van Horne, then president of the rail-
way, lent to the city of Medicine Hat
a drilling outfit for the purpose et as-
certaining whether there was coal
within reach. When the drill had
reached 060. feet gas was struck, but
the moisture in it necessitated more
trouble fit the matter •of interception
tanks than 'was profitable. In 1905,,
however, the city determined to dig
deeper in the hope of securing a larg-
er ttr•ier ficw.
A bylaw was passed to raise the ne-
cessary money. Medicine Hat was
then only a town of a couple of thou-
sand people. and the expenditure wit+
a terrible drain Upon its finances. Aa
the well sank deeper and deeper the
fund, grew smaller and smaller, The
.citizens and members of the council
gathered by the little pipe day by day
and watched, with eagerness and fore-
boding, the drill drop—drop—drop.
with the pipe. .But nothing came ex-
cept a few little. puffs of gas that pro-
mised nothing. Lower the drill sank;
fewer grew the dollars.s. Finally Y
money was 111- o
ne}and thetown
was face to face with bankruptey
of a
serious tax rate. The councillors went
home sadly, amid the mutterings of
the peopie..
That night a special session of the
city officiate was convened, The
treasurer .held up an empty purse, and
they knew w of another cent
ne well that of t n , n k e t n
could be drawn from. the people. Into
the- earth
had been
sunk t} us
of dollars that would • return 'nothing,
and the citizens threw the blame for
the non-success of the venture on the
official;. The well -digger. begged for a •
few more feet. The mayor considered.
Then, with the inspiration of a pro-
phet, he turned his back on the legal •
teehtliealities rind' ordered the well-
horiug to proeeede Already it • was
dawrl a thounnd. feet; it was a ter-
rible rick to• spend more itioney and
Riegel toboot, but he took the risk.
'Next morning the mimed° happened,.
To this (lay they tell of it. At nine
o•'eioelc the -citizens were .electrified at
•the sight ef, the- mayor,_ coatess and
hiltless, rushing from his harness -
store up the centre of the roach,• vainly
striving'to overtake a workman ie bet •
ter training a hundred yards ahead,.
The citizens, •scenting something un-
-usual,. joined iii 'tlie chaise... At. the
well everything was .going up in the
air: :1t •just 1,010 feet a' terrific -flow
of dry gas had been struck—a flow
that registered when they got it under
control 11)0 pounds pressure, in eigh-
teen seconds, 150 pounds in forty se-
voods, 250• lioutads in .one minute, and
twelve eseconds. • Their eyes began to'
beige. as the register ran up 300; 400•,.
300, and finally stopped at 000 pounds
to the'sgeare inch. The ninyoe-is liv-
ing yet; but be smiles when .you ask-:
1:1::: what would.have been his chances_
• te> eseatpeetrout the infuritited•:citizens,
with one •train a day out of Medicine
Hat, if the gas -.hurl •not .come. That
is merely one of the•eliances they take
in 'the Canrtdiarr• \Vest. .
Hambourg's•Exper'iences in: Canada.
Mark . Rambourg, the Hercules 'of •
the piano,' .who last winter made a
• long tour of Canada, has been relate.
ing his experiences in M.A.P. Mark
saw a great deal more of Canada than
any other pianist that ever : traveled.
here, for he played in scores of little
towns on side lines, clear from Heli -
fax to Victoria. He says:
"I .have- recently returned. from a.
four months' tour through . Canada,
and, like all other tours, it .has been
productive 'of More than one amusing
in,eadc Ott
1t . a' •certain junction where' we
had to wait for our- train I noticed
an obviously theatrical' gentleroari on
the same platform. He was evidently..
not given to over -washing himself,
and •a. shave would riot Kaye exactly :
spoiled his beauty ; but he .• seemed
very well. pleased with .himself, and
noticing me .at once sauntered over
to ,where 'l was startling:
" `Belong etee the : • profession, my•
boy?' he:queried affably. Come. don't
bit proud,' he 'cc>ntirtued, noticing,
that we did not regard hire very fay.
orably. '1:lin on the boards, myself,
and zny wife is a palmist Now; what
are you?' he talead encu more.
'1 play the piano,' 1 said. And
' you • should have seen the look of
Trade With Australia.
Trade between Canada. and. Austra-
laws has commenced to grow. four
enquiries were received by the To-
ronto branch of the Canadian Manu-
- fitetureroessocintiun the other day 're-
gnreling the possibilities of trade be-
tsteon Cai4.uJ,t and 1ustr:llin and New
Zealand. One firm Wanted to..get into
-twee!) tvitit a Canadiri,, liras selling
wood -working' machinery, another
wanted pulp and paper ,t.:'tehines, an.
other • bu,gie.a and harness, andthe
other wants to handle genei:11 lines.
"We are doing a lot of •bueinces with
the United State:, but as there is a
10 per cent;preferential. duty. in favor
of Canada.. and against the • former
country, we hope now that there is a
direct steamer from Montreal -tee New
Zealand, to be etble to do some
ness withan9{n bug-
and harness," says IL 11, Hunt
Se 'Co., general commission and tnanu-
facturers' agents of ' Auckland, N.G.,
in a letter to the C.M.A. '
• Not, an lncomer Died,
01 over 100,000 imtnigrants inspect-
ed last year by the quarantine officers
tit Grosse Isle, below Quebec. only
245 were found infected, and not one
death oceurred.aniong this large num,
U. S..Has Most Patents.
Seventy-two per cent, of all the pa-
tents registered by the Canadian Pa.
tent office covered inventions
b per-
sons living in the Milted States p
Eskimo Gandy,
Tallow is the Eskimo's randy. It
18 out tip in bright red paekages made,
iiut of the foot of waterfowl. The
women crit off the red feet of this
bird, which is ettlled the duvekie, dra w
out than bones and blow up the skin
so sty to make punches, which they till
with reindeer tallow for ttlteir little
folk. None of the food that the le,skit
mos eat seems vert' invitingto u?,
but they are extremely fond of it ate!
are very apt toovereat, it le said by
explorers who have gone into :Green-
land that it is 00 unomilntoli sight to
site a'l E:ik1tna 111 MI who has eaten
an enormous melt of the raw frozen
Hash of the reindeer, seal or wattles
lying on his bade and eating blubber
until be cannot move.
September 8th, 1910
Severe attacks of rheumatism are often.
responsible for cases of organic heart
trouble. ' At any rate it is foolish to
" grin and bear it."
would likely cure your case. it has proved
beneficial in all forms. of Rheumatism —
muscular, inflammatory and gouty, A big
bottle costs only $1.00.
Anything you
with the name
will give you
Sold and guaranteed by
W. 5. R. Holmes, W. A, MCConnell, .1 E. Hovey y
[Il Seaforth on Monday,
September 26th.
Hon R L.:Borden Hon: J: C. Doherty' and
others s vwill a
address Publicmeet_ • ng
Se or .i on 1Vlonday, Septeinher
• i
o Lcadi�� Family
eeLiies. �0
For.the small sum of '35c we send to any a
dress in.Canadct to Dec: 31st, 1910• • •
The News -Record Clinton
•• and the
H n»1 Nei alar and Weekly Star
Each e:eels in its-' field,. The Nerss•Record as' a
C:ountti and Family newgpaper.
•�5C a3''the bill.
ao. :
N�- _� AI
Sept. 9th to 17th 1910
$25,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions
_ I
SPeel :Events _. —Dog Show Athletic Day
Every Day Cat Show Monday •.
Music by the Jlst Hi hlander.r and: 7th Fusiliers
DetISS IT ! Each Night
t r Than Ever I M
Reduced Ratesover all Roads
visit x.ondoll'e l'lxhibitioll.
Prize Lusts, Entry Forms, and all information fret,'
W. d. ROD, President A. M. HUNT, Secretary