The Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-08, Page 5September Stilt 1910 Clint 3n News.Reeord •••••1•IIN414N101 .1 1044R4N•r.11►0N444414RR••••••• s� i • ••2 The News From Goderich. nd colt I;i,ofiSe A. SKiilMl!l6S Cor sPo tCe. 1 1 ••••1•••••••••••NN•••••4444N•e ,• N•••4•••••N•• M. J. East Jordan, Loudon, forntr erly organist of Knox church, was in town last week and attended the en- tertainment given in the Lyric for the ben- cit of the M. and G. hospital. Mr. A. Shore of Woodstock is one of t.:e teachers at the Hunter Con- ser, t -tory of Musk. 111 s. ('orkins and son, Master Char- les, are guests since last week of Mrs. Williams. M. Salk arrived in Goderich last ever,; and with Mrs. Salk and their two pretty little daughters., left on Frivay for their home in Chicago. Barrister Proudfoot and family have returned from their annual trip to Atlantic City, Portland, Oregon, and othen American resorts, -Barrister Blair is leaving town. He into ds to practice his profess on in the west. Mrs. Blair and family will remain until he secures a suitable place in which to locate. Mre. Andrew Dull has, growing in N+1► her garden, some of the prettiest fus- chias we have seen in a long while. Ti.:Woman's Institute intend mak- ing a better exhibit of their domestic work at the coming industrial exhibi- tion than they have ever done. They are an active society. Miss Mary Mortis, Cambria Road, who was called to Louisville, Ky., by the illness of her sister, returned home last week. M:•. C'ockfteld, who came out from Eng:and with his family a few years ago, is building a nice little hence on the 'at recently purchased on Wilson stres•t. Mrs. Doty, we are glad to learn, is mak:ng good progress toward recov- ery. Jiro. Bogie is, we regret to say, at prece nt somewhat indispoo d. The Farmer's Institute intend holt;- ing mammoth picnic at Point Farm on the lith, at. which PresidtKtt•Crcel- I;tar, of Guelph will be one 'of the speakers. A son of Mr. .Jolul Straiton is ell of fever. Mi•s Eninla Campbell, of the of 1'roudfoot, B;'air & Bayes, spen,ling a vacation in Chicago, west of Mrs. Columbus Crabb. JIrs. harry Stowe and little daugh- ter, Jessie, accompanied the form- er's brother, AIr. (leo. Wilson of Dein it, and his wife, to Paris re- cently. Mr. Stowe joined theta on Friday at the Wilson •homestead and whet. Mrs. Kellogg, who has been spending some time here, goes down; they will he ready to have a nice little fatuity re -union. Mr. and Mrs. John Straiten have removed from the Fisher house on. Newgate street to Dr. '.i'Iacklin's tine brick residence on St. Patrick St. Mr. Walter Saunders has returned from northern Ontario, where he has been with the Trans -Continental stall of engineers. It is his intention to take a course at the School of Prac- 1 teal Science, Toronto. Mr.. Saunders is looting well and enjoying his vaca- tion at the old hone, Cambria Road. Miss Graham and her niece, Miss iss Florence Graham, who have been holidaying with their relatives here, i, }• • k City last •e or returned to New Creek. Miss Florence- Graham is a nurse -in' -training in Roosevelt hospi- tal, New York. Mrs. Martin Ilays left on Friday- for ridayfor her homein West Verginia after a visit of some months with her sis- ters, Mits. (('apt.) Gibson and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Afton Lodge. Mr. Jas. Saunders and his son • , te. . E the form - Tom athe guests o cr's brother, Mr. Alex. Saunders. .• are rer Chicago, o Omen f m gen t cwt e, The tw•og where Mr. Saundero Jr. is an artist. Ile intends continuing his studies in Nev York. _c Mrs. Blackstone and daughter, Miss Fannie, are spending some time at the Canadian National Eithibit.ion. • Mrs. F. II. Taylor and Mrs. Pico. Wilson of Pickford Mich., are guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irs. .J )ehn Salkeld. Mail -clerk Leekie is having a vacs- tion and, with his wife and little son, to r') • t the • lake • ) n a trip t has ;Ona c g p 'Muskoka, where they were t he guests of Mrs. Leekie's brother. Mr: Mon- teith. They will visit the great Fair at Toronto before their return. Mr. 'l'%reedit. left an Tuesday for Toronto, where he will he the guest of his son-in-law, Mr. ,Joseph Noll at his summer residence, K ew Beeth. Campbell Twerdie left today,. for Toronto to take in the big Fair. .\ pretty but quiet wedding took place at the residence of the •bride's Mother, Mrs. R. .1. Gatenby, w.hi'n her daughter, Martha May, (Mattie) Forbes, late of Detroit, was married. to Mr. Alexander Warraek of Brant- ford. The bride was given away by Mr. ('atcnby and was attired in a dainty- gown of white all-over em- broidery, trimmed with valencie•nnes lace and insertion. She carried a bouquet of white astors and worn t'he groom's gift, a beautiful gold brooch set with pearls. Miss Warrack, sis- ter of the groom, was bridesmaid. She wore a pretty ivory white frock and carried pink a,stors, she also wore the groom's gift, a pretty gold pin. The groomstnan was Mr. harry Beattie. Miss E..A, Skim- mings played the wedding march while the bridal party took their places. After the ceremony and the usual congratulations the. bridal couple lead the way to the din:ng-room where a dainty wedding luncheon was served. Only a few intimate friends were present.1' e wedding gifts ware very hand'nme, including a cabinet ref sil- t er il-ver from Mrs. White of Datroit. Mr. and Mrs. Warraek left tater in the day for their home in. Brantford, the bride's going away Pastime being a tailored suit of ivory white serge, with turban to match. staff is the Mag, 51. II. Morris and neiee, Miss Aggie Nairn, the Misses Wayne and Birehell and Mra berly, all lefts en Friday for their honks in Detroit. Miss Dark and her sisters have re- moved: to Contractor Munnings' new brick house on St. Patrick St. Mr. D. B. Lyons of Texas is spend- ing some tint•e with his family here at their .summer home, the Turing cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Barney and children of Woodstock were the guests of Mrs. Barney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Knuckle. t Mr. John Gallon, a C.P.R.'.official of Winnipeg, and Mrs. Gollan, were guests last week of their neice, Mrs. James Martyn. Mr. James Buehannan is having red brick laid on his property, (Esse street, to build a new house. Miss Jean Bell is home for .a short visit at "Bright Villa." The managers of . the Lyric theatre very kindly donated, the receipts' from the entertainment of last week, amounting to $25, to swell the hos- pital fused. The entertainment was a very pleasing one, the orchestra was good and some of the moving pictur- es were particularly fine. Mrs. ,Bug - gins and Mrs. Buller each rendered a solo, Mr. Shore gave some selections on his mandolin, and altogether the affair passed off very pleasantly and all concerned are deserving of much credit for making it a success. Rev, Father Shannon of McI:wan, a town near Memphis, preached at both services in- St. Peter's cinerea on Aug. 28th. Mr. Bert Johnston, a former typo of the Signal Office, now of Owen Sound, was a visitor here for _ Labor Day. The two directors of the .Goderich branch of the Woman's Institu}e, Mrs. Magnus' Swanson, and Miss M. Salkeld, attended the.. annual di triet meeting held at Clinton on Saturday: Walter Hern . has sold out his gro- cery to Mr. James II. Pipe hf Mit- chell/. Mr. John Lawson has added to the list of auto9 here a h'andsonte . new ear. It is a two passenger machine. Captain Donelly has gone up the lake for a yatehing tour, initis Steam yacht "Shamrock."' • 'Members- of the Goderieh In- dustrial Exhibition .are in Toe- onto. :I:.udying'-up plans for their own Fair here. Mrs. John. .Foster, Mrs. Gco..Cook and family, Miss Lizzie Ford, Clinton and Miss Cartwright .of• Wfngham-" spent the -week end and the holiday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fosters of town. . . Rev. Mr. Ross of • ."Prince :l award Island, filled the pulpit V 'Knox', chur(•lh on Sunday -last.. At the even•- ing service he chose foe his• text- Ec- clesiastes 3-11, . his subject . being "The Immortality of tlie Soul."' 4n: Shore; a • new nteumber of the choir, " sang in good voice, a pretty 5ae•ii'd• solo. . • Mrs. Stafford, formerly of Port El gin, is the guestof .her daughter, hter, Mrs. Cameron at Old. Orchard Cot- tage. Othergtests.fast wcck were Mesdames Morrison and Petiie.. . The schools re -opened on 'Tuesday. Meets in Odd - Kindergarten doss. One: fellow's hall, and another in ' St. e Gc•org s S. S. room. .., Miss Essie Sntfflh's artistic taste is Hauch admired by our visitors pare Ocularly in her window dressing. This week she has a - "Dutch" win- dow where Dutch- paintings onChina etc.` make a fine display. • She has al- so in the window .a . pair of Dutch ready made shoes. • Mrs. I). Ferguson left' this week for North-west, and will theAo a a trip to , P visit all her relatives in that. . part of Canada. We wish herr a pleasant journey and safe return, • The four daughters of Mayor and Mrs. McLaren of ' Hamilton spent their vacation with their grandmoth- er, ldnbth^ er, Mrs. McClure, Nelson St. They weredelighted to retina to • Takc. IIuron'A sounding' share, and Fars. MeLure was . very glad ;to entertain the young people. • Mesdames • Candler and• Gage, and the latter.':s two clever little sons, Claudius .Candler, and Alexander Kemble, left their summer residence on Saturday and took passage an the steamer St. Ignite(' for .their home in Detroit. Artist gallows left ou ,Saturday for French River, where he will spend a few days. Kiss Florence Sallowst "reternod from her visit to the Great Industrial Fair at Toronto. on the evening f o Labor Day. On Thursday afternoon of last week Mrs. (Dr,) Anderson and family left town to reside in her old honor. Ot- tawa City. Oa the vire of their de- parture the congregation of • Knox enurclt presented Mils. Anderson with a well filled purse, and also made pleasing presentations. to iter daugh- ter, Miss Christabel, in recognition of her faithfulness fn r••rving the ccn- gregation whenever called upon, With musk, as did het niirther tv i tt) song. The gifts to her were as follows : A pearl sunburst, was the c'hoir's tri- bute ; an ebony toilet set, the Sun- day school an timbre' a, the IcU. Mission band, and the Y.l'.S.C.I':. a ring with pearl' setting, all of which were tokenk• of love and esteem. Prof. hunter intends opening his Conservatory of Music over , Thom - son's Music Store. The organ factory must be getting net ds • ers for their i r r as t in lot )tea g a have worked a 1'0 10. the employees P p.nt. for some weeks. • The Good Road Co. have made a watering cart for some of our county towns, and l trust that our Alden j men will order one for the ,Square ler next season. Auburn Mr. Forward will preach in the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon next: Subject : "The Awful Coasts, quences of Sin." Miss Maude Ferguson of spent Sunday at hone. Muss, Thos. Riddell returned home on Friday alter a lengthy visit with friends in the west. . to Mr. Arthur Ferguson of Wi:nlham visited under the parental roOf the latter part of the week. • .A. number of our citizens spent a few days of last week at the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Mary Raithhy returned home a few days ago alter visiting friends in Woodstock. Miss. Aggie Ladd left on Saturday for Owen Sound where she will spend a few days visiting friends. A'Ir. John Ladd, mho has been con- fined to hes home the past few weeks, is able to be about again. Miss Winnie Thompson visited the latter part 'of the week with the Misses Erratt. Goderich Live Stock Market. Toronto, :Sept. 5th.— Receipts amounted to 102 cars, which con- tained 1,997 head of cattle„45 caly- es, 10 hogs and 883 sheep and•latnbs, The large proportion of the run of cattle was again export stock, which showed ' e eeptionally good quality, The demand front the largest export buyers was fully as good as that of a week ago and prices were quite ten cents per cwt. higher than they were last Monday. The slight falling off in the number of heavy cattle in the receipts also tended to strengthen the market. The range of prices for the very best exporters was - from $6.25 to $6.65 with a few select salt es bringing even - higher figures. Medium export cattle brought froth $5.65 'to $9 per cwt'.' • Butcher cattle were eager'$ dcman-• ded by numbers of _local and outsiide buyers; the rate of consumption of meat in Toronto alone being' at a ma,Cimum - point just now. The mar- ket was stranger In .this department, therefore, thatf in any of the - others, the 'choicest hutchcrs. bunging as high as $6, and over per c'wt. Supplies of beef were decidedly, short and - a strong demand .is assured •from bute cher dealers_ for the rest of the week. The highest grades Of butcher cattle sold on an average of from $5_.65• to . $6, with 'common and medium batch - ere ranging in cost front $4.25 ,to $5.- 50. Good fat cows. wereasked foto -by butchers as a most desirable sub stitute • 'ter - the wealef1nished steers' and heifers, •'The best cows 'brought front $.1.50.. to •$5 and $5.25. in.. a few instances and :: the secondary . grades sold .regularly .all . the: way from $3 to •$k. oust $1.25..per cwt.. . There was little-indicatioes •of ai, increase in the supply of • feeders and stockers •Lor- the anxious - btiyers'frotn the farm and dietilleny.. 1'nless ' more of this', class` of 'stock appears on- the local markets before long, a really•; serious situation will present itself. in Ontario during tihe following , aut- umn •a nd ,cod. slot u•ntn and whiter; feeders and short -keep cattle are• and up abo'yc a normal level a d yet even with .• the. additional occasional shipments from the western ranches, supplies are inadtqtrate for • current re- quirements. , . Sheepant lambs were lli us to day,- particiilarly the, latter, and the market showed 'a dispesi•tion to seek Tower ]cy:cls.:Iiote , however; tcmai d_ ed steady and unchanged from last week at $8.7.0. .7.0 f.o.b. to $9 id:d and watered in Toronto. t Marriages, WFIEI''LER -- STEPHENSON— At Sunnyside Farm, London. Road, near Clinton., by Rev. T. W. 'CCs.' ens, on September 7th, kava 5.,: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Stephenson, to- Douglas Cr. Wheeler. WICKS—BROWN -- In St. Joseph's church on Sept. 6th, by Rev. Father Hanlon, Lilly M., eldest' daughter of Mrs. M. A. Brown, of ,.. town, to Joseph Wicks of Strat- . lord, SWAN—LOCKWOOD--At the Ontario street parsonage,. Clinton, on Sept. 1st, Luey, daughter of Mr. Fred. Lcelcwood of 1:-Iullett, to Joseph William Swan of Goderich township. IIA.5111.'rON—ROBERTSON—Oa Aug. 3l'st, Lena Hamilton to John Robertson, both of Colborne, by Rev. J. C. Reid, formerly of the Nile. ROSS—SCOTT-At "The Maples," residence • of the bride's parent's, on Aug: 31st, by Rev. D. Rogers, Onary E,, daughter of Mr. and 11Irs. Thos. -Scott, Morris to. Don- ald E. • Ross of Kansas.. • MELVIN—BOOTH--In Seaforth at the home of the bride's brother, on A'ug. 27th, by Rev, D. Rogers, • . Elizabeth L.. Booth to Herbert Melvin, both late of London, Eng. McWILLIAAIS -- KE}IOE — At 'St. James' church, Seaforth, by Rev P. Corcoran; on • Aug. 30th, Laura,; daughter. of Mry. Margaret Kehoe, to John Wilson McWilliams of De- t•roit. NEWCCOMBE—C'OW:AN=At tite home of the bttide'e father, William Cowan, Goderich, by Rev. Jas, Hamilton, on September lst, Eli- zabeth zabeth E. Cowan to John New- combe, of Goderich 'township. Births. MANN—In Clinton, on August 3Ist, to Mr, and Mrs, A. F. Mann, a son. MILLS—In. Helena, Montana,- On Sept. 1st, to. Rev. anti Mrs. Ed- ward " Laird' • Mills, a daughter, • Dorothea Howson. ` (Mrs. Mills was formerly, Miss ,.Alberta May of Clinton.)- BAKER—On. August 25th; to Mr. and• Mrs. -Jts,••Baker,. St.: Ilelens, a son. STEPIl1•;NSON—In Egmol dville, on August 3lst,.to Mr, and Mrs. (1. 1J .Stephenson, a`san, Pt.•RCELL-- 1n • • Seaforth, on August • 26th, to Mr. and' Mrs. ,lames Pur- cell, a son. ' • - Goderich 11t's. 1IcFadyen has gone to Den - r. •lc f ha • fcve +” 4l tete o • ca t a t Den- ver to es a p y She' will join her husband in s that • Miss Tom, om, eldest t daugd t r 01 El - gen l om; 1.P.5., is spcndmg her vacation at the home of her father.' _ i Miss '1 am is a nurse -to -training •. n New York C'ity.' • • • .We regret very Much t�. chronicle 'the death of MaryA. Russa.l ,• wile i of• Mr. Donald McKay, at the family residence,'Cameron street, which 'sad event took place on Monday of last. week. She was. born in the 'county of Limerick, Inland, in 1831. • When her uncle, the late Patrick Russell, M. P. for the county of Perth, came; to Canada; his nice. aceontpan'ied hien to Perth, and remained with him some tithe, coming to .Goderich forty eight years ago,. When ,she married Donald McKay, who with five child- ren survive her : Aleander;. Angus, Simon; Mrs. Fox, and : Miss Sarah, all of town. The funeral took place to St. Peter's ehurch on - Wednesday, Rev. bather ."McRae officiating at the ., Itccihlem' l.lign Mass, the choir in attendance, While the' . casket was being„ borne to the altar, Miss Grit - tin, organist, flayed "The Dead March in• Saul" and while being borne reit the choir sang "Nearer my Clod to 'Thee." The pallbearers were Owen McEvoy, Thomas Hall, Joseph Ryan - and Patrick T. Dean. The tiara' tributes were many and ' very beautiful. 'Rev. Father McRae made a beautiful 'In 'Stentorian -1' address in which he paid the highest tribute to the deceased lady, for her strict ad- herence to' her faith and her fidelity to her hone' duties and kindly, inter- est in all • wheat- she met, But of late her health failed her, and she humbly bowed to the will of the All Wise Ruler. LOST.—IN CLINTON, BETWEEN the Graham 'House .and the station, a ladies' rain coat. Finder please leave same at News -Record ol't'ice. 1 STRAYED; --PROM THE PREAUS- es of B. Murphy, 16th con,, °oder- ich township, on or about Sept. 2nd, one yearling steer, white with i so ttrc red on nc+ck. Information lead- ing to its recovery will be suitably • rewarded by Il, McBrien, Summer • - hill, or B. Murphy, Clanton. 45-1 111ISS LUCIL1S GRANT NEXT week will open • a studio for ('itina' painting la the rooms next door to the photo window of Mr. Otto Fink. For particulars as to terms, etc. apply at the studio. LOST.—IN CLINTON LAST WEEK by Engineer Chipman, a small, black memorandum book with var- ious figures. Finder please leave same at the C'lerk's. office. 45-1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM Implements, etc. in the township of Goderich. There will be ' offered for sale by 'public auction at the premises on Friday the 23rd day of September, 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m. the property known as the Proc- tor Farm, being composed of Lot number thirty-two and t'he south- west part of Lot number thirty- three, Maitland Concession, Goder- ich township., containing .114 acres more or less. There are about 95 acres ot good arable land and the remainder is ' - bush and grazing land of desir- able quality, There are on the pre- mises a good frame house with 7 rooms in excellent repair and a good frame .barn of sufficient cap- acity. There' is also an .orchard - of about 200 bearing fruit trees. The property is beautifully located on the. Huron Road' midway between • the towns of Goderich and Clin ton, There Will be Offered for sale at the salve time and place a quan- tity' of - farm. . stock, farm Imple- ments, furniture, etc. including 3 horses, 5 head of cattle, a binder, .mower,' seed drill, 'horse rake, sealer, .platys, harrows, wag- on, buggy, stetter, "etc." and, a quantity of household fur- niture. Inspection, of the pei)perty is invited and Aeries, and conditions of . sale will be made known on the premises or by application to. eith- er of the undersigned.—Thomas Gun- dry, Auctioneer ; W. Brydone, Sol'r for. the vendors •'45 Deaths GRAFI IS—Tn Clinton,'..on Sept: ser, • • Margaret Dora, daughter -.af; Mr., and .Mrs. Edward Graeps, aged 10. years, 5 months and 6 dtiys. MILLYARD-1n Fort William ori • Sept. 60, Red. Reuben Millyard. of .Forest; aged 60 year$: • GILROY--In Sarnia, Aug. 23rd, J. - C. • Gilroy, formerly of Clinton, aged 110 years. ROBERTSON -In Colborne. on Sept. 2nd, Jane , Manean, wife. ot Thos: Robertson. •. - Y C.L:T LLISt\t; Sault Ste. Marie on _August 28th, Annie Ratcliffe, wife of Albert ('uliis BARRON-In 141eKillop, on August 30th, :Janet Walker .Barron, in 6 r: her 5 t•h year. - Dl V 1.Rfi:l'`i-Otl theHurdn Road, •APilioP, on August 30h, Helena J. Durkin, wife of Louis Dever •'eux,•aged•35-years.. v I, . rich o u st I�IrKAl n • Godr n Ala • • 29th, ;Mary A Russell, wife .of. ' Donald McKay, in her 69Th year. HAY—In (iocler3.ch, on Moist 25th,' DaVict Hay, ilged 81 years. WESTERN EA IR LONDON Return tickets wilt be issued keen 'CLINTON to LONDON as fol- lows : $1.50 ."'sept. 10 11-••1.2--1't and 16. $1'.25' September 1.3 anti 15 tk, Tl1S'1'1'ItN I.IAL!1T', SFF t"ClS,:1113PbR 19 Summer Time a Time. of Danger Summer . time ' is. a, time of danger to /. 5�-•'bili more especially allbat;e to those living in the towns and • cities where the heat is so excessive. as to make it almost Impossible to keep P baby's food in proper. condition. • 1t is then . that the little one stiffens 7 trou- blesthose stomach and bowelt o bles that carry off so many precious little. r lives. bI t summer, the . ) mother must be especially careful., to keep baby's stomach sweet and pure • and his •bowels'moving regularly. No other medicine will be of such great. aid: to mothers in summer as Baby's Own Tablets. These little Tablets never fail .to regulate the bowels, sweeten .the .stomach • and make ' baby well and happy. Mrs. D. Devlin St. 'Sylvester East, Que., sayk "I• think Baby's Own Tablets. ' are the best medicine for little ones for• stomach and bowel troubles, and I - would not be without them," The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or. at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,. Ont. GRANS TRUNK SYSTEM ••N•1.4.4•••14••••••••4 FOR SALE.. -,SECOND - ITAN1 square piano. Will be sold ebfap tole Two SHORTWORDS� cash. Apply at New -Re ard oR 1 THEer a' flee. 40• ' BESTI. InThat's all we make: 'o seer- •.1ise the snake the ri ht I'r KGif BREAD, CAKES and IE CRE AM1 TED , C in Ail Our ditiieulty is ' itt getting i your first order. ITry our bread.—no bread trot.- GOOD WAGES, Ides after that but betels to • Agttew's for another loaf. Z C Linton Knitting Co. STEADY WORK FARM FOR SALE.=EAST. HALF • of•..Let '21', Con. 4, L.R.S., .'lucker- smith, containing 50 acres. The land is all cleared, well fenced and underdrained. There are on " the premises •a good bank .barn and . good. stabling,- a good house _ and • plenty et water -one well at the house and one at the stable.," For further particulars ' `apply on the . .premises, .or address George Brown Seaforth - ler, r.a of th P. O. 40-8' a W. H. AGNEW..'. PHONE 42 K• MORTGAGE SALT: -OF FARM PRO- Peftv. Under .and: ' by virtue' of the powers contained in a certain- mort- gage,: which will be. produced at the t tc of sate, there i lbe offeredd for "sale by :Pliblie Auction on Tues- September, 20th dayof Set b da}; the R , 1910,• at the -hour of 2 o'clock •. in • the . afternoon, ..at -the Commercial Hotel to the .Town• of Clinton, . by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, .the fol- lowing property, narnelt . The east. half of lot number eighteen (18) in. the seventh .(7th) concession ot the •Township o -f Hallett in• the County • of Huston, containing 50 acres swore or :less:ss. This Pto . erty is well ell ]o Bated • in a • good fanning .district, and within. easy 'distance of the Town of Clinton. : 10 -1 Terme per Cent.- of the purchase money to be P the time of sale. paid down n at Balance to be paid 'in 30. rails thereafter. For further particulars - and Conditions .of. Sale ' apply= to '.7. L. •1(illorali,• Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor ftir •the• Vendor. Dated, at Goderich, ,the 26th -day of August, 1'910.. • 44-3' ANNUAL WESTERN EXCURSIONS SEPT,EMBER 15, 16, 17. FROM CLINTON TO Return Fare Port ITuron, Mich. $ 3.35 Detroit, MIA. • 4.85 ('hicago, I11. .10.65 Bay ('ity, Mich. 5.75 Cleveland, 0. (via Buffalo 7.90 and C. and 13.) . C'le'veland, O. (via Detroit 7.85 and 1: and C.) Grand Rapids, Mich. 7.60 Saginaw, Mich. 5.65 St. Paul. or Minneapolis (all rail) 28.40 ,, 1 `a red tit Paul or t• is Sa1 ni a tMinneapolis N.N. Co.) 31.00 \IU*ll'RN LIMIT, MONDAY, OCT. 3. Full particulars and tickets trona-- .101IN RANMFORD, 'Town. Agent. A. O. I" A i'1'ISON, Depot Agent. We Do Good Work DRAIN .TILE FOR SALE.—WE.NOW have a, stock ot Tile on hand rang- ing in sizes from 21: up 'to 8 inches, 10 and 12 -inch 'Tile only made to order. • Works half mile east - of I g'mon'dville. Phone NO: -9 on 145: -Kruse Bros. Egmondville P. 0. 39-6 HAVING BOUGHT THE LAUN- DRY BIJ'SINESS OF Cl-TARLIE WONG SING WE WILL BE MUCH PLEASED 'TO HAVE ALL HI5 OLD CUSTOMERS CONTINUE W1TII i?S. WL GUARANTEE TO DO -G000, SATISFACTORY . WORK AND WILL DO OUR VERY BEST TO PLEASE ALL OUR CUSTOM- ERS. WE ARE IN TIIE OLD STAND NE!YT . TO JOHN SCRL'TON'S BUTCHER=S1IOP. Charlie • Wong Notice to Public Your Patronage Solicited • Having purchased a.set of tools and tnaehittery necessary for • nLUMBINC AND TINSMITHINC I would. respectfully solicit the Patron- age Clinton ud ng,c. of the Lown c f (•lint< n • vicinity. REPAIRING • of all kinds promptly attended to - Leave orders- tt• 'residence, 70 Victoria Street. Phone No. 139. HOUSE. FOR SALE ON PRINCESS ons. At t streets it story, seven .rooms. present oecitpicd by Mr. 1)aytnettt. acre land. Sold on reasonable tert s. - Possession can be given Oct.. lst.—Apply to E. Saville. 43 W. H. WEBB - 25 cents will pag a sub- scription to The News- Recora toend of 1910. CEDAR POSTS for sale JAS. HAMILTON Coal Merchant PHONE 52 Your n Petro • age. Solicited HAVING 'PURCHASED 'IIIG BLACK,SMITIIING BUSINESS OR •MR. JAMES FLYNN, WE WOULD . . RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE PATRONAGE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON AND - VICINITY. We make' -a speclalty of Shoeing Lame a. In t er fcring Horses a� guar - antee satisfaction in that line. CARRIAGE MAKING AND REPAIRING OF •ALL FINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, GIVE L'S A CALL. CHARGES - MODEItATI . .i.46+ •+ J. SAUNDERS. AUCTION .SALE OF SHOP 1'l:t)RN' Cattle.—Owing to the destruction of all our outbuildings and retire crop by, fire we will sell by Public auc- tion at lot 32, con. 13, ifitilet,t, en Thursday, Sept. 150, 30 head 01 Shorthorn Cattle, 'Young Bulls, Cows and heifers. Also 10 acres • of corn and et quantity of mange -Is, i't'rnts: 6 months' on a.,dermcd' JL.Iu,t notes • or 6 per rent. Per iinnumodis- - otmt for cash. Sale at 1.a0 'p t.t. —W. Grainger & Son, proprietors ; T. - Gundry, Auctioneer. FOR ,SAALE.—TIOt SIS". AND LOT ON Huron street, also lot on Ratr.••'lt- huty 'street, the property of the Hier. Two storey, , lett Aleve. , } ten-t'aomed 1oanhe, house with Veran- daft. ,Small stable, hard ami soft water, also a number Of fruit trees. For further information up - ply to 'Cleo. 0. McTaggart d r 'tidtos. ('ott,jc'y ('11nton. 44 September • Brides Our� stock'is complete .with { day\ fiarticles s stable or u f 0 P Wedding- Presents Wedding whichwill be enduring and carry your heartiest wishes for future happiness. sS 1 High Grade Watches Clocks - Fancy C . Pearl Brooches - Rings Diamond R Dr g fa 18k. Wedding Rings Plated Sterling and e S tr g 'Silverware which . ..always m akes a useful gift. • • CHINAWARE—A yen discount of 25 per cent. «ill. be i. i on 11C China. GRIGG of Marriage e �� ' L.senses: A. tt ■ Furniture- and House F i irnishi nks at GreaPrictlyes. Reduced for the month of Sept. when the goods are most required. 10 p.e discount on Rttgs, Mttt•tings, Linolentns. Curtains, 1',te. 10 p.e. off Iron Beds—Beds front $2 up to $25. Our special at. $4 is a wither. 10 p.c. off Mattresses and Bed Springs, • Dressers and Stands for $8.50, Oak Rockeas, $1.00, Coaches $ 5. Our leader at $8 is not equalled at the pike in the county. Curtain. Stretchers loaned to our oustOttters free. Our I)tts-Kot Carpet Cleaner will be loaned free for one clay only. Gerhard-Heintztltan Piano for whirl' I ant the only agent in this vicinity, need no introduction—"no bluff needed to sell it Picture Framing and Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. - The store of Quality. W. - - -W-aiker purulture Dealer and Undertaker Phone 28 Night or Day