HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-01, Page 8Clinton. News -Record, September 151, 1910 flIO}IUMENTS iimpammeallimpoommummionsiownwe Our Specialties Stock Guaranteed not to Fade Workmanship of the Best ' Prices Reasonable Prompt Delivery r 001E opposite Post Office - Clinton PORTLAND CEMENT The undersigned has just received a ear of fresh 'National" Portland Cement and will sell the same at afair living proth The undersigned has also the agency for the Independant Companies and will fill orders for a ear toed froth any of the said companies fora small margin of profit, S. J. ANDREWS, CLINTON • JACK80N'S CLEARINU-SALE We are still busy clearing out the balanceof our summer stock. For the past three weeks we have had good success in clearing tip odd lines, but. there's more to go yet in Men's, Women's ` and Children's Oxford's, Pumps. and Slippers. which will be closed out at wholesale prices for CAST -1. --Back and Colored Oxfords, Patent Leather,; • Kid and Gun Metal Calf Pumps and Slippers Repairing Neatly Done and Promptly Attended - to .. FRED. JACKSON While You Think of It 031•c1•far r➢•ca♦•agiWM.firC130elibte, SAVE 1YIONEY o e a By spending it here Friday and Saturday it a. Big Price Reductions in all Depts e 6 0 g A Big Waist Special. 0 0 About 25 Ladies White Lawn Waists, made of nice quality lawn a and trimmed with tucks and lace •or embroidery insertion, gnodd • Q value at 65e, to clear Friday and Saturday • • 9• _ 0 D Men's Odd Pants at 79c • 'e Only a fewdozen of these Odd Pants$1.00 and $1.25, choice of- ID d • this lot Friday and Saturday •79 Q A Children's Patent Oxfords $5c ; ti • These Oxfords are made of good: quality patent and will give a isfaction sizes 11 to 2. regp$1.85,Fridav and Sat -$s A. • good s t price•e Special prices on 'Women's and Children's Oxfords. Corsets 49c and 69c Be sure and .get a pair of our Me and 40c Corsets. They are hummers. fP Men's and Boys' Clothing at Lowest Prices # SMALL PROFITS AND MORE.BUSINESS. PLUMSTEEL BROS.t. o 1t•m•lbmitt.®'o•e•sye.o.A46.ae4a.A-*N.my,.(ilb:w•h.aAirw•m-ge.eo•c,►.o Look up what School B ooks and supplies you or your chip dren will need when school opens. We invite you to bring your needs to us and have them satisfied. Pnblie School scholars will require a few new things this year. new Hygiene Composition Geography and Arithme- tic are in stock. Grammar and History expected any hour, With fe'w exceptions Collegiate institute books are to hand. Downright first- rateness in qualities and prices are what we have tried for in scribblers. Pencils,. Slates, Rubbers, Pens, Bags, Rulers, etc., and . they are all here for you, N•••••••••.N•i•••••••••••••••••••,•M.NN•••••••• S J. B Hoover Nelson Ball' . • • _.-,_• • x* • i • • f1, • „per 'the Z •B,,oughest • hind . • Of 0 �-”--o • o0 Mc>,�tn . may scratch our furniture, but .can hardly injure It i Iotherwise. For it 1s•bullt to stand hard service as well t as to look k attractive. • • • Our Summer Furniture is nn exception, Light ns it is there is a strength.abnnt itthat is ur ri n s .r Our n ch r chairs rockere, tr e s lite,will n p stand hr peat no ,thew e . r matter what it may be. . iI The cheapest spot In Huron County to buy all kinds Of 'furniture. I Hoover & Ball 1 .44.w•0•.i4iH•iii0•iN•N411*Go*Ni••Nis*W 1 .4440 ttA.111:) V't7ZTZ14. AL 23114,34:147TCyRE1 W. D.'FAIR ••G O. Often Cheapest — Always the Best 11:Vi •• ;;I„ UB1Int1119111,111111eUllhi 111;,:I Miss; Lillian Cantelen is in Toronto this week. Mr. .and Mrs. S. Kemp visited friends itt McKillop on -Sunday. Mrs. • J. S. Pavans and family spent a . couple .of . days at Bayfield last week, Miss Margaret Howson :of Buffalo. is the guest of ' her • aunt, Mrs. How- son, of. Albert street. Mr. Beit. Johnson, who resigned his school at Staples, meas •secitre4 ane . other school at Mt. Forest. Mr: C C. 'Ranee. left on Ttiesiiay on • his ut+aal autumn trip to the Mari- -time Provinces in the interests of • the Jackson Mfg Co. Miss Bertha. Gunn, with • her cousins, Misses Jean McMillan and ,Douglas .Crunn of Toronto, have' been spend- ing. a .few. days at Bayfield. Mrs. Andrew. Gunn and Master 1)on all and Miss Douglas Gunn of Tor- onto:, are :the • guests • of .Mrs. Wm. Murray, R.attetibury street, Mrs, 'Harry Bartliff and bab.y.have been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JohnCardiff 'of 'Brussclsi. Mrs. Jas. Flynn visited hi • Seaforth last week. : Miss •rima Akam, who lias, been -visit- • in Rev and ' Mrs. W.; Charles . worth ' in London, is now• in ::'Springfield; a guest at.the'home of. Rev. •Mr. Dunlop. Mr Jas: Reynolds, who has been very ill," is somttwhat bcttter. His moth- er, .Mrs• John Reynolds : of Detroit.,• and sister, were over with him .for. a time bat have returned home. :Miss Dalton and ,Miss Hill, witr, had been visiting • Mrs. .George \iicldle- .ton, Goderich taweship, the ",i;sses. Mounteastle, town, • and i,t her friends returned to Toronto • ori. Sat- urday last. Vies: Wm Southcombe and her • $on, • Mr. Will... of St. Mary's haVe• been the guests of .Mrs. Southcombe and the Misses Southcombe and spent a fortnight very ' p,t asantly camp ug with them. at' Iron Springs, Mrs. Will. Hyslop . and little •daugh- ' ter, who has been visiting • at the parental stone in' town, that of lir.' Isaac Jackson, for 'some time,: re- turned to her home in Detroit this week. Miss Marjorie • Cooper, daughter 'of Mr. J. A. Cooper of . Toronto, end Iger little friend, Miss: Lila :\miallin, returned to 'Toronto on Satu.day. last after 'a visit with the, former's grandmother, Mrs W. Cooper. Miss l*:,Ivct Lavas left on Saturday for Toronto. • She will visit the .' Fair and. will also spend some tine in Oshawa.'wiifr her brother, .lir. L.• Lavis.• Miss Edna; who has been visiting in Dundas, will., meet. her sister in .Toronto : and will also vis-• it Oshawa: Bell: and . Mr. and :lits. Harry 0 children; Southampton,', were ,the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fair over the week end. They made the trip to and fro in ':their auto,. Mrs. 13e11 was formerly a resident of Clin- ton; „being .a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, . Miss Ward; the popular principal .of the stenography department of • the Clinton Business College, has' re- sumed her duties after a holiday spent, at her home in thea South: Miss Ward finds the climate 61 Can- ada an - ads partt<alat1y bracing. She says that we do not know what heat is here. Mr. John Hartley of Clinton preach- ed in Trinity church, Mitchell, on Sunday, For a layman it would to hard to find his equal and his hear,. ere were delighted with his 3ertuon. Mr. Hartley has a goad voice and been b has a splendid delivery. I le e 'filling Rev. Mr. Pttrt'on's place wl tie the latter is on his vacation,-- Stratfoii Herald. Mr. and firs. Stewart Plummer of Hale, .state of Missouri, after hat a short visit to their uncle, Mr. S. G. Plummer, nee , left on Friday ldaY to vis- it relatives at Brampton and other points before leading. fortlir wes- tern home. They will,how,•ver,'l.e- fore taking their ay>departure ,spend a n the Toronto fewdays at a t oto Fair which even in the American, middle ofthe vet e re ason wee is regarded y g best Exhibitions on the continent. Mr. and Mrs. Plummer enjoyed tht msc 1yrs heartily vi flr lira and said they hoped to return again at some not too distant date, FAIN )RaLAIR sem. 1000•21102111 1200.11011at Jae White Lawn Waists at Quarter off Saturdag Out go the balance of 'our White Lawn Waists. All new this sea: ott. Several very dainty styles in the lot in embroidery, lace and tailored effects. We want the room for the new fall goods which are, arriving daily. Saturday they will: be all out at 1-4 off. SPECIAL— Lawn PECIAL—Lawn Waists Less Than Cost 3 dozen white Lawn Waists, embroidery fronts, tucked backs, long sleeves, very dainty styles, all sizes, regnlar $1.,25 while they last 89c. SPECIAL — Ladies' Vests Less Than Cost 10 dozen ladies' fine Egyptian yarn Summer Vests, short sleeves, size '1 oily, regular 12ic, while they last on Saturday 3 for 2sc. Shop at this store Saturday and save money. Read the following list, over carefully and see how you can 3 cards Yarn 5c ' Three big cards of Mending Wool, shades, black, brown, tan', white and fawn, reg 2 for 5c, Saturday 3 for 2 Boxes:Hair Pins 5c Dorothy Hair Pins,- 100 in each box, assorted sizes, reg 5e each, Saturday 2for • 25c Wash Belting 150 White \Vaasa Belting with red, black, 5.and blue edge, guaranteed fast colors, ( 5 . reg 25e belt length Saturday. 25c Children's SoX 19c Children's lisle thread and cotton sox 05 in white with colored checked boleler and plain tan, sky and white, all sizes, .19 reg 25e Saturday 13c Silk Ribbon 10c Pure .Silk. Hair Ribbon, extra heavy • quality. four inches wide, shades hlaek, white, navy, sky, resida, 'rose, pink,, westeria, green, etc., reg 15c Saturday'.: • I0 • . 3 ;pairs Cotton • HOse 25c ' 10 dozen only, Ladies' Black, Cotton Hose, seamless and fast color, sizes, $, 26. 4. 9, 9},10, special Saturday 3 pairs for L 15c to 25c Collars 8c: We have laid out all' the - odd lines and broken sizes of our:, children and ladies' Linen Collars, reg 15e to 25c, Saturday to clear each : , r08 $1.25 Sateen Petticoats 98c Black Sateen Petticoats, high glossy : finish, three frills, all sizes, reg $1,25, f1 Q Saturday ....... . 1 ci 25c Children's Hats -15c. Children's Miisliroon and sailor Straw Hats )vith fancy bands, good quality straw, reg 25c,' Saturday price 50c Children's Hats 39c Children's nnashroem- and : sailor Straw Hate, silk -ribbon bands, three style's, reg 50c Saturday. • ▪ � • 1-4 off Bogs Wash Suits Boys \%'aash Suits, Buster Brown and sailor bt le in several styles and colors all sizes, Saturday Quarter off reg price 1..4 off Bogs Wash. Hats:: Boys White Tanis, washable with silk bands of assorted colors, reg 25c, 40c, 50e, Saturday Quarter off reg price: $5 Wash Suits $3,98 Ladies V,ras1i Snits•all ready to wear, .. several styles to choose from in black and white, blue and white, and plain0 bine, all sizes, reg $5.0Q Saturday 3.98 *7 Wash Suits $5.75 R • eadyto-weaar Ladies Linen Suits in several styles and colorings, reg $7.00 -.Saturday �..7 5 • • 40 inch Factory Cotton 10c 500 yds 40 inch Factory Cotton. good weight and even weave, worth to -day • 15c per yard Saturday price - • • . I 0 tOc Factory Cotton 8c - 500 yards good choice FactoryCottoa • 36 inches wide, reg 10e Saturday About People You Know. Miss Mary« ''Bite went down to Tor= onto on Satuirday:. • Mrs. , E. Holmes spent • Monday with Londesboro friends. Miss Margaret Patterson, of Winghatu is visiting 'Miss Edna Wasman. . Misses Carrie and Tillie Akam are attending the millinery openings in Toronto thf:i week. Mrs.. Will: Linder of 1'aekdale is vis- iting with her smother and brother, Mrs. Holmes and Mr, W. S. R. Holmes of • town.. Mr. T. Jackson Sr., and his laugh- ter,. Mrs. C: C. Rance, are in Ot- tawa this, week visiting the daugh- ter . of the former, .Mrs. J. J. Al- len. • ' Mrs, Brigham of Toronto,:. who has • been visiting friends in •Wingham, has also .been in Clinton during the pasts week the guest of Mrs. J. IL Combe. Mrs. L. Seale, who had been • the guest of Mr. and Mrs, John Holm es, Buren Road, for a• few weeks left for her home in Montreal on Monday. Miss ✓ bet rio t tY -returned to her hospital work inBoston this week after a pleasant ho2'day spent at her . home in town and also camping .at Bayfield, Misses Pearl and Mamie Cartwright of Winghan are visitieg: in town, • the former the guest of iter aunt, Mrs. John Foster, the latter • the guest of Mrs. Mitchell, • Mr. Newton Davis and Misses Bertha and. Bessie have been indulging in a driving tour -through the county the past week.. The weather 'being ideal for an outing of that kind it was very much enjoyed., Ii:ev. C. R. Gunne is attending the 111 -centenary .Congress in Halifax, which is in session tl.t:s week and next. Mrs. Gunne accompanied him as far as Markham on Tuesday and will visa:t friends in that vicinity for a couple of weeks. • • Mrs. Howard Humphries of Jackson- ville, Florida, ,is; expected on Sat- urday couple o f willspend a n 0 d n(1 ties a y Meeks at the parental home e in tawn of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.. •t Hearn. Those who remember 'Mrs. Humphries' musical ability will be pleased to hear that it is possible She inay give a concert while in • Clinton. VIfss Carrie Shipley is visiting in Twilit() and Oshawa. Aliss Libb•ie Gibbings returnee( to Stratford on Monday: Miss Jean Ross is visiting. at Wing - haat and Bluevalc for a fortnight•. Miss Rant'on of Stratford was • in town on Monday visiting Miss •.Ir- win, • Miss Nettie W'asman left on Saturday to visit friends . at Mitchell for ten days or se. • • Master «Wilber • Rumhall of Elmira has beenvisiting:t'elatives' in town during, the past week; Miss Flarity of Winghan was the guest of Mr-. • and Mrs. S. C. Rath - well over the week End: Mrs. Thos..•Jackson Sr..left on Sat- urday for Sullivan, Ohio,. to visit her ' sister and other friends. • Miss Henderson ,of .Duluth spcitt • a couple of days in town •last week the• guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. 'Cooper. • :lir. ,John :Hiilrn of Detroit,:.accome paned by his son, John, visited his. mother, Mrs. Johan Layton in town last week.• • Mr..and Mrs. Thos. Trick and Mrs.' A. P:..Ludington are visiting in Buf- .falo, Niagara Falls and Toronto. They are expected hone the 4th of September. Miss Eva Stevenson returned. to Jack- son, Mich.,' on Saturday after a very pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Cuninghanie, and other old friends in town. Mrs. John Rice and sin,. Master gone have to Bowtanvillc for a few days. Frani there they go to St. Catharines, Niagara and Toronto and expect to be . away about two weeko. Mrs. Shannon returned on Thursday from • Ch:oago, where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Smyth, for several weeks, part of the time T,aing'spent camping on Lake Michigan. Hiss Pearl, who aecorrtipanied her mother, remained in Chicago. ..• Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Smith and Mrs. G. i ,daughter of Almontr and A t A., have been vis- iting Smith of Buffalo l a o 1 sv Mr. and Mrs. 1'V''. H. Manning for the past ten days. They start- ed for home Tuesday. Mrs. Man- ning and daughter Marjorie accom- panied them as far as Toronto. The News From Londesboro Miss F. Jamieson and Miss Scott are visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs. Hutton spent Sunday . With Kincardine friend's. Mi• ' John Grainger purehased,. barn 'from. Mr; Porterfield; of Marnock and will move it to his\tome short=' ly. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Robertson were Balling on old friends in this vicinity last week, Mrs. D, W. Boyd spent a ' few days in Lueknow last week. The. Rural Telephone Co, have reel eeived a carload of polis, Mr. C'rysier of Delhi spent Sunday with his sister, 'Mrs. • J. 0. Louns- bery, • Miss C'rysler, who has been visiting her sister,.Mrs; J O. Lounsbery, re- turned to, Delhi Monday.. • Mr, J. 0. Lounsbery was in Toron- to on business this week. IIrs. R. Adams attended • the mill in- ery, opening in Toronto this week, • Mr. • • Win. Riley • moved; • a hoose trout Stapleton to Clinton' this wait for Mr.:: J. Hansford: . , The gravel is' being drawn fox the granolithie walk froth the postof`ien cornet to the Methodist church lir. T• Millar was laid up -last trete with an attack, of lumbago. Mr. and Mrs John Manning wlto have been aisiting relatives here,•re• turned to Woodstock on .Monday of this week: Miss gamniagc and: Mr. 'McCor- mack of Chatham visited the form- er's sister, Mrs. J. H. Osterhout, 9)v- er Sunday. VIr. and Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs Steve ens and Mts.. A. -Weymouth are siin- ding the'week- in Toronto. • Mr. Wm. J:, Riley attended the. funeral in London on Saturday of Mr. Anson Wallace, an old-time resi- dent of Clinton. Misses A: Lawrence, J. Elsley- 'and A. Ainslie spent_ Sunday with Mr. and,.. Mrs. Norman Carter of Seaforth. Amlnemenimmourran mar Constance Concerns. Mrs, Petrie, of (`littton is visiting her twice, Mrs. Henry Taylor, and other friends, Mfsas Stella Clarke is visiting her aunt at Leadbury, Mrs. John price. Dr. Robinson of Walton lectured in the Foresters' hall on Thursday ev- ening last. Mre. John Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Clanfelt and two children of Cleve- land, Ohio, visited the former's mo- ther, Mrs. Cooper of this village, last week. " Mrs. Samuel Pollard and two daughters of Blyth called an her father, Mr. Geo. Clarke, on Saturdlay. Mrs. John Britton is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Emerson at Mongolia. A number from this vieinity attend- ed the Epworth League Institute at Seaforth on Monday, last. A profit- able time was enjoyed by all.pres• ent. Quite a lot .of young people from intend Toron- to here in d itt o0 ao g to 1Pr to l' diibitfon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGregor and son spent Saturday at Bayfield. • Miss Maggie Macdonald is spending a few days at Staffa.• Mn.). J. Drittori is,a;t present vielt- ing with her 'daughter, Mrs. Emerson at Stouftville, • Mrs. Tilos. Mol 1roy and Mrs', John M. Govenlock . were the guests of Mrs. W. B. Cook recently. Mr. Ben. Snell is at present taking a • ttip up north, • visiting with friends at 131yth,. Bluevalc, Harriston and other points, Mt+. Snell has not regained his usual health Since fall. ing off a load of grain a few weeks ago. Miss Bessie Davidson and brother of Leadbitry spent Sunday the guest ai her cousin, Miss Jennie Love. I ull ._ tt . e Ttwrrinshi� Additional Mullett news on page 1. Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Tighe and Miss Eileen *tent Sunday with Mrs. Gt.). IC f o Dublin, rib tauycro u li , i) Mr. and Mrs. John 5 'a. : c rlet.t of Leadbury Sundayed with Suni,merl.itl relatives. Miss Loretto. Flynn returned lilt with after spending a few days with \Vawattosh friends. 4.