HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-01, Page 5oft 01 September Ist, 1910 I Ad4itional Local News. THE' OFFICIA1, TEST. Theofficial test of the, Waterworks systern took place yesterday with Contractor -Cullert. and B'ngIncer,(-b1p_ man both present. The pressure Nx.as strong and the plaut iso pronounced 1, 4 li. In., 1 4 ii I i . ' Miss Beth Johnston, ,dster-lit-law I i The funeral of the late Mary Swal- : . �Q V I -4 art V11147M) satisfactory condition. of Dr. Gallow, has returned home, af. ,low, reAct of the late, Willfaiii if. I j # lei., .-;pending a year ill Havana. She Saults, took place oil Aug. 23rd to ST. PAUL'S CHURCII. . is )oaking very well. Maitland volimetery. Rev. Dr. Meold . The Sunday .school will rne,,t 4( Airs. .T. C. Harrison returned last conducted tile services. The pallbear- 2-30, Instead of lit the tolartling tor . wet -k to htr honic in Sitncoe. ers were Messrs. John Martin, Fred, i the fall and winter monOts.. ' iliss Bruce and her neice, Miss 111ridliam, Jacob stokes, A.1ex. Saun.- The Ladies' Guild held 1wir regular (i wcadolyn. Cobbortle, pre visiting , ders and El. Downing. The caskot it luorithly tea on Tuesday a(Wriloon. : ' I 'absence , the home of tile latter's parents, was litcrally covered wit -It lovely During tlic" 61 tilt- ic(tcr , Mr. arid Mrs. J. 11. Colborne. wreaths arid flowers. Thii relatives Rev. W. It. Dunbar %%sit 1001� 'tjL el , .Nil,. 'Aiddon, is at hiv home * lit from a distance lbouttendud thefurt- tile affairs of the parish. toiin. Mr. Widdan has been in New 1 cral woiilv� '. a daughter, .Airs. J. Cluri- , LITTLIt'o LOCALS. York for some years. ' is, and Mr�.,. Barnhart, grand-daugh- Iter, of London; the Misses, Saults, Mr. A. lialles of Wonderland b4s Mrs. F. 11. Pease and Miss Kate Douglas of liook Over cottage took 0 . Mr. Will. �Saults, Ottawa, . rented the skating rfilk for the next a trip to Detroit oil Saturday per ,Winnipt1g; arid Mr. Arthur still tit, .St. Louis, grand, ions, -And Miss swallow. or Wal- season. . Mrs. M. D. MeTaggatt had a, pleas- " stearner St. Igilace to visit, tho houre of Mrs. Pease. ton, a neice. The latt- Mrs:,. Saults ant tea on Monday for a number Cf Dr. Canipbell of Detroit registeved . , E 4nd, eight i was born In Norfolk 'ng.1 -y- lady friends. M L.attornelt and at Hotel Sunset last week. two years ago 4nd came to Canada with her fatteT In 336, settling in (1110d. cif St. Thomas' art, visiting tolill Mrs. 1). M. Dickson of Detroit is 1001prolonging her stay in Goderich. She Toronto. Soon after hoer marriage . mother and b�otherot M�rs Latorriell, .., *Ileat: is (-Ivan, Phillip grain, and.� . to heD late hu'sband they moved to' Mrs, J. 11. and Major 11. B. Combe. is all ardent admirer of, this lovely Godertordi, where he died niucteen Mrs. A. M, Ross And THr. Stewart .& lakvside town. The council will take steps to have .years 490. Eleven children Nvere Ro&s returned last week. from a visli to Denver, Col,,, and also with necussary repairs made to the ex- born to them, seven of whom sur- vive : Mrs. Sinith, Fowlerville N.Y,- frielidsi. at Winfield in tile. state bf hi4ition building. Fall Fair season will soon be upo,n its. J ' Mrs. Clunis, - London ; Mrs. Wiltse : Kansas. . -.1. � - I Brockville, and Mrs, P. F_ Bell of Mr. J. Miller is having hil,; s,bop A communication front Major Lamb . town,; <4,vo, 1J., Winnipeg, and B. J,, � and dwelling on the corrier of Albert of ihe Department of Public Works, Alfred And Walter of town. Deckar and Pitricess streets, painted a nice, London, states that, the request of ,r ed has been. In poor health for some clean, crovain color which greatly adds tho council for the removal of the f8h I t'ime but just . lately had seemed to its attractive'lle"s. . baxos on the south pier will have his so.inewhat be,tter until the,day pliv- Mrs. Purican. Stevenson And Miss . . prompt attention. vious to her death 'whero sit(, felt' T Millie, Me. Geo. Pearscirt, and '.%Its$ . . Mrs. E'lla Simomi of Boston It -ft unwell but retired to bed af's usual. Pc a NMI, Missys Minnie and Milbvi for her ,home last week after a pleas - 11fearit tail.tire caused tier deatli, how- Ker, Mrs, McIlvveiii, Mr. A. J. _)16r - ant, three weeks stay wit -h Mrs. .1cs- ever, insidle of . a few mhinte§,. Mrs. rish and o-thers are vitsiting tile Tor- upli Whitely and the, Misses Whitely, Saults wan a life long member of I onto 'Flar tais week. * . . I Mrs. J. Whitely, who has been in- . the Methodist- church, a wornail, of Mr. and Mrs' G. E. Hel? a , ,-nd fain- disposed, is recovering and her many generous impulse, much beloved. by fly now occupy the comfortable brick frioends hope � that Elba will soon be . I her children aind grandchildren, who cottage which Mr. and Mns, Lavl.,� - 1. quile better. . . . feel very .keenly )ter: sudden dolisip. . disposed of for.th6 brick, reiij-delice oil -1 -cester and little M.. and Mrs. Woi .. 'Mrs. Gardener of New is 1. Joseph strcet' of'which, they, - tcok ,. dair4litt,r, Miss E'nifly of Ohio, are " .York spending the seasen with, her sister ' . . ., ponsesslon a few days ago. . relm-Istered at the Brlti,;h i,.'xchange.' Mrs. Beacom of Pickford' Mich. - , Mrs. W. E. Kojily,.at tier cottage, ill. , V , lie familic.41 of Lhe followitig have was the guesit last week oi tier par-' Alvnesetung .Park. � .. , returned- from. Bayfield during Me past week,, having clospd their sum- t tit .,, .Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Green. Slit, Miss Lacr ()f Phfiladelphia, is the g - ueRt of lie . r Mrs. � . I James Farr, . m,r cottagas for the season . Messrs. 'was accompanied by her daughter all it .sftitcr, I . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Elliott . of Geo. I). MeTaggart, J_& floovec, ,,ori -in-law, 'Mr. and Mrs, I,',. W. Itowe of Tile oanw city. Thedford, late'of Saitford, have pur- . . W* T. O'.Xcil antf Di O.''(11tiff'. " . . _11-s. dohn. Walker and little daugh- chased and now occupy tilt) pretty -1, ' T I'lie [attics of St.,,Illaul's Guild are preparing f6r their ann'tial bazaar �tu , . ter, Miss ifamt, returned to their cottage on Wellington st -ect lol.ig known as tile Matheson cottage, - , be beld in tile course of a few wo..-eks. lionic in Dvilver, Col., after a vury . , plea,iant. visit -with. Mils. Andrew Duff � I Rev Mr. Ball purchaged ,it number , I ` of le, .Anyono- desirons aving orders for . and Mrs. G. F. Bilair. of lots near the lak(;,. one being the plain sewing onquilting 3ilay apply .Nil-. Cockfield, who came liere NA"Ill . home of Mrs. McKay. . to tiny of the inembers of ibe Guild, � 11 . . . hi:i farnilv from England sorne time ' . .. . AN AUT11011ITY O�N INSURANCE. . . ago, has purchased a lot on Wilson London ]Road � . - . - .- . The* Jollowt-ug -fropl! tile, Financial * ,trvot and'hi building a house ilwre- . . . . . . . . I � .. * Tinies of,horidon,. E'nglaqd-, refers to oIll Miss Evelyn Alle(lartney or aciderich � 'is a nativ,(i 6( Cliniou, a brotheT of Mr. it � Mr. arid Mrs. Burdett arid Ii ill, thi a week ill(, guest of her, Aunt, - .. *Fran -k W. I -,'vans : I I ­ daut,htcr, -Maxine, of Ohio'are ­i-vg;i4- Mrs. G. B. Hunle I 1. . .y - : I . I . .. � . . - . . f4mr, . 1?01111�1�an. .Evanso of: Toronlo, ert'd at (fltullolln. ile ur-­-17-1 Miss R os c ' lla�.Livovrnioril'.. t 'nk 1) __ - -da, Ito 'I - it Iv Cana w 8 a fing --iutn, wl`t v,� ' is at,tontl:ag Miss EAla Collinson i her duties in Toronto af(vr ti. pleasaill. i � * on , iridustria I I� . ins'itraliev I -d �, I 11 Can't a, flic nifflinvvy openings. at Tononto. t 11 ret wcoks' sojourn a t tlui old home and Prvsidrat of the Union Life -- During the storm of Thurstlay nr- . ; . I here. . 1. . 1, I . . . .%s ' . suranco Company, has just. e"xpros,itid iornoon considirable -daniage �vus Mr. Geo. Watts has pyrchased .a :'same interesting N,iows ()it tilt, 1,r(s- donq to variou-,i buildings in, vwn. borse fro -in Mro. t1ohilison or tIlL, (40.9- . . . . .. � ` � pec,tisof tile life assurance tiusin(!Ss lit Th(, rcof of T. Swartz' big* three, bell Line, Stanley, to replace tit(' ne. 0 'of. the Doiniul.on. Mr. Evansj..who).� a �.,tol-��y livery barn uollapsvd, as did lie had killed by .tilt, storm , Mon-, . . frequent visilor.to London, said N Lit - .list, tile chililli-ev of tile West .St. bak- .. day week. - - , * .1 I . . . .. I . . I - . . . Intellv'iew with tliiJ'i Thiles.--ft-cently : (Tv I tile fifiv ioot hoist at the itew . - - Rev. 114r. sawers' of Brue6rield �ad-. . , - INNben�. a country is developing '. so vlevalor was blown down an.I * a dreF;.,.-.d the E.L, oil Tuesday. even- . I i -apirill I y that a il,ew town N I( ro numbt:r of trees were uprooted - one, ing. . . . . I I I . tiv ry day, Von van understand that it V it Vtll'V old birch in Mr. 1--`e'.tf,tt',., Mr. (iordon Waldron or Toro rito . I requires a � live a9cney organi/ation ]awit, which scenied to be m iser,'ect paild the old home a v�isit (,It : Thurs-. and,-plent-p- of resources' to keep - pace livalth, was . blown out by tit(, rools. day of Iasi -week... . ... I . , with stich opportlildtivs� In U10 ittkr� A 'nivuber of people were talcin4 )io- . ifts, Wilbur _06'11 of seatort1b 'will . I . , * . ',%Trs.� ticular bran0i 'of the business,. in dak pictur(�s of it the folio witf,w ii or- -I)(, tile Allesi. of her-sis'lerl, -,Jos, which 1 am ni(;.�t intere.�tril i i' I t a L.4, nin'-. The pavilion betwien Loohov- Shipley, fif ibe.absence of Mr.. ('.rich, . . . . been s'Imp.!y'* impossible to' 1, I vep vp ir and Clift cottageo was h1t.1wn ovvi�, who has taken ,a trip west. � . . . � I I .. - - I . . . � . . I with the . gr6ivili.' Manufacluring in falling where it stood. I . . .., I . 1. .� . . I . , � Canada Ila-, gone' ahead by It-aps at . itt Janics Chapnian, a young inan freirl � ­ . .. � i . I . . ' � bounds, with the result that*.'V`*V .. a . IT near Exclero, was, convicted Lv -'udge. KI ppen: ,.,.., ' , , a i population, I getting * large ,tidu strIal DovIc of t,hcft' and eonspiravv* I ) lob, ' - , . . , . - * ant). to-N-vits and cities are. ,vt1owhig in . and se illeaced to foul. illolli. A ;' fin- . A-iliong those �,ho%ba.voi gone ' west . , * a .1, way that -4, s wholly. unknow.ri. a pri:�onnivnt. Chapman was rinplovell on the harvesit exc0sions, �-m,Ay bii , . . I � few years. ago. # ? . . I . by, Brian Rockeliffe, a farillk-t' oil the mentioned .Afisses Vifiie and Lilly'- .. . . I . 11 . I . 7th lint, of I's -borne town.ihip, -%vl!o Moffatt and ' Messrs. -john" Aikenhead; . I ' , , . � I I I .1 himself was cammited by trial Aug- Webster Buch6naw arid' Rolr J,� 0 - . . - I I . . - I , . . . kast waWanosh .list, l3th, by Squire Taylor w Fsti- ril,tinds, I . . ­ .1 . � . . . vr, oil (-barges of theft in:1i cwtFlooir- . La � st. week -flarry Butter, -a . hoille Miss,'Del la - MeDo well visit.vd fhviids acy to rob. Rockeliffe will come tip .boy, working with Mr. Robt. in-PelgraYe recently. I . . I for trial at the Decem1wr mt,siciis. .Dick, ju-niped ' oft a- load cf, At ve � J Ca s . and Miss : Annie Densmore or Winudi.tm- Provincial Officer W.hiteside, fuun,t a brok-L, Ills leg.. He..Is improving . n1ce- ' has been -visiting -friends. . ", rotilld . . quant it N of )0oi in 111v R00--.0iffe ly. He is now w in the hospital lit . - Westfield. , . - � . I I : . . farnilloust-, after be had bt..,)i called , '. Goderich.- It' was impossible ,to edre MIs,V 'Xi'lilic C(ar'k. Of Manitoba made if) work oil the casu. Charoiran ' for binii-In tile home 'as a little baby abtief visit with ht;raist,,r,'-M,i-s,. A. would say nothing :nvri niliatint4 girl had arrived 6l, Mr, Dick'%. houle. a McDowell 'of the Sideroad. I... � ., ' againsl his, eniployt,r :ill czinatnitted . I few daps, before, . . Mrs. ,John Wightinan of near West - . for trial, whi'll lie broke do.wn. . � . Mr. Alex. McBeaih had air exciting fitild ' has . retumed after a nimith's 'Neighbors are tit(- complainants. . experience one day las.t week , white visit with tier daughter, Mrs, Albert Farr, callvd ho,re oil Saturday wbilv driving oitt of Egnio-trilville. 116. lllQt McKoellAr of, Sault Ste. Marie_ ' Farr, call(d liere6on Saturday while .. all autoinobile afid �.although. lie gct� , I - , .tfr., I and Mrs. J, Mason ,and faw,� ill(, St. Igriaev was in port. � . .his horso by the ]lead .he was drdgg- . ily attendp(l tbe golden- -wedding. ',.of Frorn a Calgavy paper -we learn . ed ina6y.- rods and had one foot Invo � . ' Mr_ and Mfs.. J. ",Nlason Sr. of. the * that Mr. G. W. Holt, soil of .3 udge jur-lid before bi4iglng lit's,horst-to a � 3rd con, Morris, last week, anti I . Mrs. Holt (it town, has broil ap- I c standstill. I lie o cupants of the autp, � chils. Scot.f.of, Milton."attende.d. the � pointid f1rofeNsor of the organ ill the , never stopped. Tt is treatment like - , funeral of Ills * noicei ',Miss AT. Me - Calgary Conservatory (if Music. (;od- this that ,,sours farmigns ,oft'.ihe odriv� Gowan - last week. Nitiong othef"; cri0i people will ll(� delight(d to hear oirs of these vehicles. They .think .who were.prvsvni; were '. Mr, and_Mrs. of 111v succ(ss of one of hur clever . , that aftior construding. good roa-Is, Wrn.'.RivIrmond,. London ; Mrs. sit P- . .. . . 4 . ,_� V1111". (or tbern which tile autos noW Wear' � I lev, Falkirk ; Mr. W. Scott,, Lang- . . Thc funeral of the latv lillizall0h into dust very rapidly, fibe it ni 6 i �, side , Mrb. Moore,. Brussels ; . ,�. I V, Buth't-, relict of - ill(, late Thomas should be. car�wl. .1-;ome of 1110111 'we , Moore, Miltoll. I . . Lacy, loo�, plaev on Friday morning and � et rnaiiy� fariner. � s and their W`t�- ' Mr. D, 8� Scott bas: reeently ,re-. froli'l tilt, rv.,;i(1(ncv of her- daughter, es are atiald to go to towli tor lear turned from a trip to ill(. 'w6%t. lie Mrs. -JaK. 1�*arr, it) St. lletvr's church of all accident. : . I I . reports the. outlook in some . places A% hero requit,in mass was said by Rev, : Mr. ,John Jones I.,+ away io Toroll- which be visited very ,discouraging, Fat-livi- McRae. As tit(, ca%k-t It as In tilt% week In visit his �istcr and in soine parts no rain had fallen for cgion-hi-I to ill(, altar tile organist the National. .. i . it year and large areas of wheat , "Dead 'March in Saul," played t Ife I glial - Mr. arid Mrs, il, 11, 1) n, v arc, I have had -,plowtd undvr. - to be and a.-, the corotege was IMVillg, the aWay 10 11re,ston where Mr. Dills. I . . . I clitirch Miss Nellie Macdonald dri(I 1wr (laic will take a course (if treatment, I . I �. . . �.. ... .. . ,;ister, sang "Nearer, Nly i'vo,I, I'o . ill tile hot batlis thetiv for his rh-u- .. � - . I �. Selgrave . . � Thee ." Tho Pallbearers wvr:-: .111 -s -M niathsto. Ills fri(fids�o, A�bo a6i legion, � . . . 'Sproat , Jas. flovie Win. Farr, Thos. Page , " Wish tot' 'i's "Peedy recovery' Ile has Mrs, 1), has gone out. west - . I - , ) .)as. 1) .an, .10fill Mcl.:vov an I Itich- beeh. ill .,jinep last fall and instead of I on a trip, . ' ard Walters. Tit(, remains W"r(o* - ?I- ', illiprovilig has been gradually grow- Viss Hiltv of 0blion wilso ille guest , terred in tilt, It. C. cemetery, 03. ill- worse, until now be is scarcely � reectitly of Alls. .1. it. Ilrandon. � borne� I'll(, relatives froin a distant,li able to Ivavu his room without , M r. Andrew Perguscii -has gone I who at I,E-nd(,([ the funeral were : Mrs. belp. I I . %est on a pleasure trip. 1%,11. Fellowes, grand -daughter, ili,d � With tilt- exception of peas, which I liev. IT. ,I*. wcstgatc of ,St. Tliorn- ,,miss Lacy, daughter, of Philadelphia, are badly inficstvil with Hve, tit(- crops as spent d (lay recently the guest of. ,1*bp lat.,, Milo. Lacy was born in Wex- art, P.- fact - xetillellL ill South 1.111ron, Ill M" - and Mrs. .1. A. Ifratiolon. ford, Irviand, righly-qix ycar,; ,X90, we don't reinvinber it yvar when Mr, Will, Watsoil f�i putting, an ad- i1nd wa,, niarried to ber late Ims-hand they weri- better oil ill(' average. tiltion ic lifis house which livill 'be who" twenty-two years of age. Tier Mr, B.d. Clegg ,of Lorulon was 110111,, IWC, all imriro.villient. busband died wlieral yeark; ago. Their this ,%vv(k. — 11 ,,,, :1 family conAsip(I of 011,tv .4011% and M618V9 F017111cilffl' allot Nichol have AUCTION SXLF, OF .-4101!11:010; three daughters, wit() Acr(b all, Witt' becii tile guests, for a few days ' of I I . �Cattle.m—Co wing to . tilt, destruction ot the exception of one "()no W , illiall), -of 'NIrs. Alellig, all otir outbuildings and clitire v'rop �,aginaw, around her dulling 11(r last 'Mis., .\elIle Alvot;ngor has; gone to by tire we will sell ,)-� publ;L all(-. liour%. Ilvr family iry ' Mr.s. Carrol, Tunth near Strafford. at a 'salary i)f tio'n .tit lot.33, ron, ,,2,, liidl.-�t, (111 colberne. Mrs. .1as. Farr, town, And $r)()O. I I . . . Thursday, Sept� 15th, 30 head of 111�.q I,acy, Philadelphia ; lrhorna,4 and . Mrs. Cullmort, ol 10��etvr Ila", �)ppll . . Shorthorn Cattle, 'Voting Bulls,' .John (if Payfluld Road, and Willialn visiting her .�oln Ed. (or two wilAC04. Cow% and Iftliftrs. Also 10 nerv.,A (i Attrinaw, Mich. Tile (Imr-11%ed was The home of Mr. arid Nlrq. MI. "'U'l-, (it vorli and a quantity of mangrels. .(, Hi,ni wornan. devoled ,111 c% 10 her Innre wa.q ruade happy la.VA 'I'llor.i4bly Tcril-s , 6F niontlis' oil uppr vx( I )(1111t f;lniily and in ber ('11111 -ch, MttY She . . the arrival of littl( dallgill"'T. �by a . notes or 0 per vem, tier awain, ill-,- r,o. in Til,acv. INIrs, Cleg,,r's .sgle oil 1he -Will tilt. I collul, f())' casb. ,"all. al. I 'i,() 1, I'l. Nirs. Will. Fellows of Toronto %V414 was welf-Attendvil and thinIgs ' f,old —W. (4,rainger ,I.(- .'son, Proprietors ; 1hr gjlp�,,, qf Jur parrnO, last week. I I Well. , I T, Oundry, ,%lielfoll(A.r. I QlAtork. News-Ro'cord Auburn ABU Varrie Stewart of Wilighaw is at present visiting at the home , or Mrs. Ferguson. Ill." Clara Sclater of Scarorth is , visiting friends in ,our burg. Lasit Thtirsd4YAfterilooft the Auburn baseball team drove over to Wstfield , arid engaged in a lively gaille with, , the We-itfield nine, which, resulted in a score of 10-14 in favor of 4 -he , honrle team. I Rev. Air, Miller intend,% leaving this Wcolic oil a two wceiks.,. vacation, which will be spent at Torento and other points. . We are Pleased to , see Air. 'rhos. , Riddell about again after a severe I attack of ilin,ess. �, Mr. John. Todd, who has b.ccu ecti, filled to the house for some - time through illness, I,% able to be around I again. , .Air. Porw4rod will oceup,,, .tile ,, 13ap_ tist PIIIP!t next Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, Clark of Varna visit - .ed at tile parsonage one day last week. , . I Master Frank Sturdy., who has been spending tbe vacation at the .Sturdy homestead in thii(s vicinity, left . for home on Friday i . Mr. J. Murdoc�, who has been visit� Ing the past, few weeks at the home � I of Mr. 0. R - Erratt, left oil Tuesday for Toronto ell route for SAI�katchc­ . wall. I T . he telolione, men are still At work in� this vicinity Putting tip wirea and , (tistalling new.pholtes, . - I . w - __ ; I I . I . Marria&s, � I � . � TP.I,'�W,XRT,11,k-�-01,11)DO,.N-At the . home of the bride'% parents,�Aug, 31st) by Rev. Mr.. Snowden, y,,t,bel, eldest dAughter of Mr. and Mrs.. Daniel Gli,oldon, , to . Edgar. � J1. � Tke,warthu, son of -Mrs,. John I . � Trewart,ba., all of Gaderiell.tlowrl� � . ship. - , . . � WORKMAN—LOGAN—At� 0l;,- I;t)tl,,e il . ol tile bride, Milluedo-3a, lvjpll�, on Aug. 17th,.by Rev. J. S. Watson, Pearl, daughter tf �51r. and Ml��. .Thos. 1,0gan, to ,��?)-fllhll I . o'. - ' Workman, son . of '.Mr, and Mrs. - . . Janies Workman of the Parti Line, . I startl(y. I - I OX—At I Ill,, "esi- denc(i of the bride's 'paiwtlts, Bay-, fIVILI, oil .-�uguot 31.10, iiy. It( . .,v , . . Dr, ,Stow'art of. Clhifon,- Ojivt. ' . Daisy, daughter of ',Mr; line Alr,- . . ` � . � . Jam,t ' i,, ' i .Thomson, 14.) Nalcolm I � Frltsotir of Part William. Ct*MMiN('�,S-1--lill,I,IP�14--�i�t. the re- . ' . . sidence of Mr. *arid. Uxs. A. , F. - . Phillips, seaforth, parvilis or tljc� ' I bride, by , Rev, N. *Shaw, art 'At . ig . . - , .. 2001, S. A.. Phillips. to 's. J. . . . * . " .vilmillings of Forward, Sask. C.HAPMAN�_[I&Y-:_,�t: fluit ' man"w, . . 'EArnandville" by -Rev. IN, Shi ), . , on Augu*st 20.th, Frank Chapman I to 'Niargaret Ilay, both of ,Sea- . I �. forth. . . . 111"'Y'.Not'lis-SILLS-At 8L SalliCs' , �, - church, .*. Seaforth, - Aug. . 23rd, . 'Xfona, .only da,uKhtvr . -of Mr. arid - Alr.%�. ovo. s�ills, to Arthur J. , � Reviloldis, so . n.of Mr. P, Roeyllolds� 1ondon. I . . . . of . . . SMYTJI—IIEMP1IILL-�­­Tn llensallq I on I . Aug. 24th, I by Rev - J - EA . J, - Mil I- . Mr. And. .vard, Lulu, daughter. of ,. . . . .� Mrs. T.Jlemphill, to Rov% Smyth. I � of. Trail ,,' 13. C.. . ... I .1 ... ... . . .. 11". � I . � : .. � '' � . . . . .1 - :1. . Births. I . . I . . - * � , . . '. . . . I I 'N.ICITNITYRE"In Clinton �on. August.i i * , . 23rd, to. Mr., and .Mrs. Wily. �. '-Slc- . - Intyr . v, a- daughter.. (Boulah Beatr i ricc,)., . ., .. . . . � I L1,IVY—Tri Clinton on 'Auv,U-.,t 271h, . tb Mr. and M'rs. li,alwarti Levy, a I � I � . . � son, . .. . .. I I . WE,BSTER—In � Ilull ' ett on . Att,gust . '240i, to 'Mr. ania -Airs.- Jas:- Web- . . ster, a daughter.. . . . DAVISz­lti Hullett on -August' 250, . . to Mr. andMrs. Frank. Davis,.. a . I daughter, . . . .� I . SHEPHERD ." At Gilbert Plains, , . . Man.o, on August 22nd, to M r . and. . * � MrK. J. Arthur "Sh,nit"-d' a.-ekaugh- I . I � ter. - � � I . . . �LANNP'RY-ln T . tickeranot.ith, - oil Aug. 20th, to Ali. and Mrs: Jas. .Flannery, a (.1itighter. . O'ROVRKE,-;In McKillop on 'August � 24th; to Mr. and Nlr�. Thomas I . . . O'Rourke, a � daughter.' � - . Mcb-ItLLAN—In Tuckersini-th on Aug.' . i0th, to Mr. And Mrs, Dan. Nlc- . . -.Millan, a soil. . I KING—In (Torrie, on Angust 16th, . to Air. and Mrs. James King, a, daughtor. . I . � LANNAN—In. G6derich on Saturday . I . ��. ugust 200,' to Mr,- and. Mrs. . John. Lannan, a ,;oil. . . ,: I MJTIR�._Ill Goderich - oil August 23rd, to Mv, and Mrs. W. J. I'VIttir, a . I daught . er. , . � I � . . . I . . - � � . Deaths � . . . � WALLACEi-4n London' on , August I I 27th, Anson, Wallace, 'at one tinie of ClIntorn, Aged 62 years. 111�IXG—Iti Bay.field on August 30th, . . Mrs. Pilug, aged 75 yearsi I IlUCKSTIP,P—In Goderich on August 12>80, Thomas fluckstoep 'in his 7801 year. . , ITOOD�Ill 11tinsall on, Augus�v utho � Mits, Joseph Moan, ;it w.r 819'th ycar. . . . . MONTGOiNfloNtY—At the residence 'of his, hilother-irl-law, Win. Finlay, . Ilowick, Williani John mdritgoill- cry, aged 66 year.-; and 10 months. MeGOWAN Tit least WaWanosh, Oil . August 19th, Margoaret "'S. Me - Cowan, aged 16 yea,rs, I month and 28 days. I NICTIOL',14ON-In' Wingbant oil .Aug. � 23rd, Robert Be.11, in big 81st ' year' I FOR 8At,I,',.­­IIOt'.1*A' ANI) MIT ONI flurou street, also lot Am 1-tatt"l- buty stretA, the Property Of 4;v . lat(, Alex, Mckenzie. Two st"(1, � tell-roollied frialne bouse with veri-n- I dah. ,Kinall stable, hard artit viuft watt.r, also a murnbor tit fruit I -trees. For further Information tilt- I ply to Goi,m 1). MeTaggart ,r1bos. Votilo, Clinton. .14 0 E'. WAIVANO811 . ' Air. John Doerr, who had the inis. f?rtune to, have his b4ra burned by lightning in a recEnt storin, is rais- ing 4 new barn this week. i The recent, rains have given the far - liters all opportunity to prepare for sowbig wheat. The Suell Bros. of WesitTwId. are thresting, in this vicinity. Mr. Will. Anderson, who returned with Ills family front the west,"Ispre- paring to move onto the old home- stead. . . PROV. BROWN WILL R111,ST'.ME , 111.14 � ' class in must(, for the fall -and Will - ter terni, oil September 1st. 44-11 MORTGAGrE SALE OF FARM PRO- I petty. -Under and by virtue, of, the 'r Powers c1qutallied ilk a certain wort - gage, which will be produced at i1be time of sale, there will be offered for sale- by Public Auction on Tues. day,, the 20th day of Septeniberl , , 1910, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at tile Commercial Hotel in the . Town of Clinton, by Thomas Brown, Auctioneer, the fol - )owing property, nanwly : The east ,half of lot number eighteen (19) in the seventh (7tb)' concesslon. of the Township of flullett in the Cou-tity of Hurion, conta0ing 50 acit�a more or Icss. This property isi. well to.; cated in a good farming, district, an within vasy distance of tilt, . not Town of Clinton, Term,% ; 10 per cent. of the purchase money to - be paid 4own at the time of sale. Balance to be paid iri� 30 days iliereafter. Foe furt-li,er particulars , I ..tit([ Conditions of Sale apply to . lodertch,- Ontario,, ), L. 1jilloran, Q Solicitor.for .tile ��oendor. Dated at -Godprl�h, tile 20th day of August, I . e910. 4-1-3 Ai . __ 4 0 * W. H, AGNEW:, t PtiONE 42 0 I - ;##"#, , . ##***I I'll . .1111'', I . . . .. � We Do Good. .. Work . � . I . . . . I IIAVING BOUGHT TTIR LAUX- DRY BUSTNE'SS OF CHARLIE I WONG SING, WE, WILL 1011 MUCH PLEASED TO HAVE, . AL14 TITS OLD (T 'STOMERS CONTINUE WITEJ . US. WE O GOOD, SATTSVACTORY - WQRK AND WILL DO OUR VERY BEST TO PLE,ASE, AIA, OUR CVSTOM� � . I . I 1. . ERS. I .1 . I . WE ARE IN T1111,' OLD STAND . . . . NE'NI' TO JOTIN ,R(IRJ�TO�NIS Your '' .. . I . BUTCHER'SHOP. . I � . I � . . I . . . � . . . I . . — � . PH to . I . .. __. - . 11 I . -lie, W - Chat 1- Ong 5 . I - .1 � . I- .. ... - 1. 11- -1, 11 11 T-, _ ". — �,, I . . _; �, _�_' "Iv L � I I I ; i� � ;_;..�;..��­.. --1.1 .. I I - I - -1. ­�­ -Q i "".#+###",#0*00*#!0`0*#". FOR SALE. -A. StXOj.N'V HANIA I . 1, I BETTER I j # squarepluo. Will besold ofteap for omsb. Apply at Xeivs-RecorO at� 1 BREAD 0 . &. 4% _. .. . ,, . . . I . . . I 0, 1,� !I... 1, CFAR51 -Kruse Bros. Eginondville 0. SERVICE , BLACKSMITHING BUSI.NESS ole . . . . I . FOR SALE'. -HAST ITALr . . . .- ..___.._ __ ... . . , AIR. JAMES FLYNN, WE - " . . WOULD * of Lot 21, Con. 4, L.R.S.,, Tucker- I Having filade recout altera. I s'llith-, cOrstalaing SO- acres. Thu . -1 violls we are now Ill a better position chart over to stipply 41 land is all cleared, well, fenced and. i lie general pill'Ale with the I I t underdrainvol. Th6re are on tit� BEST HOME-MADE BREAD * # PrRMISts a good' -bank barn avA good stabling, a good house a , Rd In town. Prompt serviet. to I till parts of tIle town. '1110, plenty of water -one well at tL,� house and orne at the stable. For I Insteltd, -of haking this hot * 'o further particulaors apply on tha, Premises, or address George Brown- weathi-i- phone its yonr order It . lee, Somforth, P. 0. 40—a IFAIR'S FLOUit nsFa) . . . , . . . . . 11 I .. I line. , - . � , I . . I I I � . I . I I � . I,,'XVVL81VELY. �. I . . � . � - � . . . I -,_ 1. I . .. I 11, —_ - . . - ­ I Ai . __ 4 0 * W. H, AGNEW:, t PtiONE 42 0 I - ;##"#, , . ##***I I'll . .1111'', I . . . .. � We Do Good. .. Work . � . I . . . . I IIAVING BOUGHT TTIR LAUX- DRY BUSTNE'SS OF CHARLIE I WONG SING, WE, WILL 1011 MUCH PLEASED TO HAVE, . AL14 TITS OLD (T 'STOMERS CONTINUE WITEJ . US. WE O GOOD, SATTSVACTORY - WQRK AND WILL DO OUR VERY BEST TO PLE,ASE, AIA, OUR CVSTOM� � . I . I 1. . ERS. I .1 . I . WE ARE IN T1111,' OLD STAND . . . . NE'NI' TO JOTIN ,R(IRJ�TO�NIS Your '' .. . I . BUTCHER'SHOP. . I � . I � . . I . . . � . . . I . . — � . PH to . I . .. __. - . 11 I . -lie, W - Chat 1- Ong . . . . I- � . . , . DRAIN TILT-, FOfi SALE;—WE N 0 W , . . .. I I I I .1 I...w ­'. _. . I I I . 1 - �.... I.. . . Sol"cited I have a 9tock of Tile on hand rang- . . I I ing lit sizes front, 2t up to* 8. inches. '12-irich. .,. I . , .. . 6 Notice'to, Publ1c I I . . - , I * ..; . . _.. .. 10.and Tile- ant), tuade. - to. � _. .. . ,, . . . I . . . I crder,. Works . lial(. little cast of . . . 8giriondville. . I'llionT Na. 9 --on 145. I . . .. . —,.--- - - —.-- __ . � I . . .. . . . . � Your Patronage 'Solicited . . I I � . . HAVING PURCHASED - 1 flB � � I -Kruse Bros. Eginondville 0. . . �. � � BLACKSMITHING BUSI.NESS ole . . . . I . .P� � . � . . . . . . - . � . . 39-q . . . .- ..___.._ __ ... . . , AIR. JAMES FLYNN, WE - " . . WOULD * I . . I . . I .. . . . Having put-eliaseil lt, set of tools and . 'It* THF, . . . RESPECTPULLY SOLIC . ' . i- . .. I I . I . .. .. . 1pachillevy pecessary for .* � PpIsTRONAGE OF THE TOWN OF .. .. . I . . I � . HOUSE FOR SALE, ON PRI'�\'01.1,ss , . . . . . . � . PLUMBING: AND TINSMITHIND CLINTON AND, VICINITY. - 1.1 ' i . .. . . i . - I . .1 . . s(rent. . 11. story, seven rooms. At . . I . I � J We tnake.a specialty of... . Present Occupied by Mr. DavniLmt. I . I .1 wolild respeetf lillysolicit the Patron- age of tlie Toowt; of Clintoll and Shoeing Lame and Inter- . . . . * ' , d oil reas6nablei 13 . .Wrc' land,. Sol terills. . Pos . session, can. Ile,.- given . . vicillityi - I I ' . . . . feri n g "orses - and gaarom� �.. . . I I .. I . Oct. Ist.-Apply to E. Saville, . 43 . I �� * . . ... REPAIRING , - I . . . a i ac � . antee s t*sf' tion in that . I � I �. � . I . . . � I � . 1. of all ldnds ,proiiiptly attended to - I . . . , . . . . . 11 I .. I line. , - . � , I . . I I I � . I . I I 11 I 11 - . . . — I �. ­ . .. . . . � . �. . I I I � 41 - Leave ordel'S at residel)('e, 76 vietolia �. I . . � . � - � . . . I -,_ 1. I . .. I 11, SEEU IVRE-VT !"Tile , undersigned . '. Street. Pholle'So. 1130. . . . . .. . ' . ; � 11.1 . I . 1. . . � 1. o ffe rs for sale'at his . farlit, tile var- 1: lety. '. known as'.Dawsou's, Golden . .. I. 11 � , ... - . Woo H.' WEBB coA.RwAGE, MAKING AND : - - .. � . I . ' 111"PAII11-NIG 'OF .&LL XINDS � ..''. � � �J.h It IT at $�-25 � per'. lit . ishel. . 1, This� . . . �. L .. . 11 I . . . . . .1?Rb4PTl1Y'-ATTE,N-DED TO. * ., . . . . .., *Ileat: is (-Ivan, Phillip grain, and.� . -1 . � . . I . I I . . . ' . � . � . ... 1. GIVE US A CALL, . .� - . �. Vielde'd ihis-year, as' estimbted' 38- . . I I . . I . I . . . . . . . . , . - . � . . ' I I . VITA . . . . . . ROFS NJ.ODERAT.E.. . � . . I bt0iclq to' the I acre. . 'A . samp . le I can . , . I - 1 26 oents,wfll y. a -sub, . . . pa . 11 .. 1-1.1 .., , � . . i .".. � . 411101"I'1111i"11101111i . . . 2.. . , Ile seen at till, town office. . I . . _J6hn � . . � _. Rans[orld, . . . 2 1 ��, � . . . . . . , sorip WI;. , 1, " 60,17 to The Ne * . . . � . . I � I I . . .. . I . . .. - � . .t � . I . . I . . , - - . I V. ' ' I ­ . ,� � . .. . . . . . 1. . . . . I . I . . . . . RS'" . SA IIN E ... � I . . Record'to'6nd-.Of /910, I T . .. .. . I . — I .11 .., . � ­.::..... � � . . . - . . . � ... I . . . . . . . . 1. � 1. . I .I.., . I ..... I �,� I .., . . -.1. � - I I - I - 1. I MR I ilm . .� .. - . . � ­ . � ­: . . . - -_ . . I I _.Z � I ,­ ,�-----.,--.,��.-------.---.rromummm.w . . .. I � . . . � lw-ft�,4b�-�4ft,-,%�-4w--W.Qk�.-%�--%,-,O.-%w-%�.%,-ft�-%,-%�o%,-%�Ift-�WMW�,�l%-,%- . . . . I.. . . . . . � . . I t . . . . . ROMAN 'CAT110 I LI . C . I . . . $ . . 1. , . . . I . . . . �� I 1. .. I .- . I . I I . . x(,CI,JAItlST-TC1 CONGRESS . . � I , � , . . . , . . I . � � U o Au st. Brid es I . . ­ . $1,3.60 . . .. 1. . . I- I . . I . . . To Moi0`111-IAL .A.\-T),RIi,TL'pjN ­ I � - . I . . . 11 . . . � . . . .1 . , " : .. :1 I ;, M 'I . I , . .1 Ito -11 NTON - I . . , . . ". . ' , '*X�I%, . .1� . . i : I .. . I . I . .; . 1! . . .1 . - , - . I !, I � . . .our stock - complete wit , 1.11 : � S - h. - - 3RD to IOTII,- IN�CLV . .1 o sl\'E . � . . ­ I � - �` . � ' I � - - . . I . . . . � . I . 0. � articles suitable for � :..., .� . RE.TUJUN' LIMIT st..PT. j5 191�1. - .. 11 1. . I I . I . .. . . . I . . � . . . -, - I . . I.. . I . . . 1. ., . . .., 1. .. I . ­ , � . . 1. .* LABOR DAY . I . I . . ­­ '. I . � . . .. ... . . . . , I.. . 0 .1 - 11 41 . � ....- 11 � . r I ­ . . . I . . I . . 0 . . . - Return tickets at single fare, b c:- - - . .. .1 . . . . , ' 0 - . : . . * . , . -..'r... � , . - resents .. # . ' ' . - - . ': Wedding, two,611. all' stations lit Canada. I . . . � �­P­ , . , - * . ­ . . . . � -­�� - I . . I .1 .0 � .,: _. I . . , - . . , .' . I G100 D GOING SEPT. 2, 3. 41�5.' - RET�RN 7TI-1. � I . . � I .. ., . .i, .. . . . . . �. . . . . . . , $ . I I . . � . . , - ' ' *11 ) LIMIT. ,1411P�. , I .1 . � be enduring and carry you , . . which wi . r . t .. . � . , IIARN*+,ISTERK' To Winn$og, South I I . EI.XCURS.IONS Saskatchewan, Sas- � :: - htartidst .wishes for -f tu' 4� . . . I u re havvifie,. � 0 : .0 . . . . . I . . .. . � .. I . � - ' katoon, Warn)an, ,Swaty River and in- ' . � . . . I I . . I �. �, #: tilgh Grade Watches . � .1 . . . . . . .. 11 .. I . . . , . . . . - . Avrmpd.inU, Mations, via Chicago and . . Duluth I.- I I . . . . . � . I . . , I � . � . . I I I � . . ... . .. I i .0 Fancy Clocks . . . T I I : � I ­* . . . . . . . . . � 's I 0.,. 00 , 1. I � . .. I . , . . I . .. .:. . Ach. . . 0 '' ., � : I I - . Pearl Brooches I � - I V-11 . $ and .proportionately low fares tw . I � . - . . . . -_ . 11 . I 0 �. - . points beyond on the- G.T.P. and C. � . . I � - - . � . . Diamond Rings -. �.' I . S. - , I 0 IN. Rrs. , . . ... . . . . I-*'PT..'6TII, . . . - ::;; . �. . I . . . . 1:: 2 , I . . ' $ 0 GOING'IYATE, 19M. . ..', ! I , .1 . � 11 �� � I I I . , 1.8kWedding Rings Ill . Full partiett-lano arid tickels from-. . 11 I - . I , . . . . . .. .. I I � 1,, 11 I I I I 0 � . . 'S JOHN RANSFOld), TowtvAgent , . . . �� - - Sterling and Plate'd I , 0 . . . .. I $ . . A. 0. PATTISON, Depot A�Pllt. . . 11 .. . I . . . . I � . ., . .$. � ' �Silverware which -1 1� I . . 1. I I . � . . . . . . . r � I . � iy I I . . .1� '..' alwoys makes a � : . . . , * . I . . . I ; . . . . .0 , Clinton'. C0116giate ­ ... . I . ..I . . . � , . I . . .. I . ­ . .. .0 ,� ., .useful gift., �-*. . ... � . . . . .1 0 .., . ... . . � . . -.,:-.-------- .- 0 .0 .. I . � I ... . . . I .. . . I lna+,'§+Iv+db . I I . ..,.,.-. .. . , . CHINAWARE_A� -discount of 2.5.per cent. will be. * ,.. . . . I - __ _:_ - 1, . I . . . . .. . I., I . . Re -opens Sept. 6th, 1910 - .. . . STAFP. : . .. � . I . . I . � . . . � . I 1. . ,1. 18'. T.uPT110AV KNZ, B.A. s . * - .0 . flonov G raduate T000i,,to Vniversity -, � �0 skit) SPeChtlilitill ('111,884-8, . I I ,Ieet.H--t,ittill,�(,'ri-eek,�tittI It.i.stork. . !!!! . I . I I .; Miss H, It. Dr,,,T,;or.%.(4t-.,f B.A. � . . 1TonorGvadx.iat(1' McMaster University; .[ 81*01alist-in, Mathelliatles, Sit lyject­ M atheillat leti. . . , � . ­*. ,Mtsiq 1. J. M.k('oova.ktA,, B.A. Iforior Gradiiate Torpoko University , " ialist in Modertl Langliages. 8t cwl-(111;� . . I ,­Frellcll, (lierillall nild Sr. . . I :1 P,Ilglish. . . � . I . .. . X. M(,E'.kcto.,nv, B.A. . . ItonorGrtiduatp Toronto 17ttiversity. � . 11 , t to Natitral Selenve. I siXI)joeptll��-i"Nlllltlttiv(LI Science ftndGeogw . . . . . vttphy. � I I I . . MISS 1.1'. 11, V" VISIllot Collillieveial Specialist. , - . Stibleets.--Cominerciat SnOjeoits, At -t, and Jr Halglii,ill- Tile follow , Ing voin-ses of stuotly ate, opell to pupils.. . �ttj Tit(- General Course; . (1)) The Voluillereial Voill-sp; (c) 'rite. Cotirses for Junior iNfatritill- . litti011 and the prellillinilloy oxallittlit- tions of the learlied professolons. 01 The Courses for "rea0kens, ("(-.1ti. flitutteso . � . (ill . titon Collegiate Institute rmiks w,4 . an "ApprovedSelloot, and Pupils froln th,lis sefitiol. who have sitereeiled lit . passing Ole Inatriettlittioll exall1i lintioll . forlellt-rance into, the Normal Schools or Favulty of No livation. are a(Inlitted 111xvil the Coirtiftento of' tilt, 1111-Ineipitl .. I tbutt thev havrocollipletti(I theepillist'sof thelow4sehool. witilontilildergoing itilly fill-th(Ir eXitlikitI01011. . I li'lor fiti-th(�t-iiiftit-lilitti(�ll.'Illlll-.v to tile Alvilleitial. , J. W. URLEAVEN, B.A. � 431014pholm.31.) I a . 7 . . . I � . . I . 11 ___-�- , �---�'...Iill�ll.r-l�-.1.�..",,.",�-1-11-11�.",;,-.,.�-"--,-.�.�..-.Zm� - --1_._.1__-- Furnfflo.ture. I . I � .. . . . I . . . I .. Fur''ni'shl-tig- , . a . ad' HOULse �.. I . .4 . . . . � - I . � I . ' s at. Greatly Reduced - Prices. " . 11 m . � . I for the m. onth of Aug. when the gooft are r . . . I I I most required. I . I . . I . .. .. . . . . � � _­__�­ . ­�, .- --- 10 pie discount oll Itligs. Mattings, Linoleallm. 0111-tains'like. � I 11) p,i-, oft Iron Beds--Oeds froin $2 tit) to $25. . Otir special at ,$4 *,61twitillen. , . '... ., 10 p.c. off Mattresses allot Bed Sirrings. I Dressers anii Mtrtnd,i for, $4.50, (Ak Roektias, $1.19), Coitohei; $5. . � , Our lolklew at $8 iq llot equalled at, the ppive in tilt', olounty. Curtain Strolteliers loaned to our eiistomers free., , � I One Dus-lcot Varpet (11PAller will be loaned free tot, one dity mily. GeOutrol-1-teititzinall Plana for whiell f still the otily'aglsi& ill thig vieinit.y. need no introdnetion-11no Wulf needed to soil it." I I Piet urt '' lPraming tkud Repairing Neattv and Promptly Pont. . .! '---'--L ­­ ' ­­­­­ -�''''�--'��'---""�-""-'""'�'-'-'�-I'�.--.-�-'.-.L - ­­ ' . I I - The stoes . 1, � alkel Phond 28 Of ottstlity. W1W W Night or Day . Purititurt Waite skod Uikdettikkee ­__­____­___­__... 11 _______1 ___ ___ 1- -1 ­__.___