HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-01, Page 22 sommouswismiummumoirwommossamos 4 011**+• **sti }441!+R4440.01M4t1. KODA'KS AND 2 PHOTO SUPPLIES 3 iEverything an amateur photographer is liable to 2 need is to be found in " cur store. Our store is '' the only place in Clinton iwhere you can buy kod- ..:, aks, Eastman films and 24 supplies. We can get the other cheap varities, but a • we prefer to supply yogi with the best, itpa J's us and it pays you. It is • our way of doing busi. Z Hess, we always try to .. have the best for you. Get interested and tion 2 are welcome to any in- ! formation you want about amateur photography. ' ASK FOR CATALOG. A J'ALOG. • r W. S. R. HOLMES Manf'g Chemist. * ..s. N***N �**+►*t•N*tiNi• —KELT ABILITY — EXPERIENCE— W. H. Watts & Sop. I�, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE CLINTON Stale opens at 7.30 a. rn. and closes at 8 p.m. We are practical Boot and Shoe Makers and repairers. Boots made to,, order in from 1 to 3 days notice and repairing done while you wait. FARMERS ATTENTION. We keep on hand Boots and shoes of our own make which are just the thing for farm work. W. H. Watts & . Son OUR TRADE DOUBLED Our sale of Flour, Feeds, Seed Grain Etc., has doubled this season over last What better evide.ace can there be that our stock and prices are right, FORD&McL EOD LIGHTNING RODS Lightning Rods al€ a sure protec- tion to your building during Elec- tric Storms. Barns roded from $15 00 up 3 ards with a COPPER ROD through and through. A written guarantee given. Also Galvanized Rods much cheap - t. Satisfaction guaranteed or money ref and .d. For particulars apply to W, H. Stogdil/ VARNA MONUMENTS • CHASTE DESIGNS.. BEST MATERIAL JAMES DOIG OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. 0000000(1000000000000u) a )00 FALL TERM t.) FROM .1l G. 29TII t) 0 0 0 0 t) 0 c) 0 e) 0 CEOTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Tl,e largest and best 'trach- eal training ;',hoot in Wes;trn Ontario. There is to net ter in the Dominion. Our co'a'sts urs tii::rougai and practical, our teachers, an experienced end i'•; a,. of graduates to iee-items. We hate ihrte depaiLrints-- ('omm' rc•ial `shorthand () 0 0 0 O t) Ci 'I'eicgraphy f) Writ for cur free cataio rue. O 0 1). A. 11eLA('111.AN 0 t) i i ins:1;a1 U`)(,000O00000n000000005)t)00 Tlie b Coal IF YOUWANT WA T THE iIES'I' COAL AND PROMPT D1t,IV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP PLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT t)AVIS & ROWLAND'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO. Morris Township 'hiss :Mildred Jewett is visiting friends in Clinton. Dr. Pt twitli' of Philadelphia is re- covering we are glad to state. Mrs. Moses E'lark •-f Chicago is- holidaying sholidaying with relatives in Morris. Rev. Q. •C. faros of Brownsville was renewing- old friendships in Mor- ris and .Mullett. Dr. Wesley Roe of Philadelphia IN a visitor at o the parental home, 2nd line. Mrs. James Kelly and daughter of Winnipeg, were visiting with old friends in Morris. A cow belonging to Joseph Smith, lith Zinc, was killed by lightning last Monday week. Mss Myrtle Jordan of liitche:l is . spending her vacation with. her uncles Duke and Samuel Jordan. Arch. Campbell and Thos. Albra- ha►n of Morris left recently on a• trip to the west and will spend sone time at Ship,. Man. Miss Evaa et eYY, 3rd line, and Miss Minnie Nethery of East Wawa- nosh spent a few days in Sarnia,. the guests of the la.tter's brother, A. H. Miss Lizzie Ferguson, 5th line,. has been engaged as teacher near Palmer, st stun at- a good salary. Public School Inspector Taylor of St. Thomas was here on a visit to bis brother, Reeve Neil A. Taylor of Mforris and other friends. Messrs. Greenway Thyne thresh- ed 500 bushels of a splendid sample of oats and barley for Henry Mathers, 1st lin.;, in about three hours one day recently. Alex. and Mrs, McLauchlan, Rohn. and Mrs. Scott and Peter and Mrr'. McNab of this township, were at Blyth attending the funeral of the late Miss Margaect 'McGowan, a rela- tive. • George Bielby, B, A., and bride were visitors here last week, at the home of the former, whilcc returning from a western tour, They are mov- ing to St. Marys Where Mr. Bieiby assumes the position of Science teacher in the (Collegiate. ... . 3liss Annie Geddes, arc} litre, IS vis- iting her cousin, :hiss Ella (.`lark, 5th line. Miss 5 Scott of Philadelphia has been a visitor at the parental home, - 2nd line. ..hiss: Gertrude-Dunean has gone • on a visit to Midland, Mich., where :,lie Wi}1 visit MIrs. Dr:,Lambfe, 31-5 mills on the dollar is the. tax rate for local • purposes in Morris this year. W. R. and Mrs. Farrier of : St..Hel- ene visited at Henry :lathers', 1st line. Mrs'. F. 'Taylor. of .,Gorrie spent • a few days with..•lur'father. and mother, Mr..and Mrs.. J. Roe, 2nd line re- cently; . Miss Murd}e, . Who had formerly- taught Brown Town school, Street a few days with' her friend, Mrs. I1. Bosman, • Miss Irene Clegg,. 5th line, left last week for Troy, Wentworth County, Where .she has- taken a school. Tenders for proposed ',drainage work on 4 drains were too high se new ten- ders ate asked f r tobe dealt -with t at a11 the. - next council meeting •September 19th, • Harry, tngf John Gar-. 3a the o t son o 1 Y' 3 g niss, 3rd -line,. Who lost 'his left foot six weeku ago. by being caught by a .mowing machine knife in a: meadow, is making' favorable progress toward reeovery. • . . Last w ek Mrs; Win. Clark and family ienioved to' Dcloraftie, Man:,. where . they . ; purpose 'making their home. The late Mr; ('lark was •the - well known townr:hip elerk of 3Iorris, • On • Aug. 18th .\Ir. and Mrs.; Hohn Mason, who are esteemed- residents of the township, .celehrated their golden wedding. All their -family, with the exception of ene daughter, Mrs: "John Bill of Portage La Prairie, were, Pres - era. About sixty guests : assembled • to clo honor to the occasion and •out • of that niunbc+r there Were 'eight. who had been present fifty years be -- fore. During. the afternoon.' an., ad- dres+s.. was read by the farmly • and • the father and mother were•present rd with a . purse -of gold. -The grand- children presented them • .,with • a clock, and , many ':other tokens: of love and esteem were -received by the bride and grcom of, half a eenttt:ry. Tea was served..on the, lawn .and .a very pleasant ='time %was spent. . "Can be depended upon" is an ea pression we all like. to hear, and when it is • used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic, 'Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy it means that it. I never fails to cure. diarrhoea, dysen- tery or bowei complaints, It is plea- sant to take and equally Valuable for children acid adults,• Sold by all , dealers. :_. F. W. C'CTLI;I? PAINTER AND.' Paper hanger. AB work done guar- anteed to give satisfaction. Prices moderato. Residence nearly. opposite Collegiate Institute, Clinton. 83 GRAND TR Nn sYs EM ADDITIONAL • * FARM I.ABOII'ERS • EXCURSIONS***'**. * ,***** * * * A1'(lt".ST 30 AND SEPT. 6TH. To certain points in ' 1V ITOBA and SASKATCHEWAN, . including many points on. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC and CANADIAN' NORTHERN RAIL- tt AYS,t4via Chicago,. Duluth and Fort Frances. $10.00 GOING. 318.00 ADDITIONAL RETURNING Prom all stations, Kingston, R'n. trcw, and west in Ontario, Full particulars and tickets from- %• t1 JOAN IIAN,SFORD 'Town AAO. Stevenson S o A. O. PA'l"TISON, depot AO. CClWon News -Record September Isi, L910 uron County News Gathered for NewsR: ecord Reader. Ywith friends on the hay field Line. Exeter ' 1V Stanley of Iloln est r Ic has ). fortune day. Y �,vil' ,e •- traeVrd for the purchase of 36,1,'10 Mrs, W. T. Acheson has the mis- barrcls of apples.' so far MIS eit:r,n . to sprain her anitl(� the other Mr. ('hris, 7.uete visited . Detroit From The News Reeord of August 1892 Clinton, Aug, 31st. 1892 Mr. and Mrs. JakeTaylor :a,ent Sunday in Blyth. Mrs, Coientan bas returned 'tint ►e- sumed her duties in the Salt .13..o'i- t anon office. Ur. John Kennedy and bride have returned to Clinton and taken up their residence on Isaac street. Messrs. McKee and Oundry, our new high schcol teachers, have ar-• rived and are already. into harness. MIr. 1V,• Alexander has been land Prospecting in Michigan for several weeks. He will likely return this tetek. Mr. Jock Kitty has returned from Goderich to Clinton, He had intend- ed leaving town `to seek his fortune in upper Michigan but owing to the serious illness of. his brother, Smith, he 'twill remain here for a time, «'m. Mason, while cutting sheaf hands at a threshing on the farm of Arthur (oueh on Tuesday of last week; accidentally inflicted an ugly ga.sh on. his right_ arm below the el- bow. Mr. Geo. D. Mc'ttaggart and Mre. McTaggart are holidaying. The gen- tleman left on Saturday to join his wife at Morrishurg. They will spend a portion of their holidays at- Old Orchard Beech, State of Maine, James Fair Jr. has. cotttnienced op- erations for . the erection- of a dwell- ling for himself on Whitehead street, near Maple street. The stricture will be fratne and Mr. Fair expects to have it ready for occupancy this fall. \ir ,I. (1. Mfedd has rent.'ti and mor- ed. intoe the' House owned by ('eoncil- lar Andrews on Queen street. D. C'antelon shipped. last Week elev- en ears of apples and has ealr.eady, purchased about 0,000 barrels. C'an- telon Bros. made theirs' first ship mint of plums .and pears last 'week.. They will. 'handle all they can .got this .year. . . Londeahoro,' .Aug, 31st, 1892. Mir; Geo. A. Newton of Wing;ham was in the village one day last week., 1lrs. Jas. Fair Jr.,. Clinton,:... was - visiting friends- in the village on Fri-' day last. . . • Mr. Joseph Garrett's house, is coni- plet'ed and by all appearances wily soon he occupied. Mn. D. 31eFady'en has been visiting old 1i►.ends in the neighborhood for the past felt days. Messrs, J:• P. BRown of :Auburn and Will. Brunsdon left on 'Thursday last with a ear of floras for Manitoba. •ltlr, S. Warr preached in the Meth- odist church an Sunday' morning and McBain in the evening, I11r, Jas, Hill, who has_been .home harvesting• for. two.or three weeks, is back at work again in the Week - smith. Shop of A. llrtinsdon.& Son. . Mr. Fred.. Manning and daughter left. for Niagara Fal:!'• on Thursday on their way to thein home in New Pork. • Bayfield, Aug. 3.1 st, 1.892. 31r.' Herb ('oliday: spell -J. -Sunday • 10 town. ' • •. Mr. Chas. Roth of I3rant; ton is vis- iting a nuuibcr . of bis .old• friends here: Rev. ,Turnbull and wife of Ter'onto. leave this week after .a pleasant holi- day by the lake. Church of England people intend to hold a Sunday school picnic in • the near future. - . • . • On Satu day a farmer's :picnic ris ittd Bavf,';Id and spent a most en- joyab A. day ' Sailing, rowing,.. etc, 11i . ,J. Feigeson. at a • 'sale 'last wee* bought' t'he' "Enterprise" a small:boat of. Port. Aibert.' • Bayfield' will have a fleet after a while. • Our reeve glad. fire misfortune to break some •of.his ribs by, falling from a load of grain. We are pleas- ed to hear that he is speedily rec0V ening. . • 5u:nmerhill, Ann: 31st, 1892 There is a large attendance -at the . public school here since the holidays. A heavy rainstorm paw(' a short distance north of here do Wednesday evening.; The Misses 'Galbraith and McNaugh ton returned to their homes near Varna on Saturday atter a pleasant Alit at Mr. t'has. Lovet•t's. • Mr. Jas. Miller has rented ll':, father's farm on the Mullett side of the Base line and Mr. Wm. Hardy has rented the lot on the (ioderieh side. Mr. Robt, Miller is retiring from active farming but• will still re- side on the farm. Mir. EphraIni Butt is preparing for another trip to Manitoba. Ile will takehim with him a number of horses be- sides }umber and other things on which he expeets to realize a' hand- some profit. We wish the gentleman svecess. Coderic'h Totvnsiip, Aug. 31st, 1;392 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dodd (if Clin- ton spent Sunday with .relatives in this township. . Miss Beacom, who has been In Pies - ford, Mich,, for a couple of years, is t a is still n �h tar path. andi o the On the 3rd con., lot 15, there was threshed 65 bushelsaf peas in 15 nt - utes by the Vanstone mill ni Col- borne. The mill was fed by Joha ('terry. Tensall Miss Mabel McLean ',f Winn:ip. g; l.as been visiting her parents in time. Mr. and Mr's. Ireland ant' son and daughter pf Kincardine, Were in town last week attending the ,4ni3 th- Hemphill wedding. Mrs. J. C. Stoneanati purposes re- m.oving to Toronto' about the middle of September. . • At -a session of the council held last week a motion was passed allowing dogs to: go unmuzzied. Mists Sinclair, a former milriner at E. Rannic's, was in town on her Way to Atwood where slie intends go- ing into business for herself. - Mrs. and Miss Armitage of London have been visiting in town the guests of Mrs. Aikenhead, Mrs. Armitage's daughter?. The marriage took place on Wednes- day of last week at the residence of the bride's father, of Lulu, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. ilcmphill, -to. Mr, Roy Sniytlr of Trail, B. C. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Mr. ?dillyard in the presence of only a fetor intimate' friends and re':atives. After a honeymoon- trip -Mr. and . Mrs. Smyth will take up their re. (deuce in Trail, B. C. Zurich Mfrs, Jos. 1)ow sutl Pet lest „•eek fora .visit with friends .i. t;:c wait. Mrs. Win ' Tl,uple who lee. beet: ,'i,- i•ting her rno;:v', Mrs 11. tI u: m, lu,s returned to ;Tr hnut'' ri Ji'• iti,:l( • .Miss Carrie Gellman, w'bo has been at Stratford 1 u• some tie i.ths, rcrturned 'home last week. Mr. and Mrs. A, Ii., Steinbach of Dn1roft arrived in th•'ir auto for a visit with their paicuts . a):,1 ether friends. . • Mr. •S. Martin Sr., of rte 5a.byi,:n Line, who •. is'. eighty-two s'c'ats of age has been at Work in. the i, .r'.a:,t. field daily during this harvest, pitch- ing on.and.off ten loads of grain a day. He :performs the work as easily. i as many a•mait half his age. Grey' rownfship \ti r Armstr.•ong,.ba,s,.bec•n visiting at -the parental home, 10th cora, New _cement silos have been, bpilt an•the . farms of Robert McDonald and C; II, Knight, 9th and .10t11 eons. respectively. Miss Stewart of Watren Ohio, and Mrs Stewart of Detroit, '\iich. • are visiting at the home of Win:' Mann, 16th eon. An exhibit of t'horo' bred heicestete sheep will be Made by aiirht, •: L. Mee- Donald. at Toronto and othi'r. big M 'r. and e Miss . Vance of New: 41a3h burg,' autoed up one Saturday ' reeve t- ly to see their uncle and atint,..•Roht.- and Mrs..-(:oehrane, 111h eon. They came up in three• hours, a distance of 05 mild. • • Mrs. WM. Mann, who. was' operated on. at Stratford hospital a fete weeks agd,' its improving and, it is expected she will'soon be able to he removed to her hoie. .. A valuable mare belonging to An- gus Drown, 4th c'on., was found dead in the yard Sunday week wbett her' own(r got home from church:. The beast had been fed in the• morning 'and ap;earcd, as Well as usual, Jas. Duncan and. Miss Edna Ayers of Newry returned home on Monday of last week, after a very . pleasant visit of two months with •relatives in the west, Mr. Duncan Was in the. west .some 20 years ago. and he 'sees vast improvements since that time. • During the storm Of Monday' week the•stablc of Mr, Ray McNaught of the 15th .was struck by lightning and burned, Mr.. McNaught, who Was in 1'hp stable at the time, was. struck down by the shock as also were the horsek, but they were got out of• the burning building. Mr; MeNaught's in- surance was about :8500. The funeral of the Iate Angus La- mont took place to Brussels* cemetery on Monday wt'ek, It was largely at- tended by friends and neighbors and' •by members of the A:O.l'.F. and the Sons of Scotland. The services' were conducted by Rev. 1), 13, McRae The pallbearers were : Messrs. 1). M cEw - a»,V. II McCracken,JahnCardiff, J. II. Cameron, D. C, Ross and ,flex. Stewart, Deceased was a Presbyter- ian in religion, a Liberal in politics, a good neighbor and a man highly esteemed by his fellows. Miss Jennie Hogg has butt a visit- or ar• withI ordwirl► friends. Township council will 'hold their next meeting on Sept. l2th. Miss Mary Livingston or Toronto is here on a holiday of six weeks with relatives ,and friends, Miss Mamie Cardiff, 7111 eon., is home from an enjoyable visit of three works with friends at Southampton. The township rate of taxes 'for local ,purposes this year will be 2i mills on the 1 : Co. rate 1, and general school assessment 158.100. Total rate will be a trifle lower than in 1109. recently and purchased ascd for thet firm n of Snell & I'urdlo a (Inc auto. Mr. Newton Baker has sold his fine one -hundred acre farm in the town- ship of .Stephen to Mr. Chas. .Iniac of Lu, MIr. kean'rcd. Luxton, who has farmed in i'sborne tawnslrp for many years, has rented his farm to his i:',rn and will now move into 1':xcta, Mr. Lux- ton bas purchased the residence of Mr. Phil. Rowclilie on Andrew street and will oretipy it in a short time. Mr. David Kirk, while engaged in a friendly scuffle with his brother the other day fell anti broke his left leg in two places. Mr. Kirk seems to be unfortunate as be had the, other leg broken a couple of years ago by fall- ing on a slippery sidewalk. Miss Marie Steer of Ridgetown is visiting her brother in town. Mrs, Win. Penhale left last week to visit friends in the west. • Mrs. II. Rumohr is visiting friends in Detroit and Battlecreek, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Collins of Col- umbus', Ohio, are visiting at .the home of Mr. Ed. Treble, , Dr, and Mrs, A. McCallum of Cress- line, Ohio, were in town a few days last week.' Mr. C. A. Locke of Boston, who is returning home foout China, visited his brother-in-law, Mr. W. T. Aches- on, recently. 'Mr, F.. W. '1'o•m of 'Toledo,. Ohio, has been visiting his patents, Mir, and Mrs. Jas, ,Toni ()Nowa town and also his brother, In:cpector Toni of (fade Crich.. Mr. Jake Mogg of Washington ;tate, a former . resident of 1';xetee who lett here about thirty-five• years. ago, spent a few clays Here last :