HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-09-01, Page 1. ). linton News Recor No. 1644 -Mat Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Ist, 1910 25 cents will pay a subscription to The News -Record to any address in Canadato end of I9I0. Watehe4 Z(our Watch >Jaste Can be suited her. It will surprise you to see how cheap we can sell you a really .good watch, We carry the old reliable Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Sith Thomas, etc, Also our Own Special Movement m differentraces. A Wilding guaranteegoes with eachBwat g watch. A good American watch for met' from $4.50 up. �• X. i..eIlqar - - Clip#ort ,reveler I. Patrons of The News -Record who eit to be a .'ive local paper, as no doubt they all do, will confer a favor: 'by putting in a word in season,. that is telling their friends who are not now subs'erihera that it is well worthy of their patronage. It will be appreciated. IMPROVEMENTS. . The interior of the Collegiate ]las been brightened up during the boli- da.y, weeks by the artistic brush of Mr. Cutler and presents a vastly im- proved appearance. At the Piddle "..hoof, too, the painters and 1 also - miners have been at work with ex- cellent results. his school will also be si rved by the waterworks ;yste n. ONT. ST. CHURCH. Rev. T. W. Cosens occupied his own pulpitozSunday after an ab- sence -sence ofthree Sundays. The meeting of the League on Mon- day evening was in charge of the social .committee. Misr Lucy Stevens gave a very interesting exposition of the topic. There was also a guess- ing contest, and several musical numbers were rendered which were Mutt a ed nlay . . On account of Monday being a holi- day, there will he no meeting of the League on that !''Bening. WESLEY ('IIt'RC1I. A WORD IN SEASON. T ROYAL BANK of CANADA . 1 1 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Capital $5,000,000. Reserve $5,928,000. Assets $75,000,000 13o Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. INCORPORATED 1869. special attention given to the requirements of fa smei.s. Interest allowed on deposits of cine dollar and upwards. R. E. MANNING, Manager lawns Clinton Branch.: 1 The MOL SONS 'B BANK INCORPORATED 1855. Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Rest Fund -' $3,500,000 Has 73 Branches Inan C .ads and Agents and Correspondents in aleihe principal cities . in the world. A GENERAL BANKING .BUSINESS. TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. Interest allowed at highest Current .Rate.: Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager 1 READYMADE ORDERED • TheMor�hClohi s t n CO CLOTHING9' • . CLOTHING t OT 1N G The School . Stit . Problern.. School opens in t few.days, and there's no economy and no nioney saved. in buying for , an active boy a cheap School. , Suit. School Suits cannot be ' made too well. • We know all: the clothes re- quirements ofthe most scren- uous school boy, and we are equal to the occasion. Buy the boy one of our Hewson Tweed Suits. and let him go the limit in running, jumping or any oth- er sport, BOYS' SUITS FROM $1.50 TO $10 BOYS SWEATERS This is1 t )e SweaterSeason and our Sweater Stock is now at its best. Every boy should own a sweater. Prices from 50c to $3,50 Fall Woolensarr e Read Come in and talk Tailoring with .us -we will show you and tell you what's what. THE IYIORRISH CLOTHING CO. Huron's Largest Clothiers "A Square Deal for Ever- Math,, :i. consecration meeting was held in connection with the League on Mon - (lay evening.. The president, Mr. Ed- gar East,' occupied the ehair. Thio principal feature of the meeting. was an address by a' former member, 11r. 1(1..Jenkins, who has been holi- slaying at his home .near town, and who has •been engaged for: some time in Y.M.C'.A. work in Toronto, Mr. Jenkins 'took for his. - subject. : "Spheres of Value," and he gave a most thoughtful, comprehensive. and interesting exposition of the 'subject. Pointing out and, proving that • in :or - d -r toattain #a to any goal it was necessary to appreciate the North of that -attainment and to put forth ef- fort to accomplish its not less so in the Christian life. • lfrasses Beatrice Gnome and Li.zie j Reed rendered a solo in their usual '• pleasing manner at the conclusion of the address. '. There. . willt la be no meeting ^ of the he League next :Monday evening, owing to• its being a holiday. . 411:IDAY'S'.0A_l E. On Irrday last. four rinks of bow- ' - r s cable up, front. Mitch 1l and ,oinpeted with the same maniacs' of - local' players, with the result that toe .honie men were. seveli .thots'ahead at the conclusion of the. game. The l ollotiring . arc the. rinks and scot es : Mitellen .Clinton J. (' i i . (.pp n R. Graham T . A. Campbell J. Heater T. S. Ford N.' 13ai1 W Elliott • ,Jas. 'Fair 2l 13 M.u •k' D t I1 i Watt Y. A. Mann- ..T. Ransford W. Ryan W. J. N dig -'r J: Dotigherty' W. J.. ,;te. cn:;on 18 •• 27 1T I.Tu ibrrt ' Ii. Erskine, . L. Schaffer A. J. Grigg ' •M. R. ('ole .J. Marland J. L. Downing: J. Taylor ti 4 15 W. Jr Greenwood I)r. Shaw Morrow ' • :1: J.- .1Tnrrish J..Tones 0. \\'. Barge Dr..Burritt. • D. X. Forrester 1 ' 17 'REV, • C. It. cli'NN1'1 IN IIALIFAX. • I{ILLED) 13Y LIGHTNING. ;'l. pair of horses owned by Mr. Wm. Wheatley were standing close togeth- er in the, pasture field;. on. Thursday noon last when one of them, width had its head over a wire fene'c, was struck by lightning. It staggered about for a few seconds and then went down -dead. J3OWLING 13Y Jt VENILT;S. An interesting event in connection with the visit of the I3ritir;h bowleru will he a ;Singles contest" between James McMichael of Seafartlr and J. C. Coombs of Blyth. It will take place at nine o'clock in the morning and will he well worth seeing. Mr. McAlichael is 87 years of ate and Mr. Coombs 80. AN ACCIDENT. On Friday •evening last Master Wil- Iie Bell,' the 1rv eiY little le son:� o f r T. andMrs, . R. A. Rett,r fell from a fence while p:'aying at Mr, Job Cooper's on . Dinslcy Terrace, The result was that one of his arms was fractured in two places near this el- bow and the wee chap had to be put under chloroform while the surgeons fixed him up:, IIe is now getting. alongnicely.. nue Y. IN SEARCH OF INFORM k riON:. Parkhill has a population of 1.100 or tltereahouts, but is becoming pi o- gressive and is seriously considering waterworks and in conjunction there• with electric light and last we'•i; s..nt. out .three .of its eiti.ens in seareh of information pertaining thereto.. The eoulnlittee reached C'lin•ton on Tilers: - day and after being shown ar•.ttir,d said our waterworks plant is, 11'^ most up-to-date they had seen in all the towns.' they had • pis;iced. 13u3 . it must be. canto -siert iia y looked 'surprised on ascertaining that when installing it we did hot. at 'the same .time hitch t:t with. 011 r•Iec•i1 ic' light, plant, . it being] an est.thdif;iced fact that they can bo worked together •c most o. economically. • DEATH- OF ANSO\ WALLACE. • On the 10th- ins] Mr. Anson, lace of London r while • riding his bi cyclo was struck by an auto which had swerved front He course. The in- juries 110 received Were such that af- ter lying for • a' week in .act encore, scions .!tate 'ho•passcd allay: . . Mr, Wallace lived in Clinton thiety years ago and is remembered by the old re'sidents.• From .here he moved' to Fingall'and scrtcnteen years . ago took up his abode in London. Ilo'was an industrious, upright' man and much .et'tcetn•ed by, • those Who knew him. Mr. Wallace was to his (iZnd year and is survived . by hies :wife and their one son who lives in the Province of Sas katchewan. Among the relatives cni, attended thefuncra I 1 was.Mrs; Ir. Jia w i c I t(c of 'Clip tong •.the do c c ]sed hi ing her • otily surviting uncle .on the. paternal side in this pant of Ontario..:' A PIONEER C 1;II r I 1, , The death of Mr..M. Walker - of Witngham, one of the few, containing Iluron county pioneer':.', occurred Sunda moaning after a few Y g months! is s time s fb11 r'• , owcng a paralytic tic 'strol.e. IIe was in his 711th' year. 'I'lte ftuyer-. at was held on , ,Tuesday• from the residence to the Winghant cemetery: Rev. Dr. Rutledge offieiatrel. " ,. • The late Mr, Walker was a Me- lting Liberal and a pillar of the Mali odist Church,. He, is survived by his wife, also in her 75th year, eight sons and one daughter, Mrs. J. E. Anderson. 'of . Northcote. avenue, •'Tor- onto. The .sons are Isaac .and Elijah of the farm near Winghatn George, iv('ryntan and Wesley, in the -furniture nc1 undertaking business in Clinton ; R. A:,; `sceretary '.t0 the' Judges' our•] of the 'Chancellory, Division at Osgoocle Hall '; J`ackson, a' sergeant of the Toronto police force ; James, in the furniture business at• Wingham•, and Thomas residing at Streetsville. EXTENDING OPERATIONS.• The Canadian Flax Mills are piling up the (ias at tlrc•local mill and are now threshing, etc. The . Com- pany has only been in ,.i•xis�tettce a few years, but it bas been gradually - extending its operations and now has mills at ('Linton, Moots -add, I)resdon, Wallaceburg and Alvinstone with crop at other points. `The intention of the Company is to establish a f', inning mill but so far they have found so ready' and piiofitable a market for the raw, material that they have .]been content to dispose. of it in that way. Last season they disposed of • 7,000 bushels of a;ed in Holland, Belgium and France and reports which have reached then] say that it has' turned out well. The securing of labor for flax pull- ing has been comparatively easy, In- dians from the southern reserves be- ing available and ellieient. !Jut it has cost all told, said Mr. G. A. Turner, Manager of the Company, to The News -Record on Wednesday, eight dollars an acre for the pulling. • For several seasons experiments have been carried on with the 'result that a device that is now fairly sat- isfactory bas been obtained. It is c and will self hinder r attached o c h alta tr t a ptill and bind flax at. it cost of one dollar and• fifty cents per acre. It was trifid out in Tuckersmith the past week, with Mr. Dave Crawford as driver, and Mr. Turner has ex- prossed lrimsalf as well pleased with it. Re'.• C. R. Gentle left on Tuesday Morning foi Halifax,. where he will ; a attend a cihhilation of t11e..Bi-ten tenary of the Church o£.,England in (, Canada and.: in connection. the open- ing of a :e?Jendid new cathedral it1 that city. The event, which is .. of hist twit interest, will no doubt at- tract a vast crowd to the ancient • city. The celebration is in eoinmeatt- oration of the first recorded instance of a service held on the Canadian mainland . accord- ing to the usage of the Church of England, aril was a service . of thanksgiving for the. victory. of Brit- rsh • arms held in the French fort of !'ort Royal, , since called Annapolis! Royal in honor of :Queen Anne, in whose reign the sixth and final cap- ture of the fort took place. The of- ficiating clergy were Rcv. John Har- rison and Rev. . Samuel Ilesker. Since that- time the Church of Eng- land has extended its influence all over the Dominion and. today num- bers twenty-two Canadian• dioceses. The Congress, which will cover sev- eral days, is not by any means a church synod er business gathering but Is a concourse of people from all parts of the world, butprincipals ly'from the Angelfcan Cherch of Can- ada, to discuss the living rnsuis before the Church today. Besides the high fi:gnitaricrs of the Church in Canada and the United States, there will be amongst the speakers. the Bishop . of London, England, the Bishop of Glasgow and others from the old land. ' Afeature the celebration ation w ill be of t r e bz w the opuring on September' 3rd of the beautiful new cathedral of MI Saints in Halifax. It i& said to be the most magnificent building in that city and architecturally to be' the most splen- did building ever erected in Canada to the worship of Clod. THE: LOCAL MARKET. Wheat $I.00 to $1.03. New W lh(at tte to 9u c . Oats 32e to 30c. Teas 72e to 75c. . Barley 42c to 45e. Butter 18c to 118c. Eggs 1 d to 17c. Live !Jogs •$8.3x. -BAPTIST C HUR('IT. The pulpit of the Baptist church will be occupied on Sunday a.nr. and evening by Mr. Forward whose dis- courses have been listened to with much interest. In the morning his subject will be.: "Taking Time," and in the evening, "An Ancient Love Story. M1:ETING OF TELE BOARD, The Public school board held a ,special meeting on. Monday evening. Some , ).of cmc si: bf fnrSS was transacted and several accounts ordered to -be paid. A motion was passed, fixing the fees of non-resident pupil:r at ' fifty cents per month for the first, and twenty-five cents for the second pupil in a fancily, The school will re -open on. Tuesday. INSTITUTE ATI.I.LINU. • The Woman's Institute held their regular monl:lily meeting on 'Hans - day afternoon last at rbc home of firs, Dayntent .when, in spite• of the threatening weather, a goodly num,. her were present. Two subjects were diseased : "4anniug . and Pickling" and •"Deserts." The. former was well Itatel:',sd by Mrs. Dodd, while Mrs. 13eac'ont demonstrated the_makingof deserts, giving the ladies the oppor- tunity of sampling :,wer•a'1, and giving recipes and (lircetions • for preparing each., The di:':u•s :were all voted excel- lent by ` (be -members. When the bus iness of the session was completed the hostess Served a light lunch and tea. OBSERVED 90TII BIRTTIDAY,. .11r; G Freiman, who observed..his sOth birthday on Sunday last, is one of our oldest Citizens: He f;'rst saw the light of day at I3ulloek'n Farm, West Wickham, Buc1ttngltamsh•i're, Lngland 0(F Augesi 28th;. ;'820, and spent his y(luth and middle age in his native land. He comes :of .a long lived race, his parents having passed on bey, d. . the. allotted span While • 'hi C S. grandfather was over ninety When death elainted hfitt• Mr. Freeman' has lost his sight anil his hearing is not as good as it -used to he, but his mctnory . is v(•ry c',ra•r and'•recollecticns of events which into pened in his young( Ls dav5, sonic :: of :thorn three -quartet's of a etntury ago, are as vivid as if they had taken place .but a'• few mouths since. Ile recalls the bcgini.t:rig 01 railroads in England -and of riding on:the flue Item Lamina; to (rreen's•fish .at ' of en n g ;lt 1 F rocnian'cane. to Clinton in. 1881' and his 'Wife being death he .has. lived the greater; part of that time cit t h his t. i dau •i,•t( t , 'lir.• I c ti E. II r- k man The other sur v iving nu'tnbeit5 cif his family are one son, Mr. F. Frees. Iran, 'Toronto, and .a sucoird(laugh-. ter.; Mrs. Smith. of London, elagland. lIr. I r c cut.r n s general health is so• good that he has expressed a desire to visitt bis son at 'T'o'ronto during the Exhibition. TIIF: ott) IIOMI'::CT,J,I'It('TI. THE HOME PAPER About People You Know. ,lir. John Guest is In Toronto this week. Mrs. W. J. Ross returned from Tor- onto on Monday. Mrs. 300105 McRae and fancily, are. visiting in Petioles:. Mrs. C. II. Pugh and fanny ly have' re- turned from a visit to friends at London. ' Mrs. J. C. Armour and family have returned from a visit with tlod- erich friends. Miss Tennie Clark of Goderich visited Misses Jean and Margarty. Heli Sunday and Monday. Mr. Walter Holmes, Toronto, son of Mr. R. Holmes, has been holiday- ing in town this week. • Miss M. Johnston of Myth was a visitor over Sunday with Mrs. Brownlee, Albert b cit s •t zest. • Miss Pearl Wheatleyvisiting is her ,sisters, Mrs. Geo. Mc('artney . and Mrs. J. J. Ward, Woodstock. Miss Hope Brown, who has been spending a month with 13eantsville friends, returned home on Monday; Mr. Broder MeTaggart left on Mon- day for I{ingstttn where he will take a course in the' Royal Military Col- lege. Mitis Clara. Wiseman of Calgary, Alta„ arrived home on Tuesday and will spend a holiday at her home in ow Mrs. N. Bali no: family 11'5 1 tt nest on Friday from a visit of a couple ...of week:' with• friends in Ihilictt and atf ,Auhur'n, Mr. N Mc1?achern; the new Setenee teacher at tin' C. I., arrived yes-, tirday and will be jo:ned by his. family in a few clays. Miss Forgie, who, has been t It icing at her home near Win ;ham, was in town ihe •past week and ltas since . returned to her situation a1 Coeh- rant - Messrs Wesley and George L. Walker • were in Wingha1n on Tuesday at- • (ndir the funeral of their father, a' greatly respected pierce r of • this ieCUtt'nt}', rs. J. '1'.aylor went to 'i'oronto on Tuesday: .She • will visit the Fair ': and will also go en_ to Midland and spend a Week or -so with her sister, : Mrs. Adair, Nii a Mae •Brahler, whohas been in town tor' nearly • a year,leaves an :Saturday for her Winne. in Walker- "fin for a .few. days vhi s and from • thence : s1i.e goes to' Detroit. Mr, C • C. .Rance • .J r. is in' Toronto •this•'Week visiting the .Fai`r and a1 • so making arrange ients to enter thi' School • of • J'i actieal Science when it opens for the fall term. Mrs. 'Bowes of Ti inc•ardrne has been spending a week- in town the guest of her brother, Dr.' J; S. Evans. She leaves 1odavfor Detroit - where she intends staying, for ,t (110e aitil another Rev,. 'Mr, Evans of • that city.: Mr. 1I.. Fi'entlin,• one .of the expert fnisiwr's at. tate Doherty Piano and organ Company's factory:, went to ' r0 iio on Mo dti to a cst5 in • 7o zn t Y displaying to the best advantagethe big exhibit the Company is •niaking at the Fair.. • • Alise; Mabel Turner of B1uc cfeld t wen Walkerton to 1\alherton yrs.teidly to take charge of. tilt stenography and typewriting, departtjient of the .Business College there. She was ae- compani('d by hen brother, Mr. Gen. A. 'ruiner, and wife and her moths er, Mrs: •J, Turner, t.he..party Mak- ing the trip to and fro in Mr. 'Tur- atrr's auto: Aiuongst tlrose wile visited Toronto. Fair ilia week were,: Mr.. hill, -Mrs. T. A. Greig, Lawrence and Miss ITattie; Misses Fannie and Et - Ale Jackson, hiss .Hattie Holloway-, Miss Ida'Wilken, biro. T. If. Cook,_ Mtn. I). Cantelon , and :Master Ray-, -Mrs. .Josh . •(`ooh.; M si) l ('ook; Mrs. A. D. MeTaggart and Miss Jean, Mr. Val. 'Ibtvnsend, Mrs. ,las. Munford and Miss ('let*, Mrs.' A. .Hailes Miss Annie and Master Ar- thur, Mr, Will. Johnson, Mrs. H. 13. .'cant, Mr. John Wiseman; llrs. A. 0. Pattison aiid Mr. Edgar.'' I'at Rev. T. W. (Smelts and family re- turned. last Week•front a .three week:;'' holiday, . nioxi of which tirne was spent by 31r. ('irscns at his old home at Trowbridge and in that vicinity.. Trowbridge is Mr. ,Cosens' dative place ; there he -was horn and tested and there, after he had grown to manhood,.ht' taught, school for •llie years.:: On the' last, Iwo Sundays of. his. vacation:Mr:. Cost: its. preached in his 01(1 home church in Trowbridge.' In the congregations who gathered to listen to hint were his father, .Staters and many other relatives; A.io there were, sitting in their pews, the men who formed the official boards ' when he had been adanitted info full mem- bership as a hoy ; who had • :.. enn d him as a local preacher and terpin- metaled him to the &inference as a .probationer. Many of his old school nates, now. heads .of families, were. there also and many pupils who are, now settled in the neighborhood. •A together the occatfon was one of peculiar . interest and''was thoro•tghly enjoyed by Mr. eosens. 'Most of Mr. ('owns' ministry has been spent' in Huron county, the first year being spent in 1lensall as assistant pastor, and though Ilk! has left it for a terra or two he Is always recalled On(i is always glad tO return as ho feels very much at home in Huron. Ile has now entered upon his second year as the honored pastor of Ontario street church. HAPPENINCS IN SOCIETYII Mrs. J. It. Combe entertained' a number of her lady friends on Fri- day evening. Mrs. John Harland entertained • a .number of friendsy to teL o Wednes- day ed 9•day evening. •. Mrs. Moffat of Princess street had a Ira party for a number of lady friends on Friday- evening. Miss Ludt() Grant gave a very 'en- joyable little thimble' tea fon a num- her of her girl Mends on Thursday. Mr. W. Jackson has betn n1 tomato I the past two days. Mr. Otorge Bell, Gaderfch, was the I guest of Mr. R. A. Bell on Sunday. Mrs. E. Coates -Coleman of Winnipeg is visiting the Ming:s role of Hur- 1 on street. Mrs. •W. I1. Webb and Willie are vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. W. O. Mead at Peterhoro. • Mr. and Mrs; W. G. Smyth spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lew Doherty', Godtrich. Mrs. Geo, Cantelon and tier sister, Miss, Ann Cook, are visiting :Streets- vibe and Toronto friends. Mrs. C'onnol4r of Seattle itas been ,, the guest of her' brother, Mr. .1. W'is;man, during the past week. Air. and Mrs. Ilarry Salkeld of God- (2ich township were guests of Tr. • -and Mrs \cS .Stevens011 Sunday. Mr. and AIrs. C. E. Dowding return- ed Saturday after a three weeks' holiday at Owen Sound and other pants. • Mr. J. Watson Yottnge of ('anri;ose, Alberta, • was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. McLeod for a few clays of the .past Week. Mrs. Murray McEwen and Miser Elsie • Ross ware called to their home at Mt. Forest • on Tuesday by the ill- ne8S of their Mother'. Masters George and Erskine Evans eamc home Tuesday after spending a couple of weeks • in the vicinity. of Bayfield with friends. Mr. and .Mrs. D. L. Cranston, erten visiting the latter's parental home,. Mr. and Mrs. John Torranee's, left ye.'terday to. return to Fort \\'it • - liam. Dr. John 'C'ook, after a few days vis it with his relatives here, .left on Saturday to. . take in the Toronto Exhibition before returning `to his • home at Duluth. Mrs. A. M. Ross anti Mr. Stewart ` Ross returned' last week from a •.1 u t to Denver, c Cols .an d also • with friends 'at Winfield in this State` of Kansas. • • Mrs.•.I.. M. McLean went to .Toronto. On • Satutday, to meet his wife and - • ?Master Norval, who had.:been visit ing 'at' lien parental ho7no at the • • ,Soo for several 'weeks, Mrs. J. Mahaffy, Miss Mahatiy,'. Miss '• : • Marg arc t *tally and Miss Besse Smith were: guests of Miss Susan' . Shouldice of ;th.e. •Tuekersntitli-lith • .hent: town line the past week; Mr. G. N. Watson was in the Sar- . 'iiia district 'last week .ptiahilig• the sale of agricultural intpiements. The farmers• down there say that the' wheat and bailey `are good buts thio oats light and the peas no:.;ggocl:. 1tlrs AlclIardy-Smith• and .Master Frank ret tuned on Fr'id'ay fr'oni It, three weeks'' visit at • A.iitherstbttr;g :.the z • cRt , c I J. •k Paz e arid wife t ifd, •.fol mcrly. of C 1111100 hate been pleasantly d(ltnuctltd for s(t'ara;l years . past. l•Itss "tcwiit; 111(1 110(1 bt.'en sjirn(ditt the holidays o afi t in the W cS t; returned •• Monday and is now visiting. at the: p'ar'ental home, the manse. 't<tss '•,Stewart's stay: will be brief as her litres ••as Prii t p al of tic• It . x .SCI too girls ol for I t' s in .Quebec City will call her away in a few • ass's. Prof: Brown,' who has been very sate- eessful with itis music 'pupils dur- ing the past season, a num•hee se.- •c:uring honors in• the recent .Con- ' "nn-' .servatoi•y exams: -at bout Toronto .and London, the: tither day received a tempting often of thy organ :of St. James' church, 1',xet•er. • Prof..Brown has beet 0 comfortably settled "fit Clinton, however, and has decided t0, remain. • lir. Chas: Howson arrived M. tow r?'' on 'Tuesday and • is •visiting hi;; ntothen and • sister, Mrs.' Jtowkorz • and:ALMS :talk i Ioicson, .Albert St. 1t', is, chile years Since Mr: T1owsoa. visited the home town during which . tine • he . has travelled esters- •lively : and has • spent consid- erable time -in ,South afr iia,. where he intends. to return sftort13, to look. after, businessss interests •which he• has there., Clinton Will Extend a Hogal W elm► come to the British Bowlers. The Clinton Bowling Club atn' busy these days making arrangements for the entertainment of the. English bow- ler's, who eo111e ►fere on Monday, Sept. 12th. That they will be well enter-- tained goes without saying when you consider the personnel of the eo nmit- tees who have the ]natter in hand. For instance, Mr. J. Ransford is chairman of the reception committee, and ass'lciated with hint are Messrs. 0. 1).:1Ji•T'aggart and C. 1.ItDowding, three gentlemen well qualified to do the honors for the town. Mr. Jas. Fair, wlto is. chairman of the enter- tainment committee, will be ably as- sisted by Dr. Shaw and Mr. ,1. Tay- lor. This comnit'tee has been very active and has arranged for the corn - fort of the visitors during their stay itt town. The ladies of the party are to i Tk nt cane by he tMrs.W. Jack- sontoca Sin • at her handsome home. Luncheon will be serval at the Hotel Norman - die to the gentlemen of the party at noon, and during the afternoon tea will be served on Mrs. ('hidley's !awn adjoining the green, at Witich the ladies will, of course, be present. The green will be handsomely de- corated, \Ir. A. J. Mot•risii being in charge of that department with Messrs. 11. Iicuston and J. Hunter as his right-hand men. Mr, J. J. 1roov- er 18 in charge of the committee for the selection of players, with Messrs. W. Jackson acid 1). 41. Forrester, and their list io now eomplele and as follows : E. G. ('ourtiee I3. J, (3ibbings Jas. Fair W. Jackson (skip) It. Graham N. Ball A. Taylor John flatland J. Hunter. . W. J. Stevenson J. Ransford A. Forrester (skip) 3; Watt • 1)r. Silent V. !';.. Dowding . J. 13. Hoover (skip) (Skip. Sparc Players J. Wiseman, 0. W. 13arge, A. Morrish, t J Nediger. r r gi The coming of the British bowlers is an ('vent of especial interest, Otis being the only town north of London. and west of Stratford which they arcs visiting, and not only the, bowlers, but every citizen should 'stand ready to do his part to snake the event a success.