HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-25, Page 88 rlIONU ENT'S Our Specialties Stock Ouarantegd.'not to ,fade Workmanship of the Best Prices Reasonable Prompt Delivery Opposite Post Office Clinton 1111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111 PORTLAND CEMENT The undersigned has just received a ear of fresh "National" Portland Cement and will sell the same ata fair living Profits The undersigned has also the agency for the Iudependant Companies and will fill orders for a ear load from any of the said companies for a small margin of profit. • S. J. ANDREWS,. CLINTON Essommommoosisomosisommowsissmonsominna 1 CLEAItIW SILE JACKSON'S JACKSON'S We are still busy clearing out the balance of our summer stock. For the past three weeks we have had good success in clearing up odd lines, but there's more to go yet in Men's, ,Women's and . Children's Oxford's, Pumps and SIippers which will be closed out at wholesale,prices for CASH, Black and Colored Oxfords, Patent.Leather, Kid and Gun Metal Calf Pumps and Slippers Repairing Neatly Done and Promptly Attended to FRED. JACKSON m•ca.tamtrinabe-gs a-11-0- . cs.4ioolitimqa.Civ7e4.4aits tia.ta• . : e i SAVE NONEY • t By spending it here Friday and Saturday - • Corsets 49c and 69c 0 0 d 9 -0 Big Price Reductions in all Depts. A Big Waist Special About 25 Ladies WhiteLawn Waists, made of nine quality lawn and trimmed with tucks and lace or embroidery insertion,. good • �alne at 63c, to clear Friday and Saturday ' 39. `Men's Odd Pants at 79c Only a few dozen of these Odd Pants $1.00 and $1,25, choioe of this lot Friday and Saturday' Children's Patent.Oxfords 85c 7► 0 These Oxfords are made of good quality patent and will give 6 good satisfaction, sizes 11 to 2. reg price $1.35, Friday and Sat .85 •e • •4 Special prices on Wornen's and Children's Oxfords, • o Be sure andgetapair of our Gee and S 6 4.)G Corset., They are • hummers. Bo 's and ' Clothing Me s n y t ng at Lowest 'rices SMALL PROFITS AND MORE BUSINESS... PLUMSTEEL•.BRO& •••• ••••.••• ••••••4••••• e••4.4 +r•••• ••••w«••♦••••M• • •i J. B Hoover Nelson Bali • • • • w' • • i • • 2 L•.L J Y i u I mayfurniture,i scratch our but can hardly injure it i otherwise. For it is built to stand hard service as well as to look attractive. S Our Summer Purniture 3 is no exception. Light as it is there is a strength about it that is ; u r a' Our porch chairs rockers eve will e rp i ing p , , ,, w 1 stand the weather, no . j matter what it may be. 1 1 1 *44*••••• NNi!•••, ••••• • •••••• ••.••..lNN. • The cheapest spot In Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. • • Hoover & Bali We have over 100:. Subscribers for the Stan- dard Designer, the woman's practical fashion magazine 10c per copy. August number now on sale. The patterns it illustrates are equally popular, they are seam -allowing,, reliable and cheap -10z and 15c. W. B. FAIR RR Often Cheapest - Ahvays the Best Mrs, Wm. Colwill left on Tuesday for 'Medicine Nat, Alta. miss Elva Grimbolby, Seaforth, is the guest of Miss Nellie Kemp, Miss•Eva Stephenson .spent the week 'end very pleasantly with friends in Uoderich. - Mrs. Wm. Reynolds of Orangeville and Irs. Wm, ;Matthews of Caledon East, visited last week at the hone of their brother, Mr. Thos. Kearns. Mr. .and 'Mrs, D. L,' McIntyre, aJtterpa week's visit with . the Matter's par - eats, Mr, and Mrs. A. ,.MeKown's, returned to their hone in Newmar- ket on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Aire: Stratton, ; God- . erich, were guests of Ur. and Mrs, II Plunsteel over Sunday. They were many years ago residents of Clinton, Mr, Stratton being the G. T. R. agent here. . Mrs. Wm: Cochrane and her nothtr,• Mrs. Carter, were visiting in God- erica last week When Mrs. Carter was taken quite ill. She was able to return Borne, however, • and • has now almost recovered, The following left for the west on Tuesday : Milton Crich,' .• Wilbert Crich,, E. Rowelitle, Jas. Swan, :W, O.'..B2ien and Walter Layton.. 7'he party• were booked • through • to .Moose . Jaw, S.ask.,•. by G.T.R.-'via Chicago by Agent Pattison. If• you have. visitors at .your home one of the little' •courtesies 'due hent, is that you havp..their names inserted in The News -Record's Per- sonal columns. And if. yoti are go- ing , out of town for a•faw days it is a nice way, of letting interested friends know about it, ., Mr. • and Mrs. 'James Dodds and their son, Master IJardy, Pant, ;titch:, and Mr. and Mrs. John .Dodds, Sea - :forth, were ;last week guests . of their cousin,Mr. Joe Rattenbury. The Messrs, bodds, are. natives `. of ('lintgn, both 'first seeing the light .of day in a. house east Hdc Albert :street a little north of ;Mr. J. Mill; er's. Mr, Relit. Mcllveen, a one-time reeve of Stanley; writes'to 'l'•he .News - Record. from Bawif, Alberta; where he and kis. family 'have located and where, all the reports go to say, 'the harvest' returns are very much beftcr `than farther south, It is well for •` the !iture'of the prairie. provinces,, into which snitch a diver- • sified lot of settlers is shoving; that .it IncludeS families of such fine calibre as the Mcflvicens•to act as . a leaven upon the whole. Mr. J. J. Keyes, ..Superintendent ..of •Schools, Nashville, Tenn., .•was In toivn on -Friday .last. He has been 'spending the past •ten days or so in his native township of •Stanley where .kinsmen abound and where wife and 'tangly have been holiday- ing for a,hinges period. Itis now .many Sears: since Mr. and Mrs. Keys located 'a•t 'Nashville, but each • July and August as it rolled around has found them' rejuvenating among relatives ' and . friends of younger, yearsin this old 'home ,township. Mr. John Ratcliffe returned from the. 'west` last week and on Tuesday, ac- companied by his wife •and family, left for near Portland, Maine, where he has accepted a position on the State 'Agricultural Farni, Mr, Rat- cliffe formerly Pived near Exeter,• where he owns a farm on the.Tharn- • es Road which he has rented for a term. He tame. -here a couple of o b years ago te foreman on the. big Ransford farm but o'n retiring from, that position. some months ago, the family took up their abode in (Min- ton. 1)r. J. W. Cook of Duhith, Minn,, is spending the week in town as the guest of his father, Mr, 0, Cook Sr., and• 'his brother, VT, D. S. Cook. The 1)r. is a native of God- erich township. and after completing his studies piacti',ed his profession in Gunton for sonic time •before .go- ing to Duluth where he has a beg practice. Isle has, however, found time every, summer to take a long vaeatlion trip in which he has vis- ited most' parts or the middle and fan west, It was during these jaunts that the Dr. became impressed by the great and varied resources of British Columbia and was one of a part which Made an extensive ut- Y P chase of timber limits which they , tills old and which are steadily increasing in vane; Dr. Cook's numerous old friends in town and vicinity are glad to have him in their midst again, even if it Is only for a few days, Clinton News -Record Aro AgiRmAm August 25th, 1910. _ , its LaVVn Wa:Ws. 1 at Quarter off .Saturdag Out go the balance of our White Lawn Waists. All new this sea' on. Several very dainty styles inthe lot in embroidery, lace and tailored effects. We want the room for the new fall goods which are arriving daily, : Saturday they will be all out at 1-4 off. SPECIAL— Lawn Waists Less Thain Cost 3 dozen white Lawn Waists, embroidery fronts, tucked backs, long sleeves, very dainty styles, all sizes, regular $1.25 while they last 89c. SPECIAL — Ladies' Vests Less Than Cost 10 dozen ladies' fine Egyptian yarn Slimmer Vests, short sleeves, size 4 only, regular 12ie,. while they last on Saturday 3 for 25c. Shop at this ' store Saturday and save money. Read the following list over carefully and see how you can 3 cards Yarn 5c Three big• cards of Mending Wool, shades, black, brown, tan, white and fawn, reg 2 for 5c, Saturday 3 for 2 Boxes:Hair Pins 5c Dorothy Hair Pins, 100 in each box, assorted sizes, reg 5c each, Saturday 2for 115c Silk. Rtbbon.lOc Pure Silk Hair Ribbon, extra heavy quality. four inches wide, shades black, white, navy, sky, reside, rose, pink, westeria, green, etc., -reg 15c Saturday 3 pairs 'Cottcfn Hose 25c 10 dozen only, Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, seamless and. fast color, sizes, 8, 3}. 0, 9i, 10, special Saturday 3 pairs for• 15c to 25c Collars :8c . We have laid out all the: odd lines and broken sizes of our children and ladies' Linen Collars, reg 15e to 25e, Saturday' to •elear each... , . . , .05 .05 1 .2 25c Wash Belting 15c White Wasn'Belting with red, black, and blue edge, guaranteed fast colors, reg 25c belt length Saturday .15 .25c Children's Sox 19c Children's lisle thread and cotton sox in white. with colored checked border and plain tan, sky and white,. all sizes, reg 2•i, Saturday, . . . , 9 9 $1.25 Sateen Petticoats 984 Black .Sateen Petticoats, high glossy finish, three frills, all sizes, reg.$1:25, h Saturday. , : . a� 25c :Children's Hats 15c Children's rnushroon'and sailor Straw Hats With' fancy bands, good quality straw, reg 25c, Saturday -price.... ... . . • * 5 50c Children's. Hats . 3:9c Children's mushroom and sailor Straw Hats, silk ribbon bands, three r� n styles, reg 500 Saturday . .39 1,4 off Bogs Wash Suits. Boys Wash Snits, Buster Brown and sailor style, in several styles and colors all sizes, Saturday Quarter off reg price 1-4 off Bogs Wash Hats • "Boys White•Tams, washable with silk bands of assorted colors, reg 25e, 40c, 50e, Saturday Quarter off reg price • $5 Wash Suits $3.98 Ladies Wash Suits all ready to wear,. several styles to choose from in black and white, blue and white, and • plain 0 n blue, all sizes, reg $5.00 Saturday ,98 $7 Wash Suits $5,75 Ready,to-wear Ladies Linen Suits ip . several styles and colorings, reg $7.00 5 75 Saturday • - 40 finch Factorg Cotton lac 500 yds 40 inch Factory Cotton, good weight and even • weave, worth' to -day �y 15c per yard Saturday plies .10 10c Factor Cotton sc • 500, yards good ohoice Factory Cotton :36 inches wide, reg 100 Saturday , , • .O 8 About People You Know. Mr. H. W. Erwin, Bayfield, was in ' town .Friday. , ' Jr.and Mrs. W. S. Harland visited Godericii• friends Saturday to Mon- • day, • . Miss. Pearl. Abell of. .Stratford •is spending 'a fortnight with ' Clinton . friends. . Miss Ella Akam will this- week visit. Rev, T. W.'and.Mrs. Charlesworth in• London. . Mrs,. Jas..Mcelacherty and children *of Goderieh .were. guests •last • • wed: of Mrs. Thos. Kearns. • Mr. D. •S. Cook and his brother, Dr..' J. W:Cook of Duluth .visited friends. at the Nile on Tuesday. Master Arthur Grant has been spend- ing .a holiday at Holmesville at the home of Mr.` D. ,G.liddon. Mn. -Tom Leppington of . myth ' spent Sunday with •his parents, Mr. .and Mrs, William Leppington. .Mrs. Wm. Simpson and daughter spent Saturday and Sunday, with M. J. McClincheY of near Aub•urn.. Mr, •ltd Mrs., S. Kemp and Miss Net- • lie . visited' Seaforth and Mel<illop friends 'the latter part of last week, Miss Ida Holmes returned to Toron- to last.week after spending a 'couple of months, with friends in town .and vicinity. Mr. Ed. Jenkins of 'Toronto is spend-. ing a couple of weeks at the home • of his father, 111): Thos. Jenkins, • • Woodlands Farm. . . Mr. J. W. Hessian, a representative. of the .Reniinington Arms Co., of Camp Perry, Ohio, spent a few . days at the parental home in town the past week. Mr. John Demmerling returned on Saturday .last from a holiday. aq of several weeks spent at the home- stead near Ayton in South Grey. Ile assisted somewhat in the farm work, did some fishing and more loafing so came back rejuvenated and able for another year's close application to his duties. Miss M. M. Stephenson left yesterday for London where for a fog days Will wr l be the t urst of hbroth- er, g c Mr. Wilfrid ,Stephenson, after which sheg oes to North Bay to re- t someher duties as teacher when the schools re -open. The last week of the vacation at one of the sum- mer resorts whish dot•, that north- ern country. Mr. R'.. C. Johnston •of iiensall visit ed over Sunday with. his faintly. Mrs.' Jas.. Twitchell :and Miss Ida Twitchell are spending .the Week in Toronto,, Misses Fannie • and. Amy. Ilellyar are: • visiting. in . Toronto, .I3owmttnville and Niagara Falls.:. . Miss Mary Lantton returned on Mon- day from a pleasant fottnight's•vis- it in Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. George Pay of Marnock Will, he the ,guest. for a. week or .: wo cif her brother, .Mr.'Will, Il'arland • Mrs.. J. A. Barge left o'i ,tintdraay for a week's visit to.iter on I ouis • and other'friends at aelcnq:,t ; ' Miss Ruby Irwin 'left yesterday • for Toronto .where she expects to spend : a couple • of weeks with friends, Miss Annie Rathwell, Toronto, is vis= iting at the' parental home, Mr. and Mrs. E.. Ratbwell's, Princess St. • Miss Maud Dunkin of Detroit is re - hewing old friendships in town :and tis .the guest of Mrs. J„ W..Moore..• Miss Kathleen Blackall of Bothwell, daughter of Dr: 131ackall formerly • or -Clinton, le the guest of Miss Hattie Hol?oway. Mrs, ..John Reynolds of Detroit is visiting her' Son, Mr. James • 13: Reynolds, who was for • a few days seriously indisposed. Mrs. 'Macdonald of Detroit and her slaughter, Mrs. Frank Layton, Sea - forth, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. Rattenbury last week, Mrs. •J. Johnstone and her daughter,_ • 1lttle'Miss Isabel, returned on. Sat- urday from a visit of several weeks in Owen Sound and other places... Mr. A. F. Johns returners to Rock- wood on Saturday and on Monday resumed his duties as principal of the Public school at that place. Ile was.. delayed a week, during which time the sehool was closed, by the unexpected bereavement of which mention was made in last week's Nc.ws-Itecord, ,• Mrs. John Hodgens, who was for so many years, a resident of Clinton has months few rr70 t but for the past been living in {loderich, has taken up her abode in Toronto to which e place her furniture was slopped this week. The good wishes of her num- erous friends in Clinton will abide with Mrs. Iiodggens wherever she Cray be. The News From Londesboro Mrs. I. Quinn is. visiting , at her: home here. ' Miss A. Lawrence and.. '\I'rS. Bracey of Leamington are visiting relatives in. this vicinity. Rev. J. IL, O'sterhout.returned Fri- day last after a tendays holiday spent w;th. , friends • at Carrie and •1lroxetcr, Mr. A: Brunsdon; who is .employed 'with the C.P.R. at Streetsville Jet., is home for a few days .holidays, . Mr. iI Holrncs•of Ottawa, who has been .spending a few days with friends here, left last ..week for Elmira. The Globe of Saturday contained the • following interesting announce- ment "11r. and Mrs'. Wm Reeb, Port Colborne, Ont,, announce the en- gagenient' of their eldest .daughter, Della Irene, .to . Itev. Walter Talmage Pearcy, M,A.,, son of Mr, ,and Mrs; David I'ear'cy; .'Toronto, The marri- age will take place in September," • Mrs. .IIeMordie of London spent a week with her daughter; Mrs• Ceo,, Thompson of the Clinton .Road, 'The manse is• being renovated b' a coat of .paint both inside and out.. A 'beautiful fence will also be erected across the front of the grounds. Miss P;: Mains returned to London after spending her vacation hers. Miss.Mains of I Rode Island spent a few days with relatives in ibis vicin- ity • last week, returning, home Thurs- day of last week. Dr. Mair al Stage, was a caller in the .village one day last week. • Messrs: 'Phos, Scott and George Lyon are laid up -caused by being poisoned with ivy on the railway. Mr. Ilogg was a caller in the vil- lage' last week. Mr. 1". Gibbs has s::vered his Con- nection with, the,Iirm of J. I3runs- son +4 Son. Mr. C. II: Manning has rented his. ' farm to Mn. Wm, *Jenkins. . Miss' I?, Lear spent a few' days, with relatives here last week. . Mrs, Caney of Mount Forest, • who has been' visiting her sister, sirs.:.. Jos. Lyon, returned to her home 'last week. Ret Mr. Richardson of Kippen and. Rev. 1Jr•, Pearcy of Londesboro . ' ex- changed pulpits on Sunday last. The congregation of : Burns' church • purpose holding a harvest home sup- per at the home of Mr. Wm.' Knorr ori Friday of this week. 'air. John Manning and •son Wilfred of Wi odstock are visiting his par - Ir •s Manning ri .and riles. Thos. lla n ng of the village. • Mrs. • Armstrong of Toronto Cs vis- iting her brother, Mr, J. O. Loons bery. On Monday ,morning about 5.30•• lightning struck and set fire to,', the barn cif Wnt, Grainger'.s of the iflti con. burning it, the driving shed and hog pea. Mr.' Grainger had all his season's crop, • with the exreition or about 10 loads of oats, in :the barn. Most of the implements were saved. One valuable beast was burned. The loss will be in the neighborhood of • $1500 with insurance of $2200. Prep- arations wil? be made at Once for tht erection of a cement silo to re- place the one • burned and an old. house has been moved to the barn • - yard to be be used for a stable until permanent stables are erected. Mr. Grainger expects to buy a barn and move it and will probably have the buildings up this fall. The barn which was burned was one of the most up-to-date buildings• in the township, being fitted up 'with all modern conveniences. Hullett Happenings. Mrs. Il. t. io s 1' f London is vis- iting tc o Ina iting her daughter, stirs. G. lhonp- J)rof the Clinton n Roas, mor- ning the storm of Monday nior- ning a two-year-old Bolt owned by Mr. Len Weir was struck by lightning and killed. The ' colt was insured which will lessers Mr. Weir's loss. Ferguson•Mr. JDiva N er Inas had an a 1- dition put to his barn. 111r. 'iltilltknt Rileyof Indesbor o did the work. Quite a � few of the young folks at - larded a dance given in the paviit:,tt at Bayfield, by Mr, John McGuir: , ono evening this week, Additional Hullett news on page 4