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The Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-25, Page 6
w 6 1011aton Newts-:Recovii! A,ligust 25t111, 19I0 .,; . . ,. _ Mr±cctt of'ilii+ Buddhiska�' _ I�OMS�`1i;>NeMY ! !!'lien the digestion, libel lies betw"n ,tile tat ot'' '#LEEP UP STANDARD EM16S ,FROM TH1 WIRES �'• , IS all right, ktrr Mr. l3frnnJcastie, !neat member fa11 ,; Itouxe and 'Calro, .yet, 'owla to the _,,,, action of the bowels regular, thcrc in Iiussell, Man., Is reported try ham✓ fact that It Is nearly all one styles of - -- . 1*arl grey sailed for G(:naada fmni Fooding a Family of Five, on $4 a a natural craving and relish for food. rt -signed his stat in epil)equenre ttf lofty tablelands, Its climate Is purely I Lfverliool yesterday. "Week• When, this Is lacking you spay know the exposure of spoiling ballots ire , uretic. There 1s' har4ly any ra1A, and r Jo.meat Joins in Controversy Capt, Kenneth Beardwood, aL well- .fly husband, sato the woman with that you need a dose of C'han)bcrlaln'ta conncetion with tilt. .f.• ' the o +•c; lcttiort• biting, dry winds send dust or dry Over Entrance Examination. known Montrealer, is missin+;. Pt}tnlstle face, "gives me $4 a Stomach and Liver 'Tablets, They I Leblanc •( t � ' ,. No trace has been found a# I)r. tv"'k for keeping up the table for our strengthen the" digestive orgurts. ins- won the, French nlit cxo5t, suu,t- snarvstorrus forever t"afilug across its Crf en whom the London poll,!p tnntUy, [tall it Is sial d won[lerfnl tri' aerial trace. Inhospitable uplands. wanPP p I Y prove thta appetite and regulate till." l Lassa, Its capital. is the Mecca of "it Is. thi Intention of the .Depart, wifet oil a charge of nttirdoriztg hit havv we do ft" bowels. Sold by all dealers. Great suffaing has been caused by the Buddhist worid, and pious Bud- merit," He Says, "`to. Exact a Real When Icing George opens .Parlia• I should, think so." observes the wc)- 1 t the- floods fit .Japan. 1 4hlsts alp: much merit by raiaki the g man with the grim smile. "flow bl; � � _..__,T,�� • g g' Working Knowledge of the Elemen• merit next spring here will be plare� ," I Tile, annexation of ('urea by .Japaai pilgrimage. reserved for the igla Commissioners a futility havu Tyra: Jctmunr.l ilelti rine of tlrr sldc3k is about to fire toucludcd. tory Subjects and Kot to beep of the four colonies. '".11Y buSbruid, myself, three boys aril merchant, in I.clttdun Jrit. , • -11 Expurgating It, Standard. Lore for Purpose of False William Watkins of Ardoch was ' otm girt," ( dropped l i ht. frz:5t acxoplanv flight' front Par - c „r. r f "Eleeaa, wlint 414 your zather say Show of Efficiency, struck by a flying board in to saw- "And .you keep up your table with dead.' IN to English shorts war+ accolnPUN)ll- C� I when 'tae heard that I bag been stere mill, whfclx severed his .jugular vein >4 a stole? 1\'lntt do Jou have':" I c•cl ill ,John B. Aloissan. a TNF P calling on you?" Toronto; Aug. I. -Sir James. Whit. and caused his death. '"tor breakfast rime have n cereal. .lir. Willtam :\Iuxlow was killed fir, ney,� in the course of art luterv"aew Alary Allen, stewardess' on the fruit, eufree and sornetinles bacon c n lightnin near :}leafs „ r Ela pLrsons rticre kiln orad foul• ire "He sold fou were a nudlsiauil, a steamer City of Meaford, wasmissed, t d g til. there are jured by ,ill explos}on of a gasnljl,c mollycoddle and m jolterhead:" un Saturday nla(le the following °b- i r;;;;(; Por iuucheoar mill meats or errs. 'court) reports of frost it, the west. , ' , atfons on the subject of thc�'en• and her body, was found by dragging feris boat at C`uilitig, :Newfoundlawt. "Is that all?" ,fix the harbor of I\%eaford. qu(ttts or snnietbing tnaa:e of the left- - ,"That's all. Guy -except trance examinations and examiriations A,):rn Ilan1}lion pcuple arc rcmuv- „ ry r. Pt the acljec- generally: Mrs, Cassie lallis, formerly of To. overst fit>tn Llintu'r the.rll;;lit bePureuuct M_____ '�'r tires,-.Chlcn„o tribune, roxtto, is under atrrest' at Pontiac, tt simple (lov, ort; fat• dinner we hnve p t , in thrix children t'rvm tilt city to The Government carefully consld-.. , � �h..n you're off egtox••-�-a little bit sick- et not sick ez#Ou �t _ escape inhetiun front infantile pari`lly- , erect the representations made regard- I Ulch., in connection with the shoot. 11 Soni), chlcken or roast Haat, i I g He. Countered, ! Ing the entrance examinatiori thi, int; of ]:rank Bevier, to whom .she was rvgetaltlps. it salad, cotl'ee and a des- ? tU call the doctor --you want a SURE and SAFE fanail s"' '"The position Is yours, sir, it- Torr . Jear, and the modification already an- to have been married on July �•!. Cert." 1 Ja�ediCine— DT : A prisam r maned \Grill, arrested will deliosit $1,000 its security 11 u nounced and sent out to the entranc(i `""" ` ••,I,v gocdt:eya: iVlntt tiers do •roti+ G`TI�E THAT, YQU CAN �AES4LUTELX roar Palmerston fur hats; -stealing, "I accept ,y!our offer, sir, If You. will board's goes as far, I think, as we P 5 �' I Y Off' 'j hat's Vwh We are a v rtisi aught to go iti alterity for the resent R !c , aJ for ;roc'rriex ural mcitts:' ` y (� a _. iT2g ih1S tradelinark. - LhLapLrl from the eunstable while be- deposit $1.000 its a security for my se• g P R G ,LING i.s PAST �Merey tile! I never -ask. I ,hist tet- 1. „ Year the standard now set:. nla.lu::e t1) tire ;;tn+er and tnestt tn;u) ing drivt n to jail, curLty. 1✓xclraape. + "I want #a. speak quite frankly about. • ,,_ this whole question of exaamiriatio1114. " '. Mal tell thein what I want. and iuy ; "� ' (ln! • $ r,000 cI the• C'overnn:cnt ap- r " - The clanger of overdoing this phase of ,.Grain Grnyyerg Ask Sir' Wilfrid bu',b,luti „Qts the bilis the first of the i props ration of a million dollars for school work fs rest. Some tt parents 111onthi"I : t!)r protcctiun of railway crossings ('+\'rr\I{R'Ii C'Ai'}\(r'1' Ill+; C'L'RI;IAS d t0 Secure Free Trade, 1)ut 1 thottrht seQni more anxious to Push the chit- you said he allowed Ar has been spent. with LOC',lI,, ,1 PPI ICA'TIONS, regi ort to the high schools than' t° . oa .villy $1 a) meek?" �,aM�LY th(v cannot reach the seat of the ills- see that their preparatory training is "o he clues, ring by charging near!~ . ease. Catarrh i.) a blood or consti. thorough and complete. Some teach- One Speaker at Saskatoon oversteps , • • ,. ttttional disease, and to order ' o rare v (t }thin ,. do you know, 1 uctttai►y c ers boast of the number of pupils who the Mark in His Address on the suvt- $8 or $t0 ,t month froth that at• i a CA p WirmaE,t . it you must talc internal remedies, Pass the ,entrance as if this test sera Loan+ 1► - fiall'y C'atarrb Care is tal*en into,•- the sole aim a#- the public school Occasion of the Saskatoon Recep• locvattc•e"-•ludw s library, I riR lit.RD�ttOM narly, aad act directly on t:hL: h•n,,(} course. ooK� "Originally . tion -»-Wants Protection and Mush. �,W., and''niucous surfaces. yliall's Catarrh es -i o Pu intended as a test, of the book for the dandelion -colored wrappers , fitness of upon hi h room Aristocracy Killed itt'($naifa ppe., and the Hams lYyala, the #ormulae °[ Cure is riot a quack medic] •le• It was Pupils to enter g _ Nyal s Family Remedies are all exce tionally q school work, tIlls examination has be. •-A Big Gatharing,.. A Terrible Throat, doctor would prescribe. There's a special y good emery eiimil o t owhat rdinary, e own Nyr4l Remedy foz most ordinary, every - LONDON, ONTARIO proscribed by vile of the best physi- come a ,ort of fetish; and devotion to fuctnmer-That tea serstre costs F.p day ailments which we know to be: eftpective. clans in this country for years anti it heti interfered in a very consider- Saskatoon, Bask., July 30.--T1)e rnatrks, That Ist nlnrs than i can • �+ ,�r is a xefiular prescription. J t is cum_ able degree with the efllciency of the grails -growers of this district overstep i, pay, -We strongly recommendaow ly�aly Family manow too. because we know what's in them `�". Business & Shorthand u ped the work of their conference with irtc P � I� tvr l�ispertngl-If I should -your doctor can ltn°ve and you may know tan. posed of the hest ton.tcl blood ),vn., corn, b blit schools., The result has been Sir Wilfrid Laurier Yesterday, and got a aintin„ spell among; all this sus,rEcrs binrtl with the best bloc!! rnrjfu"t's, bad all around. The thoroughness of Y y �o ' 1 the a sharp rebuke frons the Premier, china it vvma14 cost you far more, - acting directly on the mucv,is Stu i; c- public school training lilts been Flle QndQ .Blotter, Anything you will P.esi�ent and Mail Courses „ impaired, and . many ill-prepared. -John Evans, president of the assn. $fire you t's. The p.rfert combination of tilt rfation, aself-declared Liberal of the bU ,..ww entire* Cac..oYue. Free pupil, have been forced into the hi h y' two ingredients is what produces sucp schools, g GJ type, but also an un14uc• 1•lviil:, will teach you how to five ).`•_. ,.terve!-, J.';', Westervelt, Jr., C.A., wonderful results in curing Catav h, "I see no reason tri chane the views ee.ssful candidate' for the Coi)servaiive hillier than preacher or booL.-�C:oettie. with the name .p• satisfaction. Pr:nci0.. Vice-princiral, g lat)manation, allowed tial tongue to Tilt, �� Send for' tr st]n onials fres. I' expressed several years agq regard• Y n AA 1. F, J. C'IIh �Cyt'`S Co., Props., ing the fmnortaiice of public school tiway w}tti•h}s discretion. From their O �!GV�o��A Sold land guaranteed by 241$ Toledo, O:, education to the great mass of the attitude lately the groin -grower;, who Sold by Druggists,price 75c. eo }e• The g Have adolite�i ail organized ca:rnpaign, ' S, A. �Y CC4t7 it P P percents a of children . G • I'TOIIllt'S W. will go oil to the 'hi h apparently assume' that the members R• a ne r J. E Hoge -l.inganu, an !talion kct ptr of a beer 'Take Hall's I"'an)ily I i'lis for coni � g schools is a. y mere fraction of the whole. 2'hi a be, °f the Government will stand for any CLINTON? Z. Qt�t •noon at Cshalt, was shut in till- arm stfpation. kfnL1 of #alk: . William Mackenzie .•Needs It to �' ing • so, our public schools should be .Alt, Jrvali, started out b clelinin - Cam Ir~te, the C.N.R.Its unknown parties during a row in _�_ unproved in every wa Possible,, The Y g p ^-- — hiti place. CIOvernnIcItt has taken se era! steps to protection as ""organized robbery" and (lordon Vaughn was sentenecd to k ifs risrnlnumt, with bhe lash, at Iicr- p till, 0rtd., for as)laultiu a }•oun g g girl. Thi is the fourth rosy in which the las`1 has horn prescribed for prisoners at Bvi'lin within a month. Guess This Is So,. ; So,. Mrs. Benhani-flow math di11 y,,t, pay the minister whin yti(' well• Mai' ried? Kenharn-t didn't p,1y .him, Ill -r, don't worry; no awn ev, r 'had ' [1r, heart to attatrh a n[nn' 'coxes tar till(, kind of a debt.�NQ,ly fork Press. .1 - Sounded Queer. ":111 ,attaint thi] end. •ll'e have .established enrrugh nornial,schools to provide bet- _ ter, trained teachers, and we have , now batter and cheaper text books, the course of "turfy for the public sel,00is is being revised, and I sill sat. istied that. a mark'ctl im mproven)ent will soon be observablo in the. eff}fieney of the training, ., "But the . co-operation of school boards neeeGsary if we are to keep as the. mother' of trusts; a's you, Sir Wilfrid, said sfxtren;years ago, .In evlineetion wit![ the iron and steel bounties lie spoke ,of `"thnt'n,ush- room aristocracy, a Y> vnstcrs of graft,. that has Been' swollen since 1896, or -since you came into power," find said the Liberal Government tiff; di'part• '' t front till C principles of Liberalism at)d fo-da.y is the most conservative. .g°vernineitt on the ,face of the civrliz- Rate of. Progress of Work In West says Railway Magnate Msans That. Three Years Will See a Line From ' $uperior to Pacific --Now 1.0 Wanted. to .Make Transcontinental Line. \toutreal, ; ul ) y ' 9•-�� tlliant Mae - r � t ri !rt- bPhiod t.h(+te:•" rtilioA tile 6n) liccat efiieieiit tearllers in, ttie pre#elsiorl,. ed world. You wilt you would skin "tile kenzit'. aannouc£ced,yestelclay evening, . conductor' Yr t1Jt+ front t>Y ibk+ e:ar. "'Bulli £ant! the .tent}'eaicy 'to cxngcerate the ' bear bf protection; i,ut we would !,rubill)IV file first time fur publlca-<. FARM I.ABOFERS' onl".cried n shrill vuic•'e:. ••\\'ittt value of. examinations, as the chief e. know what soli have done with. tion, that, the Canadian Northern Bail•_ G:\('t'RSIOtiS ,,. till 1 ret ntv rlolhes oo, The pasrtengers' crafted• ks object of education, should be inti!I- The the li the h}rte. E. Al.. Vaedonal:d, M,I'. of Pictou, wily �viitite(t to ,et )o:.c.sivii .of the 1 Interrt>loninl Ii it}!way from Montreal Al !11'~11- 16th. their nrk expectantly. A south buy cv as stt it:;•, told• Nigh schools,. I an) lad g -now,* ,'nye generally in a. good rqn-• here lnterru )te I d veitlt "You stye mak- to IL1 lii;ix. and 8vdiley. "1u rling'to et a basket lir lailudry d.ition, but our educational systenl will not produce the r_esglts it ��3 nt a holiticul speech. .r No,' was fhe. reply, I aril speitk- The 1)i e;}dent of the C.N.R. stated !tali 'tlic•v had laid the lil.Nt of truck. ' rrrtain points in 11an}tuba' Sas- aboard.. should if the public schools continue to put }ng. frons the standpoint of •tile.farm• �' nlready.tliis'year in the Yrmvinees of . katchr vean and .klbhrta, their best.efforts into the preparation era (cheer;)=I voted for Sir W}lfri,i :' \lb,•rtr,. tine,! Saskntcliecian. 13e.1cle> Via l'lAvago, i)uluth and Fcrt Frances of pupils to Vass the entrance, rather in,189(i." • •. Life .1xtyli le contract from the Raex- 00. GOINV!, $18.00 mmi'l'IOXAL FOR AC11;1) 1'l;()PI,E, old Folks bi' ('areful iti than to strive to rrlise the general, standard ill rho;' I)ealiul vv]th the Hudson Iiay Raft- road, Thomas Lawrence, former! y '.of lit (v tst eastword, .he stated that they had also givav a ce[atract for the coil - d al.oit 11 RI:'I'l'I;XIX(;. .Should 1'lleir: Scirction of ftCgu}ative .stibjrets wh)ch. are essential ttif,tthe child in. after life. The complaint i; often inside=an(I ' 1'elietan¢uiahene, Qnt., 'declared that `'fr John \. illacdonaid.had made a f of 1.10 pules of road- hack of ' l,tltnvutoi), and'Vint they .yr.01 no�v . 'vinvrousl' 1� r, nn all stat ions, Kingston. Ren- 1\la dicille. the evjdenre.. sl)ou s that ii is _,ally football of the Hudson i Ray project, ,Lith ilio. na in,linc front T a y ' ir; vc salt vve:,t in Unturi(' We have a safe., dependable alai al- Inade-that. pupil, who leave sill! he added to Sir l,.ilfl•icr, Dont both Mitts, till the - traeklayers, sny togethel fdcal rcnitcl.. ttlat is p rte- :school at 13 br 34 clo not read, write or spell promise more than once." thre0 yc•ttr; lienee, meet, somewhere in 't ANADIA\ N:1TIONAI, ularly adapted to the recruti•c"u,;Ii, u: 'Properly; cannot add un eoliunns-:of W,'Rowlands of Aberdeen, a 'forp)er , the'tiuiitilt(Ii-I) :thus eotilpleting their EXHIBITION - TORONTO, al;edpeople and persons of iwa), Cklt. •figures ' t't i' •1 correctly, and are imperfectly trained for ordibary busind ;\tnerican, advocated r Ca a nrrleno ovetiership.: If .the railway company councct}mn..beteFeii the �\eters of.the I,ueific Ocean unci Lake Su Periyr;_:if I it tions. }v 1v .,oiler trout cut a. . ss career~• not the tit, Lawrence. . 1.p Surely th,;c the 'evil. which. will not hurl a. l:te, lIe ria}need .they :would During : a-=- T" }{t'tUl'11 llek('tti al tililgl(` A'al'C tion of other boweVdisordet)s, k\t• nre be cured iri° , a r; routs ,fro-rht over loo -:lines to .the r, foul anti a hal#.years,, lTr., T'rom adl stations lit Canada, West of . , I. •J. tem of rrantilirng fur east' in order to earn higher freight. Mtwkenziv said, the. Cana in North. • so ccrtaiti. that it. v�ill }•e,ti rr t]leae examiltiition;;. but by tnaking.pub}}c' g ' ern !fart dune notilinr, oil the main ('ornwall and Ottawa. complaints and'give ibso!u c sl,i,t„c- I seltool inafrtictfoal moa thorns }1 rite Premier; after saying good- ('ioud going Aug. 27 to Sept, 10 in- „•., s; Sgtne- )ort I g hutnoredly that there was *lore Tory lime, but during that time they have. tion in rttrJ pazt't}cular t,l,t- (•; ril(t I Ple advocate keeping chit- built ftp. less thtm 2;200 miles of politics thort gra}n-growing ill one- of T �j I rttisive. tt with ve personal .r;ttathfi ^ th£it aren out of , high sc ubt until' they . , t})e s Behan ” went on to ails v r b iltches, anti frons this mile • of 1E S i j'� 1 tin ]ialit '1'ucsday, ficpt. lath, s ,,;, , e oyer 14, but I doubt' if ublia `' \ e r p b ��� R • N A � R it . hall cost the. user. ur th ,tl, I` a P,. Eva is charges, keeping- the branch line- w*11 1 .g 191 u. , ()pinion .would Justify so drastic' a. I ilea. He• denied that he ! s L £ton„ . mils to .substantiate: out -( la);n:s. I his measure 'had • preached free . 1trade. He had. 'coni es -the :ugcess•atteitding the Cana, . �pr(ial ]ovv talc recursion, and besides; I believe vve . 5 ern ger. rentcay -is 0alled: flex 00vrlie5:. can accom is prorniseil`oniy "freer tr£ide.: He said - dian :Ngr.titern its a freight carrier oil accomplish the reforn, .needed by tyle )lrilns stn(!. front Lake' Su erior . LONOONs .10ANAVA lain dates. Rexall Ordrrlirs t,a:d .i• soothing,_ .concentrxttrt_- attention on the, ub it would be impossible to raise reve-, 1 p . P -lac rite by direct t.atxation lit- Canada. u,estvvaid. Full in!'ormation and ti( from heal}ng, st'ren thenin�, 'tonic at,•} t.c- school cciurse of study n, an 'end ill' �;I. . itself. The INlinia Conservatives,.lint Liberals, hail in• Ltln�...l ked what his�company.in• tOTI\ ft:1XS1 OR1) '1'ovv gulatice action opal tit•t.}uvyl s. I'l:ev ter of h:dueation ; , , trrvlitl dI ni:> ' a l• F� t. ON, n :\grnt. 1 hopes to make tr,rJacecl protection; .and Z.ibe,rils'ha,l . ) ui the ea, t Ir. Blackett• y much change, in the �• 19 relnt,v( all. irritation,.1•rc f,�< sot,-'. „ redueed.it,. tie said: "�\'t.vvant the.Tntereolonial,. I 1. O. I :\1"1'TS,)X, l)cpot Agent. re ulatiou; its will in time secure tilts `"V4e ]lave reduced taxtition acid, as ' vvhirh will be •tile natural extension ness and weakness 1 hn [(~tore' 11u• 'result. . bowels aril associate t ri:atti. .tu inure '," When the schooh ..o en a sin T hgpe, ser shall reduce it again," }ae i,f -th'e: Cuna,li-in �`'ortherlI front here _ C nn , p g declared. "It, is not fair to sa thin tel file Atlantic. seaboard. - $ _1 - I�OaVV Yn Prizes and Attractions vigorous and heatttiy ;1,rtt.It;,' tbci teachers and pupils should act upon y 1iu you not afraid sortie -of the we have been tin easy. mark. Steel J' re eaten 'like candy, n)a� bi. t.+ker. the iden thrlt it is the intention of the. briuttties were introduced b the Con- utliet fetldw, will- ,et iti away' from . at any time without in,, mvc,rcrlc:, : i. Drpartiitent to .exhot a 'real working I J you'.-" the )re.,ident• of the Caitadiall OPEN .TO A�-'�' I ltnowiedge of the elrmentar 'sub'ects, servativeb. If any one has been .an l THE N[WS_H[COHO�S Hilt cause any grip}ng, n �ns(.t, trot! Y. i e'atiV mark, It is not the Laurier cow �c)rther❑ vvas nsl:eil.' ' . - - sial not to keep the entrat)Ce standard `1 here is .not the sl} **hie: t danger of . hoea, c:wce�sive loow. u'.'is 11:tittli'itlt' low fo'r the Ytterc fur ernment. - TtyE E l Do e. of 'exhibit- . that, " said President Mackenzie as GR AT LIVE STOCK EXHIB/T/ON or other 'disagreeable effects., Price ing a false'show of a;tfteteney b allow, I adroit that we have not given itiv large Y tariff reduction as' fast ,as the pro- . h(t loft. tv oaten the Toronto train. . CLUBBING LIST 2i,c. ails 10r, Sold nuts' t I,r ,•t ee nunibrrs to peas," S ee t • ducers of the west woula'desfre:` It i.t' -- speed. :Evetiiwts Dog $how �►thletrc Day. i'hc Plexal! Stora. \\', t, ;i, }:i 1,-f- Mad^ 295' Mile Trip. not our olic • to tinked with. the tar- - -Relations Broken Off, y y I �l►t Show ' . Moeda n' Eyer..Da -I y es. .. .iff. l�%e revised the tariff in 1897, and Pars; July. 20 A special to The' Bayreuth. Nuc•;�•1,--After a devious again. in 11307.. When time.conies for. ' vtvll1; !;ram Madrid say that the FOR �course in storm• Wenther the dirig}bh.-- a. new revision, it will be nt 'aim to Spanish (itnrrnn)ent has stow receiv• MUSIC by: the, ,.r�Ist H! hlandets and '7th FUS Her Proof.' Parseval VI.' Inlided safely here at 5 Y .. g I /ers . nieet the wishes of producers in this =•(i front the Vat}.an cI entegorical re - $r $" person In o'clock ye;trrday afternuoll: Tile and all f::si:', i+) pro. cell v: }th . tlae negotjat}ons ATTR CT + Much ood readin ",Tutt .ttdnlc of it. .One Parseval este da at midn con at I3ii• Nott arts of `te country.' fora rcvisioo of tl t C' e •r � s � TONS DON t . FIREWORKS. "eery thirty -.even til England is a terf£eld.to make the voyage to Munich; ow, Cr -s Gra .£Litt; to reply to 112r. ) u �o flat n,riles• getter Than Ever MISS IT for little m �ney. )an si'r:" the iln )(triad .decree- of Jtu1e 1D; which 1 her cottuna.ildct hoping ii lands, said that. the fanner wou}d i " Wll.v. John.- she returned, "it isn't P to cover- the have control of the route by which autltt)rizarl coil -religious societieii to stretch of 295 anile, without interru display R•rtsrl.ttcs; -•�+. i mM more than thirty-seven: pe°• timet, On•ing to motor trouble, )low. P- he would ship p £ y the iusfgnia for public wor• ' •� ac fight •tle e,• Yesterday aftertloon Si -Wilfrid laiJ -!hill, i Withdr-11VII.. Reduced Rates over all 'Roads i:t i..ondmn hist stttumer. myself. .ever, it became' necessary' to de*"�tld . the, corner -stone' � o' h it The - corre.4 ondertt add ,that. less-Roenrrl rLnd Mail snit ir•,l Byre vvastl'.t n ,� [ e 1 the first buitdirig F at Pre. �T1S1t r. , ' { iSnlp}re................ $1..10 - patLi?er in .the lot. : t 'Lt)bstailt; whore repairs' of Saskatchewan Univetsit leder Catutleja is resolved not tc ondon s 1'.Khibitiorl, ) Vows-Reourd anct Globe 1.7ii i,nndrsn Tit•rtts, nearly three 3,ot:r. I+tont tterQ the g 5 . 1- yreld th} r>uiat and wilt advis Notvvithstandizr� the apparent y y e King - - Prize• Lists;'Entrr Fortes, and all infoCmation frons Xpws-Reeord and Famik, Par.; vnl will continue on to 'M,unich hostile attitude of the grain grower; ..1lfunsu to recall Sen ), tie Ojeda;, the. Herald and ~tar with .. 1 tae .mor tine• earlier in the' clay, .which was later S}.)anis11 anibnssn(for t,) alae �Vakicin.. , Premium .............. 1.75ers rnd ,I1sr)end dinlolrtat:o ro IN, J..REID, President . A M. HUNT S News -Record and lVitness 1.7-5, r r.. H,anfliton Man's Suicide, .. i L ieudequt pubo i Influential tvvas no ]ticlt of the Holy ;,ce, - i atiana, with . . , eC7 clary yew;-TSc•cord and Still 1.Zi 'MI r Elitriilton, .:\iti. 1: --Iii a tit of rte- cordiality iti the recentfou iven Sir i4latlrid, ',tuts 29,-I)i r,smntic rela- ticcvm-tterord anti Free ponde(t•y, (11tt1r c 1Jpsilell,.A 2 North Wjlfrid I,aur}er'aiid 'the members of tfotas between Spa}n aa•l the 1`atl• Press .................. 1.75 , i *Yorgu.on avrntte, committed suicide his party tit it big meeting ju the. halt ei>u were broken off,ye:.terd'ly. __ \Yews-itcrard and Adrer- yetatrday by taking rarbvlic acid. It cit itigltt. = t.iser. . ........ . ....... • 1.7.1'' A t silt tint lie bud' been drinking of promotion In Civil Service. eral ntlsanc@ lsage _ S I k r4 . Vow,-Irteeurd aHyl '1'orunit, l,,to, taut tarot sixnH,v br:vre noon are Victims of Nta ora: Ottawa, July 29.-A bi- imdattonis and causes sickness, B on in the civil serviel} here to obtaill ' Saturday Night ....... 2.311 is ,vvallovcr i s)tn�� stir! in h} own Koine• Njagara.l!itlls, N,Y.., July 30. �1t tite gDUS ,tit it ca.1n Ise a rban_e )ti the ne\v civil service ac%, aVOld@A \Tcvvs-]fceurdrind['1L1inF't's Curover llal:o decided thin Litt ing . Advocate .............. 2.25 ,3 �cr:rst «its uitnecr„a.ry. 'I'he dec'ea: "' Canadian landing of the :Raid of the. hav}ng reference to, tite question of � ii 51 t1 1News-Reeord and 6alut ' VIl t two bodios.were taken from the . g w•ia ..•) yen r; of •t„e. promotion . . 1Lrllt i),Llr'J•,..... 1.75 - - river yesterday, The civil ;er"atnts want the prono- - - - . less-Rerutd and ('trotZM BUK Torpnto Graduate C<_ts position: ;. . torte of a matt, with the legs tion examination to have reference to dish baro ............ 1.75 , , ttnss}ng, was discovered yesterday by their departmental 'work. There are. L, •..toil.. Ati 1, --It, 11,. (:base, William Thomas, mate of the steamer, I).v wl s :1.Jr, t'uix)nr•, has-been tlppoint who di;rovered the to of a rnnit at n,an who passed for promotion under g the ()Td act, but !save never cot ftp,, 1 us�ist:,:tt cln�s]c,tl teacher u1 ilia the latxling 7.'hursday. It is believed Hill! never will while the present regu- A N E" , . NeWS-Ree-- till([ Maail and )!kTiate ltt-titute. herr. :\Ir: C1111�rt that tilt: leg was it portion of the body rations obtnin.. I � F,n1PI11"...... . ........ I 4.25 �I T zrn, ln:ttr of , • . ,LU i � Y •, :a Toronto itnivc rsity. fount yesterday, The body is that of . sn sweeping x day, Uiistbane riiprenvpr, clis`n a Ycyvs-Rerorcl and !*kshe... •1.2H ----- •---- 1 Iran with dark brown hair, brown 1 feet, theroorn Peace 'Reigns Again. unci re::torNs !mitt to their, original freshness. The w News-Rer•ot-d anti Still- ... "3.30 _ eyes, sturdy nloUst'arlie, upl)er teet}t 1r . onteu Mrs.ri.BarreLt, i A Now. Fl!}- Record. :New Orleans, July 29.--�•C'nble n)e3. sweat' by Dustbane whQn clnce h t ' I+TeyVv-RP(s)t'(l still tlttrt' .... 3.3p too Afomean St, :1,X: Tirusacl:., .\v I. ;tif. Orietilagrrs: gone, With large >l�)]t', filli119 it' of sages, from fort ;o t ey tavt used rt. News -11 -cord and ll`ot•irl .. 3.2,1 llontreai, says, ^i' o • ri Carte received la. t :'deers-J3ceorrl and horning r1 A horrid t,n' l;el-i£ut aviatin, Saturday tnadc+ a t]tc= lower teeth: ,,, nil;ht announce thnt the enlbttr a ot; Donr htivE; a p>tfig dusty lure Press ............. R.25 rash rarner)ut all neer m baby's and lnoo) )lalle flight, to .1 height of 4,712 Late tit the afternoon the boll of , � 11 ly ty SWe.e�ing da f . �' y y T i? Y bananas ,; been into , Tlnitat .but get;135C package of Dustba e y News -Record ,Lnd l::veniut; spret,dnntit itliadtotaUy covered 'his scalp, fe(,t, it new world's ter°rel for mo►io• iVlnte, Marie Clever, a prominent im• States ha been rettiovecl, and that g 1� � n Free Press • ...... , ... , 2.75 It was irr,tating and painful, and caused Iilaixei. - vol woman, who committed suicide the regular service has been resumed the little one hours of su(lering. Vtte tried by going .over the Valls oil Monday, : on the I•Iotl(lurutl IiailwiL runninglit. NVe are a lttltatized Icy tile Manufacturers of Dlustbane to . Yews-Rer•ord and Adver- soaps and powders and salves, but he got. Napanee Booming, was found. 11me. Clever made two to the Interior. This is taken na r, wild YOU it 35c Cart of their S weeping Compound. %Va Wit 11t timer ................... 3,lN! no better. He reiusrdhts food, got quite Napanee, .1tr~, I,- Napatl(yr Is exp©r- attempt.t t<) take her life Monday, }ndirat]on that earn again g n you to use this an trial toe one weer:. ?,t the end nf.thiq titin and worn, and was reduced Loa ver ieneint; a building boost tti3 sUi)11Yrer, ]frit by turning the gas on art her P n 1 ref ill ltl per,nd, if not, Iatn<l sakrsfr+riots: w(+ will take it Luck, and Y the little republic. �lcrvrtrr.v serious condition, I"was advised to try Already About $60,000 has been cit• handsome apartment in Third street thele will Ile nnClturget'cn'rintlr,ttty used. :News-Rceord and Lil) )in- Zam•Iluk, and did so. It was wonderful penned, or is under way. I I : rott's Ma-giziliv 3,2:1 If what, yotr walit is not in this list. let, ns know about it, We'ran supply yon at. less tl)an . it, would cost you to sent! diree.b. in renlittilig please do so by Post-oi'ffee Order, Postal Nota, nxprecs Order or Registered Ire .er nraddress. t t a l W. J. Mi'tehh 11 Newfi$ Record . CLINTON how it seemed to coot and ease the child's Burning, painful skin. Zam-Buk from the very commencement seemed to go right to the spot, and the pimples and sores and the irritation grew less and less. "Within a few weeks illy baby's skfft was heated completely. Ile has now not a trace of rash, or eruption, or eczema, or burning sore. Not only to but cured of the tor- tnentlt g skin trouble, be has,irnptoved in general health." Zam.guk is sold et all stores end Ynedieme vele, do s r o,1 a box t post re f A •R Cb, . s r b p free tom z m uk , 'T'orbntbt for!,rice, dboxes for $:.so. A artsin Cure for ail skin-d+seateh, buts, burns, etc„ end foepale% -._ a . ,.•... . Forest fins are sprawling Ili Von- .Tolnt O'N(cre of Montreal sb(:t his In buying ;tc•ough'ruedieitic•, don't be tang. vVif,` :Intl turn rotllrai.Itted salts#dv. afraid to get • Chamberlain's Cough I'll(, eholvra epfdemie is .Steadily. In. I2emt:dy, 'There is no danger from it, ereasing it Italy. ... The etty of Loudon luis prtsentud A unit relief is sure to follow, l;,spec- Vlft(<�.i Uvrntan soldiers wet•v buried hill' fill- $1,000 to till local,strat call- ially .recommended for coughs, colds by an explosion of dynat.nite. \gar tm tlaittt ►ur dams{' to the and pooping cough. Suld by till The arstrallan ,Sniatc has adopl'eti • dealers. wt t 'r pipes '( is •C o ' I t ac c tt c l h• t•!ct ttr l wits. I,(rrd Iiitrhener's schttne iti dcft•nt•c", f 1 r y Tlw xuppert of iii(' ltegl�o el(xtora?t> I)r.. Xmp(y of fats, was ::urnnlotted •I'he Owlish Ar'+r, of 'tl'e lttited Stal,•s for a possible to IN, rts,;.dt•,nvt, of a pali('tit, milited 1 (, c oil eon Ala- tliira terttr rva1, 1)ltdgcrl to VIv. ltnt)st- 131undiu. and mhot by th( ntrtn. 'l'ht• t)lutta rvatr vvrrvlc(,d t1n the toast of vel t• doetolt in, his altly-lrort:•.I vtattcmtr:t (itcrtlland, t11c e�pttiit[on escaping. Natural };as has been atrurlc at .said it wa+ (ltlibc•rate, bac Blondill' l)av}d Ilanken, tit(, tt1T1,1]oniiit•a' lahil- .N1,1 (1'tt. r1a}l::i It was an a vc klt lit, anthtopf,t of tit. Louis, is d('itcl. , G L duics a'w'ay with Dust on weeping Day YOU WANT IT, . Sold ill barrels, _.._._ half barrels alld gtiorter br]llr'e)s, for stores, sehoola, chtirches, hospitals, baoks, alid public 171;1ildinga. A. LAN DISTRIBUTORS 'FOR CLINTON CAPadian F=actorles -St. ,Iola~, N.. g.0 W -lo !loo -t, coati. t.