HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-25, Page 3%. ell AIAXust 25tht 1916 . I SOME N . Clinton News -Record . I 3 ___ - � I 1. - ­­ - I ; i � ;��o_ . � � � � - - G HIS WILD: OATS. DECAY OF TIN. 11 ---I- =Z1111 1. 11 � , I ­__ -----. - , ___ - . -1 I ORMAN HELIOS HORSE MAPPING .. , $Lowl! I - 1. � . I . I __ .." - � ROFT I NOW OPEN TO THE P1,101.40 - Repository of Many Famous Histori Remains Is the Only $urvivin Part of Westminster Ovilt by Ed ward the Confessor -Fragments oa the Old Cloister Are f3eing Pu Together -Effigies of Monarchs. The Norman Undercroft, which ad joins the ancient Chapel of the Py at Westminster, London, has bee opened to the public for the first tirn for many years. The Undercroft is a range of Aw vaulted bays. which, by the remova of partitions, has been inade into one long chamber, It is situated at the south Fnd of the Chapel of the Pyx, and the dividing wall, appar- ently. has been pierce(L at, som by two bays, tile outlines of whiel are visible. Overhead is tli;� old dormiti)ry of the monks, part of which is now Westminster School. These buildings are of great anti� quarian interest, because they are practically all that remains of the building of Edward the Confessor. For many years past the Undercrofi has been mainly a receptacle for lumber, and its architectural beauties have been hidden by the masses of old stone and other material with which it has been littered. - One of it& three entrances has been used by the. boys of Westminster School as a short cut front the cloisters to their gymnasium. As the result of the careful and judicious restoration by the Dean and Chapter the Undercroft is now a rectangular chamber of consider� able proportions; it is .about 110 feet ]on- sand 45 feet wide. It is three or , folir times Its large as the Undercroft beneath the Chapter House. The four pillars which divide the Under, croft into five bays are situated in it hno in the centre of the chamber, In two of them much of tho original stonework of Edwavd.the Confessor's building.,; is visible. The second pil- lar from the north end presents a , curious appearance. On one. side it slopes inward and downward front .thi, capital, forming a recess which might be used for a small altar or an iniii,­o. Tile. pillar lilts now been buttressed. Ono of, the bays and part of another contain till, original Taoltitll,,. Till- vloventli century earv. in -sr of the capitals of m i pillars romains-not altogpth�r intact, but suffiviontly complete to enable a ' cluar idea, to be formed of its 6har- lich-ristics. The also, which was made of the Undercroft in triediaeval times i.,; not known. It is possible. per- lialis, that it ww� itsed as is. school for tho novicc�. " Some relics which have hopri. folind in various part.k (if tho Abbey have been collected in tile. Undewroft. Aniona the stont,q which Nvero brought to li0it while the floor of thp U-nder, croft was bviin-, n�conMri.icted are a . number of fragments which are be. lieved to have -fornied part of the Norman areading of the original cloister.;. These fragments hlive been fitted to , 01ther ut the south end of the chamber as a. tontsativ,! reconstruc- tion of three, arches of tile old areade. The three boss(�s tire elaborately carved, an(] one of theril, whicil de- pict.; seenes from the Judgment Of Sbloinon, is in tin excvllent state of preservation. Aniona flit, other archi. tectural fra.-ment.� is o ' I ' 14, wiliell is SuPpo.sed to I-ve been one off tho ho4scs of the, old Chapel of St. call,- � erine. The earvvol wooden Jacobean . pulpit of thn Abboy is also preserved in flit, Undercroft. Nlost ititero.s.ting of all, however. aro sovvral of tile old wol,(1011 Offigil-s (if kin.irs sind queon.rl (if England. whiell it was the . . cuz-tom at royal burials to carry, upon the coffin. Tbose iniagi-,4 ari� �f older date than some of the wax effigies which havo - beon preserved at 'tile . Abbey. Those of. I-'(lw,,rcl Ill., E,liz- aboth of York, Hern: . y VII., Cathorino of Valois, and Anne of Dennia'rk are fairly complete. says Tile London . Times. but tile fture of ,James I. is without the head'and that of Henry Prince of Wales' is simply a bare trunk without vestige of clothing. - Some of the figures are carved out of large blocks of wood without joints; others consist of st-parate limbs fitted together, That of James 1, I , S clothed in what I.,; supposed toplalrat"YO , boen its original costimie. There is also to Ile, seen a portion of the hol- low wooden skull of Anne of Bo� hemia. - The Limit. Mr. Cribbs -Mrs. C,, I ha with TeSignation-nay, even cheerful. ness-antique ehairs that walabledl, all. tique clocks that were always thirteen 'hours behind tin),,, antique rugs that some prehistoric Turks wove, antique china, antioue bowls, pans and k&t. tie. All till; J hive smiled at,- bill when You ,Ove nip antique vggs for breakfast I (]raw the line, madam, I draw the linp. Palmistry. ralMi-At-Iv in its modern acceptation ' is divided into two branches-ellirog. nomy and chiromaney. Chlro&noMy ., defines the outward shipe o-f theha�ii and Of its Ille-bers, tile thumb An,'] finger. Chirornaricy is AI-Ao derived from the Greek and sj!rnifles divints. tion by till! hand -that I.;, bv tile lines. Mounts and other marks oil the palms of the hiind. Moslem Wives. J111 Tinder tile Xfoglein law, . . flip provi- sion for spearing to file wife till. . froe - ) er and urivoti.trolle,l yx.elses.gol, of h t,. property is ndrintely s nulateil in t lip. n1tirriagn votitract. A .,ltiitnbl(, surn ii also arranged for her niniritollarlee fil accordance with livr hiusband'i ranic, - Oak Wood. Tb,, ,)nk i!z a historic wood, .' 4 early as tile eloventh eentury it beelaillp tile . . favorite wood of vivilixed H,urope, allol ,;pe�,imens of Parving and interi(ir firt. ish havo eoln(- down to 11.4 froyll that early (illy, their priiatirv, benuty en. hanced by tile subilkiine fin.ger of time. � 114 .0 9 TWOUVIVII wepailachlory 0 , "at Remarkable Alteration Which Takes A custom l3ornewhat co I . . I . ,. , , - , . , Wore Him. Out, Place in the metal. � mmon Among A"@ 0 . the Yellow R'Ascro.s. , I I , � - _. "ef � 1$ In the Good Old Days It Was - t "Y", I' n 4150POtt"; t" "Inch." R414 Anything made of till, It seems, J,4 1 16 go 047 _r .. I 11 A French savant. .At. I.Illjoelop., Pu' Your 0awn he red ta0d rUstio: as lie rubbe4 Will doolned to, it, brief existent. -P. ,rhilf, - gue. In I � . Sport, Not Collfimerciallsm. head desr�oudeatly. it Votimillitivniou to tile Porlo Acad- ' . Metal Is subject to a remark I . . . uble khad erny of &Ienct% tim flit it Into thlit firaloat- I . , � "Vissipastlug'.1" ansped his friend. of alterodon, a species of (I 0 In A, 'a 1011ace . � I "That's tire word I use(L you*ro wIll(.11 it is. lillble. W 114cuse to � the Yellow races, tile Chinese. tb I . 00fe A-1 , . . , bell ex se , � 1. po a .to I 0 .lot). i I 11 .1 c A MAN TOOK A CHANCE THEN. heard (but expression about lbu $lose and the 314ilays, tile foot Is used ' I. I _. s rAtug The 11ir tin undergoes Ito cbetialcal 11,14 art organ or prehension. like .the ,k bureau drawer, a tin box, 4Dr a stockin I . life's candle tit .both ends? W01L Vilauge. .1,9 do Iron and cop hatud, to it fill- greater emeut than to I ,,, , i , ": �.., I is -no � He Didn't Ask For a Written Quar. thn" toy cilse lo-wctlY� TO tell the of courso. chemically corn per, wrilen, �, Better ta, ; far I �� .11 , - blue with tile generolly supposed. Ile stlysthot while , vings De and ho, d i _" .� f truth,, I boxe bee" having too guy 4 oxygell Or, Place it in our Sa � pt. I is . anteea That that Animal Wa with water. Tile till, flow. Ill Tokyo he s. 11 . .. a w ,1 I , . , g, Sound, tIcne. X.ftst night 1. went do n to , , Q young mail sitting res�p*nslbla for it4 safe keeping. Our Asse% $N� . t I w We L ver, st'.11 rell),11133 I'letaills: tin. but In it thentor bos grasping Elie rall with . Of $12 500 000, including Reserve of $l,aoo,_ : and If Ho Got Stuck He Sicied Wit Blue AloOlt saud,drank 11 soda, Then. �, ,. - * Timato Pass Along the Prize, . gradually becomes gruy aud (lull and h1s. feer ju.it as I tail HVII hey were hands, . � settle traveling 11100 Offered Ole A cigar, fitlis to, title powder, . , . " o0q, are ample security that it will bo I t . Of course I had to take IV, . ever and anon using 1114 right foot to absolutely saf% You can withdraw I - C . I bare *beers reading that David "You doWt inean lt'�.Ff . . i. The (Ils(-nse Is "catching." It Infects scratch his- left thigh. Tile fact that I. -I , Itent livery- * Induces the saine clilonge lit other . '!�, . I Witrutil story," siold thelitic or what yon want at any -time, and allr "I mean -just what I say. Theo I In the ,111POtlese 11suillly sit on their beets _ , asses or tin to the Immediate neigh. � tit lueltis and ill tile 0 th-� ti-lia Wi, at work earning 3 _ b use develop* I" " , '\\\V " 0 ,man when Ills crouletil were eoll1rorlit- J bought a how snudwicb. I ate It and I)orhood. We are told J exi kill �N per =t. int_-rezt. Start your ,�. , (but In It 11; a- r e ' 4S in In 1\11 NI: bly seated 111 'if$ little of"cas- "o� -friend nctunily forgot my e f no took Ott- slan Puperful ningazloe, ill place of till the feet s"Plosse Bank Accourtt I-- IMINN 'told. me that stail a I ,d , ; d obility In 'y wits thot last wilrd other. On toy wily borne I dropped and toes, land the prehensive . - . , I on home trodlu..., but tllf,- 111.111 wbo into the church social for a few uniform butt0u$, little troops of powder function Is still furtijer encouraged by I THIS week. � wrote. it 41dWt ' mla- were .found, 11 . . I SN , understand tile spirit utes, Some oftbe sidles ma , A conognme"t of 1$allkal tile fact thut the ,111panese, who adhere A � i joung 1. do till sen from Rotterdam to Alosepw ­­­\ ,. N �Sl . Of the gaille 'it I'll. David Unruits we try the 'penny ollp,, and I, drew a in lr47-arrlred it . to the tinclent custorus -wear forked 11 I , ,N11\\\0 I , . t the latter place in � . .�ould have beett SkInited Out Of his blanig," . stockings and dispense with the itttlex- ­ � the forin ot powder. This alteration is � teeth If he had blowt) Into. ugly jx,cst, , � , ropean shoe ­­ I I ,e due to a change fit the ,Intevilat crys- Chinese postinen navigate their boats I ern town In file Palmy dnyq of hors "Such extravignucel" Iloilo find constraining 14�u ' I tra(11111; twerity-tive or thirty y "XIVIt's exactly It, Extravago race taillue structure of the metal and 1.9 ly .1 004 e I � . Pa I's "I 90, and dissliantlon wIll kill rile. It was 61 Ing down, steering with their bands !! I I m . � ,\\'-\,N I "I tell you. illy flIplads, 1111 tile dead o'clock before QlialQgOus to the slow tralisformatlon and rilwolng, with their feet, The oar L LOAN & SIAV11WIT0,11 . I . , I reached home." I I � I . 1:;1�1:1: . game sports ure asleep will, their fit- "Nine o'elock,", Of 1110noellAle sulphur to r Droble sul- is held betweetl the big toe aria tue Incorporated � �s C 0 I t titers. Nobody Is willing to talre at pbur. . As it result, objects Of tin Of otheff. The niltives; frequently use. � ,\\\\\NN "Yes. I must be sowing, w7 wild arehaeologleal Interest are rare� Those I I I chstrice QOMIJIS's. "it a ulan buys it Onts, Well, I've finished now. Night their feet to collect and to pick up I . . . . . . �_ or .. $1. �OII.(W L" . I 'N' � � . . �\ ,\\' ,11 I 911 11 It. before last I cillied on my girl, She form of earthenware vessels, knobs., som '. . S1.800,000 , I I . . c�t r he watits it bill of %ule wit . 'that have beer) round have been In the SWAII Objects lying on the ground, and 2 The other day it vileap skate pestered wouldn't let me leave until I bad taken . etivie4 earen catch mice, with their , We 4 Whole afteril000 etc... which have been found In the toes, At. .Lannelon Pal -.4 C-ailtal $1,900,000 . 23 X � , . - I I .. t;tll;lllg about her out and bought chocolate creams. $ W J.444 coat gue holds that the - V, I buying a horse. Ilt� tried out all the , , 196-0 dwellings ed with tin . yellow race$, who tire able to t , "up simply worn out otter these nights As t,he eleplin N I I L1- % Mat the glass eyed bay would sult re from which the tin has been 1\000�0011`111111 , , I of wasteful debo uc hery,ll� Ilea rson's his triink or the monkey his tall.! 'IV '100NINN, "111\0" Talk about pleasure' hunting! Via Cass7iterile or tlostone is the sta- to es I In tbe bal,ti gotl till -illy decloled foil , ,Ise the gle 0 ,#t $Oinewhat mt us . . . � - hint, And Oe actually wanted H writ, Week oOtalned In any quit n tity.-K.nowled enjoy ,."\,\�\\,\�-\\\NNNN\\N\,\\\\\\\ I I , � ly. \ , go a very considerable adrantage In the , ten guarautee that the horse was I � I . - . a rid Scientific News, London. everlasting struggle for.existeace over I 4111 I .".-...- - __ I . .- _F 4ound! A written guarantee! No, get%- � the less fortunate Caucasians. who are . . tlenipti. I all, not Joli-log. That bald- BLINDING A SHARK. able to employ the[- WE-14TERN FAIR An English Election. . �. . headed trnrosty oil a - "lull actually : A PLACID MERCHANT. r feet only for l000, Vell)-Irks - I'll" LoOdon Chronfelo: , asked for suctiq document. I regitriled A Karl Divarlis Russ by Whiahr No T � . motion purposes.-Philadelplifil, Ledger, London, Canada,. Si,,,pt. 9-17,. 1910. ­rltv 1vorst ovelevtloll, expell"04 Is that I It as an Insult, and I tier I hatil. rebuked . Made Good His Escape, He Had Some. Regard For the Soilial - A _�_ . . � I A succestiful diver must 9 � The Western Fair of Lon(l(;11, (jra� rbV Vak"If(IlItte 6111 liever he sure witut � hint they Pad iiii. I�our four buckets of . . po seags. Side of Tradi. kabisiked. st rt tit lll� Ill 111 Poke he Is- bijylitg�- , . grout courage ;Intl nerves .o . Q summer visitor In a is.mall sea- Hofffnnn. the German physicist, ar� The parlialliplit itilly 1,1111 Its fill] torlis water overtaitil bti.foore he - revoyered. . .. f steel. Th � , tarlo, is,beconiltig more popular each ' . Such. a nuan contlectc. "Ita the good old doys horse trading I .4 will, 11 large port town was aultized and atuumed at rived, to GIllSgOw , late obe Saturday year as a LIrv. 'Stock I.;XhI,bitluI1. 1,11E. !;I, 4 4 ... 1y conle to 4111 end after it rew, was a game, not at collilnerefill traills. C wrecking company was visiting some the assortment ot werobandise display- : night and on Sunday morning we.at to management . are ptttting forth livery Months. Bwell It It lasts tile go.ine . . I lJour, If , . I - S ago the pearl lisberies In 'the ed In the little store at the head of the. call on Lord Kelvin. The doorbell. wits I effort, to III -i�hc. ' ax lie decidedly tiot worth tile can- . year . ,eet tile r, s of tliv F an I ,X_ i le. .Pir Iloutitstilart (;rullt I)llly - . 8 Man WOSII't willina to take ,whurt. Thai showease wits devoted to onswered by a wolnuo servant. wboin lhibitors, unit jvlica t -i ar ) a the choneea wherl tie wptit trodilig lie gulf of California. where sharks I � . . I a poignant fittle Iii(q4t.ut of illo, wporl I v sonto Other line of * 0001aoled* On one Of bls*trips In quest' UL of coudy ot one end and noittooll w4ked If Sir William was at in cash was addi-d tO tbV IAVV !--lilid; , - . ,lovaq advised to tI% air assorhiie lis it,, $1,00i. gIve's I e pearl oyster' he b a lot of 0,9aris and tobacco at the cath- . I i bu9itle8s- Many ""d "'silly at time I Of Ell ad a narrow. � hellie, I 1-011W struggle over the cooreloll bilk . � .; bild,the bar escape from . a fearful death. . er 'end and uo barrier between. Next Department. E'very accontmodation In 118,181. 'Whell filings wert� . . .poor). adoili&jPred to tile. The.servant answered, "Sir, be most I possible for thti cc-ilifort - ot their . I One day Major charile tit lighter He had been Instructed never to stir ,to I he'showease. stood a. motor engirto certainly is not.,, � ­' . of E,,xhibi I (1111)(Ist illif) sleadilest, Stilart ItendeL . I drove to any baril. : . . il� . from the bottow until lie lind looked valued tit several hundred dollars. . 410fri'Mil then asked, "Coijil(I you tell 1. t.ot% will lit, madc- unit every E'xI-t',bI- I 11,11,(l .1 nlarl ,It's lie r I olled off, his'sealt ,;it- Thinking to t)le;lsp - ' "'I hare qvite n ne'at poe ,P of lip and around, Fortunately he beeded , the proprIetor, me wherIe I could thid hint'!" � , for will be givea a fair opportunity I Ill tile' ektreulftY of wearhies,,, say. I . the visitor ilemateRed that even the to conipetc ill their respective class- I .-.klltl to t, . . � horseflesh here., s.lid tit(- ninjor. 14ind the. advfc�-' Halving diled his bag, he - "Sir," site 'answered, *,yen will find I link that I should have pill I I I � 'd - 1 bare a sort of prp.,,etatinlellt that he glonced (luickly it built .it rid caught sight large departinelit stores Ill Boston , litru at.churph,. whereyon ought to bell' I's' ("'I's Exhibition is aCkll01IVIVdI4Vd 1 a.0ol rvy th, -!­ , - I . . . ' . . could not boast.of such a collection. I . ' ) I I can travel a few -lilies whell tile wind - 0 , f a huge sbovel tiosed shark iIvatoila-, ..W , . . . : by all [,lye Stt)ck Breeders io lit, Otie i . . .1 Is blowing in tlli� right dirtyllou.'. . In- filin, , I I ell," he said. ,q 11,11),t At)-* I . . n I . . I . I aig thent of the bvst Vii t1w Dominion, . ,*,lilt ' . . . . "Ells horse wiis it Imi)dsoil In tin .emergency men thInk fasL stores, fean tell .voij. I allif to keep She Did Hate Smoking. � . I . I . � I � . . re . . . ie roll 11, a Near the di'ver was a larg - willit, uiy folks wtint, when notary -NJ. Sialilev oiji.4 had tin . ev- they are always able to �vport Iarg,: I I . . . . � .guitar peacock ror' st,yle, with his e rock. Ele I a u)ftEl . i I wonts till eng, perience w1ilch show ' s It i es ,,is ,I restill of oxhiltitirig;'fil 1,011- [ - ONE HUNDRED DOLLAP�S � head a Wily up -it, I Ile stir so You'd nee -d Moved 'quickly to tile. other- - side of. It. - ghle foll his bo't.ho wants - . 4 how it hatred of Ili the Agricultural D(par , tliicnu� . REAVARD, . � � I I d'Vephldder to see If 11 bopla,-, to dpolge the ferocious nionster. - It, and it the lists ;are r9ullifig lie can't . tobacco 14 'lilt to 9%vittliP tIle*,flnv-r feel. d("I- . . . . . . .. . . . � 1. . . e had it star %volt to send .y tQ Portland or B I os- '111"s - In ANW, wbvil staying lit llrook� this year will be ni,iny new slatelal J I � � WII , . on MR foreheati. And the way he hit but the nianeuver did not ivortc. The toll for . lyn N ' 1%. , i Tile'. :irmatifticturers or SALVIA I � . I � tit, I featurus, Tile British Columbia ( the road wits a sht. Talk about gaited shark watched every inovemen ' It. Ile Witilts It* when he does. be tiores Ili Ills di y. . . ' 2,. . . I . . "'-- 1 the nciv AnierlIcan Ilair 'rower, of., . t� chan ., . I G - I Ing Ills position by at slight mo I . arding witli. , , rimiont Itaie inade arratigemvnts� . horses! Tbat roan handled' his legs 0 tIOU;Of .. then a ill there." . R� , , Judge ,,\.� .Judge V I to. ( fer onc'jiurldrl:�Vdollars' reward to, as though, lie had taken spurring, les- ' 111.8 powerful tail..' . I � ., After. a litile-pause lie continued: . drunk. *.1r1,Ipd to kill his wife wtth bring a large ex1tibit of. Frult. This 11 tit . ir one -who cari prove that . SAL- ... . . . I' . Time was. precious. ' 11 don't like tile way they (10 business hatebot. Att'empted three ltltne'4, I held .1 will add very much to the Iforticul- i �I, � sons. '..Now. try -well'. point ,Ili the . . and the.d)rer . - . I _N A cotibalris any. injurious; ingredi- . horse businesis-As that wtidn I conceived the lde,ij of blinding. the In their) big stores. onyway. wily, . 111111 (town till night, .Next im;rning, it ura, display, bult Nvill nat lie ill coni- ! � . . Want � . ex.11.111sted.* . . I C,It. S,ALVIA ;it orwe. stops tile I , whers you go Into a store up io i3os. lighti-d .4.1gar .16 flirlor. : . a certain nag tile worst wily I ell Il't up the mud. Underi ' - . , petitlon for prires. All t1w other 41L,- 1 itchil1w of the scalp ; WiW positively . conceal . the fact. I jilst C.1 . cover of that'lle � ..tnight escape. . Ele, . tot) the fIrst, thing you IC11OW some- . IV- I fe vall,le oto,wit ana ito,wrea nria . partnwiits . (,f-thv Exhibition ivill, Ile I 11 ' . I . I . n't SIPPI) or . Oody -risks you wb:If yon want. . � raved tit rile for stookin , - . � Inber bous' . ' I gtow hair or money. back, :Is 'g.uar . . � , Worked for dearAlfe and bad the wa. . ., I . . . . e -l' IoOked i1fl-E V wV11'. All 111forn"ation C -Pt my vle'tuals:1111til that borse .14 In. ter.thiek.wl�h I mud Ili less th alf 4 .. Now. I never do I g ' .� .1 � _ . - � . ., . bIav b obt 'Irv, i anti ed . to kill the, Dandruff gerni6 I anythin ,.like. that: . . 111Y barn loi-Ith a new halter oil. him. I , an b. , . . . e uimil from the Sevrct 1, - Ladi(s o I . I . .., . I ; Af it sil'iti comes -Into illy place I Lanss 11 . I I 'For a Rainy Day, . I . - f ta,.qt� prefer- SAL, VIA �ta . � 1. Tbe trinjor wawwlse to my 'weakil' minute. .: . . . .. . .. ., . � . . . . A. *4)r. 1 I unt, 1,011dow, (')tit, - ... any-otlive hair -dressing, as it is . I . . 1. . I . ess'. Slipping saround',the rock .1 th e 11me''o, (Jay and ask. .film to- set. ., . "In .your pun;1lit or pIe;isurP,-?.' still] . - . . . . I . "'It's no usq, -little,* sitys.the Major. ros . e t - o t ie . ligairl. be . ,art se file . serfoj!�i ellizen, 'lly Wsliould tlot� . ­ : . F . I no*a-'sVc4v, daintily, perfunical jial, .' . *This hoss I � siurface, hur.1m, bArely- if he w, I tollic and'- dressAllg'. . sn't on tu.V. swuppi � rig ll,.,t. I i 1, ' . and . -er lie's .§eCand to)k�eof A whit � . 9 . . . �_ . . . , . . - .. . �. . ' I . . I I . I I ants allything -ht-'1111W.11 11111; . . liegleCt rOn( 11111' Sotili . ?t � lillig, b I y rot, : 11 . . ­ I 1, . .. .. . . I lair is made beautifully soft and. I . Every ronn,tutir oil tahri-Just .suits tile, , strength enough to reach tbe'side -of , "I never J)" . ( or 11 lull it t y, 11ay., ra . Illy vl:i .11 '' - . . . . . I and I�d be a . chuttil) . .l.o. let, lilin go,,' . the' boni.: and - was. Itifuled on board .f. Lot till I ­ y . . . I . � � � I I . .i more Zeriousi" - ­ . ivai y. . SALVIA has all enorIT1011.9 . . . in . - . � I 11 . . . . I ' . ,st'sts the vioraclon;4-inan eifter made be be siln't couip. to buy: MaylSo he's" _' "Of ,coil rAP,' is Aied tile ilglif hearted "Mathilde Browne iyas -very rude to sali.* , . I ; ' . . "Well. of corime I got the rklan all a rush for hirm. - . .come to 01k.,11-yotitla*8 Companion. '­ intin. "Nearly every mem,bor of our ,1111 ov -in . I . lVe ktiow of rl'o other . hair ', .. � . � � . right. The,major w,18 just blilffil)g. . , . . I . . . . - ., . I . . ' . eWressed old worn. %he Inot oil I (1.r(.,,;.Siiig and.gro�xrur Oat is sold' . . I . . __ - .- . I :1 , 1. . . .1 . . .. .., . . , . I . , . fishing elub brings al6tig a p6cf; or the street'mr the other day.'t . , with a. guarantee. * - I I . . . , , . And !-gave him the biggest trode. you . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . R'o m . � ,;,"� shin -1 r, .. . "I know the story. . Tire old -worriml 1. ,,�;.,,I,�'I.k coiitaitv� I'lentia, and Sagyr�). . ' so - Not Taken' . The,: First Universities. (ard. -Va. -toil st, ' ' Seriously. * . I I - . . . , , . . . . . . � ever heard uf�-ga�� .flint a 111:1tofied % J . dtlet wils..Oilly P(toieu- yeiars,old,.but' .;To 0k preelsely ,tile date.df the rise .' : * .7 1 . . . I , I . turned out to be Mathilde's very rieb Restorcs. slaad hair to lifc.' .Short . " . I . . . . � tealn. ,.laid several 'bills for that gaa� . 1: of ibe *01-st illilversitle4 is I' pos I i , . I . �� . . I .. . I � 11 - going to 'give all . I . an sible His Con�ition . . 11 . gling she thou -tit site was: quite' grown up. , . un' and now she's , roan And wheat I took the roall . " foe tile reason t - . . .. I .1 harsh, - brittlo halt I's Illade , to .. . One evening. says Mrs, It. A. 11r,yor In . ' halt' they . were not Father ---;.Now, .Tonuny.. promise, m-9 I h' -*r money to a .hospital for decrepit rig '�'.- - I � I I dolls, ill - : - * I . . I soft .an& sparkling with life, whiel' , .. . . . .. .. to the writer trougti for, a drink. I fouTial ... - � . foilfidell.' but grew. They were Mlifted Itfant, yon will always corint It blindred , I - adds -beatity to tile appearance -of . � . I . I . My., INly", $he Wits r6celving'O'" the - . . - L - .. .. . . that he ciiiiildn't lower his hend. Ile. 113oonlit verondii it yamil; man izaller. I by it reiv table miell.who had something before you lilt another ho : Tolilylly-, J , ,�Ntllth - Ing of tile soirt. - n tact, i . 1. . . . . * ,"� � . . 'y .. It's I. every. Judy. 'W. A. McConnell, will -r'e�l , I . I v it about ten feet Ili the air Ile. too. It they wished Ito felich sind youths 'Yes, 1 -v�lll It therWo ony,o(ae larattind t(, worse. .' ,rhe old, woillill, . bad to carr, ' I I seemed, considered himself . I IV.k.14 tile filliti. volt, till tile time. owill., 11) some, Iiijilry In: irfshed to.1val4l. * 0 * your money if it fai-ts. i , ­r6irn up. Tile an'xious yollth`,was 'radually tho."rrvie,­ -'hold the other boy while I iou'llL­ BrOWBOS" new cook. ':Intl now they A lairge 'bottle. for � 16 O'c' Tho:N Sc . o� I I . . . � � � his tieck. UP had to eat his Itaked rice m lulitury, center of learnln-� became l3hrper's Bomar. I � . itsiven't an.y,-"-Cte�eland Phalli ,Dt�lflor. - bell, I)rllg Co. ,t ( t, - Ott I Moved to selz.o the propitious, hour and ro a . I . . . . - � S 'a harines, Cana- . . . it shelf -and drink from a gardeu. * ' the g, i . . � '.. . � de'61are himselti Jnllet wlsh6d to aa..� ..orgaul7e(i siffilir.we know Rs tile nn!mn!=t� -, � � - . .. I . .... .. - . . . . - . . . � busie, and a Insist needed tail oproplaine- * - . . I . . - _ ­_­ . - - ---.- I - - . . - ' . . sw4r correctly, and ollarbiss him. with � univerN'tty. Amotig -the earliest, of � . ­ __.- ___ , -_ . . to put ti. -bridle oil flint, . .. . . I . I � . , " I i . . . .- .. . . . 1. . I - , ' I . I ". . . �.. I out'woundl . . . . .. . . these.cefiiers'of lea ruing, xy,ere. . a or-, - � � . L I � . nw.birlL, ". I � I .. . 9 I . . I "Did I raise ;X fns,s with tile - . � I . , I I . . . . . . I AbAM I I � .., I � 11 - I . . I . What.sort of skato. do) y ,ikp. trip ­ , . .. I � *'.-. the sc land'to experience tire. literary � . � . � � I . . I . . . : er,c*oosent.. ', � . , a I I a I . . She Assurcol- lildi Lnai�'wsr 'would ne'r- . no. Nalfles nit A&.. � I . ftliijoMl I ' . d. Bologilai ititly being. oil is I . . fir . . I . I �� for'j Next ti'lle I 113et hint I told hint A voice .from within -they were. � sit- reriv;tJ AVO fil.1ty stay that igllleruo , . � �. � . . . .1 1. . 11 . . . . 1, . I . I I . . I 11 I I liked tile roan better-thdri any horse . . . university was; fairly es tabllsb( . . . . . . I . . . ,�, . - - tin- beneath. her another's window- , ...�. . � I . I . I I I ever saw. 'HeAsli't always rootin- .1. 0 ' p .. . . . � settled the illhtter: �� . 4 1fle � YeAr '1000. * I. lie, Urilviirsity o � . I I I . I . � L fia the ground IJk6, a pig., said I, ,and. . �'Accept the young. man,-.Jull'et, 1 . f - logna by IWO I .f� rid the Valv'erslty of .� . it's . - flavor tgmmmts, '. , . 1119 Mill . , If you ,,boost hisi p. . . . . I . I . . . . . db %W N . hid' told tile. . .1 l' . . � IAO . . clit YOU. want to. Yve not the least ob- -NalAps- by. the year 1260. - Tbb Unl- . . . � . . = = - dirigible nech- 11il halve . . . _1111 -10 . gIV61.1 yon $10. jection.. And,let blin run uld6g, home versity of Paris; wbich owes Its, ex-' Your first'itaste of 'London LQ,er will make � . � - . I � � I more.', We,were sports In those days.. now. Be. suke- to -))Ott' the dobr 'When Isteti(re to the genius of Ab,elard, was �. . . � � - . . I Ir 0 %A111A "One time tile veterinary stIrgeoll - vou' come Itt."." . .. . I . . -your palate thrUl-wi-th a new d'efight i "F6r its " I . L . . I . . . roundsid about the same time. -New I . I � I .. told meabout at title trotting horse Ili a. Evidently.. the'm'other -had small re. � , tork American. . ' ' . . . .. . . . . I . � I � I . I I I I , . ., . - I I . ,,, flavor Js.. surpassixig. Yo'u. have �nevbr found. � town $011ie distance 31way willch h .lovers. and wished to go 11 � I , I. . . , . .b4en deprived ofAts tail I)v it 8111-gical. � � to, sle,& - .1 . . - I . . . . � . -Handed Ii Back. I . . a lage'r. so tenlptind - yet So . Wholesome, * , I . operation. I . wi,nit and loo;lw& lit rile .� - I P., . � . .1 I . . . . 1. .,. �. or .., 1. I as, this . . I . . � . , I I . A. cler,­yfnan fit tire neighborhood of . I . . . . I � � . . . . 0 � a I 'e. Be wim a perreet btntity ,laid. A Prince'Edward Island Legend. � -Nottlirighatil was complimenting a tat- . . lously � bors . � ' . . Idelic 0 . . , ager . say, co6ld irot- like nil .1al,thiriefie, Bill lie There Is it delightful legend among for Ili IiI8 parish oat repairs which be. Mild I .� . . . bad .Just a stuitip 4 41 tilil. Ilod tile . , . . I . . a (Irl . . the .people of Iltaint.Prim: to ttie.effect .had done, for .him, .In ;be course of* - ' . . I sonie of the best BaVarian beers equal London a I . owner was'llshollip(l It, %'P III')'- 80 that when tile English' -attacked the cotiversntlon� lie. however, 'Incautiously .. . . . . I bought tbe.crItfvr for .,I song'. I: welit. , French fort at ill. ba "When, I want a good cont. .. I - Lag�r's rare quality, But they are seldom ex-* , I I . . I -it place'a chain 11 observed. , . . , I to a lot of trouble - . 11.1vilig a. tail 111,1de , front one of the attacking vessels cut I �,Vo to London. They. make the . na Plotted, and- they Are --e . ' ' ' I . I . x ensive. Th' for hint. it w:Is .1 bealltifill, flow!');, the steefile from t lie old church located -%elle,", Before leaving the shop he, . P , * ' is newest . t S tall. a-crodlt to file balrdrv%ser's falls. oil the very point lit talling,it toppled A:riqulred. -By the bye, do Xou attend � Labatt triumph is hot expensive. Yet it8 ingredi- I * I Jt was Ifted to '011) over tile J1(irs0`i over tire protnotit4y 'and carried the� my cli�fr(.-h?"' , .. . I .. I ents are the ' . 4 . � stilb loll and wil.'4 (60n.faxietted w the ., "I . . very.eboicest; and it is.brewed with _dP M , . .1 bell which :It contained Into the ses. , Nc.l' was .the reply. "When I want ; . I , enipper of (lie bari,4111s. Aild it Illan Dwellef.4 along"the 'point aftilrm that to, heit r - si I good sernion I go to. Lon-'. I litmost care for.absolute -PurltY. Londoh Lager ! . -d . . -, I . -t - . .. . . . I . . I . I need( goold eyes to see that It ivasl) I - . . . 11 . JIB T . lbe'real thillm . . I . . . . . from time to thile the sound of that doa. They tuilike them ihere."-Loo- .. I � ' ' � - ill if I I . I . . . I . � . . . . I . I � . .. - . I 0 bell comes ove'r tbe waters at evei)tflale dou Tit -Bits . . I . . � . appetite * " rbe major had poor 0, � . .. . . . . sharaolbns .. "JV I I veg. .1,14 %�Vhpn .*And that Its phalitaltu,tone Is Over R . I . . . - . I ! � I took htill jor it drive. -behitid illalt . . 1 . . . . . � . . r . . ' � I I . . . iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . . . . I . I warning of ajjp reg storin or. some tat. - *T4a In the Time ot liluddlia. � � . . .-makes Yofir food taste better. Greatly assists I . blawk trial.ter lift Al"nilly laid to lie lipai . , (?.I* - - . I I � . .. I . down 'to .tire seat. ho wits so� t%%rItpd. lb nent .danger to those 'who tonke - .'�At lilt- tinle of Iluddlin China Was en- '. . ' ' I . I , I . !]a- sold 'he'd alwaya,; . Or living by the.spaills of the Ocean.* Jo. � Aigestion, Benefits* tile blood. And on, a hot + . � . . livallf.ed.31 hot- . I . y.!Ikg 11 large rol,eign commerce In (ell.r . � sq,� I . --- - .�'.. ... . . It'wits carried by tier junks to japarl'. ­ 9 I . , � I � .1 Witt) ft tall like that, Ili- had Illy own . . I . � and sultr'y.day, London Lager refreshes You like . . . I . . . weakness, Ile. cotil(ill,t prelplid ItI(Ilf. . Anroffiaso Engagement. Roro%,I� Tol)(111in. Amain, Coctilli, Rur� I ,a 6oi breeze. You' I . I . . � . 4 'glided young Intl, 8,13111. IndIA. Ceylon, Persia .and . 11sarelyappreciate't. And I . , , meh came ropidly down the steps of Arablii. Avi-ord . Ing, . to) one r6cord. It it ill do yo � . 1. . I . . . fL%r'pn(-e w,heis he wailled a thing -1110 Ofte of Washington', . , � �_,--,__ worst -way, and It(-, w,,wei]. I hll( 110111(io. - . � W U much good. London Lagek is ' . I . . to. bild Illat Ills; hfile Wa-4 fillillis, our. his holiSe hillf'An hour iifter noon the was sent to a great black river country - . , . . . . I � , I . otba�ll dov. . . .. . ' %rubst Or Arilhin, from which It was sep- I i . . . * . I . . . . . I L. I - I . .. . . I Atter a great- dti;11 of deilliurat, Al I . . .'What 's tire rush?" as4ke('11 . , iddal at din'ner,. . Issmed -illy ultimatum. - . � a friend npitteil Ivy it loil�v and very torrid sea. . . � . I I I . . "Ph"'I've got to burry down to tile which llytwt lilt 'e been 1,,'gypt. It was I I I . . . I I . 1. � I .. * I .. . . . I . I � "'I'll. give you itiv lior,4p, hartws:i, ofn,e Or I Won't got there In time 6 go omfried by cavravans" to ManclAurio, I . --stiniulates tired appeitite; adds -savor to m6at, . . � _. . . And bliggy just as. Illey ";tallll., 'Aald 1, . � 0 . . . I 'for yuur sorrel, thrt,o*aye,Ip.o1ds Out for 1111tell." - Saturday .H vening Mongo)Iii. X . allay � . . . . and Ilost . . ,- a Irld.lit, Tarlary, Tibet, Per-, , s tbirst. Quit imported lagers, not nearly so � . e $:*A).' Ell tier of the sorrel,t was wort I, tj - I 1- I I . ., -_ . - sI0 a Ild I flort hern' I rid III, . . . I � . I I . � 1� I . .. . . herd of horses like the [)III(,[,. . I . . . . � .1 I . . I fine and twice' as cosily, Just try.1t � . . I . . � . . and itidge. . . " 'I I's it trado�'. cried I he .111lijor, . . . Hat Escouie, ­ . Couldn't Tell, I . " . . . , I I I I . I . . I . � , "N ex t -morlillig thth major 0;1111le Ror 1-forrititid ,%lother - Nfliude, I 11I.Inc4 yotir povkot ever been ple � ked?" I Order "it next tirne - : shotild like to . I . . arokitiol to my Igirn lill'sillilps, ,1,, , - - - I . ,%�,t` , know why you allowed "I"I'ally, I don't know. -It nover.was . � � . since I wlis it chlitl ,tial ,lull IlItlyltill thlit presuttiptusiu4 fellow to Riss you, b0filre I got Mil"I'led. It It hats been -from all ,usual doalers in boverag . es or I I I I . � with it rittile.0 sityaq ho. 'I listro wtilltod '1'11k� '0311911ter - 1-1-1 'thought, 8111(1i� 1. of vourse. would hare no wayL. � . . . . I I I . , . it horse wills a (It.1aIehabl(* tafl-11 tall II)i)tll()rl ho 611e %�as looking. I of fluding out about It.10-chledgal, Itec. . direct froM John. Labatt, of London, Canada. 1. I . I � - ­ . - , . flint a 111an (�011ld tako.off wid use :,,.4 . . ., I � I—— . I . Ord-fleraid. .. . �. 1 15 1 . . . . . . chill whiskers lit a til.-IsIlw(l ball''J Just . . ileal Alifoin?. . I � . 1. I I . . I . . I called ((I- pay yoll ikootiler N) (,Iqltst, $44) t�filvger-Whnt is yon,- hlp�,, of rou. oo-,--- . � .The lnspirat�lion. Ask For' * � 10" that wholl I lileet yi,M) liffor this 'Vow, lift-liall) gov Pei) 111011 1'.,. li�ok,ker - I"I'l-st 1111111so Is 11 lyptty .0sod 000M. You I . . I Cgh't Aa,v I took odvaritage (;r yon it, provide till aillo ;11)41 Own vreats� all Intist have, haid some strinig Inspirit. I . 1.`!17. 0 � . . I I � our trade yogterday.l . � I I offive to nil It -'New Tork Stitt, I tioll.11 ' . . � 11 01 - .� I I I *'Oil. I'llere *tire roill spot -s it, tlioqp I --'--- 1*1 tind. , The editor promised we I I I.. . . � days.11-Wolt Mnsoll In chicogo .Xpwso, Sgie doistsfid. $ ft" -Lou Isr file courier -journal. � . . . I . . I I I I � �__ - 'I'vory htg 1111111olmire llkoig to fell . -1 . . � I I how,fle got li:l..A 064i thousiand dollart . . - I � Wbot) the saipst 1.9 gillouth we have %" 1114- I)Pnrt of a loving woman to 8: . ... . I I . . I . Many good sall4s. "Ve": ' lie's 04111111Y lit, $life ground ,golden sanetosary whe'to Often thoore � I I � I 1 . I . . there.11-111tIshur U I bolit. �4 . . telgiss till Idol of cl.-ly.�Ljoidtale. . � . I � . I I I . I I I I I 01 e. -10101A01 I * I 1, Ir . 11 ... I . .. . . I . .1 - � . 11, � :;�.11-l-'.100�oe-..,,.""el.-#Ioollf-olrl-��oe,o-*O,-*I000lol.-'I � ��� I I I � - Ile sure nad take a bottle of Cliam- DYS(Intery is a dang(irous diseascobut la(rlain's Colle, Cholera.and Mardi. can Ile ctired. Chainberlain's C()JIc, Wit Remed"y with you when starting (*holcra alld lAtIrrh0elt RMIledy has (".n your I rip, this S1,111111ler. It call. lit ell suceps"flilly used Ill flitle epidera- not be oblainp(l oil board the trailis I('.'; (if dYsillit,11F. It has never been ill. slrallll'r�l. Changes of u-sitt'r arLd UY'Owlt ill fOil, It 1.14 i1quallyvaill- 01111ale off(.?I (.1111se sudden attacks of able tot, ebildrol and sithilts, and when (11-arl bova, ,'till it tF, best to be pro- rid('a`1JL(J. irith Wat(,I. al,rad s%y(,(.I(,.tI(,(l, it , I'll � I cd. "'Old fly all droll I's Is Wellsant to take. Sold by 'all . dvalvi-N, I I 111-111-- . . Col, (;0YdW), CA11 ill'ItIlling III(,- Qua- V111111191vood pal -Nes have purchas.4 I I,fq,� dVtriul, will ritire, thl, st,alcwr Bothnia. . . Your Opportunity to) Visit ThV ( allodinti Natit7nal I%'%J)Ih1I.h)lI, _,J,or(;ltto.- . I * 11vil'i'll Tivlocts lit &:1191V fat'v w 1 1 1 I.v issliett vast cranot ,rrunk 11,iiilili-aloy i'vs(vul from kill statioll"i 'in calladst V,(-811 (I Cornwall and Otlawa, gootl �vyiyihw Augmt 1_17tb it) Svpl. li;�th Ill- -11, sh I, V44(im Illilit .4(�Jjt. 130, t� I I I - . I'll. "14pe-fal low I*atls will 'Ittill bt, ill '-f-i-vt lim (vitain days. 101111 parlivulats uIA 0 -lit I." fl-ol'.) ,Illy . . Orwid Trunk Agenti. � ) �. - Sampling It, � � "What tire they giving away here?" , . over . 0 "Oomp along, Jack. Its it- delio6o. stliti011 of face I)Owder. of no iliterest 'to U-4 Inen." I "Ott, I don't know. Let's ask for it t4iste", . . - Horse Samil as man. "()it(- of�inati's best friends: ig 04i horse." - - 2ols'" 1"""a""led ille 1"all with tile rwotrtwk hallit. "flut di -I Vull over 114)(ice what it terrible facta'ify ymar best friellds linve (It disafil:alliting yt*,� - in lilt Itinit-room-0" . . I I .1 ol<_,�_--14_ N