HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-25, Page 1Irh. Clinton News -Record
No. I643-3Ist Year
25 cents will pay a subscription to The News -Record to any address in Canada to end of 1910.
Wheat MOO to $1.03.
Oats $'7e to 40e.
Peas 60e to 65e.
Barley 40e to 45e.
Butter lee to ?Sc.
Eggs ICC to'. 1.7c0
Live Hogs MO.
hour Watch gate
Can be suited here. It will surprise you to
see how cheap we can sell you a really good
watch. We carry the old reliable Waltham,
Elgin, Illinois, Sith Thomas, etc. Also our
Own Special Movement in different grades.
A binding guarantee goes with each watch.
A good American watch for meu from
$4.50 up.
jews,,,10. Yielkar
Capital $5,000,000. Reserve $5,928,000. Assets $75 f000t000
13o Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
Special attention given to the requirements alp:inners.
Interest allowed on deposits of one dollar and upwards.
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Rest Fund $3,500,000
Has 73 Branches in Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities
in the world.
Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate.
Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager
CLOTHINC The Moi rish Clothing Co CLOTHING
We have added to our Sweater Department a
line of Ladies' Coat Sweaters, in several different.
weaves and styles. Prices from $2.25 to $4 75
In Men's Sweaters we will show tbis season the -
largest range ever shown in Clinton. We show all
styles, but the Coat Sweater appears to be the great
favorite. Prices from $1.00 to $5.00
7Ae Jenard 7612.--
Bogs and Girls
Every boy and girl
wants i. Sweater.
The fall season is the
time for sweaters.
Our Sweaters make
the boys and girls
happy and healthy, be-
cause they can play
out of doors in all sorts
of weather. with no
danger of taking cold.
Prices from 50c t6$1.50
We never oveilook
the boys when provid-
ing outfittings for any
season of the year.
Huron's Largest Clothiers
"A Square Deal for Every Man"
• 31r. Joe ,Rattenbury, who is a White
Wyandotte fancier, the other day dis-
posed of one of his birds to Mr. Joe
R'yder t a. figure which demonstrat-
ed the paying qualities of that breed.
Mr. Ryder could shortly afterwards
have sold the bird ,at an advance on
the purchase price but he is himself
ambitious to be known as a breeder of
high class stork,
Rev. IrvingMeKelvie of Trow-
bridge has been filling the pulpit for
the past two Sundays during the ab-
sence of the- pastor and his eermems
have been much appreciated. •
Rev. T. W. Cosens will occupy his
own pulpit .next Sunday.
On Monday evening the League
meeting was in charge of the mission-
ary committee when Miss Della Tay-
lor gave a full report of -the Mis-
sionary Summer School recently held
at St. Thomas and at which she was
a delegate. The president, Miss Min-
nie Ker, occupied the chair and Miss
Tillie Akam rendered a solo,
31r. J. B. Hoover took .a rink to.
the Wingham bowling tournament last
week which did what had never been
accomplished, before, won the Trophy
for the second consecutive year. The
rink was composed of John Watt, •
John Wiseman, Jamb Taylor and the.
genial skip, ;Ur. Hoover himself. The
prizes were handsome Morris • chairs.
G W. Barge skipped a rink
consisting of A. J.- Grigg, :Peru.
'reeves, W. J. Harland and Mr. Barge
which won three. games in good style
but wee not successful in either the
Aesoeia.tion or. Fife Trophy. If -there
is such a .thing es luck, it is enly too
true that good luck does not always
attend good bowlers.
The stretchof macadam road, Which
was completed a few days ago, from
the postofficc to the Grand Trunk
station, cost. 4800, all told.
From Fair's Mill up Albert street
to :the corporation limits •will cost,
it is estimated, about the. • same,
This piece Will be twenty feetwide
instead of twenty-two as is the.etreet
to -the .station upon which the traffic
ie men' heavier. • •
'Upon • the longer stretch from the
Royal Bank. corner out Huron street
to the limits' the exPenditere wilL
probably run en ;eo 12200. Itwill bie
impossible .• to build this section:this
fall; .btit• the committee have .mene
busy doing the preparatory .draining
wineb will of itself be.' beneficial:: . -
The committee- will also make nee,-;
essary theugh., teinperary improve-,
mente on Al -bent street from the
Royal Bank to Fair's Mill, They pur-
.pese having this streteh' . spiked up,
graded soniewhat and .then thorough-
ly rolled with, the -big. steam roller;
which alone will. he much appreciated
and soften ; a little the criticisni . to
which our main street has been sub-
ject,ed.. • 1. •• •
'• Chairman Ileasoin is Certainly de-
voting much time and -energy to the
work of street improvenient• and is
deserving of the :thanks of the citi-
• 6
Huron -has been the scene of many
a happy, family reunion ; There.eeenes
to be. something in the quality of the
• air. of the :old county, . or in the ear-
ly trebling of hep sons.and daughters
-Whet, however far they may wander,
callsthere back at Intervale to •mingle
,once more with the hoeneseayers
within: her hospitable borders. Clin,!
ton hay had a goodly share of these
reunions • but 'seldom has a happier or
more enjoyable gathering of the kind
taken place than -t-hat which occurred,
at the home of. Mr. and Mre, John
Holmes of the Huron Rbad. the lat-
•ter end of last. week, when all but
t two of the brothers and 'esters: of
Mr. Holiiies• spent a few days under
his hospitable roof. Among' • the
guests were : Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seale
of Granby ; Mr. and Mes. W. Seale
of North 'Vancouver, 13,C. ; Mr. and
:ells. S. T. Holmes of Seaforth and
their three daughters, Miss S. 13.
Holmes of Boston, and Misses Edna
and Eva Holmes of Seaforth ; Mr.
and Mrs. ' R. S. Holmes of London.
and their two sons, Dr. L.
Seale Moline§ of London and
Dr. and Mrs. It. E. Holmes of
Acton and Miss Muriel Holmes of
Princeton, N.J. The absent mem-
bers of the family were Mrs. W. C.
Crouson of Melfort, Sask., and
Mr. Geo. G. Holmes of Oregon.
During the few days, which passed
all too quickly, while the members of
the family were together, many a
reminiscence of former years was re -
Called anCeenany an incident related
of the childhood days of the brothers
and sisters who now met, some of
them, for the first time in thirty
years. Old friends were visited and,
AS might be expected, many a (tango
was noted. Altogether the occasion
was one neer to be forgotten by,
those who were privileged to be pres-
On the lath the Montreal Witness
celebrated it 50th anniversary aa a
daily. newspaper, having ,beenc founded
on August 13th, 1860. The weekly
Ors t saw the light of day in Decem-
ber 1845. ' The Witness Is a good,
clean newspaper that .strivesfor high
ideals. and is worthy of a p?ace in
any home. •
Front the Montreal Star we learn
that 'Mr. Artnue Egg, who is a
nephew of • Mr. John lialmes of the
Huron Road, who • will be remem-
bered by many readers, 'and who left
.Montreal for London, Eng., 'some
months ago with the Strathcona muse
'cal scholarship, has been presented
by Sir (ieo.. Martin with a diploma
conferring npon him 1110 A.R.C.O.
(Associate of the Royal • College ot
Organists.) This clever. young Cana-
dian musician was one of the thirtp,
nine successfut ones out of two hun-
dred and ten candidates who entered
for the examinations.
Mr, 'George Hoare called upon The
News -Record •on Monday and outlined
his ideas regarding a celebration oh
Coronation Day, some time in June
next. It seems a long .While ahead,
but bfr. Hoare's plans are comprehen-
eiee and will require a, toe of detail
work. He is keenly interested from a
patriotic point of view and being en-
thusiastic and having as well the
means and willingnees .to back the
prOject in a practical manner, there
is no reason why it slimed not be
carried out successfully.
C. I, STAFF. . •
• The staff of the C. L for the year
1910-1911 has been completed by the
appointment of . Miss neell. V.. Fisher
as commercial specialist. Miss Fieb-•
er, who served the Board ae teacher
of coMmereielsubjeets, during the past
year, resigned in June with a view of
continuing her art Studiohut, owing
to theediffictilty of 'securing a quali-
fied commercial, teacher, she hasecop-
stetted to: return for the corning year.
• Mr. J. W. rreleavee, BA.; will be
prineipai and have charge of the de-
partment of elassicS and history; Miss.
E. R. Dolma:go WA. will be in charge
of the Mathematical department,
while Miss 1. J. Macdougall,
will teach 'English and Moderns.
. •Mr. Neil. McEacheril, a priee-
men .of Toronto t'niversity and a
;specialist in -science, has..been. ape
pointed science master and will have:
Lharge of the department of • eatuoal.
science. and geography.
A special meeting. of the Lawn
Bowling' Club. was held on Teesday.
evening tO arrange For the entertain-
ment of the Howlers, wlio..are
coming on • Sepeereber, 1211i. ..Feiet
einkeof the Britons are expected and
as this is .the only .town in western
Ontario in which they play, • tpecial.
efforts ale• being. put forth to •make it
an occasion to be remembered. : X
glance over the names of the. gentle-
men forming the convenors of the
different committees appointed • to
complete and tarry out errangements
is; proof that .the affair will lack • no
essential to eueeces: • The chairman
of tbe committees are as follows
• 11f,ocerpt..
ion .Committee;• .Johne Rant-
• . cd
Decoration Committee, A, J. : Mor-
rishEntel•tainment conunit„tee, James
Fair, .
Committee for • the Selection of
Players, J. 15. IlOover. •
The annual -tournament ' Will he held
on Labor Day, ceminencing at. 9
'o'clock a.
-made public . during the past '. Week,
Douglas II. Stewart, youngest son,
of. Rev. Dr,. and :Mrs. Stewart of
town, carried off a lion's share • of
the honors„ Ile won a double
eeholership ; the Priqee of Wales and
first Edward Blake scholars -hips for
General Proficiency. • In addition • to
this he ranked for the following
special scholarships : First Mary
Muloch scholarship in Classics ; first
Edward Blake eeholarehip in Classics
and Mithematies; third Edward Blake
scholarship in Classics and Moderns ;
second Edward. Blake scholarship in
Moderns and Mathematics, and first
Edward Blake scholarship in Moderns
and Science.
This is not the first time that this
clever young studenthas won • dis-
tinction for himself and brought hon-
or to his school, • as he has been all
along most successful. Last year in
the Faulty of Education CkaTiliza.
'lions he was •one of three students' in
the province who, baying taken both
pants, passed in both taking honors in
Douglas carries his himors lightly
and is extremely modest in regard to
them, but such a school record re-
flects credit epoa his mental abilit-
ies, and no less upon his application.
It also reflects credit upon the school'.
which turns out such students and
the citizens of Clinton have reason
to bo proud of the record of the E.T.
Douglas' many friends, both old and
young in Clinton, join heartily in
congratulating him and, will watch
with keen and kindly interest his
tarter at the University.
In the Departmental examinations
in connection with the Toronto Uni-
versity, results of which have. been
Good morning ! How does your
sub to The News-Recordstand ?
Mr. and Mrs. Erne Lawson have
taken up their -abode in 'the cottage
on Raglan street owned by Mr.
The Pastime•Club gave an enjoyable
little dance in the pavilion at Bay-
field last night. ThePhalen orehes-
tra furnished the music. •
G. W. Barge (St Co. have in addition'
to their regular business taken over
the agency of • the House- of /Jobber -
lin, by arrangement with Irwin's. •
Rev. Mr. Forward- will occupy the •
pulpit of the Baptistchurch morn- •
ing and evening on Sunday and will
also take. the afternoon service .at
Auburn. •
Charlie Wong, the laundry man,
who bought out Charlie Wong Sing,
has an advt. "on page five asking for
a continuance of the patronage of the
old customers. He is said to do ev-
en better work than his predecessor.
Rev, W. E, Treleaven of Lueknow,
brother •of Principal Treleaven ' of
town, has occupied the pulpit very
acceptably the past two Sundays' in
the absence of the pastor. • On . Sun-
day last he preached two practical
sermons to • appreciative, congrega-
The League meeting on Monday ev-
ening was a•iniesionary one lead by
Miss R. IrWin, The principal* feature
of the meeting was the reports of the
delegates who attended the summer
school recently held at St. :Thomas.
Miss M. Davis • gave. her report, con-
fining herself prineipaily to,a descrip-
tion of the. conduct arid object of the
school, and her talk proved very in-
teresting. :'.Then, as the hour to
whichthe meetings are hefng limited
during the. *heated :term, was almost.
gone it was deemed best -to postpone
Miss Cantelon's report which will be
given .at a later date. Mr. Ed.. , Jen-
kins, a former member of the League,
will address tlie Meetieg ilext, Mon-
day evening. „.
*Rev. J. Greene will conduct both
serviees on Sunday:n-00.. .
NOT EN0.1,01-I TO 00 ROUND..
Aft. p..Cantelort returned. on 'Friday
last rioip, a prospecting trip through
the lower part of the province. He
drove up. and ,down.the sidelines for
several days, nosed into innumerable
orehardS and .• came home convinced.
that the apple crop thereabout' is not
much better than in Huron, where it
maybe put down .fts.a• tatal•
fail -
tire. Mr. Cantelon says. there may
be one barrel of saleable stock doivn
there where 'there . evere fifteen last
r''1,31!81.°.ni;latitelon infer m ed The News -
Record: that as the result Of his trip
he•is mor(,.. than ever convinced that
proper peu,ning end:snraying are a
necessity, if our growers hope to keep,
a place. in the export. market.
He says that clown in wine of those•
counties . orchards Inive been rented
fee terms of •• years and theparties
into whose possessioli they. thus • pass
ne -Sooner get control than they 'set
about putting the orchard int') shape.
They eultivate • theground, prune care-
fully and • opray libral1ywitli the
most gratifying results.
.`.there will he nothing doing in the
export line s. this fall," concluded Mr%
Canteron, "indeed .1. doubt if there
will- be. enough for the..loeal 'demand.
In ordinary years this .failing off
would be felt, bet the crop -generally
has been so good that: the absence of
theapple money will Scarcely. be.
Miss Margaret Evans is lhe guest of
Miss. FIva Brawn, Queen street
. -
Mrs', 11. Dowson of Varna is visiting
her daughters,. Mrs. -R. Grahaniend
Mrs. P. L. Couch of town.
Mr.• Leon de Pendry of G. W. ;Barge
& Co'e star bas returned to 'town
after. a few days visit with relativ-
es in: Goderich. •
Miss Addle Ilayson and her nephew,
Arthur Ball, spent the past week
evith. ,.her nother, Mrs, John Ray -
son of town. hiss Rayson has re-
turned to Toronto.
Mr. E. J. Howard, who left Clinton
on the 2nd 'inst., reached El Reno, -
Oklahoma, on: Saturday. last The
distance is 1200 miles and Mr. How-
-ard made the whole distance by
Miss Margaret Davis had , a charm-
ing thimble tea for a few girl friends
on Wednesday afternoon last week.
Miss Jessie Wiseman gave a girl's
tea on Tuesday afternoon. .
Miss Taylor, Kirk street, had an af-
ternoon tea on Tuesday for a number
of her. lady friends.
Mr. John Stephenson entertained
a number of her lady friends to tea
on Tuesday eveniug.
Mrs. W. Jackson gave a pleasant
tea yeeterday for a, few lady frienda.
The Misses Doan are entertaning
some ladies to tea this afternoon.
Airs. M. D. MeTaggart gave a
ladies' tea On Monday afternoon,
Mrs. Jas. Livermore entertained a
few lady friends to tea on Tuesday
evening in honor of Miss Bessie Slo-
man, trained nurse of New York, who
is spending a vacation in town.
About People You Know.
Mr. II. E. Rorke spent Sunday at
• Burk's. with his family.
Miss. S. Mahaffy of Ilellyar's store is
enjoying a .couple of t.(.4ni holidays.
Mr. and Mrt. W. Perkins, Winnipeg,
Man., are guests of he latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Stewart of Elginfield is visiting
in town the guest of Dr. and Mrs,
Mr. Jas. Young of Pine River and
Mrs. Young have been visiting' re-
latives in town. . •
Mrs. Palmer of Brantford and Miss
Ore of Cleveland, Ohio, are guest•
of the Misses Doan.
Miss. Tilly Tebbitt has returned - to
Woodstock after spending a pleas-
ant hatlay at her home.
Miss . ,Anna Douglas of •Tei,r York
State is the guest of • the Misses
Ford at Wesley. parsonage.
Miss Bertha McRae, w1v iS now hav-
ing her holidays, ZS spencht.g this
week. With Goderich • fruncis.
?Messrs. E. M. McLean, Harry Hues -
ton and • Fred. Jackson spent • Sun-
day at the camp at Burk's. -
Ali izabytth Chidley haS returnrs1
f rem a Wet stay with her sister,
Mrs. J. A. Coestintiee in Zurich.
pr. Robertson and eti e. • Robertson,
Stratford, were guests cf. Air and
Miss Mabelle Twitchat spent Sunday
at Goderich. •
Miss Jessie Buebannan of Iiensa.11 was
in.town on Saturday.
Niro. George Hummel' visited Sea -
forth friends on Saturday.
Mr. W. Brydone is itt Atlantic City,
New Jersey, for a few days.
Mr. Hare . of Cobourg has been a sia-
itor in town. during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bremer. of Detroit have
taken rooms in Mrs.. Whitehead's,
Mrs. Willis, Mrs.. J. Greig and
Miss Wilson of Seaforth were in
town on Tuesday.
Mrs. D. Crawford and two children
are visiting friends in Dublin .and.
Beechwood this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. gray and two;
little sons -of Bridgebury; are guests. -
at Mr. Wm. -Graham's.
Miss Susie Haley returned. on Tees, -
day from a few days visit in Port
Stanley and St. Thomas.
Mrs. W•: Marshall and two daughters,
• of Montreal were guests of - Mo. •
W. H. Counter on Tuesday. -
Dr. R. A. Thompson, principal of the
C. I. Jianailton, is the guest of his
brother, Dr. Thompson of town.
Mrs. P. M. Kellar of Detroit, Mich.,. •
is the guest Of her aunt, Mrs. Row -
Mrs, W. .Jackson • Monday eed e • • land Jenkins, Cl ode rich township,
:day. .: • • „ •- Miss Ella Morgan of Devil's Lake, •
Mr, • Israel Taylor,: London', formerly. -North Dakota, formerly of. Bayfield, • •
of Clinton, is attending the lefetho- is the guest, of •Mrs. D. Dickenson. •
dist Geeeral Conference at Victoria Miss .Floreece - Ross and Miss Jeanne
ace -Hawkine, Goderich, have been guests
. .
Mimes) Helm and 'Mary Crawford • are
. visiting with their grandmothee,
Mrs. ..Stisan. 'Crawford of Londese
Miss Lulu Mulholland is back to her
of Mr. and Mrs, John EnimOscie.
the past Week. • • . " .
Miss Stevens and Miss ,Lucy Stevens
.and their - neiee, 111 tleel:s Lena.
• Stevens, visited oe .1 thee eel. ead
. old place. in Cooper t'res. etore • is Kincardine fiiende.. • _ . • • •
after a plea,sane holiday of 'several Mr. Roble Stewart of Toronto,- who
• basbeen visiting • his -parents' • • et
the manse, for a week •past, return -
Stephenson spent last 'week the - ed to. thecity on .Monday. - •
guests of Mr. and .Airs. :Wes. &atom' Mr. M. G. Ransford was a week, enct
of Harlock.
Mr. Frank. E. .Walker ofthe staff of
"...the Winnipeg Free. Press ia spending
a couple of weeks vacation at • his
Miss Kate Webster and Miss Doreen
guest at the Albion Hotel, Bayfield,.
and attended the dance given: by the
campers Saturday .evening,
Miss Gladys • Manning, daughter , of
florae here. • • • .Mr and .Mrs. Wilbur Manning or
Airs. -D M Ross and see Stewart, :London, is' a,. Visitor at the. home
who have been. in Denvet, Col., for . of her grandthother, Mrs.' Taylor or
the pastmonth, are. • expected Kirk street,. . ' • •
home this week. . Mrs. Alfred Harkness 'of Alberta and
Misses Kate and Willa Ford have I C- her two children Robt. and Dorothy
and her sister, Mrs. Wes. Beacom
'of 1-Iarlock called on Miss . Kate
Webster on Tuesday. , . • .
Miss Kate Manning of Whitby is vie-
iting in town the guest'61 Miss
Kate• Scott, Miss Manning's many
Clinton frierideare glad to have the
oppertnnity of again seeing her..
Mr. Will. Johnston and sister, 'Mb*.
Marie, have returned to their home
in Toronto . after a pleasant race -
Mrs, Robi. Shepherd and two sons, . tion intown the gueets. oe. their . •
(lien and Jack, returned to London -.couSiit, MrS. Jas.. Brown, .and other
relatives, ' • • •
Me. 1 MeLaUghlin, formeelyeer Cline
.• ton,' has disposed of nieetonsorial • •
business at Saskatoon, Sas' where
he has 'been for. theee• or rode years,
and, with his better half is taking:a: •
• month's trip to the coat.. •
Mr. T. Jackson leaves theend• of the
• week on his semi-annual trip. , to,
. the. Coast • in. the, interests of the
Jackson Mfg. Co., While Mr. C. C.
Rance leaveathis week •alsolo push
trade in the Eastern provinces for •
the same Elem. . ' •
and Mrs. Rpbt. Marshall of Goder. Mr. Geo'. Riee and.. family left towel
this week for:Toronto where Mr.
Rice has taken a...position with .the,
Otto Vigil Co. Mr. Rice and his
family were good:citizens' and pope
ular with a large circle of: eriCtids•
who regret their departure..
Dr. and Mrs. Baird of. Montreal, who
had been guests .for. a week of the •
.fermer's aunt, MrsMcLennan, left
on Monday for Montreal. • :They .
had intended making a Jon.ger stay'
only that. the doctor feared lie was
threatened •with fever and thought!
he had better make for home. •
Mr. Wm. 0 reliant received a wire ora
Monday informing him of the death' • •
othishrather-in-law, M. John Wan -
loss. of Toronto. Mr..Graham left
Tuesday for Toronto to attend
...funeral: The late Mr. Wanless ' was
father of one of the Presbyterian.
missionaries, Rev, Dr. • Wanless, . ot:
the hospital staff at Mii'aj, Indora,
India. • Dr, Watiless has been ' home.
during his father's
Mrs. J. W. Treleaven and Air. .C.
Hawke were in Woodstock on Tues-;
day inspecting the new organ .for
Ont. St. church .which was set up.
in the factory. They have reported
to the committee that it appeans
• to be very satiefactoey. The organ
yell be shipped this .week. and ex-
perts. will be sent at once to take
• down the old and instal ,the new
which is expected to be nsed for
the first time in divine service Hue
second Sunday in September, • a'
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Plummer at -
rived yesterday from the State ot
Missouri and ate guests oftheir
uncle, Mr. 8. G. Plummer. This is
Mrs. Plummer's first Visit to Can-
ada and she has been greatly fen-,
pressed by the prosperous appear,'
anee of such as she has Peen or it,.
the county of iluron in partieutar.
Mr. Plummer was' born near Bramp—
ton but the family moved to 'Clin—
ton when he was a very mita bey'
and it is forty-three 'years. since lice
left, all but three years of whiett
he has lived in Missouri. Natural -
?y he has noted a great many chan-
ges in the old town and was at a
loss for a time to even locate the
school be attended.
turned • from Toronto whore they
.have been attending art (taw( s fcr
tlie pait few weeke.
Miss Eva Burnett has returned to
town alton e few *days holiday in
the township and town which alike
• hear the /lame of •Goderieh, .
Mrs. W. J. Marshall eeeomptediel tey
her little deughtee,was the
• guest • the past ieeeic ,,r pr -Ast(T,
IVIES. 'W. T: Smith Seacorth.
Tuesday after a plinsant. • three
weeks via with Clinttia friend's. -
Master Fred. Thompson; who has:
been spending a pare of .bis vaca-
• tion yisiting his grafidparents in St,
Mary's, retuened, home yesterday. ,
Miss pearl Muirhead, wlee 1:as been:
spending a couple of wee.s . in :town
.the guest of Miss Edna Cooper, Tee
turned to her home at Den on Mon
day,- .
Master Ernest Liveemore returned on
Saturday. iron • aevisit of Several'
weeke"wi•th •his : grandparents, MC;
icli .tewaship. -,• • "
Master Robt. :i.gnew has returned.
home after a two months' vaeeeion
in St. .Mary's and Kirkton.• Ile was
• accompanied by his aunt, Miss Stew-
art of St. Mary's. ' •
Miss Lizzie Brown of 'Amberley,
whose guest her cousin; Miss Violet
Barge, was' reccitly, is now return-
ing the visit and is expeeted, to., re-
- •main a couple of weeks. : •
Mr, Geo. Cook returned to l'oronto
yesterdaY after a three weeks' bon -
slay spent at the parental home in
town and in touring Huron and
Brueelncompany with J. i, Can,
telon. • ' •
Miss 5. Williamson returned • to De-
troit yesterday after a week's vis-
it with her sisters, Mts. -Jas. Tue.
ker' and Miss Williamson, town,
.and at the homestead itt Goderieh •
township. •
Mrs, M. Hovey and Master Billie
returned home last week atter spen-
ding several weeks with relatives in
Markdale, Mr,Hovey went over for
a few days and returned With thein.
Miss liessie Irwin, who has -hem (4: -
gaged itt Deaconness work in Mon-
treal for the past •couple oi years,
is expected home today and will
,spend a month's. holidays wiih her
parents, Mit and Mrs. J. • A. Ir -
Mr. and Mrs. Prank O'Neil and Miss
Bessie returned on Monday from a
visit to Ottawa and Andrewsville.
The latter place was named after
the Andrews family, now of Clin-
ton of which the senior member is
our worthy police magistrate. The
O'Neils and the Andrews grew up
side by side, as it were, and they
have pleasant and enduring recollec-
tions of the old hamlet. Mr. O'Neil
says the black bass fishing along
the Iltideau is just as good as it
used to be and would be the delight
of, such noted local nimrods as
DaVo Kennedy, Jint Steep and some
others whose names might be men-
tionod. He says he landed . more
titan one s..ven-pounder on his
reeent visit which is at least -ounces
better than our loetti enthusiasts
have. yet laid Claim to.