HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-11, Page 8rMONUMENTS • Our Specialties Stock Guaranteed not to Fade Workmanship of the Best Prices Reasonable Prompt Delivery 1111.1111111111111111111.0111111111111111111/1001111101.111:110.1,. maisameeepesee LT()I Opposite Post Office ' Clinton Clinton8 elliewiiimiempleiesepamegeweel New PORTLAND CEMENT • The undersigned has just received a ear of fresh "National" Portland Cement and will sell the same 4 a fair living profit. The undersigned has also the agency for the Independant Companies and will fill orders for a car load from any of the said companies for a small margin of profit. , S. J. ANDREWS, CLINTON CLEilitelicCvsSALE For the past three weeks we have had good success in clearing up odd lines, but there's more to go yet in Men's, Women's ' and Children's Oxford's, Pumps and . Slippers which will be closed out at wholesale prices for CASH, . Black and Colored Oxfords, Patent. Leather, Kid and Gun Metal Calf Pumps and: Slippers. Repairing Neatly Done .:and . Promptly Attended to We are still busy clearing out the balance of our summer stock, FRED. JACKSON w.cs.ilka. 60•4.0'4 ta•arfilk a abbe. 'berlem41boolli, Wer . q► 4 sa4 1 . • About 25 I,adies White Lawn Waists, made of titre quality lawn and trimmed with tucks and lace or embroidery insertion, 'good • . oalne at 65c, to clear Friday and Saturday . • .39 V • Men's Odd Pants at 79c • A Only a few dozen of these Odd Pants $1.00 and $1,25, choice of 6 this lot Friday and Saturday .79 Q Children's Patent Oxfords 85c 5 #. These Oxfords are made of good quality patent and will give good satisfaction, sizes 11 to 2. reg price $1.35,. Friday and Sat .1315 0 0 A d SAVE NONEY By spending it here Friday and Saturday -= Big Price Reductions in a.11 Depts. A Big Waist Special Special prices on Women's and Children's Oxfords. Corsets 49c and 69c Be sure and get a pair of our 00c and 40c Corsets. They are hummers. 40 Men's and Boys' Clothing at Lowest Prices si SMALL PROFITS AND MORE BUSINESS. ; a PLUMSTEE.LIBROS..V• O•di•meee.m"6t.m'40,0'be ift.xe41.Alb1.DRi 8.4K,P eD epi. bA :m•+d.mb.m. NN••N•N• N NN N N N N .NN+Nr J. B Hoover Nelson Ball The - !toughest Kind Of Moving may scratch our furniture, but can hardly injure it otherwise. For it is built to stand hard service as well as to took attractive. Our Summer Furniture is no exception. Light as i i there `s r i s e i a str" An th.nho p tit it that is surprising. Our poi eh chairs, rockers, Etc., will tand the weathee, no matter what it may be. The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. Hoover Balt 1 1 1 >E: t,'Zt .OWT.7` cE :k9. •TI".) ZIP,3200'110Z0 **446•41••••••••••••••••••••144.11••••••••••44.1144144.0 We have over 100 Subscribers for the Stan- dard Designer, the woman's: practical fashion magazine We per copy. August number nOw on sale. The patterns it illustrates: are equally popular, they are seam -allowing, reliable and cheap --103 and 150. .. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest -- Always. the Best i ttGutl tl•,jj{!11UHUnuuiulUxn111Ulhy o!!:.111.1.111111..141-111.1111.0 a OM 0.0 Mr. Otto rink spent Sunday in Day - Miss M. Carling of Toronto is the guest of the Misses Lavis, Miss Jean Chidgey is the guest of Miss Jean McTaggart at Bayfield, Mrs. J. Bedford' of Goderich has been t11e guest of Mrs. Wallace Wheatley, the past week, ' Mr. Wm. Dempsey, Blyth, was the guest of his neice, Mrs. John Wat- kins, on Thursday last. Mrs. 0. Johnson, who has been visit- ing her son., Harold, in Toronto, re- turned home last week, Mrs. McTaggart of Blyth has been the guest of her mother., Mrs. Thompson of Albert street. Mr. Eddie Sheppard returned :to Tor•. onto on Saturday alter a fort- night's ortnight's visit at his home in town. Mr. Geo. Cook of Toronto is spend- ing a .three weeks' holiday with his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur .Cook, Miss Ida FIolmes, who has been visit- ing with Goderieb. township friends for a • month • past, is in Seaforth this week, . Mrs. Jas, •Mahaffy has been spending• a couple of weeks with her • daugh- ter, Mrs2Wm.. augh-ter,.Mrs:'Nm.. Sparks of the I3rown- son Line, Stanley. Miss Louise I•Taley was in town this week having come up from St. Thomas to attend the marriage of .• her sister on Tuesday. Mrs. Southcombe" and: the Misses .Southcombe have .•taken • a cottage tali Iron Springs .for 4 few. weekS and. went out on Monday. Miss Mary Chant goes down to' Tor- onto on Friday, •after• a pleasant holiday at. home, to begin work, fox the fall millinery openings, Mrs. 1'. M. Holmes and children are expected• home the latter part of 'this week or next from a visit . of some length in .Peck,. Mich, • Mrs: Doupe, who has been thee, guest of her.,parents,' Mr. and Mrs A. McKown, • for fortnight past, re- turned to Toronto on Monday, Miss Sinipson of Wingham was in town this week Having `come down'. to attend t'he funeral of the late' Miss. Foxton, 'wltieli took place • on. Monday. • • • Mrs. .Roy Hillier and little son,who have been visiting friends.: in Clin- ton and vicinity for the past few weeks, returned to Kempville on. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. •Wm. Graham visited Bayfield and Goderieh friends • a couple of " days last week. They were accernpaniecl by their 'guest, ..Master Torrance Fliggins,•of Throe-. to. • Messrs. McClure, R. •Rumball, •I, Rattenbury ' and D. I3olloway went out to Bayfield :to attend a dance Oven by the cottagers on Saturday evening, and remained oven until Sunday evening, Mr. . 1-1. Goodwin .and daughter, :Miss Winnifred, left this •week on a trip to the west. Amongst other places s Chop will visit McTaggart, Sask„ . where Mr, Goodwin's sons; Victor :and Douglas, are located.'• Mr. A: W: Beacom' came down from Harioek on Tuesday and on his re-, turn . home was accompanied by his daughter, little Miss Laura, who had been having a very pleasant visitit w h heran gr dfather, Mr. D, Beacom, and her .:. aunty Miss Web- ster. . • Mr. and Mrs. John Torranee return- ed a few days ago from an extended trip through the west, visiting re- latives . at Fort William, Winnipeg, Moosejaw, Lethbridge and in North Dakota. They 'also spent a week at the famous Banff Park. Their trip throughout was a pleasant one and they very much enjoyed it. Misses If'elen Doherty and -Kate Scott attended the marriage. of their friend, Miss Margaret McDonald of Listowel, to Dr. Ralph Lederman of Milverton, which took pace at the home of the bride last, week. Miss Doherty played the wedding' inareh and Miss Scott, during the signing of the register, sang "Love's. Coronation, Arr. and Mrs. R. J. Cluff of -Clinton are at present p r spending p p g their holidays with Mr. and • Mrs. Joseph. l nmerson. Mr. Chuff is an enterpri}sing and prosperous mer- chant In Clinton and not only ap- pears to enjoy life immensely; but takes pleasure in seeing others pros- perous and happy, Those are the '. kind of folk that make this old world of ours worth living in and leaves it better than they found it. -;South Line correspondence in Kin- cardine Review, --4011111.44 d• elleionalaseeraleiniattema Record Two ,iwzits Sr/ 4.4 SIO August :lith," t91 A1._ _., .... SATURDAY BARGAINS $t and $1,25 Men's Shirts 79c , Clearing out the balance of our Men's Negligee Shirts at cost and less as follows $1.00 and 1.25 Shirts for 79c 75c Shirts for 590 Boys 50e Shirts for 39c Linen Collars 5c 25 dozen men's pure Linen Collars, ,assorted heights and sizes, reg 150 and 20c, choice 5c 25c Silk Ties 15c • 10 dozen Men's and boys Silk Ties in four-in- hand bows and tucks, reg 25o for 15c $1 Umbrellas for 79c • Men's Umbrellas, -natural wood handles, good sa- teen tops, reg $1, sala price 790 Bogs Snits Clearing out the balance of our Boys Clothing as follows : $3,00 Boys Suits for $2,15 3.25 " 2.50 4.50 r( 3.50 5,00 `° 4.00 5.75 IC 3;0500 6.50 5 50 Overalls 50c Men's Moleskin Overalls, two dozen. pairs only, all sizes, reg 75c, sale price 50c . 25c Men's Soxl9c 1VIen's fancy colored Cotton Sox, all sizes, reg 25c Sox for 19c, 50c Sox for 39c 30c Men's Braces39c Men's Fancy . Webb Braces, leather ends, across back, reg 50c, sale pl ice 39c Men's Straw Hats' - Men's Straw Hatsin all the newest shapes at the following deep cuts`to clear' out $2.50 Hats for $1.50, 2.00 ' : 1.25 150 " - 1.10 1.25 .90 1.00 .75•. sip Suilis for $8' • Men's. Ready-made Suits and worsteds and tweeds in all sizes : Regular $10.00 Suits for $8.00 12.00 " . 9.75 14.00 " 11.00 15.1)0 `( 12.00 50c and 75c Silks 25c 20 Ends Fancy Silks in checks, stripes and plain, in lengths of 2 to 4i yards. Just the odds and ends of our silk department, regular 50c and 75c value, Sat- urday 25c 25c' and 50c Wash Belts 10c About two dozen Ladies white Wash Belts, assort- ed, buckles, some are slightly soiled. The odds of our belt department, clearing them out Saturday at 10c 25c Childrens Hats 15c Childrens Sailor Straw Hats with: fancy bands, good duality straw, reg 25c, to clear Saturday at 50c Childrens Hats 39c Childrens Sailor Straw Hats with fancy silk. bands, three styles, all sizes, regular 50c;, Saturday 39c - • MILLINERY" , Only 15 trimmed ' Hats left, regular values from $4 up to $7.• Saturday - wegive you your choice at $1 STAPLE BARGAINS 12i -c Fancy - Ginghams . 9c 15 " .11 12: : Towels 10 10 " 8 12t Factory Cotton 10 10 . 8 Flannelette Remnants 8 White Cotton . " 8 Apron Gingham. ' " 8: • 1 About . People You Know. Miss, F..Hine meat down to Toronto on Monday: • _ • .t Messrs. Fred. Jackson and E. M. Mc- 'Lean Sundayed at I3urk's. . Mr. .J. Cuninghame has been some- • *that indisposed but is recovering. Miss, Claire Lindsay o&,'1 oionto is spending 'a holiday at her home in town: Miss Grace Shepherd returns to her school duties at Lambeth on Sat- urday. ' • Miss Muirhead of Don •Alas been visit- ing Miss Olive Cooper during • • the past week. Miss Kate Scott has been • the guest of Miss -Marion Coatsoof Goderich. during thepast ast week. Mr. And.. Stringlram, • Woodstock; vis- ited Mr. Wallace Wheatley and oth- er friends last week: Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson,. Jr., return- ed on Monday after a very pleasant trip 'to the Old Land., Mr. IL B. Combe left this week on a business trip • of several weeks to the Mariti:rne Provinces. • Miss Margaret Steep has returned from a holiday ,.visit with friends in Detroit and other places. . Misses Jessie and Nellie Watkins have returned . horne after a two weeks visit with Londesboro 'friends. Miss Olive Brooks of Mitchell is ;vis- Wag this week with her grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Win, Cantelon. Miss Olive Cooper leaves on Saturday to resume her duties in connection with the Don school, which opens on Monday. Miss Mary France has returned to Detroit after a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. C. Brown, and her mother, Mrs. Prance, Me. R. Moody and Miss Olive h'loody of Toronto visited from Saturday until Monday ab the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1), Cantelon. Mr. R. 13. Chant was somewhat. un- der the Weather er las t week e but we are pleased to see that he is now able to be around again. Mr. And Mrs. W. 11, Bezzo•'of San Franseisco, Val., are spending a few days with • friends in town. Mr. lezzo is a buyer for the Hall Syn- dieateStoresCalifornia' in C and sto - p ped on here on his way back from a periodical trip to the eastern mark- ' ets, principally that he might be present at an annual family gather. lag at the parental horne Mrs. Kidd of Mitchel. visited at Mrs. . Jas. Mahaffy's on Monday.. Bliss' Gertrude Brang of Detroit is the . guest .of Miss Marjorie Lappine. Miss Edith_ Gaffney, Stratford, is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Gaffney. • 'Rev. -J. A. Hanlon, P.P., gent to Ottawa on Tuesday afternoon to at- ten( ' a 'come ion. Miss May Rance is in Ottawa for a couple . of weeks' visit with her aunt, Mrs`. ".J. J.. Alien: Miss Jean Scott is 'the guest: of Miss- •• 'Hazel- O'Neil at their summer. cot- tage, Bayfield, this week, . Dr. McBride, who has biem a visitor Mr. summer. cottage, D C.hiff s to e . Bayfield, left for Hamilton on Aloe - day. Mr. Leppard, principal of Walkerton Public school, and his,wife and two children are guests this week of. the Misses Rudd. Mr. and Mrs. John Howson, who have been in town for several weeks the guests, of the formers. mother, left?. on Monday for their home in Melo- icine Hat, Alta. Mr: Sparling and family of Winghant. were dinner ,guests of Mr. and Mrs-. J. Cuninghaine on Saturday last; They were . driving through front 'Wingham to Seaforfh. Mr. W. Fulton. city passenger and ticket agent, C.P.R,, London, was in town, Tuesday on business, in eon- nection with the harvesters' excur- sions. Mr. Fulton says that . whereas the west called for 25,000 men last season 12,000 will be ample this year. Mr. John Tolmie, M. P. West 1t.ri'ee, Mayor Malcolm, Kincardine, Col- lector Davis and ex -Conductor John Quirk of Wingham were in town yes- terday afternoon. 'Phe genial John Quirk has many old friends it's Chin - ton and those who had the pleasure Of meeting him na1l remarked upon his youthful appearance. Time . is certainly dealing kindly with hint, The following left tin Tuesday for the west, being ticketed through by Mr. W. Jackson a son : Mr. and Mrs. Join'' Rowson, Medieinc Ilat, Alta. ; Miss Fair, tr v Helen P a . 5 attrronr aMrs. Alta. ;Dir.•. Jones, Medicine flat ; Mr. A. Good- win. and Miss Goodwin; Moasejaw, Bask., and Miss Mary Cooper, Misr, Smith and Miss ,dice Thompson to Douglas, Man. !. Miss Watters of London, \vho spent a few - days at .the home cif Mr., r1.. H. Cole, .returned home ' Monday. • Miss L": Mains of London t; some}s ing her holidays at her horne here. • Mrs," Rogerson of . London ts sisit- fog old acquaintances in this ti'unity . prior' to leaving for Toronto: ' Mr. J.. Miller received and delivered three ears of coal this vi irk. ' Miss L. Mountain is spending P few days with Mitchell . and .; Vim ton friends. , , Rev. Mr. Edgar of Brantforh oc- cupied the pulpits of Burns and n nox church on • Sunday last. Rev.. Mr. Piercy will return from Tc ionto where he has ben spi:nling his 1(li- days and . vii1 oc,u py these . two pulpits 'next undatiul will . ai;o 'Mr. J. Potter of 13iv th sl.r}Ted a ear. of oats: this Weld:, also Mr. But; ton a ear. of wheat. Mr. and Airs. ' R. 13ru'is:Ion of hart-. t. - no A whor Man., y> n , have been Iii$1i ., , relatives and •friends in this vicinity' leave. for Duluth next week. 11r. Jolin Brunsdon will accompany data. The News From. Londesboro preach in. • the evening in: the Metho- dist' etlio dist' chuteh. here... • Rev, Mr. , Osterh'.nit intends leaving:.: for short: holiday.. Mr. Alvin Braithwaite of Detroit is. spending. a week with his parents. Phillips spent a kw days. in: Petrolea and Brigden this week; . .Mrs. Scott and Wilmer left . •Wed - •nesday morning for London where.' they will spend a few days: .Cnysier of 'Delhi is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. 0. Lounsbery. Mrs. D. I±'loody of Blyth "is *visiting her parents, Mr.. • and Mrs, George. Drogden, • . Rev, J. II Outerhout' left Wednes- day for 10'days holidays during which. he will." make an auto tour through. certain districts and visit at Gordo' and Wroxeter. • Mr. 1), Boyd of Chicago is • visiting at the home of Mr. R. Adams;', Din. Geo.: Webber has engaged with Mr. Lux . hillB f o Blyth to help Y with the carpenter work, Mr. lI . Brn 1i.err, t 1 as engaged with Mr. T. Cole. • Constance Concerns. Mrs.. R. Clarke •and Miss E, Clarke returned from their trip to Sault Ste. Marie and Muskoka on Saturday, Miss Jennie Love is ,spending a week with her parents at Walton. l Mrs. R. B. Stephenson and son are visiting 'her parents, A r, and Mrs, Thos. Andrews at Corrie. Master Cecil 1 --Bili of Belgrave is visiting his cousin, Master Wi?iord Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. W. McGavin of Lead - bury spent Sunday as the: guests • of Mr. r r. and Dir., Chas. .MeC• McGregor. Miss Lottie Tibble is visiting her aunt, Mrs, T. McMichael, Hullett Happenings. Mr. McGinnis of Stratford carate up the beginning of the week and was ac- companied hone by Mrs. McGinnis, who had made a somewhat more ex - 'tended stay with relatives and friends in the township. - Miss Mary Lennart of Oklahoma, Who is a .'t present visiting in Seafor th Sundayed c this in y vieimftl•. Quite a number of Indians aro busy pulling flax in the neighborhood. Tuchers#mith Township. Carter Digs. II. Carter vinit(d with Mrs. W. Young in Goderich last week. Master Sheldon Townsend arrived from Saskatchewan last week and will remain with relatives here until the return of Mrs. Townsend. Brucelield. Dr. A A'k r enitcad of 1ie'itsall paid a professional visit to our village last week, Mr, A. J. Murdoch returned to 1)e- troit on Monday. •