HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-11, Page 6ThOLEXtrevexance of To -day. CRUDE' ASTRONOMY. The extravagance of the present per- puesian Perloatntgr Hove Qrloor tsi.oa. of rod is e'vide,llein'g itself mainly in two sun, Maori and t+taer !,1 $om directions,• -•in the purchase of ,automo- we, have 1t oil Ito less uulnurlty 111411 Th bi!�s and increase in Craved by sLlip ,hitt of C.Wtsrr that the Dioludr taught ways and rail. The number of Americans their dLw iplt>s _ugutiy _ttttug4 ubu s the too h b who have gene to k uropc this year, forur. tr11d dimeuslunB. tit tire earth rind. the Springfield Republican informs us, tilt- lle:tveus Bud' It body of QtJt•trines rucr to l break the record, and they are inclu- ou the Illotous of the stars. (.veil f rt-liit sive of all s'ar1:s and conditions of •lenih 11,1(,!1' was to therm an astroutim, . a min, One of the tactors in this vol. It al fart 'They held that .front this �'t„ lne unle of travel is the organized scheme tiro tie pass to take up aur (abode lu.. .11"Ilt • of an old Home week for Ireland, ,lie+ of the heavtoul;, bodies. That they ,I(•h:I ' • ` which has apps -41M. strongly to her ortuty heli; it), (IIF better is trlauift>st nit o 1 sons and daughters throughout this 11`0011 the ftt(•t that" they had, no ot,- ;,rl-pr R country. leetiun to lending [volley to be re ,:rid • :i c 23 TH r Y 1 1 ,i It would naturally be supposed, is to the ottler worlti. They looked upon n'rpr( view of this exceptional turning. • to the 11`:tarttt;l* cit ilft> fu, aua(rh till, saline ;,r+,v1`• Europe, that the travel in file United (I'ny Ix. at- 1`r•ltly( it Joil hey ltcross the T}Ip States would show -tilt, effect of such >tta11tJt, ittan. Heiry Rochette, the French promot- a drain, This does not appear. to be r11ere lot tit) doul)t that even now in Taus} nriuns parts e)f Iurop(+ .[lie stews cif b} calf bar, was found guilty of swindling and the fact. By way of the Portland Or- } r. ;,, > sentenced to two ears in prison. e ► t ls0wry as to the ltcatenly bull. der•og; Y P vgonian comes the state'mctlt by the cin, and i,elestal )hatroIuL l,u hair# Itl'crd Two men were shot. at Little Roek, pas9;mger agents Of fire railroads h,tl:gi•tl but little fron, tho.p, of their :ressi there that never before in the history, •t+ ..,. Ark. both retell in a (tvllt growing [ 1`11( sxol'x of it thousrind yearn ago. ;:r. t, 3 1`a g g of the Northwest, has there been % itttxsian rontributild to the billietiai aritho out of gl$feud of twenty years' stand- such heavy travel frons the .East. Last •C the Astrunoulir•ni Soi•lnty of Pgnu,-e 11n11,v ing. year the exposition art Seattle brought 133; ;riven the rivM)ts of his ob.i,rva- ;v nos BID influx of visitors beyond precedent, Ions till illi. polut esiend Ing. over ten ;)n, h', The second reading of rile bili am- blit the records' of this year's travel . '4•,11•s Tire• nstronondcal lore of the tra ending the King's accession dec•lara show it to be far lit excess of last tiisrt:tu prns.ultry of thio north. emirer The Lion passed the House of Commons• year, at this time, Much the same Ind roulh !s Itn,tted ill n knowipdbe ,endri The Detroit authorities are anxious story comes from the Mississippi and -it the•exkalol c o of the run and inoun, ill, ills to find a Mrs. Brewer of TorontO, the Rocky mountain region. )r Throe cotutte,Inljons, cit' the J111ky 'rot rail way, of .one.piacet, of poIllets, shoot• whose brother, Breez Dana, was. kill- - ,t g storm and inerpors. 'rile .9111, is to in,'• t ed ip Qetrait.. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ,it Il .Mysterious and-bent>tit•eut being.show Y'!te aloud coveted tvltb ivo and I!1e pi Il'E31'ARD, :non• id ever tri tltgfit from Its brother, r"send The mmnufacturers• of SALVIA, file sou Upon Its. cdtrk, may he seen- %�Iiho1 rho nt'w American Hair Grainer, of- MITI'lstaIca biy wrtrnyed the murder or ,!,:role fir one hundred dollars' reward to dbei. illi (.Bin, the !rifler being done any one who can prove that SAI.- to dearti bc• a pitebrork. [;hili, are • VIA oontiains any injurious in recti- the igr'ar-rays, and wool article the g r•hild of nt:tn .vt ho shalt steep unpro- The C crit• SALVIA at once stops the trriprl, flier,>frumt i''rran the harp i . LONDON, ONTARIO itching of the scalp ; will positivel • Y oP the i'reseelzt 1011ch useful lnfiirint-. i'bux nos grow grow hair or inaney back, Is guar tills ,ix to the fattiteuttrinl; wc•ath(�r alt 3Ye7 i. t-7 d llRltt anti ed to kill the Dandruff germ. tnclv•be tierlved by the :earned lit sne�lr !111'itt'. SUBJECTS Ladles of taste prefer ,SALVIA to thhlg.9 any other hair dressing, as it. is I'trp r`nr.9 are lntnpit or � r•rtndle.9 prnvith . esident and Mail Courses non -•stocky, daintily perfumed hot wblclx a1`( lit „1`,(1 extin tishpd da11r Catalogues Floe tonic and dressing, ' by tl>n I terr►al. . %booting star Is ilii' c:1, J. W Westervelt, 1.1`:J, Westervelt, Jr„ C.A., Hair is made 1watitifully soft and tip W;'l work. SALVIA has an enormous the soul none ,vitro hay just ur nilcl Pr:nc�pa'. Vice-Fru+clpo„ awY1y. Cemet.9 al•P heralds of t{illi ali(i xped:'r sale. ' We. know of no other hair fstnlinr>, Xo liu,sian slvFr forgets tti:tt of pap witdrnh n; and grower that, fs sold Ill- Nanolea./11c war followed the great- ''Qt ;g'; tl with a guarant(e. pI (It of iR11.-11'es,tn,instt•r tlazNite, a rvepl: SAL.N'IA contains Henna and Sago. Ite:►te(1 s t Restorts "dead hair to' life. Short, , ' Wlli+r harsh, brittla. hair fs made Iong, MAi !BRAN S CAPTIVITY. i;pt�p t sift• and sparkling with life, which - give Il ONLY I,INE REACHING ALL TILL adds beauty to the appearance of A Romantic .in.cident In the Career' of little e t U111IER R1"SORTS, every' lady. 11'. 11, McConnell will re- the Great.Singer, ttrtYkE,, fund you your mangy if it fails Thl" folltiwing lncldeut . Is told of l r•ett A large bottle, for 50c.' 'Tile Scor MI'llo. MaMirai,,. .whurt'avulce •once the 1,„i (]lurmiug lluc'•tioka bell Drug co., St, Catharines C upon a tittle excited the nlost -unri) Beautiful Lake of Ilays. t aria- pit. rel rnante to tinily, evilditt Gt c.rl ian Bay. tike wt-, .texture IT) her (11re.9sing morn For t lentagami• lit tilt, theater atter nlngin;r ih int- their st Algonquin Park. I A rancher, his wife and son were part of Desdemonn,' tier . passionate., stint-: Magaw,tawan Rivtr. murdered near Santa Rosa, and their soul still. ilulvN'in: ivitli tot-; ellir,,tioli nlp;iti t French Itiver. bodies cremated, .. it the purl and iiia tear, and ul)plau.to :uutke•t. ~Coney Lake. of her, Iisrenors .:1 p,,rsau (>nteirtl lige .an Faw'artha Lakes. The apple inxlustry 'of t;)•ntatlo Is on' nud begged. her to go 1`o hot* ulothpr: i�ltp in' take• Couc•hiching, Etc. tilt- drill}nth, gays Professor ('row .1`;f %0u) hot] .0towl tilhon lit. A citrria• e, in :► ca• Guelph, not her myon, i�at4 at the door . titer ,I'ereiit Round Trip 'Tourist Ticictts on sale vas. «•.hirlcd till: tile. xtrpetx au(1 as a pf] at low P.Ata. Canada will No represented by : a Itod, murk tt) her surprise a,,nd : fpur It pool cabinet lll,inictc•i at Chi' operin - -of ioto.a sfninge house pini to u1`, exrpl troul)le the first Pap!ian)(nt• of C'rlitod South fpnt boudoir,,, hung. and c arpeted with t(ie 11.111 'SAILINGS Oh PASSENUER Africa in tiot'emher.next. rose colored silk. things, STI'.AIILRS. Here The Otnlutirul songstress *as .. chan;;e. I?arl anti Countess (;rcy and [)arty_ left :Nuru> after being ossure,i by tier From Sarnia to the Soo, Port' Ar- ! It Ottawa by. <;peuaf. train for Par '.(t .ten(Irlur. rhut heir n,ntl►t'r was welk thur and I)a!lltll every Monday, Wed- toy Sound. '1 hey Sail froin therh tt) Ihut7he otessare was.;r.ohteiPli;eun4t A .p9n nesday and. Sutl,rday at 3.30 P. In" Part William. . That her captivity tyould, hisr oittil' tike. firth, w, athv W,•dnisday and Saturday steam- ( sr,nn FOtn(+rltlll;,r, tutle a ers going, through to Duluth. Sail- Louis Richard, probably Insane, was , ()1i a' low Split :tat :t lire such as tnent in inns from, Collingwood . 1.30 P. it., arrc&tcd near Agro}waki for barricad- 'bill which Thrilled in lialtl)ran iln least r, and owr•n Sound 1 L45 p. m. Wedtles- log tilt' - C.P.R. line with planks, spik- I gerq as ,he x:►n; ,I)psrlwnoila`s i Ir- liter ih days and Saturday's for the 'Soo and is and.a ladder. In s ' g• the . ort "t. orgia.n Hay ports. Sailings frog,) At first sdie di -term led to resist. hot sical..In lidlanal 1. 0 p. tri., I'enetang 3.15 p. after a short rtiJ),e her ulil,il rpt riate(! had :nut to the etctiin . now aln)4ist ,lucuii no bCit. n. to Parry Sound and way ports O'h1.F.' A AIASX s•lously •: sbe took . up tilt. ' 111strtlnti'I)t :► ri piit daily ,slept Sunday. acid sang the •'Itornnnce lie. tis.nlle" .:1 hapless For full 0ifornlation and particulars Many are not beitig,beneftfed b '-the. sbe couellided sittnrd oY en.titnsiii.ti. .tilurlti .:.,)ply to Y ,John s• uxuner vacations as they should be. 1 =111ilause :Ind tren)I,ling it(.o,tlt. of .do- nuly •ts) Hansford, Town Agent.' . Now, potwiths�taniling mucb',ou.tdoor light r:i,ne fol her 1111ough <tlip .sIli; ttie inst A. O. l atti:)on• Depot Agent. f• l angtugs, : life, they are little if any stronger a and rile carts thou rondnc lc•rt lidy sc. than. they were. ' Tile tail on, thedr by liveried st>l Ir lune it) hot t•.itri I'*t les ' faces Is darker and makes them. Iook and to her hatne right , d healtlifer, but .. it 4s only a. mask. ``1'he next maluinr..xhp round oil ling 1 ;it its : They ate still rieirvous,: sasily tired,: table :i a isket ,r oiltaiuiu� ll,, nnli ntil t!l Out rpn r). �t t . Jr of earrings, , r n ou Inside. ii-- NEWSAEURH l•tlie TNt, ups, t by trlfles,'enc} 'they do- not catr iL nor sleep well. i,,11at they need• is (-over, h r:ttr a it glia: n:onaly, Hca. till, Word •':llcrei." But , .the v+i•ent .rt-,• ` what tones the nerves; porfcets.diges miined a�Inysteti to hili forever, GLUBRING LIST tion, creates appetite, and fnakcs- sletlp ' refr(sbing, and that is Hood's .,. raa�r- Retort Filial. saparilla. Pupils and teachers •gen- u a warm irgufueut rine of tbp roan f 0� 1910-11 orally will flnd the chief purpose . of testants had a �po(ir cruse. but lie do - the vacation best subgserved by . this fended hls position vigoroil.ly, great medicine' which, 'as we know, 'Oh. yes," the tithea' aIle (.111111e,1, . .'�'luch good read ing "builds up the whole Sys tem." , I "you. hare your. defense, but ou'vr• for little 1,t iney. lost. Losers alway4 have their, dil. fense Lincoln used to ilhzs(ra'te• that Senator Thomas (*ore of Gk[ahoma with a'story about his boy 'End, - 11'tiri:l.trsv alleges that lie and others'were off-eiLAL "Lincottt atld'Tad were lunching one v• }t+ 1 I At 11 b 'b da'v In the Rohit- r -t". ,01riton News Relcorct Anusi xith, 1910 'BA67S MUSIC. r (• u1` It's I11port,uit 1t• e, tenty`of CHIME CUNNING, An exploring party reports great Be sure and take, a bottle of Clialn• ^^'^" Advice .as to How It Should Be - --• An 1lal,.cial's. Subtle Scheme For .Sat:rir•. finds. of asplialt and salt an the .Peace River district. berlain s Folic, Cholel+a and Ilfaxrh• Inte,rpretod. ing His Priaonxi•s, pro(tire hlyd tonic lit a ilial oi� iteineC with yoe whenan starting.. Interpretation of Bach must at- 0110 :of the funnitsst rlturloa about Joules Haggerty .died at vha'tbam ou your trip this summter, It t'an� be noble• broad and sorra, rather ( iChlnutolra Is trot really Uftinel)e, It as a result of the excessive use Df ; not be obtained on board the trains and .(11,111 'too soft. exptuina 1•`er- ( lvas told by tt Prittili cowlul at oue of liquor. or steamers, Changes .of water and I I3usont, 111t> grerlt planlst. in file the really ports, kl(• rirrested nine dc. I tin cent L'I,ft,ele, izlteudlnq to lural 4131cs Johnson was arr•tigned at climate often cause sudden attack:? of diarrhoea, and it Is, best to be putor +lffepted Methods, Such as urifnl" xw'elllll; of the phrases. thea[ over to the tender toor,cte:i of ill- Chatham. on a charge of murdering pre- 'paired. .Sold by all dealers. ttisb 11ur1`ying u1` hesttnthi.e, inti nrarlvenllg;,I;taakenesttuoru#r:;, litr•tu, while he tiax•o thea) lnto the• castc.dy Jacob Enos, verbhrl rainy 41ay.. The stilrcb of sl-l""'tu t()') sr110oth legato, lle(lul hl+ty nil thr�te uta+ riot„ux :ruin of a CUI!lese polliminlau, telling, biul to ! Jock:, tile up, ibdugh there woo no .ail kion. I)1`, Pugsley inspected tike Government• drydock at Kingston yes f + Thirty lives have been lost in lake f I,luce !tete. if used with ,t I at tae consulate, Ilut the Nollcoman today. commerce So far this season. r senate of ,/rupurtion ,1 certain !rues (guak to the eM rgeixcy. fie sol, . !:plant The cold -storage and warehousing •tiy of tilt, lempo; giving tilt- itr- emnly saluted. saying, `I obey.”, acrd attirch food, left as a. legacy to .the of the Winnipeg Fish Company ration greater frpedotll. will ilu- thio pl 11 l:,1`; (if Hal•h materially. tuarebed his then off. Soon he return,. ! Dysentery is a dangerous disease, but at ;Selkirk, Man., was destroyed b Y be urndecuirtttiou .oC Itach's potupo- ed anti announced than they were Barely caged. can cured. Chamberlains colic, fire. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has 1 { by such Masters. .1.4 l,txzt and I .'Phe consul was curious to see bow been successfuliy used in nine a idem Inspector Dew has given it as his lopinion g rind nutny others is avpepted and where. Ile followed h. 1"•, . ! e is poi»e is f P that !Miss Len v> s o dysc ntery. It has never been ' e ( knew npth- (.tp:Ir tirlul:lu; mnsichtus as not inan. to the yard-. There he saw the +' of t• known to fail. It is equally,vale-'Ing lie murder of Dr. C ripp,en s Till" to tilt' rnnxlOr`x styli-. It s 1•athp1` a runt )tpteu(+sx of p i x nine prisoner.9 dancing round the con- + , :,ulate flug4tal , lugubriously chaut.ng akle for children ww. en and adults, and when t . reduced with water and sweetened 'like 011. 11'igtexs' the Calot that (cuff "Clatcunne" the Chinese equivalent of "ring around i of Lords has passed the i is. pleasant to take,'all Sold by all on rcbestt•alt'd 0301's a rosy," Whenever tate dance showed do accession declaration hill altering the dealer&.- J 111 Illaking tt seem ridiculous. stga l of "gigging tho policeman st•ft •cd form of the King's oath. ottrers have followed with h01ot- there rip with a long pole. They seem, I"ATA.RRIJ C.AI'vltiOT 13131 CURED nits lkarl's ex:l11lph+ of arrangin; imisiv for tit(- iiiu(lern op,l)4-1 eel at 111-A sight to be holding each other's hands, but. looking closer, the _ The apple -was alwva• s . a lea temptation -.-- g #i grist• with vrittch Itatdr's tulisk consul ogeh saw that they were handcuffed togetht;r, • green apples have their little viCtims Pett 1 Itself to til},; ndalitat}on is proof roiulrti.he+nsive spnlus, fIt> tivas "Weil." said the consul, "If they are ebalned In a yin;; around the"tiagstair � Th safest and surest remedy VyE ki70W Of 1rj Ills tlly but for all Blue- they van certainly nqt• get away. But I 1 ►'n ••111,011do" and "Flight- \o. why do you rata, them dance?". f .and ►tor too lift -lilt, .••Ali," on;txi'eved. the Chinese police - the tnim* sided hranehiog of plan, with litilaite cunning,, "so that N 1 'exs•at day plallo teelxitie; The they cannot .uflinb up the pole and get 111111:4 Catarrh Cure Is take:i inter- gory gory tradition of phlylu Hileh ,t the Ilse of the clamper pedal Ili �- awavl" The consul broke out into a loud British Jtiugb rind tried to explain to Wild Strawberry Com . ouud CANARY .BIRD'S. the C:h.inainan that the nine prisoners could certainly not all climb up the . Its direct antiseptic action 'on the bowels over.. are .That Should .Be. Bestowed Upon" These Songsters: Pole l alt once, bill the Cbtnannau had and h > d to It. So .the dance comes the 'sgxeeu apple oison"--sooth pp p es to ,eltu are eht,rule<1. t,} tile rtn;: went ou.-Harpor's Weekly ; irriated parts unci checks, d sentery gently.. the t•:utut;)' trIl1 ti11c1 Itt the Chi h �' - ^ - - It contains no harmful o :ares and being p ei g It contains directions mut-h tbat will- hi- Municipal Family. we can heartily recommend it. the happiness' of tilt- songster,'Che •d the hints etre headed: village of-'1'odre»sur-Velludre, ill . the. cage x1) that no draft of 'uutbinn France, iii a happy village -it does not l:nuw of political troubles, for all -its Anything you will give yam r ari.l(e. !ht- d,h•d, give Illy !girds but tape wid vanary tr,utllcfplll eouilcillors are relatives. 'yllo village has 1,176 inhabitants arid. b>u y entilO. with the name spier; eilttlpHsb built- au(l i; raw t,a3 c.}(,akors. �.lxe mayor, M. Uodin,' ,.VAI• satisfaotton. e1` or sand bu the tioor' or tl,e is the wielo of the schoolmaster, as o hempseed; tI bath, three tinges 'i'he room %hould not lit. over. well ua the uncle of tl:#) sdhoolmis- tress' husbaud, which si;rrie husband Sold and guaranteed by 2286 -never ribose 7t) d(:greex, i ntnnitiug faheddini; t'eathta•.9, is also u municipal count+il}or; the de- putyatrayur, Dq. Guerin, i; first cousin W. S. R Holmes W. A i�'1CCQ111 I > e i, �. HOVej> t• 1111 avoid all dr'artt of air of the mayor anti of the schoolmaster -CLIN-TON - - Ont Ueru►an rape seed, A and of the schoolmistregs' husband. Another xminicipal councillor is first --:. lard .0ollee.l egg ultxed with cousin of the niayor and four others ^-- twrated tine is excellent. ,_IZ rix tie per e1`. aro second and third cousin$, whilst re"'alai•ly t-1 n eerh,iu hour lit talc . remaining councillor is second 1.1,111:;: By ot►ti(•rvilig .the,[+ S1tu- cousin and uncle of one of the other ('N- bitLis' [tiny Ile kept Irl- tints, CoIIIlciltorv; 1,t for }ert[s, Bills rhalt are`rlek lir 11uve.lost iProtectin,r Powers Withdraw. pro(tire hlyd tonic lit a ilial Pari,, July 1.23. --The protecting pow. els-'Great Britain, France,. Russia Very luany 'kei•p 141,41. WhU. . ni3d Italy-lxnve deedied to •with(iraty u r~ir'r+-their. ,pets all rblugs tv . tho s000nd annrdshiti from Crete,. hell) bright and happy .)In(] at which were ,sent o Sucda Bay to in - le tdnle :ire gililt,y of gre"i trioti- ' sure rp; neer' for their deciktions. The regard ti) porches; The pl rl-hp. >: ronch arnlgred.: criliser Conde ha: „p Should be e,u•h nue of a (iir• been ordered to Proceed to France i;1,• ,:Ind the sul tllest :is hrr)ep nte(licxtelY. ' c he. are of the riubt, curt no Plant Misers, i. part 11ml :Fbuut the 11rd'Ii All leaf buds, w•t,etht•l- under. round 8 i; 1`Owln 9'too,;O Ig•, and, uta all or ou the I;are btanchr�. (if wiuter,;are plant. Ka"Iligs ;pat inside front Pile sit - keep the perches clean,=l:.t- pert7uity.of ,;unll11er against the pr()• little tnotte• (tulet?" verbhrl rainy 41ay.. The stilrcb of - Out of` Tune. ;� which welt urguulxms consist Is to the no, tuut•r, employed. 1,i• n etty r punt what Illssat•.iugs sirs+ to the lira - and Dail -v...... 1.75 News-Reford ami ('atilt- dent ltiuu, mild tbo common' potato 16 sent to x oerta:l1, +alarh to pici.uo. IIB fbilad rhe instru- onto of the gre [test ti►isers of the ve;ge- �;oo(teolidltioil and 11ot Ill the table world In. this respect, for almost of lttc>ntion. A days the whole of. the tuber is tirade up of ............ .frit/ e (irni reteit,rrd a letter frciut attirch food, left as a. legacy to .the of the 1)}.nuo, it lads• mu- young :plants represented by •the Why Lulu Was Happy. .of tention saying that tilt., Piano .•eyes:^ 'Phis is true: of all i)lants that grow fforn bulbs. to the State Department at Washing- 'Peen probet'ly tuned. i t . wits.* Some go. further:. for' tbey. run a go : than ill are.. A}'ter receix to ;, ' d t' t . ings.;bank •In the shape o(- a .taproot. .y n rum_ liq employer the . -: tvhich;.if left 'undisturbed, groes lair- = ttrutr n,ridl* anot!)pr"trIp tri•tltt> er•`ear b year, oIn—^—• ---- - and ,w iln tested c?vt�t;v' nett- g 3 . .. Y 'r t be drawn upon : seasrins.of'drougbt when other means tlutl. ns before. no: futitr :with ., of subsistence are exhausted., c> mono rume[ik. J'bls Mwe'he roll, rhe . these tire pt•im1Sv,,es, carrots, beetroot ■ ' Ex'hibiti and: turnips, and: with these three last'she. said: � •'it drie.9 set+itt allthisfurutt ' ngf vg, Casa i h. s �� �aa be•ny e dal•et-a�,t �na!OCSII•t ie w11 •o<U itI 1,y nit.o icd h • n,nn o ' lak . � on ,con as 1 begin to •sil,g it gets i 3 t n p tilt- plants a source of ]1totit to hlnisetC. ' TORONTO of tulle again." I AUGUST-Z7th• to SEPTEMBER 12th, 1.910 o�"`er y %AAAXWO y Improved G-rouitds, New Buildings, Yriternational Live Stock Show, .Exhibits by all the~Provinces, Magnificent Art Loan Exhibit 4 ~~ �� Fcinr ant a1` and a 1,t a to, construct cettattl.leg"sla- .,r - •(•. I I when -you are jaded -.your appe. Empire ................ �1.:)i)' tion in congress. bout eat your tish with cotir tite' poor. -your whole . systen'.i •]Vpws-Rpcor(datud(flube... 1.7.1 ,News -Rol vord and Fa)n}ly. Several tires 9larted from lightning., knifo., bor.' sold Lincoln st0rniy.. '1r•s not polite.' 1ipr;al(l. and Star with are reported From 'different sections, or ' 'But, father.' sold Tad. `i.9 it polite r Pro-uliurn. . .........:.. 1.75 News-Recortl and N%'itness 1.7.5 Ontario. to stake at folks when they're eat. News -Record anti. Stu,..... L.7 73 Maggie Garner of 'Toronto is sa}d. iggr News-itecord and Pree Press,.......... 1.75 to he dying at. Niagara Falls from Very true, News -Record and Adver- a dory of carbolic acid. A grandmother was teprovtng her tispr....•... . ... ....... 1.75little News-Recordland TorontoMr. A. E. L+'aulker of Brantford hast grandchildren for irsiking Sr) much noise. "near rile, childrr'n;'.rou Saturday Night ....... 2:30 secured the contract for the new are so, noisy .today!Ca'n't you to a New.-Reeorcd atilt parlllapls Collegiate Institute at Dumille 'at little tnotte• (tulet?" Advocate .............. 2.Z5 New,-lipeord and ]3'rartll $35,000, "Now. grandma, you .mustn't scold and Dail -v...... 1.75 News-Reford ami ('atilt- An insurrectionary mo'veincnt ]as us. You see,, it It wasn't for us .you wouldn't be a srandwa tit 411,11 -Liar. dian Farm 1.75 started in the Bisc'ayan provinces of per's Weekly. ' ............ Spain. i1,ku.rFs Italy has tendered a formal demand Why Lulu Was Happy. News -Record and Mail and to the State Department at Washing- Luiu was but .two and it half ,rears I.tilpirl, ......... ....... 4.25 ton . foil the extradition of Porter old When the first buckleberrles she News-Reeoi-d and (tinker... 4,2:ihad Charlton.ChltNews-Jtpcorct ever seen were placed upon the and Ne'wr ... 2,34 table in a towered dish. 'iChnu the New. -Record and Star .... 2,30 covet: was taken 'off she clapped her News-H-vord and World .. 3. 25 New. -Record and Morning hands, exclaiming delightedly, ',Oil. Free Press 3.2$ I"ATA.RRIJ C.AI'vltiOT 13131 CURED took at all the shoe buttons!"--Detiue- ............. Newx•Recor•d and l;venng with LOCAL, APPLICATIONS' as s tato(•. : "they Prep Press 2,75 canna[ reach the scat of the dis- oast- Catarrh i;t a blood or consti- . Knew Her Limitations. News -Record and Advei, tutional disease, and tin order tol cure IETe+•-Now that We rite married, pat, ..... �.ao tiSe ............... '• tt you must fake internal rerle(lles. do you love me enough to cook for the': INIONVILY 111111:4 Catarrh Cure Is take:i inter- 'She -Enough. darling? I love you eft, na,lly, and acts directly on the blood tlrely, too mucic for that. -Boston Trate. New.-Repord and Lippiii- and mucous surfaced. LIall's 'Catarrh lrcrlpt. eott's Din izine .... , .. q.2u Cure is not a neck medicine. it inns a Its proscribed b one of the bi st ]x Y p y '- ,, If what you want is riot• ill this; lint tit •1,r know about it. clans in this country for . ears and is a regular proicripi on. It is. cola• When flit, digestdoo, is rill right, the ' We can .up ly yon at lcyas tligtit posed o£ the beat tonics• dcnown, com- . biped act}O of the bowels: rc ular, Uie e. iy � I` it would cart you to send direct. with the best blood prritters. a natural craving and relish for; food, acting, directly on the mucous 5nr1E r- Ulwn this is lacking you may knots In remitting please do ,4(1 by I'o.t-ofilre Order, Postal Note, es, The perfect combination of tilt, that you need dose of Chamborladll'o Express Order 1`w • Lp stt d two' ingredients is what produces such �;tatnaoll and liver Tablpts. They Letter ant aidrrs., wonderful results in caring Latarri. strnng,�then the digestive cu'gan&, itn- lend for trstinlbtltals flee. prove the appetite and regulate the. , '6I . J. Mitchell 10" J. C'rII:Nk"y &-Co., Props„ bowels. gold by ill[ dealers. Toledo, 0 News - Record . CLINTON :bald by Dtuggist.s, price VIC. _....... ......... , _,.. Ta}te Hall's Family Pilis for coir• ,tdpatian. 'Willinin L,, hili, a millionaire law- •iter of Clrvtland, anus murdered. - 4 weary -just try a glass of T I,. o Ale.an.d Stout , Pleases ' the palate, refreshes the body,, agrees with the weakest stomach. A truly wholesome Bever- age that ,really nourishes. For: a milder drink try. Labatt's London ,Lager Equalto the finest German brews. Has the true smack of choice hops. Very light. palatable, satisfying. - Look for the lavender label. co x1,et Beer. (LAGER STYLE) . A temperance brew•• --tastes and looks like choice lager, but has less than o% of proof spirit. Quenches thirst; rafreshats,• gives appetite, Order some today. 1`r '_ . Pro ie r. STYLE) The newest nett.intoxicant rnild and dellctous, with the real flavor and quality Of good ale, Complies with local Optift requirements and [nay be openlp• sold anywhere. Order any Labatt product from your dealer, or direct from J'09M LABATT, LON009, CAIIAISA .ask 'tar BY.. PERMISSION OF. H•I'S MAJESTY BAND OF . THE GRENADIER GUARDS KiNG GEORGE'S HOUSEHOLD SAND Model MilitaryXii, . 4.00 Tattoo every night. 1 Bao MUSICIANS Everything.new in attractions, PERiF(JtiMERS W.ondetful fifeweri Siectacles. , THE NAVAL REVIEW` AT. SPITWEAD BATTLE BETWEEN DREADNOUGHT AND AIRSHIP WATCH FOR 'REDUCED RAUS AND EXCURS1014S. , For all information write Manager, J. o. ORR, "City. Hall, Toronto Is w: ,general nuisance and [causes sickness, -DUS. but it gran he avoided by .clshig -.D US BAN on sweeping day, Dustbane moreover, disinfects the room and restorer, upas to their' original -freshness. The Wolnett c4weav, by Dustbane when once they have used it. / Don't have another dusty sweeping day, but get a 35c package of Dustbane We are authotized by, the manufacturers Of ' Dustbane to send you a :35c can of their ywenping vonzpotlnd. CVs Wath you to use this on trial for one wpek.. At the end of this Period, if not I'o and satisfactory, we will resit- it hack, and there will be no charge for quantity used. It does.away with Ditst on Sweeping Oay YOU WANT 'IT, Sold in barrels, half barrels and[tart stores, solools, eburelies hospitals, cT ebagels, for builditigg. p bbanks,, and public A DrISTRIRU ORZ5, FOR CLINTON C464diati t"'actorlas •- St. John, N, 1t,, wlnntpeg, titan.