HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-11, Page 22 **P1lJRITli .,-ACCURACY- PHOTO SUPPLIES 1 # Everything an amateur i iphotographer is liable to need is to be found in I our store. Our store is , the only place in •Clinton where you can buy kod- aks, Eastman films and I • supplies. We can get the other cheap Vl tarit es but we prefer to supply yon • with the best, pays a 's us 3 and it pays you. It is our way of doing busi, Inese, we always try to have the best for you. Get interested and you are welcometo anyin- t formation you want about • amateur photography. ASK FOR CATALOG, 'WS ...•HOC ES' L............... Manf'g Chemist. -RELIABILITY - EXPERIENCE - W. H. Watts & Son. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE CLINTON Stare opens at 7.30 a. m. and closes at 8 p.m. We are practical Boot and Shoe Makers and repairers. Boots made•, to order in from I to 3 days notice and repairing done while your wait. FARMERS ATTENTION. We keep on hand Boots and Shoes of our own make which are just the thing for farm work. . W. H. Watts & Son OUR TRADE DOUBLED Our sale of Flour, Feeds, Seed Grain,. Etc., has doubled this season over last What better evidence can there be that our stock and prices are right. FORD &MoL EOD LIGHTNING RODS Lightning Rods are a sure protec- tion to your building during Elec- tric Storms. Barns prided from $15 00 up 3 arcs with a COPPER ROU through and through. A written guarantee given. Also Galvanized Rods mach cheap. • ,r. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. For particulars apply to W. H. Stogd/// VARNA MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS. BEST MATERIAL JAMES DOIG OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. 0000000000000000000000000 FALL TERM 0 FROM AUG. 29TH 0 Co • O jj CENTRAL OWIPS STRATFORD. ONT. O T r t,e la cs t and beet rcpt nr K aett- O cal training ;drool in ',Volum O Ontario. 'there is to nettor }n O the Dominion. Our entrees tart O thorough and practical, our O tea('hers eve experienced erred we O aseist graduates t' eeeitai'ns. O We have three depart Bents -- Comm' tdal Shorthand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tetegrapey O Writ- for cur free eaten) see. 0 O U. A. McLACIILAN. 0 O 1"tine:pal (e00000000000000000000'0000 The Besi Coal I 1!N. XOU WA TT1I H ..' >�l+sr COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY PROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT leAVIS & ROWLAND'S HARDWA1U STORE PROMPTLY AT - ...TENDED TO, %.. Stevenson Manufacturers in London who are employing children under fourteen years of age in their factories are being .prosecuted. A C'oroner's jury at Victoria, B.C.,. brought in a virdict accusing Gunner Allen of the murder of Captain Ellis- ton at Work Point Barracks. Edward Matthews, a Toronto lad,. twice attempted suicide in Detroit. Three boys were crushed to death by. the fall of a sand embankment in Brooklyn, In buying a cough medicine, don't be afraid to get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it, and relief is sure to follow. Espec- ially kse -ially .recommended for coughs, colds i cough. all and whooping co gh Sold. ld by a . dealers. VOTER'S LIST, 1.910 -,-,MUNICIPAL it .of the Village - f h V l of Bayfield . - Notice i g Bayfi Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sone mentioned in sections & and 9• the copies required by said. sea tions to be so transmitted or de- livered, of the list made, pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing c' by the last remised Assessment ROIs of the said Municipality at el- ections for members of the Legisla- tive Assembly and at Municipal el- ections which list was firsf posted up at my office in. Bayfield• on the 2nd day of August, 1910, and remain.i tbere for inspection. Elect- ors are called upon to examine the sand list, and if any omission or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according ' to law. -Dated thio 2nd day of August, 1910. -I -i, W. Erwin, Muni- cipal Clerk, Bayfield. 40'=3 VOTERS' LIST, 1910-MUNICIPAL- ity of the Township .of Hullett.-• Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 the copies required by said sec- tions eations. to be so transmitted or de- livered, of the list made, pursuant to said Act of a1Fpereons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of, the said Municipality- at el- ections for members 01 the Legisla- tive Assembly and - at Municipal el- ections :. which list was first posted up at my office in Londesboro on the 27th day of July, 1910, and remains there for inspection. Elect- ors are called upon to examine the said list, and ifanyomission or other errorsare found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. -Dated this 27th day of July; 1910. -James Campbell, Muni- cipal CIerlt, Londesboro, 39-3 WEST WAWXNOSH FIRE, INSUR- ance Company. -Having. been elect ed director andagent for the above Company, I will insure farm build- ings and ' Isolated town property. Willany: person wishing to insure drop acard , P meor calle' . m by phone and they will be attendedto at once. -John Cox, Porters Hill P.O. • 25-3m 4.0 Okiero'im. •.F.. W. ' CUTLER, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work done- guar- anteed to give satisfaction Prices m.oderate,.Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 [� A B S for sale Cut ` in right length for range. $r i JAS..HAMILTON Coal riercMant PHONE 52 GRAND TR NK RAILWAY SPEND YOUR VA'rCAION .. • AT THI SIASIDE The low rate excursions via the Grand Trunk Railway System to:-- Cacouna, Que., Charlottetown,P,E.I Halifax, N:S., Kennebunkport, Me., Murray Bay, Que., North Sydney, N..S., Old Orchard; Ale., Portland, Mc., St. Jobn, N,13., St. John's, Nfld., Sydney, N.S., • will enable you to do so at small Cost. TICKETS GOOD GOING AUGUST 8, 9, 10, 11. RETURN LI.i•IIT AUGUST 3Oth, 1910. SAILINGS OF PASSENGER R STEAMERS, From Sarnia to Soo, Port Arthur and Duluth every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 3.30 pea., the Wed- needay and Saturday steamers going through to I ulu t . 5"amlm rs from Oollingwood 1.30 pen., Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday's for Soo and Georgian Bay ports. Settings from Penetang a,15 pen., to Parry Sound and way ;ports daily except Sunday. Secure tickets and full information Froin :--- JOHN RANSTORI), Town Agent. A. 0. PATTISON, Depot Agent. Clinton New -Record uron County News Gathered for News -Record Readers ,August lltlt, 1910 18 Years Ado From The r e rd of w-er o � sR August .10th, 1892 Clinton, Aug. 10th, 1892. Mr. John Ransford has returned from his seaside visit. Apple -Mug, Cantelon is into the . , apple business on a more extensive scale than ever. The Misses Anderson of Wyoming and Miss -M, Dewar of Seaforth, who have been visiting Mrs. Jas. Fair, Jr., left for their respective homes on Saturday. • Misses Millie and Ettie Andrews left left on Friday for a two months' vis- it with friends • in Ottawa. Miss Etta Rutledge, the popular lady assisant in Gilroy & Wistencui s, is taking.a two weeks' holiday away, from the busy haunts of men. i Mrs. Gibson of Chicago., formerly Miss' Whitely of Goderieh township, is visiting her many friends in this section. Mr. E. Hovey met vvtith a per: alar. and painful accident the other even- ing. He was bicycling to the camp grounds a few miles distant and bad a bottle of m.edicine in his pocket. He had an• upset and in falling his weight broke the bottle and he receiv- ed several severe wounds from the broken glass. Councillor Plummer was taken sud- denly ill on Sunday night and has since been confined to the house, We trust that he may soonbe all right again. .Londesboro, Aug .10th, 1892. Mies Gertie Young of Meaford is visiting at her uncle's, Dr. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Newton of Wingharn. were here on Sunday. , They came for their daughter,. Cora; who had been visiting her schoolmates:' Brunsdon and- Son sold .three binders last week,' making twenty- three sold this season. Fall wheat is 'about all harvested and a number of farmers have thresli- • ed. • • Bayfield, Aug. 10th, 1892. Mr. 'Graham • Moorehouse of 'Coder-. ich is the guest of. Air. T. J. Moore house. . iMissDuncan left for a. trip on the lakes ' last week. • • • The Cold weather which has prevail ed. the est werk:h P as retarded ...pic- nickers fromn taking all' the advantage es of the :suannmer resort. Mr. and Mrs. Ross of Buffalo -. are the . guests of the foriner's brother, Mr. Murdock Ross. Miss Townseand is the guest ot;Mr, George Sta.nbury-. Miss' Logan of Goderich is •staying with friends here.. _ Rey, AIr: Turnbull and family • of ltfitchell will hold camp above Jow-. •ett's grove,.. • • The increase iour public_ school attendance .has been so great the last few years that .it has been .'decided to. add a story to the. school house. Mr. T. J•. Marks, has the contr,eet of sup- plying the brick. • Communion will he dispersed at Trinity church on ' •Sunday, . A col- lection will also be taken for • the ben- efit of St. Johns' fire sufferers. The c wh, . cat trop in the vicinity :oi• Bayfi'eld •is of • the best quality,, . We believe .Me. Thos. Stinson of 'tlie. Sauble Line has the largest and fen• - c.at crop. hrt, • The• folloinwtinis pag pupils were success- ful at the hent entrance. 'e amina- tions :• •, l2eta• • Stanbury and John Jowett, Junior leaving: John 'Whid- don. Dungannon, bliss Ada • Sproul of Goderich paid a visit to her home here. ' efise F ennllam, who was visiting at W.. Sprout's has returned to Toronto. Mr, and Miss Henderson elf Napa - nee are visiting at their uncle'),. Mr. Robert' I-Iendenson. • Mrs, W, Sturdy of Lucknow viseted at Ia, 0. Dui.: to. Mr. Wilson McLean and son of Winnipeg visited at John AleLean's last week. Mr. McLean rs urncd last Saturday, leaving his son to visit at his grandfather's for a few weeks.- John eeks. .John Berry and daughters, Mrs. V. D. Pierce and Miss Effie Berry • of Mexico,, N.Y., W. G. Wilson of Shortsville, N.Y., and Walter Berry of Ingersoll, are •visitor; at B. J. Crawfords, Dunlop We are glad • to see Mrs. Ilillary When out again after her long i11- neso, Arthur William has had his house done . over with a coat of cement, which will likely make it very warm next winter. Mrs. Applei and Miss Alice Cum- mings of Cbeeng are spending t their sunnier vacation at thrill mother's home in Dunlop• Mr. and Mrs. Clutton were taken be surprise one evening recentlyby the invasion of a party of young people who carne prepared to have a good time, The evening was spent in games of various kinds and .after par- taking of refreshments the party broke up at a late hour. Hensalt Miss Gertrude Thompson left last week for Toronto. Her father, A Thompson, and the rest of the family leave in a few days to reside in that • city. Mr. W. 0. McTaggart of Toronto and his two children have been visit- ing his sister, Mrs. 1i,. J. Macdon- ald. Geo. Stoneman has gone to Toronto to take the position of traveller for a wall paper house. Mrs. Ralph Drysdale and Miss Drys- dale, dale, of Dubec, Sask., accompanied by the sister ok the former, Miss McNeil, of Moosemin, Sask., are visiting at R. Drysdale's. Rev. E. MeL Smith, who for the past two weeks has been camping at the Bend with his family, returning on Sundaye t 11 hispulpit, o All has started. Y.P P , on his vacation. John• Zuefle visited Clandeboye re- cently, where he met many of his old friends. He dined with an aged farm- er who had reached the good age • of 96 years, and who, the day previous, had climbed up to the platform of a wind -mill 40 feet high, ' to, fix the wheel. • The man Routcliffe, arrested by Chief Whiteside and placed in the lock- up here, was taken to Exeter and got a preliminary hearing before the mag- istrate. Sufficient evidence was pro- duced to warrant his committal to Goderich, and as he was unable to: procure sufficient bail, he was taken there by Chief Whiteside. . Miss Lulu Hemphill has been :spend- ing a few days with the Misses Anna and Carrie Macanthur, at Alaple Grove. • Mrs. Hall and children of Pittsburg, Penn., accompanied Mrs. Janes Bun- thron home from Waterloo last week: Mrs. Kitchen, who has been visiting relatives around. Brueefield and Hens sell, since the •death of her husband, has left, for her home, Regina, Sask, The brickwork of the new .hotel is completed and the roof nearly ata; The walls are hack -plastered and the inside work will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible.. Seaforth The following from the Saturday Spectator, Regina, reefer's to two 'sons of Mr. and rs. Thos. E. Hays: "Mr. Scott Hays, who has been visiting brother,A r.a • left hesL W.T. Hays, has 1 f for his home rip Iiumbolt. During his viset in the city Mr. Hays made many friends and gave much pleasure with his fine singing. Though young in years, a high baritone voice of much power, beautiful in texture, true Iin intonation and already under excel- lent control. Duets by these talent- ed brothees were a. great pleasure to all who were fortunate enough to hear them." Mr. Barry Tyndall of Tuckersm•ith, near Seaforth, has been making some experiments in plowing with his trac- tion engine, and demonstrating very u f llp that width a good strong engine plowing can be done cheaper by steam than by any other method, provided, of course, that the fields are not too. small. At nine o'clock one morning Mr. Tyndall commenced plowing a field. of sod which is 80 rods long, containing 19, acres, and finished the work next day, having spent in all 18 1-2 hours at the work, Part of the time he used two Coekshutt two- furrow gangs, and, the balance of the time he had three two -furrow gangs turning, six furrows.,• This he con- siders is extremely ood work, and with, land in the present dee condition would not like to undertake to do the job at all with horses. Mr. Tyndall believes that this is the proper way to plow in fair .sized fields. He says it is a great advantage to get the work done so quickly and also in getting a first class job. The amount of 'coal' used was 1,515 lbs. or about 108 lbs. of ' coal per acre. The work was done by a twenty horsepower trac- tion engine, and. Mr., Tyndall- say r the engine could easily handle eight plows.. in this end, which would have completed the work in very much• less. time, Mr. James Black of Winnipeg, bro- ther of Mr, William Black of Tacker - smith, has just been promoted to the position of freightclaims agent of the Saskatchewan Division el the C. P.R., witli headquarters at Moose Jaw: 'Mr,' Black has until •this . pro- motion held the position of assistant claims agent in Winnipeg. He bas been in the employ of the C.?.R: , . for many years. The death occured in Seaforth on July 31ste of Minnie Snyder, '•wife of -the late C. M,; Dunlop, in her 75th. year. The funeral took place from her late hone, George street, with interment in. the • Maitlandbank ceme- tery, Bluth Mr; • Evans, who has bete acting as relieving.. agent at the. Bank of Hamilton in Blyth; •has , gone 'to Bcamisvilie .where he,will perform elm- ilar duties. Raymond. Elliott of Wingham vis- ited Blyth friends last 'week.. .A few weeks ago Mr. EPiiott received a leek on . the• mouth from 'a horse from which -ha suffered considerable. Miss Brown, who has. been acting as clerk,at G. AL,. Chambers' store for the past five e pears, resigned her pos • ition on Saturday of la:'t week. Miss P, Steinhoff of town • is now filling the pesition. • Monday week,• err,. R. McKay, Mrs. J. Mcalurchie, . Mrs., L. 0 (-bar'( worth and MissLena Living:itone went ' to'Grand • Bend for a hoii hay outing. Misses' Flea Stathers and • ee Tierney'were also: at chi; .sane I me - mer resort, enjoying the friendship:. of Crediton friends while they drink in the ozone, Recently Maurice Smcltrer of. Blue- vale was, calling en friende in Blyth and .surrounding country. He had been under the doctor's care for some time during the part spring and ware so• wee. eeeovered as to ho, able •toy help his friend, Wni. Clegg; with his, hay. Mr. Sinelteer fell • through a hole in the mow however hurting him- self severely. During the storm some days ` ago; as Robt. Nesbitt's family were • on the verandah of their house, a bolt of lightning. struck his drive house;. not 30 feet from the corner of their d}velling. . No more seii;ous berm was `one than splintering some article:i inside the house. The family, all re-; + ceived . a severe shock which made some of them ill for a bine• Rev, 1'. H,' Farr, rector .of Trinity church, Fordwieh,. announced on Sun-." day that the Bishop had appointed him to the. Blyth parish, where • he wilt' begin•hitr duties on chi' first Sun- day in October. It was no surprise to the .eong,egation as many of them knew of the appointment before Sun- day. • Mr. Farr has been the success- ful pastor of thie parishfor five years. The congregation are sorry to lose him but are glad to hear of his pre- ferment and wish him a ;riccessful pastorate in Blyth, Belgrave . and' Au- burn. Anevv� rector will be Secured red as soon as possible. -F ordwieb Ree-- ord. NO DISORDERED 'KIDNEYS or a Weak Bladder if You Take a Few Doses of •. FIG PILLS, All Backache and Distress from Out -of -Order Kidneys or Bladder Trouble will vanish, and you will feel fine. Laine Back, painful Stit- ches, Rheumatism, Nervous Head- ache, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Worn- out, Sick Peeling and other symp- toms of Sluggish, Inactive Kidneys and ' Liver disappear, Smarting, Frequent Urination and all Madder Troubles end. Fig 'Pills go at once to the disordered Kidneys; Blad- der and urinary System, and com- plete a cure bcfcriyou knowit. There is no other remedy, at any price, which will effect so thorough and prompt a cure as a 25 cent boar of Fig Pills, Only curative results can come from taking Fig Pills, and a few doses mean clean active, heal- thy Kidneys.Bladder and Liver - and No Backache.. For sale at all first class drug stores.. 25e. a box,, or five for , one dollar, Gee Township • :Miss Clara Deitiier, 6th, line, is honme. on a visit from Walkerton. • The hoine of Emil 13erfeltz, 9th 'cone' has been enlarged and improved: Mrs. Wm. Logan of Waterloo is vis- iting ha friends, Mrs. Alex. Stew- art. • Miss • Grace Hoover is home •• from a visit. With ',Hamilton relatives. Miss. Maggie:M. •Stewart '01 • Listo- wel -and her neice, May,- are.' visiting .friends on the 16th and lath• sons, • Athol .Grant, who was visiting •his uncle, AIr; James Huston, has•'return- ed• to his .honie.in St. Alarys. Henry and Mrs. Last have returned to their home in Galt aftee: spending a few:'day-s with tithe latter's parents, Mr.Mre and 'Mrs. Janit's Cusic. • • Mrs. Win. Moffatt and son, . kivin, are back Nen a six weeks' visit With relatives at Sault 'Ste Marie, Blind River. and other •points, • Miss Maly Duncanson, who has been waiting ort her neice, Miss Agnes, foe ' several Months has returned home again.... '-Morris Township AIr•. ,I, J. and \Ire. Watson and daughters.- of Detroit were welcome visitors at the home of William W1'11- Winson, 4th line•,. Morris, during the past week. • A band of Indians is pulling Ilex ori the farm of Mrs. Joseph Clegg, 51h line; belonging to .the Wingham • (lax mill, It is a good crop, The work will he done by hand, no small job to tackle. i'`veeet•t. Wacker ruirgned his posi- tion as teacher •i:,'Toronto and wilt assume a similar' undertaking in Cal- gary atam irtrrased salary. Morris township Voters' List for 1910 contains 768 names on the List, divided as follows: -660 in Part I ; 79 in fart 1I ; and .29 in Part III. 433 are eligible lo -serve as jurors in the earvice of King George Mr. Philip Ament has been putting Borne necessary repairs on the barn and shed at liit' farnt, Misses Ruby and Irene: Clegg, 5th line, are enjoying a halidtty visit with relatives and friends at Detroit, A SUSTAINING DIET. 'I'}nese are the enervating days, when, as somebody hassaid, men drop by the sunstroke as if the Day of Fire had dawned. They aro fraught- w:th danger to people whose systems are poorly sustained ; and this leads us to say, in the interest t o i the c ]e>ss robust of .our readers, that the full effect of 'hood's ,Sarsaparilla is such as to suggest the propriety of call- ing this medicine something besides a blood purifier and tonic -say, a sus- taining diet. It makes it much ra.'iee to bear the luat, assures refreshing steep, and will without any doubt avert much sickness at this time of year. (P. Zurich During Friday's storm the west gable end of the new Mennonite church was blown in and damaged the structure to the extent of about a huedred d allar.. a. Thebreak ' , b ea is be- ing rapidly repaired this week and the roof will be put on at once. Mr. Richard Reid, inspector of the Economical Fire Ins. 'Co., of Berlin, was i:ntown last week inspecting the Company's risks. Mr. Reid became famous a short time ago, as the op- t pone t of Eon. ,on V. L. M. King, in the bye -election in North Waterloo. The death of Mrs. Frederick De- muth removed one of the highly res` peated residents• of this town. She had been a victim of the dreaded ma- lady, cancer, for a year •or more, and for some months had been .a great though patient sufferer, and the hand of death was a relief to her. The deceased's maiden name was Cather- ine Hahl, her first hueband being the late John Schafer. Soine years af- ter his death she married the late F. Demuth who died about a year and a half ago, since which time she was living alone. She had reached the age of 64 years, 7 months and 15' days, and leaves to mourn her loss one sun, Mr. John Schafer of Park- hill arkhill ; three daughters, Air,, C. L. Shoemaker of Parkhill, •Mrs. • Henry .Brenner of Dashwood and Mrs. Doerr et near Auburn, besides two brothers and two sisters, all living near Well- esley. Thirteen strike-breakers pleaded guilty at Sarnia to a violation of the immigration laws. • ,Capt. John White Isle of the steam- er Acadia was killed by a falling der- rick at Port Arthur. The Ranked 1•Iamilton at Winnipeg was victimized to the extent of .$2,- 500 by a eheck forger. .Mary Dolan and Thomas. McNulty were cotntnieted for trial at Oriil}a on a .charge of child murder. . NOTHING BUT A 'MILLION. Nothing but an attendance of a mflii:on' wilt satisfy the managenkent of the Canadian National Exhibition this year. And with the Grenadier. Guards band, Aeroplanes, Model Mili- tary 'Camp, the greatest fireworks programme ever prepared and a hun- dred other special attractions should - get what they're: long been after. Loss of Appetite Is lose of vitality, vigor or tone, and is. oaten .a forerunner of prostrating 'dis- ease. It is serious and especially eo to People that roust keep up and doing or get behindhand. The best medicine, to take for it to the great constitutional remedy Hood's Sarsaparilla Wlrlch purifies and enriches the blood and builds up the whole system. Get It today. Sold by an druggists everywhere. 100 .Doses One Dollar. • Dates of Fall Fairs.. Bayfield, Sept. 27-28. London, September 9th to 17th. Exeter, September 19th to 20th. ' Goderich, September 19th, 20th 04421st. Seaforth, September, 22nd and 23rd. Wingham, September 29th and 30th. Blyth, October 4th and 5th. Benscsels, October 6th and 7th. Dungannon, October 6th and 7th, Teeswater, October 5th and 6th. Wingham Rev. Dr, Rutledge is having a months' holidays and he with his his family are now by the lake at Kincardine. Darky Hall, a horse owned by Mr. J. E. Swartz of town, won the two minute pacing race at Kalamazoo. Mich., the other day. Thos. Deans, the drayman, had the misfortune to have one of his ankles broken the other day while unloading a barrel of vinegar, Mr, • Hind, who has been in charge of Mr. F. H. Walley's drug store since the latter's removal from town, has purchased the business and is now in possession. Previous to their departure for Campbeilford, where they will reside in future, Mr, and . Mrs, S. A. Ma- guire was banquettedby the L.0J4. and presented with a gold watch chain and charm, and Mrs. Maguire was presented by the teachers and officers of the Methodist Sunday school with a set of silver spoons. By the. upsetting of a, vitrol wag- gon in•Philadephia ten children were burned, two fatally. iM If your liver is sluggish and out of tone, and you feed dull, constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's, Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight before re- tiring and you will fee:' all right ' in the morning. Sold by all dealers: Two children were burned to death in a fire at St. John's, Que. Counsel . for Britain in fisheries• lis pute before 'The Hague tribunial claims exclusive jurisdiction in all bays in North Atlantic. 1 1i11.1111.1M0 Uer �pecial8ari�gs For the Coming Saturday and all Next Week Regular $1.00 Screen Doors, complete for 80c 1.25 ,. 1 1.50 • •$ 20 1 2 1.75 " , 145 • 2.00 1 50 .25 ScreereW,ndows' ,20 ,311 " ;24. .. .., ;28.. .8:., A Step Ladder Bargain -A good 5 foot Step Lndder for 65c A good ti feat Stepp -Ladder for 85c. • A good 7 foot Step Ladder for 95c Mend• Your pots and Pans-VOL•PEEK GRANITE GEMENT mends holes in anything; Graniteware, tinware. aluminum, etc. Will mend a hole in• two minutes. A package thends 50' holes; ' Another coiisigninent of Quick Meal Stoves. the only complete. Gasoline Stove on the market. • • • We have a nice line of.Plumbing goods -Sinks. Baths, .C%losets, Lavatories, Hydrante, etc --and can install anything in the line ata rea- • sonable price and in a firstclass manner. • ALL WORK GUARANTEED. HARLAND BROS. Hardware, Stoves; • Furnaces and Plumbing C C 1►wotowVVs.V �V1Nveno V11verWWN/W�rV1I�wVWVAAAAA 1 Weildinb Presents. To those who purpose buying Wedding Presents and to Aug g Shoppers in general we extend ,a cordial invitation to visit our store as we believe we can suit them both for quality and price of goods, W. R. Counter Jen eIeritnd Engraver. CLINTON' Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 4%M.41AAJti AA V1All/eAIIAA/tl INVi'Ynt1A14b/SA 1/NV1+ AAAI AAP