The Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-11, Page 1e Clinton News
No. 1641--3Ist Year
25 cents will pay a subscription to The Nuys -Record to any address in Canada to end of 1910.
liar Watch l'astl
Can be suited herd. It will surprise you to
see bow cheap we can sell you a really good
watch. We carry the old reliable Waltham,.
Elgin, Illinois, Sith Thomasetc.. Also our
Own Special Movement in dif'event gradEs.
A linding guarantee goes with each watch.
A good American watch for meu from
$4.50 up.
fewe/&r -
r Canton
AN : D -
Capital $5,000,000.
Reserve $5,928,000.
13o Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
Assets $75,000,000
Special attention given to the requirements of farmers.
Interest allowed on deposits of one dollar and upwards.
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
Rev. Mr. Stewart occupied bis own.
pulpit on Sunday on both occasions.
At the morning ng se vtee Miss !a
McRae rendered a solo. In the even-
ing the solei part in the anthem was
taken by Miss B. Mclver.
Wheat $1.00 to $1.03.
Oats 37c to 40e. .
Peas 60e to 65c.
Barley 40c to 45e. -
' Butter 16e to 17e.
Eggs 16e to 17e.
Live Hogs $8.25,
Captain Harvey Lloyd from Thed-
ford will conduct the servieee at the
' S. A. hall next Saturday and Sun-
day. The captain is a musician and
,said to be very interesting. •
The usual Sunday evening service
has been changed from seven to eight
o'clock which will, of course; give the
church people an opportunity of at-
tending the army, if they so desire.
Mr. Forwnrd, wlro preached excellent
sermons both morning .and evening to
vary appreciative congregations on
Sunday last, wi?1 occupy the pulpit
again next Sunday morning and ev-
ening. Mr. Forward proved hiiu if
to be a young man of exceptional
ability as, a speaker and those who
hear:} him will be delighted to do so
again and those who did not will miss
a treat if they don't avail themselves
of this opportunity, . IVIr... Forward
would like to see every young man in
Clit.ton at the Baptist church on
Sunday evening as he intends speak
ing especially , to young men. •. Isis,
subject will .be entitled, "Young Men
and their Work in the World,".
A lady who understands advertising,.
saj s : "No lady wishes to be looked
upon as a shopping fiend ;. she does not
careto-go into a store and have a
merchant show all his stock, in order
. to find • -.out whether he keeps `what
she wishes to purchase, and :whether
the article is sold .at, a•price .she can
al:ord. It is much easier` and • more
pleasant to look - through the . adver-
tisements - of anews paper than it is
to bore the clerks and waste her own
time. Next to the•Iocal Reims the ad-
vertesement in a paper, stating 'ar-
tieles for sale and the prices, - are
inost interesting.. Sueh advertising
'skeep' much. .of .the money,• that
g - es to the Iarger cities .at bonne." •
'NIG 1;'E 1 1 'PAI TY.'
'A L L. 1
A unique tea party was held on
day ev
cay.ev ning la); n i ladies of
the W.C.'i'.V. entertained all the el-
c erly laduis.of the town at the hotne
of.Mr.and • Mrs.. •W. ..5. IIarland: ,:
lhero-vcrebctwren thirty andforty
t •s c s' tin ' 01 all the ad
guests; On ter g.e e,y
ladies: who were able - to leave • their
homes, several of .them having passed
by ten years or. more the allotted life
of man ; the oldest being ,Mrs. Pode
whois over c i •hl. . .•e 'the
r, } (
guests . were sent for in ear
. riages • and '-i.a,.eii home.alter (lit.
tea. All seemed to enjoy the outing
and its is needless to say that, all: were
well looked after • ,by the. hostesses;
, Revs. Dr. 'Stewart, . J Greene, ' ll.
Newcambe and J. F. . Ford, and May-
or Taylor were • ptese't, :atilt • each
made a few appron: i rte r m i i s, The
mayor said among other thing :Gat
he was pleased ,to 'note the influence
of the W.C,T.U. :iptrn the 3narts ui
`the town, •Prof. elrown • Was 'ale.)
preemie, and he with others.gave Some
musical selecti:ons •on the piano. Some
"elections were also given on a ,phoino--
graph, all of which was much eppre.
-dated:• .
The funeral' of. the Iate Andrew
Gunn of . Gunns Limited, who . died
suddenly. on• the Toronto ..train, • at
Caledonia Station, on Monday week,
took place last Thursday afternoon
from the residence of.' Mrs•. Donald
Gunn, No. •- 3 Rosedale Roan.
Services were held at the house, - at
which .Rev, A. Robertson, -D:D.,' min
t ister of . St. James' Square Presby:
terian Church and Rev. Alex. Stew-
art, I).D., •of Clinton, officiated. The
remainswere then conveyed, • escorted
by a large number of friends, to Mount
Pleasant Cemetery, where they were
-laid in the family plot.
The' pallbearers w.eree--11r, Wallace
Anderson, Mr. W. D. McIntosh, . Mr.
A. 'I'. Reid, Mr. Alexander, Nafrn, Mr.
C S. Blackwell and Mr. John F.
Ellis: •
The chief marl 'Ps were : ;)eceaa-
ed's widow and four children, Murray,
Andrew, Donald and Douglas, also his
brothers, Dr. John Gunn, AIM. Craig;Dn. William Gunn, Clinton ; Mr,' Al-
exander Gunn, St. Paul, Minn., and
Mr. Ilector Gunn, of Toronto. The
following nephews of deceased were
also present: -Mr. John A. Gunn,
Montreal ; Dr. Jeetri Gimp Jr , 1'i rt
Dover ; Mr. Ernest Gunn, Beaverton;
Mr, Douglas Gunn, Toronto, and Rev.
E. W. Mackay, Smith's Falls.
The members of the, staff of 'Gunns
Limited, who were present were: --Mr,
F. M. Moffat, Mr. B. Cope, Mr. A, C.
MacVicar, Mr. H. R. Gray, Mr. John
I Taylor, Mr.
Y , , W. Il. Jackson, rile. R.
M. Player (who was for years assoe-.
rated with the late Mr. Gunn in the -
Management of the firm's 'I'orotito in-
terests), also Mr, Charles Langlois
and Mr. Arthur ,tones, of the firm
of(3n nn•
Co.,an i,
and Montreal, I
of wltle) deceased was vice-president,
Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Rest: Fund . $3,500;000
Has 73 Branches In Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities
in the world.
Interest allowed - at HighestCurrentRate.
Clinton nth
l •
The Last Week
You'll Have to Hurry
Ifou have not already taken advantage y y g of our
Summer Clearance Sale, which ends when the lights
go out Saturday night, August 13th. .
Hundreds of--bu buyers take ake adg
vanfa a of these
sales every season and stock up with everything in
Clothing, Headwear and Tcggery that they can
possibly use.
Plenty of good things left. Run your eye along
these lines and see what you'll miss ifou stay '
away from this Summer Clearance Sale
Men's Straw ]-tats at half price
Colored Felt Hats, regular $2,50 fol' ... , ...... , , , , , 1.75
Colored Felt Hats, broken lines, reg $1,50 and 2.50 for:. .50
2 -piece Snits, regular $10.00 and 12.00 for ' 7.50
• 2.50
2-pie+(•e Suits, regular $8.50 for
5 only, black coat and vest to clear at
25 only, 20th Century Suits. regular $18 and $20 for ..., 15.00
10 only, Boys'.' -piece Suits to clear at - • , 1.25
12 only, Boys' 2 -piece Suits, regular $5 for .................... 3.75.
13 only, Boys' 3 -piece Suits 8.13., regular $5 and $0 to clear at 2.50
10 dozen Men's Heavy Wool Sox, regular 25c for .15
15 dozen " regular 18c for 2 pair foe,. . .25
8 dozen Men's Colored Shirts, soft and stiff bosoms, regular
75e, $1.00 and 51.25 to clear at .50
Space will not permit a full' list of prices
Sale ends Saturday night, Aug. 13th.
Huron's Largest Clothiers
"A Square Deal for Every. Man"
A rink of bowlers .consisting of
Messrs. W. lIarland, R.'•Graham, B.
J. Gibbings and JB. Hoover have
been in Berlin this week and - report
has' it that they have been doing some
good playing.
A special meeting of the town coun-
cil was held on Tuesday evening
when the matter of the rate came up.
If $1500 is taken from the surplus,
the rate can be kept .down to 25
mills, but some of the council object
to using up the nest egg in that way,
so nothing was done except to order
that the treasurer prepare for next
meeting an exact statement relating
to the surplus, its size, etc. '
( .T.R, NOT ..SO SLOW.
People living along the G.T.R. and.
served byit
alonehave l n
it as deplorably slow and away be-
hind its big rival, the C.P.R.
But owing to the strike compelling•
many of them • to bring freight over
the C.P.R. for' the time, they
have had an opportunity for compar-
ison which is not by any means so
unfavorable as formerly to the older
Itd: has been found that the C.P.R.
is not at all more expeditious -and
that it can tangle up shipments, in
an equally -wrath-producing manner.
The Parkhill Gazette says "No
town will ,become• . a good busi-
ness eentre so long as its business men
rely on- a few . mer*:pants - to make -the.
effort to being trade to town. Too
often file men in a• few lines of trace
are about the only ones that reach out
after custom.. Our merchants wakt
until these men induce the people '•td
come to town and content' themselves
with the trade that naturally drifts to
their. peace. A public spirited . mati
should ask himself .if he is doing his
part. to• attract people to come to
town in helping the entire business
community, no town is a success un-
less .all -lines are working to extend
the trade as "far as possible, and
trying to bring a. larger' territory :in-
to the circle of which their town is
.the business center;" -
A Happy family. -milieu took place
at the home of Mr: and Mrs,' Charles
Bez ce on Sunday and ' Monday last
when their children- gathered together
from their.various places of residence
'and spent a cduple of days under . •the
parental roof , The Children pressnt
were: Isaac and Ralph town; alp of Alrs:
John Ellison, Seaforth ; C. Morti-
more, Berlin ; .Wiir, 1-!. of San Fran-,
ciueo and Mie. Fred. Brown of Petro-
'$ a. The;,:- reunions have become` an
annual affair and are :Icoked .forward '
to with pleasure -
i e e bythe vai u
to 4s nitre
bt 's f the a ul •.
i o f n y. lI:r, and '•Mrs.
Bc/zo are well advanced in • years, the
former being. in hie eightieth year•,
but they still enjoy a -fair share - of
health ' and vigor • and, The News=Rec
ord hopes
that the
Y. may live to cn•
joy many more happy
family re -un-
Rev. J. E. Ferd preached at both
seri'iec i on Sunday.. For the next
two Sundays the services will- be: tak- Rev, Mr. Treleaven oa Lucknow;•
thefollowing two by Rev. J. Greene,
daring which time the pastor will be
absent attending•t•he General Confer-
ence in Victoria, B.0.
On Monday,. evening Ontario street
League paid a .friendly visit to Wes-
ley League, 'rhervisitors -,provided
the program, which consisted of tnu--
ical numbers, readings and the topic,
which . was well taken upin three
parts by 11Ir:t, It.. B. Carter and Mes-
srs. 'Nixon Welsh and Arthur.
A solo was given by Miss • Bessie
Walker, a duet by Mrs. W. S. Downs
and Miss Stevenson; and a reading by
Mrs. McMurray. The chair was tak-
en by Mr.. C. Hawke.',
• • There died at Billings, Montana,on
Friday Iast . Alice Foxton, eldest
daughter cif the late Mrs. Whaley, .
former reuldent of town and well
known to many citizens of Clinton.
The family built - and fon 'a time occu-
pied the double house now owned by
Mr. Jacob Taylor on Rattenbury
street east.
.Some of the older citizens will re-
member that•two sisters and a spall
half brother of the deceased lost
their lives in • the London disaseer on
Mey 24th, 1881, when so many holi-
day inaktrs went down to watery
graves owing to the sinking of a
pleasure boat in the river Thames.
The rema(ns were brought to Clin-
ton for burial and laid beside those of
her parents and several members of
the family in the Clinton cemetery,
the funeral taking pace from the sta-
tion on the arrival of the . morning
train front London on Monday. Rev.
Dr. Stewart conducted the service.
The pallbearers were Messes. J. Twit-
ebell, II. 13. ('hant, J. W. Moore,
A. T. Cooper and W. IL IIel1yar.
The remains were accompanied by
two sisters, Dr. Harriet Foxton, Hil-
ltop, Mont, who as Miss Foxton
taught school here and will be re -Mem-
bered by many people, and Mrs. J. C.
Manning, Anaconda, Mont., formerly
.Miss Mand Whaley, and by a, cousin,
Miss nettle of Toronto. The fun-
eral was met and aceonpanfied to
the cemetery by many old friends of
the family.
Rev. Irving McKeivie of Trow-
bridge , will preach next Sunday
morning and evening. Mr. ]flcKelvle
is an excellent preacher.
The following students of the Clin-
on Collegiate have completed the
nlatrieulation examination : I)e Witt
Covens, Bridgie Cummins, Belle Drap-
er,'Clarenee Kitty, Jean McTaggart.
The following have passed •in eignt
or more subjects and may complete
the .examination by passing in the
remaining, three orfour subjects :
Jeah Chidley, James McArthur,
'Barry McArthur, -
The angel of death invaded the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levy
on Tuesday morning - and .took away
their onlychild, a bright wee daugh-
ter who but a few inontrs ago enter-
upon her second year; Sympathis-
ing friends placed many boquets upon
the little casket, among them; being. a'
boquet from Miss F. Wallis. Xmotig
the friends from a distance who at-
tended the funeral yesterday were
Miss ' Violet Levy, Stratford, and
Mrs. Edward (rood, Benmiller:
Three rinks of Clinton howeers v eiit
up to Geduld' on Tuesday to take
part in a tourney there that day 'and
yesterday.. The rinks cousin!. t d . of :
J.. L. C'ourtiee, J. Watt, J, Wise-
man, E. Countice (skin). 't'. Tay-
lor, P. Towns, J. Nctliger; J, Taylor
(skip). 'J. Ford, .I. t'r'unk.., Be Mr.
Intyre, G. W. Barge iskip.) Our
bowlers played- well, each rink win-
ning 'Che' first game. In • the second
game •Tay;lor and Barge were drawn
against each other and tlic' latter
wan, ninclito the surprise of their
• Mr, Jane ,Sloman, who has' for
soine. years been the baggagctman at
the G.T.R. station, has. been promot-
ed and is now in charge of tie bat;-`
gage on one' of the' Buffalo encGoder-
ich runs. Jake ;is both attentive and
courteous as travellers know by e x
perience and his many friends pre
pleased to hear of his step-up. in
poisition and pay.
Mr. Alex, Mitchell, who was freight
.agent here, is now 'conductor on the
same' line and • is •filling the position
as satisfactorily au if he had been
calling. "Tickets" for long enough
The marriage, took place at. 8 o'-•
,clock on Tuesday morning in St. Jos-
eph's church - of Miss Sarah I•Ialey, .
formerly of :Clinton', to Mr. Frederiek
G. (,ould of tit., 'Thomas. 'The crre=
mons WAS performed' by -:Rey. 1 atlii:r
l I n t o•
The bride n t'. g. o n
u .
t in pale
blue with an ever dress of avl.(tt lace
and ..wore'•a. white and blue hat, :. The
bride'smaid.; 1lis+aStiste Maley,. sister
of the bride, also wore a pretty' 'blue
dress and hat. at, Mr. A. V. Quigley
2 g Y
assisted S i the grocer). The we"clding.
march was played by Mrs. Lapine and
after the' Ceremony a :duet was ren-
dered by Mrs. Lapine and .Miss_ 'Yes -
bee, and a solo by Miss McCourt,
Alter the service the wedding _party;
drove to the home of Mr. andMrs,
Quigley on the 7th of Mullett, cous-
ins ofthe bride, where a wed.'
Ding breakfast was preparedfor
them, •elr. and Mrs, Gould : left the
afternoon Of the same day and after
a trip to ]London, 'Toronto, Niagara
Falls and other places will take : ' up
housekeeping ' in St. Thomnas Where
the groom is. an enterprising ,business
man, a .member of the firer of Gotiid
& Bourne, photographers.,
The News -Record join* the - many .
Clinton. friends of the bride in wish-
ing the happy couple many .Years of
'Little Locals
How dries -.your. sub.. to 'The'- Newy-
Record stand ?
School opens on .September .61 h, the
day after Labor Day.
Mr: J. Govett has been improving
and repairing the property he pure
chased from Mr. Jas. Twitchell..
Wonderland re -opens cn Saturday
evening with an entirely new ,pro-.
gram. ,wee announcement on page 5.
Mrs. John .Gibbings is having a
ladies' tea this afternoon.
Mrs. 1, Flynn entertained on Tues.-
uesday evening in honor of her guest,
Miss Friel, Seaforth.
Mrs. Geo. Shipley entertained a
number of her lady .friends to tea on
Friday afternoon last.
Miss Olive Cooper had some girls
In on Monday evening to meet her
friend, Miss Muirhead.
Miss Marjorie Lapine bad a jolly
little tea yesterday afternoon Adieu a
number of her girl friends were in-
vited to meet her guest, Miss 13raag.
Mrs. John Rice entertained a num-
ber of young ladies at a thimble tea
from 3 to 6 on Monday afternoon, in
honor of Miss Chant, who ;s leasing
town on Saturday,
Mrs. W. Brydone entertained a
number of ladies on Monday evening,
giving them an opportunity of bid-
ding farewell to Mrs. A. P. Gundry
before her departure from town,
Mrs. J. Rattenbury is in Toronto this
Miss Ida I3oles wets, in London on
Miss Dot. Ball is visiting in Greehani
this week.
Mr. Jas. Hamilton was in (loderieh
on Tuesday.
Me. N. Hill of Londeleboro
town on Wednesday.
Miss. Carina Ratz of Mitchell is viaeit-
ing att, Mr. J. F. Wasmann's.
Miss Pearl Nichol went to London
this week to visit friende there.
Mr. Fred. jaei sme has gone out to
the .camp at Buck's for a holiday.
Miss Mary Lanxton left on 7 uesaay
fora two -weeks' Vieth, at. Cleveland
Miss Marie Gaffney has returned of
ter a pleasant vacation in Ken-
nicott .
Miss Mabel Patterson of Wroxeter
was the' guest of Mrs. David Steep
last week.
Misses Norrp ,and Fern Johnston of
Goderieh . are guests of Mr.. and
Mns. Arthur Cook.
Mr. Bort McIlveeri of .Toronto was
the guest of his mother on Victoria
street on Monday.
was in.
Miso Gt'rtrude Chant is expected home
from "Toronto on Saturday, for a
two weeks' visit.
Mr: and Mrs. -Will. Rath of East
Wa.wanosh.wt e guests, at.. ;Mr. S.
Kemp's on Sunder.. .•
flr. Norman - • Jolliffe passed through
town on his way to his homme in
Lucknow the other day.
:firs. Martin Charlesworth and family
left this week for North Dakota,
where they will reside in future.
Miss Emily Cutler is the guest. of
Mrs. 'Josh. Cook at _ "Bide -a -Wee"
'cottage at- Burk's -above: Hayfield.
Messrs. M. Ransford and R. Ball have
'peen rusticating a little - in. 'Hayfield
and Goderich the last, few weeks. .
Rev. W. J, Jolliffe of Luckeew pass-
ed through _ town .yesterday on , his.
•ivay to Grinisby.Park where he will
spend, tris• vacation,
Mre and Mrs, D. B. Kennedy expect
their nice; firs„ Reuben \, 't,
Glenboro, . lMan;;, to arrive ' this
week to visit then. ,
Misses Gladys Herman and Jean
payment have returned home, have
' ing been, the guests .of Miss Mary'
Patterson of Auburn.
Mrs, Walter King left• yesterday mor-
, nee§ for Welland to visit her • son,
1Vir. Robt•. King, principal of , Wel- •
land Business College..
Miss Nettie ;MeCuaig,..Toronto, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Josh'
. Cook at their ,SUInIll(1 'cottage • at
the lakeside over Sunday..
Mr. and Mrs. J; J Vlitebetl • and.
faintly, who have been vitt:ting rota
lives, in town, - have left l..r their
teBlac orthSask.
Miss. Mabel E. ('anteloit'left on.Iws-
to 'fol St... ' ul : Ont., where. •i
day la O tic. sl(
will 'spend a -Short holiday bcfcarc
attending the fall millinery open-
ng .
Mrs. 'A,. Weatherwax Of Ovalle, - left.
for her• home yesterday morning af-
ter a week's • visit • home. s at tb e bahtof
her parents,. Mr.: and yrs. 1). CattL.
felon'. • . .
Messrs. C'larenee Copp, • , Clarence
Ranee, Will. Doherty and . • Wilber
• Ford have been camping :in. Jew
ett's grove, hayfield,: this week . and
last: .
\irs, Walter Webster of Weston visit-
edher mother, Mrs. John Rayson,
from Saturday until Monday, --as al=
;o did Mrs. Albert I3a:'l and her son
Arthur of Toronto,,- - •
Mr. Jas. Fair went to Toronto on
Tuesday, accompanying his daugh-
ter that far on her journey west..
• Miss Helen will travel in company
with Mr, and. Mrs. John IIowson. -
Mr, -J. Harry Praetor, Toronto,` who
is connected with the. management
of the .Provinetal Postmasters' As-
sociation, was in town over Sun-
day, He called upon the postinas--
ters throughout the district,
Mr. G. R. Keys, organizer for the •C,
0. E'., was in town yesterday, ac-
companied by his good wife, on his
way to the homestead in Stanley.:
The Order considers Mr. Keys , one
of its very best organizers and it
has. some good ones, • •
Mrs. McHardy Smith and Master
Prank .returned on Saturday last
from a fortnight's .visit, with friends
at Wingham and yesterday left for
Amherstbitrg where they will be
the guests of Rev.- J. F. and Mrs..
Mrs. George Riigers, formerly of
Clinton but now of Tilsonburg, un-
' derwent an operation in the hospi-
tat at that place on F'riday'last,
from which she is now rapidly 're-
covering, her many old friends here
will be pleased to hear.
Miss Theresa Kyle B. A. and Mie
Myrtle Kyle, Brandon, who Lave
been touring this Province and
(Quebec with a party of Mealtime
teachers, arrived yesterday and'. ill
.be for a few days guests of their
uncles, the Messrs. William, "David
and Peter C'antelon.
Mr, Morley Hall, son of Mrs. (Rev.)
Hall -of Aylmer, formerly of ('lin?
ton, has been appointed station
agent on the Canadian Northern
Railway at Williams, Minn. •Mor-
ley is a natural railroader and has
been going right ahead since he en-
tered the C.N.R. service.
Mr. Geo. Cook, who had the mis-
f to
0 n(~have x toto a u
e hc Irof ri
p ii grxi.
taken off in a machine at the Organ
Factory last week, still earrien this
arm In a tiling.
New Advertisements,
Wonherland-P. Hailes* -5
I st f e o i:;-
Great Reduction -Couch -4
Special .Savings-Hareend's-2
To Rent -Apply, News -Record -5
New Goods. Arriving--Irwin'se-4
Miss. Edith Falconer of (foderieh is
spending her holidays under the par-
arental roof.
Dr. Campbell, wife and child and
Mr. and Mks. C'onsrantine of Zurich
are guests at the Commercial.
An interesting_game of baseball Was
played on the Square on Tuesday ev-
ening between the Intermediates ol:
Clinton and the White Sox of Bay-
field, resulting in a vietory for the
latter by 8 to 5,
le iee Stewart and Miss Annabel
Stewart of London are the guests of
the former's sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Stan -
Rev. Abrey of Granton occupied the
pulpit of fit. Andrew's church- on
Sunday last.
Mrs. Bingley and daughters, Misses
Ada - and Flo Bingley, and; :MISS Rach-
el Taylor of Detroit are guests at
?drs. James Johnston's. •
Mr, Isaac Richards of Brussels was
the guest of his mother last week.
Mrs. Jamas Watson and family of
:Seaforth are occupying -a cottage, in
Westminster (:rove,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peck of ('leve-
land are guests at the Commercial,
RevArgo and. daughter, Miss. Bes-
sie and -son, :Master Jack, of Ivan are
guests at Mn George Erwin's,
Mr. Frank Glass of 'London spent
a few 'taus the past week -with his .
family in their summer cottage..
Mr. and Mrs. Btrown, ,1I,A. J. Mc'-
Derniott *and Mr. brown of
who are :summering - near the Bend, , .
spent Mon -day in the' siilage.
Miss Charters of Seaforth is the
guest of Cowie at -•resent. --
Mrs. Arthur Mitchell and 1 W sons
of London are the guests of Mr,. F.
A. Edwards.. -
IV Ir, and iMlrs. Oliver Rhynas of
Brantford left. for -home on Monday,
after spending the past week with tlAe
latter's parents, Mr. • and Mts.. john
Ferguson. '
Miss Bessie McEivan of Clinton is .
spending :,a few weeks in the village. .
• Mrs, 5. Holmes, Mi;,u. Holmes laud.
iliiss. Beattie of -Seaforth' are. summer-
Ing ,in the White City, •
Mrs; J; M. Best and ,fanrt;ly of Seae.
fgrth have taken a cottage: fnt i, st -
•itiinster. Grove for the season,. .
The anneal garden party. under .the
atspiees of Trinity church Will- 'be
held 00 'Tuesday evening next. Great.
preparations are being made to make
it one of the event's of the 'season:.
The Citizens' Band • of Clinton will
- • '•ask it
furilish_ the musk forth(, occasion,
Tea: will be screed• en the .grounds.-
i and 25c
t li C
Admission, c n 1r
• 1'ht (ao(icueh Scouts, Who aro* eaearn-:earn-:
ping. at Iron .-.pangs, played .. our:
junior dram a game of, baseball' ort
leeway exciting last and were .titer-
wards entertained, to lunch by._.Dr.
at i. .
Sm 1
Bayfield the breezy ! the beautt:fur r
'has been as beautiful and a littl-e_ more
breezy,. it, anything, than' usual the -
past Week. The storm of Wednesday
last considerably inconvenienced some , of the •cttnipers-such of them a4 de-.
pend for all or a part -of their shel-
'tet irn canvas -but no • serious da,n-
age was done. A. couple of large
trees in the' village and ane or two •
fn Jewet.t's grove . were also
blown from their roots, one while-
some members of a picniv party were
taking shelter. under its supposedly
friendly -.branches. I+ortunately no one
was injured.:
Tho cottages in Westminster grove
and 9rt Jewett's are nearly all oc-
cupied and .every day the beech. it
Tined: with jolly.:.bathers. •
On Sunday evening a beach (.re was,
built north of the piers - and dozens. of
campers , gathered with rugs and cus-
hions and squatting in .the - sand
around the • -fire passed a pleasant
hour in song; and story.
Informal 'dances' arc held . almost
every evening in the pavilion, but on.
Saturday•evening last; a dance -of a
more pretentious nature was given: -
when, the pavilion • was handsomely
decorated for the occasion and tante
was served. A . number of guerets
were present front Seaforth.; Clinton, •
Brtieof:eld and - other Blares. Dancing
war! 'discontinued at eleven forty-five.
The eottagers from the three camps
are conternplating having a large
dance • tomorrow (Friday) evening.
An orchestra will be in itt.ndenet-
and guests will be invited from all' •
the surrounding towns. '
Messrs, Ferguson, Smith and Karl
Wilken of {;oderieh were guests at
Lafalot cottage on Sunday.
Mr: Eddie Shepherd wase •the guest
of Mr. Clausin O',Nei1 one day last.
Misty+ Bernice Kay, who has been
the guest of Miss Jean Mc'1"aw-tart,
bra returned to her home in l,tipt'er,
Dr. Mei3ride of"flamilton, who has
been a guest at Mr, D. Chaff's cot-
tage, left on Monday.
Misses Coonie Harrison and Come.
King are rusticating at The Maples.
'1'o keep in touch with the ]tappen-
ings in and about Hayfield it is ne-
eessary to be a hews -Record reader it'
not a subt+eriber.
Miss Jean Harrison, who has been
visiting in the village, has returned
0 hme in Goe,
Meserrirsho, Will. Dohdertyrieb, "Wilber, Porde
Clarence Ranee and Clarence C''oppi
are camping in Jowett's grove.