The Clinton News-Record, 1910-08-04, Page 8Repairing Neatly Done and Promptly Attended to FRED. JACKSON Augud 40. 1010 Our Specialties Stock Guaranteed not to Fade Workmanship of the Best . Prices Reasonable Prompt Delivery We have over 100 PORTLAND CEMENT • The undersigned has just received a car of fresh "National" Portland Cement and will sell the setae at a fair living profit. The undersigned has also the agency for the Independent Companies and will fill orders for a ear load from any of the said companies for a small margin of profit. S. J. ANDREWS, CLINTON Innaumploomemosom JACKSON'S CLEARING SAL E We are still busy clearirig out the balanceofour summer stock. For the past three weeks we have had good success in clearing up odd, lines, but- there's more to go yet in .Men's, Women's and Children's Oxford's, Pumps and Slippers which will be closed out at 'wholesale prices • for CASH, Black and Colored Oxfords, Patent Leather, Kid and Gun Metal Calf Pumps and Slippers 'IMMINIMISINVIMMIllmaillawhanOW•MOIMIIIMMOMOIMOMMAIM•0000".."""."."1".."Mt Softefiezir ereyegraptirese-warevio it.e.qt.0^.1.41koe'llie411040411.figilb Sogiviva. I, SAVE MONEY By spending it here Friday and Saturday - Big Price Reductions in all Depts. , 0 et A Big Waist Special . . • 0 e About 25 Ladies White Lawn Waists, made of nine quality lawn .. a a and trimmed with tucks .and lace or embroidery insertion, good as • ss f valne at 65c, to clear Friday and Saturday 39 A * T t Men's Odd Pants at 79c Only a few dozen of these Odd Pants $1.00 and $L25, choice of 10,, this lot Friday and Satuy rda -f .79 3 , t _ Children's Patent Oxfords 85c # • • e • . These Oxfords are made of good quality patent and vvill give g good satisfaction, sizes 11 to 2. reg price $1.35, Friday and Sat .85 ; 0 Special prices on Women's and Children's Oxfords. 0 • Corsets 49c and 69c , 0 Be sure and get a pair of our 09e and 49e Corsets, They are 411. hummers, . . e Men's and Boys' CiOthing at Lowest Prices t • i -.. — t • SMALL. PROFITS AND MORE BUSINESS. v • e 1 PLUMSTEEL BROS .. eqbaibeoet.e4e.e..k.e-obeikoeget.eAbeibe..bein.e-gr liboibe .ityeAlbe, im,........,,,...r...p..••••••• •••••••••41••••••••••••••••••••••••44•••••••••••••444, J. 8 Hoover . Nelsen Ball • • The Roughest *Kind Of Moving may scratch our furniture, but can hardly injure it otherwise. For it is built to stand hard service as well as to look attractive. Our Summer !Furniture ' is no exception. Light its it is there la a strength about it that is surprising, Our porch c hairs, rockers, eta, will stand the weather, no matter what it may be. The cheispeet spat lit HurtodCOunty to bOy kisli5 furaltates .. • Hoover s4..V/Ti Subscribers for the Stan- dard Designer, the woman's raetical fashion magazine ler %opy. August number noW'ob. sale. The .patterns it 1.11ustrates are „ equally popuiar, they are kf*m-zallowin4, reliable and " 10? d 15c, .r; 411, 744.' W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - Always the Best Mies Mabel Twitchell spent Sunday with Seaforth friends. Miss Bessie McEwan is holidaying for a few weeks at Bayfield, Mr, Jack Wiseinan of the staff ot the Bank of Montreal, Guelph, was home over the week end. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Fred. Brown and children of Pretrolia are the guests of Mrs. Wxu. East. Miss Margaret Delta returned on Monday after a couple of weeks' stay with Detroit friends. ' Miss Clarke and Miss Annie Clarke of Goderich Spent the week end the guests or Mrs. T, Kearns. Mrs. Grant of St. Marys' spent a few days in town the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. Wiseman, Mrs. Thos. East and. Mr. Ray leave today for London, where they will spend a feW days with friends, Master Clarence Finch is visiting this week with his arandparents, air. and Mrs. Bradshaw, of Brus- sels, Misses Annie and Minnie Cooper re- turned • on Saturday from a very pleasant forthight's visit in Musko- ka and Collingwood, Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Sparks of the .Brownsen Line, Stanley, spent Sun- day in town With •the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Mahaffy. • Mr. D. Cantelon left on Monday for Toronto and will take a trip to W- illie, to visit his daughter, Mrs. Weattherwass, before returning. Mrs, A. Cantelon, the: Misses Centel- o'n, Miss Walker, the Misses Smith and. Mr. II. Dickson spent last Fri- day at beautiful, breezy Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp and two children of Watford. spent a few days with Mrs. Sharp's aunt, Mrs. A, Centel- • on, and • other friends the .past Mrs. Couch, Sr., and Mrs. 'W. Eos and Miss' Aden returned from Bays' field on Monday after Spending sev- eral weeksvery pleasantly beside • the beautiful Hill'011. Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Hamblyn and Mr. H. Aunt, accompanied by their gusts, Mr. and Mrs. Caswell, spent Saturday in Hensall, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunt. ' Rev. J. Greehe expects to take the work of Rev, Mr. Livingston in itlitchell • for the following three weeks while the latter attendic Gen- • eral Conference.fn Victoria, 13.C, Mr.. G. Cuninghame and his friend, A. Smith of Walkerton went up 'to • Goderich on Monday and launched Gordon's new .boat • and rowed back to Burk's Camp. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Moore of Winni- • peg are spending a couple of weeks visiting the mother, sister and brother of the former In town Mr., Moore is also renewing friendships with many of his boyhood chums. Mr.. IL Dickson, who has been supply- ing in Willis church during Rev. Dr. Stewart's holidays, left on . Monday for his home in ,Atwobd. Mr. Dick- son expects to Awn t'o Egmont:la ville shortly to take Rev. Mr, Savers work for a few weeks. kr, and Mrs. Josh. Cook and Mr. • and Mrn, SL Mulholland and their families are enjoying themselves very much at thein summer cottage • 13a:ie.-a-Woe, which is a, very heapit- able place, indeed, no fewer than forty persons having picnicked .there on Monday last, Miss H. M. Hill of Toronto, who . is visiting friends .here and in Goder- ich, is forming a party for a tour in Europe, leaving in February for the 1VIediterranean. They will be away nearly five months and return from England after the coronation of King George. Mrs'. .1. S. Jackson of Winnipeg, who has spent the past month in town with friends, left on Monday, amaii!. peeled by her little daughter, Helen, and little Miss Mary Chaney, for Go Home Bay,. where they will be guests for a few weeks at the sum- mer bottle of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clark of Toronto, • The following have been all ticketed through by Mr. John Ransford, town agent of the G.T.H, : Rev, J. E. Ford, who goes to Victoria, B.C., to attend. the General Con- ference of the Methodist church. Mr. b'ord leaves on Monday; Miss Sybil Courtiee, who leaves for the mission field of -Japan tomorrow ; Miss Deverell, wbo left on Satur- day for an extended trip through Canada and the United States be- fore locating in Winnipeg ; Mr. Henry and family, who left on Mon- day Iasi for Grand Forks, North Dakota. del ,,_„)tpuzAgi SATURDAY BARGAINS St and $1.05 Men's Shirts 79c Clearing out the balance of our Men's Negligee Shirts at cost and less as follows : $1.00 and 1.25 Shirts for 79e 75c Shirts for 59c Boys 500 Shirts for 390 Linen Collars Sc 25 dozen raen's pure Linen Collars, assorted heights and sizes, reg 15c and 20c, choice 50 25C Silk Ties 15c 10 dozen Men's and boys Silk Ties in four•in- hand bows and tucks, reg 25o for 15e $1 Umbrellas for 79c Men's Umbrellas, natural wood handles, good. sa- teen tops, reg $1, sale price 79c Bogs Suits Clearing out the balance of our Boys Clothing as follow s : $3.00 Boys Suits for $2.15 2.25 2,50 4.50 • 3,50 5.00 a 4.00 5.75 4.75 6.50 ' 550 • Overalls 500 • • Men's Moleskin Overalls, two • dozen pairs only, all sizes, reg 75c, sale price 50c . 25c Men's Sox t9c Men's fancy colored Cotton Sox, all sizes, reg 25e Sox for 19c, 50c Sox, for 39c 50c Men's Braces 39c Men's Fancy Webb Braces, leather ends, across back, reg 50c, sale price 39c Men's Straw Hats • • Men's Straw Hats in all the newest shapes at the 'following deep cuts to clear out : . $2.50 Hats for $1.50 . 2,00 1.25 150 ‘‘ 1.10 1.25 " .90 '100 • .75 • $10 Suits for $a Men's Ready-made Suits and worsteds and tweeds in all sizes : Regular $10,00 Suits for $8.00 12.00 9.75 14,00 11.00 15.00 12.00 50c and 75c Silks 25c 20 Ends Fancy Silks in checks'stripes and plain, in lengths of 2 to 41 yards. Just the odds and ends ot our silk departnent, regular 50c and 75c- value, Sat- urday 250 25c and 50c Wash Belts 10c About two dozen Ladies white Wash, Belts, assort- ed, buckles, some are slightly soiled. The odds of our belt department, clearing them out. Saturday at 100 25c Childrens Hats 15c Childrens Sailor Straw Rats with fancy bands, good quality straw, reg 25c, to clear Saturday at 15c 54)6 Childrens Hats 39c Childrens Sailor Straw Hats with fancy silk bands, three styles, all sizes, regular 50c, Saturday 39c • Only 15 trimmed, Hats left, regular values from $4 up to $7. Saturday we give you your choice at $1 STAPLE BARGAINS 121c Fancy Ginghams 9c 15 . . 11 121 •Towels 10 10 " 8 121 Factory Cotton • 10 10 " 8 • Flannelette Remnants 8 White Cotton 8 Apron Gingham " 8 4a4g? Y" .4G" 0 0.1:"...S' Czzivray About People You Know. Mrs: A. Hooper is visiting her son in Hensall t•hio week. Miss Annie 13artlilf visited in Toon- to a few days last week, • Rev. T. W. and Mrs. ro!.fens left yes- terday for a thee res' holiday trip. . MissErma Andrews . visiting friends in Seaforth this weeka Messrs. John and David Deevea spent . Sunday with Dungannon. friends. Me. Davis, Collector of, Custotris, Wingham, was in town yesterday. Miss Jean Chidley is the •guest of Miss Jean MeTaggart atBayfield: Mrs. Duncan 1/feEwan and Mrs.. L. Paisley visited in, Henaall over. Sen day, ' Mr, W. J. Newcombe of. Fort William is visiting friends and telatives in town. . • Mrs. Eekmier has returned after a few weeks with Wends' across the bonder. Mies Marion Andrews is., spending a few days with the Misses Carbert in Hullett. Mrs. Watt and MRS Bessie Want visit- • ed with Hulled friends a few days the past Week. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Caswell of Tor- onto are the guests of Mr.: and Mrs. Win. Rantblyn. MiSs Gladys Smith ot Walkerton vis- ited Miss Florence Cuninghame ov- er theweek end. Mr. and Mrs: Thos. Watts spent the • holiday with 'relatives in Goderich and Sheppardton. Miss Margaret 1Viahafty and Miss Bes- sie Smith spent civic holiday with friends in Mitchell. Mr. R. S. Holmes or London spent the week end :With his brother, Mr. John 11Ohnes, Huron Road. Miss Mara Southcombe has been the guest of friends in St.. Marys' for the past week of so. Mr. and Mrs. R. Finch, and family, who have been spending a few weeks with friends in town, left on Tuesday for London where they will visit a few days before leaving for their home in: Flint, lVfich. Mr. Dave 'Gardiner has been bona from. Winnipeg the past week re-' riewing old acquaintances at - ter an absence of two years. None of the boys are more wefeonte back than is the genal Dave. Miss Eva Cartert. . is visiting in God- • e:le:Tines Rudd spent Sunday anti Th Monday with Goderich friends. Miss Eya, Stevenson goes to Goderich IonSaturday to spend a week with friends. Miss May Joyner of Smithville has been visiting her cousin, Miss Eva 1 Carter*. •: Miss Myrtle Sperling leaves Thursday foe a two weeks' visit to her honie at Cranbrook. Mrs, Jas, Fair and her sister, Miss Dewar, spent a day with Seaforth friends last week. . Mr. John Rumball is. enjoying a holi- day in Muskoka with a Rumba . of YaM.C.A. boys from Toronte. Mts. A. Weatherwax is spending a few' days in town the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cantelon. Dr. and Mrs. 'Thompsoa and their little daughter were of rela- tives at St. alary.'s Sunday and A. Monday Sniait' b• of Walkenton is assisting in the Canadian Express Office dur- • ing the absence of Mr. Gordon Cun- Ingham° at camp. Master Roy Pinch, youngest son of • kr. and 'Mrs. Iral'i. Pinch, under - Went an operation the other day but is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey t f Mara Mon spent from Saturday ttinil Tuesday the guest of the iatter's brother, Mr, Thos, KEW.= Dr. and Mrs. Gunn went down to Toronto on Tuesday morning, hav- ing ben called there by the sudden death et the formet's brother, Mr. A. Gunn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Seale of North Iran- eouver, Mrs. Ed. Seale of Granby and Miss Muriel Holmes of Prince- ton, N.J., are pleats of their brother, Mr. Jobe Holiness Huron Mnr."d' oWa.liter Jackson came up from Brantford yesterday and wilt spend a few weeks visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jaelfson, and • also "Tenting on MO old camp ground" out at Burk's. Among the successful Notelet School students at Guelph Agricultural College were: Bletnentary Indus- trial Arts—Miss Margaret Worthing- ton, Clinton ; MiSs. Jean Muir, Stun- merbill. ..e.,owsgasi gen. The News Front Londesboro • Mrs. D. W. Boyd left Monday for Lucknoar where She wil? 3oin her bus - band who. went there ou the Huron and Bruce Old Boys excursion Mon- day night. •• • • Mr. Samuel MeCool left Tuesday for Stratford- where 'he expected to take a position With the G. T. R. • - Miss E. Lyon left Monday for Lon- don• after a two weeks visit under the parental roof, Mrs. Catley of Mt. Forest is visits ing her sister, Mrs. Jos, Lyea. Miss Walters of London is visiting at the home of Mr: 'Mos: Cole. Miss M. McCool left for ,Toronto on Tuesday after two weeks Vacation spent at her home here. The Syndicate threshing machine, under the management of J. John- ston, John Nott and Chas. John- ston, cointnencei threshiag.Tuesday of this week. Miss R.. Young resumed duties at Brantford this week. Mr. Ben Kerr has engaged with. Mr. J. Addison to work on the Bruce-. field. section. • Mr. and Mrs. •Harye Longman. of London spent London Civic holiday with friends here. Extensive repairs are being, made to the laanse and ground's, a fine fence is tq be erected across the front which will greatly beautify the grounds. ' ' A number from here witnessed the baseball game at Clinton on Mon- day. . Mr. S. Gray and wire spent a rew days with his brothers, Wtn. •and Jos, lastewieevk. MMains is spending a few days with relatives neat Blyth. Rev. Mr. Piercy is spending a •few days an oionto. Constance concerns. Mrs. E. L. Farnham and children W. ttugill and W. McIntosh spent spent a revs days last week the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Me - Glamor. Mr, Jos, Cooper of Cleveland is'the guest of his mother at present. , Wail° Mrs. Cooper, Sr,, was coining down stairs one day recently, she ac- cidently &lipped and fell to the bot- tom injuring her back. We hope to see her around again shortly. a few days last week at Bayfield. Mrs. McDonald and family of ptaitl. are visiting her . aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, McIntosh. Oun merchant is busy these dela hauling his goods from Blyth ori account, of the strike. Mrs. John Clark of Seaforth is vis- iting friends in and around the vil- Iage. •••••••••.r.O. Leadhury The farmers around thin vicinity are busy withtheir wheat and bars ley harvest, which promises a very good crop. Mrs. Itinney and her son, Thomas, intend taking a trip out Went next Week. Mrs. Trier Summerhill spent Sunday at Mr. Searlett's. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke of IfUllett vis- itrt at Mn. W li. MeGavin's on Sun- day. Hullett Township. Mr. William Morrison sold his fine heavy draught team for a good figure. He delivered them to Walton one day last week from whence they will be shipped on the C.P.R. to the nwilic coast, ia*disOW..ifde*rodiatAitogiookro.a. Capt. Peter tilistott of the Cana& ian Garrison Artillery was murdered by a gunner at Victoria, D.C. .1--budamlas. .M.1111•...•114.116.- •