The Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-28, Page 41
Sommer Sale
now !fl full s/hi,
• Raving of 50 to 1.00 per
cent on staple goads,
ee advt in; last week's
Marcia Brass
Pyro*Etched Brass
The New thing for home
Complete outfits are now
on sale.
Blue Serge Suit to
girder $17.40
In order to meet the demand we are
offering a Blue Serge Suit for $1'7.00,
made in style -=right up to the minute
if you want it,
In putting this serge suit up at $17
to your' measure we know it is "filling
the gap."
This Imported Serge
Has a smooth finish which makes it
suitable for Sunday or business wear.
We also have it in black if preferred
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
G. W. Barge .& Co
gent for British American Dyeing
. and Cleaning Co., Montreal.
SitanIeg Township
Miss Amite Wild, who lats been vise-
tilts her brother, Mr. Val. Wild, .left
zt. Monday for her Mame in Laugdon,
North Dakota.
Tits fanners: have their :hay i'i?+ the
barn and have started cutting their
fall, wheat.
The flaxpuilers are again on,. their
14Tissn Jean Dayment of Contort, who
is surinntexing at Dayileid, spent Sun-
day with her •friemf, Mise Eva Stitt-
salt. -
Dr. and Mfrs. Evans and family Of
Clinton visited Mr, Wen. ' Evans. one
day fast week.
Miss M. Reitgof of Heiman. spent a
couple of weeks with her friend, Miss
S, Watson,
Mr. Matthew Woods of Goderieb
townshipwas the guest of his friend,
lVIr. Chester 'Nitholstn, on Sunday,
Miss Grace Weir orBnueefield visit-
ed her uncle, Mr. Frank Kegan.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wheatley and
ern, Percy, of Clinton visited relativ-
es in this vicinity Saturday and Suite
day last.
Master Lloyd Edigoffer of 'Dash-
wood spent laat week with his aunt,
Afro.. J. C. geld.
Miss . Martha Richardson bas re-
turned frons her visit in Winghanz
Miss Edna Beatty of Varna spent
Sunday at the borne. of Mr. Wm,
Rathwell. •
Mrs. J. D. Miller and Miss Ritchie
of near Wingham, who are spending a
few weeks at the lake, visitedt at the
home of Mrs, J. W. Reid on Sunday.'
Miss Minnie Armstrong and Miss
Bertha Armstrong .of London are vis-
iting friends in Stanley this week.
Wel are sorry to hear of the serious
illness of Miss M. Parke, who under-
went a serious, operation • last week.
Miss Rachel Taylor sad Miss Flos-
sie Bingley of D•etrcit are visiting at
the home of Mr. William Taylor.
Mr: James Boyce had' the misfor-
tune to lose two..valuable •horses from
eating Paris Green which had been
left in a wagon box. 6
L.O.L. No." 1035, Varna, unanim-
ously adopted the following resolu-
tion of condolence to Bos. John and
Samuel Johnson on the recent. her -7
eavennent they underwent' in the loss
of a much -beloved . mother. • ' •
"The brethren• of this lodge wish to
express their sorrow. and deep sym-
pathy and yours'in this your
hour of trial and bereavement, pray-
ing that the God of all comfort and"
grace may bless and sustain you and
youis in this. your time of 'need. ."Yon
have the assurance that the deceaa:d,.
your mother, died tru's'ting fully in
Christ, the foundation upon Which
we all nest in full hope of a gloriious
resurrection. May we. all live so - es•.
to . die lin the sante glorious faith.". ---
Signed,. Wm. Rathweil, W. W. Taylor. .
1 Thr; Goods. •
+ Ready-to-wearMillinery.
GARMENTS. • 11 Dress -making I
Special No:.1
• Four dozen white lawn waists, made of fine .material, •
trimmed with lace embroidery and tucks, regular.
$1.25, $1.50 and $1.75, to clear - -- $1
See these in window.
Special No. 2
Four hundred yards of muslin in assorted colors and
pretty designs, suitable -for children's and ladies' dress-
es, regular 15c, 18c and 20e, to clear 10c
Special. No. 3
Just six wash suits left in stock, all this ,year's style's.
These are made of good Eng iss,h rep. and come in col-
ors, mauve, pate blue, pink acrd white, regular $8.50.
to clear -
Special No. 4
heavy quilts and wouldl be good��et
value at $1.25These are �to
Special No.
Only 25 straw shapes left in stook. Some'f these
o hese
sold ae"high as $2 eaoh. •We :have declded to clear
the lot at one price
- 25c
Coclerlch Tow
Miss Lillian f'olelough visited Bay-
field friends last week.
During the wind storm. of Thursday
evening lastpart of the roof of Mr.
John Jenkins barer was blown off and
the remainder considerably wreolced.
The wind also played havoc with
treesclose at hand.
Mra. James Switzer is able to be
sup again after a severe attack of the
Mr. Nelson Yeo and Mr, Harry
Steep purchased a field of hay from •
Mr. James .Miller and were busy tak-
ing it off last week.
Mr. Barry Hayter spent Tuesday at
'Mr. James .Nose's.
Miss Lula Green bas returned home
after spending a week with friends
on the Bayfield Line.
Mr. and Misses. Keys spent Sunday
ab Mr. Peter Cole's.
Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Switzer
of Tuckersmith spent Sunday w•
friends i:u the townshiu.
Reeve and Mrs. Chen of Stanley
spent Sunday at Mr. John Stewart's.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart spent
Friday at Goderieb.
Mrs. ,rames and Mrs. Win. Signs of
Blyth and Miss McLaugblin of Platte-
ville :/dent a Couple • of days this
week at the home of Mr. John. Stew-
hlr. N, W. Trewartha, who has sue-,
cessfully taught the Hblmesville Pub-
lie school for the past eight years, has
resigned, and will devote his atten-
tion to the poultry business. Be will
also be the representative of the Co-
operative 4 .Egg Marketing Organiza-
tion. Mr. J. Lowery, who has
taught school . on, the 16th eon: of
Goderieh townshipfor some years,
will succeed Mr. Trevwartha here,
Mr. Chas, Lovett left on .Tuesday
for the west, .
Mns.' Williams of Clinton: spent a
few days last week visiting at Mr.
W. J. McBrieai's:
Mr. and Mrs. Wm,. Lawson visited
Colborne friends on Sunday.
Miss M. Philipswas the guest of
Miss M, Tyner for .a "few days last
Miss Clifton is the, guest of her
brother this week:,• + •`
Mr, W,- 1iggin `and wife of Clinton
spent Sunday at Mr. d. I3eacom':s.
Mr. R. G.. Reidrof Stanley visited
friends in the vicinity this week.
Mie Philips of L, ndesboro has
been engaged by the - trustees of S.
S. No. 4 to st•cecd Mr. J. 14. Low-
ery, who is to teach at Holniesvilie,
Porter's. Hill.
Miss Rhoda Betties returned hoarse
last Saturday -evening: after spending.
a month with relatives at Port Stan-
Master Alvin. Leonard; HolmeSviile,
spentlast week with Mr, and Mrs,
Charlie McPhail;
Mr. and Mrs. George Weston spent
Monday at Mr. John Cox's.
Mr, T. R. Wallis has •purchased a
new rubber -tired buggy.
Mrs, W. J. Elliott and daughter, of .!
Sandusky, Mich., are visiting at the
former's sister, Mrs: Wm, Johnson,
The Misses .Katie and '1eenie Mac-
dougall ll.
aa few days .visiting re-
latives :in this: vicinity.
' The Misses Sterling of Clinton are
spending a fc'cv day, visiting blends
in this vicinity. -
Mrs. Holdsworth.' skint a few days
this week with her daughter, Mrs, C.
McPhail: ; .
Miss Annie Macdougall .is spending
a few weeks with, relatives' at Port
Stanley.' -
Tuekersmith Township.
Mr: Isaac Moorq:Sr,, one of the old
residents of this township, died on
Tuesday, aged about eighty gears.
His *wife " has been dead a number ot.
years and he.has •madehis home.wihh
his son.: The funeral will take place
on''Thursday to McTaggartts-eeinet
ery. •
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Murray - spent
Saturday _ with friends at Bayfield.
:Mrs: 8. Macdonald of Detroit is vis-
iting with her' - daughters,' Mrs; W.
Crich and Mrs, C. 'Layton„ now — of
.Seaforth, -
Miss Mary Macklin - is -visiting .with
relatives here. • -
Miss Wright is visiting Mrs. E. Wal-
ters and other relatives in this viein-
Mrs. It„, Plews has returned after
an extended visit with her children in
lVIanitooba, -
The wind storm of Thursday even- -
ing last unroofed a .part of the barn
on the farm of Mr. A. F. Johns. -
Fortunately he was carrying a policy
in the Huron Weather lnsurance Co.,
so .his loss will not be heavy, -
At the close of the regular preach-
ing. service at Turner's church next
S '
y afternoon n
r oon the
the Lord's Supper will abe administ-
The telephone line to Tlilisgreen is
nearly eampleteed and will have about
twelve subscribers. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith of De-
troit made their annual visit here
in their mite
Fla:: pulling started last week and
the crop is said to be a fairly good
Mr. and 141rs, J.11. Schuottler
have meved into Miss Kate Cook's
hawse, next to the Lutheran ebuteb,
Mrs. 'i'hcobald Mauch and daughter,
Miss Jose, of NaporvilIe,, ill., vfaiited
friends here.
Mr. Mold Beek, •who ltas been »
ployed on the tunnel between Wind.
sor Arid Detroit, le laid up with an
attack of typhoid fever.
Township. Happllg Wedded.
Mira Jean Farquhar is visiting at
Mr. Wm. *Cool's.
3i ir, Thos. Cole bad two Of his eat-
tle killed by lightning on Thursday
eventing last.
,The electric sterna did eonsid, rahle
damage here and. there on Sunday,
evening. Mr. George 'k 1. Ball • had
two cattle struck and Mr. Frank
'Lansing's house was also .struck.
Mr. H. H. trill entertains his neigh -
boss with his new phonograph now:
Miss Maggie McCool is spending a
week with her sister, Mrs. J. L.
Awda orWingham. Mr.
Grey had iris baro struck
by lightning on Thursday night, but
no eerioua damage was done and on
Sunday night the wind lifted and half
of the roof off. The storms seem to
make it interesting around here.
Many Was were blown in with the
wind and some had the tops blown
Mrs. Frank Mousseau returned to
her home in Hensen on Saturday af-
ter spending nearly a week at • the
homestead and also calling open her
numerous friend's in this vicinity.
'The cement arch on the\ Gravel
Road, near Mr. William Fear's, will,
wheni, completed, much improve the
appearance of the road.
Mn, and 'Mrs. Jaime Ferguson . and
family of the 16th concession of
Gaderioh township Sundayed 'in, this
part of the township,
Raspberry picking is the order of
the . day. The crop of berries this
year seems to he a poor one,
Miss Sarah .Haley of St, • - Thomas.
is holidaying with relatives here.
Mr. Charles Shannahan's horse
made a dash for liberty . oiue evening
last week. AU were -lucky tq escape.
uninjured and not much. damage was
The wheat crop - does not seem to
be quite as good as was expeeted.
Mr. Elridge Rogerson of Sharon,
Pa., visited at the bonne of his .uncle,
Mr. Wm. Stewart, last week.
,,At the music• exams. held in Cline
ton recently Miss Laura Stewart was
successful in obtaining first clams
honors for her junior piano work..
Several in this vicinity had their
window panes broken by the severe
hail storm Wednesday afternoon of
this week. - -
Farewells Next ,Sunday. •
Rev. T W. Charlesworth.
I arl•
rswoith• will next Sunday
preach his farewell sermons in ciin--
ton•end"Auburn. •
Rev:. . D Perrie is having a few.
weeks' vacation and 'is spending ihenr
with his family, at the Iake shore:
Miss Jean Reading of Toronto is
the guest of her grandparents, Mr._
and Mrs. D. M: Gordon. -
Last week a respected •resident : of
Wingham passed away in the person
of Mr. J. B. C3 nimings. The cause of
death was paralysis, .Mr. Cummings
had livedhere for about thirty years
and was in his, 76th year.
Mr, Alex, Coutts, spent hi* holidays.
in Toronto and Rochester..
Miss Olive Beemer is ltorne froenn
Mt. Forest for a few weeks.
Miss, M. Hammiand spent a couple of
weeks with Miss Lloyd in Elmira..
Misees.:Agnea,and Beta. Walker' are
spending a few. weeks with thole sis-
ter, Mrs, Fleming in Toronto, -
Mr, James Ford its visiting one of
his sons 1n Winnipeg.
Mr. and Its, J. T: Watt of - Mb °,
Mich., are'epending a few weeks with
relatives and friends in ;gingham and
vieinity:- .
Miss .liarassin of Chatham isspend-
ing a couple of weeks, a private guest
at tine Brunswick Clouse.
Rev. and' Mrs. W. A; Finlay of Ems
bro are. ' spending their holidays , in
Wingham "and vicinity. -
Messrs. I. Walter Me1ibbon and D.
L. Whaley attended the Masonic
Grand Lodge at Belleville last week.
Mr. Lawrence Fife, accompanied by
his datighter, Mrs, A. E. Loubitt and
Master Clyde, are visiting ,friends in
Algoma, -•
A n
V. . .
With this issue The News- *:
f Record begins; its new serial, )1E'
;K Che 'Mystery of the Yellow
h Rnonn." Our readers will end 4
it interesting from start to fin- ?1
?$ bell. There -'is not a *Slow chap- ?k
ter from• beginnipg to end.
Begin . at the beginning and
'`you will stay to the end.
Hon. W. R. Motherwell estimates a
of sitt million bushels of wheat
.for Saskatehewvsn,
The home of Mr. and Mra. Jame'
Carter,. Kagawong, was the seete of a
very pretty wedding on. Wednesday,
July 6th, when their second daughter
Mary Pearl, was married to Mr. Robt.
King, Principal o€ Welland Business
College, son of Mrs and Mrs. Rabt.
King of Clinton.
The bride entered the drawing
room leaning on the arca of her
father to the strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march, played by. Miss Nellie
The bride was dressed .in a beauti-
gown of pailette silk and wore the
usual bridal veil. Miss Annie Carter,
sister of the bride, acted as brides-
maid and wore a dainty gown of silk
organdie. The groom was ably as-
sisted by 'Mr, A. J. Macdougall of
Wingham,. Out. The ceremony was •_
performed beneath a :beautiful arch of
fetus and marguerites, by Rev. C. C.
Simpson, Rector of Holy Trinity,
Church, Little Current.
After the ceremony a sumptuous -
repast was served to about seventy
guests, Those from a distance were:
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Duero, Cart.
and Mrs. Timmy, - Indianapolis, Ind.,
Mr. and Mrs, A: Barbour„Montreal,
Mr. Oman Carter and Mins. Mande
Carter, Stapler.
The groom's gift to the bride: was a
pearl sunburst, to the bridesmaid, and
Miss Nellie Carter, brooches set with
pearls and amethysts, and to the
groannsman, a pair of gold .cuff links,
set with the masonic emblem. .
The large number of presents re-
ceived testified to the high esteem in -
which the bride was held. The Ai g.
lican choir presend her with an en-
graved silver card plate in apprecia-
tion of her services.
The bride's travelling suit was of
navy blue with hat to match. The
happy couple will reside in Welland.—
Gore -
Gore Bay Recorder.
Port Albert
Mrs. Adam Schaefer, and children,
Wingham, are visiting her, parents.
Mrs. Jack Quaid and child, who
spent a few , days with her friends, in
Wingham, are home again•,
Mr. Thos. .Hawkins, Goderieh, Sun-
dayed in the- village.
Mr, Marry Hawkins and his father
spent Saturday and Sunday at Kin-
Me. and Mrs. Schoenhals and chil-
dren have returned from thcr•.r visit
with friends at -Berlin and Milverton.
Mrs: 13ugh Stewart and children of •
Dungannon visited her mother the
past week. •
Baying is about ended in this sec-
tion and is- a fair cut. Pall wheat
being about ready is the next order,.
Mr. and Mrs, . Bert Cunningham,.
Toronto; who have been, visiting his
.parents, returned • Koine :again. en Mon-
Miss Florence Bell, 't' oderieli, spent '
a few 'days with her little friend,:
Tory Small. • -
Death of "Grandma” 'Cook
• The, following from the 'Times of:
Baker county, Minnesota, will be read
with interest by old residents of
• Mrs. Walter Cook` of Baker, whose
death occurred on July 7t -h, was well
known throughout this vicinity. Death
canto as the" result of old age. and.
the cod Was peaceful:. -.
Eleanor Ching Cook was born ` in
Devonshire, 1 ngland, on March. :4th,
1826.. She was. married 'to Walter
Cook in .1850, and with her husband
immpgrated to Canada .in 1855: They
then resided in Clinton, dntario, for
twenty-five years, - eon -sing to their
present home in l 1mdvood township
in 1883. Mr. Cook took up a homes
stead, and here on the prairie he and
\yrs: •Cook ' starved to build up a
home. • There were many ,years of
hardships, poor crops and illness, . but
through it. all "Grandma" Cook, ' as
she was familiarly called, became well
known for her garden, her flowers and
her ever -cheerful disposition.
Ninechildren were born to bless.
the union, seven of whom are living,,
and with her husband, Walter - Cook,
Sr,, mourn the loss ` of "Mother,"
They are W. A. Cook of Flint, Mich.;
Mrs. S. Hagen, Edmonton, f1'lberta
Canada ; Mrs. Henry. Draper, 41 am,
ersvilk; Minn.; Mrs,. Carrie Dresser,
Los Angelos, California ; Mrs -Martin
Jones, Walter Cook Jr. and Mrs... I.
Henry, ail of Baker.. •
There are also forty-two grand
children and eleven great grand
children, . . •
For almost sixty yeai,s this couple
walked the path of life. together, and
when Mrs. Cook became 111 her - nus{.
band watched over her with a lover's
care. Now, when .lie -must resume.
the journey alone, it will, be the
pleasant duty of the family and
friends, to make his years happy;
strewing his/ path with 'limiters until
the great . call comes for him and he
aahalf be with his beloved wifeagain.
Mrs. 'Cook has • been a helpless in-
valid during the past two years, and
has been constantly ,cared for by her
daughter, hater
g Mrs. presser,
The funeral was held at the Elm-
wood -.home on July 8th. The
Rev. Mr. Latehaw of the Presbyter-
ian church at Baker, of which she
was a member officiated.
The remains were followed to the
Elmwood cemetery by a long pro-
cession of relatives and neighbors,
1n the death of Mrs. Cook Clay
county loses one of its early., settlers,'
and a woman whose sincerity and
kindly influence will long be temente
bered and treasured in the 5ieighbor.-
ltoodmany in yarns. which she resided for no,
•A party of Michigan Central officials
made a trip through the tunnel kook
Detroit to 'incisor.
IVIr. Elford, near Carman, Mats,., has
out 28 acres of Hungarian red wheat
that yielded eighteen bushels Ito the
acres. The neW wheat stands the dry
weather better than the red Fife and
said to matt* earlier. • ►
July 2St
ave You
seen them
Those beautiful new Dimities, sparkling
new from the warehouse, bought last week at
after season pricer. They are here in polka dots,
figures, stripes and combination, effects, in black
and white, mauve, navy, green and light blue.
For quick selling we have marked the •
m at the
foll+iaR ing convenient prices per yard age
3 yards for 25e, 6 yards for 50c,9 yards for 75c
12 yards for
And wish to impress you with the importance
of a purchase of Ladies Dress Skirts --traveller's
scmples at only, a fraction of: manufacturer's
prices,.' black, navy and brown, in panama,
lustre and taffeta: Come.ancl secure one of these
skirts at less than, the price of the material: -
B1ack Sateen
Black Sateen Underskirts, 18 only, good
material, well made, all sizes, only 50c each
Sulxluler Parasols;, only a few left, the price.
ticket will please you.: NOW .GET ONE.
Ten Only heft
Only •
ten 1
y . eft. of our special purchase of
but we have, still a full range of sizes, they are
regular $2.90 and $2,50 values. We bought:
them underconditions which enables us to dis-
pose of them at each $1.19.,
: •MEET • ME • AT
i►+'�r. wr +�.�4!rv'wilrltYti ►mss �v�►•'oii ^w✓. �Wir.,1►, .
The Slluc and Molc Emnrinmr#
1 S. C. l2thw'eil Shoes . C.
• . flsate, •Music
Special Bargains in
Ladies Oxfords for
i' 1y. - -
We want to clear out all our
ladies ofxords. Your chance to
Vget summer shoes at wholesale
prices. -
Ladies Pat Oxford, .. McPhee -
seg make, reg $8,50, July
Sale price - $2.50
Ladies Kiel Oxford, d McPhee•
son make, reg 00, . nl
Sale prices ..
Ladies Kid Oxford,- Regina
make, reg $2.80 and $2.15,
July Sale prim - » $2.00
Ladle* Kid Otterd, ret. 5145
and $2, Special July Salo
price - - $1.85
We try to keep in stock the T
. latest in Songs and Instrumental
Music. If eve have not what you
want We Will procure it on gleet
'I'c'ytis for •Violin
We keen
in stork -a Pull supply of
Violin Rows
Violin Bridges
Violin Striuga
Violin Resin
Harnrorsit:aur in elf kind. and
lettere a l waya in stock,.
hel��'1l`ho as Wbor� Your :DojllaarAiweyt}',y a 1te Dufy.