HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-21, Page 90111349014,10. rhe utifleraigneit bee just Teeeive4 a, ear of fresh "Natiensr ortiA1)rfient. And will bell the same at afair living profile The nndersigped hes Also the agency for the Independant Conipanies and Will 1111 orders for a ear load froni any of the said. I P WPM I•le° tor s spool) margin of mat, 1 S. *1 ANDREWS/u CLINTON , . a•••••...•••,•••••••••••••••mmmt ormiuminimmilimmummiorinimmiba, 1 JACKSON'S •911.•••••••• CLEAR SALE. We are still busy Clearing out the balance of our summer stock, • • For the past three weeks we have had good success in clearing up Oddlines, but there's more to go yet in Men's, Women's and Children s .0xford's. Pumps and Slippers which will be closed out at wholesale prices for CASH. . Black and Colored Oxfords, Patent Leather, Kid and Gun Metal Calf Pumps and Slippers • Repairing Neatly Done. and Promptly Attended to FRED. JACKSON, eqb e-za••••• urokai.eca.e.ce."0-za.wariet-e-ibeik....ere,efrova.e•qa•wit-ega•arclb• a g 0 0 SAVE MONEY By, spending it here Friday and Sattirday Big Price Reductions in all Depts. A Big Waist Special • • About 25 Ladies White Lawn Waists, made of nice quality lawn and trimmed with tucks and Iace or embroidery insertion, good value at 05e, to clear Friday and Saturday.. ....... —.......• .39 Men's Odd Pants at 79c • Only a few dozen of these Odd Pants $1.00 and $1.25, choice Of this lot Friday and Saturday • .79. Children's Patent Oxfords 85c . • --These Oxfords are. made of good quality pateut and will give good satisfaction, sizes 11 to 2. reg price 81.85, Friday and Sat . 8 5 ,e ,..0 ' Special prices on Women's and Children's Oxfords. Corsets 49c and 69c Be sure and get a pair of our 69c • and 49c Corsets. •They are. hummers. Meti's and Boys' Clothing at. Lowest PriceS t SMALL PROFITS AND MORE BUSINESS.•. • PLUMS-TEEL BR - e 1 A it. e-ez, At -it -4k,,,e"gc•eb 48b,•peitAt Amyritzr-M •41N.eibe Adverifisin In The News -Record Bringsgestfit$: •••• *INN *IN* •••• ON* •••• ••••• •••• •••• ON* 1144• •••• •••• .1. B Hoover Nelson Ball . ,. Tiw • Roughest •i Kind I Of ; Moving • may scratch our furniture, but ean hardly injure it other*ise. For it is built to stand hard service as well as to look attractive. •• • : 0 : Our Summer Furniture • 2 sisanr pot t.:23finePoPti(:201lu.r po rliallicItatas,i trio% thereiterset8te 11, leVtlitltrifttahn GI GI let...wiebtt thatirenios' ratter what it may be. •' 1 The cheapest spot In Huron County to buy all kinds of furniture. Hoover Jo, B VIIL couple of weeks enjoying the , Bali , 1.. . vigorabng breezes from the beauti- . ful Yleorgiat Bay. The Misset+ Coop - 1 . er intend visiting their brother, Mr. 1 V'ttrIRN".1.t't.TR/31 414.7.) VT.71\1',21:4I+.A.te rARECJIVOREt Ogle Cooper, in Collingwood before . 4.414 04.4 44.4 ••••••••040114 N.. Oro. •••$.114,11144444414N4re returning. VERANDAH FURNITURE Bamboo Shades and Hammocks • We invite your inspection WO. FAIR CO... Often Cheapest — Always the Best Miss Della Finch is visiting in Sea-• forth. , M. Atkins of Toronto spent Sunday at Mr. Arthun Cook's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mulch and family spent Sunday at Auburn. Mr. Gordon Carrinehame was witb Walkerton friends over Sunday, Mise Merle Moore is in Stratford for a couple of weeks the guest of Mrs. Murch. Mrs. Hugh Mackay and Miss Ina Fowlie, Bayfield, avere in town. on Friday last. Mrs. Geo. Finch and Masters Russel and Harvey spent last week at the home of Mr. Jas. Finch. Mis Jean MeTaggart was in . from Bayfield for the Cotstantine—Ohid- ley wedding on Thursday. •• Mrs. Match, matron of the .House Of • Refuge, • has returned from a week's •Visit at 1Gorrie.anci Wroxeter. Mr, E. Twitchell of Fargo, •-Dakota, has been renewing old acquaintances in town during the past week. Mrs. McIntyre is expected • from • Hamilton this week on a visit to ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. MeKovvn. Miss Vera and Master Jack Steep• of Teroato, are the • guests a their • godparents, Mr. and Mrs. john Jackson. • . Mrs. Gentane and • daughter, Miss Mildred; of Buffalo, are visiting th• e ' former' parepts, • Mr. andMrs. Isaac . Jackson. Miss Kate Ross of Toronto is spend- conple of „weeks' holiday's at • the: home Of her aunt, Miss Ross, • Alexander • street. Mr. . Clarence Young, late Of Pasta- • dena,, Cal., has taken a position in • the tailoring •'.establialutiont of 6. W. Barge & Co, Miss Spark, who has been in charge of Couch ee, Co's ' tannery, during • the season, left for her home in • Tavistock on. Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Albert Ball and son, ' Arthur, of 'Toronto spent the past week with Mrs. Ball's Motihr, Mra. John Ranson in Amen. , • Mr. George Rice will probably move: his family:to Terento , ere long, hav- hg accepted a , position with, the Otto Nigel 'Co. of .that city. Miss Cornish of the Base Line • has • been engagid to teach in S. S. • No. 5, Morris, and will assume her new duties after the holiday's. Mr. Fred. Tindall of Buffalo is spend• ing •a couple of weeks the guest of Mr: Geo.. D. 1VIeTaggart's :family at • thole summer cottage, Bayfield. Mr::'Stewart and 'Miss Jean Scott left on Friday morning for a • six • weeks' visit with their aunt, Mrs. Hart, and other friends at Inner - kip. • • • • Miss Baker, who has been in charge of the millinery department at Toz- er & Brown's during the season, left on Monday for her home in • Walkerton. Misa McCormick, who' has ,been in charge of Irwin's millinery depart. • men % during the season, • spent a • week in Goderich before leaving for her home in Belleville: • Mr, Bert Johnson, who passed his second class 'Normal School exam- ination • sucoessfully has engaged .with the Staples. Public School Board for the ensuing year at a good salary. He is now taking • a month's training at the Military • School, London, Ars. Josh Cook, • Masters Laverne, Milton and Clinton, and Miss . Vera also Miss Pearl Glazier ate camp- ing at Iron Springs, a few Miles above Bayfield, One of the prettiest spots on the whold lake shore. They • expect to be joined this week Mr. and Miis. John Mulholland. • Mr. WM. Jones of Hamilton has been . visiting in Clinton and district the past week. Time is dealing gently, with him and he actually appears' to grow younger as he gets older. Mr. Jones has numerous old friends in Clinton who are always glad of the opportunity of meeting him. Mr. and -Mrs. Fred. Swinbank of %vassal Wis„ are visiting the ter- mer's mother on Ontario St. and brother, Mr. Waiter Swinbank of the London Road. Mr. Swinbank Is . traveller for the famous Black Cat hose and his holidays coining at this season he always spends them in Clinton,' Mr. A. 3, Morrish and Mi sa Dessie, and .Misses Annie and Minnie Coop- er left on Monday for Windermere, Muskoka, where they will spend a • • IreliM,10711.911.T. JpJy 11144/4P1,9 • dw • - iw;t• Is aorAw emememememinfiemoismo. Started July I5th EndsAugust Ist SEE HANI) BILLS • te 111111111111111.1•01111111111111.11MPAr xff ... ....._,_.......,,:..,_... Acticivr- -e* 04c7's C.L.T.N.70.1V About People You Know. The News From Londesboro ! • • • • . • • . • • . • : • , . Mrs. D. Cook Sr. is visiting with • friends at the Nile. • Pars. Will. Downs, who had been vis- • iting Clinton. • friend* returned to Toronto 'on Tuesday. . . I Mrs. Joel McLeod returned last week from a visit of some weeks with her Peale in London. • • ' Miss Ida Hanna, Toroxito, was the •guest of het sister, Mrs, S. S. Coop- er, for a • few days of the • past •week: , Mrs. , Jas. Duniord and Miss Clete • and Mrs. W. G. Piakeitt and Miss • Isabelle hiave today for a week's visit at Brussels. Mr. T. R. Sheppard, who left here for Winnipeg a few weeks ago, has • been relieving in the Calgary britaeh • of the Royal. Bank ead expceas to go farther west before lie filially lo- cates. "Chum" is having the time of his life and it therms/11y enjoy-, ing it. Miss Helen Fair expects to leave about the first 'week in August for Calgary, Alberta, to take a course at the 'Normal School there wiitti view to • engaging in teaching in that Province, tn. route she will • visit her aunt, Mrs. R. I. Macdon- ald at Stratheona, Alta. ]rs. Eckmier left on Friday morning fa a few weeiks' visit with friends in New Berlin, N.Y. She was ac- companied by her neiee, Miss Belle Haddock, who had visited M town for a couple of weeks and who, af- ter a few days' visit with friends en route, intended going on to Moose Jaw to attend a summer school to be held there this month. Mrs. John Howson, • who has beet visiting at ,Peterboro tor the past few weeks, arrived on Paday to join her husband who has been. vis- iting his mother •and ,Niter, Mrs. and Miss Howson, Albert street the past month. M. and Mrs. Howson will return to their home at Medicine Hat, Sask.f the first week in August. Mr.W. 8. Hale, after a few days visit with his brother, Mr. C. 13. Hale, left on Monday to return to the City of Mem:co. fle has been in Mexieo for several years and fills an important position with a big electrical company, but he still prefers Anglo-Saxon oorfareinities and will come further north at the first fitting opportunity. Dr. Ovens, • London, Paid his usual professional . visit .to Clinton on • MrTuesday. • Forester of Black Roes .1., is spending a vacation at the , parental home. • Miss M. • Dewar of St. Mary's has • beet visiting in town, the guest • of • her sister, Mra. Jas. Fair. Mrs. F. J. Pridhain, of Godefech, ac- companied by her son, IVIe. Reginald Pridham, spent Friday in town with friends. •- • Mrs. McHardy—Smith and Master • Frank leave tomorrow to visit • friends at Wingham and elsewhere • for a few. days. Miss Bessie and Masters Albert and • Gordon Webster of Toronto visited • wah tbeir grandmother, Mrs. Ray - son, oven Sunday. Miss H. M. Hill of Toronto came up on Tuesday and will be the guest • of Miss Mountcastle and ofMrs, OM Middleton, Goderich township. Mrs. Brigham, who has been visiting Mrs. Wm. Cook for the past week or so, left this week for Kincardine • where she will visit friends • for a time. Mrn. Howard Partlow and Miss Liotia. • axil Mrs, Walter Barnes of Toronto were guests of the former's! mother, Mrs. Rayson from Saturday until • Monday. Mrs. 3. Kilty left on Tuesday for Detroit where she will spend some time with her daughter. Mrs. Kilty has bean esiting friend's in town for a few weeks. Little Miss Harriet Cantelon, daugh- ter of Mr. P. Cantelon, been ill for the past couple of weeks, having been threatened with fever, • but is now reeovering. Mr. Jas. A. Ball, who will be rem- embered by many News -Record read- ers having been, at one time a C. 1. student here, and who is a nephew of Mrs. 'John Wiseman, has been coming to the front In the west, having just been appointed Comptrolleir of Customs at DaWson, Man. Mr. Henry Stokes . of the Dominion Sogar Co. of Berlin was in this neighborhood this week and along with Wm. Graham inspected some of the Sugar Beet fields. They pro- nounce the beets in excellent 'condi- tinti and with a little mom rain the crop promisee to be a record breaker. Haggitt and daughter and neice •of Detreet, • Miele, are .visiting at Mr. alas. Woodman's•. Mies R. Young of Brantford is speeding her vacation with Auburn and Londesboro friends. • Miss E., Lyon of London if home I • for two weeMr. Robert and Miss Lizzie Snel8 ° ks . vacation. • 1 and Miss Macdonald of Westfield vis- 'ited at Mr. W. Lyon's Sunday laSt : Mrs. Amos Watson of London iP... .. visiting at • F. Pielt-ard's • ad. •(:Watson's.. '. • Hullett Happenings. • Miss Nellie Meillt05hi trained nurse of Buffalo, Is spending bbr vacation with her numerous relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. Andrew Flynn had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable mare and colt last week. 'number from here Sundayod in Breezy Baynelel. Miss Maggie McCool ef Toronto is home for her holiday*. The majority of people have finished haying and some have commenedd cut- ting their fall wheat/. Miss Bessie Waite of Goderich 15 visiting old acquaintances on the • 10th eon. at present.. Wm. aleCool purchased a driv- ing mere last week. • Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Awde .Sunda,yed, under the parental roof. • M. Wm. Coventry of Wingham is visitingns. friends: on the 8th and -9th. co' Many of the fannersare complain- ing about smut on their wheat, and. some fields are so bad that they are. being ploughed down. . Mr. Harry, McCool and Mr. Richard Vodden, who have been on the - sick list, are now on the mend, Mr. Bert Nott has been laid • up, with an attack of la grippe. • A great number took in the excur- sion to to Kincardine on. Thursday. Constance -.Concerns • • Mrs. • Frank Philips and daughtet of Toronto.' are visiting. •at her uncle'ef Mr, W. Mrs. .Robt. Clark left on Tuesday for Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., where she will visit friends for a couple of wMeeiksss; Evelyn •Clark left on Tuesday for Muskoka where she will visit herauntand other friends for some line, • Mrs. R. L. Farnham and children returned home this week alter trend- ing a few days at hayfield Miss Katie Jamiesen ot Detroit le visiting her parents at preset. Mies Belie *McCully :emit a few days at Stratford recently. At the examinatioe. 1 oneeetion with •the Toronto Conservatory • of music held hi Seaforth rPeently, we have learncd that Mi SS Gladys Cous- ins, neleC of Mrs. Wm. Wilson and pupil of Miss Hvelyn Clarke, was •,‘,1•.iii.tincel.:.sffil passing her primary Misses Theresa and Mabel Arm -- I strong spent • Saturday and Sunday with friends near Clinton. • Mn. 0,swald McConkey and Mr. Ed... ,gar Frank of St. Mary's are ,engaged. selling views through the townships of nullett and McKillop at present. Miss A. McRorie of Warwick is vis - Ring her sister Mrs. Wm. 13rittott. Mrs. McCully has returned to the. village after spending a $./hort timo with her daughter, Mrs. 1. MoGavin, of Leadbury. At the recent examinations in con- nection with the Normal school Wei have learned that Miss Edith Camp- bell, Miss Bell Taylor and Miss Maud McGregor were 'successful. A London woman, dreading an op- -eration, broke away fr0111 thO hospit- al, ran home and barricaded herself in the house, She was persuaded to, return to the hospital, where - she died. •