HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-21, Page 8, R. *TAGGART 14,. R. *TAGGART MATaggsrt Bros. veeee0A.7aIKEESS,ersr A GENMAL BANKING' WOW WWI' TRANSACTED. NOTES DISOOT,INTED. MOTS ISSUED INTEVSST A.LLOWED ON. D. VOSITS. SALE NOTES PO1W1.1.- AsED„, IL T. HANCE. o•w, • NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- .A.NOER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND yiaa INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESEN, TING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES,. DIVISION COURT . OFFICIO, CLINTON. sem-0-1 W. BETD0NE, HAriaisTEE, SOLICITOR NOTARY, ruauo! ETC. OP'FICE-Sloane Bleck--OI INTON. "...rtm4.••••*....**1**•••••••••••• CHARLES B. HALE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE OFFICE •-• - 'HURON ST. 1*•••••• 11,41400.0.1144141t409444Helli $24500 SALARY Pinion ftews.Rword A8 Provincial Manager 4.113nOW, two 11.1$4.4: halt YeArio ago herdware clerk at $8 per weelc aid whet wee a fiernier's eon. 213 Years of age And With. out pull. Six months' train- ing in one of our hranchee and two yeetee' faithful ger. vicee to his compttoe made the difference. : The difference between the t hg men and the little num. 1 the ',twee:144d and the ammo, cesefut.s.10 only a difference . of traming. We have trans. I formed thotmande of little men into big men. tant9 .rengt ....'w•*;;;;;;v ',Meet elle/el/le AtnireW Carnegte 1 bell. A few seconds. later the eeere. NO VACATION. eepeeseeeseeee.....eeseeees...-ene Enter Any Day. I Business College maissmia CLINTON GEO. SPOTTON, ram. 14••••.0,44,..446,•• **AAA* 644efe 1•10,...410**04. DR. W. GUNN L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. Edinburg • Office -Ontario street, Clinton. Meet calls at front door of office or at residence on Ratteabury street. imormr•••••• r --DR. J. W. SHAW ----e 0 -OFFICE-- RATTENBURY ST. EAST. 0 • • BASIL Me, kg. .Asettror eat 4 "*. no Ns* IN AO ) seSeeiessae ameier." "6434telle "isee•-es.," ethie et Resier," E.I. es•.... lea Tererright. igel. e ace./ . hae Beeper * Feedlot% "4, " ' V6.1 Ott:1 a woutdn't he In it liesale we. 'Well. It tory entered the room • Would be occupation for MY louelY old age et an rate. *But what* the ot dreaming? Money eau no more be returned to where it came from, theta a rose could be reduced to the earth and water from whence it grew." Ele tottered on a few paces farther Med etoppee again. "It's hard. thouge. Where the world going to be te menow? Pre got nu ineonie that I can't count and nothing to 410 with it. I've got half D. N. WATSON • CLINTON', - - ONT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER • for the County of Huron. Correa. pondence promptly answered. Cha.rge es moderate and satisfactien guarae- teed. Itnmediate• arrangements fot sale dates may be made by calling at The News -Record Ofilee or oil Frank Watson at liatiEwatt's sew. ery. 17 • 'HOMAS BROWN, LICENSED WC- timteer for the 'counties ot Herten and Perth. Correspondence -prompts ly • asswered. Immediate arrange- ments cal be made for sale datee at 'The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling phone 97, Soforth. Charges moderate and satishactioa guaran- teed. DR. C. W. THOMPSON. d'41 PHYSICIAL, SURGEON, ETC. Special attention g:ven to dis- eases .of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. • Eyes carefully examined and suitable glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west ot the Commercial Hotel. Huron St. DR. OVENS, M. D., L R. C, 14.„ Etc., Speeialist in Diseases of the • Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, will be at Holmes' Drug Store, Clinton, on Tuesday, Illarch 1st, 29th, April 26the May 24th, June 21st. If you require Glasses don't fail tO see Dr. Ovens. DR. F. A. AXON. DENTIST.. Specialist in Crown aad Bridge Work. Graduate of Chicago, and R.C.D.S., Toronto. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. Tlie MUM) Mutual Fire Insmance Company ''Turn op the tight. Stnitheon, pion:" Trafford sitid. with sudden briskness of toue. "Yon may remember tbat It few menthe ago I asked you to Send to America for all the paperoeineet- ed with the coo of Marshall versus tbe Vermont Mining -eolupany and of the Tatteetville liopreetement romparty venue Meridian. I hope you have them." "Yes, sir. They're le ear safe. Shall I get tbentlo dozen blg !mesas stuffed with luxury "Please. . eon no one to live In them She'll go "You've looked them over, es I Mir baelc to New taut and stlfie In a. six gested?" be asked when SMIthsee had alone In my sixty rooms in Flab room Oat at Harlem, while :Mali are - be laid the doentnents before hira. "Yes, oar." I **Marshall failed for about three hun- dred and fifty thousand, didn't tier "Between that and four hundred." "You've made' the Inquiries I asked you to up? The daughter:3 are allin "They were all living in October. Oise of them was, 111 and not expeeted to live long." ,. "Tbanlis, Su:110m09. That will dO for the monieut. Don't send any. of 'those cablegrams tonight. I'll Speak about them again tomorrow. No: you needn't post these letters. I'm not sure yet that 1 shill send them," Smithson retired, and Trafford began to. turn over the papers before him. He did not read them consecutively. ' A word here and there would arrest his attention and send heti off drone Ing. "TVs curious." he reflected. "I was In the right throughont this case, and yet It' S one -about which public opinion has given we no quarter.. All the lawe of supply and demand. of cause and effect..were On iny side, but because old Marshall shot 'himself.. leaving fout. daugbters. uuprovided for, I've been made to appear as the instrument of the .disaster. I don't feel so myself - not wholly so, at any fate. but Meta would agree with the public If she knew about It Weil, try to patch It up before sbe does. The wind -will be taken out of that sail, at any rate." He sighed and Went on • with. bis desultory Inspection of the Marshall papers, He was still occupied in do Ing so when a knock came to the door, -Before he had time to look up and say ."Come In" the door was pushed open and Paula entered.. followed by Win. ehip. •Trafford remained. seated. They advanced together till. they stood be. fore .• "We're -come in to say tbat we cen't do it, papa,"' Paula, began • iibruptly.'• can't .go and leave you 'aloue." "I, will not take her from,' you like this," Winship added. "It seems to me a sort of robbery. It wouldn't be bleasecL, If there's a saerifice to bp made, It must be oars. We're younger Itliestrenger;',- ' • , ' '- Stop' Trafford Trafford suid softly. "Stop!' s Winship ceasedand there was a long silence. TraffordsliII remelned seated, • gazing .absently at the wipers, on the desk before 'him. Winship and Paula: waited in motionless Attention, There' was no Sound but the elieltclick, click:. • • of the typewriter in the adjoining room. • Still without speaking. Trafferd rose. Coming to teem he passed .ene. hand through Paula's arm aud one through WinshliSs. • - "ely.tittle'airl Is willing to stay with . - me after 4111, -Is she?" • , "I'm not only willing, papa.. but 1 want to." • "Then, *darling, you enn't, youcan't. because I'm going en a long joinney." As be spoke be turned thou gently round an n-te ft d Ink thea toward the r. • long journey, papa?' . / **Yes, dearLa journey that will take ate all rbund and round and round the United States. I menu to go to New Perk when you au. atter you're been married. Then I shall *we to leave. *I'013." • . "But where are you going, ;papa. dear?" • • "I'm going 'first to a plat* enlled Tur- • tonville. Wisconsin"- - ."Not tosee the old Miss Niarshallsr came from Paula, like a long stifled ery. • • Trafford started.. • "Aid What do you know about them?" . ' "i•know.all about them." , -Then I'm going- to see them,". be hurried On. "After thet l'ett going to see more people, then more. then more.' When it's all over I shall vettto neck to you. Now kiss itte--kise .me-aed- ge." -Oh, papa, darling, how .gitorl you end" • • She kissed, him. clinging to him. but he released her arras from About his neck,- "Note go•-bOth of yott," he Insisted. opening the door. "First let me say," Winship begat'. "that beg 'bur pardon • for any- thing's. nue. Why? Yche? WhYr Ile smite his bends together and: gleaned. • "Why? Why? Wby?" he repeated. -"And. yet I. suppose 1 icuow -why. She won't put It into words, but she means It noue the less. 1 seem horn to be Misunderstood: Even ehemisunder. stands tue. After ell the good I've done, after the churches I've built anti the institotioite I've endowed. Fat etill Wolfed upon as sort of monster, UV. lug for nothing but 'his money, they shall learn' better. 1U tenet] them, I'll show them thnt I Made money just .because I chose to make it, and I'll fling it back emong them and. laugh to see themscramble •for.it. tell be sport for me to watch them squirming in the mud to. pick up- what I disdein end chuck a Wity,r He held himself more erect at .the thought and walked emelt 'the con rider with firmer trend. He bad reach. eil his own door when he paused again. • "Aud yet I suppose- Paula Would think that wasn't the right spirit. S'he'] sn'S' the nighwaynutu doesiet atone for-lebbery- be giving the motley to a chureti-the only place .for It would be tbe poceets it was taken frOin. Well, I agree with her, It's; Just whet I'd rather do if It was poestble But -I don't hellev.e It is. There. are some 1 could .hunt up. 1. know that Brewer of Alteiny has n 'son workiug as 41 clerk at Wanninalter'sh end thee there are the Roasee and the ,Itrents and the, Do -welters, and a :lea' More; Rawson. Who banged himselr In Isiteles burg. left a family," believe, and that fellow Jackson, Who stabbed my agent . Pitts,: has a wife. If uot children. He , resist have served nfteen years : Of his sentence by this time, aud I might get him a pardon. --Then there., was old: Marsball-ebut,• Lord, I'm not going ott witb this sert of catechism. I, should go daft. They .took tbeie ebancee just as I -did. Whatever 1 natty do tor them or their fatuities now 1 sleet do asan 'act Of mercy. Tanta 'herself 'coulan't make me think .otherwise." He turned the handle of his door and entered.. As he did so the click:el' hie secretary's typewriter None to ban froin the 'Adjoining room; Attbevery tectuad lustiMt end habit resumed their sway, and a few 'minutes later he was seated at his desk plunged into the details of work as profoundly as if nc greet crisla had (banged the nature or his domestic life.: He rend' tae -three or four caOlegrains'ther :Mid. come _tier - lug the efterMon and told Smithson what to sas,.: In reply., He rau 'hisseye over the see:rehires .answers to the day's .torresponcleate and signed his name Where it *as needed. Ile dashed tiff two or three Important lettere with hisownlined and nddressed and seated and .stamped. them. He informed the' Oregon and Ohio railway that in Its'. tight With the United Power cotnpany, he Would stand beniud ,It with un- limited Inoney, while be indleated see- em.1 •important cougressnien Whose in- fluence bad already been his for proper consideration. Ile ordered George to, spare , nothing- to get control of the Kansas. • Leavenworth 'and Baitimak line and to push ' the Jay...Berryman combine until it went nnder. EIe in • structed bis • liartfOrd .agents. Messrs. Taft .& Reed, to striped . against the verdict for $2,000 in. raver 'of old Mrs. Breen and to carry tbe case to a •higher , 'cotirt. It put new nerve into hint to feel that the impubse to .tight till be Won ,Wits as strong. in bin) as ever. It annoyed him tint the •Serlptural Words should' sweep' ;cross his mind again: .'For man walketh Ino valb shadow • mid disquieteth himself lit vain; he iteapeth up riches and eanuilt 'tell who 1;4811 gather them." . As he dwelt upon tae words the faint upleaping of coarege that mot eome from his hair hour of work died. down again. He leaned his head wearily on his hands and ponderee. Whatwas the use of it all?' Why should be • tight itgaintit the 'Utlited Power company? Wise shoted he try to get control of the K.. L. and 13,? Wbe •should be illneer poor old Mrs. Breen from getting the -damages- • yen- dered her for the louthattei kited in his. employ? lie did ttot gradge her tbe Money. Be had no 01°110011S interest In smashing the bine. As for the United Power oni- ony, he had tie object bot to delve it Into a corner Where it would have to capittlInte totim. But why should he? Was It tiecessary to tight simply be- emise he had the iostinct? WIts it nec- essary to wield 0 giant's strength elm- • ply because he had It? WAS them* no such word 05 enmesh? Wits there no Seel' gettlitY as mereya Was It out- side the rules of btiainess to spare? "Btisinesel Bottles's1 itosineesiS be repeated to hiniseit. "That's been ley pd. and I've worshiped It as If it were a misshapen Idol. I suppose diet if I'd served my Maker hail' as Mild) I shouldn't be bete alone tonight. I Wonder If I could do a blg new thillg that won't baeitiess at hill I wonder If I MAUI Mart mit ott 0 tottrtie that would eine* the baSineati world to Itet e-Varro, and Isolated Town. Property- -Only Insured-, -OFFICERS- .1. 13. McLean, President,. Seaforth P. 0.; M. HcEwen, Vice -President, Brucefield P. 0. ;. T. E. Hays, Seca • Treasurer, Seaforth P.0. -Directors- William Chesney, Seaforth ; John Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Sea - forth. „John Watt, Harlock ; John Bennewies, Brodhagan ; James Evans, Beechwood; James Connolly., Goderich. -AGENTS- Robert Smith, Healock .; E. Ilin- chley, Seaforth ; Janies Cuminings, Egvaondville ; • J. W. Yeo, Holmes -- Ville. • Arty Money to be paid in may be paid to Tozer & Brown, Clinton) *-ox at Cat's grocery, Goderich. Partied desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective postoffic,es. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest tae scene. , -TIME TABLE-;. Trains will arrive at and depart. from Clinton Staten se follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV, 7.35 a. re. • 3.07 p.m. 6.15 p.m. - 11.07 a. m. • 1.25 p.m. 6.40 1 p.m. 11.28 tieing East 44 14 Going ,West 44 44 44 44 6( 44 LONDON, 11URON & BRUCE •131.V. Going South 7.50 a. m. 44 IS 4.23 p. m. Going North 11.00 a. m. 16 44 6.35 p. m. 1r* OVER 05 YEARS' EXPERIENCE . PATENTS TRAOIC MARKS Duman, ' Ocieveiaters Anyone lending a sketch and description Ina/ (Nests, aseerialn our otunion free whether an Invention Id probnbir patAnitesble, Conhmuntou Mos strietlycongdentlal. tiAN080111( on Patents sent free. Olden Agency for securing patents. Payouts taken veroualt Munn Ss Co. receive riot Without charge lathe Ts4attific Bitieritatt. handsoMbly UltuerafAtt Steady. target* •eir• ciliation of any Scientific joun.sl. Terms for Canada, ga% th yaw. postage enable. Bold by 11 newedeaiere., MUNN geol,,,s,antrogdwaY.NewItrk Branch (411660.**•ir Eit.. Washington. . *4:0* 4.4.1 1HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS LIPPINCOTT'S MONtHLY MAGAZINE, A IrssitLY The Bost In Cuirent literature 12 Cossiii.rre 1401/614 YEARLY' MANY 01.10110 100.11E5 AND PAPERIS ON timaLv Tomes *zoo railtfcMi: 01.4 COPY ' *NO CONYINDect IrrOnimes suss,/ tinfalsoloclatlititutO Mutt* VIA •TO . WESTERN :CA:11AD LOW ROUND, Tair RATES • GOING DATES -Ape. 5, 19 Ione 28 Is. 9,23 May 3, 17,31 Jaly 12, 26 Sept. 6, 20 TIMOVOtt SPECIAL TRAINS TORONTO TO WINNIPEG AND WEST Leave Toronto 2.00 pan. on nboide days Through, First and Second Class Coaches, COlonist and Tourist Sieepero. Apply to nearest C.P.11. Agent or write 1 FL L. Thompson; D.P.A., Toronto. ••••••*•••MA•••••10.0..00. ASK FOR flOISSEESEAS' . W. JACESON Agent - - Clinton. *••••••••••••.***••**4 Clinton News -Record C.LINTON ONT tad penitence Pharlo P. retied same. hing titatwr thim be had veer Mews) item the arose. Wells why ahooldiet True. the legit shirt Nrill lookqueer •ti Wall street. but I'M not sfnitd of tbat. ir 8 hes taken a &ore Ore:agile re do what I've doue bitherto It will require mere ta fatten whet liest before 'nes Bat 1 *holt leave It. 1 shad have. • .t, gisure strength sad more. tied end my little girl helping no Mug the -letit end Oiled for ;4m1thson. Tbe new' order* took the eeeretureso meth by surprise that he was °bawd to twee theat repeated two end threts abd four fuel live, titian oe. fore he mastered there When be did so he Was the first Ininttlier of the Arent American public to oil Paul Trafford med. Ile wits elan theiltst to quallry the madness tis eXo. itallian. French, Spanish Oonfectforts. It was net frinu either Italy or Prone:. that we got the best :entree- tioners in the oriler days of English voliery. Riede. notably Toledo, fur. dsbed lenglend vrith the roost eels- erated pastry cooks, or peateleros, 05 'bey ere though we have- tine* ooked mote to Frain* for these art. salt Under the pannuage of "Bloody 4aq" esal of Queen laenrietta Maria itinnesti methods flourtebed. apace le he eourt ettielite. We read that when NAM" elltertained the Princess Eliza. wth at filebeitind in the summer of trait a sumptuous banquet wits served.. n withal there woe introdui.ed aft en emament a pomegranate tree In colt. eselontry work bearing the arms of itetin„ *throwing Mary's Sp:anted) lean - tugs In a rather ostentatious fitshlon These RpanIsh and Portuguese contee, loiters were very skillful. In the eneedy of °The Suees Darling:* by geed and Decker -first acted 11123 -24 - the Spaniard. who la one of the dra- matic. persons, declares. himself -it eon- fecelanador. which In your tongue 15 a comfit maker. of Tbledo,"' 11e. eaye. "1 can teiteh 'sugar to slip down your throat le e million weys," and he pro- fesses himself skillful in ”conserve$. candies, marmalades, sluk.adoes, pone does, tnarablane. bergamot(); artinXites Mule. Humus, berengenas oe Toledo. oulones. potatoes of Malaga :Ind ten iutILkrn more." --London Graphic. DWI WRIGHT BROTHERS. 44.004•4•0•01•• Aviation Meet Metter* *Or TheY Diverraireled irientracto. Toronto, July 19. --The International Aviation Associetien have. through their Mar. MacGregor. ere Wed snit &mast the Wright Co. of Deyton. Ohio. for $40.000 damages for breach of contract, dated, the bth a 411171 1910, in commotion with the fur - ribbing of aeroplanes and aviatore for the recent aviation meet at Tbrone to. The essoeiation offichtla claim that 'the agreement made by the Wright Co. provided two things: First -That • the Wright Co. would furnish one aeroplane on Ally 7, two on July 8, three on July 9. three on the lith, three on the 12th, two on the 15th, and two on the 16th. Second -The Wright Co. agreed to furnish four aviat.ors. namely': Ralph Johnatone, A. R. Walsh, Duval LaChappelles and A. Howley, who. were to appear and fly On the above dates. It is claimed, in regard to the first part of the contract, that the Wright Co. had only one ma,chine in over.. etien during the time of the meet, and that on Tuesday, July 12, they failed to make any flight whatever, and on two other days, they were un. able to get it machine off the ground Until very late, when they only made. a short flight, and were „obliged to make further repaint. During these three days, Ralph Johnstone endeav- ored to make repairs, but apparently was unable to do so. The equipment of the Wright Co., the association of• fleials say, contrasted very unfavor- ably with the methods of Count de Lesseps, .who Was udder other sue - pleas, who, • had three experienced mechancis. to keep his machines in order; and, as 0. result, did not tail to make flights on each day. ••••••-••••****•********04•0*.**********0*** The Modern Stem, A woman shopper stopped tit the in forniation desk in a department etore. -Please take down M. name apd aid dress," she said to the Clerk. ex• , fleet to be In the store for several Mums 1 left a very sick sister at home. • If she should grow werse it may be necessary to stuntin,on Me. I shall be most 0?. tbe time either In the ready made sult department or the dressmaking department or the trim !pings department. If you -get #1 Mle phone message for me, will you try tc : Ond me there?" , -The cierk Wrote .down the natne and addresS. seemed In nowise 'sur prised at the request. but another 01.1011 • per sttinding near by •was:surprised. "Ras that ever happened befere?' she nsked. . "Lots of times." said the clerk "Many people' who go shopping leave their names at the information desk the same as a Physician does at a the ater, so that they eau' be found it wanted at home or elsewhere. • When they leave the store they report at the •desk tve may know • tbey are no longer here. In a big store like' thie It . Is pretty 'hard to put your finger tin a particular customer, but by 'ealllue out the mune theater fashion it eau be dope." -New York Suit. • , , An Ignorant Lassie. :. A highlond landhule. chatting with a neighbor. tole that•one or the village girls, was just niarried and opined' that she 'had .. been 'Int- ,auld maid (aver lane- to. take kindly. to.. matrimony. "An auldmmid." she added, 'la iC be awrif iguorant ,where men folks are .coneerned." • . . "She Is that." aeSented the neighbor "DO- ye mind' hust.atid's orltheet dsenhitalitili,"1111:teyre. innit7eittelb1,11AiNt'tweet i. braid sbouthers .•gey . tall. A'weel. Sandy lieLeates • minter Mid a gal titer -- In' at her hoose one ,e'eti. ffle when they a' cam' to gae:their ways name the • men tuik the maids an'. saw teem to, their plactde. y !wither -in law bilk' an mild maid what • keepit a Wee shop in the toon. When they reaebed their journey's end he aye Dent to kiss her cheek, as was the euStoin ht. wenn" ha me.. Noo. Jett ;mot. the- auld • erms Of subscription -61 pet year iu advance ;1.50 may be charged if not so paid. NO paper discontinue until all arrears are paid, unless at the opinion of the publisher. date to vrhich every sebecrtption ts paid Is denoted on- tbel label. AdVertising rates. -Transient advet tisementa, 10 cents pet nonpariel line for ilret intertion and 3 cents per line for each subsequent insert, ion. Siriall advertisements not to exceed one inch, such aff "Lost," "Strayed," ot "Stolen," ete., in - flirted once for 85 tents end anti' Subsequent insertion 10 tents. ottnittnieaticina intended tot publica- tion must, as & guanaco of food foundatiotes? I believe I 'feel to self faith, be eeceinpanied by the Dame pouting to it. I've dreittned of th nnd lips Set he was foe an Instant like id the Writer. erto. Now I think the mittitte lidiS 1 the Pato' Traffora of red. W. J. MITCHELL, time few me to wake tip end do." "na the end May not be n bitter Salter and PtoPrietot. 13.0 leaned forward and touched a 'one. be relleeted. "In the balr shirt KRIM PROM THE WIRE*. 0•0******* The royal eorioaimeoet Teriettelii. Eaneation opened its swim at fax yesterday. The Moved* Greed Leave of Cowie ' in the Province of Ontario meets io to-zooreow. Forty young ladies from Tennessee tilled on Mayor Geary yeeterday at t.he Toronto City Hall. Five men were Intrned to death nese Nage! B.O., taking refiegeefrom forest , Ares tbe shaft of * mane. Dr, Servo+ Crippen, tht man want- ed in Erigland foe murder, is said to have arrived at Montreal on the steamer Megantie. Spanish troop* are 41411111131ing at Bercelona to quell any Maturbance that may take place on the anuiver. sate of last year's riots. J. D. Davis, Toronto, was arreeted yesterday on a charge of getting money under false pretences from Robert Bond, 'the liveryman, The continued dry weather is dire coureging the grata men of the west, and half a crop over the whole coun- try is about all they look for now. The Gryonne River in Switzerland' yesterday broke its dykes a distance , of two miles. Two firemen lost their lives he rescuing two girls from the flood,• • Frank Babcock, a former Toronto,' hotel man, and before that proprietor of ,Barard 'Hotel, London, has nor'" chased the Grand Centre Hotel, Bt.*. Thomas, The consideration it said to be 328,000, Ottawa Archbishop Not Named. Ottawa, July 19,-A report emanat- ed from. Montreal to the effect that Mgr. Gauthier. Archbishop of Kings- ton, has been msde Archbishop of Ot- tawa, was denied yesterday at the archbishop's palace, Mgr, Sbaretti, • papal delegate. is abroad and his sec- retary. Mgr. Sennett, is out of. the city. It is said here in ecclesiastical cir- cles that absolutely no information has been reeeived as to the successor of the late Mgr, Duliamel. The name persistently mentioned ie that of Rev. Canon ti•authier of Montreal, not Archbishop Gauthier. • ' More Work for Fielding. Ottawa, July 19. -Hon. W. B. Field- ing will, at the request of Hon. Is P. Brodeur, represent Canada .at the In- ternational Congress of Navigation, which will Meet in Brussels on the 30th inst. He will support the in- vitation of the American delegates that the congress shall hold its next meeting, in 1912, in Philadelphia, and will include a proposal on behalf of ,the Canadian Government that if the invitation to Plailadelphia is accepted the delegates shall include in their program a tour of the .principal in- land and maritime navigation chart, nels of Canada.• . , • Peterborci Hotel Sold. Peterboro, July -ie.-Robert' B. Croon of Calgary has bought the City Hotel for $53,000, and will convert it into a modernly equipped hostelry. David Hamiltou, a Canadian ,Gen- eral electrical 'millwright, was caught in a belt and severely injured. Hens, Senator Cox has -offered' to give Charlotte, street Methodists $25,- .000 cash and a free site, in connection with the building of a new church. John A. Cameron of Peteiboro Caught the biggest lunge of the sea- son at Stony' Lake, 22 14 pounds. • • -- • Girl Handed Him Lemon; Suicides. 1 Bliley Winnings. 13isley Camp, July 19. --The official' list pieces Serge Merris of BOW/Stin.' ville, in third place instead, of second place, as originally given out, in the competition of the King's Prize. He. accordingly wins $230 and not $500; as first announced. Private J. A. Steele of Guelph, came second in. the Grand Aggregate cora- petition and wins the King's Prizes • 375 and the National Rifle Association silver cross. Other Canadians to win in the same competition are: Crowe 18th, $25; Mortimer 18th, $15; Morris 25th, $10; Mitchell 29th, $10; Free. born 35th, 310; ' MeRarg 45th, $10: Eastwood 51st, $10; Drysdale 86th, $10; Whitehorn 89th, $10; Mickle 94th. 00; Bibby 121st, $10. The individual winnings of the mem- bers of the Canadian team are as fole lows; Richardson $390, Mortimer $350, Bayles 3200. Steele $125, Morris $125,I McHa.rg $105, Greet $ap, Clifford $80,', Russell *60, Stewart 355, Steck .$59,: King 340, Mitchell 335, Whitehorn 535, Crowe $30, Sharpe $25, Rowe $2W Latimer $20, McInnes 320, Eastwood $20, McKie $10, Forrest $5. The winnings in team competitions are; Steele $485, Morris $335, Crowe $225, Steck $180, Russell $165, MeHarg $145, Freeborn $140, Eastwood $125,1 • Mitchell $110, . Forrest $110, McKier, s95, Whitehorn $85, Drysdale $85,1 Sharpe $40, Bibby $40, Clifford $40, aleInnee $40, ,Rovee Colorado Springs, Col., July 19: - Clutching in one hand a revolver, it the other a lemon, :with a note attach- ed reading: "From Lottie, July 171 Ike,' James S. Hunter was found dead in his roores early yeeterday, ti suicide. When flunter fell in love with Lottie Collins, 16, and .avowed his love, the girl said not a word, but left the room. In a few Moments she returned and handed her admirer a real lemon, to which she had attach- ed a bit of paper reading, "I love niy steady, but, oh, you sometime.”.". Double Drowning In -the West. Hanley,, Sask., ettly 19. -Alice and Emma Kilehing„ daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Kilehing, aceompan- ied by the two daughters of Robert Wilson, went bathing in Beaver Creek. Alice and Exuma went into the water first and nioved toWards deep water. None of the party could swim and Grace Wilscen relates that first Emma and then Alice Kilehing got in deep water and sank. • maid. was in a pea Mister. Mrs. Belleville. Woman, Drowns.. • .a. trenonle. s Cameron.' 'what am 1 to dee? :nun . Belleville, July 19. -News reached nye he. an ' she was alt this city yesterday of the: drowning MFred Link of Abbotsville, . lift nly veil? " "Oh. you needn't, WInahip." he inter-- minted. with it weary smile "I koow how you've fen. I should have felt that way' myself. You've 1)001 0 good ' lighter; and yoleve only found oat whet all we ligliters bare to leton in. tiite--that when we've etrnek the blow haSn't given. us the satlefeetion pt. pected. Don't tiny more -aboot• it I'll do myself the jiistive to any Boit I've •alttises respetied yeti, eve:. tit the WOrtit 01 • tilliett. NOW -go-go off together. it .gmit deal to do thnt I can caty He foreed them • geutie tram the mem, closing the. door behlud them •For seeond he leaned against it ;IS If foe support till his lativitual energy eit Me back. "That can only do -alone," 4v.. voted to hinoteir. "By heaven, 1 shall do it -to the bitter mull" He strode, back firmly to hie, deek and tad dooli merle. With head m eet Fought With Knives. St. Catharines, July 19. -John M131- lert and Toseph Lefevere of Ogdens- burg, N.Y., and Fletcher Marquis and Sidney Fisher of Toronto,are under arresthere charged with highway rob- bery, These four men were captuted by Chief Howe and a posse, after it light, on suspicion that they are the men svho took Edward. Cameron, a drunken man, into a box car aad robbed him, the three others titter. wards setting upon Lefever() and throwing him into the canal after a fierce Aght, with knives. Dowieltes Still Have Money. Chicago, July 19. -Silver coins and bills a foot and a half deep were thrown into a tri-eolored barrel plea - ed before the pulpit at Zion City Tab- ernacle Sunday by the followers of Wilbur Glen Voliva, general overseer of the Christian Catholie Apostolie (Notch of Zion, successor to John Alexander Dowie. Thousands of erten, women and children filed past and ,cast therein their offerings, ranging from five -dent pieces to twenty -dollar bills. Italian Lad Stabs Austrian. Port Arthur, July 19. -Driven to desperation by the teasing of A. Cher- nawiski, an Austrian, employed on street work, Filmic Arabia, an Italian lad of twelve, whipped out it large pocket knife and inflicted a serious wound just below the heart. Arabia was arrested, but released on bail to await the result of his victim's juries. The doctors say that had the knife not struck directly over it rib the wound might have been fatal. telehe Will Be Late. Ottawa, July 19. -There has been a further delay itt the transfer of the &flitter Niel* tO the Canadian Govern- ment. It was announced nt the never branch yesterday that advices had been reoeivad that •it would be, the middle of SeAtember at the esirliei4 before the °Meet 'would be reedy for .,• . g'660 a..4 • rs South Carolina, while on her way to this city tee participate in the Old Bbys' reunion this week. She was 41 years of age and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Biscomb, Defaulting Teller Arrested. Philadelphia, July 19. Private de. tectives yesterdayarrested J. Howard i Lowery, wanted n Utica for embez. gine $100,000 from a bank there last His whereetouts were revealed b$ a woman in Wilmington, Del., where he had been living, Consti• pation is the root of many forms of sickness and of an endless amount of human misery. Dr. NIorse*is Indian • Root Pills, thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use, have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipation and all kindred troubles. Try them. 25c. a box. • ' nseaulterf 'Ocirietable. Woodstock, Ally 19. -Edward Han rington of Brantford anci Edward O'Connor of Vealkerville, were sen- tenced to five and six. • months re- . Spectively in the Central Prison. The young xnen were on a spree here, got fighting and severely handled Get- table Robinson. a••••••• • Two Fishermen Misqing. Kingston. july 19. -John Casey and Michael Hennessy, Wolfe Island, art missing, and it is feared they art drowned. Their boat was found nem Sinicoe Island. They started from the city for the island Saturday night. Bank Manager Perishes. Langham, Sask,, July 19.-A. 3 Wells, manager of the Northern Crow/ Bank at Langbane was drowned whin. bathing in the Saskatehewarf River Ile got eaught in a swift current. , Inland Revenue. Ottawa, July 10. -The Intend Rove nue returns for June this year reach ed a total of 91,317,836, as comParec with $1,186,948 in the sense niontl last year. - ••• • • Lost on the Prairie, St, Lanterns, itotatV, july 16. --Lost On the prairie :Moe Wednesday evening, /Unpile Hunter, sited .6 years, , is be- ing cetteelessly sought for by her par- ents arid neighbors. The child was -trying to find her way home from her grandmother's, where She was The Dance of Their Lives. London, Indy •16. -Earl Grey, speak, ing'at Liverpool before Ids departure said Cetatlav•Vree the belle of the ball: Ile advised investors to make tare they were denting with the tight part- ner, Ahem they would get the lest &Mee ot their fives. Crew Left the Ship. , St: Thomas, July 19. -The crew of the steamer Forest CRY left the slip en masse on its arrival at Port Stew ley early yesterday morning, except- ing gaptain, firstemate and engineer. The crew, to the number of thirteen, complained of bad food and poor wages. • Organizing Peace Oelehration. • Niagara Falls, 0nt; July 19. -To- day the association for the Peace Cele. bratiori in 1915 will be4, permanently organized at a meeting:here. Profit. inent men from both Canada and the States will be in attendance. Child Mangled by Machine. .St, Catharines, July .19. -The to year-old daughter of J. H. Copelan concealed in the tall grass while her father was mowing, WAS run over by the machine arid one leg cut off and the other mangled. Reeddisked 38/0 FOR WII0OPINd COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, COUGHS. 13R014CRIT/9. SORE THitcAt, CATARRH; Vaporlzed Cresoleue elope the perorrome Of Whooping COugh. Ever dreaded Croup 0104 not exist where Creeolette is used. It set* directly on now sod throot, snaking breathing easy in the case of colde, soothed' the sore throin and stops tbe COugh. lila 1 boon tO sufferers of Alabtaii. Creeolene le a powerful dernileNt.-rnednil both * enrativiS arid a preventive in etintagititil Cresoleee's best reconnect:tastiest ida in thirty veers el succusefut Voir Sale by Mi Wotan* Send Postal tor De- scriptive )3sirlet craftier., Avid/erste Throat Tablets, sisapli sted breathe for the irtitetrd throat. 104. teething, Miles lie.. Lietited. Asset* ea. treat, sea 0•00*61*.*******0004400****0