HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-14, Page 8•
The undersigned. has also the agency for the Independent Companies+
and will fill oralere for a car load from any of the said ---
compantes for a small margin of pretit.
The uudereigned. has just received a car a fresh '"National"
Portland Cement and. will sell the same at a fair living profit.
Sumner Footwear Sale
On Saturday we will commence our regular ClearingSale of
Summer Shoes, anor range and quality lilts season's offerings are
especially fine. Alll new goods of this eea.son's make.
Ladies tan Russian calf Oxfords Relindo, reg $4, Saturday 3.00
Ladies tan Russian calf. Oxfords wing tip Relindo $4. Satin.
day for . 3.00
Ladies chocolate kid Oxfords, Relindo make, regular $4,
Saturday price. ... .
Ladies Regina:Oxfords, all patent lea. $3, Saturday price..
Ladies Remnalps.tent lea pumps, reg $3, Saturday for,
Ladies Regina gun metal pumas, reg $3. Saturday price.
Ladies all kid pumps, Regina make, reg $2.75. Saturday for
Ladies patent calf button Oxfords, reg $3.50
Ladies chocolate kid Oxfords, reg $3 for
Ladies black dongnbt kid Oxfords. reg $2 for
" $1.75 for
" 0.50 for
Alachildren's lines at, clearing prices our range is large and complete
Our Quick, Service is a Winner.
0-41,04e. oliew4e,w4sva.e4a4 ite.e.be.w44.4144b4re4 Gess w were.%
t SANE moNEy
t By spending it here Friday. .and Saturday -
# Big Price Reductions in all Depts. #
A Big Waist' Special
About 25 Ladies White Lawn Waists, made of niee quality lawn a
and trimmed with tucks and lace or embroidery insertion, seood
Nalne at 65c, to clear Friday and Saturday. .39
' Men's Odd Pants at 79c •
Only a few dozen of these Odd Pants $1.00 and $L25, choice of V
this lot Friday and Saturday . .79 Q
Children's Patent Oxfords 85c •
These Oxfords are niade of good quality patent and will give •
good satisfaction, sizes ll to 2. reg price $1.35, Friday and Sat .85 Is
Special prices on Women's and Children's Oxfords.
0 Corsets 49c and 69c
Be sure and get a pair of our 439e and 49c Corset. They are
as hummers. e
t Men's and Boys' Clothing at. Lowest Prices t
' . •
0 u. op .
eare.eataeibe-vb-e-.6..e-c>,ets4ibeiboAse-4.‘be.cr4evefrib.eAbe 41e4,04e;e
Bamboo Shades
We invite your inspection
In The News -Record
W. Di FAIR 00,
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
POP -m
ar."'3 0111,11
Clinton News -Record
Miss Wallace is in Paisley at present
the guest of her neice, 1Virs, (Rev.)
Miss JennieiShannon returned to Tor-
onto . on Saturday after a fort-
night's holiday at her home here.
Miss Eva Stevenson of Jacksdn,
Mich., is expected on Saturday and
be the guest of her sister,
Mrs. J. Cuninghame.
Dr. E. J. and Mrs. Holmes of
Cleveland have been in town, hav-
ing come to attend the funeral of
then.' sister, Mrs. Straith.
Mr, and Mrs. Annis of Port Union
visited the latten's sisters, Miss
Washington and Mrs'. Jas.. South-
coMbe, during the past week,
Miss Mary Chant, who has spent the
past • rnillieery, season in Belleville',
is having holidays at present aid is
spending them at her homeha town.
Miss Ella. Lindsay, who has spent
the last couple of rroillinery se'a-
' sons with Mr. W. J. Newco-mbe
Fort. William, is at home for her
'Re*. W. H. Dunbar has taken rooms
in Mr. H. Baker's house on Albert
street and is having them fitted up
and he and Mrs. Dunbar will short-
ly occupy them. •
Mrs. 'W. F. Caritelon and two chil-
dren of Toronto came up on the eX-
cuesion on Saturday and will be for
a couple of weeks the guests .of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon.
Miss Ida Holmes, Of Toronto, who has
been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H.
B. Chant, for a. couple of weeks,
_visited last week with Miss Susie
Acheson of Holmasville. •
Mr. Len. Cantelon spent from Satur.
day until Monday .at his • home in
town: Len. intends taking a trip
to the west this. -stunther, saarting
about tbe end of August.
Misses Margaret Davis, Dorothy Cin-
telon, Elva Wiltse and Belle Taylor
left for St. Thomas this morring to
attend the Missionary Summer
School which, opens there today.
Mea. Casemore ot the Amer -lean Soo
aiaited in town last week, , the stiest
of ter -brother; Mr. W. li. Webb. It
is ttweettasetien Years since Mrs.
Caeemore left Clinton and she sees
many changes.•
Mr. John Mole of Auburn and. his son,
Mr. David Mole . of Rochestar,
New York, were in. toivn on Satur-
day. The latter and his wife aro
spending a tortnight'a holidays ,at
the old homestead.
Mrs: Ja B. Hoover, Miss Hoover and
Master Jack are expected home 1 rem
Toronto on Saturday. Master Jack
has been 'undergoing treatment in
the Pasteur Institute for the past
three weeks from which the laalidie's
many frie•nds hope he will 'exper-
ience no ill effects.
Miss Ethel Doherty, Assistant' Supt.
of the General hospital, Boston,
Mass., who has been hiving holi-
days at her home in town, is now
spending .a few • weeks at the cot-
tage in West -minister Grove, Bay-
field. Mrs.
J. P. Doherty and Mas-
ter Jack of London are. als-o. spend-
ing a few weeks at the Camp. •
Rev. J. Greene and Miss Beatrice re-
turned on Saturday after an absenee
of several weeks during which the
latter visaed relatives in Ber-
lin and New Ila,nmsbire. The
:former spent paet of the time
amid the scenes of his early minist-
ry in Dundas and Stormont lioun-
ties, where he met a few of the
friends or fifty years ago.
Among those who took advantage of
the excursion from Toronto on Sat-
urday to vislt friends in town were:
Mrs. Levert, Mr. Ed. Jenkins, Miss
E. Livermore, Miss Olive Harland,
Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Vantassel, Mr.
011ie IVIcIlveen, Mt. John Moore,
Mrs. Will Downs, Mr. and Mts. Will.
Moore, Mrs. W. McIntyre ,of Oril-
lia, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees,
Mr. A. Conliff, Mr, I: S. Scott,
Harry Cole, Miss Gentrutle Chant,
Dr. Frank and Mrs. Belden, Mr.
Ed. Hutt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moody
and Miss Olive Floody, Mr. and
Mts. 3. M. Depew, Mrs. W. Foster
and Miss Edna, Mrs. W. P. Carat -
Toe and. two children, afr. Len. Can -
talon, Mrs, Wm. Kennedy and
daughter, Miss Lulu, 'Mrs'. J. Gib-
son, Miss Annie Cook, Misses L.
and M. Coltis, Master Walter Prid-
hem, Mrs, Carling, Mrs. J. Stev-
ens, Mrs. Payo, Mrs. J. Irwin and
daughter of StrectstiMe and Mrs.
Is, Holmes am' Miss Anna Holmes
of $t. Catherines, Mr. and 1Virs.
Hamer Smith, Miss Holmes, 'Mrs.
Ernie Doupe and daughter. Many
of those visitors only remained ov-
er until IVIonday but some are malt-
ing a /anger stay with friends or
relatives in town,
**NNW. Weee•••••••••••• e••••••• ***Wee** *Wee •••••ewe
Nelson Bali 1
i J. ft Hoover
I w
hen Selecting Furniture
You need be concerned only about its
appearance. The quality we guarantee.
So when you come to choose the new
library table, the new rocker or Morris
chair, the new suite for the parlor,
don't worry about the quality.
You Can Leave
That to .us,
nest assured we
will sell you on.
ly furniture that
will wear as well
as it looks,
1 lin HttranCOunty to buy MI kinds of furniture.
r 61 Ball
tjZtlfilt.A.T.1 ramoteyrolts
• ••••••illi 44.4 41.11*
July Mho 1910
Arie PoRaziw $TJA__.;
Starts July I5th
Ends August Ist
41111111111 - ACM 'V w
About People 'You Know.
Mr, Frank Bunn was in Wingham Sun-
day and Monday. . ••"
Mr. Wm.. Ker is down Ilona Walkerton
for a feW days 'vieit. . •
Miss MC. Robertson ss spending a
week or so with friends in Brant-
ford. • . .
Miss Helen Font lett on Monday, for
.Winnip.eg and will spend the summer
in the west.
Mies Nan Woods of Bayfield was
the' -guest for a en days this Week
' Principal Gundry was in Strathroy
' yesterday, and today, .
Mrs. 1Gayfer and children ofrIngersoll
• are Nisiting at Mrs'. 11: B. Combe'a.
Rev. T. W. CharlesWorth preached:in
• 'the London Smith Baptist • church
last Sunday.
Rev. C, R. Gentle conducted services
in St. John's church, Holmesville,
on Sunday last.
Miss BeIle Haddock of Regina, Sask.,
Was let town a few days with her
of Mrs. (Dr.) Fowler. aunt, Mrs. Eckmier.
Mr. McWilliams of Toronto visited at Mrs. Hugh Rose has-been Visiting her
Mr. Arthur Cantelon's 'during the parents, : Mr.. and rs. Robt. Max -
first part of the week'. , well; near Wingham,
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. O'Neil and family Mrs. Foster and Miss Edna of Toron-
mcived out to their summer cdttage to *e'er° guests from Saturday until
t Bayfield on Monday. Monday of Mrs', Wxn. Cantelon,
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker of Hullett aliases Willa and Kate Ford left last
were guests recently of their son,' week for Toronto to take a course in
Mr. Harry Parker, Stratford. art during the summer vacation.
Mr. J. A. Irwin took the seeeice at Mrs. Alfred N. Burehali, principal of
Hensall Methodist church on Sun- Iturk's rails public school, was the
day meriting in the absence of the guest of. Mr. and Mrs. W. Doherty
pastor. the forepart of this week.
Captain Taylor of the S. A. has bean Miss Belle O'Neil of Termite, who
transfered to Blenham and has been :has been visiting at South Itivor
succeeded by Captain 'Wales from. St. for the last couple of weeks, is ex -
Mary's. petted home tomorrow and will
Mrs. G. D. McTaggart and family spend° the remainder ot her holidays
went to Bayilead last week and are here and at Bayfield.
nicely :settled in their comfortable Miss E. Heinle, who has been a veal -
cottage there. dont of Clinton for several months,
Mr. A. S. Beaton of town, who hes returned to her home at Milverton
taught the senior division of the last week. She was accompanied by
Public School at Zurich since last her little neice, Miss Beryl Cooper,
Easter, bas re-engaged with the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 5. 8,
board at a salary of $850. Cooper.
Wire. II. W. Cook and Mrs. Ben. Cole Mr. and MrS. Ben. Coreturned to
left Monday, afternoon to visit Tor- Clinton on Sattaxlay last after an
onto friends. They also expect to absence. in Ypsilanti, Mich., of
meet their sisters, the Miss Mit- nearly four months. When, they left
(hell, from Vermont while there. here they rather expecte/1 -to locate
Registrar Coats, Goderich spent at Ypsilanti but conditions did not
Monday forenoon in town and dur-
ing that time he had. a cordial
hand shake with citizens too num-
erous to mention. The Clintonian
contemporary of the worthy
Registrar takes most kindly to
him and would like to see him of-
' teller.
Miss Iterniee Morrish, who has been
in Clinton since the
taking a
musical course under the direction
of Mrs. .111eI1erdy-Smith, left for
het bailie in OxboW! Sask., on Tues-
day. Miss Morrish made many
friends during her stay in town
who regret her departure. Slit was
menial.; tip to expectations am ey
decided that the old home town is has been organized will be luld each
Inany , Tuesday evening.
good enough for them. Their
friends and relatives in and about Mr. and Mae. Jonn Weldon visited
Clinton are glad to see the. -4 lack ,'Wawanosii friends a few days •ago.
, I Hullett produces good strawberries
Mr. Robert, Hamm Controller ot and the very best specimens mak be
Customers Toronto, canto up With i seen uPOn''tne farni of elninefff°t John •
the Old Boys on Saturday and re- 13arr, who has been putting up 'boxes
time passed quickly with him for he 31 Indies in circumference and the •
was almost continua y moe g
and exchanging greetings with old
n eans a veri large
proportion of the citizens of Clin-
ton. The town's latch string al-
aneceSsful ili her examination bit ways hangs out to the ,afiable Con -
the result was not known aft troller, his estimable wife and wor-
ter She bad left.
The News From Londesboro
•Frank Leo has :taken a position '• Mr, Haggitt. is on the sicklist. • -,
with the G.T.R. at Lucknow. Jos, Walker of Toronto spent
Sunday With her parents,.. Mr. ' and
Mr; and Mrs, Ernest LaWSon, • Olin -
ton, spene Sunday at the home of
Mr- Frank Gibbs. , " .
Mrs. D. W. Boyd is visiting . friends
in Luckeow:
Mr. W. 'G. Beaton, Event , Sunday in
. . lhaesdrtrey:ivdfer. decskt isvoiaincle ethissieet,,d. pTla‘.rhhsu4sornsr•adecag tip tnsi lawng ohtt ssti.iat:est:
the village. . .
Ass S. McCool spent a few days a
evening amounted to over $120.
this week with -her sister, ,I,Irs • J. L. •
AMC.wde of Wingbana • . . The ' Huron Old Boys excursion
brought several visitors to the vil-
and Mrs:. 'Arnett of Toronto ac-
companied by their daeghter, M. lag. . .
Dr. Williams ot Toronto, went Sun- • Miss *A. Butler of Blyth, who has
day with*.friends here: . .• ' • spent the past two weeks at the 'ft m -
Mrs. It, Carter left last week . for • perance ,hotsia returned. home • • Mon-.
Granton where eae Will . visit ' for a dny. '• a • • . -• ' ' • • •
- • • v. •-•
few days among relatives. 1 The annual S. S. Oxcursion. to Kin- .
Mr. 0; Cantelon 'shipped a car of .cardine will' be held on July 21st, uu- .
hogs on Thursday of last week also der the auspices, of the Winghant Sun-. •
Mr. E. Watean of Blyth slipped . , a day schools. A• special train on the •
car' of' cattle on Saturday. . - L., II, & -11.• . will be run .timed 1.0' .
Mrs. 'Mandell of Mitchell spent Tues- leave Londesboro: at 8.30. . •
day at the' home of Mr, Jas: Wood- - Miss Z. Whitley of •Gorrie 'pent the -
man. . 12th 'at. her . home here. • ;
Mre. Geo,. Johnston, Mr. Johnston
continues very • poorly,
• • The annual Sabbath School • straw
Hullett Happenings.
Miss Ting of Kingham spent the
latten part .of the week at the home
of Mr. Wm. Plunkett. • •
Mr, Samuel Deer and men are build-
ing cement sidewalks in Auburn this
week. a •
Mt, Wilfred Armstrong visited Sun-
day at his home an this vicinity, •
Children's Day was held in the Ev-
angelieal church last Sunday. The,
readings and t'.kitationa were eltietly
English and consequently the -church
was well filled. The YA'.A. which
initialed until Monday evening: The in which the mealiest berry, measere'd
11 tin la)" rdq't five incites. Whether it is in
live stock or the produce- of the field
the worthy Councillor strives to ex-
Mrs. Coeketline and son Wesley ti*nd
lored. Ilenry of nem, Clinfon , visited
Sunday at the home of Mr. A. Saint -
'Messrs. Leiper and John E...TayNir
returned 'home a few days ago from.
Scotland whither they went , • with a
view to the purehapa of ClydesWa.,,se
stallions. They- brought home sevefl.
fine animals and cite as an evidence •
of the great demand for Scotch
Civics that the export of that class.
on the .day they letli alone was 0110,
Mrs. C. L. Farnham and ehildreit
are spending a week at Hayfield.
Miss Maggie Macdonald has return-
ed home after spending seine
With her parent's at Stafai, and other
and Mrs. 0, Tudor spent Sun.
day -with the la.tter's parents at Hot.
Miss May Glazier of Stapleton is
vislthig her grandmother, Mrs. Cole.
friends wici
Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan of Stratford
have been the guests during the past
ders. week of their daughter, les. Phalen.