HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-14, Page 64. GRAND TRUNK s res EM ONLY LINE REACHING ALL THE SUMMER RESORTS, Charming Muskoka Beautiful Lake of Bays. Georgian Bay. Temagami. AIgonquin Park. Maganetawan River. French River. Stoney Lake. Kawartha Lakes. Lake Couchiching, Etc. lit ,::Trus ; ti'otIpist 'Tickets • on sale at low 14tes. COUNTING A SCORE. It. Represents the Whole Man, Ten Flo• oars and Ten Tose. ',Twenty is called a score because it represent, the whole man, ten Angers and ten toes. Etymologically it means a cut or ntork. in very early times, when Men could not couut beyond twenty, or "one man," It was usual to cut .a botch In a stick and begin again. and et) it went on, one man. two Men. and ao• en. Tblu is w.by sheep are still counted by the ecore. Now, a telly (french tattle, cut or ntckedi means an account kept by means of a notched stick. and until theend of the eighteenth century ouch sticks were given as exchequer ree Ipts, accom- panied by a written document. ''his was also the usual way of keeptng:ac- counts in the inns of the middle ages. The pumber of drinks or meals a cus- tomer had were *cored against him on what was called a tally stick, and when it reached twenty, or a "whole man," he was expected to pay. In some, English country Inns scores aro still kept on a slate, tour chalk marks and one across-five-und four of these make twenty, or a score. -Westminster aazettR, SAILINGS OF PASSENGER STEAMERS. From Sarnia to the Soo,. Port Ar- thur and Duluth every Monday, Wed- nesday and Saturday at 3.30. p, m , *he Wednesday and Saturday :steam- ers going through to •Dulutih. Sail- ings from Collingwood • 1.30. p. m., and Owen Scund 11.45 p. m. Wednes- days and Saturdays fee the Soo .And Georgian Bay ports. Sailings from Midland 1.30 p. in., Peneiang 3.15 p. in. to Parry Sound and way ports daily except Sunday. For full information and particulars apply to John Ransford, Town Agent. A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent. , or GRAND TRUNK s EM WHEN PLANNING YOUR SUM- MER OUTING Bear in mind that the Grand Trunk is the "popular tourist route" to Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Temagami, Algonquin Park, Georgian Bay, Ka- wartha Lakes, Magnetewan River, etc. A vaniety of fresh wat-r. • ages are also offered w�oraa`c rates. Full inforrAition from -Grand Trunk Agents, o,.• atess J. D. McDonald, Dist. Pass. Agent. Toronto, Ont. aesrells LONDON, ONTARIO Business & Shorthand SUBJECTS Resident and Mail Courses Catalogues Free 3. W. Westervelt, J. W. Westervelt, Jr.. C.A., Principal, Vice -Principal. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. . Clinton News -Record MEAN AND THE RAT.' Tits tong Bottle Between These Two Conquering Fero*.. Tho dominion of than over the beasts Of tite Aoki, does not yet include the rodents. Auroths, cave beer and 1334m' moth we put down with stone beaded Arrows. We have wiped, out the but- ' tale, The lion and the elephant will soon be gone. But still the rabbit of Australia cost the colonies millions a year. Traps, ferrets and poison stilt fail to make headway against the rats, Mice and gophers of the United States. While our uulmal enemies have be- come smaller in size. they have grown more numerous. , it is as If nature after trying vainly to chastise her in- surgent Ron with a catapult bad gone after him with a shotgun. The fact is that of all, warm bloyded creatures there are just two that are really dominant, successful, increasing In numbers and range and able to maintain themselves anywhere in the world against all rivals. These two are man and the rats. The genus bomo and genus mus go everywhere. and eat everything. They are the two creatures that dwell in houses and travel in ships. Each drives its other rivals to the •well. but neither except locally and for brief periods has ever. come near to exterminating the other. Civilized man has fought the common rat for 200 yeaar*,..and the battle is still drawn.-MVMCClure's'Magazine. , The manufacturers of SALVIA, the new American Hair Grower, of- fer one hundred dollars' reward to any one who can prove that SAL- VIA contains any injurious ingredi- ent. SALVIA at once stops the itching of the scalp ; will positively grow hair or money back. Is guar anteed to kill .the Dandruff germ. Ladies of tasteprefer SALVIA to any other hair dressing, as itis non -sticky, • daintily perfumed hai tonic and dressing. Hair is made beautifully soft and wavy. SALVIA has an enormous sale. We know of no other hair dressing and grower that is sold with a guarantee. SALVIA contains Henna and Sago, Restores dead hair to life, Short, harsh, brittle hair t;s made long, soft and sparkling with life, which adds beauty to the appearance of every lady.. W. A. McConnell will re- fund you your money if it fails. A large bottle for 50e. The Sco. bell Drug Co.,. St.. Catharines, Cana - Russia and Japan have signed a convention pledging themselves to ob- serve the • status quo in Manchuria. Earl Grey, •in an article in The Standard of Empire, • .describes --the Canadians as • a sane, sober, strenu- ous, earnest people: • • Andrew Carnegie is 'head of a com-• mittee which is to . organize' a world ' Nide celebration in honor of the cen- tury of` peace in the English-speaking world. e THE NEWS -RECORD'S RUBBING LIST FEIII }3I0 -Il Much good readingfor little money. IWEEKLIES' News -Record and]Mail and . Empire $1.50 News -Record and Globe1.75 News -Record and Family Herald and Star with Premium 1.75 News -Record and Witness 1.75 News -Record and Sun 1.75 ' News -Record and Free Press 1.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser 1.75 News -Record and Toronto • Saturday Night 2.30 News -Record and Farmer's Advocate 2.25 News -Record and Farm and Dairy 1.75 News -Record and Cana- dian Farm 1.75 DAILIES News -Record and Mail and Empire 4.25 News -Record and Clobe4.25 News -Record and News 2.30 News -Record and Star .. , 2.30 News -Record and World 3.25 News-Becord and Morning Free Press 3.25 News -Record and Evening Free Press 2.75 News -Record and Adver- tiser 3.00 MoN'rHLY News -Record and Lippin- cott's Magizine 3.25 If what you is not in list let us ktiow about it. n supply you at less than o t yeti to send direct. please do so by Postal Note, Registered 1 IT IS .NOT IN THE BLOOD A KING'S DOWNFALL HANDCUFFS. VM*us [woks, That. Have Beat Wee in Fettering. Prisoners. ° In Vaught btr to be found the fist re. corded instance of .the use of hand cuffs, for the poet tells us that Proteus was thus fettered and rendered pow. erless by Atha:tens, who apparently knew that even the gods then$elves were not proof against this form of persuasion. In the fourth century 13. C. an army of victorious Greeks found several chariots full ot handcuffg among the baggage of the defeated Carthaginians, and it is highly probable that the an- cient Egyptians had some contrivance of the kind. The word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon "handcop," whence comes evidently the slang term "copper." in earliest Saxon days "handcops" were used for nobles and "foot cops" for kings, but in; the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries) the word is 01,1P - planted by the terns "shack bolt" and "swivel manacle," and the Instruments were as cumbersome as the names by which they were known. " Up to the middle of the last century there were two kinds of handcuff In general use. One, known as the "tiexi ble," was , very like that which is still used; the other kind, called the "figure eight," was used to restrain violent prisoners. It was .so fashioned that the captive could not wove his hands and was universally dreaded. for the pain caused by a limb immov. ably confined is. almost unbearable. A simple but powerful device for se- curing prisoners was' the "twister," now abolished owing -to the injuries it inflicted. It consistedof a chain with handles at each end. The chain was put around the wrists, and the handles . were brought together and twisted until a Arm grip was obtained. The least struggle on the part of the captive and the chains bit deep into his wrists. Of the sante nature; bot made of wire, Is "la 1lgote," while in an emergency• whipcord has proved perfectly satisfactory. The handcuff used in some parts of eastern Europe is most prhnitive. it, consists of a V shaped piece of metal in which the wrists are .Inserted, the open ends being then drawn together by means of a cross hook, which must be kept taut the whole time. The most handy form of cuff, which is in general use at present. comes ' from America. It Is lighter and much less clumsy .thein the old "flexible," it is no 'easy malt..1 to clap the "bracelets" on a person: who is strug- gling violently. inventors should turn their attention to the subject. for much remains to be done before the fighting prisoner .can be quickly and strongly secured without harm to himself or his captor. -London Globe. Louis Philippe's Lack of Nerve When the Crisis Came. Baroness Ronde wrote In her diary the following account of the abdica- tion of Louis Philippe ot France on the day of that remarkable occurrence; "An aid-de-camp of the minister ot war who . was la the king's cabinet when he abdicated gave me a detailed account of this ,most signal piece of cowardice. Be bud reviewed the troops in the carrousel on horseback, highly rouged. when a cry was raised, 'Vole! les Faubourgsr No one bad any orders; no one gave any. The mob rushed forward. shouting, 'Vive la garde natioualesrvivent les troupes!' and shook hands with the outposts. 'rhe king retreated precipitately with his sons, and a sublieutenant of the national guard rushed into the palace asking to see him. Be was admitted and ip the greatest agitation said. *Your majesty must abdicate.' 'Very well; says the king. `In favor of my grandson: •No, unconditionally; says the young and self elected mouthpiece of public opinion. "Would you kbeifeve it? Of all who were congri' used round the royal per- son Phwcatory alone said: 'Go down and head Thur troops. Fight for your crown nand ,your. dynasty.' Ele was' overruled, and they all marched out of the palma except the Duchesse d'Orleans; her children and the bur de Nemours." Medicine Taken Internally. Cannot. Cure Eczema. It is Caused by Germs.: Eczema cannot be overcome by or- dinary treatment and. the old=fashion- ed way of dosing the system with. drugs. Eczema ,is caused by a parasi- tic germ that bores into the :skin. It is benerally a contagious disease. Until the parasite is completely de- stroyed and removed; eczema cannot be cured. Fully one-third of skin disc ess-s are in the form of eczema. We so thoroughly bcliesse that Rex - all Eczema Ointment will .overcome eczema and allied s'cin ailments, that we unheoo2tatingly promise to prompt- ly return. the m,oney paid us for it should it in any way be unsatisfac- tory to the user. Because of 'Its rensarkable cleansing, ant septic, germicidal, soothing and healing influence, Rexall Eczemna Oint- ment has a very pronounced value in the; treatment .of• skin diseases, es- pecially where.the form of ailmentis of the chronic, aggravating sort. We highly recomnnend : it for the dry scaly form or the weeping type, where there is a constant flow of ill -smell- ing excretion. - Renal: Eczema : Ointment is very prglmpt in relieving pimples, blotches,. s' I:n discoloration, ringworm, acne, nettle rasb, tetter, 'hives, ulcers, in- sect bites, andfor healing sores and wounds, It is a pleasant smelling, grayish -white o:ntnrent, and is very, cleanly for'use. Two sizes, °50u. and $1.00. Sold only at our ,.store -The Rexall Store. W. S. R. Holmes. Boxing the Compass. Boys who Jive lo seaport towns are sonietimes asked to "Itox the. com- pass." if they can do it 'quickly and accurately 'they are tine suitors • and may grew up to•.he- the captain of a. four master. If they niiss,a point or can only do Ir slowly they are land- lubbers and will never.see blue water. To box the' compass means to name all the points it► order just as fast as you can speak. This Is the way as old down east skipper will rattle it off: North, nor'' by east, nor'-nor'east, nor' - east by .north,, northeast, nor' east by east, east -not east, east by north, east, .east by, south, east-sou'eust, sou'east by' east, .son' east, souta't by south, 'sou'-sou'east. sou' by east, south, .sou' by west, sou'-sou'west,. sou'west by south, sou'•west, sou'west by west, west-sou'west. west by south. west. west by north, west-nor'west,nor'west by west, nor'west. nor'west,by north, nor'-nor'west, nor' by west, north. Can you do it? -Exchange. The Mayors and Police Commission- ers of many United States cities have expressed their intention of forbidding the exhibition of pictures of the Reno fight. • 'Horace Kent of Orillia was drown- ed while bathing at Atherley. Five •:hundredcarmen employed in. the Canadian Northern , shops at Win- nipeg went on strike. Prdfesser II. B. Telegman of King- ston died suddenly at Koshec Lake, where he Went on a fishing trip. Montreal striking bricklayers claim that a lot of the snialler .contractor are signing the agreement and grant. ing their terms, A Citiwd. Atisur.d: "Can't we have our mer'rier«. eel* brated quietly. dear duke?' "You mean wizout' se gr-r-reat crowd?, - "Yea." "I'M air -r -raid not. My creditors are quite sure to find us out, and every one weel be serer -Cleveland Plaint Dealer. Weil Begun -Half Done, Sidney was walking on the beach with his Uncle John .when bis uncle told bins that if he eeuld find two peb- bles exactly alike he would give him a dollar. Full of glee, 'Sidney began searching. By and by he ran to bis uncle crying. "Oh. Uncle John, .I've found one of them!" -Delineator, . Artful Innocence, "I wish I was a moth," was the enig- mattcal declarat;3n made by a young married woman to her husband. "Why?" "Because I should be able to got into some new clothes!" The fact that they cannot carry a tune does not deter some men from pinging their pwu praises. i'hlladei- phla Record. ..:,..,� • Gunpowder and Artillery. There Is abundant evidence that the origin of gunpowder and artillery goes far .back in the dim ages of the past. The 13indoo code, compiled long before the Christian era, .prohibited the mak- ing of war with cannon. und guns or any kind et firearms.. Quintus Curtin* informs us that Alexander the Great met with fire weapons in •Asia,• and. I'hilostratus says that Alexander's con- quests were arrested by the .use 'of gunpowder. It is also ' written that those wise men who lived in the cities of the Gauges ."overthrew their ene- mies with tempests and thunderbolts shot from the walls." ' OATARR'II CANNOT 13E CARED with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis- ease, Catarrh is a blood or consti- tutional disease, and to order to cure it you must take internal remedies, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken infer- nally, and acts direotly on the Wetod and mucous surfaced. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physi- clans in this country for ybars and is a regular prescripts.on. It is com- posed of the best 'tonics known, com- bined with the best blood purifiers. acting directly on the mucous sitrizc- es. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. V. J. Cif INEY At Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price 75e. Take Hall's Family Pills for 'eott- StipAtion. An Odd Turkish Superstition. An odd Turkish superstition, is as follows: if one finds a piece of bread lying upon the ground be must pick it up, kiss it and carry It until he flaws a hole into which the bread can be in- serted. To step upou a piece of bread or to leave it lying upon the ground le one of the unpardonable sins and dooms the offender to the third' hell. where he is perpetually gored by an ox that has but a single horn that is in the center of his forehead. 4 The Winnipeg crew won the Stew- anis' tewands' Challenge Cup at Healey. The Canadian, rifles team at Risley won the Maacinnon Challenge Trophy. Two women were killed in New York by falling from high windows in ,tenement houses. Thousands are starving because of the rice famine in the Chinese pro- vine« of Shantung. The British Home Secretary will be asked to prohibit the exhibition of the Jeffries -Johnston fight pictures. Mrs. Turnbull of Claremont dropp- ed dead at Arthur. Mrs. Cathext:ne Breithaupt, the old- est, native resident of Bean, Ont,, is dead. WHAT ABOUT THAT VACATION.? If you don't know where to go, how to go, or what it will' cost you, better ask Busy Man's Travel Bur- eaul-not charge is made to readers of Busy Man for the service. We are in receipt of the July, number of Busy Man's, the big, bright Outing Num- ber. It is so full of goodf, things that reading it gives one the feeling of having enjoyed a vacation, and if you really are to have. a vacation, you cannot afford to miss the July number. The publishers are particu- arly anxious to have moreof our citizens know Busy Man's and offer to send a copy Free to any reader of this paper who is genuinely inter- ejted inclean, wholesome recreation. A postal card with your name and address and the name of this paper, if addressed to Busy Man's, 111 Uni- versity Ave., Toronto; will • secure you this copy. We know how good Busy Man's is and we would be glad to have our citizens who ffsh, hunt, canoe orgo on vacations take ad- vantage of this liberal offer. The Tuaregs. • In his book • "Across the Sahara" Flans Viseber writes: "On n spot re-' cently uncovered by the wind 1 picked up blunt arrowheads and knives, Car- thaginian coins,' money lost by Ro- mans and Arabs. and fragments of heautifully coloredmarble slabs which probably once adorned softie Roman villa on •the hills" - • Strange peoples were .met in that long march •across the Sahara -the Tuaregs, for instance, who need not a suffragist attack to briug then[ to their. senses. for "among the Tuaregs it .1s the man, the brute, who by all the laws of the country -has to obey the -woman. Descent is traced through the mother. Woman shows her proud We to allthe world, while the man goes veiled." Advanced Ancestral Pride. "So Woodby Is very rich now, When 1 knew hint he was poor, Efts only treasure in those days was the musket. his great-grandfather carried in the Revolution." "Oh. his great-grandfather has been promoted shire. Woodby exhibits hie sword now." -Philadelphia Preset. The Limelight, "Pa, what is meant . by t...e litae- 1lgbt l" "The lltnellgbt, my boy, is eotnetbtng that everybody wants to be in without peytug advertising rates for the priv'- itege."-Detrolt Free Frew. July140,1910 Dr. Frederick A. Lyons, formerly aC Toronto, is dead in New York. People in towns on the south shore of Lake Superior are fleeing in boats from forest fires. Lady Ahdy has offered $250,000 to- ward the promotion of an aerial line between London and Paris. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous hatter, cleanse the system, cure constipation and sick headache. Sold by all deal- ers. Two children from Chicago, who were visiting at Guelph, were stopp- ed at Port Huron by an American immigration official on their way home and sent back toGuelph. Mr, John McAuley, one of the vic- tims of 'the Longford Mills explosion, is dead, and ibIr. R. R. Conbrough, the chemist, is • in a critical • condi- tion. . • . The Pullan Paper Company of Tors onto sustained ,a loss of twenty thous- and dollars by the burning of their warehouse at Winnipeg. Insurance' un- known. • • The Artist and His- Work. The great artists, like the' great he rot's, have always done whatever carie to hand. • Michelangelo. grumbled. und' said be was a• sculptor' when Julius 11. set him to paint, but he paiet- ed. the roof of the Sistine:ebapet. Shakespeare chafed at the popularity ofthe fool in the drama of ,hi3 time and then produced the fool In -Lear." If either of them bad waited for per- fect conditions and an Inspiration un- trammeled by circumstances be would have done nothing. '!'bey . produced masterpieces because they made the best of things as. they were. And this is the • business of the artist in ,11•fe.- London Timm . 'His Pockets Were Empty. Damureau, an. actor. fought a duel in 1834 with an orator named Manuel. The orator proved the better swords- man and would have run Daniureau through the body had not his . sword struck . a five franc . piece which hap- pened to be in the actor's pocket.. This drew from a notoriously impecunious journalist the exclamation, "Alas, If 1 had been in Datnoreau's place it would have been all over with mei"- New York Post. , , HOMESEEI' RS' EX:CU11,S1Orts TO WESTERN CANADA. Through the metropolis of 'Chicagol thence via Duluth and Fort Francis, or through Chicago and the tw:n cit- ies of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, July 13th and 29th. Via Sarnia and Northetta Navigation Company'si stea- Mers leave Sarnia 8.30 p. in., duly 1.3411 and 27th. 'Winnipeg and return $32.00. Edmonton and return $42.50. 'i''c'•ets good fer 60 days. Propor- :t?onato rags to eertnin other west- c.',l points. For tickets and full in- formation go "to any Granit Trunk agent. Teething children have more or less diarrhoea, which 'can be controlled by giving , Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. All that , is necessary -Co give the . prescribed dose ,after each operation of the bow- els .more than natural and then. cas- tor oil. to cleanse the system. • It is safe and sure. Sold by all dealers. • Soreness of the muscles, whether in- duced by violent exercise or injury, is quickly relieved by the, free applica- tion of Chamberlain's. Liniment. This liniment is equally valuable for mus- cular rheumab:sm, and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers. WESTERN. FAIR. Sept. 9-17, London, ,Ontario. The management of the Western Fair, London,. Ontario, are) putting forth . every effort this year to make the Lxhibition'hore attractive than ever, not only for. Exhibitors, but Visitors also.' A gr.,at change will be made in•. the arrangement of ,exhib- its in the Main Building. The Am nese used as an art ,Gallery last year will be transformed into a "Made -in London'! Exhibit, which will certain. ly be new and interesting. Ample provision will be made in the Gallery for the Art Exhibit, and many other new and special Exhibits. The Dairy Bu lditug will be of -particular interest with the new cold storage.sys'telm for the cheese exhibits. The cash, prizes in the Cheese and Butter Departments are large, and in addition Six Silver Cups have been, kindly donated to this' department. The Honey Exhi'bit promises to be large this year, and the practical demonstration of the care of bees will'be .of . grear interest to ,the general public. The : Dag and Cat Shows will again be a feature of this year'sExhibition. Greatinter- est, has been taken in these Depart- mentsin the past and this year pliom ises to ec:tipse them all. Two Hun- dred and. Forty Dollars has been add- ed to the testi prizes in the Poultry. Department, in addition to which Ten Silver . Cups•have been kindly given by the' London Poultry and Pet Stock Association and others, making in all a splendid 'list in this/ department. All information regarding any de- partments of the Exhitlition will be given on application to the Secreita- ry, A. M. Hunt, London, Ont: (LONDQN) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and Unscrupulous vendors may pugged others, bat compare it alt way you will -purity, freedom from acidity, palatableness-Labatt's Ale is surpass- ed by none, equalled by few -at about bail the price of best imported brands. D Is a general' nuisance and mimes sickness, but it can be avoided by using ST.B A'N E on sweeping day. Dustbane moreover, -disinfects the room and restores Rugs to their original freshness. The women swear by Dustbane when once they have used it. Don't have another dusty sweeping day, but get a 35c package of Dustbane We tde.authorized by the manufacturers of Dustbane to send you a 35e can of their Sweeping Compound. Ws want you to use this on trial for one week. At the end of this period, if not found satisfactory, we will take it back, and there will be no charge for quantity used. It does away with Dust on Sweeping Day YOU WANT 1T.. Sold in barrels., Half barrels and quarter barrels, for stores, schools, churches, hospitals, banks, and public buildings. HARLAN D. BROS. DISTRIBUTORS FOR CLINTON Canadian Factories -St. John, N. B., Winnipeg, Man. Anwwwowwwwws The apple was always a great temptation- green apples have 'their little victims yet. The safest and surest remedy we know of is fir Wild Strawberry Compound Its direct antiseptic action on the bowels over- comes the "green apple poison"- soothes irriated parts and checks dysentery gently. It contains no harmful opiates and being NYAL'S we can heartily recommend it: Anything you buy with the name will sive you entire satisf actiofl 3o1d and guaranteed by. W. S. R, Holmes . W, A. McCennel J, no Hovey CLINTON 3286 It Pays. To Ose Them Butter Wrappers with our name, ostofce and that of your dairy print- ed up on them adver- tise you and thus in crease the number o . your available cus tourers. It, there fore, pays to use them. When you need a supply CALL ON TkeiewsReeoId. � 1-1