HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-14, Page 1e Clinton News -Record. No, I637 --31st Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 14th, 1910 THE HOME PAPER 25 cents will pay a subscription to The News -Record to any address in Canada to end of IWIO. `tour 'Watch ge air rn e nt e � S one to which we wish to call your special ii; `on as we do not allow a piece of attention, until work to. -leave our repair departi3aent t it passes a rigid inspection and is thoroughly satisfactory. REAL ESTATE SALE. . D r. Led. Munro hasbought h t ecot- tage o - 3t �a oVictoriao n an street wedMrs. t t by g PPa'r Rainey and at present occupied by Mr. and Mils. Erne Jackson. He 'does not purpose .occupyiug it fora month or so yet, . THE LOCAL MARKET. Wheat 88c to 90c. Oats • 360e1c to 3635 Peas to 65c. Barley 40c to 45c, Butter 16c to 17c. Eggs 16c to 170, Levo Hogs $8,65. THE INQUEST. At the inquest held on Monday to enquire into the cause of the death of Albert Proctor of, Holmesville • a verdict of accidental death was re- turned. With this the jury coupled .a against theuseffirearms c niton s a t o b. a g y children. ONT. ST. CHURCH. Wesley League visited this League on Monday evening, the visitors be- ing responsible foe the program.. The President, Mr. Edgar East, eau_ pied the . choir and the. topic Iof the evening was well taken by Mr. Robt. Irwin, Miss Nellie hill sang a solo Rev: Mr. Fond gave a fid a x little talk and Rev. Mt. Greene, . who !loves to be with the young people, 1 favored. the company with a solo. A very pleasant social lime was spent by . the two societies of young people. The• .return• visit is to be made in August. Misses Elva Wi? se and Delle. 'Tay- lor were appointed delegates from this League to the .Sumner 'School at St. Thomas. Next Monday evening the regular monthlymissionary meeting will be held, 'when Miss Sybil Courtice, who shortly leaves for Japan, will address the League. As this will probably be Al e last, opportunity for r'smile time of m eting and hearing Miss Courtice, it is, hoped •that there will be an unusu- ally large attendance of both' oldand young. people. . con relgati The youngmen theof on I congregation are invited to attend the young men's class at 2.30 every Sunday afternoon in the church.... EIGHT STRAIGHT .WINS. The local ball team won its eighth consecutive victory on Friday " last \viten it defeated Goderieh by 11 to 3 with an .innings to spare. Every member of the teams played Food ball, but, perhaps, special .refer- onceshould be made to tlie. - clever Berk of Tasker, Clinton's twirler, i••ho has' puzzled the il:ur.on League • r 11 reason: Another feature of • the, Clinton Branch -- C. E. 'Dowding, Manager. j iC auriBatonc was Ted JohnsIi,. on's hO.ome'run. ' Hawkins c. •3 2 �� Ye1iqar f.w./e - Clinton rn n l andYtugudt ui 9 Our store will close each night at 6.30 p.m., except Saturday nights. i 1 T ROYAL BANK of CANADA HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Capital $5,000,000. Reserve $5,9a8,000. Assets $75,000,000 13o Branches and Correspondents throughout the World. INCORPORATED ;869. Special attention given to the requirements of farmers. Interest allowed on deposits of one dollar and upwards. R. E. MANNING, MAnager - "Clinton Branch. • The MOLSONS. BANK INOORPORATED 1855.. Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 . Rest Fund $3,500,000 Has 73 Branches in Canada and Agents and C) orrespondents'inall the principal cities in the world. • • A GENERAL BANKING .BUSINESS .TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. Interest allowed at Highest Current Rate:. SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. From the list of succ ssfu1 Normal al School students we cull the names of the following whoare, or were fora"- enly, of Clinton or vicinity. •� Misses Leila Ford, Annie E, Chal- lenger, Mae Smith, Hazel` R. Ker, Sadie East, Bessie McEwan, Ella Hunt, Mamie E. Potter, Mary E. 'Pep-- per eep=per .and. Mx. Gordon. Perdue. LITTLE LOCALS. Wallis Sunday school picnicked at, Bayfield yesterday. Wesley Sunday school are at Bay- field today enjoying the lake breezes. Services will se held in the Baptist church as usual next Sunday, the pastor to preach in the evening. WESLEY CHURCH. Rev. Mr. Ford preached. morning, and eveningon Sunday and in the after- noon noon the Sunday t e S nday school.. Mr, Robert Holmes also, addressed the sehodl .briefly. The members of the morning class took advantage ofthe presence ` on Sunday morning of their former lead- er, Mr. Rout. Holmes, to present to him a very handsome hymn book as a mark of appreciationand a reminder of 'his old friends in Wesley church. This League gut. of •' sited Ontario street League on Monday. Next Monday ev- ening Miss Annabel McEwan will give an addr)ss on ".Christianity in the Everyday Life." The young people of the church are invited to the meet: ings. ODDFI,.LLOWS' OFFICERS. • The officers of the Oddfellows Lodge for the current •term• are as. follows : . Noble Grand, James Tuckers:' Vice Grand, Thos. Hawkins. Past Grand, Wn•. 11McEwen. R.S.N.G., Norman Kennedy. L S.N.G., S. C, P.athwell. R S.V.G., Wm. Johnson. L.S.V.G., Frank Watson. Treasurer, H. B. Chant. ' • Rec.-Secretary, B J. Gibbings. Fin. ,Secretary, John Wiseman. 11. B. Warden, Kerr. Chaplain, Fred. Chant: • . Conductor, Herb Alexander, R.S.S., Amos Castles. • L.S.S.,' Wm. Collyer. I.G., J. W. Moore. O.G., A. Turner. Representatese to Grand Lodge, W. McEwen. ' READYMADE ORDERED CLOTHING I The Morrish Clothing Co CLOTHING • Two Reasons FOR two reasons we are offering special reductions in. Summer Suitings, made to your order. lst-We want to keep our staff busyy until our western orders come in. 2nd -We have too many Summer Suit- ings-That's s -That's the whole story. It's short, but it's welcome news to the man who'. has noticed that his suit is a little shabby. Starting Saturda julg 16th, and end- ing ink SaturdaD, Aug. , we will offer . the. following reductions : Men's $22 Summer Sailings, made to your order for - - - Men's $25 Summer Suitings, `made to your order for - - Men's $30 Summer Suitings, made to your order for „ - - $18.00 $21.00 $24.50 SNE MORfISH CLOTHINO CO. "A Square Deal for Every Man" E. Johnson .Ib 1 2' Macdonald 21e `'. 0 W... Johnson; reef.• 0' 4 11IcCaughey 3b • 1 2 Twitchell s.s. 2• 2 Draper r.f. 2 2 McEwen 1.f. 1• Tasker p. 1. .•3 • Goderich Webb Elliott • Cruickshank, Devine • Wiggins • Doyle • Black Dean .•• Bell • . •11 24 R. 0. 0 3 0...:4. 0 3. .. •0 4 1 °3 4 2 2 0. 0 2 0 3 , 27. DEATH OF MRS, STRAITH. Mrs. Petri Stealth,, whose death occured. on Friday:last, war a daugh- ter of the late Samuel Ito:.nes, Esq., of • Goderich township, afters whose family . the. village'.. of Helmer, ville was • named. She.. had . been a resident of town 'fol' a number of years, however, .having come to Clin- tan with her mother several • years ago. She was twice married her Vest husband being Mr. 'Peter . Cant - i elon, :her s Gond, Mr. Peter Stealth, who also predeceased her. Mrs. Straith • was a Presbyterian in relig- fon and was wns. her place in the house lidever of w'ableorshipin. She was .a woman of bright intellect and. 01 setf keen wit, a wit h d. • de - ,her even duringwhicher dilastnot upness, She had the faculty of always looking, on the bribeioreght side things and wa much d beyof tluose wlio knows her intimately. r Deceased returned about Christmae. time from a trip to the west wherel she had visited friends and had . not been in good health since that time, but $a far recovered as to be able to go about again when she took a bad turn a week ago which, in spite of medical aid and careful nursing, proved too much fon her weakened frame and on Friday 'she passed peacefully away: r Mrs. Stealth is sue' ived by five brothers. and two sisters 1 Joseph of Tuckersmith,. William • of Lucknow, John of •Goderich township, Gabriel of Manitoba and Dr. IS. Holmes of Cleveland ; and Mrs: et4Merman of Ynrkton,. Sask., and Mies Holmes of town. The 'funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was very largely at- tended by old friends from (Goderich, Holmesville, Seaforth and other plac- es. The :pallbearers were three brothers of deceased : Joseph, John and Dr. E. J. Holmes, and IVfmrs. S. ', Wal- lace, Woodstock: John Holmes, ltur- on Road, and J. It. Holmes of Holm. milk, • THE FALL WHEAT CROP. Mr.:John Raamsford, the Great Tuc- kersmith farmer, brought in • a few sample heads of falt wheat to his friend, Me, Jas. Fahr, the other mor- ning. This gentleman sent_ them; to a frni in Montreal who after inspection replied ar follows : "Me.ssrs. J. & N. Fait', ; Clinton,. Ont. ,Deal" Sirs, -We have your esteemed Meet of the 4th inst:,'also the sam- ple heads of fall : wheat which arrived thisrni ' n o xnl;. They are certainly. beautiful' and we hope there are plenty like them. As one of our Corn exchange friend:; said this Morning, If Manitoba .should show heads like that it would break the market .20c. Per bushel:' • . Very truly, T. W. Raphael & 'Co, Montreal, July 6th, 1910." This only goes to show that the Ontario wheat lands. are not by any means depleted, and thatunder skil?- ful and proper cultivation . can pre - duce wheat in every, way equal ...to the Northwest. Our 'readers t,f course will bear in mind that this Tucker - smith farm" is in the finest possible state of cultivation. R'E.SU;LT OF GREATER FAITH. The mcnnbers of L.O.L. No. 710,' with a number ` of visiting brethren, attended divine service in St. Paul's' church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. •W. 11. Dunbar, District Chaplain, • con- ducted the service, taking tor the sub- ject of his discourse the words found in Josh. 2, 18-20. The Rev. 'gent'leman called attention to the fact that many people consid- ered it needless.to use human: precau- tion, clairiiing. that. "If God be for. us why should we fear, or why should we give ourselves unnecessary trouble to bring the good about a Right will prey'ail without our aid." But he showed that in all the ages of the world people have had to use very possible precaution to ensure their own eafety and well being, that God required men to do all in their power for their own safety while re- lying on him for ultl hate deliverance. 'He drew • attentionto they scarlet thread mentioned in the tet, as be- ing the reminder of the pledge to the woman who had received' the spies and had allowed them to go in peeve, that when the Israelites came into the land that she and her household should he saved. ller action in ex- hibiting the scarlet thread was the result of her strong faith in God. "What we nerd, brethren," said the speaker,, "is a genuine belief in trod." The inference being that a stronger faith would result in more earnest work on the part of men. He also cited the ease of the r;arinkled blood on tate door posts at the passover when the Israelites were starting on their, pilgrimage, and pointed out that tilde safety depended upon the blood and it was necessary for then td. have the blood sprinkled that the Angel of Death would pass over therm, and that our safety depends upon the blood of Christ, "as of a L'rinb without blemlfilt." The choir renderhd some good music and the service was a. very impressive one. LITTLE LOCALS, One hundred applications have al - rveaicedY been made for waterworks ser Tc News-Record to any address in Canada to end of 3.910 for 25c. To United States points 50e. Clinton Orangemen celebrated the 12th in Stratford on Tuesday when a number of thein friends accompanied them to the classic city. MANY HAPPY RETURNS. Dr. Thompson yesterday celebrated another anniversary of, his 'Birthday. The numerous friends Who were not aware of the fact and will only per- haps learn of it through The News - Record will join The People's Paper in wishing him "Many •Happy Rei turns of the Day." A GOOD PRINCIPAL GOES,. Mr_. A. Y.Gundry B.A., of the Collegiate Institute, has resigned to accept a similar position at Strathroy. When Mr. Gundrytook charge of the C. I. four years ago it was in a run-down condition, but by his ability and energy he made it one of the' best schools in the Province and a credit to the town. His de- parture is much regretted, but ,all mete in wishing him continued suc- cess in his profession. CORONERS' NOT OVER PAID. As the law stands. a Coroner has no option •.in the matter of holding an inquest. He may not deem it neces- sary at al?, but if the County Attor- ney directs him to act he must: do se or resign his commission By the way, there is an erroneous idea prevalent in regard to fees. Dr. Thompson made two tripe to Heimesvilie, issued. his warrant, made :out the ' summons, etc.. and wrote down the evidence and his entire foo is $1.1.60. Dr. Shaw, as • medical witness, made one trip to Holmesvi•llc • and gave evidence at the inquest and re- ceives $12, • Sergeant Welsh suminoned the -juily*. men and attended h hearingf Men the. •of • which his fees were $4•:50. • The jurymen each received $1,50, About People You Know. Mrs. Lv angton leaves foe 1 an•ford Me. Hart Holtzman of Credi ton is a guest at Mr. J. 0. Medd's. . Mrs. Roy Hillier and little son of Kempville are visiting in town. Mi Co c rs is in � that Arthis e Mw•e k at. Y tending the wedding of her brother, Mrs. H. Alexander has returned from. a very pleasant throe weeks' visit in Detroit. Mr. Oliver Johnson returned home on Friday last after still another bus'', ness trip to Sask, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chidley are here from Owen Sound for the wedding of the former's' sister. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Cluff, Dungan- non, were guests at Mr. R. J. Cluff's over the week end. Mr. Robt, • Fair, barrister, Owen • Sound, was the guest of his cous- in, M ns. R. J. Cluff this week. Mr, and Mrs: 5, Hays, Seaforth, and Mrs. W. Belfry and sister, Montreal visited Mrs. S. 11. Rance yee- •terday. . Mr. and Mrs. Rieh. Blatchford and Mr. WTn. Blutchford, Exeter, wero. guests of . Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawke over Sunday,' Mrs. John Wiscmam•returned. .from Toronto on Saturday after a pleas- ant visitth re with her Weed, Mrs. Alex. Armstrong. Mrs.. Annie Beacom and family and Mrs, • James Howe have rented a. cottage . in Westinineter Grove, Bayfield, and went over today. Mr. and Mrs, G. Priest of Columbus, Ohio, are guests of the former's sieter, Mrs..('. Hawke. They had not .,seen each other for a great many years. Mr. W: 13; hale of the city of Mexico arrived on Friday last and is the. guest • of his brother, Mr. C. B. Hale, at the latittr's summer cottage at La Porte Canip on the lake gime above Bayfaeld. Mr. John Crooks, is in town' this week shaking : hands with ,old friends and he has very many of them. Push- ing trade "on the road"• appears to agree well with the genial .John who never looked better. ; Miss Twitchell returned on Monday from. Detrctt where she has been for several months. She was ac- •' companied by a friend, Miss 'Gaulp, who is het guest at the family recti dence,-1 attenbury,.str'eet. ' Mr. H. T. Penton. same up' from Ter - onto on the excursion. Saturday and was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Jas.. Livermore over Sunday. Mr's, . Pen- ton and children; who have been visiting in Sarnia, cannot up on Mon- day andwill visit with Mrs, Liv- ermore and other friends. Mrs. H. Wiltse and Miss Wiltse. heft on Wednesday of last week for a western trip. They • went via; Sarnia andthe lake route and after a.few weeks :• visit with Winnipeg friends *ill go to ..Fargo, South Dakota, where they purpose remaining until the last week in August. HAPPENINGS IN SOCIETY1 Mrs. C. C. Ranee entertained on Saturday in boner of her sister, Mrs..' :Belden, Toronto. ' Mrs. (Major) Conibe gave a• .party yesterday in honor of her: guest, Mrs. Gayfer, Ingersoll. • COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE PDOMOTION EXAMS. today. Mrs. A. 1'. Gundry went to Strath- roy this morning. 1YIas.a Mayante visited inGol rich Re over the week end. Miss 13. McIver is holidaying with friends at Kippen. Mrs, A. J. Rollaway visited friends M Blyth last week ° Mr. and Mrs: Bert Fitzsimons were in Wingham on Tuesday. Miss Lucy Brandon 4f luaon- o tic e guest this week of Miss Belle O'Neril. Mrs. George Woods and her daughter, Miss Nan Woods, were in Clinton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jaeksofr and their guest, Mrs. Malley, Toronto, were in Goderich yesterday. aY. Y Misses Lily,and Emma Rowe of Lxe- ter are'at present the guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Thos. Holloway. Mrs,. Ira Fisher and Miss Eva Fisher,. Colorado Springs, Col., arrive to- day and will be guests at Rev. J, Greene's. Mrs. Shannon and Miss Pearl leave tomorrow for an extended stay with Mrs. Shannon's daughter, Mrs. Smyth o f Chita g o t Miss Nellie Jenkins, daughter. 'of Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins of Goderieh township, has been visiting at thq Hanna homestead at. Milverton, Mrs. Sharman of Yorkton, Sask,,_ is the guest •of her sister, Miss Holm- es, Princess street, having been call- ed home on account of the illness of her s:star, the late Mrs. Straith. Misses Helen and Grace Murray, Tor- onto, are guests of their uncle, Dr. Thompson. • Mrs. Murray and. Mas- ter Ross came up with the excur-, s o'nlets on Saturday but returned. to the city Monday.• Mr. Ed, Mole,. manager 'pf the Sea - forth ea•forth electric light" plant, was in town yesterday on his wa.y back ;to Seaforth after a couple : days visit at the• • parenta? noise • in Auburn. Miss Hazel O'Neil, daughter of Mr. W.•. T. O'Nu'l, successfully passed: her Intermediate examinatian in music held recently in connection with; the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, taking honors in Musics: History. Mo.,. Dark, mother of Mrs. 'Ratted-. bury, has gone to Toronto • `where she will remain during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clucas who are taking a trip tothe Isle of Man,• the home of the Clucas family. Mrs. Clucas is: a daughter of Mrs. Dark. Miss Leura M. ;Weston, claughtee b° Mr. H. Weston, Goderieh township, went . to Detroit ' yesteelay to as ccpl a position as stelieeraphe:•. Miss Weston is a gtadeatr of the C linton Business Colles, and there is no doubt but. that she will do credit .• to the excellent fe caved there: Tho following is the result/ of the Collegiate Inc a.tute promotion exam- inations. The names are in order of merit • ^ From Fo.'m 3 to Form 4, Elva M. Brown, Leslie J..Wasinann, Bertha 'L. Brogden, Robert L. Reid. From Form 2 to F orin 4. . • L. A. Smillie, Ida Taylor, • Jessie Buchanan, Mamie Lamont, Mary ' A. Taylor, Isabella Glen. •. . •• Prone Form 2 : to Form 3. Marjorie Manning; Mary Jackson, Marion -Irwin,- Carl Diehl; H: E. Mus- tard, Chas. Wise, Edna Levis, Mur= •ray Jackson, H. R. Cantelon,• Edgar Torrance, Helena Middleton, Myrtle Mair, -Violet Barge, Bessie Walker, Ruby -Wise, Albert Cooper. '• From. Form 1 to Form 2, • E. Holland, F; Slonran, J. Aiken- head, • E. Lyon, G. Weir, Hattie Tim - nee, Harold Turner, Byron Hill, Vera Lobb, Austin' Hoare, Grace Walker, E.•Johnson, • M. Chowen, A. McCon- nell, G. Drape"., M. .Shipley, J. Mc- Ciinchey, C. Paisley, L. Ford, • E. Leitch, D. Copp, C, .Nicholson, J. Kelly,' A. Brunsdon, E. .Pattison, D. Barr, F. Brownell, Cantelon, {SS. Mc- Allister, M. Carbert, N. 'Garrett, ' J, Miller, L, Greig, F. Martian, 0.• East, E. Sims, J. Shanahan, _ M: Adams,+O, Bah', L. Macdonald. • Commercial Diploma Examinations. The •following have completed the Commercial Course at the. 'Collegiate and passed the examination for the Commercial Diploma Marjorie Manning, Bessie Walker, Mary . ,Jackson, • Dorothy Ball, Violet Barge, Effie Pickett. Prize Winners. • The following students' having anade the highest marks throughout the term in their respective .forms ars awarded the Proficiency prizes.: Form 5, Pt. I. -Jas. Mitchell. Form 5, Pt. II. -'Hazel E?oat. Form 4 -May Jones, Form 3 --Elva M. Brown. Form 2 -Leonard A. Smillie, Form 1 -Emmeline ]:Tolland. • New Advertisements. Two Reasons -Morrish -1 7th Annual Sale-Pozer's--8 Private Sale -Miss O'Neil -5 Special .Offerings-Trwin's ..4 'house for Sale -O. Johnson -5 Save Money-Pinmsteel Bros. -8 Voters' Lists -J. E. 'Harnwell-5 Plenty to; Pick From--Couch's--4 Stanleli Township Miss Mabel Stogdill of Forest ar- rived on Wednesday and will be the guest for a week• of her uncle, 1Vtr. Wni. Sto•gdill. Breeze • Bayfield Happenings.. Miss Raby Woods, who has been attending the' Seaforth Cc. egiete, is home. for the holidays. • G. 'll' taw f Sea - forth U. Sham o Mc ssr.� g forth and Beattie' of .Montreal were in the village Tuesday in the! interests of the Rural Telephone Company.- : Mere.'.1...Cowsley and child and Miss Lillian Martin of, Toronto are spend - in a fete weeks with ' their aunt, Mrs'. 1' Cainpbeil. Mrs. Burchell (nee Miss• Jane Stru- thers) of Toronto, is the guest `of her aunt, Mrs. James: Thomson.. : Mrs. J. Toms and son; Master Nor- man Toms, left last week for South- amptcn, to spend a few weeks • with• friends.. • . • • Mr.' Gordon Cameron of Toronto spent the week the guest of • his 'par- ents; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas :Cameron;• Mr.. •and Mrs: Hogan of Toronto werd'tihe guests .of Mr. ,and Mrs. John Ferguson on Sunday. • .•Miss Edna Beatty of Varna is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Spackman. Mr. ' Mathew. - Bates .of Goderich spent. Tuesday in 'the village. . Miss Christena Ross of Pittsburgh,' Pa., is spending her holidays under the parental reef. Mr. and Mrs. Charles.. Detroit,.. Mise Baxter, London, Miss Bollard, Los Angeles, Cal., Mire; Munroe, Master Donald Munroe, Detroit, and Mrs.. Pickard, Seaforth, are •gucjr is at Mrs. John Ferguson's. Mr. Kaiser of New 'York is a guest at the Albion. ' Miss Frances Weir - of London is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. John Tippett. Rev.. Mn. Edgar of Toronto . occupied the Andrew's church• on. pulpit .of St. p P Sunday last.' . 11T'r. Frank Burgess of St. Thomas, . a . etudont, will. occupy the 'pulpit • of tho Methodist church the nest few Sundays. •. . • . Mr. and Mrs. W. •J. Stinson - and: little. daughtee Alice ,spent a few days in Greenway. Miss Alice will remain for some time. L.O.L. No. 24 met in the hall otz Sunday morning and marched..in a body to the Anglican church where the,:Rev. Mr. Cordell .p•reaehed • an ex-. ce!:ent and appropriate sermon. Mrs.. Boyd and daughter, ,Miss Eva Boyd of Ionia, .Mich., are the guests of : the former's sister, Mrs:- James Johnston. . ' • •Dr. J. G. Stanbury and son, Mas- ter Douglas of Toronto were the i" guests of his parents,. Dr, and Mrs,, Stanbury, this week. ' Mrs. Baker and family and' war.. Clark and Miss Nellie Biggart -of-Tor- onto of Toronto arrived on Saturday with the • Huron Old Boys and are -the guests of their parents, Mn. and. Mrs, John Big gait. Miss McIntyre of S,tratrhroy is a guest at Mrs. _parsons: 'Mr. and IVirs, T: Erwin and daugh- ters, Misses Eva and Gladys Erwin, and Miss Alice. McAnn of Midland; Mich., are the .guests of the former's brothers. The Brucefield• Rovers Trinl Niagara Palls. The final game to decide the cham- pionship. of the Intermediate W. F. A. Series', was played on the park 1 grounds here on Monday evening be- tween the Colonials of Niagara Falls and the l;rucefield Rovers, resulting in a *ore of 4-3 in favor of thd home team, and 6.6 -on the round. J. W. McCutcheon of ;Stratford held the whistle and blew the. sante at 0.57. Each team played hard, but during the first fifteen minutes no goals were, scored. The scientific Colonials now began to ginger up and on a ..oeeedy rush succeeded in notch- ing the first goal, but a moment later the Rovers returned the compliment. Niagara now played harder than ever and within ten seconds of half time scored a second. In less that Ave minutes of the sec- ond half the southerners again drove the leather to the mark, and now with three goals of a lead on the round Niagara began to feel quite safe. The Rover at this juncture realized their perilous position and although many of the spectators with drooped heads were heard to murmer that "Brucefield was defeated," the tnig(hty, eleven, representing ibis little burg, never dreamed of such but continually kept the bait' plugging hard on the Colonials goal, dually scoring+. But, at ten minutes to full time the Rover.; Were two goals in the rear, while the: southerner's wore a broad smile. The locales saw their only chance rot victory was speedy play and heavy checking and in doing so it was by nc taal:'ars an unusual scene to;sec a so•- cal?ed ferocious son of Scotland arts; Ing • from, oft the grass and at the same 'Continued col. 5 page 4.