HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-07, Page 108 Cliatoi News -Record July 7th; 1910 I PORTLAND CE:ENT esasseasissiessefsessmeleressesaleaSsNasSeagalmal Theundersigned baaJist ee f e a cat. of fresb TTatf aal Portland Ceznent and will sell the same at a felt. living profit. The undersigned has also the agency for the Independent Companies and will Pill orders foe a ear load from any of the said coxupaniee for a small tnargin of profit. S. J. ANDREWS,. .CLINTON Summer Footwear Sale Op Saturday we will commence our regular Clearing Sale of Summer Shoes, and for range and quality this season's offerings are especially flue. All new gu.ods of this season's make. Ladies tan Russian calf Oxfords Relfndo, reg $4, Saturday 3.00 Ladies tan Russian calf Oxfords wing tip Belinda $4. Sakur- ' day for •. 3.00 Ladies chocolate kid Oxfords, Belindo make,, regular $4, Saturday price .,,...,,,. 3.00 Ladies Regina:Oxfords, all patent lea. $3, Saturday price,. 2.25 Ladies Regtnallpatent lea pumps, reg $3, Saturday for ..., 2.25 Ladies Regina gun metal pumps, reg $3, Saturday price..... 2.25 Ladies all kid pumps, Regina make, reg $2.75. Saturday for 2.00 Ladies patent calf button Oxfords, reg $3.50 Por. , .. , , , . ,r • , 2.60 Ladies chocolate kid Oxfords, rPg $3 for 2.4,0 Ladies black dongnla'kid Oxfords. reg $2 for 1.60 " " " $1.75 for .... 1.40 I, 1. „ $1;.50 for 11..20 All children's lines at clearing prices our range is large and complete THESE PRICES ARE FOlt CASH ONLY, REPAIRS WHILE . YOU WAIT . FRED. JACKSON Our Quick Service is a Winner. a to c�•ra a►rr a►6)4311.6K Wally a, 8 411b alir lib, 40Abri 4164)4311. t 104s.e4a.e ANOTHER WEEK OF :SPECIAL- • t PRICE REDUCTIONS. A few Extra Specials for Friday and Satur•- day Shoppers. Don't fail to see these lines. d. $1.00 LADIES KID GLOVES 69c -About 50pairs only; ladies fine quality Kid Gloves in black, blue and tan, sizes 6 to 7 , a beauti- ful glove and our leader at $1, special Saturday only.- s. •.69 a CHILDREN'S DRESSES 10c. -About .2 dozen only, .Children'sV with.Dresses made of good quality blue print wi• white spot, and. a .. i big bargain at 35c, special for Friday tend .Saturday....,... .19 • MEN'S AND BOYS BOW TIES AT 5c.-100 ailed :quality Silk Bow Ties, made in nice patterns and the kind you usually pay 20c and 25c for, special Friday and Saturday .. , ... , ....... .05 # See our Men's 'Summer Underwear at.25. and our Men's Summer Sox at .10 They are worth more money d Dozens of bargains in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes f; all next week. �. MEN'S MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHING, -Although we are ina the Ready-made Clothing business and can show you a big assort- ment of new and nobby Suits. Overcoats and Odd Trousers, still a we find men who are hard to fit and others who wish something ,. e a little Netter then the ready -to wear garment, and to these we 0 wish to say that we. are doing a big "Made. to Order" business and 'e, • can show you a large assortment of tweeds and worsteds from e which we will make you a snit to your measure anti "Big Saving" over ordinary ordered work. Come in and let us show Sou these goods, give you our prices, and explain our system.. 0•0..0^111, ozio.We rwei a cam 4iit0011•t1rqu0•ctiWc9►•©'30q limrtam• ft:•m.1611 Small More . • • Profits Pluinsteel Bros• ." Business. .� w•v►•.4404e.,e-vha• 4 4eb.•m.e.e•deie,.m•.qta• :m-Re..e4e-r o•cs•.gib-ibe g 4) Advertisin In The News Record Brings Result: foi••••N•N..NNr•••NN•• NN••+4N .N14•N•44•• J. B Hoover Nelson Ball When Selecting Furniture r>dY ur t e = You need be concerned, only about its = appearance. The quality we guarantee. So when you corne to choose the new Library table, the new rocker or Morris ,.. chair, the new suite for the parlor, . don't worry quality. about the t 11111111111111101101110 0 dh • i•'" • t ' I } 1�� Taw-' �'• ' . r es You Can Leave That to us. } Rest assured we will selly y ou on- ly 1, f ti'11t1.1 r u re shat will wear as�1 e . "pv "as it looks.. i.. The cheapest spot in Huron County to buy ail kinds Of furniture. Hoover I3alF• ''"C itLw.N+'1."'C'yV, Z5114,11101:001444 .00.0•4044.4440+* YERkBkll FURNITURE Bamboo Shades and Hammocks We invite your inspection W. 0 FAIR - GO. Often Cheapest .Always the Best Mr. Oswald. , Hunt el London was home over the holiday. Mr. W. Jackson was in Toronto a couple of days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter King visited. Brucefeid friends on Sunday. Miss Ruby Suitter • of Glencoe is home for the summer vacation, 1VIre. W. J. Stevenson is spending this week. with friends in Stratford. Miss Ross Levis spent a few .days of last 'week with friends in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. John Guest spent the wgieeknfiend with thein children at El- eld, Miss Edith Hodgens of Toronto spent a few days with old friends in tnevn the past week, Miss Evelyn Greig of Seaforth was the guest of het' .cousin, Miss Jean Ciidley, last week. Prof. and Mrs. Brown spent the holi- day in. Galt, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C, Fleming, Mrs. Hector Junor, Hamilton, was a •guest-" at Mr. Hiram Hill's from Friday until Monday. Misses Kate and Rue Ncilans are vis- i•ting Goderich township and Col- borne friends this week,. Mr. and Mrs. Gray of .Ingcesoll spent - the holiday in town with their daughter, Mrs. L. Suitter, • Mr. Frank Macdonald of St. Louis, Mo., is visiting his parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Macdonald, Mr. Karl Wilkin, carne down from Goderich on Saturday and spent Sunday .at his home in town. Miss Libbie Gibbings, who has been attending Stratford Business . Col- lege, is home for. ,the hglidays. • Miss Florence Smith of Kincardine spent the holiday in teen with Iter friend, Miss. Florence Cuninghamc, Mrs. Doyle and little daughter of Toronto were guests for a few ;days last ween of Mr. and Mrs. J. nroun: Iles ..142ftcheil, who has been: a .guest of Mrs. Combe Sr,, the past few weeks, has returned to her home in, Toronto.. Mrs. W. U. and .child. of St: 'Thomas was a. visitor., at the _ hionte•of cher i ether, Mrs: `Combo a fewdays last week.• Mrs. W. T: Brown of Montreal, who has been v}::ting tier mother, Mrs. Moffat, Princess steett, is spending this week with Nile friends. Miss Emma ma ,Stevensop, ' whoi s been on: the teaching staff of North Bay public, . • school for some time, is spending .the holidays at her home here. Mrs. E. Holmes and 1wo:ohiklrcn and Miss Helen Doherty left on 'Thurs- day last for Bayfield where they have taken one of the Davidson cot- tages in Westininster Grove for Ju}y. Mr. and Mrs. T, . Jackson .Jr., left this morning for a• few weeks' trip to hngland,. sailing' from 1Vlontreat on Saturday. ,They' were ;accompan- ie hey;.were.accompan- iecl as far s. Toronto to b YMis Irtn o , :Who leaves on Friday to spendthe summer With friends in Muskoka Mr. and Mrs, E. Kemp, London, were guests of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. S. Kemp fiesta Friday, un- til Monday.. They have many old friends in Clinton, _.all of whom are always •s p .l, cased to' meet and greot them, Mr. Kemp ti parieu1an car- ries his years easily, looking scar- cely r- celY a day older than when he Pelt here sonic six years ago. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ilowson, after a, very pleasant visit of a month with friends in town and country, left .on Monday for their home at Rolla, North Dakote, Mr. ll.owson was anxious to get back to .business as pessimistic, reports had reached him regarding the crop outlook in Dako- ta, ono of his eoricspondents saying Y g that it was the. worst in thirty years. Mrs. Geo. lI, Watson, h a who has been spending the past. couple of months with her, arents T 11r M ,and rs. p Jacob . 1VIilier,, left • tihis week for Scott,.Sask,, to join hen husband who is dc1'ng a thriving gemeral store business in Looseland,. a ;;mall en to Scott. adjacent town S tt The rail- way is el pected to extend; to Loose - land in September but in themean- timeY tints Septt is the nearest station. Mr. Hobert icing, only' son of Mr. Mt+s. Walter and Kingof tow an Clinton boy whhas been matt- ing good in the teaching profession and who now holds a responsible position in the Welland, Business College, was yesterday married to Miss Mary Pearl Carter ofK a;ay wong, Manitoulin. rho News•Rec- o • on behalf f the rt in ' idb o r to s old g friends in town extends good wish - Two Days in One A'all FRIDAY Y being Dominion Day and ONO store closed day we are putting on several extra good bargains for Saturday in an effort to make one day's sales equal to two. Come, don't miss the chance. All goods through.. out the store marked in plain figures as hasbeen our custom since entering into business in Clinton. Millinery Bargains Saturday you can have your choice of any of our trimmed hats at half price. 20 specially trimmed hats, worth from $4 to $5, choice at $1,85 each. 12 new straw shapes, untrimmed,, regular 750 to $1,50, Saturday choice 650. 6 only, extra quality straw shapes, untrimmed, regular $3 and $4, choice Saturday for $1.50, Remnants of Print 8c Another lot of Manufacturers remnants of prints better value than the last one -ends run' from 2 to 8 yds, full yd wide, worth •12ic for 8c. Remnants of Cotton 8c Manufacturers remnants of white cotton,splendid quality and wide, worth 12ic for 8c, 25c Ladies Belts 15c ,. 5 dozen ladies leather belts, assorted color,. reg 25c for 15c. Remnants of White Flannelette 8c Manufacturers remnants of good quality white flannelette, wide width, worth 12ic and 15e, lengths run from 2, to 8 yds, for 8c. 5Oc and 60c Lustre 39c { . Ten pieces of fancy Lustre dress goods. in stripes and checks and plain colors and two tone in navy blue, grey, rose, reside wistena and red. Reg 50o for 39c. $5 Skirts for. $a79 12 more ladies black • navyand brown Panama skirts, trimmed with silk ribbon and buttons. The same quality as we put on sale last Saturday. Reg $5 for $3.79. Odd Skirts $1.98, 15 only ladies odd skirts of cheviot . and broad., cloth in black, blue and brown, all sizes. A clearing up of our skirt department, worth $5 to $8 all. at one price $1.98. 25c Vests Ise 10 dozen ladies' fine lisle thread underwear, short and no cleave only, all sizes, rag 25c for 15e Remnants of Flannelette $c Manufacturers remnants of stripped flannelette, 1 yard widd, ends run from 2 to 10 yds, worth 121c for 8c. Remnants of Towelling Sc Manufacturers remnants of crash towelling, plain and colored border, worth 12ic for. 8c. Straw Ha(s The season of straw hats is coming on fest. You, will need one, and now is the time to buy when the stock isat its best, We are showing a large range of Panamas; Boaters and Sailors from $1 up to $6.50. Outing Hats Our range of linen and fibre Outing Bats is larger than ever this se_abon and we. are ' showing several new shapes from 25c up; Negligee Shirts Soft fronted Negligee Shirts in . peat variety • of choice patterns from all the :leading• manufacturers from 75c up to $1,50. Outing Shirts In great variety of weaves, plain and striped, in White, tans, greys, healo, sky, etc„ all sizes 12 up to 18, from 50c up to $1.50. 'About People You Know. Mise Edna Copp is. home for the sum- mer vacation, .. • • Graham t. G Mr and Mrs. Wen. G m wet. o. in Blyth over the holiday: . Mr. Harry Holden is spending a va-; cation at his. home, .in town. • Mrs. Emrinei ton visited With • Sea - forth friends on Dominion Day. Mrs. McEwan of.Trehearn, Alta.,• is 'at present the .guest of. Mrs.' Watt: Mr. Jas. Scott and 'Miss Kate took.a ho'dday trip to Niagara'Falis and Buffalo. Mr. John. Enetherton was with Kin- cardiae friends a :part of last and this week, .• Mfrs. Malley or Toronto is -spending a couple of weeks with her friend, Miss. May Ranee. • Miss Bessie O'Neil visited her sister, Miss Belle, in Stratford a couple of days last week. Me. Hugh B. Grigg has returned to. Loudon after a few -'weeks' vacation at his home. here. McLean and so cLcan Mrs. E. L. M n left this morning' to visite the formers people at the Canadian Soo. Master Willie Porteous of Stratford is the guest of little Miss Bessie O'Neil for a couple of weeks. Mrs.. Jas. Mahaffy and Miss iVtargarc'f he holiday tii m eli a� e at the old hme of .the former, at ,St spent t afia. Little Mis9 Pearl and Master .Allan Dowser, Detroit, arc spending the holidays with their grandparents; Mr. and Macdonald. . Mrs. D. Misses Margaret and Edythe Tor- ranee cameup from Toronto for over the holiday, Miss Edythe re- turned on Monday, but Miss Mar- garet remains at home for a longer holiday. Mrs. Carry of Ihervi}le, Clue., •is vis- iting in town the guest of Mrs. Fax - ran. Mrs. Carry taught school in Clinton years ago a o and was former- ly Mrs. Preston, by which name she will c best remembered r l b he o. Mr, R. I3runsdon of Hartley, Man., was in town on Tteesday for the first time in four years. As an aid resi- dent of the Londesboro vicinity he sees a groat many chaingev since he t. d in the west yrs d ght t locate h ren years ago, a number of those he formerly knew having also gone twist while others have joined the great rrtajer- ity. Ile is accompanied by TVIrc. 1brunsd nandthry expectto spend several weeks with friends at Lon- desboro and elsewhere. Mr. G. Gilchrist of Ayr visited • his ;bother over the holiday. • Misses Rudd have beeneenvisttingfriends in Brantford and Calidonia. Mrs. Ramsey of Ayr is visiting • heir grandmother,• 11Irs. Gilchrist: Mr: and ' Mrs. . Armour and their guests spent Dominion Day in God- ericli. , • - Mrs. J. C. Greig •ol Seaforth was in 'town Tuesday attending Miss •Wise- man'•s tea.. Miss Annie °Gaffney ot Hamilton is Visiting her "Sister, Miss.Aliec, in otwn -ails week. Dr. .and 4irn Gunn returned' on Fr.i- day from a : pleasant ,trip to Min- t c • Deco t'a .incl the oast. ' Miss; Dell Johnson of Toronto is vis- iting is-it ng sin town the guest of . her cousins, the Aliases. Levis. Miss Elizabeth Chidley, principal of Fleshertonptiblie school, is • hone ..for the stunnier Vacation. Miss Mac Mahler has gone ..to her. Janne in Walkerton where she: ail: spend a few weeks holidays. . Bellt tfi les ri.' n ATI• • R A. and ss Ir And s. d Jean,. Margaret and 'Master Willie spent Dominion Day in Goderich. Miss Emily Cutt)ler left on Monday 'to visit Me. and Mrs. Walter Town- send of London for a love weeks, Mr. John Hawkins of Hamilton . was the guest of his brother, Mr. T.. 'fiawkins on Friday and Saturday last, - Rev. JE. Ford and family arrived in town on Thursday last and aro becoming eoinfortab:. settled in the Y parsonage.. Miss Sadie Steep was the, guest of her aunt, Mrs. Chas: Copp of God- erich township, a few days last . has »oyd of Chicago, who been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Adams of Londesboro, t or visited in Clinton this week. y Mrs. Lane of Port Arthur and her mother, Mrs. E. Watson, Blyth, were -guests of Mrs, D. 13.. Kennedy on Friday last. Messrs. Will, Irwin of Toronto and David C. Hannah of London ave nt spending a tea days i awn 'the guests rof Mr. and Afro. J, A. Ir- win. � , Mr. P. Quigley and his sister, Mrs. . Thos. Tighe, of Mullett went to P, 'tit ahead .tit •Tuesday to c C 1 strolls on r Y funeral of their cousin, Mr. Wrn. Quigley. The News. Prom Londesboro A terse :emery for grinding plow paints is .now running in J. Hutton's Sri mill. l Mrs. Pipe and Miss E. M. Pipe left Wednesday. morning for Cobalt 'where they will spend the sumtnet' months. Mrs. Wm. Griffiths is, we are sorry Ito. learn, not enjoying the best of health.. • Mr.. J. lI. Osterhout was in Clin- ton. on Tuesday of this week. 1V1r.W.B. Ilamilton is spending , a few days in. Toronto this week. A'numbcrr of the faranernt. iii this• vicinity have ccnuuenced haying. .• The Londesboro Thrtsher :Co. have purchased .a_new self: feeder to 'be, is with tl ( t Lat(d:connection Ain r threshing machine. A special tirtin leaving Londesboro at 9.55 ant. July 12th' .Dill be run • to Witigham -.for cenvttnienco of Orangemen on this line, The return- ing special will leave Winghani 6.30 p.ni. Special rules for this train well bellien. g Mr. Thos. Nott and Miss Tlaltnes n - t3 ethern abtencled a nt�c(tig of the i held et Fergus en Saturday and Sun- day.. Mrs. Leiper of Londoa accompanied by 'her son ,spent Sunday with her father,. Mr, Gro. Johnston. •h • Mr.. Thomas Johnston of Brantford spent Sunday with his father. ,br. Richard t.unsdon and wife are visiting relatives itt this vicinity, 1V1r. I3runs>,lon is a brother of ' our worthy citizen, Mr. John I;runsdon and his 'wife a •daughter. of Mr. Geo. Huddle of the 10tcon. Their home, . is at I1art•ney, i tan. Mu, CIia6. Asquith of Ailburn is Son J. Brunscion tt;.set up. tttaobinery. • .Additional Londesboro:news page 6. The Presbyterian strawberry fes- tival held tiva Fridaylast was a derided success. .The receipts of the evening, ed to $130• After tea wan served a splendid program was listened to al- so excellent music by the White Dyke. Band of Clinton and anise Elliott :and • Messrs, B. and W. Allan.. " •:On Wednesday of last week the pupils of the senior room of S. S. No. 8, gathered :around their' teacher, Mr. IT. Hogg -and presented:hint with' a handsome .travelling companion and tho. following address was read by: Jennie. "Mains • • "Dear 'l'eaelter,•r-I have been re quested by the :pupils of this etiolate, • 1 L u.. aslight6 f our , l• - T o to to•o o •i at. y. fectton and retard What we offer you: is a poor symbol of attr • feel- • ing but We know you. will receive it- kindly as a simple proof tit our at- tachment whii•h eacli one of us cherished for you in, our hea.'te. You have made our lessons pleasant to ate -so pltastnt that it would be rt r to call thein 'tasks: We Istiose that we have ,Of ten Sitedd your ttl1 r but you have 'dealt gentle with us, . �vt' -will •ttever • forget you. We Shall look Bark to this school in after -life not es a place of work: but as a write ssf' enjoyment and When ever memory re- calls our schooldays out' hearts will warns tot arils von as they ttti today 1 htvr brrL requested by it school- mates t„1-mates not to addr ss you formally but as a beloved frieticl. 1n that. light dear teacher we ,ill teat 1 you. Please accept .with our little I ween; •. , ru • � tt sgood wishes. "11 . our ittt t ;tett".. ways be as appy as you have teiett. to make your pupils. Signed ou be- half of thesenior roomof S, S. No. . 8, Hallett. ' Misses' Latina and Ada Brigham fir. Hogg taken completelyp Ittrly by ctr - lrt SatUrday Saturdaylast for Cleveland, prise replied in a few suitable words, Ohio, where they. will spend a few thanking them Tor the rontpanirat and I assuring thethi they would always s b t spent ti few days with their sister, far the past year with theme bad hienaithe. The ta t s Conbs of Listowel rinls icl byhint thathisduties ,, Mrs, W. Armstrong. a least;;. to him and pthan1111S at - spending Mrs. D. W, Boyd of Chicago is titude to each of them at school was spending a few weeks with he.' par- as a parent to a child, also that no ents, Mr. and Mrs. it, Adams. ill, will was eberisht'd aga6nst any The trusters of S. S. No. 8 have w1toni it had been his paintul duty to' engaged Miss Ross ass teacher of the ehastist and that hist altitude •to each senior room of that school. lone as a teacher in school hours lak Exeter " s eof •. Miss 1�•et, I refer s rt. ; nt and as a playmate ' '1 Iia fi In the C Sell 1 y school Dominion clay witli her eausbt, Mass grounds made it doubly bard to part L. Shobbrook, with thea; and again thanked them ho metnbeis of the Presbyterian; ti r fortheir token of rrmrntliraner� and -Sabbath school held a picnic at ,;`lad-' wished then; every sucees's in their erieh. on. Wednesday of this week. tuture s°tttdies."