HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-07-07, Page 2Clinton News.Record •.?PURITY`^^' ACCURACY-. ,'eras Green' i at This Year we are I selling BERGERS BEST ENOLISI'I PARIS GREEN 1 1 30 cents per pound. I. Dr. Williams Fly and • Insect destroyer is the beIst preparation re aration for. kill. ing flies,0n cattle. tle. We, - . • have it in quarts, a �, . g1 Ions and gallons. I • W. S R. HOLMES Manf'g Chemist. I•••••••••40041.0•••••••••••• -RELIABILITY -•- EXPERIENCE Tuckkrallll>uith Township. The floral decorations at Turner's church Sunday rrtei were beautiful and the ,services were well attended. Rev. T. W. Cowes pregehed the Sun- day s:hpol anniversary sermon in the afternoon and Miss Lucy Stevens. oE' Clinton addressed • the Epworth League at 8 o'clock. On Tuesday one of the most suc- cessful garden parties a the season was held on the lawn • of Mrs. Menem. After a sumptuous :zipper :had been served an excellent program was ren- dered by the White Dyke Band of Clinton. Several gramophone selec- tions were also given during the ev- ening. W. H. Watts & Son OPPOSITEPOSTOI'FICE CLINTON Stam opens at 7.30 a. m. and closes at 8 pan. We are practical Boot and Shoe Makers and repairers. '3oots made: to order in from 1 to 3 daysnotice and repairing done while you wait, FARRIERS ATTENTION. We keep on" hand Boots and Shoes of our own make which are just the thing for farm work. W. H. Watts & . Son Three bandits killed a shoe manufacturer and a , policeman at Lynn, Mass, E . TRAD OUR DOUBLED Our sale of Flour, Feeds, Seed Grain, Etc.,has doubled this season over last IMPORTED CLYDESDALE STAL- LIONS. Baron Wallace Imported (4.1105) (14880.), Baron Wallace will stand for the improvement of stock as follows• ; MONDAY -Will leave his stable in. Colborne and proceed along Matt - land Young's Youm for land Con. to noon, then by llolmesville along • Iluron Road to the Graham House, Clinton, for night. TUESDAY --By way of Huron Road t through Holmesrtlle to Mr. George Gould's fon noon, then along Hur- on Road to Mr, David Rogers for night. , WEDNESDAY -By way of Jewel's corner and Benmiller to his own stable at Wesley .Fi'sher's for noon and until Thursday noon. THURSDAY AF`i'ERNOQN=Proceed by Chas: Fisher's corner acrose to 4th Cori., then across to 6th Con., Colborne, then down to Zion corn- er and .to Carlow for nights. FRIDAY -Proceed •back to Walter's Corner, then across to Mugford's Corner to his own stable one mile east of I3eneniller for night and un- til Monday morning, This route will be continued throughout. the season; • The Viking The Vikingwill stand at .hie own stable, West End, Tuckersntith. TERMS FOR BOTH HORST:• : BARON ` WALLACE - To insure $13.00, two mares $25.90. THE VIKING • - $15.00.' ',Payable. January 1st, 1911. • Mares must be returned regularly to :thehorse or they will be charged full insurance whether. in foal or not. mares be Parties disposing of Their . fore foaling will be held responsible for 'the insurance money ir•he4ther • in foal • 'or. ,not. Panties trying ' mares and not returning 'them :must pay, in= suranec All accidents to mares at risk of owners. • Interested breeders will do well 'to inspect these horses before .breeding their mares. • G. •W, NOTT, Owner. What better evidence. can there be that our prices are and stock a right, FORD&MoLEOD LIGHTNING RODS July 7th, 1910 uron County. News Gather& for News -Record Readers 18 Years Ado From The News -Record of July 6th, 1892 Belgrave Morris Township Mr. and Mte. Bryant spent Sunday Four or five public schools in this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bran- township will change teachers this don. summer. Dr. and Mrs. Allison of Spragge, Vie are ferry to state that Mrs. Algoma, visited at the home of the Simpson Metall, 7th line, is not en- doctor':t mother: j0Ying very good health but her Mr. James Taylor is putting down many friends hope she will soon be as: hearty as ever: Sunday week l'.uphemia McDougall, relict of the late Samuel W. Barr, paid Nature's debt, passing away at the home of her son, John, 4th line, in her 85th year: Deceased was born in .Argyleshire, Scot., and was tho youngest daughter of, the late Peter McDougall. She camp to Canada withbrother, John, 50, and her 1 r in18 lived in Whitby township and in the fall of 18.52 moved to the 5th con, of Grey Township. A i yeas' later ane was married to the late Andrew ht ' Arnott, who died seven or eight years later. Two daughters wen) born to them, Mrs. Hugh Lamont and Mrs. F. Coates, of Grey and Palma town- ships, respectively. Ten , years after Mr. Arnett's demise. the subject of this notWe married the late Samuel W. Barr, of Morris, who died five years ago. The•ehildren are Peter and John and Mrs. Walter Yuill of this township, and Mrs. A, Campbell of -Gaylord, Micli. John Anderson of Wareham has been visiting has son, Jaynes Ander- son and family, 5th line, - Everett Walker is home from Tor- onto for a short vacation. Miss M. Coward,. who has taught. in S.S. No. 1, will attend the Nor- mal School next tem ,so a new teacher will have to be secured. ;Mss. Coward's home 'is at Winehel- sea, teborne township.. Gco. A. Bielby of Georgetown has been engaged as science master of St. Maays Collegiate Institute . in place of Mr. Forester,. who goes• tm jSmith'e Falls. Mr. Bielby is a Morris town- ship boy who is proving his ability to promote', an artesian well. Mr. Davidson of Clinton, July 6th, 1892. `Winghatn is doing the work. 1 Mr. Robet'I Stonehouse has been Mr. Jag. Hearn left .an a trip to .quite sick and unable to attend to Toronto on Monday.his duties. • Miss Nellie Walker, who had been' The Presbytrian garden party was c in town, for a few days returned to , a decided succe.,es, the proceeds d am - Detroit mFDetroit on Monday. punting to $125. • Mr..and Mrs. W, H. Goodfellow of Mrs, R. . Leishman and daughter Man., are vis,itfng the latter's have left for Brandon, M. , to visit t parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Macdonald Mrs. Leishman's daughter, who is of town. seriously i11. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnstone of Mrs. Geo. Portel�:lel•d and children, Ratt'enbur street left yesterdayon also Miss Mary Porterfield an visit - y , a trip to Dakota and the Canadian ing the latter's sister fn Bayfiel'1 for Northwest. a few weeks. Lightning Rods are a sure protec- tion to your building during Eleo- tric Storms. Barns roded from $15.00 upwards with a COPPER ROD through and through. A written guarantee. given. . Also Galvanized Rods much cheap- er. Satisfaction guaranteed or rnoney. refunded. For particulars apply to W,, H. Stogt/iIi. VARNA MONUMENTS CHASTE DESIGNS.. BEST MATERIAL JAMES DOM.. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. CENTRAL 0 -amp STRATFORD. ONT. The great practical training school of Ontario. Three departments: Commercial Shorthand Telegraphy. We assist graduates to posi- tions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly ex- ceeds the supply. The three most recently placed are re- eeiving $40.00, $50.00 and $100.00 per month respective- ly. Business men state our graduates arc the best. Enter our classes now. Get our free catalogue. 11411•—._.......•••. D. A. 11eLaohlan, PitiNCIPAL The Bal Coal IF YOU WANT TII] BEST COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- ERY SECURE YOUR SUP- PLY PROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT nA,VIS & ROWLANII'S I4AfDWARI STORE PROMPTLY A'T- ' .T ' DED TO. Taylor Brae. '. have the contract of Mr. and Mrs. S. Uiawn.of Ash- putting up a cement bridge on the field are visiting the lady's parent,, side -lino at John Melean's; Wm. Mr, and Mrs. T. 0. Cooper of town. Watson is inspector. Miss Cora Willdamsd of Beainpton is Mr. Jerry Brydges has bought a visiting Miss Emma Doan this week.' strip of land out west of the rail - Mise Hattie Cootie is home from road from Mr. Jno. Nethery, which the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, will be very convenient, doing away having graduated in her second year. with a line fence. The young man Reynolds, who had The junior baseball teams of Bel - one hand severely injured at the Doli- grave and Westfield played -spirited erty Organ Faetory, is able to re- game in the park on the even! g of sume work again and is now eon June 22nd; score in Payor f Bel- ployed in the Clinton Organ, Factory. grave. Miss Sophia Kilty, who is an ex- Mr. Sams, .Morton w , badly hurt perttelegraph operator as well as anv ' accident by his exceptionally fine young lady, socially, left town Monday for northeim Mich- igan, near Houghton, where eie 'has accepted, a position. The best wishes of a large circle of friends will accompany her and The News- Reeotd Heartily joins, in them,, The ladies of Clinton will feel un- der a .debt of gratitude to .the coun- cillor or other officia? that will have the grasa cut along the'sidewalks. Many a'dres�••, some•of them costly, has been epos:'yd by corn;ng in con - OR. SALE.. -PART tact With the long wet grass. FARM OFI:O'1. F 68, MaitlandGdcrieh -Town- ship, con., ship, containing 40 •acres more ' or less. Good pasture land, well wat- ered. -Apply to Miss Rudd, Mary street, Clinton. 31. FARM ;FOR SALE OR TO RENT, - Lot 23, con: 6, H'ullett containing 100 acres with only,:ma}l bum Well drained and t.envoi. fiat= ered by " two wells at front and crek. at year, . Frame stabling. In good state : of cultiva- tion; . Small orchard. It:mitt sold by Augusts 15th . will l c rented for term of years. Easy terreuee- J. P. McIntosh; Clinton P. 0 6--3 • If you are not satisfied after using according to directions two-thirds of a bottle of Chamberlain's .Stomach and. Liver Tablets, you can have your money bark. The tablets cleanse and invigorate the stomach, improve the digestion, regulate the bowels. Give them a trial and get well.. Sold by all dealers: WEST. WAWAI'OSH. FIRE INSUR- ance Company. Having • been elect. ed'director and agent•for the above Company; I will insure farhi build Ings and Isolated town property. Will any person wishing to insure dropiris a card or call me by phone and they will be attended to at once. -John Co; Porters Hill P.O. ' 25-3m FIELD . STONE WANTED.- THE town of Clinton will pay $3.75 per eord for field stone for road build- ing. -Apply uild-ing.-Apply to Thos. Beacom; Chairman an Street Committee. 30 Bayfield, July 6th, 1892. Mr. John Esson of London • is . up here for the summer.. MrS. Anderson and family f Lon- . 0n- do_ n'are . guests 'at the Cohm.ercial. .. The remains of .:VTrs. A, Martin were interred in Bayfigal cemetery on Monday. Deceased had been a res- ident of this place for a ,number of years, ' • Mr. Aiie, Fraser is the guess • of Mr. 'John Frazer. : • -•' • • Miss Lottie.. Martin is visiting lin Toronto. • . Mr.• Ken : Moorehoes.e is again : on. bride 'was dressed in a -white embroid- F. W. CUTLER, PAINTER AND Paper hanger. All work done guar- • anteed to give satisfaction. Prices .moderate,. Residence nearly opposite Collegiate Institute Clinton. 83 S.L ASS for sale 0006 Cut in right length for range. •illi JAS. HAMILTON Coal fIerchtnt W. Stevenson P °N 52 recentl in a runawa fine team of spirited horses. Miss Grace. Clar'c, Mee., :Halliday, Mrs.. Stalker and Mrs. D. Dunbar left last week for Winnipeg and the West. They intend Staying about two months. On the afternoon of June 22nd, at the parsonage, , the marriage took place of Miss Elsie Dow, daughter , of. Mr. and Mrs.. Jas.' Dow of East Wa- wanosh, .to Mr: Wm. Broom.er ,of To- ronto. Rev. J. E. Cook was the calla elating clargymian The marriage was a quiet one, the bride and groom be- ing': "unattended. The bride was prettily attired in a princess dress of c.,_.,.1 silk with yoke of embroidered; East Wnwanosh Council met June 20th as a Court of Revision and Appeal. Court of Revision re -opened. The appeal of the G. N,, W. Tel. Co. was again brought up foe consideration, assessment confirmed. John Den- holm, .asseseed as, tenant of SI ;lot 31, con. 3 ; Fred, Adlington, ten- ant, M.F., Wa Jot 38, con. 7 ;. Robt. and Maitland Henry -assessed as own- ers of Sie lot 33, con. 7 ; A Nixon, M,F.F.S., Na. lot 29, con. 6. Council rsumed and ordinary busi- • ness proceeded with. Applicatfone for collector of taxes for the current year were received from W. H. Camp- bell, B. H. Taylor, Wm. Robinson and T. R. 'Taylor. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Chamney, that the Collector's salary; ;be $60, this amount to in- clude nclude postage, etc. Carried. The appointment of this officer laid over til:- next meeting of the .council. R. ',G. McGowan, on behalf of the Blyth Rural Telephone -Company, was;, pr:sent asking permission to erect poles and wires on all the highways• of the municipality. After a general discuss:on on this matter it was moved ,by Mr, Campbell, $,eonded by Mr. Burchill, • that the request be granted' on . condition that`the said , .Telephone Company bear all • necessa ary expenses, such as fees for Clerk, Treasurer, etc. ' • .Moved in amendment by Mr, 'Scott, seconded by Mr. Chantrey, that per- mission he given to: the -above, Com- pany for the erection. of poles; etc., only, from the Southern boundary •-up• to and including eon. 6.,, • Motion carried by vote of the Reeve. Tenders for the construction of a reinfori.ed concrete bridge to replace the present structar.e .opposite. lot 37; cons. 2 and 3, wire received frons Messrs.- .Taylor 'and Love. • The tend- er e£ the. latter, at $450, being the' lowest was accepted. In the ev;nt of any ttouble.in. the future' it eels utovu1 by Mr. • Scott, seconded by Mr. Campbell, tliat all: deeds for' land purchases} by the municipality for roads, etc, and now lot b - dulyre-.' Y_ osscss t c inthe Chei s . .possession, gistered in the Registry 'Office, God- erich. ' Carried: The. Council, then adjourned to meet again. on Monday,` July. 25th, at 1 1 o'clocke; p.m • . Rev. Mr., Ford's Farewell • Sermon. Chiffon.. and lace insertion trii min s. (Lucknow Sentinel.) inel. ) Once more thewheels of the, Meth - TIM bride is well andefavorabiy known { b a: large circle of friends, who wish I adist System have revolved, bearing Y hap -a ay from, Lucknow Meth d.sf church the young couple many years of py welded life. i .she pasiter who for three years past The.mlarriage was solemiied also oil ministered • to his , people here. Rev.. June. 22nd, at the parsonage, . of Miss J. L. Ford! ' .who has beet! appointed Chat+gate Grlgg of Detroit, slaughter, to Clinton, delivered his parting mes- of the late Hie and of Mrs. Grigg of sage to the people of Lucknow on Belgrave, and, Mr. Dlalcolin Bryce, of Sunday evening last and . was heard Detroit, The ceremony was performed by they , , adlherents of .the nettle' he; by Rev. J. E. Cools. .Only, the ins-. :was, leaving and 'many who were pres- Mediate. relatives were. pres••nt: • • The. ent from other Congregations. ' young . .were. unattended: ' Tho In the course of his morning ser- couplenion Mr. Ford had said that he had endeavored to unfold ' to the people the Scriptures which were Oblei to. iakcthen wise mite, Sat• tin, and, had made'references to those books of the' Bible which he had Mostly ohos- en . to • prepare and preach from. 'Ile expressed the wish thatthe seed he had sown during • the past three yaws had fallen on good;ground and. would} prove to be a blessing. Tho evening• sermon:was one 6f• the best. that his auditor. had been :privi- ledged to Irian: It touched .upon the shaking up of; old institutions=am- eng them the ecclesiastical.: In the of midst of this snaking up process; the preacher thought, the great essential truth on which Christian bodies were founded remained,unshaken ; .and on these,, the various denominations were drawing •clo e r together, caring ..less for .non -•essentials: At the Close of his main •discotirse Mr.. Ford. thanked the congregation for the many kindness s tae and • his. family. had ret^eivtd from -them,, IIe referred to the pleasant relationships that had prevailed beeween himself and his 'church hire, and. the minist- ers and adherents• of other!. denomin-. ations. Particular reference was made tee the assistance. of the 4Tethod- istchoir clui'ing the period of -his stay in Lugknow. • He • bespoke the special consideration of •the people he wast Leaving to the.•' new .pastor who wasabout to be placed over them... n:l On Mcay .evening the . Epworth League Met on ?.ir. Joynt's lawn. At the elese of a good programme, Mr Fot'1• was presented. on behalf of the League and Church with a beautiful Mahogany clock,. Corinthian style„ -Mrs. :Ford with a silver -mounted uitibrvjlia, and Missy desesie•' Ford with a gold tnount:d. Fountain, pen. Mr. Ford replied • , in a very eatable manners One word may be ' added here ;. probably • no more studious ' and scholarly man ever occupied a Meth- odist pulpit in. Lucknow than • he who has just been Called to his later Held of labor,; .And his influence here was such as cannot easily be des_ a b- ed. by tongue or pen. the scene of action. i 1 tt n - .town li ra.,t �' Ilam Fowlie rr i l'T last •we etre • Miss Maggie. Gardiner • of Montreal is hone on a visit. ' We are glad to' see Mr.. Kenny Moorehouse back again from Uncle Sam''s domains. Re is a• favorite here. Mr. Clark, the mail Contractor, is to deep . bread` all along the .- .road from • Seaforth .to 'E!ay.field. . But Icing makes as geed bread as .anyone. and, we should .not fc•rget hfs. '..past 'kindness. in keeping us fat and in good condition. i\Ir. Beattie! Will' continue to run a passenger stage from Bayfield to Sea - forth and the intermediate villages of Brueefield, • Varna .and . the Goshen. corner,". . We are glad• of this for no man was so attentive to the' coni• fort of. his pasenlers• as the sane Sam Beattie.. Londesboro, July 6t.h,1892.• Mr., Geo.' Newton was in the vil- lage last week. •' Mr. and Mrs.- Woodman ' were visiting their daughter in Ripley last week. • Rev: Mr. Leech and family arrived i'ast week. .Mr. Leech preaches<l in the Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. Mt. Ilamilton has, started, in addition to the 'regular afternoon ser- vice, an evening service at 7 o'clock Messrs..A. Woodman and• S. Lawra- scn were 'in Guelph last week atten- ding 'lib session of the Grand Lodge of • the I. O. G.T. They repot a good meeting. . • WI•IAT ABOUT THAT yACATIQ•N. ? • If you ddon't knew where to go, how to go, or what it will' cost you, better ask Busy Man's Travel Bur- eaul-no, charge is made to readers of Busy Man for the service. We are in receipt of the July, number .of Busy Man's, the big, bright Outing Num- ber. It isso full of good• thfngn that reading it gives one the feeling of .having enjoyed a vacation, and if you really are to have :a vacation, you cannot afford to. miss the July number. The publishers are partici- arly anxious to have more of our cltieen:,' know• Busy li1an's and offer to send a copy Free to any reader of this paper who is genuinely inter- es'ted in clean, wholesome recreation. A poetal card with your name and address and the name of this paper, if addres:i;d to Busy Man's, .111 Uni- versity Ave., Toronto, will secure you this copy. We know how good Busy Man's is and we would be glad to have our citizens who fish, hunt, canoe or go on vacations take ad- vanf'age 9f this liberal offer. . A complaint has been filed in the United States Circuit Court at New York asking for an, investigation, in- to the affair's of the Cobalt Central Mines 'Company. Keeld princess dress with a• white pict- ure hat _After the ecremony, they repaired:,to the home of the bride's mother, 'After. a.• few days visiting among .friends hcYe, they will take up their residence in Detroit. • The bride rias lived here all hen lite until the last f'ew years and is highly res- pected.. The young couple have the good wishes of'their many friends for a long and happy life,. • r crowing OId By • Grandlvia. Walters; . Formerly Tuckersmiith, 87 years. • They call it going down a hill. When we pea growing old, . And speak with: mournful accents, When their tale is nearly told: They sigh when talking of the past The- days that used to be . As if the future were not bright, With immortality.. • But oh it is not going down, Tie getting higher and higher,. Until we almost see ' . ' The mansion that our souls. de.tre Poe if, the natural.' eye grows. dim. It• is but, dilute earth, While the eye of faith grows' stronger To perceive. the Saviour's•worth. '. • Those bye gone days, those ..days of 10Y, We wish not back again: Were• .there not also many days Of sorrow and of rain? But in the days awaiting us, Tho days beyond the tomb, Sorrow shall find no place But joy, unmarred, fol ver-';iloom. • Who ...would ' exchange • for elloot•ing • blade, • The waving' yellow grain ?i Or when the, corn is fully ripe Would wish it green again ; • So who would wish the hoary heads Found in the way of truth To be again encircled With the sunny locks of youth. • For though on earth, the outward man • Must perish and -decay; The, inward mean shall be renewed By Grace from day to day. They who are planted by the Lord, Unshaken in their root Even in old .age ehall flourish still And still bring forth their fruit. It is not years that make men old, The Spirit may be young, Although for three score- yearn and ten The wheels of life have run God •hath Himself recorded, In His B1,ssed ,"look of Tr wait u d • Lo That they whow t pon the o"They shall renew their youth." , Then eyes now dim shall open And behold their King And ears now dull with age shall hear The Harps of Heaven ring ; And, on the heads now hoary Shall be placed a erown of gold Then shall be known the lasting joy 0f never "Growing Old." Hoods Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. There is no "just -as -good" medicine. Insist on bo.ving Hoods. Get It today. Dates of Fall Fairs. London, September 9th to 17th. Exeter, September 19th to 20th. Goderich, September 19th, 20th end 21st. Seaforth, September 22nd and 23rd. Wingham, September 29th and 30th. Blyth, October 411t and 5th. Brussels, October 6th and 7th. Dungannon, October 6th and 7th. Tceswater, October 5th and 6th. Carlow Mrs. James McBride has, ting friends •in Lucknow. Mrs. Robert H. Locker of Londat has been visiting het% cousin, H. Hur- ney of our burg. The pathmasters are all busy and the roads are consequently at their worst. The Smith's Hill Presbyteiae. San- day school held their annual picnic at Point Farm last. week. They had beautiful weather and a delightful time, THta LADIIES OF CLINTON MAY NOW TJAVJi .BEAUTIFUL HAIR, MR. W. A. McCONNELL HAS TIAs AR[I'ICt,m AND GUARANTEES IT TO GROW HAIR. . W. A. McConnell, hacked up by the manufacturers of SALVIA, the Great Hair -Glower, guarantees it to grow hair. SALVIA destroys dandruff in ten days. The robs of the hair are so nour- ished and fed that a new crop of hair snrings up, to the amazement and delight of the user. The hair is made soft and fitCv Likeall Amer- icanican preparations SALVIA is daint- ily perfumed. It is hard to find tut actress• wlio does not useSALVIA continually. Ladies of society and in!luence use no other. SALVIA is a non -sticky prepara- tion, and the ladies' favorite. r large, generous bottle 50e, The Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Seobell Drug Co., St. Cathet•ines, I Canadian distributors. Mr. • William Jennings ; I3ryan and Mrs. Bryan • paid a short visit " to Mantreal en -their `return from.- the Missionbry Conference in Edinburg. SiMlommiow 610111111i Grey Township. The council, will meet at Ethel on Saturday. ,George Campbell is hoarse from the west • but purposes returning. Mr. and Mrs. James Pierscn . nncl Miss El'.a of the 4th of '.Norris w rb. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff recently. ' Miss Margaret Macdonald is home from Torontlo, for a couple.of. weeps. Ex -reeve Straehan recently had an .operatien performed in the metes al, of a toe that had been bothering.him considerably. • - The trustees of school section num• - ber one have, engaged Miss Pearl Baker for the ensuing 'term:. LAME BACK, PAINFUL STITLIIES Cured :in Ten Days,. or , Your aur Dloncy Back. The moment you suspect any 'Kid- ney CO! Urinary .disorders, or .feel ` Rheumatic is Pa insx begin taking • FIG DILLS . ' FIG PILLS are -sold with a guaran-• tee to curse all Kidney, Bladder Or Liver. troubles,,. Indigestion . and. ail .Stomach`.Die:orders: • • 1� • IG PILLS are sold at all _ lead • -: -ing drug atores. at 25e. a box, • or five for $1.00. 40111111:1111111119111111111.11111111119111100111111 1 Our special Saiios 1 For the Coming Saturday and all Next Week Reg 30c Kettles for ....18c 1355(ICc 21 c 40c ... . 24c 45c 27c 30c 55c33c• OOc A.:36c. Reg 65c Kettles for...30c• . , 42c45c 75cd0c 80c .. 48c 198. )cC 'x • 51c OO ...... 54c $1.00 00c The last of the Lawn Mowers-Lonly three left at a reduction of ten' per cent. Can with oil thrown in. Look After the Potato Bug4 pure English Paris Green 30e per pound. The sprayer is the only way of applying it for best results. We have then!. eland Spra:vere reg 75c for 05e ` •Hand.Sprayer•s reg 50c for 40c BROWN'S AUTO SPRAY the only practical compressed air sprayer on the !parker. Can: be used for Whitewashing, Painting, Spraying- . potatoes, shrubs end trees.. Reg price 50.60 all next week only 55.00 KEEP BOOL by using a gasol gnaranteed. . • Gasoline Stove reg $18.00 for 514 00 17.00 for 13.00. ' " 7.50 for •..0.00 Gass lute Stove reg 50.50 for 55.50 x' 4.50 for 3.75 NV.: carry a full line of plumbing goods, Piping, Baths. Sinks, Olosets,.Lavatorieh, Range Boilers,. Etc., tend can install ear. thing in the line in a first-class tn•annei. ...AND BROS. STOVES AND HARDWARE ~OW WV~MAMOVNOWAANWWWWWW4".4"1"`"" 1 ( 1Presenls. 1 To those who purpose buying Wedding Presents and to July Shoppers in general we extend a cordial invitation to visit our store as we believe we can suit them both for duality and price of goods. R. Coi nier Jos elerand Engraver. CLINTON AMAMMAAAAMMAAAAAMAA NV AAA AWAMAAAWAWAA