HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-30, Page 9Sumter FootwOor Sale
On Saturday we will commence our regular ClearinKSale of
Summer Shoes, and for range and geality this oeason's offerings are
especially fine. All new goods of this season's make,
Ladies tan Russian calf Oxfords Relindo, reg $4, Saturday
Ladies tan Russiaii calf Oxfords wing tip Relindo $4, Satur.
day for t , VVVVVVV N•tt•WP•
Ladies chocolate kid Oxfords, Relindo make, regular $4,
Saturday price
Ladies ReginalOxfords, all patent lea. $3, Saturday price2.25
Ladies Reg!nalpetent lea pumps, reg $3, Saturday for2.25
Ladies Regina gun metal pumps, reg $3, Saturday price2.25
Ladies ail kid pumps Regina make, reg $2.75, Saturday for 2.00
Ladies patent calf button Oxfords, reg $3.50 for., . , 2.00
Ladies chocolate kid Oxfords, reg $3 foe.- ... ..... . . . . 2.40
Ladies black dongnla kid Oxfords. reg $2 for,. , . „ ....,....„. 1.00
81.75 for 1.40
If 64 " $1.50 for.;.......• .... •
All children's lines at clearing prices our range is large and complete
Our Quick Service is a Winner,.
Clinton News-Recone
June 30th, 1910
The undersigned has just 'reeeived a tar of fresh "Nationar
Portland Cement aad will sell the same at a fair living profit.
The undersigned has also the agency for the Independent Companies
and Will fill orders for a ears load from apy of the said
companies for a small margin of profit.
WC!. WIPP 411." (kV& 0.041K11.4K11.4431* Aft. 164 oglio.e.00.6Pqh...ib. ibeyeata
A few Extra Specials for Friday and Saturp. •
day Shoppers. Don't fail to. see these lines. I
si.00 LADIES KID GLOVES 69c -About 50 pairs only. ladies fine
quality Kid Gloves in black, blae and tan, sizes 6 to 7i, a beauti. V
ful glove and our leader at $1, specialSaturday only..., .89 a
CHILDREN'S DRESSES 19c. -About 2 dozen .only, Children's t
• •
white spot, and a
Dresses made of goodduality -blue p
big bargain at 35e, special for Friday and Saturday . ... .10
qrint with
MEN'S AND BOYS BOW TIES AT 5c.--100 good quality Silk
Bow Ties, made in nice patterns and tbe kind you usually pay • ie
20e and 25c for, special Friday and Saturday . .......... .05
See our Men's Summer Underwear at
and our Men's Summer Sox at .10 They. are worth more money
Dozens of bargains in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes
all next week. •
MEN'S MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHING,--Altbough we are in
the Readyenade Clothing business and can show you a big assort-
ment of new and nobby Suits. Overcoats and Odd Trousers, still
we find men who are bard to fit and others who wish sometbing
a little better thin the readyto wear garment, and to these we
wish to say that we are doing a big "Made to Order" business and
can show you a large assortment of tweeds and worsteds from
which we will make you a snit to your Measure at a "Big Saving"
over ordinary ordered work. Come in and let us show you these
goods, give you our prices, and explain our system. • .
V Small 0 More
1 Plumsteel Bros.
; Profits , v Business. (fa
eeemeseeeeibe,.(e..e ebeese ik.cs-lbe-arsearsm.-at.-abAs:le.e
June Bargains
$5 Hats Reduced to $3.50
•••� .64t4•••
B Hoover
t. Nelson Ball
When Selecting Furniture I
You need be concerned only about its
appearance. The quality we guarantee. ;
So when you come to choose the new
library table, the new rocker or Morris
chair, the new suite for, the Parlor,
don't worry about the quality. •
, - .; , ,---....-?5,:-.,ii.:', •s Yon CanLeave
, That to its: . •
7 Rest assured we
will :sell you on. i
.•i ly furnitnre that
will wear as well
as it looks.
1 The cheapest spot ifs Huron County to buy all kindsof furniture.
Hoover _ itk Bali
111110P ill111111011111INNI
1 °
f Nefellii:
IrCTRINTAV'etizttfl lettZTIORA.r..t 33XI:elgor,WCAtSf,,
***444004444 .44444444114444444.1,4.0 WHO 04. NNW “0,
Bamboo Shades
We invite your inspection
W. 0. FAIR 00.
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
it IF timinuawitittilinkio
Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Stewart returned
• from their trip East on Monday.
Miss Olive Cooper, who has been
'teaching at the Don, is spending
the vacation at her.hone.
Miss Jennie Shannon of Toronto ts
spending a holiday ather home
Miss Susie Johnson, Zurich, is the
guestof her aunt, Mrs. • Oliver
Mr, 1'. R. Sheppard, leaves on Friday
• to join the Royal Bank staff at
Mr. Stewart' Paisley, son oe Mr. W.
JrPaisleyrthas joined the Royal
Bank staff.
Miss Margaret McLennan left yester-
nay to visit her brother at Sault
Ste. Marie,
Mrs. D Stevenson returned on Satur-
day from a very pleasant, visit with
Mrs. IRev.) Hall in Aylmer.
Mrs, Will. Meintosii of Montreal with
her three children arrived this week
on a visit to her mother, Mrs, J.
Young. .
Masters Clifford. and Harvey Harland
are enjoying -a fortnight's outing
at the lakeside, Bayfield, with theft
aunt, Mrs. D. McCorviee
- Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cranston arrived
on Tuesday and will be guests .' for
a week oe so at the latter'e .old
residence of Mr. and Mrs.
John Torrance. •
Dr: and Mrs. RObertsori and "Mine
Lester motored up‘ from Stnatiord
on Saturday and remained - over mi-
. til the following day, the guests of
M. and Mrs. W. Jacson, •
Mrs, Handscome, who with her ;two
sons has' beenspending a couple of
months with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Pratt, left for her home in
Winnipeg yesterday morning.
Mr. Erne Irsard, head salesman with
the•Morrish Clothing. Coma*, left
on. Tuesday. for the west to push
businees for •the ComPany's made-
to-oeder clothing department. '
Mr. P. Gundry, Principal of the
Collegiate Inetitutei is presiding at
the Departmental examinations at
Seaforth. Mr, lvloilat of the Sea-
• forth C. I. is preilding in Clinton.
Mr.( J. W.. Treleaven; classical teaoh-
er at the Collegiate for several
yea, has accepted a similar posi-
tion at Kingston. Miss Fisher, the
commercial %teacher, has resigned to
continue her studies.
Misses Hannah and Nellie Mackenzie
left this week for Aberdeen,i South
Dakota, to visit their brother, Mr.
James Mackenzie. Their nephew,
. Master Alex. Eagleson, will during
their absence of two months or so,
make' his home with his uncle, Mr.
T. Cottle. •
Mrs. Jas. Mahaffy and Mrs, Chidley
tvisited with Mrs. WM; ,Sparks, the
former's daughter, 13nownson Line,
Stanley, the pest week. On their
teeurn they • were accompanied by
Miss Margaret • . Mahaffe, who had
been sending a couple cif weeks
with her sister. ••
Mr. Broder McTaggart, on of Mr.
ft: D. McTaggart, has proven him -
vett a good student. In the recent
examinations in St. Andrew's Col-
lege he tpod second in genetsal pro-
liciency, and in .the examination for.
• entrance to the Royal Military Col-
lege he stood first in the province.
Mr. E. Finch returned on , Monday
• from Flint, Mich.,, whern Ihe was en-
gaged in an automobile factory, for
almost eine months. He was
companied by his son Warren, .whe
was employed in the same works,
and also by his sister, Mrs, Ed,
Decew and her two children, Doug-
' las and 'Gladys.
'Mr. John Wright -left( yesterday after;
noon for Quebec frerit whence ho
sails per the Empress of •DrAtain on
Friday for Liverpool and will spend
the next cpuple of mouthsor se
visiting in England,•,Ireland and
Scotland, particularly around his
old home 111 Cumberland, England.
When Mr. Wright tame to Cenada
fifty-four years ago they were six
weeks on the mean, but the Em-
press of Britain will take him ae-
roes, in less than sir days.
The Rev. W. II. Dunbar, incumbent
of the Middieton-l-lolmesville-Sume
merhill parish, arrived a few days
ago from Ireland aetompanied by
his bride, a WillSOMe Irish girl.
The brief voyage across the Atlan-
tic was very pleaeant and enjoyable
shortly before the steamer's
arrival when Mrs. Dunbar eaught
°hill born which she did not recover
• for a few days. Tho News -Record
on behalf of numerous friends wish
the popular incumbent turd his bride
very many prosperous and • happy
. . T11.10,4101.1
Two Dau.
FRIDAY being Dominion Day and our store closed all
day we are putting on several extra good argains for -
Saturday in an effort to make one day's sales equal to
two, Come, don't miss the chance. All goods through.
out the store marked in plain figures as has been our
custom since entering into business in Clinton.
Millinery Bargains
• Saturday you can have your choice of any of our
trimmed hats at half price.
20 specially trimmed. hats, ;worth from *4 to $5,
choice at S)1.85 each.,
12 new straw shapes, untrimmed, regular 75c to
$1.50, Saturday choice 65c.
•6 only, c,xtra quality straw shapes untrimmed,
regular $g and $4, choice Saturday for 450.
Remnants of Print 8c
Another lot of Manufacturers remnants of prints
better value than the last one -ends run from 2 to 8
yds, full yd wide, worth 12ic for Be
Remnants of Cotton 8c
•• Manufacturers remnants of white cotton, splendid
quality and wide, worth 12ic for 8c.
25c Ladies Belts 15c
5 dozen ladies leather belts, assorted color, reg
25c for 15c. 1
•Remnants of White Flannelette 8c
Manufacturers remnants of good quality white
' flannelette; wide width, worth 12ic and 15c, length?
run from 2 to 8 yds, for 8c.
50c and 60c Lustre '39c
Ten pieces of fancy Lustre dress goods in stripes
and cbecks and plain colors and two tone in navy
blue, grey, rose, reticle wistena and red. Reg 50c for
$5 Skirts for $3.79
12 more ladies black navy and brown, Panama
skirtstrimmed with silk ribbon and buttons. The
same quality as we put on sale last Saturday. Reg:
$5 for $3.79.
Odd Skirts $1.98.
15 only ladies odd skirts of cheviot and broad-
cloth in black, blue and brown, all sizes. A clearing
up of our skirt department, worth $5 to $8 all at one
• price $1,98.
25c Vests 15c
10 dozen ladies' fine lisle thread underwear, short
and no sleave only, all sizes, reg 25e for 15c.
Remnants of Flannelette Sc
Manufacturers remnants of stripped flannelette, 1
yard wide, ends run from 2 to 10 yds, worth 121c
for 8c.
Remnants of Towelling 8c
Manufacturers remnants of crashitowelling, plain
and colored border, worth 12ic for 8e.
Stiaw Hats
The season of straw hats is coming on fast. You
will need one, and now is the time to buy when the
stock is at its best, We are showing a large range of
Panamas, Boaters and Sailors from $1 up to $6.50,
Outing Hats
Our range of linen and fibre Outing Hats is larger
than ever this season and ws are showing several new
shapes from 25c up.
Negligee Shirts
Soft fronted Negligee Shirts in goat variety .of
choice patterns from all the leading manufacturers
from 75c up to $1.50.
Outing Shirts
In great variety of weaves, plain and striped, in
white, tans, greys, healo, sky, -etc, all sizes 12 up to 18,
from 50c up to $1.50.
diowsp-- ACA? -oistr"lartip
About Pcopie You Know
Mr: Charlesworth of Huron street is
quite ill at present,
Mrs. John Wiseman is visiting Mr.
• and Mrs,. Alex. Armstrong in Tor-
onto. .
Miss Winnie O'Neil attended the Dun-
' lop-Rattentury • wedding in Bruces
field yesterday.
Miss Edith Hodgens of Terimto is
expected this evening and will spend
• the holiday in•
Miss Louise Holmes returned to Tor-
onto on Saturday after spending a
week with friends in town.
•Mrs. J. S. Jackson and little daugh-
ter, Helen, of Winnipeg are guests
•of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson Jr.
Mrs. Will. Harland and her daugh-
ters, Leota and Bessie, will spend
• the week end with% relatives in Lon-
Miss Florence Cuninghame atteridthl
'the wedding of her friend, Miss
MeCellougb, in Kincardine yester-
Rev. -R. Fulton Irwin (of Harrow was
a visitor in town a day -or two
ilest. week, the guest of his brother,
Mr. A. Irwin.'
Mrs. Harry• Weston of the Bayfield
Road has returned from a pleasant
visit with her daeghter, Mrs. A.
Agnew in Detroit.
Mrs. Couch and Mr. and Mrs. 'Percy
eolith are now very comfortably
settled in the pretty little eottage,
"Kwibyeociken' at Bayfield.
Rev. Mr. Richardson, the newly -in-
ducted, pastor of the Presbytenian
church at Kippen, was in town last
Thursday and the guest of Rev, Mr.
Miss Irene Guest, after visiting the
parental home for a few days, re-
turned to Elginfield on Monday.
She was accompanied, by Miss
Gladys Cantelon who will make a
brief stay there.
Mr. S. G. Plummer returned oh
• Thursday from a month's pleasant
• sojourn with friends in Toronto,
• Orangeville and other place. The
• change proved beneficial and liar.
Plummer is looking well.
Miss Margaret McNaughton of Tiros-
sele, well known to many itt town,
was yesterday married to Mr. Par-
ker Poster of Kincardine, whoe is
also favorably known in Milton.
The News -Record in behalf of the
Clinton friends of the bride and
groom wefts congratulations and
good Wishes.
Miss Olive Harland is expected up
• from Toronto for the holiday.
Mr: W. D.* Mills of St. Catharines
was .in -town from Friday until yes-
Miss Delmage, alathematical teacher
at the C. I., left on Monday for her
home at St. Mary's..
Mr. and Mrs. D. McCorvie have bale-
en up their resedence in their eurre-
mer cottage at hayfield, '
Master Stanley Challenger, whose
• family recently removed to God-
• erich, spent Sunday in town with
friends. .
Mr. Robert Smith and bride of 6ag-
inaw, Mich., are spending a few
days at the home of his sister,
Mrs. F. Cutler.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd and Idiss
Florence Garrett visited with Mr.
and Mrs. M. McVettie of East
Wawanosh on Sunday.
Miss Effie Piekett bas been quite an'
and is still under the doctor's care.
She was obliged to give up in the
midst of her .exams. last week.
aliss i. Cluff, principal of the Walton
sehoOl, returned; home yesterday and
today goes to Stratford to atteed a
reamion of her Normal School
Rev. Dr. Medd was the guest of his
brother, Mr. J. G. Medd, this week
while en route from Forest to his
• new charge, Victoria street church,
Mrs. France of Detroit is the guest of
her daughter, Mrs, W. C. Brown.
Mrs. France is foueecore years of
•ago, but made the trip up alone
aad enjoyed it. .
Mr. R. A. Mitchell, Canadian Express.
Co. agent, ToPonto, was in town
over Sunday, the guest of Mrs.
Combe, where Mrs. Mitchell • has
been visiting for some little time.
Miss Ida Holmes took first class
honors in the Teachers' Normal ex-
amination recently held in the Toe -
onto Conservatoey of Music, amid -
Ing second in her class. ;Miss Holm-
es will take a position on the
teaching staff of the Conservatory
• in September.
quite, a number of our villagers
eueimsetaking in the picric to be
held in Mr. John Repeon's
grove on Friday of this week.
The News From Londesboro
Mi. Thos. Millar spent a few days
in London last 'sveek attending a
meeting of the COM. Dealers' Associa-
tion. '
Mr. and Mt, Leonard Howson of
Dakota' are Visiting the Orme: s sis-
ter, Mrs. 'Whitley. and Mrss D. Moun-
tain this week.•
• MisS Maude Lyon left Wednesday for
Brandon, Man., .going via Owen
Sound and by boat to Fort William.
She accompanied Mr. and IVIrs. E.
Lear of Blyth.
The road • through the village has
been adorned by a new coat of gravel
which, while anything but a -conven-
ience at preeent, will prove its value
in .the fall. •
Rev. W. T. -Pearcy conducted pre-
paratory services in Knox- and Burns'
churches Friday last.
Rev. H. E. Currie shipped his
household goods on Tuesday and lie
and his faniily left Wednesday for
Charring Cross wheee he has been
stationed for next year.
Mr. T. Millar received and deliver-
ed a carload of coal this week.
John Denholni loaded a cacti of pres-
sed hay which he purchase& from Mr.
J. Fairserviee this week. •
Mr. D. Ca.ntelon is shipping a car
load of hogs todey,
Miss E. Pipe is spending •a few
days ;With her- sister, Mrs. R. Yioareg,
Mr. Geo. Webber accompanied the
White Dvke hand of Clinton, to Turn-
e,r's church, Tuckersmith, where they
furnished music for the garden party
Tuesday night. •
Mr, and Mrs. Will.. S. McIntyre of
Clinton spent Sunday at the Nine of
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Young. j
• Mrs. .Ashley, Londesboro, is c njoy-
ing the rare privilege in hen Institute
work of having as her Colleague
young • Doer lady from Pretoria,.
Transvaal, South Africa. i'd;ss J.
C.. Van Deyer who is an. employee of
the Government in the Transvaal and
has, been sent out by the Department
•of 'Agriculture to •study conditioes in
Canada, relative to Canadian wom-
en's advantages and facilities for ac-
quiring- knowledge and education.
With this end in view Miss Van Deye
er is at present, in the eutpily of the
Departraeet of Agriculture, Cliterio,,
to gain a more thorough keowleclge
of Women's • Institute woiltinge and
accordingly has been sent by- the
Superintendent of said organizatiorre
with Mre. Ashley, who holds the re-
putation of, being one of its most
capable and efficient del% atss a'ut
A summer meeting of the "arorean'is
Institute will be held in the F07:1
ter's hall on the evening of July 9th
when Mrs. E. E. Smillie of Toronto,
will be ',present and give -an address.
A good programme will be given by
local talent ; everybody welcome.
Mrs. J. Lyon spent Sunday with
Clanton friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Brumbley spent
Sunday with Mr. Thos. Shaddick of
Mr. Jae. Hill, we are pleased to
see, is able to be out again after an,
illness which extended over several
The regular ineetleg of the Wanian's,
Institute will be held on the after-
noon of Julyi stir at 2.80 at. the home
of Mrs. F. Joheson. All ladies are
Cordially invited to attend.
Constance Concerns
Mr. H. Clarkes sold hie driving hone,'
"Darkey" to Mr. Wm. Knox for e
good figura
Mrs. Wm. Stephensoa Of Grey town -1
ship in at present the guest of her
mother and other friends in the vil-
Miss Dell Sundercoek introduced the
subject at the Epworth League ser-
vice on Tuestay evening last.
Councillor Clarke 1st very busy look-
ing after the interests of the town-
ship at present.
-sera ''sse'
Mrs. Fowler of Seaforth is having
an enjoyable visit with friends in the
Rev, Mr, Currie preached fare-
well • sermon last Sunday to large
congregation at this appoittenetit.
During the past four years he has
woe many Wattri friends and Mu
good has been, done under his pasto
Ate. The best wishes of the peep'
here are exteeded to him and h"
family in their new home. at Char
log Cross.