HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-23, Page 9IN Summer Footwear Sale • On Saturday we will commence our regular ClearinaSale Summer Shoes, and for range and quality this season's offerings are especially fine. All new guods of this season's make. Ladies tan Russian calf Oxfords Renado, reg $4, Saturday 3.90 Ladies tan Russian calf Oxfords wing tip Relindo $4. Satur day for 3.00 Ladies chocolate kid Oxfords. Relindo make, regular $4, Saturday ... . ... „,...„.. . . ... . ... . .... . 3.9.0 Ladies Regina:Oxfords, all patent lea. $3, Saturday price„ 2.25 Ladies Regiaingpatent lea pumps, reg $3, Saturday fora.as Ladies Regina gun metal pumps, reg $3. Saturday price2.211 Ladies all kid pumps,. Regina make, reg $2.75, Saturday for 2.00 Ladies patent calf button Oxfords, reg $3.50 for.. 2.00 Ladies chocolate kid. Oxfords, reg $3 for 2.40 Ladies black dongola kid Oxfords, reg $2 fele ,..„ „... „ 1.00 $1.75 for 1.40 $1,50 for 1.2o All children's lines at clearing prices our range is large and complete THESE PRICES. ARE FOR CASH ONLY. REPAIRS WHILE YOU WAIT.. FRED. JACKSON Our Quick .Service is a Winner., • 8 Clinton News -Record Otto 'I) CEMENT • The undersigned. Las just received a car of freeh, "National" Portland Cement and will sell the same at a f air living profit. The undersigned leas also the agency for the Independent Companies and will fill orders for a ear load from any of the said companies for a small margin of profit. J. ANDREWS • • CLINTON 111111111Mnnitaneinel .111141.011114 ap,,..6-;•,ip.a.„6,q..egb..0.11,69.z•...,•...k.e.b.05.,.......0....e.tows-a...s.w.b.e4be t , ANOTHER WEEK ..OF SPECIAL g 0 0 PRICE REDUCTIONS ; A few Extra Specials for Friday and Satur- 10 day Shoppers. Don't fail to see these lines. • ; ; $[ 00 LADIES KID GLOVES 69c -About 50 pairs onlyladies flue 1 quality Kid Gloves in black; blue and tan, sizes 6 to 71, a beauti- f • f ul glove and our leader at $1 special Saturday only .60 a * CHILDREN'S DRESSES .10c.L-Aboat 2 dozen.only, Children's 't e 0 Dresses made of good quality blue print with white spot, and a se big bargain at 35e, special for Friday and Saturday. .19 #MEN'S AND BOYS BOW TIES A.T 5c.-100 .good quality Silk ; Bow Ties, made in nice patterns and the kind you usuaily pay e 20c and 25c for, special Friday andSaturday .05 ; See our Men's Summer Underwear at ... ........ . . .. . ... .,.20 • and our Men's Sunrn ter Sox at .10 They are worth more money Dozens of bargains in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes all next week. 0 • so 0 MEN'S MADE -TO -MEASURE CLOTHING, -Although we are in t the Ready-made Clothing business -and can show you a big assort- • ment of new and nobby Suits. Overcoats .and Odd Trousers, still we find men who are hard to fit and others who wish something• r 2 a little better then the ready to wear garment, and to these we * ; wish to say that we are tieing a big "Made to Ceder" business and 0 can show you a large assortment of tweeds and worsteds from IT i which we will make you a snit to your measure ata "Big Saving" h over ordinary .ordered work. Come in and let us show yoa these 0 good, give you our prices, andexplain our system. •delk..0'460aKsw•c11-11kw-SKIT..qb-41>ilKu.S•vse,awai,:s.4)^cookcire-afremob..sb,eitt.o, Small 0 21 More 0 it 0 Profits ; Plumsteel 'Bros. t Business. v ,~• 0.446.4a,.49-41,4tosk.see•^4t.e ilbeT,Rt.8 ofteATAIENIT^^%,...Terfireiteibit..011D,0 • 1 MILLINERY STORE 1 June Bargains $5. Hats Reduced to $3.50 MISS CANTELON & CO. 111111111.0111111•1111 If o*IT11••••••••••••••••••••••44411•••••••••••••••••••••••• J. B Hoover Nelson Ball --- When Selecting Furniture You need be concerned Only about its • • appearance. The quality we guarantee. 1 So when you come to choose the new library table, the new rocker or Morris i chair, the new suite for, the parlor, • don't worry about the quality. e • • • • • • • I .";....r....; •,';,.F.77/4/..--aarrarad.• r IIjIIl1 11111 1 III 11 1 1 1 1111111111111 You Can Leave That to us. Rest assured we will sell you on- ly furniture that will wear as well . as it looks. The theapeet spot in Huron County to buy ail kinds Of furnikure. I Hoover St Bali • V* LT 14, 1st TITtrItE .A.1itT IZTX:EM0'Z'Cilt •••••••• 4•••• •••• 44.4 444. ••••••••• .*** 440 *H. •••• VERANDAH FURNITURE Bamboo Shades . and Hammocks We invite your inspection W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best En menu Mr. Broder McTaggart fist visiting Wends in Buffalo, • Mrs. C. C. Rance spent the week end with her son, Tom, in Leandagton; going by steamer Greyhound from Goderich, Saturday morning.' Rev. Mr. Newcombe, who was knock ed down by a bicycle on Friday last and had a rib fractured and was oth- erwise r;shaken up, is now able to walk down town again, Miss Kate Taylor of Toronto, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. Jack- sonrfor a week, left yesterday for Forest where sne will spend a eour pl,e of weeks: visiting drienda. Mr, and Mrs. •Langford and their guests, Mr. and Mrs,. Bell of De- trait, had a very pleasant little runiita Seaforth, Goderich and other points on Sunday in ,Mr.,Langford's can. • . A. Fodrester went to Owen Sound on Monday to take part in ' a bowling tournament. Ho was ac- comPanied r by his daughter, Miss Helen, who will remain a couple of weeks with her •sister, Mr. • Geo. Chidley. Mr. Jack Roes came up from Tor- onto on Friday and went to De- troit on theexcursion on Satire day. • He was accornpaaied to the latter place by Mrs. Ross, who has. been spending the last few week* with her parents, Mr. and Mr. .11. W. Cook. .• Misses Bertha and May. Dayis. went • to •• Detroit . on Saturday, 'taking with them to his home there their little' nephew, Master Norman Marsh, who has spent the winter here. Nome& is /an exceedingly winsome wee laddie and will be much missed in •the Davis household. Mr. John Howson :at Medicine' Hirt is spending a few weeks _with his ,mOtner, -"kre. Howson, Albert street, and • While here is overiseeina the moving and altering of bis mother's house. Mia Howson reports things) pretty dry hi the vicinity of Medi- cine Hat, no rain having ,falle,nrthere this spring. Mr, Horace Jackson came over from Detroit on. the Greyhound excur- sion on Friday and spent a few days. with his,: parents,: Mr. and ,Mrs..Jehn Jacksen. Mr. Jackson is engaged in mission work in De- troit; his chief Work being ima ongst the Pelee, of whom' there aro a large number in that city.. Mr. Harry Glazier returned on Sat- urdayl from Montreal where he at- tended' the C.O.F..) High Court. 'He was absent a week, had, a pleasant time, took in the eights) Of the city and :yet attended all the sessions so will have an interesting report for the brethren et•their first meeting. There were 540i delegates in attend- ance.' • • Mr, and Mrs.} John. Wilford of Blyth were in town ort Saturday last the, guests of Mrs. Wilford's sister, Mrs. T. Mackenzie, , Jr. - Mr. Wilford has not been enjoying good • health for several weeks, but The Newa- Reeord was much pleased to ob- serve that he is new recruiting rap- idly and hopes that he may be quite his old self shortly. It was only upon enquiry that we learned that his son, Dr. Wilford, who, some months ago went 'to the Mission Field) it China, has since his ,arriv- al been engaged in studying the lan- guage and when he last wrote was able to recite the Lord' S Prayer trd the Ten Commaadments in Chi- nese. The tongue is a difficult 'ane to acquire and generally requires years to master. Mr, Eli McLaughlin of, Saskatoon, Sask., who had been attending the annual meeting of the VAMP. Iligh Court at Montreal arrived in town Saturday and was for a couple of days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pinker. He also ..visited ls sieter, 'Vire. t jas. !Miller of the Base. Line and' other friends hereabouts. aid left for home yesterday. Mr, Mc- Laughlin's first experience in the west was in South Dakota where hci / fanned fer years, but a succes- sion Of very poor crops drove him elsewhere. Subsequently he home- steaded in southern Saskatchewan arid finallymoved to Saskatoon at what proved to ;CRT laireopportune time. Ile has Sine(' done well both in real -estate, and at the tonsorial business . In which be has bad a' four -chair i,shop ibut while in this provinee he bought the Supplies to double the number of ehairs. Nat - wally!, be joined the Booster Club, being one of de charter members, and in his eeerrwalting hour in On-. tido ji bas had sometling good to say about Saskatoon. 01101101011011111011•11101 Juno 23r4t 19J0 innewaw110110110,0101••••••••••••nrisellialleamisillalallealearal ike(Rt ~MAR 11410-SUNIMEn ismi!xissimossommmosm Many opportunities to save money during this sale. We are putting several good bargain on our counters. Space will not permit us to quote all the specials, come in and see for yourself. Alf cut price rash only. Remnants of Print 80 rrAnother lot of Manufacturers aemnants of prints better value than the last one -ends run from 2 to 8 yds , full wide worth 12, Circus day - .06 Remnants of Flanw inelette 8c. Manufacturers remnants of striped Flannelette, one yard wide, ends run from 2 to 10 yds, worth 12hc, Circus clay n .98 Remnants of TOW- • ening 11c. Manufacturers remnants of crash Toweling, plain and colored border worth 12e, Circus day .00 . . Remnants of Cotton 8c. Manufacturers remnants of white cotton, splendid quality and wide, worth 12re. Circus day .08 25c Ladies Belts 15c 5 doz. Ladies leather belts, as- sorted colorr, reg. 25c. Circus day - - • ,18 Remnants of White Flannelette 8c. Manufacturers remnants of good quality white flannelette, wide width, worth 12i and 15c, lengths run from 2 to 8 yds, Circus . day - 50 and 80c Lustre 39c. Ten pieces of Fancy Lustre /Dress Goods in stripes and checks and plain colors and two tone in Navy Blue, Grey, Rose, Reside Wistena and Red. Reg. 50c and 60c for - .39 2 Pair Rose 25C 10 doz. Ladies' Black }rose and Tan cotton hose sizes $ to 10, eplen. did value circus'day only 2 for .20 $5.08 Skirts for 3.79 12 more Ladies Black Nay.y and Brown Panama Skirts, trimmed with silk ribbon and buttons. The same quality as we put on sale last Saturday. Regular 8500. Circus day 3.79 DoN'T MISS THESE. Odd Skirts $1.98. 15 only Ladies' Odd Skirts of cheviot and broadcloth in black, blue and brown, alt sizes. A clear- ing up of our skirt department, worth $5,00 to $8,00 all Tit one price Circus day . • - 1.98 • $5 and $6 Millinery for $3.50 Circus day we are putting on sale 12 more New Spring Rats, worth from $5 to $6, comprising the best value in our stock. Miss Baker will be pleased to. make any alterations to suit purchaser.' We would. advise early shopping for these, all go at one cash price - - $3.50 THE MEN'S STORE. Straw Hats stock is at its best. We are fr,bowing a large range of will need one, and now is the time to buy when the The season for Straw Hate is coming on fast. You Panamas, Boaters and Sailors from $1 up to $6,50. Outing Hats Our range oflinen and fibre Outing Hats is larger than ever this season and we are showing several new. shapes from 2f,Tc up, • Negligee Shirts Soft fronted 'Negligee Shirts in great variety of choice patterns from, all the leading manufacturers. from. 75c up to $1.50. Outing Shirts In great variety of weaves, plain and striped, in white, tans, greys, healn, sky. etc., all sizes 12 up to 18, from 50c*up to $1.50. •. Boys' Clothing . • Boys' twoand. three-piece Suits of serge, tweeds and worsteds in great variety, in all .the popular styles .to fit all ages from 2 years' up, from $3 to $9. Boys' Wash Suits 60c up. 11.11111111111111111•111 .About People You Know. Mr. and Mrs, Lester Bell of Detroit visited Mr: and Mrs; Burt Langford • over Sunday. Miss Margareti Mahaffy is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Sparks. Brown - son Line, Stanley. Mrs, John Jackson is now in Tor- • . onto, having gone down to take • Tromp special treatment, • Mrs. Will. Brown of Montreal is at . present • visitieg,•her mother, Mrs. Moffat, Princess street., . : Mrs. i Lou Scholes of. Toronto is visi- arils in town the -guest 01 . her • brother, Mr. W. Tozer. Miss May. Ranco coulee up from To- ronto to -day and will spend a vacation at her home here. Bishop Williams spent yesterday in townithe guest of the genial reet3r of. St. Paul's, Rev. C. R. Gunne. Mrs. Win. Young .and ,daughtet, Miss Young of Goderich, called on friends in town one day last week. •Mrs. Brock, 'Ottaata, is expected in town next week and will be the guest of ‘Mr, and Mrs. J. Caning- hame. Mr. Albert Seeley took the for:awing party to London in his auto on Sunday and on their return, they were accompanied by Mejor aleTag- gart Percy Towns, Bert INIcEwen, W. A. McConnell and 13. ' McIntyre, Miss Sophia Williamson ratite up from Detrait on the excursion an Friday last and went back by the next boat accomeanied bY Mr, and Mrs, • 'J'amee Tucker and Mira Kate Will- iamson, Our townspeople returned home on Monday night. Messrs. Erne and Charlie Twitchell are now in Winnipeg, but have not yet decided' where they will locate. They had a pleasant trip, etpecial- ly the lake portion of it, and were passengers on the steamer namonic when it broke all speed records be- twecn the Soo and Fort 'William. Among those Wliotook. in the De- troit excursion on Saturday were : Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Alexander. Mr, W. Aleatinder, Mr, and Mrs. Eine Jacksom, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Rae, Mr. and Mn. Kaufman rad son, Mime Annabelle McEwen, Mr. and Mrs. J: Amour, Miss Janet Rutledge, Miss nettle Judd, Mi,,s Ruby Monaghan and "ideate" Hart- ley,. Mr, D. Chia, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Pattiran, Mrs, J. W. Moore and daughter, Moryle, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice, Mrs, Julia Crich, Mrs, Jona Grimes, Mr. john Rutledge, Miss Toxic Powell. 1 Wise Lileille Grant has been visiting • in St. Thomas. - Mrs.') (Rev.), Deihl of ,Paisley is 'visit- . ing ler mother, Mrs, MeGerva. Mr, H. J. Quinlan, from the • Arthur branch. is assisting 'the ledger staff of • the Royal Bank.. . Mr. and Mrs. G. -W.. Barge arid' their sister, Mrs. • Gardner of Detroit, took a run.. to. Goderich in ' Seeley's. car on Tuesday. .. • • Ma. • W. Jackson is laid oft. this week with * a rather severe attack of ery- sipelasHis • cheerful.. presence - is mucli missed and his many friends are hoping 'for hie eocedy recovery. • Lieut. Enima J. Holt, a former pop- ular officer, of the local 8, A. cope, will be married this evening • at tracebridge • to Capt. Charles Rich- ardson.-. Lieut. Holt is • pleasant- ly remembered here and The •News - Record joins' the friends in' extend- ing best wishes. Mr. T. R Sheppard, teller at the Royal °Bank, is enjoying his ;holi- days after which he goes to Win- nipeg to join the staff there. Ile is exceedingly. popular with the pat- rons of the Royal who will wigs his smiling .countenance. Mr. R. A. East, the laidger keeper, is now acting teller. He is another of Clinton's boys who is making pood in bauking. . John Callender, London, was the guest of Uncle Joe Rattenbury on Tuesday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Robertson of Montreal and !her grand -daughter, Miss Amy Redd, the chortling little daughter of Ike Read, formerly of Clinton. Mr. James Munro of Santa Rose, Cal., was in town Tuesday and yes- terday after. an absence of many years. Ile was born at Holmesville when it was known as Bridgewater and grew to manhood there. In 1858 he joined tin/ rush to the gold diggings on the Pacific Coast. .A number of others from Iluron went out ,at the same time ,including Mr, ;James Ilearn of town. They met at the diggings in 'California frequently and Mr. Munro had no sooner arrived in Clinton than lie bunted down his old churn, The meeting was a mutually pleasant ono and they spent several hours in recalling experiences of those stirriug days. rare Irruhro, who, by the way is a nephew of Mr. Ed. Munro, will visit relatives in God- erich and other Plato before leaving fon hoine. s The News From Londesboro Mr. ;and Mrs. 11. 'Robinson of -Myth spent Sunday at the • home .of Mr. Thos. Millar.' • .. • ..• Mr. McKenzie of Dakota, who has not been in thisvicinity for • over.. thirty years; is renewing old aciequirt tances.. Mara/ of :the old faces are. familiar to him,, but some. of hie once. time ,friends are changed .beyond • Miss Er Burnett. of Clinton Sun. dayed with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wat- son. • A number of young :Teeple of the 8th and 9th. cone. picniced at Goder- ich Friday( of • last ' week. - A number 'from this vicinity took.. in 'the moonlight excursion at God - erica on Friday 'night. Mir Geo. McKenzie of London is 'spending a. few. days with -her, ....par- -elite. Mr. and Mrs. Freak • Brown. Mr. arid Mrs. R. Adams Sundayed with Seeforth friends. Mr; Chas .Manning has 'sold the arm- he _recently purchased from Mr, F. Wood to Chas. 'Johnston. Chas. intends renting .the farin 'where he lives and inovingl to the village. Mr. Thos. alannina• sold a valuable horse to Mr. Chas.! Johnston Iast week. . • - On Saturday last the children of S.S. No. 8, accompanied by' their teachers, Mr. Hogg and Miss Cow- an, spoilt the^ day at Menesetung park and Goderich. Mr. Fred. Caldwell has purchased ., the Sanderson farm from Mr. • Jonn Garrett: • • Ile takes possession in. the • spuleg: • Mrs. (Dr.) Young', and • Miss • Clara leave 'Saturday.. for Brantford- 'where she will be joined by, her daughter and Will leave for tbe west • where she will Spend •several weeks, with. her brother, Mr; Jno. Manning of Bathgate, North Dakota. Mr. W. McArthur, who hae speat the' past few months in Detroit spending a few . days hi the vieinite. . J. 13runs,don, Tit Sons received a car-. load of hinder .twine last week.' '• Mr. John Brunsdon spent Tuesday • in 13lyth, Londesbora, L.O.L, have 'purchased a fine new banner for this year's cel- ebration. . On ,it is a 'beautiful. paiitt- ing' of the King. Mr. A. Radioed has taken, dhe con- tract •• Of gravelling the main • road through the village. . • The morning ,train- leaves Landes - hero -three minittes 'earlier than in the past, the • present leaving time- being 7.18. Miss E. .Mains of London attended the wedding of her cousin, Miss E. Maine, to • -C. Dexter on Wednesday of last week. Misses A. Bell, C. Hutton, : J. Whitley, M. Weymouth and Mr. W. Weymouth took advantage of tile ex- cursion" • to Detroit from Goderiell. Runoff Happenings. Misses Mary E. Blake and Mamie Shannahan visited in Detroit the past week, going down by boat. Miss liable Livermore of the Lon- don Road, Stanley, visited friends in this vicinity last week. -Mr. Win, Weymouth went to Cairo, Mich., last week to visit an old friend whom he had sten only once in sone forty years. IIis daughter, Misu Mary Weymouth, accompanied him. Mr. John Cart:Wright purchased a pair of two year old fillies from Mr. Prod Sbobbrook of the 13th von. last Week. Mr. Albert Radford sold hi young team to Mr. Jas. Wedster for a fancy price. Miss nesst Sundayed at 11,1r. John Manning's. Miss Mabel le visiting her brother at Auburn this week. Mr. Wm. Stewart delivered to Mr. Chas. 'Wallis, last Week a fine grey Perehoron gelding for a, fancy ;figure. This is the fifth high priced horse Mr. Stewart has ,dispased of this spring. It certainly pays to keep the tight kind of horses. Mrs. Jafredira Bethel lies returned from Detroit and i is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bedard.... Mr. (joint n. Quigley arrived from Detroit on Tuesday and will enjoy a holiday among relatives and old fiends in nullett and Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. 3, L. Awde spent Sunday at the batter's parents home, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, MeCoors. Mr. Vodden has purehased a span of blacks from Mr. Denholm. Mr. William, Snell has purchased a lino span of greys from Mr. Jato. Wright. Mr, Albert Vodden also, bought one front the same man.