HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-23, Page 76 QW04 ew# -RocoM Jule 23rdo 191 wry, p -to -Date., AN 1Mp01f" #fFt6IALm - TORONTO,$ poLiCiw ciiiEF. ` DOCTOR -85' DON'T RN(Jw ALL. The 9ntaxic Synod authorized Bis clerk of Sensto Chsplesil WoA (Born . Col. Rrstlatt it x Soldierly Mlle lhlha Whea they say Asthma is incurable. ':hop Mills to appoint a cOmmittee to _ (,'very day bad cases are cured, by 'deal with the question of wi**d talar. ittd vfaitor the 'United There ars tens of thousandsWork, "C'atarrhozone" ; this scientific treat- rigea. In the (foiled t3trlt.Il1, Devotes, Himself to His its and tliaugh costly, they 1;4e>n pmvv States w a hsof moot is a perfect success—Try Cat- Floods ill Servia have caused the ag to be indispensible, ppeoed to he in oue of routanians who never saw Henryarrhozone yourself, q loss of 35 .lives. 8 p ale oSfeweeksa�whe� he de uty o James Grasett, the City's Chief of Po• he Operates a Complete fine. g we These, things as outlined all apply the Govexnorp so tar eth duriiig the lice. At meetings of any kind, in any g° p y a to my Own "larul. We faun extensive- to the bills of the hundred acid one propagandas A, futile attempt vas Histo yester- CATf1Itl�I3 CA1`3l�iAT I31 CURIA ren ly and have x ;full line of the best present session of Parliament, was for the betterment or the revolutim day to assassinate the Ivlilitarq Gov of and latest labor saving maebium, very Much imprewed with. the rigidly izing of the nation's affairs, she col. epnox of Bosnia and Flerz+11 orya. wit LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as le- Probably the first on that nig ht be formal way in which •b}te business ,. they cannot reach the scat of the dis- nt mentioned, since it is used first in was transooted, As she had never cool is never anteing those present." Governor Gillett of C'alfforula has ease. Catarrh la a blood or .cousti- been familiar with ceremonial of the > ie ?a-" as fro will loci you himself, it is- the sc sem, is fire plow. soil wthe, you can seize him in one of his taro asked the Attorney Ccneral of the tutional disease, and Ian; order .o Cure kind she wos disposed to -consider it State to take feteps to prevent the it you must fake internal reme(lies. a ordiirary farm, a two -furrowed plow all very ridicu. cqs,. particularly the communicative moods ---a police officer , , tn- is a< financial noce�s^sity. it saves solemn WAY in which the clerk of the and .a Private citizen. he gives his Jeffries-Johnsoli prize-fight. flail v Catarrh Cure, is. take a inter - Ler time and does more and often bat Senate, Mr. Chapleau, with a •staff whole time to°the two functions. "ally, aad acts directly on the Wood, tie ter work than is possible with any bow to the deputy governor and one It is rarely that the .colonel is seen Mr: 'William Mackenzie has complet and mucous surfacest. I all's'Catarrh at single plow. The 13 or 15 -disc drill, not quite so stiff: towards the bar of : on the street in uniform. But it you ed the ptirebase of lion. James Duns» Cure is not a :quack medicine. It was o- opeed-food seeder is used and is speedy the Senate, whither the Commoners notice a six -foot -two policeman or, muir s coal interests on Vancouver proscribed by one of the best physi- and accurate in sowing, and makes had been summoned, declared that post halt, straighten up rigidly and Island. Clans in. this country for }'ears and His Honor, the Deput Governor„ fu salute a middle-sized, grey -moustached: a better finish on every field sewn His Majeaty'a ualne doth assent to gentleman in a bOrdgged tunic you The Montreal Controllers have de- is regular hprescription. tonic tonics -known, is corn - than is lsossible with other styles of these bills." may know that the chief passes. 'f o• cided to have an inspection. of all bposeda the les tori blood nowtt, cans, n'" drills. "onto policemen are ordered to salute the high watep tanks in the City, lined with the best blood pi�rifiexs, :,, To the former United States lady p to ..actin(, directly ve A.", for haying machinery, we find now livin in Ottawa- who had taken the Cuief, the Deputy. Chief, the yon the iuueaas slirfac� i8 the Idng-cuttingbar mower cuts bet, her to -the function, slie remarked.- Mayor, and the senior County Judge. - - es. The perfect combination of , the eh ter and runs ;smoother over, the fields "dust fririatcy an American man going The three last are the police com. two ingredients is what produces sueli ks• ; and lasts longer than the shorter through thatperformance without Iriissioners. Other citizens may be sa, a c Lame shoulder is almost invariably wonderful results. in curing Catarrh. int cutting -bar mowers. It is a great laughing, I'll bet he couldn't, deo it if luted, but that is merely a personal sed by rheumatism of the muscles Send for testimonials free. at saver of valuable time, and it costs her tried for a lifetimwe." . Imagine her compliment from the blitecoat, e and yields quickly to the free applica- F. J. CH) NEY• & Co., Props.,, very little extra in the initial out! surprise when she was told by her Any marl ort the force, even the tion .of Chamberlain s liniment, This Toledo, O. ad Y friend *bat the very mart she had 3'ouiigarst recruit, can interview Lkie .liniment is. not only prompt ,and ei- � la . We find trio reversible alto do Sold by Druggists, price. 75c. is seen. perform the duty was not merely Chief, sans an old can. This fectual, but in no way disagreeable to I Take• Hall's Family Fills for can livery rake a very useful implement, , t native of the United States, but .one is not saying that such interviews are use. Scld b all dealers. Re iVibtt it we can go over Clic hay the" who had served in -the Union. army .frequent. The .Dien usually prefer to Y stfpation,. le next day after cutting in the morn, during the American war, This is a • consult their precinct inspectors when 000,00 d Ing, thereby bedding iy, and with the tact not generally known in Ottawa, they have anything to say, I his same implement in a tow hoursgath- most people supposing Mr. Chapieatx saves time, and in most case a trip 10 �l s, er it up in straight windrows for gained the rank. of major, with which downtown to headquarters. But the 1 ll lie is coots(( designated, by service etifef Hover denies himself to an;: of the hay loader. One man with a generally desi ilr d a the is ty an loader,The thaloader will n -two tmen without, whose ex -officio designation ,+is Clerk th they and march out: ow is that ` `. r d The loader also saties 3nSamuel Mm St Ooge Chapleau, the tnrunst taint nicekldoand accurate- of the Parliaments gives loin iy the time of eoilin B moans of in t e- 'a'hi silent gentleman who daily sits 31 � g' q Bence as senior deputy minister in the in his roam lit headquarters is real - the loader -and side delivery rake just Dominion civil.servi,ee was born, 'at ly tine business manager of the force. as good 'hay can be made in, half thej •• Syracuse, N,Y., in 1839: His father, time required b blit old-fashioned the late Pierre Cha leau, a lcreacb*- ev knows everything a that goes: on , Y P every day, He has a sort of Depute, � �. way, Canadian, returned a few years .after ins board Composed of the Deputy. t� All this machinery must be ons- his son's birth to Candle, where he ing f and the tori inspectors. The 1 ! ed when not in use» else It deteriop- rue a well-known builder in the: thirteen .meet in conclave nearly every It , city of •Montreal, Major Chapleau, POLISH - brother, with great rapidity. Any ,pro- like his elder brother the tate Sir day—and }vhiit is said and done no F gressive farmCr once having invested man knoweth save the members of m;kwawhose Past Ion I Adolphe Chaplean, was educated at this sec , i'his money in these up-to-date mach- the Terrebonne College. in; 18M he T�u6IiC service Star Charnbar. It's 49 pure orf pwgtt-no mops, gotti" or Ilquids-contain no / Ines should not Bail to make+ a fur-, returned to the United States, said in' But important matters of force Ad- %} Tgrpentlne or Acids. The• finest of them all. ALL DGALZ 10c. J ig their investmerit of a suitable shelter 1661, carried sway . by the prevailing. ministration go on to the commis- % THE P. F. DALLEY eo„ LIMITED, Ramilten, ont., nr pw wo, iq under which to house them. The war fever, joined the I7. S. regular siorters. The chief is secretary of the g.' machinery needs to be kept in first army. His regiment, the 18th Infan» kart./`!/`%%//,l///%//,r////.!//f„/i✓/f/Jf�Jr/�////f.////// try, came in for much service and -he It will not be Tang before Colonel T class ration If it would give good ra idl Grasett celebrates his twenty-fifth au- r satisfaction : --A, :1. 117eLenriah, t 1:ct,- i p. Y gained protrlotion :through :the niversaiy, , as head of the Toronto various ranks to. the of brevet cap. fary Co., Ont . fain, which was specially awarded for police. He began his manhood. as an gallant.and meritorious services at the onsign in the 100th Regiment, (loyal battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Later Canadians, to which he was gazetted ADVERTISED GOODS A �•y r� came the brevet of major for gallant in 1867, when but nineteen years old. i.E BEA7 ,L Th eluaelRod and Ginn. services during the Atlanta eanmpaign, He served in l;,ngl�and and Canada, Because SClellil 4 shoppers �llo"W' more . particularly at the battle of most of the, tune as adjutant,. orifi( pia 'J'onesbore, Ga, He also participated , lt75,; when 'ire retired and entered that advertised goods are best the i While each issue of Canadas, for- ' the.Toronto financial drin of Ha art • iii the siege of Corinth, Miss., and the g y f- most sportsmfn s Magwzilft t contains :battles of Shiloh, Chickamauga and &. Grasett. When .in 1680 the old will not take anv Substitute, a some feature :of special interest, the Chottanoogo. . He was on service in ` 10tH Royals were reorganized and had though June number of'Rod and titin In fan Memphis in 1866 during the, riots in their style; changed to the (loyal urged, t I_ ada, published by W. J. 'Taylor, that city, and in 186a was in command Grenadiers, Colonel Grasett became Because of the volume of busi, le Woodstock, Ont., is notable for sev- of the troops at Augusta; Ga.,' during: their -'commanding officer. He. held '" ly erg of such features, each one of the riots. which took place between the post for more than six years, and Hess resiilting, • the , manufacturer r, particular inteiest to all sportsmen, the white and colored populations on ' had- charge of the regiment throughwllo advertises puts better value "e the .occasion of the first election of out the Second Riel rebellion. At ��, , xhreC Weeks in the b`arests pf. (1ue- ,• with the sueccssful. Ca t�re.'.of, president Grant. He retired from the high Creek. and Batoche tate colonel into his goods. p Us S. army in 1871 and eaatered the was in the.firizigg line, and in the lat- a moose, will.proive ent'rancing to all civil service of Canada as secretary ter erlgagement�was one of the first Because an inferior article'iS sel- i ! bi1; ganic hunters; while, the story. of. ,;of the 'Department of Public Works in the rebel rifle -pits. after tho fani- the success .of Jack Miller in attract» 'iu 1873, A few years later he was tip- qua cannot fail to ritories, and as such, had charge of charge, dom advertised, you, cad. d sc'ri:m.i- ,de ing wild geese in large numbers. to a'. h .4 inted sheriff.the Northwest Ter- Colonel Grasett liar seeiip his force date is pond near his home; grow fiarii fewer thiin. i5Q to 500 sten. between the best and the ir Bold the attention and secure the in- 'the arrangement% for the execution 'He hits done his work . quietly and q. Y imitation. A torCSt of all wild bird lavei;s. '('lip: of I3,ic1 'and the others hanged for con-, effectively. Lilco another soldier, he _. plicity in the Tebellion of 1885.. For . does riot advertise.` But he. gets re Because SToLI wan to get' best lattkr story forms a splendid illus- several years lie occupied the position sults, . t, and 'sn 'should .the, success aF . protectiotr . ' return S• #ter your motley, you should Id . and `should eticouz�i s all ern a d n of Clerk ofthe Croir*n in Chancery at, t, fi g . Uttawa and in 190Q`he was appointed The Editor Legislators. >, the wtrik: Mr. Abner has- demopstrat- to his present position, it Will be Once•a year whale the Legislature is always It ed. the fact that it. is possible to sue- .noticed t),hHt his career has been a re- in session the members of the Toronto if eved-, with the wary wild goose and rnark,.bly .varied, one-, and it. certainly Press Club entertain .the newspapGOODS. er- BUY ADVERTISED success --with such shy birds means .Gems a bit curious tat the Canadian Men who also .have the Honor of sit- . that efforts ill ' othett directions need st"t 'dignitary who acts as the mouth ting in that chamber. These used to piece of the .representative of. the not spill faflurc. :7'hc importance "of bei numerous, but owing to the •mis t. the polio• of Conservatign justifies C'rewn in his.'mos>A: important fiinc fortunes of the Opposition they have. tit c illustrated account of .the, tion should be not only, a native of dwiridlect to four: Joseph P. llo�vney; - gath- the United Sttites but a retired,. n-' , - dring at Toronto University. 'This sinned oi&cer of the regular grin yof, member for South �� ellingtcn, lour - policy -moans more to the future', of that ,county, tialist�at-large, tivha used to be - the C'anadn. than ' the . rrsent ti And,no' one• could set motive force of The Guelph Herald--, I? .generation the 'part tivith more decorum •and di - �' can fully realize and to all, tntereatcd pity. Mrs. Ohaplesu is a daughter ecl and Hugh. Clarke,, n Centre evi -w; iii. the great out loots it is vital. A Colonel .George W. fatten, :of the and editor of. The. Peel, rdi to rev c:v, Upited Staters arm Sam Charter o£ keel editor bz .Tlie c full ,supplv'of stories appealing. to atI 9 Brampton. Conservator;.and Phil �.. . tastes is included 4n a maniloo wlticli . ' Bowyer, of Kent, editor, of The Ridge- ` will Thi Father of "augoiogy,'": , Prong a`fine 'companion on"all " town Echo. -Thiy are .all Conserva- vacation 'trips. C4uedi2ns at large know very little tives,' biA are popular on .both sides sb<rut the science of Z'ntomology; bat of the House., Yor such I oceaAorrs it is a very important one in a, young Col. Clarki reserves one of his famous ~� t:grieultiiial country and'has been an stories, and usuaily has a crack: at - Charles 'Landon ' was arir: T01 organized study in Canada for nearly his own people, the Highland Scotch. Brockville on . a charge. of lea`„ting 'half a gentry; and the ma.n wino is This year. lie told the fallowing: Two poison in. his employer's ,',•a. parhaps.more responsible than anyone Irish brigands -surprised a Seotellman elea for 'this; organization 'is Rev, lar a lonely •p.lace and proceeded to ' J. A. reales was found "410t tai Chrrlay J. S: Bethune who, since? 1906, rob hien. '.He put up `such a tussle death on ''his doorstep ih the flit F. has baen professirr' of entomology zit that thi .y wei+a much damaged in the. p the Unitario Agricultural. College,' encounter - but finally gave in, and hill ctistMet of.Saskatche",van:. Guelph. -As-early as 1862 Mr. Beth- going through his pockets they found une, then. a resident of Cobourg, wrote the suns of five conte.. "Be the 01 se . John. W. Richmond received a. fatal'' an article for the Canadian Natural. saint's," said ono brigand; turning to shoek in the Power house, at Cobalt. iat published at Montreal, naming the other, "if he'd had tern cents he'd thirty-six Canadian devotees ai .t^fisc have.killed us.,, ,James Strong's stave nriil it - 1lu$ the vulgar call `.`Bugology” which he. combo Station; And the Lyric 'fheutrC had i ompiled with ,the. assistance of - William - fWilliam. Saunders,' of London, Ont. Pi Going. West. at Berlin, Ont., w6ie� burned. The t�rticle erjde� wibin bhe suggestion • Br pp Butter. W�,• er that these nature stuc�•ents in modern There is a good deal of interest just Joseph I•iomenack was .killed and parlance" °` , now over 'a report which Bene Dupont p get tdi&f er. ' foregather April, has just ownpleted on the emigration William Kelly fatally injuped by a fall lath, 1963, they did' foregatheir at the With your'.,. . �� Canadian. Institute, in Toronto and of Z,renah-Canadisins from the Pro= t✓ . of coal in a ntinc at Goldman. Mr., Bethune figured prominently in wince of Quebec. 1`.'t:lliam Lawlor, an' employee of the 'the proceedings... Por five years- from oil, Dupont received the co -opera- pOstO�.CE3 i� 71 %�% ���•/:' 1863 to 1873 he . odite& the Canadian tion of the parish. priests t, and hiy.. , e() A n' d (,/ Irilafld N�a�vigation C'otnp'ahy front entomologist itttd reauihed the task data covers no less Qi -m 602 parishes: Ilarttilton, dis••apprared at'Montpcal. in 18£6 oonduotirlg the .publication up showing 'that during 1908, ne less • ' to the end of last year,. when Dr. G> than 10,083 persons felt the province of . your, dairy print- P y T U Th Viscount Wolverhampton 'Lorde, M. Walker, of Tbronto; took over the for the United States, This, in th Prosident of the CoctnCil, has resign- •reins of editorship. Mr. Bethiine has face of the alleged oolonization-policy .ed Prom the Britisll Cabinet; entexad his wtventy-second year and of. the province, r' said to have beers , upon , c C .e'er-. there is a just 'digpce>itiou to enroll Quite displeasing to Sir Loner Gouin, +i Buffalo teachers are forming .a union him on the list.of Canada's grand old and a stormy scene "between . this Which will -be chartered by the Amer= Prime Minister 'and Mr. Dupont is.il�te you,.s7�11 }lit �r �w loan b'edcpatiCui of. Labor, reported from the ancient Capital, ii a+ Li A7 • _ _ crease Lh e- number of » Thrives Bestl Upon' Comparison or Quality and Qu ami ty of 'down: and Town- ship News The' Newso ecord seeks Compari- sons and respeeti-OlUlly solicits the co-operation Of its friends in melon pits melts still better known your aa►ilabl�e +pus- toners, xt, there- •forre� pays to use them. When you. need a supply CALL O t. Tke News -Record. i Li ,J 4 ,