HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-23, Page 6butte 23rd, 1910 V. Cliatoa Noirs-Record vislasalleilleareaMilaiRIMIRIPOollsialleasmeimeersir cool.)Enve• - UMMER s: 11111101111111111111111111111101111111.11111111111.111111111111 SPECIAL VALUES In Small Wares, Chinaware, Wall Paper, Stationery and Fancy Goods Consult this list and convince yourself that you cant afford to miss the opportunity of getting staple goods at almost half regular prices A Saving Here of SO 1. 100 p. e. SHIELD BRAND PINS 3435—A •pin for each day in the year. former price Sc a paper, sale price two papers or 730 pins for 5c SAFETY PINS—Solid bras, sizes 1, 2 and 3, also assorted on a card—one dozen on a card, former price 5c a card, sale price 2 cards for 5e GOODMAN'S SAFETY PINS—Solid brass with guarded coil, sizes 0, 1, 2 and 3, regular price 10c a card, sale paice Sc a card HAI It PINS IN PACKAGES—Extra large sizes. not light weight, formerly sold 8 packages for Sc,.sale price 0 packages for Sc BRASS ASSORTED HAIR PINS—I00 pins in a box assorted, invisible, crimped and plain, graduated sizes, formerly sold one box' air Sc. sale mice 3 boxes for 10c CELLULOID HAIR PINS—Four pins on a card, 2 sizes. Sc and 10c a card HAT PINS --Extra large heads, 0 pins in a box, 9,10 and 12 inches, black and white, former price 10e sale price Sc a box HOOKS AND EYES or HOOK AND BAR—War- ranted not to rust, black and white, all sizes, for- mer price 5c a card, sale price 2 cards for 5e SEWING NEEDLES—Rest quality. 3 to 7, 4 to 8. for- mer price Sc a paper, sale price 2 papers for Sc DARNING NEEDLES—Best quality, assorted sizes for wool or cotton, former price Sc a paper,sale price 2 papers for Sc TOILET PINS—Black headed, assorted sizes, CIO on a sheet, first quality, former price 5e per sheet, sale price 2 sheets for Sc. BEAUTY PINS—Three pins to a set, one large and two small, dull gold, bright gold and pearl. Joints rivetted, not soldered, former price 21ks sale price 10c per set. DOME FASTENERS—Washable, silver pie ted, white or black, sizes 0, I and 2, former price 10c a dozen sale price 2 dozen for Sc • HAIR NETS—Silk "Royal" extra large, correct shape, each one in au envelope, 'former price 15e, sale price 5c DRESS snintips—"Shield Brand" size 2 washable, former price 15c a pair, sale price 10c, size 3 sale price 15e a price BOOT. LACES -36 inches, good strong lace, special price of 10c for a dozen pair 45 inch lace, fine quality, special 10e for a doz laces FEATHER STITCH BRAID -0 yard pieces, extra wide, new designs, special price for two lines, Sc and 10e per piece of 6 yards DRESSING COMBS—Unbreakable, extra heavy. S inches long, black or white, former price 15e, sale price 10c Also Horn Combs at 10c each Special comb with gold stamp, 35e, sale price 25c COLLAR BUTTONS—Gila 1 dozen assorted shapes on a card, formerly sold at 25c a dozen, sale price 100 a dozen TOOTH BRUSHES—Special ' values at Sc, 10c and 15c each 15c HAIR BRUSHES—Pure all black bristles, red or black back, lightly polished, special value 15c 25c HAIR BRUSHES—Ebony and fox finished back, splendid value 25c •50e HAIR BRUSHES—Solid backs, assorted novelty shapes. formerly sold at 75e So.$1, sale price 50e . • CLOTH BRUSHES—Big values at 15C and 25C BARRETTS---431tiek,, shell 'and amber, formerly sold at 25c, sale price 10c - . . BACK COMBS—Black shell and amber, foi.nierly sold at 25c to 50o, sale price 10c • • • , WHITE TAPE—Lona lengeh, any size. foemerly sold. 3 beeches far 5c, stile price.° bunches for 50 • PEARL 1BUTTONS—.2 or 4 hole, • good pure white • pearl buttons, sale price 5c per dozen for any..siae , FRENCH PEARL BUTTONS—Special 10e a dozen •• Wall. Paper Specials • Clearing out the Nall Paper Stock it sacrifice prices. We want to clear out these lines, before ordering more. and at the prices we will quote you can .affbrd to•paptr some rooms that you had not thought of doing. , • Choice materna for kitchens, attics and small bedrooms at 3c a roll Tasty designs for bedrooms, dining room or hall at Sc per roll Large patterns suitable for parlors. sitting rooms, halls and bed rooms from 8c to Me per roll. The prices on Wall Paper will he found to be in many cases about one-third their original value. ALL PAPER TRIMMED FREE. HAIR NETS—Silk "Red Cross" large each one in a sanitary celluloid cylinder. All over, with hair pins and draw strings, formerly sold at 20c, sale price 10e COLLAR SUPPORTS—Celluloid, Shield. Brand, six on a card, from 2 to 3e inches, formerly 5c a set, sale pi ice 2 sets for 5c COLLAR SUPPORTS—'Set Snug' Something new, three side supports and one back. with snap fast- ener, does away with pins, formerly sold 10c per set, sale 'price Sc a set THIMBLES—The Wonder Three silver plated Thimbles to a box, formerly sold at Sc each, sale price 2 thimbles for 5c WOOL MENDING—Best quality, all colors, each card with a darner, formerly Bola 2 -cards for 5c, sale price 4 cards for 5c IRREDESCDNT GLASS TRAYS—Something new in glassware, asset ted sizes and trays, regular 25c sale days choice for 19c CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS—New shapes, splen- did quality, tasty designs, splendid value at 25c. on sale days 19c Sc BOWLS—Big stock of coupe, soup and sponge bowls, special value at Sc 15e JUGS—Milk or Water Jugs, choice designs, 25c values, on sale days choice for 15c CUP, SAUCER AND PLATE—Woith easily 15c, choice on sale days for cup, saucer and plate 5c LEAD PENCILS—Cedar wood and fairly good lead, regular le each, on sale days per doz Sc BATTENBURG CENTRE PIECES—A line of hand- some centre pieces, 12 to 18 inches square, fancy designs, big value at 50e, very special for sale days each 25c • BERLIN WOOL—Ahotit 50 colors to select front, 2, 4 and 8 fold, 7c an ounce or 4 minces for 25c • SILK INE—Fifty colors, all good shades for crochet. ing and knitting, formerly sold at Sc spool, sale days 3 for 10c ' • CURTAIN POLES—White Cottage. Rods with brass • ends, reg 15e for sale days 10c WINDOW SHADE SPECIAL—Odd lots of shades in cream, • green and red; reg Sue values . for 35c • complete , Odd lots of Lace. Shades in green, cream and red regular up to 75c. for 50c complete PAPETRIES 15c --Choice boxes containing 24 sheets of linen note paper and 24 envelopes • to match, formerly sold 25c to 35c, foe sale days 15c ENVELOPES 30—Package containing 26 good en yea epee, special for sale days. 3e • CUSHION. GIRDLES—A splendid line of cushion girdles, variety of colors to choose from, regular 25c, on sale daVs choice for 17c BOOKS 10c—Cloth bound bks, standard authors, Clearing line worth up to 50c, on sale days choice for 10e. SKIRT BELT/NG—g inch :Duelex' shaped, extra fine quality, tett good shades, formerly sold at Sc a yard, sale price 2 yards for Sc FREE Every morning during these sale days we will give free to every lady customer a patent kirt holder, not an elaborate gift but a very useful article which every lady will value. Sale Commences Thursday Morning, June 23rd and will Continue for one Month • COOPER , CLINTON Bluth .A very successful social was on the parsonage lawn op. Thursday evening last. The Citizen's Band of Clinton furnished the music. Mr. Andrew IldeNally is having his shop repaired and a foundation plac- ea under it. Mr. Lux Hill is the contractor and It follows that the work will be well 'done. Mr. Isaac Brown is. adding a gas- oline engine to his evaperater plant, the power to be used for the peeling and otherwise handling of thet *stack. By this means more Work will be done as well be done more evenly. Mr. Brown believes in having things up-to-date. Mr. Elam Livingstone has retired Item connection with the electric light system and Mr. John Nivens is now in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Beene left on Sat- urday last en a visit to the State of Oklahoma. Mr. Win. Johnstone of Oh village and Mr. John Brown of Morris left for the west last week with a car- load of stock, A number of our people attended the circus in Clinton last Saturday and others took in the moonlight ex- cursion. The, C. P. R. has changed its`time- table so that the passenger train • from Toronto arrives here, at 71.36 in the evening instead of 9.25 as formerly. This limits the time in the city by two hours. Mr. Robt. Knox, who formerly re- sided in Hellcat but who than been a resident of Myth since 1896, died suddenly last week. The remains were 'interred in the cemetery at Burns' church where he used to at- tend years ago. This is the eighth death which hate occured in that part of the village within a recent date, Rev. J. L. Small has returned from the General Assembly. Bright Little Ones • Make Home Bright. Babies that are well, sleep 'well, eat well and play well: They, sleep naturally ,andwake up good natured. The child that is not rosy -checked and playful needs prompt attention for it is not well. A sickly child can be restored to health with, a '.ew doses of Baby's Own Tablets, which cure colic,: indigestion, conotipation, teething troubles and the /other disor- ders front which young children suf- fer. Mrs. Thos. Whiting, Waterford, Ont., -says : —I have used Baby's Own Tablets in my bonse for some . years and would not be without them, I find them just the right 'medicine for little oncea' Said by medicine deals era or' by mail at, 25 cents • a. box from The. Die Williams' medicine pc., Brockville, Out. swrieriEs, BRAIDS AND PUFFS made to'. order—Apply to MrS. . Ed. Cook, Albert 'street. . ' 35-1 FOR SALE„--SIX-ROOMED HOUSE and a acre of land, situated • 'on Frederick etrect. The' ho use is in excellent' repair. Good garden. Hard and soft watere-james Tucker •• • • 35 •. MEN WANTED AT ONCE FOR. street •work—Apply to T. Beacom, •Chairmaii S treet Ceram ittae. '85 TEACHER WANTED, •• MALE aOR Female, .helding .2nd class certifi- cate,for S.S: No.. 5, :Hullett, Out-. les te•.conanence after. the summer' holiday's.Stataasalsely and caper - 'ewe. Personal applications pre- ferred. Wm. McCool,• Sec. -Treasurer, Londesboro . P.O35-3 THE STANDARD ELEVATOR CO. Want to.buyea young general pur- pose horse and light wagen.—The L. Suitter Co., Phone 64. 35 TEACHER WANTED:—FOR S. S. No. 5, Goderieh township,a0Pliater's Hill. a Duties to commence on the 15.th of August, 1910. Applications stating salary acid experience, wilt bee received up ' to the 15th of July. Persoliel applications; preferred.-- Jehn Torrance, Secretary, Porter's -"Hill P. '0. 35-3 THE 'LADIES' AID OF WESLEY church purpose holilingt a lawn soc- ial on the church 'grounds on the evening of July 5th. The Citi- zen's band will furnish music. Ad- miseion Free. Ice cream and oth- er refreshments will be provided on the grow*. TEACHER WANTED—FOR S.S. NO. 9, Goderich Township, duties to commence after the summer holi- days. Applications,, personal pre- ferred, received by the undersigned up to July 20th.—George Hudie, Sec., Clinton P.O. 34-3 TEACHER WANTED—TEACHER wanted for S. S. No. 6, Tucker - smith, male or female, holding first or second class professional certi- licate. State salary and experience. Duties to commence after midtuM- met holidays. -Address, John T. Martin, See -Treasurer Seaforth P.O. 33-3 TEACHER, WAINTED..-A QUALIL. fied teaeher for 8.8. No, 3, Goder- ish Township, duties to comMenee August 15th, 'Applications, stat- ing salary leXpeeted, weived up to July lat,—Geo. Holland, Sec -Treas- urer, Hohnesville P.O. , 31 TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. NO. 5, Stanley, duties to conrimence ut- ter the summer holidays. Applica- tions, personal preferred, received by the undersigned up to June 24th. -David S. Stephenson, Seere. rY 83-3. Brucelleld. As the Brussel intermediates have defeated Mildmay, they now clash with the Brumfield Rovers, and. the game will be played on the recreation grounds at Brussels on Friday even- ing of this week. A large number of rooters will accompany the"Rov- ere" to the northern village and help cheer the boys to victory. The re-. turn match will be played here on Monday evening next. Mr. Chas. Reid suffered ai heavy lose on Monday last when his driv- ing horse died very suddenly. Mm. Geo. Swan, who for some time past, we are sorry ao learn, has not been enjoying good health, went to Toronto on Saturday last. Goderich Mr. William Cox presented us with a branch from a horse chestnut tree, that has a red spike instead of the white or cream colored spike with which the trees around the square abound. Another tree is on the old Garrow estate. We never heard of a rod bloom before. Mrs. W. 0. Rhynas and son of Brantford and Mrs. Reid now of the same city, returned after a pleasant visite the guests of theie relatives here and 'in Bayfield, Mrs. James Pestlewhaite of Brant- ford was the guest last week of her. mother, Mrs. Dave Bell, Britannia Road. Wet noticed last week that De. Wil- bur Guest was in town the guest of his grandmother and aunt, Mes- dames George Cox and Ella Sinclair, both of Hillcrest. He has been taking a post -graduate course in the hospitals of New York since last Oc- tober and is now returning to Win- nipeg to take some hospital work there, Mr. and 'Mrs. Will Connors of De- troit' and two children came • over on the Greyhound and were the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Meville, William street. Missee Sarah and Martha 'Mall- ough left last week for Stanlesleigh, Alberta, where they will be the guests of their sister, Mrs. (Rev.) A. 4, Thompson. Mrs. Walker arrived, on Fridays late train from Denver, Col., at' the residence of her sister, Mrs. Andrew Duff; Stanley street, , . Ti..J. Deane returned last week from St. Jerome's College at Berlin* anti is the guest af his' parents. • Tuckersmith Township. • Next Sunday will be observed as Flower Senday in Tdrner's church and Pastor Consens will preach the S. S. anniversary services at 2.30. In the evening. Miss Lucy Stevens of Clinton will address the League. ,- FOR SALE.—MOVING e• PICTURE businesa as proprietor. , it . leaving for the' Weste-Apply at .NewFaRec- 'Ord Office, • "33. FOR SALE.—ONE GOOD SECOND - hand piano,: 7 1-3 octave, •rosewood• case. --Wesley Welker. 30 • WORO:401). -P4O•tos are Made. We paymuch attention to finishing work for amateurs. Let us devei. ope your films and: make your prints. We, also make splendid enlarge-. ments from amateur Alms. 'Call and see us for information regarding same. OTTO FINK PHOTOGRAPHER Your Patronage Solicited esaasee. HAVING PURCHASED' sl HE IlLACItS1VIITHING BUSINESS OF MR. JAMES FLYNN, WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT THE PATRONAGE OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON AND VICINITY. We make a specialty of Shoeing Lame and Inter- fering Horses and guar. antee satisfaction in that if tie. CARRIAGE MAKING AND REPAIRING OP ALL KINDS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. GIVE US A CALL. CHARGES MODERATE. etelhealasitaii J. SAIINDERS. s". I'OW Nature suet it 1 and cue crisis of great scend, termine lift patient. in ' natural Wien world. . A 4,8 PERUNA PROMPTLY RELIEVES ........................,. Case. of Dreadful Suffering Which Had Continued For Months. Account of a Remarkable &cowry Given By Mr. Alfred Wore, Toacker a Private School at Launceston, ra$MOSia. i* .'! , i / ,)'%:,..,,;- .$. .. i •• •• ; . • ". : : :7!••'.... i ::- -/ '; ' f ' .",,, .• .. t: c• .;, 1 .:::::?.. .*:•.••• X i x:.:, ...:: • • -. .:•• . ' • • • • ' :. . .. . • ' • . .... . • . • ti ,*., MR. AND MRS. • . P,, f/ Ati - , ;. ' • ; •. '.• / •• • ; . • .• • •:::•:' • •,/,/ •:. ',/ , ••. . ::* . •:::::: /-: , ',kr.; F s'...c...cveds• • r r• -'s". ......:-. ' .... , %. , :•••• • . ,-.. 1. At,FRIKD WOOD. Mr. Alfred'Wood, who has a private :wheel at 22 Frederick street, Laun- ceston, Tasmania (Australia), hes been a teacher for 87 years under the Educational Department of Tasmania. He writes, concerning his wife's case, as follows; "My wife was suffering for mouths from gastro-enteritis, end was given up by her medical attendant. "By good fortune I was induced to try Pernnein her ease, and I can truth- fully state that from the first dose her dreadful suffering ceased; and after taking five bottles she Is permanently cured." does Peruna make such extra- ordinary cures as above recited? By simply arousing the 'forces 'of to throw off the diseased action, reruns contains no magic and does operate in any mysterious way, but does help Nature to combat disease, thus many times comes to the res. of the patient in some important i" 10 always it time in the course any disease when a little help goes a wa. y.ouncetatz: Just as the scales are beginning to de - when one once more would de- of the fatethe patient, a little will turn the scales in favor of the Pereira is a handy medicine to have the household. It helps many diseases by imparting a vigor to the whole system. As atonic or catarrh remedy, its ram- is well .established all over the ' - As a remedy for stomach and bower, disease, the hose of Peruna is Und011bte.1 edly destined to become greater than that of any other medicine in the world. ferAgmtaot hinaavneYfocua usePeruna ikethat ouabovnetorti red l value when no other help seemed of any' avail. - Pe-runa For Indigestion. Mr. Donald Robb, Jr., al Wright* Ave., Halifax,Nova Bootie member ' ludo endent 0 ' der of Forresters,writes a "While on a visit to Boston 1 mus k' insaytert:=MgathteartrdiribdlertOcattsaogemreetwal indigestion recommended "Peruna 4: and after using three bottles .I was' entirely cured. 4'1 therefore recommend Peruna, to any one suffering with stomach trouble." Mr. Chas. Brown, Rogersville, Tenn., writes: "A friend advised me to take Perrin& for Indigestion and it cured me in 11. short time." . s . Goderieh . • 0 faltiasIse , clAnnilue r‘jVc•aeines L, acdt; ocfoitslei et ts, ot ti. ,ta," of Detroit, is • the guest of her par- ruts, Elfin 'Ave: • - Dr. afillyard took charge of • Dun lop's drug store during the abieuce of Captain. Dunlop at; camp. ' Mr. R: H. Clement and his :este).- J in -law, Mrs. S. B. Clement of Tcr- onto, visited with the pailents of the former, Rev. and. Mrs; B. Cie- Meat. . : . . pAs,rnii.3-:---TO RENT.—THE UN - dersigned is prepared to pasturea- bout .50 head of cattle • at Lots 8 and 9, (ion. 3, Hullett.—John Park - em. 25 • . . • FARM FOft SALE. --PART OF LOT 8, Maitland con., Gowan Town - ship, containing 40 acres more or less. Good pasture land, 'well wet - ered.—Apply to Miss Rudd, Mary strret, Clinton. St owereesereseaseseeetelaelaeseseerete.46,,PVifrAlftellb,libelboliA6+4166,01.41br'lli.11bAllfr $ . . $ #suitable 0 , $ $ i • 0 0 . $ $ . • 4- # .11./...i.,..,............:44....b........1.4........,...............................„... . June .Brides , • kw.. 'articles Our stock 0•• ,s: , . . . --A -,-*---, --. . . •-• a...( !--.,-,0 • Wedding is complete . . and future • t A.,.,..,.,..--4, ,,re ''‘, -:.'\;6111V-#) •% for . Presents carry happiness. . , ..,.•,4,.. ,.,. fifty•fia:aa 0a4a ,,,• , 41•Alle4-1=-, . with . . . . your .. ...., , isiii • • . . , • 0 : i , • . which will be enduring 1leartiest, wishes for High Grade Watches Fancy Clocks Pearl Brooches Diamond Rings 118k Wedding Rings Sterling and Plated Silverware which always- makes a useful gift. - -...,z lasts ."/ —•.,--.4..--.... f Ze.a.1,,z, ,,iii , 41(1 / CHINAWARE—A discount of 25 per cent. wiA be • . given on all China. • • *A...J. GRIGG Issuer of Marriage LLteenses. . . . Furnitttre and House Furnishings at Greatly Reduced Prices. for the mouth of Met) when the goods are most required. I . . . .. . . 10 p.c discount on Rug, Mattings, Linoleums. Curtains, Etc. 9 - ;• 10 p.c. off Iron Beds—Beds from $2 up to, $25. Our special et $4 • )iS a winner. , 10 p.c. off Mattresses area Bed Springs, Dressers and Stands for $8.50, Oak Roeke.ts, $1.90, Couches $5. Our leader at $8 is not equalled at the price in the county. Curtain Stretchers loaned to our customers free. Our Des -Kot Carpet Cleaner will be loaned free for one day only. vicinity, Ger hanrde e-aliteui)nitnztntroaditu ellemn_o ,for o whihuitycl il 1 Ie eadueidt theonlyspelt" yi it.. t in this . • . Picture Framing aud Repairing • Neatly and Promptly Done. The „Store of (loamy. . w . m MI. avit et Paraffin* Dealer and Undertaker ._ . . Phone 28 Night or Day