HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-23, Page 5SurnmerhilL
Mr. 11-I. Reid .of West Wawanosh
pent Sunday the guest of Mr. C.
Mr. Alex Skean isable to resume
his evolve anctiat after a three 'weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnston of
the. 10th spent ,.Sunday at Mr. J.
Miss Ethel •Govier' is spending the
holidays at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale' spent Sundae
at Mr. Geo. Johnstoui's.
Mrs. Gordon Johnston is visiting
her home here.
L.O.L. 928 have decided to spend
the 12th in Stratford.
The annual picnic of the Sunday
Clinton News -Record
June 23rd, 1913
Goderich Township
Mr. Harry Hutchings has sold Ms.
three year old driver to Mr. Greer
of Stanley.
Mr. Warwick Cole bought a three
eswyear old pawn f
Mr. Hariy. Oak
hich combining speed and
makes a. first class driver.
Mr. George Hanley has bought a
new buggy,
Miss Hazel Switzer ' has taken
charge of the organ in the ,Sunday
school of .Cole's .church.
Porter's Bill
Miss Euphemie Cox of Toderieh
spent last week at Mr. F. C. Cox's.
Mrs. Joln McClure and Forrie;' ac.
school and day school here will be companied by Miss Ethe. Gliddon of
held on Wallace's fiats on Saturday. t Ho ►nesville went to Detroit on the
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Carter of West ' excursion.
Wawanosh spent Sunday the guest of Miss Lizzie Weston of Bayileld is
Mr. W. Jordon. spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. H. McBrien spent Saturday Mrn. Tom Elliott.
and Sunday with her sister in pe- Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Cox spent Sun-
uratroit. day with friends in Stanley.
Miss Murray of Blyth is the guest Mr. Geo. Armstrong, Jr., is spend.
of her sister, Mrs. T. J. Lindsay. ing, a few days at his uncle's,
Mr. Thos. Mair is! putting a stone Mr. Wither Weston's.
foundation under his barn. Mr. W. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliott took in
J. Elliott has the job. Mr. W. H. the 'excursion to Detroit. They were.
Bali is building a hen house and pig accompanied by Miss Nellie Macdoug-
pen. ...Mr. J. Carbett has the job. all of Seaforth.
Miss Jennie Mair is spending the . Mrs.• Flynn and son, Lucas, of De -
holidays at her home here. troit spent a few days recently in
Miss Randy spent. Saturday and our vicinity.
Sunday in Clinton the guest of Mrs. . Mrs. Johnson and .Miss Ehtma Pic -
Annie Beacom. kard of Toronto came up to. Mrs.
Mr. J. H. Lowery goes to St. Wm. Patton's: Monday. Wet are sot: -
Helens to preside at the Entrance ex- ry to hear that Miss Pickard is not
arninations. feeling very well; at present.
Mira Hattie Trick, daughter of Mr.. Miss Daisy ' Currie spent Sunday
Levi Trick of Clinton, has been en- with her sister, ?ars, Sam) E.:mmerson.
gaged by the trustees of Summerhill Miss Cox of Dakota is visiting in
school, her duties to commence af- our neigl liorhood et' present.
ter the holidays. Miss Trick is Mr. and MO. Seers McPhail spent
a graduate of the Clinton C. T. and Sunday, at Kippen.
'Iodel and of the London Normal. A :quiet wedding was solemnized on
Mr. W. Lawson is having a cement Wednesday evening' by Rev. Mr. Ham,
coundation placed under his barn, Ilton of Goderich, the contracting
Mr. W. Morrison doingi the work with. parties being Miss Fanny Lindsay and
his mixer, . Mr, Reid Torrance,' both of this
township. The wedding took place
at tihe'home :of the) bride's, mother.
The young couple are very popular
and we all join in wishing them a
happy and prosperous married life.
London Road
Mrs. Kellington of Belgrave is vis-
Ring her daughter, Mrs. W. Stan -
bury, Jr.
Mr. Thos.. 'Jenkins and Miss Anna
Jenkins of the Huron Road visited
friends here last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of • Goderich
visited Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hanley
last week.
11Ir. Wm. Stanbury and his sister-
•in-:a.w, Miss Nettie 'Kellington, took
in thet;excursion to Detroit where Miss
Kellington will remain . a month with. ' .Varna
her sister.. .
Mr. hred. Davis of Centralia,` a' Messrs, Edwin Chut:er; and Percy
past County Master of the Huron Wanless have gone• to Victoria,.: Il.
L.O.L., paid Mr. G. B. Hanley :..a C., on -a pleasure jaunt and to see
visit en Saturday. ' the country.
Mr. j Robert Hanley • of Goderich • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weeds have got
'township visited his brother'here on nsettled in the hotel •and now provtide
;Saturday. ' • • aceomodation, to t'he travelling : pub -
Mr. Isaac Weavers is again able. to, fie.
he' on duty. He is just recovering Mr. Thos, Wiley has purrlhased a
from a lame foot the result of step- fine young horse and is getting it
ping on a nail. ,• broken to• • harness. •
Rev, Mr. Snowden exchanged pul-
pits with • Rev. Mr. Jo:'liffe of Clin-
ton on Sunday morning, when the
latter preached -to a, good congrega-
tion,. Mr. J. A. Irwin of Clinton
occupied 'the pulpit in the' evening..
LADIES . 1 Dry Goods.
Ready-to-wear!MC 0Millinery
GARMENTS. Dress -making
As the Millinery season is drawing .to a close we
have decided to clear the balance of, our Hats at Half.
Price. These Fats are all new and up to date and
were made in our own work room, ,� Lomeand choose
while the assortment is good.
Special No. 2.
We -put on sale Saturday 15 dozen Linen Towels,
'they are large size, .hem -stitched ends and: are all pure
linen. Regular 75d per pair, Saturday ' - 45c
Special No. Vii:
We are going to Clear out the balance of our
spring coats at one price •- X5.00. Some of these coats
sold as
high as $. 11
5 Just st in the e lot in
� Bl •
gark and
Fawn. Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42.
Saturday price $5.
Special No. 4.
Three dozen lawn tt aists to clear at 50e, They are
neatly made e nd
are good quality' lawn trimmed
embroidery, insertion and tucks. Saturday price - .50c
Special No. a.
Fifty dozen pair of cotton holie at Mc a pair.
These hose are
made of ood yarn and are fast calor.
Just what you'll Want for warm weather, 2 pair for
Mrs. Cltantbers and Miss I.ueele
Hammersmith of Detroit are guests
at Mr. James Campbell's.
Bishop Williams of London
Confirmation in Trinity church
Wednesday of thin week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Falconer am
the guests of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Falconer.
A number from the village attended
the circus at Clinton on Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Maines of Ilollyrood
are the guests of their daughter, Mrs.
li. Deehmann.
Mrs. J.Reid ofToronto and Mins
. rs o onto a d
Lakeman and Miss Ella Lakeman of
'Woodstock are guests at Mrs. John
Dr. Atkinson and wife of J)etro:
spent a few days the past week with
their family at their Summer cot-
tage On the hillside.
Mr. Henry Carter of Tuckersmith
was the guest of Mr. aid Mrs. Lit-
tle a few• days the past week.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, form-
erly of Varna but now of near Mt.
Forest were in the Linage lade week.
Mt. Davidson has twelve cottages in
Westminster Gr'ov.e.
A strawberry festival under the
auspices of the Women's institute
will be held next- Tuesday .evening
•Stanley Township.
Mrs. J. Turner and her sister, Miss..
Rachel Sheeitt, . spent Sunday at the
home of their sister, Mrs. Robert
Mrs: Sam. Erwin of Manitoba
spent a few days visiting Mrs. David
John Mcelinehey and other friends in
the township.
The remains of Mr. Eli Challet; 'a
young man of near • thirty,. son of
August Challet of the Sauble Line,
were laid to rest in Bayfield cern,
et•ery' on Monday last.
Both. Zurich and Tuckersmith tele-
phone companies have their poles on
the ground ready -to be set up',
The, infant , chini of Mr. David
Beattie is not improving: fast, .
Blake congregation pueposoi'olding
a garden party on Mr. Peter Man -
son's lawn on July• 50. Mind, the
date and •be sure to he there,
The pupils this week are writing
on their Entrance and Graduation ex-
Mr, Alex. Sparks .is• home again for
another load of horses. , This will
be the fourth, load this 'spring.
1Ir, Harry Howard Was visiting
friends near Ripley. 'There may be
some new acquaintances • too. -
Mr, ' Chas. Laeorte's young team
ran 'away with the ,lough, and as a
re:+alt one is so badly • used up its
to render it. o'il'iest useless.' . '
•Mr. R, Talbot' and A Murray : are
having phones ,put : in. • •
t`.5.S. No. 9 of Blake • puroose hold-
US.S. No: 9 of. Blake'puXprse hold.
on Tuesday next, A •good program
of sports will be :run oil and a gen-
eral geed day 'is expected: Admis-
sloe. free. ' •
A .few of .ottr dot; owners in the
township have leen brought to time
foe 1101 cbni.pTy frigi' rti ill the ` nwale
a •
Both teachers in :No..4 also the
one in No. 3 and 5 are leaving at mid-
summer, •
Sorry to hear that Mr. James Del -
gate, is not improving as rapidly as
his 'malty friends would wish.
Mrs. Barnwell, accompanied by her
nephew;: Master -Harvey Reid:;. of Var-
na, spent Sunday. With Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Huston.
(quite . a number 'from the : Sauble
Line .attended the Haag Show in
Catton on Saturday last.'
'Miss Cora Nicholson spent Sunday
turner the parental roof.
Mr. arid:. Mrs. 't12eI'haill of Porter's
ITill and Mrs: Walker of"Teterboro
are • visiting the ladies' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ivinan.Mr. hi -
son for over a year has been confined,
to, the house because of a fall sustain-
ed last year. His many friends would
be pleased to hear'of his recovery. '
Anise Ida •Dfnsdaletspent a few days
in her father's,' J, B. Dinsdale's,.
home before going to Santa Barbara,
Cal. ' She is an experienced' stenog-
rapher and .will :do well in her new
home. She' accompanies: Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent Wood whose • • marriage
was' announced last week. ' One of.
Mr. Wood's brothers goes also. . We
are( loath to lose such good Canad-
ian 'citizens
anad-iancit•izens but wish them the best of
success in •their new home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper and son
of Deloraine, •>• -
e Man., art, at present
visiting Mrs. Pepper's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gavin Jamison, and other
A number front this 'vicinity atten-
ded the .eircus in. Clinton on Satur-
day. They, report a good time.
The telephone men 'are busy put;
ting up poles and installing phones.
The new line is being extended to.
the west about•
b miles.
Mrs.Geo, 15I Ctt1I f
e c y o Stratford is
visiting her mother-in-law, Mrs. Mc-
Cullyof theg
Next t Sunda
y will be Rev, Mr.
Currie's last Sunday upon this cir-
cuit, the new pastor taking charge
the first Sunday in July.
The following are writing upon the
entrance clams. in Seaforth this week:,
Misses Hazel Lindsay, Maud Dunlop,
Stella Clark, Jennie Henderson, Lau-
ra Taylor slid John Armstrong. We
wish; them all success.
Goderich is to . have a Dominion
Day eelebrati,on, the program includ-
ing a trades procession, athletic
sports, baseball match (Clinton vs.
Goderich), tug-of-war, horse speed-
ing, gentleman's road race, automo-
bile races, Highland dancing, etc.
Two brass bands will take part time
ing the day and there will be ent-
er interesting features. Single fare
lot Pound trip on railways.
llnlleit Township.
On Wednesday of last week, at the
manse in Egmondville, Mr. Garfield
McMichael of this towushhip and Miss
Louise McGee, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. >lt s obGee f
Mc o Port Albert,
were united in marriage. The cede
clergyman was Rev. Neil Shaw.
The bride was becomingly dressed in
a pretty embroidered gown, trimmed
with baby Trish laee, and she wore
a wreath of orange blossoms in her
hair. The bride's little sister,: Della,
acted as ring bearer, carrying a pret-
ty basket of snowballs. The groom's
gift to thebride was a beautiful rack -
lace, and, to the ring -bearer a• gold
locket. The bride's travelling dress
was of shot silk, with black picture
hat. They will spend their honey-
moon in Detroit. Congratulations
and best wishes are being extended by
a large circle of friends.
A great mrany took in the circus in
Clinton on Saturday.
Mr. Rob', Townsend who has beeh
firing for Mr. Howson at Auburn for
the past three months, is now assist-
ing Mr. John Hutton at the Landes-
boro mill,
Mr. John J. Flynn returned on
Tueelay of last week from Sandwich
and will spend the; vacation at his
Mr. Laurence Groos, a student of
the Naperville College, Ill., , is home
for ,his! vacation.
tMr. and Mrs. ' John McBride of Hay
township visited friends in' this vici-
nity on Sunday last.
Mr. Wilfred Plunkett spent"t'he lot=
ter part) of last week with Ashfield
Mien : Marget Doers of Stratford
spentthe latter part of last.week at
her borne' in this vicinity.
Miss Mary Brcwii returned. Tuesday
from Hensel' where she. spent a few
days with her sister, Mrs. F. Mous-
seau. •
A, pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mr. Henry Adams of, the 8th
con. on Wednesday evening of last
week, 'when his eldest daugthter, El-
izabeth, became the bride of Mr.
Chas•. F. Dexter of near Constance.
At a quarter after six o'clock the
bride and groom took their places
on the . verandah under an arch , of
white flowers and 'evergreen's, while
Lahengrin's Baena Chorus was being
rendered by 'Miss Labra Stewart; cou-
sin of the groom.. • The: bride, who
was given away.. by, her father,- look-
ooked sweet in a gown of Tuscan .Shan-
tung silk wearing white flowers in
her hair and' carrying a bogItet 'of
white carnations and fern, Rev. Mr.
Currie, pastorof the hondesboro and
Constance Methodist churches, 61
which both the • ycning people are
members, respectively, tied the the -
tem -teal knot in his usual good
style. .
atter the . cangratuletions were over
the bride and groom led the `.way. . to
the 'lining room Moot' the guests. to
the n.uniber of about fifty sat • down
to a sumptuous Bedding dinner.
The remainder of the ,evening Ives
spent in music and social' etinversa-
tine. The selections given by. ` Mr.
Edwin Adams .of Blyth on his 'pitnn-.
ogra:hh• were very much appreciated
by all.
The presents received we e! bath
useful and pretty,i testifyiog to. the:
high esteem in which the young cou-
pie are held. The groom's gift to
the bride was a- lovely gold bracelet
and ' to the organist a pearl' crescent.
The lha;+pv couple will take up house-
keeping on the groom's farm near C'on-
stance followed by the good wishes.
of e ittege•circle of friends..
W°I ATHi 1lWAX =•CA\TCLO\ — At
the Evergreens, Clinton, residence•
of the bride's Barents, by Rev. W.
.J. Jo:,iffe, on June 21st, Pearl,
youngest 'daughter of Mr.. and
. • Mrs.` I); Cantelon•, • to, Androw
Weatlierlvax of Oritiia:
1J -F XTPR ..ADAMS.= -A_ t 'the home of
the bride's parents on June 15th,
by Rev, Mr. Currie, Elizabeth, el-
dest daughter of Air. and Mrs.
Henry Adams, to 'Charles. F. Dex=
ter, all of Hul:,:tte •
DEA N—RALIHAN—At St. Peter's
church, Goderich, on, 'June 21st,.
by' Rev. Father McRae, Mary.
Margaret 'Ralihan to Eugene L..
Dean, both of Goderich.
MCMICH'AE-L MCC;•EE._on Jane 15th
-by elev..Neil Shaw, Garfield Me -
Michael of . •Hallett, to 'Louise,
daughter of.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
McGee of Port. Albert.
HENOk ROBEIiiTS--At St Tla'nias
'church, Seaforth, on June 15th
Rev. J. Berry, N. R. herrn, ;ie
countant• of • the Dominion Lank,
Seaforth,. to Hazel Roberts,
daughter of Mrs. J, S. T.'t;oherts,
Seaforth. • • . .
DEANS—GANNETT •-- In•. Winglham.,
June 14th, by Rev. 1). Perrie,•pet
or IL Deans to Harriet Bell Gan -
h tt.
ROI3t RPS—WE R—At the home of
the bride's parents, on June 9th,.
by 'Rev. F. H. Larkin, . John A,
Roberts- to Lyle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Santee Weir,. all of
SCOTT--SHORTR%:ED--In Seaforth,
on June 9th, by Rev. F:.R. Lark-
in, James Scott, to Mrs. Short-
reed, all of Seaforth. •
O C 4
.. Il,
t e' residence
of the bride's •aunt,Mrs. John R.
Craigie, West street, Goderich, on
June 15th, by
Rev. Jas.
ton, • Elizabeth Costie to Isaac
Costie, all of Goderioh.
home of the bride's ti other„ Mrs.
Goderich to'tvn»
Alp, on June 15th, by Rev. Jas.
Hamilton, Famny Ada Lindsay to
James Reid 'Corraece, son of
John Torrance •of porter's Hill.
.. A DC1tV-»In Exeter, 'at the
residence of the bri'de's father, on
June 15th, Jessie Sloan, daughter
of Air. Alex• bow, to Dr. Hugh
Roy Lindsay of Scranton, N. Da-
L E.R—IClinton,WALKER—In C on June 18th,'
to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker, a
! ARRlle.'R-,.tu West Wawanosh, on
June 10th, to M. and Mrs. W,
It. Farrier, a son.
Pangs and Tortures
of a Weak Stomach..
Prompts Relief and Cure Can be Ob-
tained Through Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills.
Indigestion is, a conaition in which
the stomach is more or less unable to
digest the food. Even a light case of
indigestion means much misery, but '
when thetrouble is at its worst the
life of the sufferer is one of 'constant -
and acute' misery. Indigestion is re-
cognized by a burning sensation in
the stomach, c
, bloating, an cnprtsst
feeling of weight, i,elching wind, pains
in the region of the heart, often vom-
iting and nausea, and a dread of food
for the misery it causes. -Dieting and
the use of pre-digested foods may
give some relief, -but will never cure
indigestion.. The work of' digestion
depends upon the blood and the
nerves and the only way to cure in- -
digestion is to so tone up the stom-
ach that it will do the work that na-
ture intended it should do. The very •
best way to eure a weak stomach is
through a course .of Dr. Williams'
Pink. Pills. These renew the blood,
strengthen the' nerves and thus give
tone to the stomach and -enable it to
do its work with ease and comfort,
No one suffering from indigestion in
even tile slightest form should neglect
the trouble for an instant ; to do so
means that it Obtains a firmer t, hold,.
and daily the misery and suffering is
increased, and the cure made more
difficult. At the first approach of the
trouble take Dr. Williams' Pink Pill
and it 411 speedily disappear. 'These
Pills will eure'even the most obs.tin
ate ease of indigestion, but naturally
it takes longer 'to do so. Mr. Philip
Lafleur, St. Jerome, Que,, says. :
"After I left 'college, where I -had
studied hard for four years, I suffer-
ed , so much from indigestion that I
found it difficult to earn my living. I
was troubled with terrible pains, a
bloating feeling, and a sourness in
the Stomach. This led to a loss of
appetite and I began to ' show signs.
of a nervous breakdown, -I•tr+ied sev-
eral dtifferent treatments without find-
ing any apparent relief, and my nerv-
ous "system had grown so shattered
that: I could not Work, A priest who
was interested in me advised me to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I
followed his advice. It was not long
before -they began to bring me back
to health, and in the'course of a cou-
ple of months ' my stomach -was as
s,ound as ever ; my nervous; system
strong and. vigorous,, and I have since
enjoyed the best of health. I owe all
this to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, fou
which' I shall always feel grateful.'..
Sold by all medicine -dealers .or by
mail at, 50 cents a- box. or sit . beers
for $2.50 from The 1)r.• Williams'
Medicine Co:, Brockville, Ont.
TAKE NOTICE.. that the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of, tile
Town of Clinton intends to (construct
granolithic sidewalks as per schedule
below, and to assess the final cost
thereof-- .tin on- the ~: -prep 'eity--abutting-
thereon, and to be benefited' thereby
and 'that' a statement showing ' the
lands liable to , pay tine 'said ' assess-
meet and name of the owners there-
of so far as they can nbo ascertain-
ed from the last revised Assessment
Rol? .is now filed in 'the Office; of the
Clerk of the Mutiiupal,ti, and is Open
.to. inspection,. during office hours. •
• On the 'north side of 'Bond, Street
`from Matilda Street to Lot Number
67, 4 feet ii1 width. • Estimated cost
'of work $134,60 of which $15.00 is
tobe. .provided out of the general
!unds of the Municipality. •
On the north side. of Walker Street
from Victoria Street, to -Lot Number,
78, 4:- feet in width. Estwet
-of work $318.40 of Which $95:20 is
to be provided out of the `general
funds of the Municipality. ' •
On the south: Side of ,Princess Street
from Shipley Street to Lot Number
435 or 510, 4' feet in width: Estimated
cost of worl.$67.60 of which $16.40 is
to be provided out of the • general
funds of the Municipality.
e On the north side 'of Cutter Street
from King .Street to Victoria Street,
4 feet in width. Estimated cost•
of work $104:20, of winch $20.2O ' is
to be provided out of the general
funds of the, Municipality. •
• On 'the•- south side of Gordon street
from .Victoria Street to 1latittla l
Street, 4 feet in width. Estimated
cost of work $263.$0 of -e Melt` $77.40
is to be provided eta of the neaerai
funds of, the Municipality.
On the north side of Gordon Street
from Victoria Street- to• Jamea•Stteet,•
4 feet in width. Estimated cost
of work $110:80 or which• $4.40 is
to be provided Out of the general
funds of the itltinicfpality,
On the west side of Raglan Street
front Rattenbury Street to Princess
Street, 4 feet in widths Estimated'
cost, of worts $116.00 of which $41.60 is
to be provided out of the • general
funds of the Municipality.
will be held on Monday the lltfi day
of July 1910 ata o'clock P.M. in
Chamber theC,
Council hbe am .r
of hearing g complaints s
against t the
proposed assessment or accuracy of
cont •
e urt+m
g s ofn
other complaint 'which persons, inter-
ested may desire to make and is by
law cognisable by the Court:
Dated at Clinton this 18th day ' of
June, 1910.
mettENZIE.'—ln I3elgrave, June 12th,
Jane Munroe, relict -of the late
• Peter McKenzie, aged 81.
KtELLER—In Butte city, Montana,
on June nth, Mee. Warren J. Kel-
lar, daughter of the late .Tohts
Edward Cook, Morris township,
aged •54 years.
CAMPBELL—InE.gmondville on June
15th, Jana McDonald, wife of
Duncan Campbell, aged 66 pave.
MINTY --,At Duedas, on Tune 11th,.
C. G. Minty, mgtt. of Canadian
Bank of Minutiae, formerly of
Terms irt,
We want to enjoy
with the young
CHILDRENSi people and wit-
their con
tests so the store
will close 0.1 p.
leaves us only four and one half hours
Nforow bthatus-
iness, To do a whole day's business in half
day is the task we have set forourselves. How
are we to do it'?
By selling your choice of any trimmed hat
in our stock on Friday forenoon
for _- Ie g
On Sale
A new stock of embroideries just received
that for Quality, Variety, Style and Value
we believe has never . beforey beenseenin.
this town. . They came in late and we have
put prices Much below ordinary. . y. wholesale.
12 pair'only to hand bought to sell ' for .
Weput them on Sale75e.
P Fl;'lday. morn- ...
ing for per pair - .
We will sell on Friday forenoon only Men's
'Wool Tweed Pants worth $1.25 for
per pair ��
These prices are positivel for 'Friday ,
• forenoon only and are q doted for th•
sole purpose of giving us a busy fore-
noon.. The chance is. 'yours --Act
S. C. Rathwell, Shoes C, Hoare, Music
Slimmer. Shoes
Boys and. Girls
Now is the time to boy Outing
Shoes for the holidays. Although
rubber goods have advanced in
price we will sell regular 75e
Outing Shoes for 65e, Sizes from
1 to 5. These are ffrst.olass goods
We have all sizes in barefoot
Sandler for children and mlasea,•
from Me up to $1.25. Just the
thing for hot weather,
Try us for Repairing
rt pp .
S. � i1
W l
We try to keep in stock the
latest in Songs and Instrumento,
Music. If we have not what you
want we will'proeure it on short
Try us for Violin
We keep in stock it full supply of
'Violin Bridges
Violin Strings
Violin. Resin
Harmonicas in all Mode and
letters always in stack,
*the Made Where Your Dollar Always boas its Duty.
'a' ' aolayi ,Ab it •'a✓ar,,,awai ` 'war -'6, X4.,1 .'rw