HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-23, Page 20
ITT— .,»eeue-' Wit ham
- _ ....._.,
Mr. Arviour, Sr. recently pa>*cc+d the
iiiuetletk milestone of hist life. Not auron. many are spared to so advaliced, ws tiathered
alt age.
Mrs. It. B. Elliott vislud witlR
friends in Toronto, Hamiltpu and
fov^ /%rN^Us
Miss hay Morton of Toronto .is ►' '
spewitm a fetwftudays at the home of UTwRecord Readers
Mr. J. A. Morcott.
Mrs. 1I.. Hamilton and her son, Mr.
,7. avid Hamilton left last. week for
Gilbert Plains, Mans, where the in- Morris To'gi n4hij Carlow
tend spending the sttmmc�r. y ��>3�1l111�
Messrs. Jay, Hamilton and H. B. ; Fret. Smallaeombe and easter, Mrs. James McCracken is home from
a The garden party hold on the 10th
Elltatt were in Montreal attending theRNM Kay came home from :Manitoba tri to th
Juno rd', to to
Blood Humors
Commonly amuse pimples, barlix biven,
*mems, or salt rtw*um, or *me other
form sift eruption; but eom0tmes they
exist In the ,system, Indlcxted by feel -
Ingo of weakness, languor, lees of aP-
petite, or general debility, without
caueing any breat.bing out.
They are expelled and the whole .sya-
tem lir renovated, strengtbeitetl and
toneA by
HoWs Sarsaparilla
Oet it today. Bold by al** druacgista
everywhere. 100 Doses Ona dollar.
.• _T►W%a►, I -XX LOA6,. ... - - ..- - _. ... P - e west to tmprav�ed .health, in on the handsome grounds of itu- ' ...
last week.
- annual mc+rtl►tg of the.. High .Court of - � - � Mrs. McKenzie .of Belgrave, mothei+' drew Johnston, "Gowrie,'> was a i
the Canadian Order of Foresters as Mrs. R. J, Perris t+i and a"ildrea of of Mrs. RObcrt Shedden died last , very successful occasion. The event
at cents per pound, delegates front Court Maitland: ? Fara X. Dakota, are i.:;tttn .ter her week.
P �Icgm. The News-�BCi31'd. of Fargo, la.., . ;• I was under the auspices of the W. F..
Mr. John Anderson of Jla�ll� 22nd X892 p „ •" The stotlestabling for the enlarge- M. S. of Smi'th's. Bill• .church, which. The following is reproduced Unlit
was in fawn last week attendtnghthe ax IS$ h 9, Willow hall has been !ment :of the oam on the Broadfoot thus celebrated its twenty-second -an- the 4rCpress of C40e'rry, Man•,, and
Mism Einxii Johnston who
wedding of his gtandson, Mr. P. 11. Clinton,Tuna 22nd 1892. 'spending several weel:a with- ter pis farm, now owned by Robt. Nichol, ' niversary. Rev, A. MacMillan M,A. will be of Interest to my readers
' ' ter in Woodstock, has returned Irene. 6th line, is being built by Will. Dark. of Mimfc0, who, was pastor of the of The hews -Record in, thin part
Dr. Williams .Fly and daughter, dAirps. Those Deans with his Mrs. Leckie of Toronto is visiting Mr..$. S. C'oo'per, Clinton, has the church t time John F,ltiott ,erne died on Sundtry
Insect destro er, is the g Word has, been received that Airs. � a the me and assisted lu ' , r County,
y Mr, John McManus of North Bay, Mrs, Archibaldd and other friends in contract far the new .hotel, and . has Warren { the Inauguration. of the Society, was May, 8tli, was bolla in Huron un y, �
best preparation for icl1l- _ was calling on old friends in town town, sub -let the. 'mason rci+i: to K, Cud. Wa en J. Keller, daughter of the
and gave a pleasing. address. Ont•, in X854, and iii 18.79 he carne
• for .a few days recently, having Leen Miss Witts ox Toronto is visitin ' more. The plan has. been chang.d and late John E. Cook, 6th line, Morris, Mrs. Henderson ave n nter s West and. settled at Rapid City. Af-
wt3 i; pass -d away at Butte, Montana,. ag- g a i e ting a lute tie
flies Qi>< Cattle, called home on account of the serious her brother and other frieuds In 0.111 the building will :over triage grut,iid, 54 r summary of the history of the So- :rex residing there for some time have It In gl7a>cte, a " i illness of Ills father, Mr. Andrew Mc- ton, Mrs, Ia. Witherspoon who has been yea $ y returned to Ontario where 'he was
ciet Other numbers on the pro••
Manus, at Lucknow. Mr. J. S. Jackson and Dr. Frank ill, and has undergone an operation .Thos, Frank Alvin, son of James ( gram, which were musical and P.,(%n- married. He carne West again In 1883
Ions sari gallons. ,.,.,, and Mrs. Kerney, died aged 1 year 1
• � Mx. and Mrs. J. F. Wright Aird Mxs, Belden of Seaforth Sundayed int i, � n, .for appendicitis, is progr�.�,. ig ve•ry Y tionarg,. were well received. and located at :Rapid City whesie he
Wm. O'Neil of Malone, N. Y. were Aix. Jos. Clark of the Toroato oat- favorably. and 24 days, Funeral took'place to �, remained, for a number of yearn and
with Rev. and Mrs, W. L. Steves a urday Night was a visitor in ,town. Mfrs. Sutherland went to Auburn brussels cemetery, Rev. Mr. Cook then removed to. Carberry and bought
R. H�tt uCChi, short time. The party 03me by 11-t- part of last and this week. on Saturday, and; on S.uniay she -as- conducting the service, a farm in the Stinson district, where
41�1.1 or car, the trip covering about five Miss Eva Farran has gone nri ti tended the Jubilee Services or the l'i'nt- Adams of Hawick, brother to Dungannon he resided up to within a fav" months
• e hundred' miles, visit to friends in Shelburne. Presbyterian church, of whi<:it of.,e Allan Adams, 5th line, met with a of, itis. death.
Work is progrrising on the new
Mr, John Imlay attended 'tile furter Miss Aggie McGarva spent a part of and her late husband .were among. the. serious accident last week. ," While. shed at the 14Iethgdis h Mr. Elliott was a life long Censer -
t c urch.
MaII g Chemist. al of his brother in Bay City, Mich. last week in rustic enjoyment ;tt, AIr. first 'members, driving a big load of oats he was vative and was a bigghly respected
Mrs., Walkout of Mitchell visited at citizen, at all times rears to devot
Deceased visited in W'ingham• not long Middlcton's, Goderich township, Miss Consett of Alonti+nal, �ehq had thrown cif the front of the wagon by y <
ago, and the news of his death came Jas, Fair Sr, spent Sunda in De- been .visiting her cousin, Miss Annie the sliding of the bags, A wheel ran J. Walkom's, his time and fnterestg to the welfare
IMLI.ABILiT•Y - ESPFRIE-XCE•- a$ A shock. trgit visiting his da,ughtrr Mrs. Dr,' Cott` received the c'nteltigence ov- over one arm breaking and bruising Jack Roberts arrived home - of the community in which he lived,
a . Mon He leaves to mourn tltctir loss a lov-
Mr. Allam Galbraith had a slight Campbell. er the w'il'e, that .her brother,;' who it and Shaking hint up consderabl�q, day of test week fi+oass his visit to a,
stroke of paralysis a couple. of weeks Mi$s L. Itiorthfngton is home from• was a make --up man an the Herald•, Brantford and Toronto. ing wife, three d-aighters, Airs, Me -
ago, but fs' recovering: Chicago on a visit. Her numerous Office, Montreal, was killed a the Mrs. Johnston of Michigan is visit- Pa nton Sask. and'Ruth who is at
W. M. "Danis,, the .engineer who friends will be pleased terrible disaster which occurred •there ing her sister, Mrs, 1Vm. C a of r y ' '
to see her, . F,ast Wawanosh r ti o d home ; faun sons; Lome, Ralph, Alvin
drew the .plans'for 1Vingham's Sewer Mr, J, P. Sheppard is nursing a on Monday of last weak, here, -
systeiri and disposal works,, has ae- hand painful and swollen with a . Mrs. J. W, Masotl tcgk in the ex- " and Harald who are all at home:.
cepted, the position of engineer for the knocked -Ill -the -head felon, cursion to Guelph. Tommy Anderson is back from the William Evitt, whq died oil Sunday,
DOUBLEDMay 8th was. born at Fermana, Ire- •
town of Pxtince Rupert at a salary of The chairman o£ the cemetery cam- � ZUI'tcjl Jack. McDowe:l Of St, Helens spent West, , .
$5,000 per annum and expenses, He mfttee Mr, J. S. ;Andrews, has called Sunday with Westfield friends. land in 1852 and carne to Canada
will leave for the West in a couple of for genders for the archaic of the Thos, Ryan is , snaking improve- when he was seven years of age, and
Our Sale of FZQllr, Mrs. Christitis Volland has the Mr. and Mrs. Fairservice of Mullett m�ents by raising, his house, putting' was married .in 1860 to Margaret '1'u -
months. hay in the cesnetesy, excavation done for her new house, spent Sunday with friends near Bel- on an upper stor and placing a cel- moth, lie fanned in Huron Count , .
Feeds, Seed Grain, Cross-,
Wilmott, Jeweller, and Mx. at the south end. grave. PP y
lar underneath, y P g Ont., until 1881 when he came West
Etc., has doubled Crass, blacksmith, have returned tp Mr. David Bock seturned'to in •Geo. Page is d0ivering telephone , and settled northwest of" Garbsrxv.
YOU ARE ,AILING, Clinton from the land of the brave ser• to work at the M.C.R, tunnel, pples for the Noz+th Huron Telephone Dungannon's rifle clubs all iiblit. ,
this Season over last Not quite sick, --but robbed of am- and the hamca of the slave, q the Mr. and 14Irs. ' J. Preeter attended Company, The cup still stays here as a result Ile had , a family of seven children,
bition to work -find it hard ,to think S the wedding f ' P y of the count shoot it thePoint Farm being, Mrs, John �> lltgtt, John Evict,
_- ouch of us, and have brought their g o Mrs. Prceter s .sister, Jos. Dunbar, wife and family, from y who died two ears ago, Wm. Evitt
clearly. Not ill. enough to think of tools of trade with them. Miss: A. Moyer, which took place at Dakota,, have arrived here and will on the 10th inst. and same of. the in
y g
Berlin an the 14t snit. dividual prizes also came this way', of Holmfield, ;lairs. Geo. Armstrong of
What better evidence dying; but bad'enough for life
to be The following subjects will bo die fl visit relatives and friends. ` y Winnie Mrs. Gidd and Mrn.
cussed at the W'in lie .meeting of the . Mr, John Schafer and sister, -Nrrs. Mils, Alex. Scottsent a few 'da We congratulate the memlierrs of the Winnipeg lb
raft dull, Thera is a reined Far- $
can there be that our y y- g m Shoemaker ofi Parkhill visited their with her brother p ys two teams upon thein success. Bennett of Carlirerry and Ed. Evitt
rozane--that dUickly, lifts that half W-1-1,F.I.• to he held July 2nd : iMr, � , Geo. Taylor, . ex- of Carberry. The family have the
stock and prices are dead feeling, ' Gracious, but Ferro D- A. Forrester, Clinton, on Drain mother, Mrs. P'. Demuth' last week. Reeve of Morris. s tli of h
you g a e •• 1 Weir, Clinton, on Silo r , , ymara y the eoanmunity in their
zone males ou feel ood • it char- g , 1VIrI W, , , `Its. Kaiser of London• is visiting Jno. W. Sowler has sold IR farm to bereavement.
right, pens the dullest appetite,' makes it. Mr. Jas. Connolly, Goderich town- at the home of her parents, Mir, and Maitland Honry, THROW MEDICINES
keen" as a razor ship, . will introduce the statute labor bits. I;d. Axt• TO THE DOGS
FORD&MoLEOD.. Blood ? Ferrozone makes lots of tlucrstion. Miss Dianna 1Riekbell of Buffalo . is
it, the rich nourishing kind that vit. I visiting ,her parents, Mr. and Mrs, `� At best they aro unpleasant, often Rheumatism Curedl-
alizes the whole ,body. You'llr be — J. F- Rickbeil, GQaeriCh. useless, You have some disease of by Fig Rills,
wonderfully quickened im�mensel- � 31r. F, I -Tess Sr. is attending the ' the nose, throat. or ,lungs, Doctors Not often do you hear of a 25c
y 9 , -' Londesboro, Juno, 22nd, 1892, g What ' an ideal day the Lucknow would ca r
strengthened, feel hearty and vigor- T Lutheran synod held at. Pearl fake, pipers and ,theitr crowd of ad- } I ll it bronchitis, asthma ar preparation being. sold, with tt, guar -
Buoyant He Watts & Son. ons after using Eerrozone. Buoyant ,. n 'lloodman . represented ,,;,urt . Bruce county, as delegate from the I mit r catarrh. The common root of these antee to cure you. An absolute gua-
Pride of the " Zurich church.. e s had on Thursday last; the diseases is rantee goes health; surplus vigor and reserver en- 1Vest, C.O.F, at the "Great 'Day" we trust of the . re tion - Ca germ or microbic irrita- g . s with every bpi 4f FIG
Opposite Postofl4ce. Store, opens at ergy all come from this great restor "Session • of the high court held in Mr- 'John I1ey Jr., • Goshen Line, union of h tarnhozone not only destroys PILLS. They will cure Rheumatism,
7.30 a. m. Closes at 8 p in, ative. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty r _k, the two.' . old of Hur�' disease , , Backache, Bladder . Trouble
Stratford this +v>•• has added a neat verandah tb his germs it does. more 'its heals , -Fre-
on and Bruce. The vers w..ere, never
We are practical Boot at d Shoe tablets at. all dealers, Rev, J. p'ergusou -will preaell * his dwerlling , and is having. alI nicely f pipers diseased and inflaaned tissue. The dis-Y, quant Urinating, Ruining Sensation,
r farewell sermon, on Sunda avenin painted greatl• to " .the before accompanied to �Godexteh with y Painful Stitches
Makers and repairers. 3oots rnadn to y g , which adds y ease is nut only cured but its re= ,Sluggish Liver and
a drummer who was barn, we think, turn is forever prevented by using all Stomach "Trouble. If not, : your.
order in from 1 to 3 daps notice and Air. Jas: Woodman will move into appearance of his farm,* to "beat a `drum.'' On their, arrival
repairing done while you wait, his father's house andMT. MCBrien Catarrhozonc,which is isplendid also -'money back..
Premier Botha of South Africa lies' will assn Newton's + they inarched around the Square for colds, coughs and irritable throat,
FARMERS _1TT13NTION expressed. Aho hope4h the old art Occupy Mr. Newtons premises.. twice, five of the pipers' ctLrryiS e
lines will break dtarovn P y There was a wedding it Wednesday. Remember you inhale .Catarrhozone--
We have several pai:x of sur oWit and that . a at the residence; of Mr. Robt• Sander- %lgraiye banner on which was• printed "Luck- Nature's own .cure se n
xiiake of Boots which z,re just the new National party will develop, de now,, ]Inion, Bruce Rt> -Union:" Two U a other but I. The forest, fires in northern Onta:ip.
'terrible floods. have swept son, One of his daughters. was roof- Miss J. Budge vi�sitedi hex Bra'thcta hundred pacsen rs war Catarrhozone-its the. crest catarrh have destroyed a scfinol, a nii;l aa:l
thing for spring wear. flome in end apt aver the red to `Mr. Geo, . Goekerline Jr. at rxuelph. ge a an the G.T. pure made. t several ,rett.lers' dwellings,
rave them. Province of Erzeruiit, Turkish Ar- A; Woodman, and. B. Lawi'ason will Mrs. McLaughlin, of Ne ;y g R.' , train, A reception. Committee I
All repairing left at the Postollice Inertia. Half the town of 1lassankai= ti' or was; met the. visttlug Council at thq eta-
eh has been wrecked attend the meeting of the Grand the guest of Mrs. S
"r at Mr. Adams' store will have our , hundreds of per. Lode i3O.G.T. to be held fie -GuelphGregg,f Detrq t Is n tion with caths to convey i'he "Court-
sons being d g "Muss C. Gre g cillors down town. Before luncheon
' hest attention. pre of the firm will g rowne�d. P i .
g Dr. II. A. Beatty next weiek: The forl;rier will represent .her ;mother, for a couple of .weeks. at the "B2rtisat Ekehan " .' tVardon
be-all our 14onde born store on -Fri= A y of Toronto- has .the district the latter the local loci a Mr. -Geo. Proctor flag hail his, ho ge o
days. Kindly give us a.trial. been. appointed chief .surgeon of. "the ' g ` 'in Belgrave Use Irwin called the '•gathering to .. order ��
C.P.R. eastern 'line. gr a re-shinglerd: and spoke a few words of welcome Oil S ed.
•Miss Walker of 1pinghaiti is send; t the vii a �N S
Q A 0 . s ting Council on behalf . ofW H. Watts & Son Bayfield; June 22nd, 1892, inga few days wit'd her sister, Mrs. the Councillors. A Banquet wasCarlfsae: tendered the visitors in the aveniag. FOrthe Coming Saturay, and gill Next Week
Chamberlain's .:Gough Remedy is' 11Ir. John'Pollock, of Cleveland.. is Mrs. Ceaser and her sister; -Miss
sold an a guarantee that if you are home on a visit. We are -pleased t"McDougal, ,tools in the excurpion ' to
not' satisfied after using. two-thirds of see ",lack" brick again. Guelph Model farm:
LIGHTNING a brittle -according to directions,, your 1Miss; Maggie .Falconer whoMr. The
has been Anderson has .-6proved the ap Auf Crl#ze.,„. UR 10 cent window of last week was such ai hue success the w
money will :be. refunded. It is up to visiting friends in Seafortii, retui.red peaitanee of d�rthur. Broak's, g t e
pok g ; lot by S racuse Ns..Y, bave decided to have a. 25 cent window', comrnenci SxtUrd
RODS . you to try. Sold by all dealers: home on Saturday. 'building anew fence y ,June 5,—There are next and Contin in , 14 ay
Mr. Bob 1 , painting it and so .mrdn curt c u gill through the next week: In making those.bar- .
ar y y g hien cursing about gin .lots in n4an
Marks of Kansas. xs, visit- otherwise imjirovfng t'he property. g y cases articles are priced.less than cost :or at: w veru
Li{Chtning Rods pre a sure prntec- Ing here: Miss Lizzie . and'Cas the country in. automobiles,, and their smallm;argin of profit and for that reason are of
tion to your building during Elea- . elene• Owens left 1 veAised and for cash at the rices ive s d only the. w pk, ad -
If ou_ are not satisfied after. using Mr: Bert .Davis of Clinton drove last week for Thessalon to + eaLd { P easurc 'absorbs `such a large share p given. Be -.sure and see our 25 cera
fisc Storms. y g.. p he window as there will be
Barns rod Pd from $15.00 upwards according to directions two-thirds of through: fowls one day, last ,W-eck., summer with tke formers, br h' of 'the productive, energy of the Cour; good value ln_a lot,of usefuharticles.
Mr. Geo.117oods and Mr. John i4lor- y of er,• try, that Chancellor James 'R. Day
with a COPPER ROD through and a. battle of Chamberlain s' Stomach John iOwens• the took .steaim:P.iip line ,believes it" ss becoming through. A written guarantee and Liver:. Tableis,'you can havoyour ga'n attended DiviE40n court. frons. Owen ,Sound, g a question if
given, money back.. The tablets •cleanse and Mr. Dan, McLeod of the Decks has The North Huron and i4lorris, Bras- the automobile Is not a curse to the The Good Gid• Slimmer Time
Also Galvanized Rods much cheap- invigorate the stomach stn rove the returned. Bels and Gre telephone lines are' country• would bp much more enjoyable pr. ' P Miss Grace Cameron of Detroit re- .ing their ha les in:r' i ' a yahle to ninny were it not for •the ever pros=
Satisfaction guaranteed or money digesti on, regulate the bowels. Give p La led in the vil The chancellor: Was speaking to Cha Pnt wgrryof proparing rneala, A. Gasoline or Coal. Oil Stove int 'e
turned 'la;+t week. la e. raduatin class of Syracuse Univer_. kitchen reduces this worry to a niiniaium.' No heat. ,no du .h
refunded, them a trial and get well. Sold . 'by g g g et, no the .
For particulars apply to all dealers. The Welsh Ministreley at the 'S: 4': Mrs. Wm: Wray received the sad sity On self-sacrifice and self-denial, suety about, the cooking. — Just•solid comfort. Now is our chance
barracks 'on. Thursday' night was fair- pew's of the accidental dearth of . lier and he chose tlic auttrmobile as a
to v that comfort.
ha e y
u H.
ly well att>?niled but the financial art nephew' " C. Tom kine freight broad' and apparent jl:+usltration" of $18 QO Gasoline store for 15:00'
1 (0/y�l�l WEST WArVA:dOSH FIRE INSUR- was slow" p a y p a luxury that too often is not seers, 17.00 •• '• g
anee Com an —Ravin been, elect gent on the C.P.R.,. in, Trenton, The- " 14.50
p y g Air.' Jim Eagleson and wife of .Clift- young snap.'Was crushed 'while coup- face' 7.511 ••
ed director and agent for- the alcove. ` .6.7.5
g ton are visiting here• ling cars at the junction; no wa, 21 ``Young mechanics and clerks and it. 50 '` `• " 550
BARNA Company, I will insure faun build Temperance Order. of Temperance' years of .a a 7.00 " second hand g„50
Ings and Isolated town Property. p g ,and leaves a young vaife business inert,” he said- "who . need 15.00 '' . second hand with oven . " 7.511
Still an P P Y• have removed their quarters . for, the and one child. all of .their capital, arty mortgaging 9.00 New Perfection oil stove •�
T y person wishing to insure present to the S.. A, barracks, where Mr. and Mrs. John Riightman olid their homes by the fhausand,, and 8'0
MQl'�iJMIENTS drop . me a card or call ma by their first meeting was held on Fri- two children lett for iMoosejaw on losing their positions often by finest
Phone and they will be attended to -dap night. Tuesday, where they intend oing infatuation for. this form of pleasure. Plumbing SUP pfles ''of elf kinds.:
at once :=-John Cox, Porter's Hill Rev,- Mr. Thfbedeau will _.preach Iris north from- that point, and. wil, likely "It 'is said that about $500•000,000
25-3..m farewell sermon in a short tmie. 'Ile spend two or throe nioutlis this suns- is invested in' the antombi_�I , trade, u
.Ie�MEs DOIG — _, _ will take up his station at Benmil- mer in order to improvo, the, health of and this form of capital• is non -pro- 11
ler, Mrs: Wightman, duGt%ve• That. is, . it ad'd's eomparativ- — L D B R IOS s
non -pro -
• town of Clinton will pa $3:75 per J In Be ra e . o June, t Jane ply nothin to the wealth• of the
lg v n Ju 12 It g, STOVES AND .-HARDWARE-
—'--"' y P Munroe, relict: of . the late.. Peter people., but ox the other hand, ah-
CE lTRr41� ng. forstone
APP p to Thos Beacom+ Grey Township. ad buildMcKenzie. Mrs, MelKenzie was turn sorbs it. It means 9.0. per oent•. of
in Scotland &1 years ago, and with her wasted money and. wasted time, ' A
Chairman. Street Committee. 30 Arbdrtratoro to deaf with husband` emigrated to C c � -
t the propos- g , Canada wed certain per cent, returns in business , ..._... .
o at Once. -John -Cox, Porters Hill settled ih Hul,tt, near Landesboro, uses, anti whofiesome rest and recrea- r►ly�Mre
lid stew school section are Jitd;e
STHATFORD. ONT. P•0• •L5 -3m Doyle,. in Robb and A. G, in the year 1850, where tlhey raised a .tion. WVI/VVVVNNVVV/N1IW111/1V1tV1/1At►/1�1hM/1,w
The great practical training Smillie of Tuckersmith... family of four daughters and theca "I know the eritici:stn than will be •
school of Ontario. Airs. James Denman and Mfss a s -Mrs- John Cole, Mss. 1b:,. B, sure .to come on what will be styled
' I HAVE FOR THE IMPROVEM1 iT Henrietta have left for a libiiday trip Geddes, Mrs. Shedden, Mrs; R• Arm ,
Throe departments
an, abuse of a great industry, but. I W�ddl! r.
of stock a thorobred Durham bull,. to Alberta. They will visit high 1 j -v strong ; Philip and John . of : Sol 1h , address myself to the abuse of seif�
Commercial Shorthand- at lot '11, Bayfield Road, Stanley. er, Okotoks, Erskine and Edmontdn Dakota and• Daae, of Owen Sound: : Indulgence, and I emphasize self -den-
Telegraphy. P Jas, Richardson. she family were all present at ha list fal.'r -
x3 before rcttirnfng• sickness and funeral ere t
We assist graduates to Osi- Last week Airs. J. H. Storey: pass- , e"p
tions, The demand upon usresents,
trained help greatly ex- F .�� weeks, a y byterian of a true Christian t
P ed away after an illness cf :two • Mrs, McKenzie was ii devatOd 1 res`
for g
W. CUTLER, PAINTER AND r gad .29 ears. She Ieaves a yPe, r r
seeds the supply. The three Paper hanger. All work done guar- g and .a lowin mother to her famiw THEY ACTUALLY CURE,
sorrowing husband avid four children, Iy, who will cherish kind recollcottions
most recently placed are re- g t0 their old ho
mo $h0.00, , $50,00 and « anteed to give satisfaction. Prices Thos. and Airs. Davidson we away of the departed, Iyer husband +.ede- -
$100.00 per month respective- moderate, Residence nearly opposite me at- Scarbota where P 1 • RHEUMATISM To • -those Who 1i>` OSe
Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 'the DIAmond Jubilee serki,:cro iii <an- ceased her 31 years ago. the fr:nhral
' b eying
ly• Business then state our neetion 'Vfth St. Andrew's. Pt1asby service was condticted by 'her pastor, Gih Plus Promo lit • , .
graduates are the best. Enter terian church. were held.. !'his �� ;;s Rut'• k ergusr°n, her remains being Iaid 'It is one'thin to elan to cure Rheu-
. - Wedding presents and to Jule
our classes now. Get our the church they attended-bef7re ni. t- to rest in the Brandon eemtetery. The matism, It is c ite another to do it
Shoppers in general We eztex�d,
free catalogue. Ing to Grey nearly 26 years ago. friendst from a,distance attending rile Gin Pills bear out every claim we make
The sad news, ,reported last Sunea.v funeral were Mr. and,Mrs. Thos. Man. for they are not a "favorite prescription'
D A letachloo, S L A or "marvellous discovery" or "won- corC�iS,l in�ltatioil to v Slt our
A. morning., that Jobn G. S'mirh. 8th ninf;, Mr. and A2rs. Lasham, AZr. and or a"marvtprus preparation."
Mrs,. J, Webster, 11Tr, and _Alts. Cote, They are simply a . commofi-sense, store as We believe
con,, had died snddmnv was received ,
with sincere regret i.ty +lie wltol�* x tt:,w Mrs. Adamrs, and Miss Sarah 13arr, scientific eoinbination of medicines that t7Pe can suit
all of Lotideaboro, ro
I�f�YNCfPAL fOr stile
Unity. He liaYl retired to, vest about have preyed their value itr itheui#iatisirt, thoiil, ��ot�. fCii"• l�,c�,litd, C� '1`
10.30 o"clock apparently enjoying his . ,� _, Kidney • and. Bladder Troubles, and ll ice
usual good health, Mrs. Smith .heard Disorders of the laver.
•ilio a gurgle in his throat and a shudder An Italian murder took place at Ogden, N. S., July 1st, 1900. of goods.
CNt in right length in his body and help was speedily to Foote's Bay, one Pisani shooting a l in oaveT)eeat b Idwxi h e m�,
. ,.
hand but the vital spark had fled, fcllatv,•countryman and making his es- doctor tended me and advised' me to go
For range. heart failure being the cause. Ile- cape. to the Hospital but all of no good lentil a
TV YOU WA14T THE, BEST ceased was born at Lynden, 1t eot- friend told we to try Gin Pills,. i did to
COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- worth county, Ont., and. was the eId and after using a few boxes, tem pet. .' coulte ERY SE featly cured. Yam recommending Gist W•
S �' Ms� I��" S son of ,dents and Ntargarei 'I ho Gartienter'/forti+5n Co., Bos- pills," D.1, LAWLUR
PLY PROM US. H „ n Smith, alts residents of the Otlt line, ion, Mass. were the dirst paint con- y '
P There is no reason wily Mr. I~avrler'3
ORDERS LEFT AT o A,V15 Morr Morris, where deceased spent his cern to Offer Varnish uSt4lnv to rase should be any diflerat from yours, Jeweler and nagraver..
dt ROWLAND S HARDWARE, youth and young manhood. bousekeepere. Cain be;l's Varnish He took Gin: fills and cured himself of
• _ _ Stain ib the original, first mads in itheuntritisrn. Why don't you take
.,.TENDED TO " 1888, and today recognized tttr the thein and curcyoutsei£ ? ,.
I3nndreds of persons have lost their most satisfactory, ..article of the Lind Wt .will let you test them fi'te. A
PHONE "I mple of Oin Pills will be stnt•yoix, ab- Issuer of Ma' . ' Licenses.
lives.as rti result of floods in, Austria, upon the Market. Harland Bits.
CM Switzerland the ' Balkans and ,At- carr , a complete stock. Color Mutely free, of you write the National
attaventso rnenia, y cardyfar tltn asking, r'�tt&�Chettt, Co. x.'inaited (Dept. A) !
2� NN11YJ11tIVVN1YV11111iiW
• u
ITT— .,»eeue-' Wit ham
- _ ....._.,
Mr. Arviour, Sr. recently pa>*cc+d the
iiiuetletk milestone of hist life. Not auron. many are spared to so advaliced, ws tiathered
alt age.
Mrs. It. B. Elliott vislud witlR
friends in Toronto, Hamiltpu and
fov^ /%rN^Us
Miss hay Morton of Toronto .is ►' '
spewitm a fetwftudays at the home of UTwRecord Readers
Mr. J. A. Morcott.
Mrs. 1I.. Hamilton and her son, Mr.
,7. avid Hamilton left last. week for
Gilbert Plains, Mans, where the in- Morris To'gi n4hij Carlow
tend spending the sttmmc�r. y ��>3�1l111�
Messrs. Jay, Hamilton and H. B. ; Fret. Smallaeombe and easter, Mrs. James McCracken is home from
a The garden party hold on the 10th
Elltatt were in Montreal attending theRNM Kay came home from :Manitoba tri to th
Juno rd', to to
Blood Humors
Commonly amuse pimples, barlix biven,
*mems, or salt rtw*um, or *me other
form sift eruption; but eom0tmes they
exist In the ,system, Indlcxted by feel -
Ingo of weakness, languor, lees of aP-
petite, or general debility, without
caueing any breat.bing out.
They are expelled and the whole .sya-
tem lir renovated, strengtbeitetl and
toneA by
HoWs Sarsaparilla
Oet it today. Bold by al** druacgista
everywhere. 100 Doses Ona dollar.
.• _T►W%a►, I -XX LOA6,. ... - - ..- - _. ... P - e west to tmprav�ed .health, in on the handsome grounds of itu- ' ...
last week.
- annual mc+rtl►tg of the.. High .Court of - � - � Mrs. McKenzie .of Belgrave, mothei+' drew Johnston, "Gowrie,'> was a i
the Canadian Order of Foresters as Mrs. R. J, Perris t+i and a"ildrea of of Mrs. RObcrt Shedden died last , very successful occasion. The event
at cents per pound, delegates front Court Maitland: ? Fara X. Dakota, are i.:;tttn .ter her week.
P �Icgm. The News-�BCi31'd. of Fargo, la.., . ;• I was under the auspices of the W. F..
Mr. John Anderson of Jla�ll� 22nd X892 p „ •" The stotlestabling for the enlarge- M. S. of Smi'th's. Bill• .church, which. The following is reproduced Unlit
was in fawn last week attendtnghthe ax IS$ h 9, Willow hall has been !ment :of the oam on the Broadfoot thus celebrated its twenty-second -an- the 4rCpress of C40e'rry, Man•,, and
Mism Einxii Johnston who
wedding of his gtandson, Mr. P. 11. Clinton,Tuna 22nd 1892. 'spending several weel:a with- ter pis farm, now owned by Robt. Nichol, ' niversary. Rev, A. MacMillan M,A. will be of Interest to my readers
' ' ter in Woodstock, has returned Irene. 6th line, is being built by Will. Dark. of Mimfc0, who, was pastor of the of The hews -Record in, thin part
Dr. Williams .Fly and daughter, dAirps. Those Deans with his Mrs. Leckie of Toronto is visiting Mr..$. S. C'oo'per, Clinton, has the church t time John F,ltiott ,erne died on Sundtry
Insect destro er, is the g Word has, been received that Airs. � a the me and assisted lu ' , r County,
y Mr, John McManus of North Bay, Mrs, Archibaldd and other friends in contract far the new .hotel, and . has Warren { the Inauguration. of the Society, was May, 8tli, was bolla in Huron un y, �
best preparation for icl1l- _ was calling on old friends in town town, sub -let the. 'mason rci+i: to K, Cud. Wa en J. Keller, daughter of the
and gave a pleasing. address. Ont•, in X854, and iii 18.79 he carne
• for .a few days recently, having Leen Miss Witts ox Toronto is visitin ' more. The plan has. been chang.d and late John E. Cook, 6th line, Morris, Mrs. Henderson ave n nter s West and. settled at Rapid City. Af-
wt3 i; pass -d away at Butte, Montana,. ag- g a i e ting a lute tie
flies Qi>< Cattle, called home on account of the serious her brother and other frieuds In 0.111 the building will :over triage grut,iid, 54 r summary of the history of the So- :rex residing there for some time have It In gl7a>cte, a " i illness of Ills father, Mr. Andrew Mc- ton, Mrs, Ia. Witherspoon who has been yea $ y returned to Ontario where 'he was
ciet Other numbers on the pro••
Manus, at Lucknow. Mr. J. S. Jackson and Dr. Frank ill, and has undergone an operation .Thos, Frank Alvin, son of James ( gram, which were musical and P.,(%n- married. He carne West again In 1883
Ions sari gallons. ,.,.,, and Mrs. Kerney, died aged 1 year 1
• � Mx. and Mrs. J. F. Wright Aird Mxs, Belden of Seaforth Sundayed int i, � n, .for appendicitis, is progr�.�,. ig ve•ry Y tionarg,. were well received. and located at :Rapid City whesie he
Wm. O'Neil of Malone, N. Y. were Aix. Jos. Clark of the Toroato oat- favorably. and 24 days, Funeral took'place to �, remained, for a number of yearn and
with Rev. and Mrs, W. L. Steves a urday Night was a visitor in ,town. Mfrs. Sutherland went to Auburn brussels cemetery, Rev. Mr. Cook then removed to. Carberry and bought
R. H�tt uCChi, short time. The party 03me by 11-t- part of last and this week. on Saturday, and; on S.uniay she -as- conducting the service, a farm in the Stinson district, where
41�1.1 or car, the trip covering about five Miss Eva Farran has gone nri ti tended the Jubilee Services or the l'i'nt- Adams of Hawick, brother to Dungannon he resided up to within a fav" months
• e hundred' miles, visit to friends in Shelburne. Presbyterian church, of whi<:it of.,e Allan Adams, 5th line, met with a of, itis. death.
Work is progrrising on the new
Mr, John Imlay attended 'tile furter Miss Aggie McGarva spent a part of and her late husband .were among. the. serious accident last week. ," While. shed at the 14Iethgdis h Mr. Elliott was a life long Censer -
t c urch.
MaII g Chemist. al of his brother in Bay City, Mich. last week in rustic enjoyment ;tt, AIr. first 'members, driving a big load of oats he was vative and was a bigghly respected
Mrs., Walkout of Mitchell visited at citizen, at all times rears to devot
Deceased visited in W'ingham• not long Middlcton's, Goderich township, Miss Consett of Alonti+nal, �ehq had thrown cif the front of the wagon by y <
ago, and the news of his death came Jas, Fair Sr, spent Sunda in De- been .visiting her cousin, Miss Annie the sliding of the bags, A wheel ran J. Walkom's, his time and fnterestg to the welfare
IMLI.ABILiT•Y - ESPFRIE-XCE•- a$ A shock. trgit visiting his da,ughtrr Mrs. Dr,' Cott` received the c'nteltigence ov- over one arm breaking and bruising Jack Roberts arrived home - of the community in which he lived,
a . Mon He leaves to mourn tltctir loss a lov-
Mr. Allam Galbraith had a slight Campbell. er the w'il'e, that .her brother,;' who it and Shaking hint up consderabl�q, day of test week fi+oass his visit to a,
stroke of paralysis a couple. of weeks Mi$s L. Itiorthfngton is home from• was a make --up man an the Herald•, Brantford and Toronto. ing wife, three d-aighters, Airs, Me -
ago, but fs' recovering: Chicago on a visit. Her numerous Office, Montreal, was killed a the Mrs. Johnston of Michigan is visit- Pa nton Sask. and'Ruth who is at
W. M. "Danis,, the .engineer who friends will be pleased terrible disaster which occurred •there ing her sister, Mrs, 1Vm. C a of r y ' '
to see her, . F,ast Wawanosh r ti o d home ; faun sons; Lome, Ralph, Alvin
drew the .plans'for 1Vingham's Sewer Mr, J, P. Sheppard is nursing a on Monday of last weak, here, -
systeiri and disposal works,, has ae- hand painful and swollen with a . Mrs. J. W, Masotl tcgk in the ex- " and Harald who are all at home:.
cepted, the position of engineer for the knocked -Ill -the -head felon, cursion to Guelph. Tommy Anderson is back from the William Evitt, whq died oil Sunday,
DOUBLEDMay 8th was. born at Fermana, Ire- •
town of Pxtince Rupert at a salary of The chairman o£ the cemetery cam- � ZUI'tcjl Jack. McDowe:l Of St, Helens spent West, , .
$5,000 per annum and expenses, He mfttee Mr, J. S. ;Andrews, has called Sunday with Westfield friends. land in 1852 and carne to Canada
will leave for the West in a couple of for genders for the archaic of the Thos, Ryan is , snaking improve- when he was seven years of age, and
Our Sale of FZQllr, Mrs. Christitis Volland has the Mr. and Mrs. Fairservice of Mullett m�ents by raising, his house, putting' was married .in 1860 to Margaret '1'u -
months. hay in the cesnetesy, excavation done for her new house, spent Sunday with friends near Bel- on an upper stor and placing a cel- moth, lie fanned in Huron Count , .
Feeds, Seed Grain, Cross-,
Wilmott, Jeweller, and Mx. at the south end. grave. PP y
lar underneath, y P g Ont., until 1881 when he came West
Etc., has doubled Crass, blacksmith, have returned tp Mr. David Bock seturned'to in •Geo. Page is d0ivering telephone , and settled northwest of" Garbsrxv.
YOU ARE ,AILING, Clinton from the land of the brave ser• to work at the M.C.R, tunnel, pples for the Noz+th Huron Telephone Dungannon's rifle clubs all iiblit. ,
this Season over last Not quite sick, --but robbed of am- and the hamca of the slave, q the Mr. and 14Irs. ' J. Preeter attended Company, The cup still stays here as a result Ile had , a family of seven children,
bition to work -find it hard ,to think S the wedding f ' P y of the count shoot it thePoint Farm being, Mrs, John �> lltgtt, John Evict,
_- ouch of us, and have brought their g o Mrs. Prceter s .sister, Jos. Dunbar, wife and family, from y who died two ears ago, Wm. Evitt
clearly. Not ill. enough to think of tools of trade with them. Miss: A. Moyer, which took place at Dakota,, have arrived here and will on the 10th inst. and same of. the in
y g
Berlin an the 14t snit. dividual prizes also came this way', of Holmfield, ;lairs. Geo. Armstrong of
What better evidence dying; but bad'enough for life
to be The following subjects will bo die fl visit relatives and friends. ` y Winnie Mrs. Gidd and Mrn.
cussed at the W'in lie .meeting of the . Mr, John Schafer and sister, -Nrrs. Mils, Alex. Scottsent a few 'da We congratulate the memlierrs of the Winnipeg lb
raft dull, Thera is a reined Far- $
can there be that our y y- g m Shoemaker ofi Parkhill visited their with her brother p ys two teams upon thein success. Bennett of Carlirerry and Ed. Evitt
rozane--that dUickly, lifts that half W-1-1,F.I.• to he held July 2nd : iMr, � , Geo. Taylor, . ex- of Carberry. The family have the
stock and prices are dead feeling, ' Gracious, but Ferro D- A. Forrester, Clinton, on Drain mother, Mrs. P'. Demuth' last week. Reeve of Morris. s tli of h
you g a e •• 1 Weir, Clinton, on Silo r , , ymara y the eoanmunity in their
zone males ou feel ood • it char- g , 1VIrI W, , , `Its. Kaiser of London• is visiting Jno. W. Sowler has sold IR farm to bereavement.
right, pens the dullest appetite,' makes it. Mr. Jas. Connolly, Goderich town- at the home of her parents, Mir, and Maitland Honry, THROW MEDICINES
keen" as a razor ship, . will introduce the statute labor bits. I;d. Axt• TO THE DOGS
FORD&MoLEOD.. Blood ? Ferrozone makes lots of tlucrstion. Miss Dianna 1Riekbell of Buffalo . is
it, the rich nourishing kind that vit. I visiting ,her parents, Mr. and Mrs, `� At best they aro unpleasant, often Rheumatism Curedl-
alizes the whole ,body. You'llr be — J. F- Rickbeil, GQaeriCh. useless, You have some disease of by Fig Rills,
wonderfully quickened im�mensel- � 31r. F, I -Tess Sr. is attending the ' the nose, throat. or ,lungs, Doctors Not often do you hear of a 25c
y 9 , -' Londesboro, Juno, 22nd, 1892, g What ' an ideal day the Lucknow would ca r
strengthened, feel hearty and vigor- T Lutheran synod held at. Pearl fake, pipers and ,theitr crowd of ad- } I ll it bronchitis, asthma ar preparation being. sold, with tt, guar -
Buoyant He Watts & Son. ons after using Eerrozone. Buoyant ,. n 'lloodman . represented ,,;,urt . Bruce county, as delegate from the I mit r catarrh. The common root of these antee to cure you. An absolute gua-
Pride of the " Zurich church.. e s had on Thursday last; the diseases is rantee goes health; surplus vigor and reserver en- 1Vest, C.O.F, at the "Great 'Day" we trust of the . re tion - Ca germ or microbic irrita- g . s with every bpi 4f FIG
Opposite Postofl4ce. Store, opens at ergy all come from this great restor "Session • of the high court held in Mr- 'John I1ey Jr., • Goshen Line, union of h tarnhozone not only destroys PILLS. They will cure Rheumatism,
7.30 a. m. Closes at 8 p in, ative. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty r _k, the two.' . old of Hur�' disease , , Backache, Bladder . Trouble
Stratford this +v>•• has added a neat verandah tb his germs it does. more 'its heals , -Fre-
on and Bruce. The vers w..ere, never
We are practical Boot at d Shoe tablets at. all dealers, Rev, J. p'ergusou -will preaell * his dwerlling , and is having. alI nicely f pipers diseased and inflaaned tissue. The dis-Y, quant Urinating, Ruining Sensation,
r farewell sermon, on Sunda avenin painted greatl• to " .the before accompanied to �Godexteh with y Painful Stitches
Makers and repairers. 3oots rnadn to y g , which adds y ease is nut only cured but its re= ,Sluggish Liver and
a drummer who was barn, we think, turn is forever prevented by using all Stomach "Trouble. If not, : your.
order in from 1 to 3 daps notice and Air. Jas: Woodman will move into appearance of his farm,* to "beat a `drum.'' On their, arrival
repairing done while you wait, his father's house andMT. MCBrien Catarrhozonc,which is isplendid also -'money back..
Premier Botha of South Africa lies' will assn Newton's + they inarched around the Square for colds, coughs and irritable throat,
FARMERS _1TT13NTION expressed. Aho hope4h the old art Occupy Mr. Newtons premises.. twice, five of the pipers' ctLrryiS e
lines will break dtarovn P y There was a wedding it Wednesday. Remember you inhale .Catarrhozone--
We have several pai:x of sur oWit and that . a at the residence; of Mr. Robt• Sander- %lgraiye banner on which was• printed "Luck- Nature's own .cure se n
xiiake of Boots which z,re just the new National party will develop, de now,, ]Inion, Bruce Rt> -Union:" Two U a other but I. The forest, fires in northern Onta:ip.
'terrible floods. have swept son, One of his daughters. was roof- Miss J. Budge vi�sitedi hex Bra'thcta hundred pacsen rs war Catarrhozone-its the. crest catarrh have destroyed a scfinol, a nii;l aa:l
thing for spring wear. flome in end apt aver the red to `Mr. Geo, . Goekerline Jr. at rxuelph. ge a an the G.T. pure made. t several ,rett.lers' dwellings,
rave them. Province of Erzeruiit, Turkish Ar- A; Woodman, and. B. Lawi'ason will Mrs. McLaughlin, of Ne ;y g R.' , train, A reception. Committee I
All repairing left at the Postollice Inertia. Half the town of 1lassankai= ti' or was; met the. visttlug Council at thq eta-
eh has been wrecked attend the meeting of the Grand the guest of Mrs. S
"r at Mr. Adams' store will have our , hundreds of per. Lode i3O.G.T. to be held fie -GuelphGregg,f Detrq t Is n tion with caths to convey i'he "Court-
sons being d g "Muss C. Gre g cillors down town. Before luncheon
' hest attention. pre of the firm will g rowne�d. P i .
g Dr. II. A. Beatty next weiek: The forl;rier will represent .her ;mother, for a couple of .weeks. at the "B2rtisat Ekehan " .' tVardon
be-all our 14onde born store on -Fri= A y of Toronto- has .the district the latter the local loci a Mr. -Geo. Proctor flag hail his, ho ge o
days. Kindly give us a.trial. been. appointed chief .surgeon of. "the ' g ` 'in Belgrave Use Irwin called the '•gathering to .. order ��
C.P.R. eastern 'line. gr a re-shinglerd: and spoke a few words of welcome Oil S ed.
•Miss Walker of 1pinghaiti is send; t the vii a �N S
Q A 0 . s ting Council on behalf . ofW H. Watts & Son Bayfield; June 22nd, 1892, inga few days wit'd her sister, Mrs. the Councillors. A Banquet wasCarlfsae: tendered the visitors in the aveniag. FOrthe Coming Saturay, and gill Next Week
Chamberlain's .:Gough Remedy is' 11Ir. John'Pollock, of Cleveland.. is Mrs. Ceaser and her sister; -Miss
sold an a guarantee that if you are home on a visit. We are -pleased t"McDougal, ,tools in the excurpion ' to
not' satisfied after using. two-thirds of see ",lack" brick again. Guelph Model farm:
LIGHTNING a brittle -according to directions,, your 1Miss; Maggie .Falconer whoMr. The
has been Anderson has .-6proved the ap Auf Crl#ze.,„. UR 10 cent window of last week was such ai hue success the w
money will :be. refunded. It is up to visiting friends in Seafortii, retui.red peaitanee of d�rthur. Broak's, g t e
pok g ; lot by S racuse Ns..Y, bave decided to have a. 25 cent window', comrnenci SxtUrd
RODS . you to try. Sold by all dealers: home on Saturday. 'building anew fence y ,June 5,—There are next and Contin in , 14 ay
Mr. Bob 1 , painting it and so .mrdn curt c u gill through the next week: In making those.bar- .
ar y y g hien cursing about gin .lots in n4an
Marks of Kansas. xs, visit- otherwise imjirovfng t'he property. g y cases articles are priced.less than cost :or at: w veru
Li{Chtning Rods pre a sure prntec- Ing here: Miss Lizzie . and'Cas the country in. automobiles,, and their smallm;argin of profit and for that reason are of
tion to your building during Elea- . elene• Owens left 1 veAised and for cash at the rices ive s d only the. w pk, ad -
If ou_ are not satisfied after. using Mr: Bert .Davis of Clinton drove last week for Thessalon to + eaLd { P easurc 'absorbs `such a large share p given. Be -.sure and see our 25 cera
fisc Storms. y g.. p he window as there will be
Barns rod Pd from $15.00 upwards according to directions two-thirds of through: fowls one day, last ,W-eck., summer with tke formers, br h' of 'the productive, energy of the Cour; good value ln_a lot,of usefuharticles.
Mr. Geo.117oods and Mr. John i4lor- y of er,• try, that Chancellor James 'R. Day
with a COPPER ROD through and a. battle of Chamberlain s' Stomach John iOwens• the took .steaim:P.iip line ,believes it" ss becoming through. A written guarantee and Liver:. Tableis,'you can havoyour ga'n attended DiviE40n court. frons. Owen ,Sound, g a question if
given, money back.. The tablets •cleanse and Mr. Dan, McLeod of the Decks has The North Huron and i4lorris, Bras- the automobile Is not a curse to the The Good Gid• Slimmer Time
Also Galvanized Rods much cheap- invigorate the stomach stn rove the returned. Bels and Gre telephone lines are' country• would bp much more enjoyable pr. ' P Miss Grace Cameron of Detroit re- .ing their ha les in:r' i ' a yahle to ninny were it not for •the ever pros=
Satisfaction guaranteed or money digesti on, regulate the bowels. Give p La led in the vil The chancellor: Was speaking to Cha Pnt wgrryof proparing rneala, A. Gasoline or Coal. Oil Stove int 'e
turned 'la;+t week. la e. raduatin class of Syracuse Univer_. kitchen reduces this worry to a niiniaium.' No heat. ,no du .h
refunded, them a trial and get well. Sold . 'by g g g et, no the .
For particulars apply to all dealers. The Welsh Ministreley at the 'S: 4': Mrs. Wm: Wray received the sad sity On self-sacrifice and self-denial, suety about, the cooking. — Just•solid comfort. Now is our chance
barracks 'on. Thursday' night was fair- pew's of the accidental dearth of . lier and he chose tlic auttrmobile as a
to v that comfort.
ha e y
u H.
ly well att>?niled but the financial art nephew' " C. Tom kine freight broad' and apparent jl:+usltration" of $18 QO Gasoline store for 15:00'
1 (0/y�l�l WEST WArVA:dOSH FIRE INSUR- was slow" p a y p a luxury that too often is not seers, 17.00 •• '• g
anee Com an —Ravin been, elect gent on the C.P.R.,. in, Trenton, The- " 14.50
p y g Air.' Jim Eagleson and wife of .Clift- young snap.'Was crushed 'while coup- face' 7.511 ••
ed director and agent for- the alcove. ` .6.7.5
g ton are visiting here• ling cars at the junction; no wa, 21 ``Young mechanics and clerks and it. 50 '` `• " 550
BARNA Company, I will insure faun build Temperance Order. of Temperance' years of .a a 7.00 " second hand g„50
Ings and Isolated town Property. p g ,and leaves a young vaife business inert,” he said- "who . need 15.00 '' . second hand with oven . " 7.511
Still an P P Y• have removed their quarters . for, the and one child. all of .their capital, arty mortgaging 9.00 New Perfection oil stove •�
T y person wishing to insure present to the S.. A, barracks, where Mr. and Mrs. John Riightman olid their homes by the fhausand,, and 8'0
MQl'�iJMIENTS drop . me a card or call ma by their first meeting was held on Fri- two children lett for iMoosejaw on losing their positions often by finest
Phone and they will be attended to -dap night. Tuesday, where they intend oing infatuation for. this form of pleasure. Plumbing SUP pfles ''of elf kinds.:
at once :=-John Cox, Porter's Hill Rev,- Mr. Thfbedeau will _.preach Iris north from- that point, and. wil, likely "It 'is said that about $500•000,000
25-3..m farewell sermon in a short tmie. 'Ile spend two or throe nioutlis this suns- is invested in' the antombi_�I , trade, u
.Ie�MEs DOIG — _, _ will take up his station at Benmil- mer in order to improvo, the, health of and this form of capital• is non -pro- 11
ler, Mrs: Wightman, duGt%ve• That. is, . it ad'd's eomparativ- — L D B R IOS s
non -pro -
• town of Clinton will pa $3:75 per J In Be ra e . o June, t Jane ply nothin to the wealth• of the
lg v n Ju 12 It g, STOVES AND .-HARDWARE-
—'--"' y P Munroe, relict: of . the late.. Peter people., but ox the other hand, ah-
CE lTRr41� ng. forstone
APP p to Thos Beacom+ Grey Township. ad buildMcKenzie. Mrs, MelKenzie was turn sorbs it. It means 9.0. per oent•. of
in Scotland &1 years ago, and with her wasted money and. wasted time, ' A
Chairman. Street Committee. 30 Arbdrtratoro to deaf with husband` emigrated to C c � -
t the propos- g , Canada wed certain per cent, returns in business , ..._... .
o at Once. -John -Cox, Porters Hill settled ih Hul,tt, near Landesboro, uses, anti whofiesome rest and recrea- r►ly�Mre
lid stew school section are Jitd;e
STHATFORD. ONT. P•0• •L5 -3m Doyle,. in Robb and A. G, in the year 1850, where tlhey raised a .tion. WVI/VVVVNNVVV/N1IW111/1V1tV1/1At►/1�1hM/1,w
The great practical training Smillie of Tuckersmith... family of four daughters and theca "I know the eritici:stn than will be •
school of Ontario. Airs. James Denman and Mfss a s -Mrs- John Cole, Mss. 1b:,. B, sure .to come on what will be styled
' I HAVE FOR THE IMPROVEM1 iT Henrietta have left for a libiiday trip Geddes, Mrs. Shedden, Mrs; R• Arm ,
Throe departments
an, abuse of a great industry, but. I W�ddl! r.
of stock a thorobred Durham bull,. to Alberta. They will visit high 1 j -v strong ; Philip and John . of : Sol 1h , address myself to the abuse of seif�
Commercial Shorthand- at lot '11, Bayfield Road, Stanley. er, Okotoks, Erskine and Edmontdn Dakota and• Daae, of Owen Sound: : Indulgence, and I emphasize self -den-
Telegraphy. P Jas, Richardson. she family were all present at ha list fal.'r -
x3 before rcttirnfng• sickness and funeral ere t
We assist graduates to Osi- Last week Airs. J. H. Storey: pass- , e"p
tions, The demand upon usresents,
trained help greatly ex- F .�� weeks, a y byterian of a true Christian t
P ed away after an illness cf :two • Mrs, McKenzie was ii devatOd 1 res`
for g
W. CUTLER, PAINTER AND r gad .29 ears. She Ieaves a yPe, r r
seeds the supply. The three Paper hanger. All work done guar- g and .a lowin mother to her famiw THEY ACTUALLY CURE,
sorrowing husband avid four children, Iy, who will cherish kind recollcottions
most recently placed are re- g t0 their old ho
mo $h0.00, , $50,00 and « anteed to give satisfaction. Prices Thos. and Airs. Davidson we away of the departed, Iyer husband +.ede- -
$100.00 per month respective- moderate, Residence nearly opposite me at- Scarbota where P 1 • RHEUMATISM To • -those Who 1i>` OSe
Collegiate Institute. Clinton. 83 'the DIAmond Jubilee serki,:cro iii <an- ceased her 31 years ago. the fr:nhral
' b eying
ly• Business then state our neetion 'Vfth St. Andrew's. Pt1asby service was condticted by 'her pastor, Gih Plus Promo lit • , .
graduates are the best. Enter terian church. were held.. !'his �� ;;s Rut'• k ergusr°n, her remains being Iaid 'It is one'thin to elan to cure Rheu-
. - Wedding presents and to Jule
our classes now. Get our the church they attended-bef7re ni. t- to rest in the Brandon eemtetery. The matism, It is c ite another to do it
Shoppers in general We eztex�d,
free catalogue. Ing to Grey nearly 26 years ago. friendst from a,distance attending rile Gin Pills bear out every claim we make
The sad news, ,reported last Sunea.v funeral were Mr. and,Mrs. Thos. Man. for they are not a "favorite prescription'
D A letachloo, S L A or "marvellous discovery" or "won- corC�iS,l in�ltatioil to v Slt our
A. morning., that Jobn G. S'mirh. 8th ninf;, Mr. and A2rs. Lasham, AZr. and or a"marvtprus preparation."
Mrs,. J, Webster, 11Tr, and _Alts. Cote, They are simply a . commofi-sense, store as We believe
con,, had died snddmnv was received ,
with sincere regret i.ty +lie wltol�* x tt:,w Mrs. Adamrs, and Miss Sarah 13arr, scientific eoinbination of medicines that t7Pe can suit
all of Lotideaboro, ro
I�f�YNCfPAL fOr stile
Unity. He liaYl retired to, vest about have preyed their value itr itheui#iatisirt, thoiil, ��ot�. fCii"• l�,c�,litd, C� '1`
10.30 o"clock apparently enjoying his . ,� _, Kidney • and. Bladder Troubles, and ll ice
usual good health, Mrs. Smith .heard Disorders of the laver.
•ilio a gurgle in his throat and a shudder An Italian murder took place at Ogden, N. S., July 1st, 1900. of goods.
CNt in right length in his body and help was speedily to Foote's Bay, one Pisani shooting a l in oaveT)eeat b Idwxi h e m�,
. ,.
hand but the vital spark had fled, fcllatv,•countryman and making his es- doctor tended me and advised' me to go
For range. heart failure being the cause. Ile- cape. to the Hospital but all of no good lentil a
TV YOU WA14T THE, BEST ceased was born at Lynden, 1t eot- friend told we to try Gin Pills,. i did to
COAL AND PROMPT DELIV- worth county, Ont., and. was the eId and after using a few boxes, tem pet. .' coulte ERY SE featly cured. Yam recommending Gist W•
S �' Ms� I��" S son of ,dents and Ntargarei 'I ho Gartienter'/forti+5n Co., Bos- pills," D.1, LAWLUR
PLY PROM US. H „ n Smith, alts residents of the Otlt line, ion, Mass. were the dirst paint con- y '
P There is no reason wily Mr. I~avrler'3
ORDERS LEFT AT o A,V15 Morr Morris, where deceased spent his cern to Offer Varnish uSt4lnv to rase should be any diflerat from yours, Jeweler and nagraver..
dt ROWLAND S HARDWARE, youth and young manhood. bousekeepere. Cain be;l's Varnish He took Gin: fills and cured himself of
• _ _ Stain ib the original, first mads in itheuntritisrn. Why don't you take
.,.TENDED TO " 1888, and today recognized tttr the thein and curcyoutsei£ ? ,.
I3nndreds of persons have lost their most satisfactory, ..article of the Lind Wt .will let you test them fi'te. A
PHONE "I mple of Oin Pills will be stnt•yoix, ab- Issuer of Ma' . ' Licenses.
lives.as rti result of floods in, Austria, upon the Market. Harland Bits.
CM Switzerland the ' Balkans and ,At- carr , a complete stock. Color Mutely free, of you write the National
attaventso rnenia, y cardyfar tltn asking, r'�tt&�Chettt, Co. x.'inaited (Dept. A) !
2� NN11YJ11tIVVN1YV11111iiW
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