HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-23, Page 1The
o.163'5 -,-31st Year
News -Record to any address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 19II, for 50 cents.
The June wedding ;month always brings extra
business to, our store. Our •Mock as replete
with articles of richness and worth, and
' likewise full of .attraction,
• We invite June shoppersto examine our ex-,
ceptionally various selection of suitable gifts..
Rich 9esigno. "Coned Valued,
fair Sri, os
10. YLeliqar
I Mr. George Levis has bought from
i n t o •dens a h
Mr. o h rest t t
cornerS ofTay Isaac Sud: Joseph streets
at present occupied by Mr. D. Cluff,
ananager of the Piano and Organ Com-
pany, but does' not get possession
until the autumn,
Mr. W,', •. Smyt'h'has bought the
grooery and also the 'store and dwell -
ling ,of Mr. 'Hill, Victoria street. Mr.
Smyth was for many years connect-
ed with the Standard elevator and
is! widely and favoral►ly known. Mr.
Hill, on account of failing health, will
retire from business, at least for the
The Citizens' band played at a
garden, party in Blyth on Tuesday
• evening. This evening they will
play for Willis church social and
tomorrow afternoon der the S. S. S.
For Wednesday evening next they
have been engaged for another gard-
en party in Blyth and also for the
Dominion Day sports.
A joint meeting of the Executive
committees of East and West Iiuron
Teachers' Association was held in
town on'ISaturtlay last to make ar-
rangements for the fall meeting.
There were present front. East Huron:
Miss Simpson, Messrs,''; Hartley, Hol -
?and, Holman and .Scottand from the
West Riding: Messrs) Johnston, Low-
ery and Trewartha. Ori account of
the Educational . Department fixing
the times , and sending lecturers. . to
the conventions it was decided `to hot
hold a joint Convention this year but
to meet as usual, the.Wcst in 'Goder
ich on Oct, 6th' and 7th and the
Eat in Clinton on. Oct. "20th and
• A
Capital $5,000,000. Reserve $59,00,000. , Assets $72,000,000
125 Branches and Correspondents throughout the World.
Every facility for the transaction of Banking in all it branches.
Interest allowed on Savings Accounts at highest current rates.
Courteous Treatment Accorded to all Customers.
Clinton Branch. R. E. MANNING, Manager
Capital Paid up - $3,500,000 Rest Fund - $3,500,000
Has 73 Branches In Canada
and Agents and Correspondents in all the principal cities
in the ,world.
interest allowed at Highest Current Rate.
Clinton Branch - C. E. Dowding, Manager
. . Co
The Morrish
What two months
of Summer Vaca-
tion . is to a boy
Months of Freedom
Swimming Base-
ball, etc,
We've special. Out-
fittings. for this
strenuous period.
Wash . Suits, Flannel Suits, Cotton Knickers,
Sweaters, Shirtwaists, etc.
Boys Wash Suits, dark patterns, at 75c per
suit,' ,
Boys' Wash Suits, neat patterns,' at $1 per'.
toys' Wash Suits, extra special, at $1.50
per suit.
Boys' two-piece flannel Suits, sizes 26 to 33,
at $1.90, just the kind for hot weather,
Boys' CdttcnKnickers at 2sc.
Boys' Sweaters at from 50c to $1.50.
lith UNVEILING of the clock on Satur-
day at 4 p.m; Don't forget to bring your
Time Cards.
The Evergreens,' the home of . Mr,
and Mrs. D. Cantelon, was the scene •
of a quietand pretty little( wedding
on Tuesday. afternoon when their"
younger daughter,: Pearl, wan wedded
to Mr.. Andrew Weatherwax of Oril-
lta. The drawing room was; taste-
fully decorated with palms and flow-
er's, the .bridal pair, who were neat-
tsnded, taking their places .under an
week of palms and . orange; blossoms.
The ceremony' was performed by Rev.
W. J. Jolliffe in •then presence of only
a few relatives an' intimate friends.
The wedding march, was played by
Miss Ida 'Holmes:
The bride was arreyed'-ins a harm
ingly dainty and becoming gown of
(ream silk crepe' trimmed with silk
applique, chiffon and pearls and
t. ore a veil' caught up fo her hair
with - orange blossoms, and many
were the expressions' lot admiration of
l:er girlish beauty. She car"ried a
hoquet of` cream bridal roses.
• After the ceremony ark d••congratu
tions, all repaired to the dining -
P g
room where a dainty uthe n
Mr. and. Mrs. Weathcrwax Mt on.
the 5.20 train,. The. bride''s' 'going
awn.y gown was a suit of king him
with which she wore; a black hat.
After a brief honeymoon they will
take ` uptheir residence in), Crillia,
where both are well known and pop.'
ular. • .
Those present' at the wedding from
MO -of -town we're: Mr. and Mrs. Wea-
therwax oil Tilsonburg, father and
mother of the groom, Misses' Ida and
Louise Holmes and .Mr. Ed. Floody,
Toronto Mr.' Arthur and Miss Ruby
McLean, Goderich and Miss t:ilna
Holmes, • Seafortli '
Ther News -Record joins the ... mazy
Clinton friends of the bride in wish-
ing the young people 'a long and hap-
py married life. • '•
Wheat 85c t to Baer
O a �ts 31c o ee.
Peas 60c to 65n.°
Barley 40c to 45e.
Rutter 16c to 17e.
Eggs 16e to 17c.
Live' Hogs $8.80.
On Tuesday evening Capts. Brown
of Godetlieh and Crawford of Seaforth
assisted the local corps and gave an
entertainment at the House) of Ref-
uge where their music and singing
was enjoyed. Nex'ti Sunday the top-
ics will be ; "Th's.*e Woken Barriers"
and "Unanswered Prayer,"'
The Haag Show which gave ,two
performances in the park Oh Satur-
day last wau well patronized, over
2" people at'tendi7ng the afternoon
The mena'ie
was ,net the strong feature, but
much of the ring work' was very
good and greatly pleased the specta-
tors. The day's receipts' iwere some
$1&00 with the expenses at'about two
thirds of that amount.' Tho man-
agement reported a good business
ati the various places they have so
far v'i d nth i
tate ►. a Province.
A coupletof weeks ago the four-
year-old son of Mr. J. B. Hoover,
while playing with a• neighbors', dog,
was wounded on the • cheek either by
the muzzle the .animal' was wearing OL'
by the teeth of the dog it was not
known which.. The. wound was im-
mediately cauterized and the dog des-
troyed and hie ahead sent to. Toronto
for examination. Word was received
on Monday .that the, -dog's .brain was
found to be affected with rabies and
on Tuesday Mr. Hoover took his ht -
tie boy to Toronto for treatment in
the Pasteur ,Institute.. In- this ease
the- chances of infection are very
slight,t but in such a. matter. ;no chance
at all can be taken.
So. ninny eases are being reported
in different parts of the province that.
anorn stringent measures may have
to be taken to prevent the :spread of
this disease,
Owing to the illness of Mr -W. Jack-
son air. Jas. Fair went,to .Stratford
on Tuesday to .meetthe committee,
appointed .by. the W.O.B.A. to arrange
for the coming of the English • ' bowl-
evs, who are expected in .Clinton, by
the way,' September` the 12th, thio
being the only town west and north
of Stratford in which they play.
Much regret was expressed at the
absence of Mr. W. Jackson and dur-
ing the courseof the day's proceed=
Ings a .resolution of sympathy was
passed .and sent to him by his re-
presentative, i'rr. Fair.
Dui -for :mid. trifling 'circumstance
Mr.' Fair enjoyed. his day in Stiat-
ford with the committee. The cir-
cu st nce was this,When: the work
.of the day had been cominleted the
'ntennbers were bent On enjoyment and
they said to Mr. Fair: "Npiv :.you
are representing '-Billy' Jackson and
if he were here hcwould sing 'Irl
the Evening; by the Moonlight' can
you sing it ?" and 'Jim,' wishing to
be obliging, said• he could and start-
ed.. But after the first note or two
they all with: one accord beganto
groans and throw bowls at him and
when he asked in an injured tone what
the matter was, they answered.: "You
may represent 'Billy' Jackson in some
respects, you wear bigger shoes and
fill mere space but you can't sing.
Go on home andsend us 'Billy!' "
Mr, ) Fair, while endeavoring to over-
look the matte'', still thinks it . was
a most 'unkind way in which for re-
ceive his' well -meant efforts..
Rev. Mr, W. T. Pearcy of Londes-
boro win. occupy the pulpit on Sun-
day evening next.
The Young People's Guild are hav-
ing a lawn social en the lawn at the
rear of the' olq.Molsons 'Dank this ev-
The League meeting on Monday
night was in' the hands of 'rhe Mis-
sionary com ert'tee, when Mr. C.
Hawke gave an address on .the
subject of 'Africa, . Mr. ' Hawke
spoke from first knowledge, hav-
ing travelled in Africa and stud-
ied eustoms and characteristics,. and
hie address was •interesting and in-
structive. .
Miss Emma Lavis rendered a piano
solo very pleasingly.
of water from
the water-
works well have been sent to Dr, J.
A. Amoyt, Provincial Analyst, on
more than one, occasion and he re-
ports the water as containing only
from'6 to 8 parts of chlorine to the
million, '
Samples were also sent from; the
best local wells which their owners.
claianed were as good os from the
town well but the Analyst reports
them as containing 40 parts to the
million, of chlorine,
Comment is scarcely necessary. Sur-
face . wells aro not to be compared
with 'deep rock- wells. -
At the t';cen't Toron'toqIniversity
examinations, Faculty of • Arts, H.
F, Johnston completed, the course•for
the B.A.degree and won the London
Gold Medal' in Physics, given by _ the
University and also in the : same ' 'de-
partment the Victoria College Gold
Medal. Mr.. Johnston has been a
remarkably.:succetsful student and a
bright future is predicted for him,
He is a son of Mr. W. H. Johnston,
for many years 'the popular secretary
of the South Iluron Teachers' Assn,
dation and widely known as - one of
the most efficient and conscientious .
teachers in the profession:
• Rev. Mr. Snowden of Hotmesvflle
occupied the ,pulpit on Sundaymorn-
ing, . preaching to a. good congrega-
tion. He took for his subject the
"Overcoming: of evil," and hisdis-
coutse was interesting end instruct-
ive. -
The League opened.. the season with
a' garden party on Mr. Peter Canto-;
lon's lawn on ;l`hursday evening. The
night was en ideal one for such •a
gathering and a goodly number were,
in attendance. • The Citieen'•s band
dispensed sweet music during.' the
evening and there was plenty of . re- -
freshmeet in the way of ice '`Crean►,
lemonade and lionie. made 'candy. Not*
such a plentitude,; either, as,.the ice
cream ranout before .the entertain-
m•ent way over and n oor t
nomore was o
• be had in town, the crowd being lar
ger than•' was anticipated: A . very.
pleasant • evening was spent and the
officers were well pleased: ui:tli the
amount of the • proceeds, which go
towards 'the mission, fund.
Miss Edna Cooper agave an address
at League on Monday evening on
"Characteristics'. of a Christian."
Next Monday. evening it is expected
that Mr Hyslop Dixon. of Willie
church will 'address . the League.
It was decided at Monday's ` eet-
ing that ' for the summer months the
meettngn will he confined' to a :forty-
five minute limit.
Rev, W. J. Jolliffe will occupy the
pulpit for the last time on Sunday
next and will preachboth morning
and evening. •
Rev, T. W. Charlesworth will preach
next Sunday. Subjects: morning,•
"Israel , dett:ring a King"; evening,.
"Worthy, of all acceptation."'
On F>r':day ever► ng about' 6.30 fire
broke out in the stable at the rear
of Mr. H. Carrick's lot on Albert
street. The brigade was quickly on
the scene but the flames• had got too
muck headway, the' result being that
the building, which was frame, was
completely destroyed. It is suppos'-
ed that the fire originated from; a
lighted match falling in the hay.
The sane dealers, 'beginning with
Monday next, close their places of
business at 6.30 p.m.
Engineer Fuse of Berlin was in
town yesterday taking ethe.levels for
the system of new roads..
Rev. W, , E. Kerr,, formerly,. of Clin-
ton, was laid up with pneumonia and
on Saturday Mr. A. Hooper sent
him a cheque for $175, he having been
insured. -
Right Rev. David Williams, ilish-
of Huron, s
waon Biu -
day{ and preached aexcellent . ser-
mon at 11 a.m. toa largo congrega-
tion. He afterwards eonfittmed a
class . of thirteen. The music was
exceptionally, good and the service•
fmtpressive throughout, The Bishop
went 'to •Goderich y for the evening
service and during the week has visit-
ed the churoheis'.n.t Winglram, Bayfield
Brussels and other' places.
The Ladies' Guild will hold their
Monthly tea in the S. S. hall on Tues-
day afternoon, y,
On . Tuesday evening about eight
o'clockfire broke put in the frame
Stable in' connection with \Pair's mill.
The fiaekee, were bursting from the
building • before the alarm.' . sounded
and for 'a feek'minutes it looked as ti
the mill was doomed: From the first
soundofthe '
alarm, until the hose
were playing upon the ixuikhng just
aboutfour minutes elapsed, • however,.
and the fixe was soon under control,
Fortunately most of the 'contents
liad been removed • ..as preparations.
were being made to have a cement wall
built under it, but the barn was'des--
troyed.• The loss as• partly covered
by insurance. • It is supposed that
the fire was caused by , the dropping
o% a lighted. match. : Mr: Fair was.
in Stratford ,when the fire ` occured.
and , knew nothing of it until he ar-
rived home on, the late train, While
'regretting his loss he is thankful the
consequences were not more serious.
The', seri-annual meeting of South
Hturon ; L.O.L. was heed. in. Clinton. on
Saturday and was.. very largely atten-
ded, 'tbe.
ttended,.'the• number df delegates present
from different districts being la..
r er
than usual • .
County; Master, Walter Courscy, •of
Lucan, occupied the chair and as-
sociated with him on the platform
were: Ex -County Masters, John Scar-
lett and . G. B. Hanley, South Huron;
John :Whitford, North\ Huron and John
Thompson, South Perth. .•
Thd principal business transacted
was the completing of arrangements
for•attending the emonster celebra-
tion to be held `jointly with ' South
Petah at Stratford on July 3 2th.
Ail the lodges of South Iluron are
expected to be in line: with South.
Perth, be that day.
The meeting throughout was ' ere
thusiastie and the addresses given
-were instructive, profitable and most
te"ti'f►••r`.r *eve& eakeloreakeeikeekele•eiiiNti 1% weviir b,46-. r• 6,11bs iowiertivg,•46,41+10.•0.
This shows a game of Push Ball in progress,
It has only been played a few 'times in Canada and will he first seen in Huron at the School Scho!ars
Sports in the park on Friday afternoon of this week when teams representing the Collegiate and
the rastime Club will compete. There is no admission fee to the Sports and the larger the atten-
dance from town and countryside the better pleased the managers 'will 'be and on their behalf The
News.Reeord extends to the children of the rural schools a hearty invitation to be present. The
Tush Bali, by the way, is sevepteen feet in circumference.
*glob ikorki.46„.4116,16,4‘44.11. 46 4111010 •mow 10 it III 41011P# 16.4116o eta,411a Alleeeir 100111• 1100111•46, *Aiwa
New Advertisements,
For .Sale. -Jas. Tucker -5.
Children's Day Irwin's--4, -
Summer Sale• -Cooper's --5.
Men Wanted -T. Beacom -5.
Notice --Ti. L. Macpherson.
Special Savings--Harland's-2.
Teacher Wanted -Wm. McCool --5.
Garden Party -Wesley Church --5, •
Footwear Sale -Fred. Jackson -8.
Switches Made -Mrs.' Ed. Cook -5,
Summer Supplies -S. C. Rathwel'l-4,
Wedding Presents -W. R. Counter -2.
Mrs. W. Tozer gave a very pleas-
ant little card party to a number of
girls on Friday evening last. The
booby prize, a darning bag, was,
awarded to a prospective bride and its.
res to i
en ton was a signal ' for P 1 r th
g e
girls, who in
y "showered"
her with hose. This particular bride-
to -be seems to be very popular and
is' coming in for a, lion's share of
.favors, A very jolly evening . was
spent by the girls' on this occasion,
Mr. Erne Lawson • has returned from
Flint, Mich.; •
Mrs. J. W. Cunliffe of ;Madison Wis.,
is visiu'.ng :her brother, Mr. Kenneth
Erskine. •
Mr. . Hugh B. Grigg of the Royal
Bank • staff, London, is home for
his. holidays. •
Mr. Leon De Peudry of G. W, Barge
&' ,Co.'s staff left on Saturday to
visit his brother in the State of
Mrs.. ' Herb Alexander is in Port
Huron where shewill be the guest
of Mrs,: J. A..Green fora fort-
night ,or so. -
Mr.: J. D. Kennedy came over from
Detroiton the excursion and spent
a few days with 'his parents, AIr.
and Mrs. D. B. Kennedy. '
Miss Lela Hoover has passed the fin-
al examination at the Toronto Cat.
servatory of • Musie and is now en-
titled. to thecoveted letters- A.T.
Miss Lucy Stevens addressed -a met-
ing of the Londesboro League' one
evening , •last week and on Satur-
.dayl was in Goderich attending a •
`meeting : of the League District cx: • •
ecutive. •-
Miss: Della Cluff ds in Hamilton to-
day attending the .graduation ex-
• .ercise :of her .: class in connection
• with the : Hami'ton City Hospital
training school for nurses. Mr, D.
Cluff. and Miss •Grace left this a.m.
and 'willalso be present this after-
noon and evening. y
Mrs. Jas. 'Anderson of McLeod, Mon-
tana, after a• week's visit . • with
her brother, : -Mr. D. B. Kennedy,
left for. her western home. on 'Wed-
nesday, • accompanied' her dough-
ter,.:Airs, : • .Jaines. 'Stewart, wife of
a big sheep • rancher of ''Montana, •,
who arrived on: Tuesday.: The
were *residents ,of Clinton .seventeen
years ago.
The focal nine defeated the Mitchell
ball team on -Tuesday by a score: of
17 to 5. The locals were strong . in
battery, • en the. ` bases and in the
field.. They ;.'-are in league -winning
shape. .
ALTOGITHtER TOO EASY, The authorities have been decidedly
easy in the matter of enforcing . the
bylaw relative to bicycle 'riding on
the sidewalks- • with. the 'result• of
:course that bike sprinters .have be-
come cmbucd with the idea that they
have prion . right to the walks and -
pedestrians for their personal safety
have. to practice the side jump.
I'.ven ' women with baby carriages
have ' had to move on to the .boule-
vard until the scorcher' sifts by.
And so venerable a citizen asp Rev.
-Father Newcombe was knocked down .
a few days ago and painfully bruised.
Hayfield 7
Additional Bayfield news; page 4.
Miss Ida Evans of the Sauble Line
has gone to Buffalo to attend the Gra-
duation as nurse at the General Hos-
pital' in that; city of her sister, Miss.
Prances Evann, and will also visit
in Torontb and Bradford.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glass of Lon-
don arrived on Tuesday and Have tak-
en possession of their summer. cot-
Messrs+. T. J. Marks and' George
and A. B.' Erwin attended the races
at Seaforth on Wednesday. '
Messrs. Charles and John Tippet,.
I;dwael Elliott, William Osmond,
John Gairdner and Mrs. Robert
Brown and' Miss Wynona Ferguson
took in the excursion to Detroit ott
Saturday last.
Mr. Wilt Camerons of Detroit ars
rived home last week to spend a few
weeks under thepa.'.mtal roof.
Mrs. John Garrett and family of
Londesboro and Mr. and Mrs. Fisher
of Ben/Miler . were, guests• of their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wallis, on
Mrs. R. Parsons and daughter, 'Mss
Mamie Parsons of Ilillsgreen, Were
the guests of her ntother•in-law, Atm.
Parsons, on Monday.
ROT. Joseph Elliott of Goderieh oe-
t;upied the pulpit of St. Andrliw's
church on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mi'a. Beath and servant,
Miss Thomson, of 1 ondon arrived
last week and have takeb their sum-
mer cottage "The Cedars" en the
.Uillr , 1 ,