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The Clinton News-Record, 1910-06-02, Page 2
I Cl Atoia N ws-Rossini ..-...� . *-PURITY—�--11+CG1>(7�t,,A,CX--Throw Away All �' _ I CUxIr eaars• o o e waths erud%d ContBackache, Gravel anal Rheumatism21, -. r Vanish Before, Dodds. Kidney = g Proved Once Again in the Case . of lai On � .. fol yrs. Fred, Krieger, Who Suffered e w s-PRecord Readvrs YourFrom the Worst Former of Kidney Disease. • Til TeSt3 ],e Palmier Rapids, Ont„ May 30th, Mortis Township, Heosall Seaforth (Special).—The thousands of Canad- ians who live in daily terror of those The' Vancouver, (B.C. ). Daily Pro kccording to a despatch from Crys- M$', J. L. 'Yule, who for the past 'r( o terrible forms of Kidney Disease- vinse of May 9th makes the follow tal City, Man., William- Smalla,combe+ two ears has been oz anist and choir. Any farmer carr add 25/ known as Backache, Gravel and Rheu8� A Ing reference to the death oof a form -l" killed • t aged 70 was ' y g a'his cousins master in the �'rrsbytexian church, to the value of his stoc'K matism, will be deeply interested in or well .known resident of the . 6th farm near there on the 22nd, He wast leaves yello week for Owen Sound. Mr. the story of Alm. Fred. Krieger, , of T line : holding a team of horses attached to yule will be much missed in church b feeding F1'o»l.he Views-RerorcT of this place, "The funeral of the late Willl:am a wagon when they tools fright at an and other circles and his departure is "I was for ears a great dufterer June let, 1892- Moody,g DOUGLAS from Kidney Disease, Gavel, Rheu lastnThursday atston of theGen- -man tand hay wagon the tnixch regretted. STOCK Clinton, June list, 1.892.Mrs. (Dr. p week matism. and Backache" Mrs. Iiriegcr ++ eral hospital took, place on, Saturday his body. The deceased moved to for lb )Gama; bell left this I states. "It al, started through a. Dr• Shaw took a run out to Brus- f afternoon frim the Tamil residence kIensatl 34 Albany, Missouri, where tier son, INVIGORATOR y years ago and left , here • cold, but I got so my head ached:, sels on the evening of the 24th and • at Port Moody to the I,O.O',F. cem,• for the west 29 years ago. Dr. W. S. Campbell, is a medical The cheapest and best prepara: I was. nervous, my; limbs were heavy, returned the folIowin da eter at •Sa erton under the aus- prat honer and where Mrs. Campbell tion on the market. I had a dragging sensation across m $ y' y pp ' Last week as Andrew Archibald was gg y Miss A. Mickle of the Dry Goods I plees of Now Westminster L.O,L. of leading a horse behind his buggy, to intends making her home, The good loins, and I was totally unfit to da palace sent the uuea>'s Blrthda whit deceased was a member, and deliver it to Robert McLaren, the wishes of a bost of friends will fol - You can have a pail for 75 cents, p y h low her. anything, on r • holiday term in Detroit,. was very largely attended, The Rev, animal jerked• him out of the rig, and It's best for Horses, Cattle, Hogs ' ` "Reading about w de rful' 1 cu. es by Mrs,. Geo, Cross has removed. back Mr, McColl, Presbyterian clergyman, he was found lying on the road, in- Mr. David Fa uh s n and Poultry.Dodds Kidney Pills led me to buyrKl ax o and family some. After using a e found' to Clinton from Michigan. She. conducted the -service. The late+ Mr. sensible, near the Red Tavern. Both I are moving to the we..�t. They ship - Our guarantee stands behind it.. s m g few I nd brings her two children with her. Johnston was horn in Bruwwls, Ont., horses ran away but did no damage. ed their stuff Iasi w • the were doing m!e good ,arid this P eek. We are y g (ro Mr. T, Jackson, Jr., left on Mon- 59 years ago taking up his residence . Mr. ,Archibald was not seriously hurt. , sorry. to lose such good .citizens! but encouraged me to continuo their use, day last to proceed on his arranged in Port Moody, at which place he has. Thos. Sherritt ' held a family, re- wish them ap'undunt success. Eight boxes made me well.. OId Country trip. May health and resided ever since. A widow, two union recently at whdeh his brothers W $ R. HOLIES '"I have been able tb do my work ha iness be his com anions and see sons•and two dau hter.+ are left to Air. Jas. Beattie ways appointed b W. • PP p g John and Aa,rbm and a number of cis- PP Y curt .since and to -dap I am completely him safely hoiiie, mourn hien."" tees and other relatives were present, alae recent Dfstn:ct Meeting, a dole- , cured. Dodd's Kidney Pills gave me Miss. Eva Chidle is visitin friends ate. to the Methodist Conference to Mani Chemist. y g g health and, I feral like a new woman." in Toronto, - i be held in Chathamearly in June. •N��N1��i��Mi�Ns1�NN . If ryou keep your kidneys' a Tong and, Mrs, Jas. Turnbull, now residing, in $� th -RELIABILZTY — EXPERIENCE-* healthy you can never have Backache, Toronto, was a visitor among her old � H4V `township. Rheumatr,sm or Gravel. Dodd's Kid- friends in town last week. Fred. Somers has gone to Paisley The townshipcouncil met May 21st. If you are not satisfied after using hey Pills never •fail to make the Kid- Miss Bella Gregg of Tgrontq is vis- to tato a situation. � e according to directions two-tbirds of t d • 11 the following tenders were received g June 2nd, 1910 Spring Hu mors • �. Coupe to most people and cause many troubles`, --pimples, .boils and: other eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that tired feeling, biliousness, indigestloa and Headache The sooner you !get rid of them the better, and the way to ,get rid of them and to build up the system is to take Hooc'1's Sarsaparilla --the Spring, Medi- cine par excellence, it effects its wonderful cures, not simply because it contains sarsapa- rilla, but because it combines the ut- most reme4iai values of more than twenty different ingredients; There la no real substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla Get It today. Sold by all druggists everywhere., 190 Poses $1. Campbell's Varnish Stains are the original :and only real Varnish Stains ever offerc+d to housekeepers. They work like, colored varnish, producing beautiful •effects'vtirlthout obscuring the grain of natural woods. Harland Bros, sell this line, Chamberlain's Cdwgh Remedy is sold on a guarantee that if you are not satisfied after using two-thirds of a -bottle accozdiAg to directions, your money will be refunded. It is up to you to try. Sold by all dealers. _ OUR TRADE t neys s rung an tie - iting her sinter, Mrs, A. Stewart of tile,manske. Miss. Edna Carder of Mount .Forest wase• renetiving old f;ieudships hero last , for the buiid!:ng, of Roeder s, Klein- Feld and Wilson's hridtnes, J. Gaffney, a bottle of G`'hamberlain,'s Stomach and Liver Tablets, you can have your P. formerly pastorate formed will be and P give an � ONT. Messrs. Riter and Miller have bought day last week and, but for the ti�rnely arrival of a. "Vet;" he would ' have of Goderich Were visiting at the home of Jas: Whyard. Nie, J, i?o0ner, of Brom) 'l wwwWNlrb C.ol. Green Returns to Look • . 'a fine driving horse ahil outfit. Mr. R(ter will likely make another bust- week Henryy oombes of Detoraine Man, $583.QQ and 20 etc. square feet far floors ; D. Witherspoon, $4.50 per cub. money back. lie tablets cleanse and: ley has returned from Winnipeg • and invigorate the stomaeh; improve the will surveying join Mr, I�: J. Beatty s curve in DOUBLED After Business of Worlds ness and pleasure trip tc the Canad- is here on a holiday visit and is a wel- d 15ets, square ft. for, float • y q ,t J. di• estl'.o�n g g , re ulatc the bowels. Give staff, in Northern Ontario. them a trial Sold Richest Woman fan Northwerst duxfng the summer. 'come visitor.. It is 28 years,+ since he chuettler, $5.60 per cub. yd, 1.8 Cts. square ft. for floors J. Lawson,, and get well. by all dealers. Miss Ethel V. and. Mrs: Our sale of Flour, New York, May V.—At the home Mr. Rattenbury has .rejuvenated the formerly decrepit frame building along- first wont west• Frank Wheeler and son oaf Vancouver, ; $4'75 per cub, yd; 25 ets. square ft. .Wilson Alice Helena McIntosh, Porth, have Feeds, Seed Grain, of Matthew Stanley Wilkes; son -in- law of Hetty Green, the richest side of Beattie's Iivery, and converted B• C,, are renewing old aoquaintances jorlloors , 0. Schilbe, $4,75 per cub, yd, 24 cts; square ft. for floors. graduated from the City Hospital,.. rm. LADIES OF CLINTO'N Watertown, N.Y. forth, recently. In buyinga Watch� of sours it into a carriage house. fn slid around Blyili. It !s 15 years ZVingham, June ist,. 1892. MAY , Etc. has doubled woman in the worl+d, it was admitted About 100 ]teas of fat cattle, fed by since Mr, Wheeler left Blyth, Tender of D. Witherspoolt was ac- NOW HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR. Wilson Scott, four-year-old son ' of this over last today that Mrs. Greens son, COPE. 'H, R, Green, ;Mr, Jas: Fair aril purchased rb Mr..S• p �' Thos. O'Connor left Blyth last ceptcd, being the lowest. MR. W. A. AicCONNLLL HAS THE Mrs. Martha Scott. of Windsor, was ARTIC'LI,, ' season will abandon his busi- , Smith, erre shipped from sere last week for Cam iellford Northutnber- p Notice was given the council by AND GUARANTEES IT kidnapped by two men and a woman. an to to visit iter parents, The W.F.M.S. will celebrate its ness affairs in Texas ,an'd remove to the city, where he will aid• his moth- week, Tile market was also alive .land Coy. where he has brim engaged tag J. Neuschwanger and J. Baker, re-. "Schwalm TO GROW I•IAIR, with a big automobile and althou li g � B What better evidence or in attending to her finandal of-• and noisy with a fare number . of g to..work on..a steam shovel. questing council . to have „ "4V.:A. McConnell, backed up by the a pollee officer followed in another man there be that our fairs. Mrs, Green setti.9ad .to discuss hags. Reeve. A, H• Manning and family Goer 6 King way called to James- Drain cleaned out, also notice ways lush b Oscar Koehler a kin g y g to manufacturers of SALVIA automobile, he had to givq up the , the Great flair Grower it ' chase at Ridgetown, fawn, °°Clowrie," on June 10th. Rev. the report. Since last fall she has have returned from file ''ver Ia'des`and g town recently owing to the serious have West -Branch South of H.S.D. guarantees to , k' grow hair. 'a stock and rices are p spent most of ber'time with 1>,er orange groves of California. The illness qt his sister-in-law, Mrs , Me- cleaned out. F. W. Farneomb will be right, daughter in 'this cit although she g y+ g gentleman appears to' be much im- Allister, who is past. 80 ears of Y employed to examine these strains and. SALVIA. destroys dandruff in. ten THROW still maintains her flat. in. Hoboken•report Mrs, Green is 75 years old and for provfld en •health; though .hat as re, -days. bust as John L.. Sullivan when in age.. Rev. and Mrs. J. L.. Small left to the.Council, F. W. k arncomb s ofker of 5 per .MEDICINES TO TH)J DOGS ! FORD&McLEOD the last yeai liars been in failing good form. " on Saturday- for Halifax whero Mr. y per cent of tJtie total cast of Toward The roots of the hair.. are so nous= At best the are un leasant often !shed 'fed y p health, A .report that she was sof- From The. Moxrlsburg Ma 'Herald,• Small will attend tate G(tivdral Assem- and,Bell Bridges, as fees wprk In con- and that a new crop of ' P useless. You have 'some disease or feeing from mental weaknessr was sir-- culated last week,. but site angrily 25th, This morning Mr. G,. IVIG Tag ar't of Clinton was married to ono sly of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Taylor. at Knox College will occupy 'rection with the building of these 'bridges, was accepted by tkie council, hair sarin s u to the 'amazement g p�. the nose, throat or lungs. Doctors and delight of the user. The hair, is would call it bronchitis, asthma. or •------- �/ p,, W. H� Watts & Son, W H. denied it. of . Morrisbung. s most highly esteemed tho.pulpit•in St, Andrew'schuxch un- til Rev, Mr. Small . A petition signed lip. i9 ratepayc s made soft and fiaiffy, Like- all Amer- ,. ca`ta'rrh.. The common root of ,thes'e !can preparations SALVIA is daint- Mrs. Green has always insisted on young ladios,'. Miss Broder, daughter returns. `John of, the eastern part of the township, <.. perfumed. It• is hard to find diseases is germ or microbic irrita- handling' her affairs in her own .way, . of Wm.'.Broder `1 sq. Tho: ceremony On Wodnesda bf last week .L3..� y asking permession .' for, the Tucker- .ily an aeixess who sacs not use .SALVIA f .tion, Catarr!hotione not only destroys. Opposite Postofftce. Store opens .at and it was beeause of that fact that was ,performed: by.' Rev. Mr.- Mavety, O'Connor, of . Blyth, paid Nature'er smith telephone• system to be ex- disease germs, it doss more, it heals continually. g , 7.30 a. m. Closes at 8 p. m• col. Gruen: went to Texas to live. Ho only immediate friends of the spot, at the early age of 24 pears and tended into: Hay, was laid before the diseased. anti:in inflamed tissue. dig- We are practical Boot and Shoe fs ' . president rof , the Texas Midland family •i ! am Iy be ng present.. We; are sorry 6 months; The funeral too lac k. P C *council. The platter. was laid over .The Ladies of society and. i�nflurnce use ease is not only but its re - � Makers and repairers, Boots maAn to Railroad. to liege so fair an ornament frorru elle Saturday morning, service being -con- for the next:meetiirg of council. 'are .cured, no other. turn is forever prevented lay using order in from 1 to 3 days notice and y \4i�lkes is'a native of Galt, 'Ontario: social circle, -..but congratulate Mr, conducted in the R. C: church at 9.30 Following a few g particulars of , Caiarrhozone which is•rsplendaid also, repairing done. while you wait. r.::: McTaggart• on si cumng such, a com- � o clock by:Rev. Fr. Hanlon. Deccas= Hay township taken from the Assess-, r S'AL\ ]A is a non -sticky prepare- for colds; .cougtia and irritable throat. FARMERS AT'1 �r NTI�J:: »anion for'life:. The groom has many ed was: the third son of Dennis 01-..ment 13,011 for 1910, recently coin- tion, and !s the, ladies' favor itc: A Remember you inhale Catarrhozgnc— We have several arcs of rnir orvn P Dr. J. H. S arlin °1 'n ' .. t p g has i Lima ed his warrm. firneds 'here; being for `several Connor,'• who: fort erly. lived in Morris ploted by Assessor Lipphardt :. large, .generous bottle 5k. The .Nature's .own eure"use no other". but make of Boots which bre hist : the acceptance of the invttation Do- years connected ,with- Molsons-bank-in township, castor here, but on selling Acres in township 52,486 Scobell • Drug Co,, St, Catherines, Catarrhozone-la's the:lrc�st catarrh thing for spring wear. t",�nie in end .of- . mtnign Methodist church, Ottawa;. 'to+ g - -• -- Morrlsbirr' . Town- CommilSsiorer of Public Works; his -farm moved' to-to-wn. :.; Tulisr- culosis, was.the oauw bf• death. He is Cleared 43,703 'Woodland ` ' " - 2,147 Canadian distributors. euro made. . see them: All repairing left at the Postoffice become their actor in 1912, P , Gquncillor Plummer, is effecting great survived by: his father; two brothers Slash ,Land ar at Mr. Adams' store will have our -- - improvements in our sidewalks. Cyn-' and two sisters. The subject of .this Swamp p land 6,4011 • .r►•r.ef - hest; attention. One of the firm will be a`, our Londesboro store on Fri- 4VLST WAW FIRE INSUR- anee Company.—H'aving.. been s derable, work h'as 'been done in this line this season, and well and eCon= notice was well known in this. com munety and was generally, respcctcd. . Value of land $11537,657 . Buildings $864,755 R OUR O IAL SAVINGS days. Kindly give us a trial, :elect ed director and agent for the above omiCall done. The man who vv111 in. y SYmpath of si wide circ]"e of friends y Yemptions $46,250 �+ • ■ ��/ II Watts & Son W. H. g Company, I will insure farm.build- Ings and Isolated •town property vent a less costa and more durable y material - 'far sidewalks than - plaA is extended to the, bcreaved% Business. - $21,786 Income •- $1,350 . T t 1 For the Following Saturday and"all next week should -be able. • to. realize a a a a.scssmen $2,471,789 Will any, person wishing to insure- fortune and • would .also: deserve: well of: 1'nFulation 3,Q71 drop .ale a. card or call me by . Fast Wa*anosh. Births 56. A. great fencirle bargaip—Coil. LAWN HOSE—Pluvius, 'th*s. rnanfind phone. and they will. be attended' to Deaths ed Sprang Wire only $2:25 per hose -will stand cit pressure,•$ . On +Meq 24tH a respected resident . 20• hundred. y at once,—John .. Co �; 1?orters :Hill Tile,: school: census.. ives the fo ow; ply pure rubber, Catton inserted,. LIGHTNING P.O. - away. ft lengths complete with iaoz, of this. passed .a the g 11 50 L5 3m ing as the number• of clilldreu„ be- zh- and coupling, RODS Summerhill, Juno 1st; 1892. •.person of . Tied. J. Ratti, who died • tween the age of 8 to 13 � Graniteware Is ]heli size, all. RODS —7 . manhoodaftir U.S w next, lit the- prime of 'young g ne Miss, Sophia Kilt of Clinton was 5 :. No. .1, 15 Y an' illness of about- a year. Deceas- t3 qt tip Fettles. reg 600 for..:,35c Lightning Rods are 'a.sure prntec- FII+;LD STONE. WANTED.— THE the. guest.of•.her brotbor, G. M.. Kil` S.S. No, . 2, 22 I2 araeli VVaah I3aeins, 30e for 3$c A few long handle round point ed leaves''besides his wefe wile suis Shovels only 45e tion to your building during Eleo-. town' of•'Clinton will pay $3.75 .por. ty,.last week. Miss ova Jackson, three childrrni, No. 3; 36 14 inch •• reg �5c for 15c 12 tooth NlallealileRakessnis 22c tele Storms. cord fol field steno for road build The Goad Templars', qct Shed ' en- No. 4, 25 y Barns rndPd from $15.00 upwards p P two sons and .a daughter, Joseph, with a CLIPPER ROD through and ing• —Apply to Thos.' D&acom; tertainment will 'now .take pisco on Bert and Gladyp. A brother, Wm.. No. 6; 33. with through. A written guarantee Chairman Street conimittee.: 30 the evening of June 17th. �. Rath of Clemton; 'and a sister, Airs,' No. '7; 122, SROWN S. AUTO --SPRAY given. 1 - Messrs., Christy and .Henry 13eacom Grimoid'by of Siiafarth, and his+moth- No, 8, 33 Also Galvanized Rods much cheap- are ie- lankin the bri.d a over the U.S.S.'-No. 9,- 34 The only practical compressed air sprayer in the market More P g g or also .survive. In 'religion Air. than 300,000 an use in the United .States, It. is o ►prated b ''r MEETING' OF THE HURON CO little Maitland here. The old planks Rath was a Methodist and`in�podlties S.S, No. 10;.. ]6 iii' pout with which Sir is sena Tressed b to of y.working:an Satisfaction guaranteed or money No. 11 17 P l n P the solution. After • ty council.—The council of the coup- were getting very thin. a Conservative. He was a• man high ' the pressure is enerated the o eral.or.has nothing to do but direct the refunded. g - g p g For particulars a f to ty. of Huron will meet' in the eoun- Dr,. Asa Mair; who has been rustica- i osteomed in the township No. 12, . 35' spray. A few strokes of fhb plunger. will compress enough air to P appIv 'tin with his. brother an'd'other friends p li in which U.S,S. No. 13, , 11 operate the machine several ininutes and two punmpings will discharge' eel• chamber, e the town' of God- .in this. neighborhood for a short time he was born and his early death tis S.S. No, 1.4, 22- all the contents. •.lust the thing for spraying trees, shrubs, .potatoes, �n' erieli; on Tuesday the 7th day of g T much regretted. The bercay.ed.fami U.Sis.,•A,o, 15, 23 poultry souses, stables, etc, Reg. piecet3,50,.neXt week only $5,00: Y Y r H, Stogdill June' •next, at- 3_ o'clock, Accounts has secured a su,itabrc Iocartlon in the Iy have the sympathy of the whole . against ;tile county inust..be placed Province of 'Ruebee fn which to com- community. U.S.S. No. 16, 54 VAb anlence his career as an M:D< - We wish Sep S. No.: •' 1,. 32 To parties making application far• wafer frons the Water Works RNA NA v'tth , .alae clerk on Or- before the The fuil�erai took place on Thursday . St S. No: 11, 18. Sy3tem—we can furnish and inst.sll rinythmg in the sine. if you want above date,) -W. Lane . Clerk., Dat- the gerntlema'n not only success in re-' y, a Bath we c Barin and inTr Taps, .Etc„ )Jae.l call and let us . afternoon to Union, cemetery, the y. y , 1 ed, May 23rd, 1010. 31 letvirig: pain ,and lenthening life, but pallbearers being.. Messrs. Nell .Tay- • figure with. you. also a fair. share of. financial ;.+access. lor, J. Cuming, D. Stalker,. J. Ding - Mr. and Mrs: J. S. Miller spent : a wall, W. Lear and Jas: M+eGill. TO -NIGHT Agents for Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes, and Japatac MONUMENTS THE S'i'ANDAIirb IE1,I;VATOR.-=WE few days• among friends near .Bel- lust before retiring, if your. liver !s and Dustbane the great sweeping compound. are i y y grave. sluggish, out of trine•, and you feel c11Asr oESICNs gE$Tl�ATRIAL prepared to .bu daily' choice hrjaster Caryl Draper of ';'The Forks" dull, bilious, constipated, take' a Wheat, Oats, .Peas and Barley'' for T J� �T i1 c JAMES DOW dislocated his elbow and partly dig- Dunganna,n, dose of j.�rel.l, jJ which the highest market'•prices will located • his shoulder by a fall on Sat- FIG PILLS R R O A.,.7 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. be. .paid. -The, L', Snifter Co. 28 urday, May 21st. Surgical'aid was Miss. Ana. Glenn has'returned from 'anal you'll feel, fine in the morning: St. Thomas. STOVES AND HARDWARE, .ilrocured but for some time the little 25c. a .box, or. five, boxes .for $1.00. sufferer will carry his -arm to &•sling. Mr., and, Mrs. D. G. Bickle of God- For sale at all drugstores. • Ile 1 10 ZSU cDLRS1GNED HA,i A'1' , on. 6; Mullett, for the Mr. R: i J. Draper��had a colt badly cut by a barbarous wire, fence . one erich are guests at B. J. Crawfords. Mrs. Turner and daughter Gladys try, taking ship at Now York. comer t�ithe park, stating that fire*rr was a bi • c park, g outside. The pastorate formed will be and P give an � ONT. improvement of stock, a Polled- Angus bull. --Thos, E:' Mason , 28 day last week and, but for the ti�rnely arrival of a. "Vet;" he would ' have of Goderich Were visiting at the home of Jas: Whyard. � wwwWNlrb The great practical training school of Ontario, The adjourned ineeling of the sub- bI'ad to death. Bob has been often re- , minded lately that •mlt+fortunes never -come sing'y, though blessingo genaral- � .Od. Durnin of Toronto was borne for his holidays, Mrs, 0. Woods of Goderich visited Thos, Burns rec6ntl y sold a gplence- id colt to Thos. Hamilton at a hand- some figure. ��..W,6112ts� I HAVE FOR THE IMPROVEMENT Three departments : aus after using Ferrozone. Buoyant. Young, councillor, to watch towtighip Mr." .tag, Lee was the receipient of Commercial Shorthand ofRoberts'yo, stock a thortlbred Durham bull ly do. at J. M. I?ob©its last week. Mrs. L�atttrnslayer and children vis, - rd to Auburn at at lot 11, Bayfield Road, Stanley.- ative. Fifty rents 'buys a box of fiftry Mr. and Mrs. Geta. Begley were ited her sister, Mrs. Gibson, Sea- that town for Belleville. We assist to Jos. Richardson. 23 hN �p V►/w rAr!�r1i%040 hA N/VVW0AiWVV%0W visiting their son Will, in Hamilton last forth, recently. In buyinga Watch� of sours graduates post- ZVingham, June ist,. 1892. week, Mrs. Miller took advantage of the g � ,you, 1 ; . • tions. The demand upon us for trained help greatly ex- Miss S. Beatty of Meadville, Pa., Is Rev. C. M. Rutherford left last week onA visit to New York, holidays to, visit her brother at Dr - troit,. who is quite ill. Miss! Duncan went good value, that is you want '""'—` -"-"" `-"' F, Vl'. CLITI.TOR, I'AINTI+.R AND cceds the supply. The three most recently fork done guar- lto geve • in Wingitam on a months visit to her sister, Mrs, R. -Tennant, .where he Intends otaying for a month. Rev. i,, Dartlett atbended the accompabied her to Detroit, and went Toledo a.,watch that will look well, and placedare rn- ceivink $40.00, . $50.00 and 'meed satisfaction. g is action. Prices Mr. Jahn Fester of Paisley has been y + worlds Sunday, . school convention an to to visit iter parents, The W.F.M.S. will celebrate its 'all $100.00 per month respective- moderate. Residence nearly opposite e Collegiate institute, Clinton,, in calling an old friends. held •at Washin ton D. C. last week. {,tvtmt-secgiid anniversary with a -%r weir well; .but aY�o a things g ly. Business men state our 83 The promanade, concert in the '.ink Mr, and Mrs J. Wadkom took a lawny social ,on Andrew Johnston's •- keep accurate time. in graduates are the.bcst. I*.nter on the Z4th was well attended, hcsliday trip to liitcbeli fast fawn, °°Clowrie," on June 10th. Rev. other words our classes now. Get our free catalogue, D. A, • l�c�aohi�n, hkINCIPAL Th H, I C I IF YOU WANT TIM, BEST COAL AND PROMPT UELiV•• ERY SECURPYOUR $UP- PLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT O AVIS do ROWLAND'S HAnDWARp, STO118 P90U*TLY AT - ,...TENDED TO. wo J 'Stevenson Dr. Fowler and wife, and Mr. T io;m- uth left on Monday for the Old Coun- week, leaving the store in charge of D. Sproul, . Alex, McMillwl, of Toronto, under whose the. Society was you want, a dependable watch, and try, taking ship at Now York. comer t�ithe park, stating that fire*rr was a bi • c park, g outside. The pastorate formed will be and P give an elected throe commissioners --O, it. Forster, president ;. b',. 11. Walters , The trees in town are fast adorning -- - address.resen srcretar and R til our irrasur- y, ,g, theinvwIves with a green garb which AILING. *,*A The adjourned ineeling of the sub- � �� T + % + SELLA THE very much improves the appearance of 1, —, Not u't 'ck-�•Itut robbed of ainw srribeYS of alae Colborne motifsi al' and stake out the line with 1'4. 1'-1 aur embryo city. bition tot work••-iifid it, hard to think 'teleephone oystvin was held i:n the, hall Mosses: Crossley & blunter, evarge- herr on May - lists, gave their farewell serino'ttJ to clea'tly. Not ell • enough to think of y 21st, R.. M. 'Yount, act - dying, but bad enougli for life* to be. ing as chairman. There was a fair a packed house on Sabbath rvt,ntng pretty dull. There is a remedy-Fer- attendance. Some disatisfactidn was See our Stock and last, At twenty, minutes Woro tale rozone—that, quickly lifts that half manifested • by a number of the sub- timc for meeting the church was dead foeldng. Gracious, but Ferro• scribers, who did not understant• the li d d 1 tI f- Rear our. Prices, crowded to b goig an s IOL y a ter service began Mr, blunter rcceivetl a note from outside asking them to. 7.ono makes you feel good ; it shar- pens tho dullest appetite, awakes it k'ee'n as a razor. meataing of the document they sub - scribed 'to, and who now do not apprcvvr of the s�:Iirnte. The ln�ting comer t�ithe park, stating that fire*rr was a bi • c park, g outside. The Blood ? Frrrozoriv makes rots of it, trio rich nourishing kind that vit- elected throe commissioners --O, it. Forster, president ;. b',. 11. Walters , AN R° � ter mertlttgs later. were a great success. y , alines t'he whole bed You 11• be srcretar and R til our irrasur- y, ,g, • H y I'.ighty-six joined the Methoddst wonderfully. quickened, imuteitsely er, who were �rinptrtvrrrd too survey Cinirrh on Sunday. strengthened, feel hearty and vigor- and stake out the line with 1'4. 1'-1 Jeweler and Engraver" CLINTON aus after using Ferrozone. Buoyant. Young, councillor, to watch towtighip Mr." .tag, Lee was the receipient of health, surplus vigor and reserve en- interests. 'The line has brcnsurvey- front Saltford bridge • • .. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, an address and presentation by the orgy all come from dais great restor- rd to Auburn Berth Baptist ehoir before leaving ative. Fifty rents 'buys a box of fiftry and°from Carlow south for sante dig- that town for Belleville. ta'blots at all dealers. ttwnrc, t hN �p V►/w rAr!�r1i%040 hA N/VVW0AiWVV%0W sli