The Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-26, Page 7F, , t, , 1 6 _*.1 1 % , ,CHAWA News -Record 4 geek priests was imported frou. CANAiliAM l Rt1NINANCEk''EARLY � #1� iSOT`CIGIIR Roston recently to marry a oaiiple of Mayor Gaynor s Chief Aide In blew Winnipeg Athenians in the city St. VER DAY Jahn, and York Comes From pawn Fast. .---_-.- peas Lawyer Who pied Recently now the author#ties declare the matxi- Was a Famous Journalist, 1 mon#al event illegal. The situation Id Few Canadians are aware that LORD :STRATHCONA% TRI BUTS TO Q. A. $, Potts, who died on a train a bit embarrassing, but the ,Greeks, Charles Id, Hyde, who has receiitly. THE SELKIRK SETTI,I=RS. the other dpi , • like their doughty forefathers, are been appointed Chamberlain of the Y whil4 en route from fighting the case. The registrar of city of .New Y. ilia mast iinpoxtant '?i'inniPeg to Britvsh Columbia,. was s marriages refuses to o#iiciatc? b^cause financial post in the gift of Mayor entitled to more fame than Caine to the Greek clergyman was not licensed Gaynor, is a Canadian, Like the late Farmers on the Ten .Chain Lots Along him from his suit against Hon. Robert to solemnize marriage in the Province Joseph Medill, the late Simon Now. the River pfd Most of Their Tra- Rogers and the C.P,1£. to I. Ho what he thou t R J of New 13xby ail+, and authorized- re. combs and others whoUnited have won great veling by Water and lived a Great work i thought g heC.P.R.B#m for his marriage by an authorized cleric, distinction in the United States he is a fewstrike of „ This the foreigners object to :doing, a Maritime Province man. Moreover, Deal on Flesh T Their Itsmplements Years age and thus Aiding the 1.and a very awkward state of affairs lie is a comparatively young man, for Were of the Crudest Description fortunes of the Conservative party in • - Manitoba, He had the •distinction of 6 - is. resulting. In the meantime the of- he was born at Truro, Nava Spatia, - !�. � � fending clergyman is back in Boston, in September, 1869. He is .a grandsons ---Flails Were Used. For 'Threshing, having once he,nged .a. in before his uite innocent of the trouble he leas 'of :'Hiram Hyde, one of the loneer tilos, quite P Por an $count of the early graving In 1890, Potts, who was a graduate stirred up. transportation magnates of Nova Soo- times on the banks of the fled River of Toronto U ' U4, who built the first telegraph line one cannot do better than turn to the Pre niveraity, went down to . Alfred Tennyson, Jr„ in Canada, in that province. He was educated in t • ss Gallery in Ottawa and the admirable public schools of Truro that little book, The Selkirk Settler joined the brilliant ,band of 'Varsity, Many n re ex far the West, • e l Alfred LaureTennyate a grandson of and later attended Dalhousie College in Real Life, b Rev, boys then, there a Five hundred ex rvenO'd fnrmHra3 the late - poet Laureate and stepson of g Y R G. Mea. of The as representative p`' P ? P which has. a most distinguished honor Beth, M.A., whose: father was one of Hamilton Spectator. He was front Holland ere expected h^re soon the Right Hon..-ugustine.Birrell, has i roll of notable graduates. In 1889, the people who_. # in goocl'company, for were there net on their way to Alberta, where tli:*y a dramatic short story in the current B P w life the writer de- W. J..(otherwise "Tim" e at the age of twa3nty lie decided to try scribes, says a writer in The Famil ) Healy, now vtF'D settle on the irrigated land,. T1 issue Of the Woman at Home, entitl- for a career in the United States and Herald, y of The Winnipeg Free Press; Jack is expected that this will only br the ed, Waiter, Mr. Tennyson, who was admitted .as & student. of law to' Garvin, then of The Toronto News, forerunner of a big influx front th+ was formerly a clerk in the Uouee of the office of Wm. J. Gaynor, thein and. . The introductory chaptdr of the book but now of The Ottawa Journal; land of dukes and canals. laoxcls, is at present in Canada pur- for yea.ra afterward the.leadlug attor .s written. by Lord. Strathcona, whose. Roden Kingamill, well known to all -- , -- -_ _._, suing his literary Work, which will .no ney of the city of Brooklyn, In 1893, early Yeats were spent ill the Cana. Torontordans as a wielder of A most Ads For Canada. doubt in time be the meanar of Cans- the sante year that Justice Gaynor was. dian West and who had personal ex. ' facile pen; and Jack Maclean, former- Canada is getting more and wore in ing, him to lend additional honor 0 elected to the Supreme Court of New perience of what Mr. MacBeth de- ly of The Toronto Globe, but now a the limelight in Gre, t Biritnin. On, an illustrious name, Mr. Tennyson York, he was admitted to. the firm Publicity .Iran in Montreal, At the the first of this month The Alar,) is a great Colter and is keenly inter. scribes. One quotation will show the Close :of that session, Potts went up ' which became known as Grout Jenks, Free Press issued a special Cansdian end � all - fob of �°�' Mayer and Hyde. Mr, Jenks was Iat• high esteem in which the Selkirk set• to Port Arthur where he took eliarge _.� .,..�_,_. �_.. teers were held b Lord Stratheona, of a dais y numb •r containing numerona • well � er cleated to the bench and Mr. Y Y paper• In those days the, wr;tton •a.nd ap),rpciative• articles on Grout was chosen as Comptroller of who At one time practically lived news service suPp11e4 to Port Arthur tht� Dominion and its provinces: 94- the city of ,greater Now York; and the among them; "Many of the original was Pretty meagre. There happened tario is highly recommendod Never 'hesitate about giving. Cham- old firm being thus dissipated by lion» one da to be a snorts e berlasn's Cou g Selkirk settlers and their descen• j g of news knot spher. for Scottish fanners, gh Remedy to children. ,ors; Mr. Hyde moved across the bridge 'dents," writes Lord Stratheona, "have from the wire" and Potts decided It contains no opium or other .oar- to the borough of Manhattan and been personally and intimately known that he would play up a certain exe- Optics and can be given with implicit started in practice for himself. He : to me; and 1 have always respected ac which was scheduled for that confidence, As a quick cure for coughs has been the trusted counsel for Jus, and admired their sterling qalites day' and accordingly his paper came and colds to which children are sus- fire Gaynor in estates of which the of head and heart. I know how ,they out with. a vivid description of the j �"'/� ceptible, it is unsurpassed, Sold b latter was trustee and his exceptional have worked and how the have liv- manlier fn which this . particular {IaVM all dealers, y' some of ti have associated him with ed, and, in my judgment, Maritoba malefactor had conducted Himself up - , important lftiga- owes more to their, efforts and to their on the scaffold. . It'roads good read- £ he ing but when two days later the Win- Round Trip ,_,,,,-,Y,�,,,� tions in the United Statics courts• In ekaainple•tkian is generally admitted, or ni e Papers of the next. da GODERICH to , the heated mayorality campaign of Can well W conceived b the resent P g P p y arrived Rollin's Opponent. last autumn k1r. Hyde lead Charge of generation of Canadians." P it was learned that the execution had 11 When Hon; C, J, Mickle, the leader Justice Gaynor's personal orgauiza• : The farms of the early Selkirk set- not taken place, Then Potts moved DETROI of Ithe Opposition in the Manitoba tion which, in the polling, proved all tle:rs fronted on the Red River, and in to Victoria:, B,C., where he joined the House, was elevated to the Bench last powerful, though other democrats order that all might have a river fron- staff of The Colonist, but be had not fall Tobias Crawford Norris, mem- wont to the wall, In the post with tage without being too widely seat- b -on there very long before he was BATURDAY, JUNE 113 her for Lansdowne, was selected as which he has been awarded he will tared, the farms were only ten chains in the limelight again. A friend of Saturn Monday, June 20 his successor. It was considered by supervise the expenditure of millions in width, extending -back two miles, his came from the east .and wanted STEe >rER GREvaotrxD I some a doubtful experiment. at the weekly and the choice has the ap- The owner of each .lot had also the to see Chinatown, Potts took hum E, B. Ayer, Exen.Agent time, but Mr. Norris Lias:taken )solei'. proval..of the press of New York, privilege of putting hay over.a certain round and 'bAng short of copy took. oETaoIT area in rear of his land, and final) the oce pion to write a vel .o# tine Hissers Opposition with such y s2 y pictures- vigor and energy this session,,and has The Caustic lMr..Foster. this area was. annexed tq his farm, qne deet rvption of the -methods of the 84 The settlement was, therefore, laid out under world, The result was that in A special Excursion Train will lean Braved such a hard fighter and care- In caustic humor, few members of much as were the early french set, a day or so he was summoned to the stratford at • „• Clinton , e., m„ ful Parliamentarian, that there are the House, of Commons have ever ex- Clements along the rivers of Lower pfflee court 'to vxswer for his . share Saturday, June',oLh. no longer any doubting'Tholnases in . celled Hon. Mr. ]roster; ,cite who fol- Canada, an arrangement that, brought' in a: violation of the moral laws of From Kincardine, winggham, etc., the ranks of the ;laity, lows closely 'tile: oratory of this re- the settlers' hootss close together , the City.: kI+ �vog, however, let go, take morning train June I8, connecting bike the . majority otCunton _ a.m.) with Special Train jorit of the Manitoba markable man cannot but 'be surpris- along &.-front road' .and gave each Rei and when in lat^r years he . beeame for Goderlc)i. Special Train leaves members, lir. Norris. claims Ontario ed to note with what perfect self -con- cess to the river from which practical= . the partner of -Sir Hibbsrt Tupper and. C3 rieh for Clinton, winehatu, strat. as his home. He was born at $ramp• trol he speaksy . even when he seems ly ail their water. was obtained, of Hon. Fred -Peters .P P pP to'ivd and way stations on G. T. By., on ton, Sept.5; 1861, .Flo mi to be- Inose ,cons ]_tel moved Out of e , and d eters in th it law firm,. arrival of steamer Monday night. grated west- completely also an appreciable portion of their few recognized in the brilliant young N ward when a young .man and has. himself. Once, when lie was making faxed in the form of fish. htwyer the man who - had himself G®DFRiCft BANDMOONL16HT made his marl: in his adopted pro- one of, his sledge -hammer attack$ on Farming was. their principal oecu- bleu b•afore "tbe beak.'' ' viace, He homesteaded and fanned the Government, he was a. good deal . potion. 9 few now and then en atred 8.317 P.M. FRIDAY, JUNE 17 for. many years. La.ter.he went into annoyed by a member on alae Gov. in Bunting "but for. the most part "CHARLIE" the auctioncering, business and at ernment side who had -been dining, as .the delicacies of buffalo meat moose . THE RISE QR CHARI.IECROSS ford VVila G T.TB `t, and waay stations. present present is considered the best auc- they say, "not wisely but too well," ' By., y nose; beeper tail), etc„ were obtained tioneer in• the province. ! and who, in taking 'bks place in the by trading. with the half+breeds and Attorney -General of Alberta Has Fine . He first' essayed politics in .1896, House, evidently thought to. continuo •Indians, The Toe; the sickle and • Staff of Easterners at Ft#s Hand. ITINERARY wBen be. was elected to the Le isla• the fun ..which he had been.haviiig in the cradle were the early irnplemcnts g the banquet room. Ile interrupted Those, who knew Han. Charles 'ture for Lansdowne_ He roves again q P of .agriculture, ,but in time the .hoe LLAVE DETROIT FOR GO Central i Mr, `Pouter again and again.. Realiz• Cross, the-Attorne General of Alber Fridoyy, Juae 17th, 8 a m. Central Time. returned, in 1899, but was defeated by o gave way' to 'the wooden plough with y- . Arrive t3ederich 6.80 p, m. 11 votes at -the general elections' of inb the iriectualfty of their conditions, • .,gn iron point, and efts a t' the fa, when be was _a student in Toronto Special to ]e Mr; Foster eYidently desired to be a4 x time have had continual reason for aston- 1 Tra leaves es Goderich v d ch is G. T. 1tJ 03. a �t reaper r ' H Stood ar 'r e a rived et i 1 7' n 90 when P 33v. toStratford en and via la , C P. R t0 . COn I considerable By,. e as possible f i 0 his on� vsh e t 'ever sv h e lie PF The m n e e since the ne etc., i!.»o a car #e .£ rim w western" Blyth. p m. carried. he seat by .a hundred ma- original al reaper ',was a heavy, est, therefore he tried . with a good- crude affair. At its rear was. a large . Provinces were organized. , .Cross was LEAVE 30DERICH FOR DETROIT Jority. ,humored word or a considerate turn platform on which 'a man stood :when a student at Toronto': University, and Saturday, June 18th, 9.aioa. m., Canada Of Irish: descent; he has all of the ing of his. address, to •distract the at it was in operation,, at Os Dods Hail Toronto. Time, stopping at Port Huron. fluent tongue and the quick wit ac tention of his .interrupter from himself al forking. off the g n He was A s sal EscurKion Train from .tial erod'ited to iiatives of the Emerald and to assure a free course gr n in sheaves as it fell. The bifid known :as. one of, the meekest and most lord the morningg• of June 18th, stoppin a for his Ora- at Ml he) Dub)in, Seaforth, Clinton an5,. Islet .He ..is:. a pleasing, ing, sues subsequently done. by hand.. diflidont of men. at ordinary times. Hol Ville. . I. g, ,3'et forcible,, tory. At'length, realizing .that some. To, ut the reaper in or out of p g youth with s e&Iter, and while not butter, is a' thing more would be.needed yet de- P gear it . He was. a leastlnt-Ioakin From vie ham, Belgrade, eta., take P • , had to be r mornio tram, June 18th, connects at I )lard hitter, as the members .o# the ' 's#roup of sparing the roan, the iI1or pried up by means of a a modest .and even shrinking de• Clinton �: , a, m., with s P g P Y- fence -rail and the big wheel moved mearior, : The only time he seemed to for Goderich. peciat Troia Roblin Government are discovering ing of a�denuncin;tion which. would all into or out of bontaet with the smaller show the instinct of a fighter was on this session.: go into Hansard,: he turned directly cogged wheel, The threshing wa3 . `tile. football field, and he was prob. d► RETURNING TO GODERICH upon his tarmenfor, and; with eyes , done b g Leave Detroit Monday, m. Arrive at Another for Hamilton. flashing _through his wide -rimmed Y �ct�n�•of flails and the grain ably better known to the sportingedi-. pp. m., Port Hume tS,Ba p, m. errive at was cleaned in the open air b a[3oderich 9.80p m: The suPPlementary. estimates fie- spectacles .and finger levelled in de- 1n it about i Y whlrL fora than to anyone else. There seent� special Trains leave Goderich ft,8o quently contain some curious items nunciation, he . closed a period by la� e l n winno he riddles, or beco reasoniible chance that he invert g m. for of steamer r from Stratford, and those for the current fiscal ° saying: "And•. 'if the honorable mem. g and -..eves, The .wheat was become one some day, ­for the over- IL arrival of steamer from Detroit year . ground: into flour by'our rn .means of hand crowded profession: of law did not OODERICHRETURNINGTpDETia02T .j[ist brought down by Mr. Fielding;, her who interrupts me .would give a mills. That Leave Goderich on last trip for Detroit make an appropriation yof . $1,740 '! o� little `sober'•-- (and, here a long enough bread, -.but itflwas sweet and exceed- seem to offer much to him in Toronto r pause to let the idea* sink in, leaving ed or fn the province. He seemed to Tuesday, June hist, at 8.90 a. M. (Note' i outdo for the ;expenditure incurred inglq wholesome, The first, windmill the Time ai.s0 s m., Canada Time.) In the removal of an insane ituv#&n .: the foolish . member's fr#ends startled was put u at, Point realize this himself, for when he was ` and. fearful of wbat was ta-follow)— >'within t p Douglas, now called, to the Ear he .said: `.`T think from Moose rectory to'the: Hamilton .,,consideratiori.•to'. this., he limits of Winnipeg, by the , Ideate will be served in the dining room Asylum, and his.. maintenance ,question, He Hudson L11, gci west and .take up. 'a lint of lairs - ance �Ba thereGo•.: Ali :ex , Y er :iv t as sent: est . for this , would, p . h e Excursio t 4 T a fir ' Excursion a strc. , m s a are w to lYlaich 31, If it casts' that much agree with my view from the east to . do the work and as . and m?xybe when you •fellows are just' to' -bring an. insane Indian. all that of the matter." risers was no further beginning .to make &.thousand a year interruption, an assistant he secured. a. settler nam- out of your practice I'll: be well fix distance, •goodness only knows. what • ed. Hugh Polson. wisp tools careful ob• „ WHITE STAR LINE - it would have. cost to bring a sane , actuation of all he' saw ,..and a little. ed• Go West he did,. and was one. The item, However, will give an Canada s. Peeress. later built a mill .for himself and. a#- Promptly forgotten by his class mates. L �r � �� t+, o; -portunity. . to spine vire ressible T . The only, peerage tbat has ever bcen terwards . a number of other mills. f r Then the province of -Alberta was . 1 P O conferred on a colonial lady is that., his neighbors, :"These mills did•.fair formed; and in the first, Gbverninent Trains (cave Clinton 6.35 a.tn'. ro i o member. to ask the Government which was y. easterners read the name of. Hon. - Farr—Round 'Trip Detroit -$2.t10 `vliv :?,t was. deemed_ necessary to add given to Lad Macdonald work, but when a long calm prevallecl . . to the ordinary Population of Hamil- . •of Earnscliffe on the death of her there . was always danger of a, :flour Charles Cross; member for Edmon- Y p P husband; Sir John Macdonald. On .. famine, unless b borrowin from one ton, Attorney -General.. Any one who ton in this way; the death of the late W'. H; Smith, another the supplycould be eked out visits that province will' tell P You that the „ ata es r t n an who led t until o he House, .,o tttl t o e # he Wind arose," A L � d ose, it aur he is without doubt the shrewdest a � ski s ecor d Mu s eu m. Commons with much success, Queen The settlers rajsed large numbers of polhical organizer in .that country. In , t•a hie,et[ng theother flay, a resolu- Victoria conferred areerage on his :good horses, many of which were sold the present crisis o;:t .there he hasT�E N [CORO'S tion was•passo,d.asI;ing.fhe Provincial wife who is Viscountess Hambledon. to buffalo hunters. for' use •on 'th one 'u a ainst tiWSwasci Dominion G�ivernments to lend Twice at least have e g P g he pian who. was financial a d' to build a. Laura to, conferred on wives in their. ligusbands tions oxen were largelyd rusedRat' opera- deemed the strangest Liberal in the memorval hr11• at and were West with the exception of Hon. r LIST Qui;enston, The lifetime, says an English writer. Die- often driven single in the .RedRiver,Frank Oliver, Hon. Robert Cushing ELUBBING Wgmei!'s Institute of Queenstori is ad- I raeli's wife was made Viscountess two -wheeled cart, or hitched to a sled, of Calgary. He is admitted to be the vocating the proposal. They under. Beaconsfield, and it was only.after her Sheep were raised, too, and in the farm real had f the existing Albertan ad= take :to collect relics and.. military dbath and the extinct#on of that peer- houses' the wool was spun into yarn documents Of this early history of. this age that he, n_ lain Mr. .Disraeli, bo- and woven into cloth for family use, ministration, and h.as gathered around FOR 19II0_10 district to;fol'In a museum,, came an earl: Again, the wife of the In summer the farm stock r, n•wild him a, crowd of alert young easterners . great lawyer, Jolie Campbell; .wri3 on the .prairies, the horses especially Of great organizing ability 'together P y with a news aper support that covers Much gODCI rEaCllllg made 'Lady Strat•heaen in her owls being out of sight for months. Late P PP for little an ¢ n e 'Chamberlain's • ' right, while her lei: hand remained a in the autumn' a almost the. entire country Outside the general .round -up put Calgary.. Whether he has for - �' Stomach and. L#ver commoner, A Ica .year. later lie hint- took •place, all the animals tieing Y of . e ar Tablrts will clear the sour stomach, ' self became Lord . Campbell. Their brought in for shelter 'through the the time overshot his mark all) be .� sweeten .the .breath and 'create a heal- 'son is. now Lord, Strathederi and winter. 'Hay cutting in summer was seen at, the forthcoming general elec- ����Exr,tEs th a Campbell: . a jolly -affair, each farmer sendingout tions in that province, which. will. be p ppetite. They promote filo. flow - his full force of . hands. who caped . on non;purty lines. News -Record and,Mail and of gastric juice, thcichq inducing good Re -installed the Telephone.* fir days on the. prairies where each l$mpire........... . .... $1,b0 digestion; Sold by. all dealers. News -Record and Globe ... 1.75 A well-known Anglican Clergyman in party cut and stacked as much hay as News -Record and Family . &western O#Mario.town not long ago their stock ivould reouire during the. Herald and Star with had his name and number left out out of horsing season, Tkie ,Prairies were SICK HEADACH' E. Premium ........ . ..... 1,75 the telelihonb book, for the reason Practically great pasture and meadow `� • ' 0 , News -Record and Witno;s 1.75 t 1 � that he objected to answering a num- . commons upon which 411 had equal Sour Stomach, heartburn; Canker News -Record and :sun..... 1.75 her of more or less unnecessary Calls,,, rights. Soto Mouth cured by Mi-o-na. News -Record and Free WHEN PLANNTNC .YOUR=SITM- Unfortunately, however, there is 'a The settlement had, its social cus= Sick headaelies are mbsedb Press . . . . . ........... . . 1.7s r lumber merchant of the same name in Loma some of which were .quaint and a icoi ltl>rR OUTING pr#mitiv% and its. social gitbo'n and a general disturbed con - News -Record and Adv'er- his town, and as a result a number pleasures clition of the stomach, tiser.... . .............. 1.75 Bear in mind .that the Grand Trunk of calls intended for the clergyman whieli ware. simple. and unaffected, News -Record and '!'ciroiito " Came over the lumberman's phone, and in which all. shared with heart!. Cure the indigestion, and the head- is the "Popular tourist iodie" to He. remonstrated with the church- , ness and good will. -As the #arm ache, nausea, hea, ;tburn sour stom : Saturday Night .. , .... 2.30 Muskoka lake of 13a g � , News -Record and Farmer's ' ysr. Tema ami man; who replied that he was sorry houses were close together .vrsittrtg acts, and that—``all in" feeling will Advocate........ Farm. 2.2a . Algonquin Park, Georgian.Bay, Ka» for the condition of affairs, but could- back and forth was frequent. "Hos• vanish, News -Record and Farm. wartha Lakes, Magnetewan River, n't help it, Somewhat nettled, the pitality was unbounded, and as no and Dairy .. . .......... 1.75 etc, A varliety of fresh water voy- lumberman adopted radical measures. caste or color lilies were drawn, not Mi-o-na tablets will cure indigdstion e s - N w Rero rd ti i a c G a oil iv Cana. es as tIi are The ice i e white e l next time a r Y friend g also c1Tei`ed &t .attractive parishioner called up end triads well or any other stomach trouble. Thep. than Parm ..... , ..... , 1.75 rates, and enquired if that was the Rev. come, but the belated Indian, still far will relieve almost instantly. W. S•' Mr, 131ank spoakin, the merchant from his wigwam, was sure of a good R. Holmes has so much faith in DAILIES Full 'information, from Grand Trunk answered: "Yes, go to H--1; I'm busy supper and the warm. corner by the them that he will Agents, , or address J. D. i1leDonaid cl[imne n giveyouyour Iron- News -Record and Mail and with m sermon.' It is related that Y' = s a couch for his innocent . Dist, Pass. Agent, Toronto Ont. ' the clergyman's number soon after sleep, I,xeept • in the evening time ey back if they don't, d+s-Rec e , , ... O , , : , ... 4.25 g > , ward appeared again in the telephone knoeking at . the door was dispensed Mi-ti-na curos by hnaking the stom- News -Record and News , , 4.2u �„ book, with by near neighbors." ach strong enough, to produce enough News•Reeo2•cl and 1�rews ... 2.30 " - As a rule the marriages were Cele- gastric juices to digest all the food News -Record and Star ... , 2.3(1 _ - Orated in the church, all the News -Record and World ., 3,25 a 1 Good Impetus. guests you Want to eat. it promptly driving there in a long procession News -Berard and Morning The Governments naval Policy #s while shot -gun salutes were fixed iron! puts new life and energy Into tho Free Press ............. am likely soon to result in great ship. the farm Douses along the road; Ttie overworked and played out walls of News -Record itiid Evening ITOl14X8nr. r.,n,q' . buildvng works being established on drvue back from tine church rues the the stomach. Free Press ..........., 2,75 EXCURslOIVS - both Atlantic and Paeitle coasts, As Ocen:sion for displaying fast horses Use X-1-O-na for a week, and you we said • before it was outIlnea the and the speediest animals in the set• can cat what you want ani; time you NelvisR ..... and Adv... 3,00 'WI.,STEY3NOCANAT3A giving ofaanrimpetus to shipbuilr;ing tlement were brought Out for such. . want It, and tako pleasure in doin it, t•iser. . "" Canada Will probably be the great- events. There was only .•Otis limit Your blood will be tither, redder; MoNTHI. 'Through the luetropol#s of Chic- eat :goad clone by our expenditure placed on this speeding, and that was ago, thence via Duluth and Fort uPOti�navaul veosels. in any shape or that no one was fa pass the bridal , purer after taking Ml-o-na, and it only News -Record and Lippin= Frances, or through Chled90 send form.• -Hamilton Times, party on pain of social ostracism. costs 50 -cents a large box, 'cott's Magizibe ....... 3,25 the twin cities of Afilibeapolis and Fr0k blot, St. Thomas, Ont., gays 1 �� n,;,;r ,i.r.:iti ,; +. ,* 1 gcsM n Wifo was troubled with•,lndi fit. Paul. y for a number of years. We If what You want is not in MAY 3, 17, 31 A torah of rh atever th or a triv,nga tlObi +SSI:I KE'R $ EXCURSION -S, tried A numbet Of preparations to no this list tet its know about it, of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is, y t~fle'ct. Finally she began to use p y you at less than C'hamberlain's Liniment drives awe TO WESTERN CANADA. , VVb carr au p1 "Viii ,qa> n#a and Northern Navi» y Mf-o»na and has; been entirely rcliev» it would east You to send direct. Nation Company. . 5tearner •leaves the pain at once and cures Ilse Com- Through the metropolis of Chicago, p Y fid Of all ttiase trOubleso I can Tn remitting )lease do sob .5arnia 3.30 y 30- plaint qu#ckly. Fixst applfeatton gtv contldent•1 recommend Xi»o-ha. p.m,, Ma and es relief, Sold. by all dealers. thence •via Duluth and Pat 'Frances, y Post -office Oracle �' Postal N'otE�, Wihh{peg and return..., 532.00 _ Rx toss Order ar Izeg%stexed 8AIIIonton and return......$42.60 or through Chicago and the twist19 Oft li,et�ter and address, prOliort#onatro rates to either West, titles of Minheapalfs and 4t. Taut• . asrn points. Repeat it :»-,S1111011's 'Cure will Al May 17 and 31. "Via Sarnia and ,• W. J. Mitchell T#akets good for' 60 days, ways cute my con8118 and colds." Nortlieris Navigation Company,. UME I Wilt k tickets send full information p, (.A� 100110 -Aft) 1+letvs-ecbrtff»Ilii1'tlr`1 iron,:- May 30th�r;SecurO tic Cts and full ' Cell r�vA'11� A'H JOHN HANSI OnD, TOwh Apia, Mr. 1N.. R, WO�Od wars #1,eeted press• y , 1i A cots. tvneliitls, Cttwp Caltgllz setid OiA or A. O. PA'pTiStfN, 'Depot Agent, Iderit Of file t`cntral! "Y.117.t!. Agentg.tioh from Grand Trunk money fiaclr. Sold aaand guaraltiwt by 114 a • . , 4 Sin IK 0.l, 31 POLI813 nrsdcw al,aes isait tang_,, IV41 ur, P41`0 oil. Aoete—no mops, bottle* or ligUid_—•,trim), no TNrpentine or A_lris. The. finest of thgrn all. A.bl. pL'A&ISR%, to_, TH% r- r; D4161LEY 00,, LiMiT/,O, AnaMitton, Ont., quad 10p/raio, MY, S , ._.11� I .i.a..o.. Ail classes of people feel the debenture, You save more satia.q , desire for • privacy in connection factaraily and successfully, y . with their bank account. If it is There is no more sound financial. . , . kept in another city one's friends institution in Canada fn wflfch to , or relatives tears nothing about place your looney. Interest on r it; They have na means of deposits is compounded quarterly knowing unless the $_mean r so an a debentures are issued at t . .desires. . P r c nt. per annum half yearly. Write to this Company for ' By depositing your money with particulars respecting banking by thin Company, or by taking a Grail.. . N1,1,00 A Er . I@— Loa nSav1.>ngs Cot,ondon Ont. tva 1�utssirtar I U Is a general nuisance, I . D S and, Caines sickness • but It can. he avoided' by using rig DUS BAN . . . � . .. . ­ I ... . on sweeping day,, Dustbane moreover, disinfects the roo. .. .1 .m. . and•restorec 111198 to their original•freshpeas. The women . . swear by Dustbane when once they have used it.. ' '. Don t a h ve a no h .ter dint S weeping d heart get a 35c sola e y P g $y' P g of Dufstbane . AV'e are authorized by rhe manufacturers f 'D t send You'll 35cran of their S e Q us bags to we ping c7oinpound. We want . You to use this sin trust ftir pias week. At the h end of this. ` period, if not found satisfactory, the will take it hack, and- . tbere will be no charge for•quantity used. . It does away with Dust o. n Sweeping Day I..' You WANT IT, . -0...� -:#- 1. I Sold in barrels,- half barrels and quarter. barrels,. fora . . stores, schools; churches, hospitals, banks, and. public . buildings. P L. . I . . . . T � dL. Js+Il i ND R. BROS. D[STRISUTORS FOR:' CLINTON Canadian Factories --St: John,.N. 8.,: Winnlpeg, Main. lie . , ,. . DON'T .UBSTITUTE . Always give ; your CU stomers what their ask for: ``,just as good" II x.: „ or "the - s me thing" ma make one• sale at a large profit, and at the same time lose the confidence an.d.trade of adissatisfied patron DOXIT y SUBSTITUT , . M •t . .- THE BEST YET ` By A>i`rangementlwe a re�asble ]�T �+t++t�y�of�f�er�+/1 THE 1\ Lj Yy S'-REC * and . The Weekly Mail and Em i r —wott he together—from flow to Jell, x, xgt1, fir It'lt C T �, (except Toronto) Sent to an, address in CAllada inland or United States. The regular rate for each paper is $1.00 oyea�r. Just ealculate the money advantage the above bargain Cbinbination means, Send in your ordeis to the office of THE NeWS-RECORD* CLINTON, ONT. b