HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1910-05-19, Page 5.. Ns�:n,.---z..�,-
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4-1 " May 19th,, 1910
trhe "third degree" is lost ill the twists
of antiquity,' but it was under Byrnes
that the system rec r veli its name
Ile. made it an effective agency it
securing convictions, and m-'anv fa.
mous crimes were s+alvcd by ' his•:
.through its use. .It Is no txaggera•
tion to say .tbast hwa.+a terror t(
evildoers. He did not spoil the
ib -Ives by kin dens, but. treated' thetlr
with the utmctst contempt and harsh
n[Ts. .
A Great Detective,
For many years he spent two li une
a day in their eompaily, talking with
sltspecto brought to bis office or to
"stool pigeons" who came with in -
for r ation. Consequently Ire had Ern
: tme nualled acounint-ance with creno-
divldual methods that none, of has suc-
(leve rs can bortct of. I+'or se vetltcen
nals, and a familiarity with their in-
yeaxs .Syrnes was chief of New York's
pelice, fof e, but at the end of tIla l
Itime retired on a pension of $3000 a
year. .
iMr. Silas Udell's seven-veargoh
l daughter was fatally bursted neal
Fleeherton while starting a ilre witl
real Ilii- .
-%' a'� -. _
3.J1:r•,. , :...::wawa Y..i4:-.v u..�. �.u�:.a...�.w..;�.,,cs,w,......LL.....�..,:., .,.:w.:.,,:..�u.y..,_.. _..,_. ...,,_..T .,.. .L—-.-.'-.--1--. ...
"Ir. Fred. Drink -water has purchawe.
the summer residence of Mr. Frc'd 1V'.
Doty. It has already been rented.
:Ill;s. Fow•lie is ,again spending th(
season with her mother, Mrs. Alex
Craigle, William street.
Mr. and Airs. .Jane have remov
ed to the rooms over Barrister Ell.
loran's office, in the Acheson block.
Mr. W. Saunders, Wilson street, has
his line, large -garden all seeded.
:hiss Lucile .Grant, who held an etc•
hibition of hand painted cbina
in the parlor of Hotel i3ed-
ford a couple of weeks .ago, has op•
tined a studio and has formed a class
TELFF.R-MILLER•--•In McKiIlop or.
May dth, by Rev. H. D. Tyler,
Thos. Telfer of 'Clay to - dna Mill-
er of McKillop.
manse, EgmondiGle, on May 11th
by Rev. N. Shaw, Frederick J
Spriggs of Toronto to Margaret
Emma Robinson .of Tuckcrsmith.
BARTLIFF-In Clinton, on May 15th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Bartiilf, a
daughter, .
RICTTMOND-At Blyth on May, 9th,
. to Mr. and Mrs. Jolln Richmond,
a son,
I10WALD-In Exeter, on•M. ay 11th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed,lHowald, 7
daughter. •
Deaths .
SCOTT -In. Ilullett, on May 17th,
Robert Scott, aged 89 years, I.;
. months and 20 days.
TIAY'NA*RD-On tho London Road,
Tuckerwitith, on.May loth, Al'
fred Hayward, agd 76 years, 1
rnonihs and 23 days• -
IIORTO:V-In Goderich cm May 6th,
Eliyaboth Sutherland, wife of
Joseph Morton, aged 130. }'ears, 6
niontl s and 19 clays.
MKXZGodcrich on May. 11,
Alexander McKenzie of Kintnil,
aged 4.1 years.
CLELAND-In F.lma,on May 3rd,
Robert Cleland, in his 84th year,
IIABIiJRK-In Seaforth, on :flay 9th;
Susan I3hriaour', -wife of John IIab-
k'trk,-aged 55 y°ears. and 4 -months,
BAI,;I.R-,1t Wentachell, -Washington
Sta'e, on ;flay 9th; Oscar Percy,
3rd ,;(,,It of Mr. and Mrs, ,John K.
Baker of Grey township in, his
251h year. ..
FISTIER-In Godcrich on May 9th,
P:litabeth Rife, wife. of. Joseph
Fisher, aged 53 years,
m.1;RTT,N:-In Ea4t Wawanosli, Allay
• 11th, Mary Isabel Dawson, wife
of Daniel Martin; in her 83rd year.
FILL 1Y-7111 Lower Wingham, _ May
Stli, :Airs. Jas. TX...Fitilay__'_
I .
Helpless Little. Children
1sk any Ittotller wise :has used
Teby's Own 'Tablets and she will tell
t-ou they are the best thing in th(
world. for curing stopiaeh an¢ bowel
troubles: and' making teething easy.
This.. is the highest' Praibe. a medicin(
can- got. Arid. we.. give, you the .guar•
antee - of a government analyse; that
tills ,I.liedicine is absolutely safe. Ni:
other ,medicine ' intended for young
children give mothers such a guaran•
tee. '.Ars, Rblit'..Mieth, Hotham,. Ont.,
says; -"I cannot'tell,You )low- mucI
goodI3aby's Own Tablets ]rave ,.dont
my. baby. 'I am sorry I did not kiioN\
'about them '(`arlier." "Sold 4y medd'
cine d6al rs
c or by piahl at 25 cents
box from Tile Dr'. Williams' Medicine
C'o., ` 13roekv1I1c, Ont.
= fill: ,k TANDARD I T'L*EV ATOR.-V'47.T
are- prepared 'to buy 'daily - choice
Wheat' Oats, t Peas and Barley fol
which the highest- market prices wil'.
. ier.C'o.
.,e paid. -The L. 5uitt. • 2f
•S.S.- No. 3., Stanley, holding 2n(
class professional certificate, dude,
• to commence Aug.` 22nd, Applica
'.Inions,. personal preferred, receive(
by the undersigned tl'ustees .up to
•June 20th : •John W-.- Reid, Janie,
Reid, Varna. P.O.,' Launcelot Clark
Secretary, Bayfeeld ' I'.0. 21
r -.
iif1.;il4r'-' . .
Sole Agent, Clinton.
Between all stations in Cana-
da, also to Niagara Falls and
Buffalo, N.Y., Detroit and
Port Iluron, Mich.
`1'Li'cels good going May 23 and 2,
Rettn'n visit May 26,
yI , - "
Goderiah NASAL CATARRH N� 0101 BMW �WINr
Rev. W. 1'4. Stoddart has hall an PRODUCES DEAFNESS
offer to become :state I•.'vangelist of RELIEF= IN PE-RU-NA,H, '
the Southern Presbyterian ,Synod of Mr, R. J. Arless, 401 City Hall Ave,,
Aiis�ouri. Ile prefers to remain Montreal, Quebee, Is an .014 gentleman
its Ills charge its Fulton, MO., of wide acquaintance, having served - . . -
11envever, thirty-eight years in tho General Post -
Rev. Dr. Tailing of Toronto re- office of Montreal, a reeord wbich are offerin;;,i;bletlligglg("cotiat
turned to that city, after having fill- ltpeaks for itself, Concerning Itis use of �� of frow 2$.9ton f99,oppeceat° ojW,
ed the pulpit of Knox church for four
Live 'Stock Market.
Toronto, May 18.--A significant fea-
ture of the trade. to -day at the City
t L the, sale f •-
Cattle Market t ,was acs c o fed
a c
ers weighing 975 pounds and over at
$6.20 per cwt. Two loads of Mani-
toba cattle of this class were sold to
go out on the grass, and they brought;
from $5.'25 to $6,25 per cwt. with
sdeli prices being paid for feeders,
inany of which arebeing imported
front .the'tiestern. Provinces, tho pos-
sibilities of easier markets for finish-
ed butcher and export cattle in On- '
arfo .seem rather weak.
Trade to -day, while not at all brisk,
did not" result in effecting the least
semblance of a decline in prices. The
heavy receipts of 'yesterday at West
Toronto natti'rally had the effect of
making trade stow, but the market
held -firmly. in every respect. The
rceefpts aniountccl to 87 car loads,
which contprlsed 1,9.45 head of cat-
tle, 261 sheep 'and lambs, 470 hogs
and 727 calves.
Good butcher cattle brought (,n an
average of from $6.40 to $6,75 -per
cwt. while the medium and eaaninlon
grades sold all ibe way front $5.25 to
$11.25,: .
A limited number of heavy e nort
cattle sold as high as $7 an -1 M.'25
per ' cwt., prices which iticideltariy
show that the city market •hlas its
export demand as well as +that (seining
from, the local butchers. t c. s , and
hulls sold at higher priers • tnau us-
ual, hrinlfrig iron) $4,.75 and $5. ,to,
� $ii and $6.10 per cwt. 'Trade* fee
milkers and springers was rather.dull .
and prices ranged.raj)wr .low, from
$tit. up to $62 each. .
Sbiep and lambs were easy at. the
prices quoted from Monday's market,
;and hogs) remain steady and firm :it
$9.25 f,o:b, to $9.50' fed and water-
.( d. '
"I have been atllicted with nasal
catarrh to such a degree that it affected
my hearing. .
$'This was contracted some tivonty+
years a;ao by bel ug or -posed. to draughts i
And sucidQn changes of temperature..
"I have been under the treatment of
specialists and h tvo'used many drugs
recommended as speeitics for catarrh
Ili the head and throat -all. to no pear.
pose: .
".about three years ago I was induced
by a confrere is oflice to try ,Peruna,
I'After some' hesitation, as; I bad '
doubts as to results 'aftar so many
failures, 1 gave Perima;a trial, and am
happy to state that after uslageight br -
toll bottles of Aeruna.l earn much lien• i
proved in liedring, and 'iia llroathiag
through the nostrils."
. I
Peery line of ()f)iruuL ttul stoops
This is. al grand „ctq:"1-00Uyytot
purchase Fiand•gy (liiisina a#;,•
greatl g i educed, vPideeef6rlr the=:
next -30 -days. ,tddzet+euafttw:
brightest and da ok0eieotaitildlde
are shown inowitsgeokk,
We are: offer haw (1:t'r_ , . '
piece T.eat:iin1-,
iland L,iinny s (Wi -
for $16-,50). l i '
price wa&:l5W-A ,
A, J.• � " f
Jeweler and Opt 6ldmi .,#
Issuer of X#vri*eilils=es:
. .
hand piano, 7 1M3 octaKt -rosewood
1 w
**"#94""'", *"*, :. *+1► �r�►. **#. I ..
Inspector Burnes
rase.-Vltsley 1V"slicer. 30
JA Great Detective
er docs it grow' on trees, To `
The News _+ roes# (Werk"I 2
Teri or : ifteou years ago Inspector
. presentable you must I•
Byrnes Phared with John L. Sullivan
. >ELPISE A. 5:Kli7Mf1VGS
the honor of being the American
ing: —Apply to Thos. Bleacoin,
—_• =— ___
best known to theCanadian boys
Leak over our fine line of Suit-
' ��N*IN **",#***NN0*"+** NIt+NN##***"t***R
who read nickel and ditni novels,
He was then the famous C'bief of
i0s I'lcl oils ivliat`3 ori iT'hi <ind ave-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doty entertain-
Corporeal Chester McDonald has rye-
Detectives in .New York, whose
will do the rest.U
ed a number of young friends an
tired from slxviee with tate Royal
name and fame were familiar
Thursday evening at "Nelson Villa,"
Military Dragoans'of St. John, N.B.,
wherever crime was discussed and de -
Clothes "made here 'dress' .you ,
in honor of tho lady's brother, Mas-
and is at present visiting his parents,
teotives revered. He died the other
, Return Mo ojiy�.. )altitte 2,111'
ter G. Laurier Dyke, who leaves for
Captain, M. and Mrs, Macdonald.
day in Wew York, leaving behind a
signed tip Jo June 14tH -T, IT,.Har-
Vancouver next week. He has been
Captain Murdock Macdonald corn.
,substantial fortune, but there is no
each pattern in the town. , ..
•_..'_ .:,._
in the employ, of the Doty Engine
mands the "Isabel ,Sands" this seas-
reaaota to suppose that lies half -mil -
A Spe(iuI 1a.xctn..lotW-!T0uln,Y3ltitk#Y9r
• Stratford at 7.40. ('Ajj )aa8AW0aa,mrt, it
.' Saturday, J+me ;15r l,,. '
Work's for the past couple of years
on,, on .tij.e Sarnia-Georglan Bay
ion or more was dishonorably ac -
Prom hhicardige, wUgh8atn, 8tu.,
take morning traoA,,I+ute ldapalinkolig;,
and will take a similar position its
quired. Byrnes went through, the
Vancouver. The goad wishes of many
Miss Catharine Macdonald Is, in
Lexow, investigation, and bis personal
i •
friends go with Laurier.
Woodstock unAcr treatment for her
integrity stood up under the strain
Mr. Jas. Smith of Clinton was in
throat and, accorb:ng to accounts, is
He has been extravagantly praised
town one day last week, as was also
much improved in general health.
and I"scriminately abused, Even
Mr. George Swartz,
On Wednesday .evening of last
y g
to -clay authorities differ as to the
.. urnittrl'e in first -class vondillon
o .
consisting .of ,bed room suites, 211
lairs. Dake and Mro. Douglas, moth-
week the Dcgrce'tcant wup to
wisdom of his methods. There can beent
no difference
it 1 L
er and aunt of Mrs. Chas. Doty, are
Dungannon to assist Senator Derby-.
of opinion, however,
that, with the single exception of Ai -
this week removing to Nelson Villa,
shire in initiating an Oddfellows.
Ina Ffnlrerton, he was the lues, cele -
:-A p1S' - alt • time to .I+'. Ilernlan,
`ict .St . 30
where they wi.l be the guests of ,Mr.
society in that rising fawn.
braced detective yet. produced in the
and Mrs. Doty.
Mr. Charles Washington, G.T.R.
freight, agent, left last -cele for
)7nited States, and also that he was
Miss :Agnes Knox Black gives an
entertainment this evening, under the
Alaska, where 'lie wi:l .engage in plat-
e r o.t
,threal makeflte New fork Pe,
tective Bureau.
auspices of tho Y.M,C.A. -:
er alining.
The Dead Line.
Mrs. Douglas has sold her pretty
On Friday last Master Edgar
cottage on St. David strQe,t, to Mr.
Swartz,,, youngest s+on, 'of Mr. and,'
Beginning as a patrolman in 1863
Harry Hunt of the Doty Engine
Mrs. Tom. Swartz, having in his pos-
he got his first great chance a few
Works. Mr. Hunt has erected a neats
ssion a dynalnt to cartridge, and be,
years later, when, as captain of the
coach house upon the property,
Ing of an im'cstigating turn of mind,
Mercer Street Precinct, lie discover -
i �
We had a snow fall Friday, •
retired to to Itis owls room and at-
ed and arrested the robbers of the
which lasted a full hour or more.
tachod the wires of s, small battery
Manhattan Savings Bank and recov-
' Mr, Jack Macdonald has purchased
to it t'o' sce ' what would happen,
ered a Couple of million dollars' worth
the Hood estate, near the old Inter-
Immaediately there was 'an ex-
.of bonds, Not long afterward lie was
national Salt Wells, and will remove
plosion which shook the house and'
Promoted to the central depot and
there frons his Elgin street residence
ivilich easily might have proved fatal
plaoed in charge of the then feeble
at an early date. i
to the expotimentor. As it was, the
and diriorganized deetective bureau.
West street promises us a wedding ,
boy's leg and one hand were badly
He was a man of ideas, for it 'didn't
in the very near future. I
wounded but a doctor being immedi-
'takehim morethan a few hours, ai-
We are sorry indeed to learn of th,c
ate!y called the woundswere dressed
ter being made Inspector of Det•ec-
continued illness of that sturdy sail-
and the patient };s again able; to, -at-
o pu
tives, tt into execution a seusa-
or, Capt. Baxter. His only daugh- I
ter, Mrs..Iirouvn of Chicago, has been I
tend school.
Miss Spence is visiting friends and
tfonal reform. Picking out nine of
ME, best men he sent. them clown , to
called home to nurse hits. I
relatives at Dungannon and Clinton,
the financial district, with orders to
Miss Spence was given a "shov,er" i
prior to leaving for the west.
arrest on sight every known' crook
at the home of :Hiss Stewart, Trafal- I
Airs. Chas. Doty *held her post-nup-
there, By this order he establf,lwd
gar strett, the other evening, where
tial re.eption on 'Thursday afternoon
the famous ''dead line" at Fulton
a number of her friends met and a
and evening at her .res}dence, ' Nelson
Street. ' Below' this street no crook,
pleasant hour spent. hater PVlrs. V'an-'
Villa. Tho bride' wore a dainty, yel_
reformed or otherwise, was pernlitth,t
atter presviitod her with it "kitchen
low cosittltne of crepe -de -chane, a.nd
to be seen. , He was instantly arrest.:
:flower," tho gift of other fn:cnds. '
Mrs. (Pvv.)• Ilamllton, Who rveolved
ed, and re -arrested, if he in
Prof. It. II. Farmer of McMaster
with her, )wore a pretty ,Frown of Ila-
his vf•.)its, despite, the protests of
Toronto, prtae•hrd morn-
sural-coloL'ed rajah silk, miss Al.
lawyers,.whod'enounrcd tiy'ra,s' ac-
ing and evening ill the Baptist c a ireh
Morris poured tea, wearing 'a beard•-
,tion as tryannical shill' nllewi-,t,, U-
on Sunday, it being tho eigth anni2
fully braided dross of cream lustre ;
twnal. .
wersary of the inauguration of this.
Hiss Irrne Siults ,•ill yellow silk, and
Jay. Gould's Blacklnailor.
body in Godcrich. ,I'll(, Rev. Prof.
Aliss Sallows-10 cream, also .assisted
' This .move put an,end to the frauds,
preached very eloquent 'sermons and
in the tea room. .The tea table was
hold-ups, tnpney-suatchings; etc., that
the services were well attended. Mr.
of polished oak with While Centre
had.. been frequent in the viciniti• of
Walter Marchant presided at the or-
and a vase of Beaute .roses. The poi=
Wall Street, and made Byrnes a popu-
gan, Mr. C'hallon took the solo Fart
ished mahogany table fat the drawing-
lar otiicialwith' the brokers 1 and
in the hymn, "Let Jesus Come into
room had a lovely centre and a . vase
bankers. It helped' establish, between
Your Life." The reports show the
of tulip`).
Byrnes and' Ja+y Gould anis: C'om-
seciety to be en a flourishing state i
The funeral of the late haizabe.th
modore Vanderbilt the friendships
Tho Angelican convention of S. I
Rile, wife of Mr, .Josephs Fisher, took
that were responsi�blty for Byrnes'
S. teac•hers and the• Dean-
place on :'Thursday afternoon from the
.wealth. The year after leis, • ap-
ery meeting of the Deanery of liuron, I
family residence, "B•tam
uont," to
pointlment he rendered a signal
•nret in St. George's Hall on I
('olborne cemetery. Rev, Mark Turn-
service to JayGould. The old finan-
Wednesday of last week, we give
bull conducted .tile services 'at house
cl'al pirate ;Keciiived a threatening. Tet -
a few notes in t+his leclumn. Rur- I
and grave, The pallbearers :ware,:
ter, and rcalizing',that till fate which
al Dean Gunne of Clinton and all the
1Tossrs. • `John Martin, .. •W'illiam
seemed about to overwhelm him was
c•lergyn-am of the diocese of Huron I
Acheson, James ` Buchanan,. , Fred.
richly deuerved, ..he became frighten -
were in attendance, which, with the
Davis, Robert .King and Robert Me-
ed and appealed to Byrnes, At• the
delegates, ntade a number of visitors.Loan.
Mrs. Fisher was a•. native of
latter'., instance, he'pa:rleye(l.with Ills
The papers were extremely interest-
Ilay township and has ' been a regi-
anonymous would-be 'assassin through
ing., Rural Dvan Gunne presid- '
dent of Godcrich for a number of
the of the newspapers, 'of -
ed taorni'ng and afternoon, Miss Holt-
years. Slle leaves; besides her -bus-
Tering to give tips in • stocks. in .. ex=
pre:rided at the o;I•gan. The evening
bated,• six children'to mourn ,the "foss
change for his own safety. The black -
session was held in tho church, led
of a good mother, one who always•
mailer 'consented, and: so 'Gould pro -
by the rector, Rcw. Marls Turnbull ;
took a great interest in -their ' wol•
teed: .to hand him out information;.
assisted by Revs. Gunne, Croly and
fare. The chfldren.are : Mrs, Fisch
whir the "detectives watched ' the
Parkin, the latter preaching the ser-
and Miss Daisy, Birininghahi, Ala-
brokers' offices in .hope' of finding
neon which was very practical and of
banla, and Miss May -of, • Wyoming ;
their 'quarry. The. tiforniation, lidw-
general interest. Organist Kilpack
Elroy, first officer -on the "A G
ever,_ speedily redue.6d ,.,the , black -
presided oil this occasion. The solo
Brown," -Harvey .With arsLfrveying
'mpailer to ruin,. and - it becanto. nec:es-
part in the anthem 111 -low Long, 0
party in Dakota, and 'Bertram of
nary to hunt � him dowse quickly ere
Lord wilt Thou Forget Me '?" was
the steamer- "McKee,'' which: winter-
he put a bullet through �(loilld.
well. taken by Mr. G. Lionel Parsons,
ed in this port.. Airs. Fiselt and :Miss
Watching the Letter Boxes.
T next convention , n I ,1
Tile c o cniao wll bo he d in
er wht.h til i • t .c t xr efore
May w e e t, n) 1 _b
Al t t •n e 1
1 . ha was known about t 1 iln ,was
t a
she diad and l.Irov i\,as pres6t for
that' his letlters .to the financier were
The people of Godcrich were startl-
the funeral; Mr.! Fisher- had • only re-
mailed in one of 118 boxes in a cer-
od on ''Monday of last week when the
turned front the i\est-a::Iew da.ys'bc-.
tain postal .division ,fn New York;
sad intolligcncc roachecl town that
fare. Thc floral. tributes were very'
Byrnes' had the .letters pliatograp#ted,
William Young had died suddenly at
handsome. There were present from
and put a facd..mile. in. tlie'hands, of
- London. 'Mr. Young was a native of
out-ofAown at the funeral two of the
each of a hundred postmen and tic-
Goderic'h township, living born there I
deceased's sisters, M�is. Wanless of.
whom . he hall watching the
fifty-nine years ago, about thii•t.y-five;
Varna and Mrs. -George Nott of.Clin-'boxes.
• 'When.anyonb was. seen to
years ago he was married to Miss'
ton, Mrs. DMcMicllael of Seaforth, a'
depcsit a letter the. ijostnfan, would
Cooper, also of Go'derioh townsi'e}p,
sister-in-law, and representatives from
instantly open- the. box. to see -it it
and for sone time after their nlarri-
all ,tho I3enmilter'.familics. of Fishers.
was addressed to Could, After .an
+' ,
•: cl
ago the c. I cd in Clinton.(Tinton. 'I'h
g \ They
+, „
The Macauley" brought ht wn
"h' "Rita , a e b o da
y g
i ht -h ur v'' % and h • '..• •• r r
t Il the tics men f
g g S 4
have been rtsidents of Godcrich foci
from Little C'urren't; a targe of hum-
'thousands of,ietters; the blackmailer
about fifteen years. Deccas•od leaves, l
her shipped °by Mewrs.. John Prottd�
came along, dropped fn his letter anti
besides his sorrowing .wife, two son:)
foot and Martin Conhcil, the. `latter
strolled :away.. The posinian hurfied
and two daughters ; Mrs. Wm, Mc-
lacing here to receive it.
to the box, raised bis hat hu tire' given
( h
("rcath and Ernest st of town lies. R.
Mr. E. N. Lewis NIT., and family
signal, d t detectives at 11
,. an twoact.
Mctlor of llrirol,,, who was home for
are now at their lakeside rrsiilence.
pounced on the, famous coatmrpond-
the fun(ral, and Clarence cf Pasa-
Mius Margaret MaeViivar has been
I eat: He proved to be Col. I•Ioward
Jena, Cal. Thr remains were, brought
spending the past fe,w weeks•in Bar-
Welles; who admitted his guilt ' tiiid
to (Godcric'h for burial, the funeral,
ric, 1fie guest of her sts•te'r, Mrti,
was seriously punished. This phcce of
which took phare on Thursday ,[ter-
dctective work increased'I3yrnrI pees•
noon, was under the direction of the
Mr. Joseph Townsend lit .the Vn}-•
Lige',' and. public opinion tiupportcd
C.O.F. lodge of Clinton of which he
versity of 'Toronto staff is• the guest
him in the thorough ,reorganization of
was a charter member. Thr pall- I
of leis+. brother, Mr: 13. J, 'Townsend,
his department, and in the .. (tthei
bearers were : Wm. McCreath, Chas.I
The beautiful flag' of the 0-I..was at
drastic reforms or challg(s which' he
'Tweedie, Daviel Stoddart, Robt.
half.nlast 111. last w.eek..
brought 'about.
,Johnsdon, 'Thos. ffall and Wen'. �'rco- i
Mrs. Capt..) . McAuley is
The Third Degree.
'i'hosc from out of town who
. .ae.
tag very favorably ,afteriter' winter, a
It is to Byrnes that credit must . go
attended the funeral wero : 111rs. Wind
illness,. •
for -the plan- now almost universal of
Cooper, Airs. T. Mc1cil, Mrs. (leo;
Mr. J. J. Macdonald,• tike wost'St.
..r.ounding up:suspichous characters ii.
Barge, Mrs. Mav Ilarge and Mrs. i
' grocer, is now travelling foe ` the
advance of any great public display of
Sheppard, Clinton : Mr. and Mrs. S
I Western Canada Flour Mills at.Winni-
gathering. The first occasion . cr
Brown, Anbei•ly ; Mr. and Mrs. Met-
peg. Mrs. Macdonald will join him
which .Byrnes used this precautfor
lot-, Stratford : Mr. Tichburn and
there. at an early date, was
at0ran�t's funeral, If indignant
:lir. Wilson, follow -employers, 1,011-1
Mr. Wright of t.11c Park House is
magistrates discharged the prisoners
don. The floral tributes, were very
I busy improving and beautifying his
because there wiis no particular cvi
beautiful, a handsom•o wreath from
donee Wainst them, Byrnes would
t.hu (,, T. It. const ruction gang, be-,
Mr. and Mrs., I�'red. Lawson have re-
promptly r. arrest them as•, . they left
ing among the nunlbri% The family
moved to the estato of tilr gate Nix-
the court -house and bola them a feu
have the sympathy of all in their
on Sturdy, now the propsrty of Mr.
more hours,.' This device was strong•
sudden bereavcmedt.
John Sturdy,
ly condetrimed, but it protected tit(
- •.
public, -and is today ' a conlnionplacl
' -" —'-- —
- '-- " "�"
of'police management. The origion of
trhe "third degree" is lost ill the twists
of antiquity,' but it was under Byrnes
that the system rec r veli its name
Ile. made it an effective agency it
securing convictions, and m-'anv fa.
mous crimes were s+alvcd by ' his•:
.through its use. .It Is no txaggera•
tion to say .tbast hwa.+a terror t(
evildoers. He did not spoil the
ib -Ives by kin dens, but. treated' thetlr
with the utmctst contempt and harsh
n[Ts. .
A Great Detective,
For many years he spent two li une
a day in their eompaily, talking with
sltspecto brought to bis office or to
"stool pigeons" who came with in -
for r ation. Consequently Ire had Ern
: tme nualled acounint-ance with creno-
divldual methods that none, of has suc-
(leve rs can bortct of. I+'or se vetltcen
nals, and a familiarity with their in-
yeaxs .Syrnes was chief of New York's
pelice, fof e, but at the end of tIla l
Itime retired on a pension of $3000 a
year. .
iMr. Silas Udell's seven-veargoh
l daughter was fatally bursted neal
Fleeherton while starting a ilre witl
real Ilii- .
-%' a'� -. _
3.J1:r•,. , :...::wawa Y..i4:-.v u..�. �.u�:.a...�.w..;�.,,cs,w,......LL.....�..,:., .,.:w.:.,,:..�u.y..,_.. _..,_. ...,,_..T .,.. .L—-.-.'-.--1--. ...
"Ir. Fred. Drink -water has purchawe.
the summer residence of Mr. Frc'd 1V'.
Doty. It has already been rented.
:Ill;s. Fow•lie is ,again spending th(
season with her mother, Mrs. Alex
Craigle, William street.
Mr. and Airs. .Jane have remov
ed to the rooms over Barrister Ell.
loran's office, in the Acheson block.
Mr. W. Saunders, Wilson street, has
his line, large -garden all seeded.
:hiss Lucile .Grant, who held an etc•
hibition of hand painted cbina
in the parlor of Hotel i3ed-
ford a couple of weeks .ago, has op•
tined a studio and has formed a class
TELFF.R-MILLER•--•In McKiIlop or.
May dth, by Rev. H. D. Tyler,
Thos. Telfer of 'Clay to - dna Mill-
er of McKillop.
manse, EgmondiGle, on May 11th
by Rev. N. Shaw, Frederick J
Spriggs of Toronto to Margaret
Emma Robinson .of Tuckcrsmith.
BARTLIFF-In Clinton, on May 15th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Bartiilf, a
daughter, .
RICTTMOND-At Blyth on May, 9th,
. to Mr. and Mrs. Jolln Richmond,
a son,
I10WALD-In Exeter, on•M. ay 11th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed,lHowald, 7
daughter. •
Deaths .
SCOTT -In. Ilullett, on May 17th,
Robert Scott, aged 89 years, I.;
. months and 20 days.
TIAY'NA*RD-On tho London Road,
Tuckerwitith, on.May loth, Al'
fred Hayward, agd 76 years, 1
rnonihs and 23 days• -
IIORTO:V-In Goderich cm May 6th,
Eliyaboth Sutherland, wife of
Joseph Morton, aged 130. }'ears, 6
niontl s and 19 clays.
MKXZGodcrich on May. 11,
Alexander McKenzie of Kintnil,
aged 4.1 years.
CLELAND-In F.lma,on May 3rd,
Robert Cleland, in his 84th year,
IIABIiJRK-In Seaforth, on :flay 9th;
Susan I3hriaour', -wife of John IIab-
k'trk,-aged 55 y°ears. and 4 -months,
BAI,;I.R-,1t Wentachell, -Washington
Sta'e, on ;flay 9th; Oscar Percy,
3rd ,;(,,It of Mr. and Mrs, ,John K.
Baker of Grey township in, his
251h year. ..
FISTIER-In Godcrich on May 9th,
P:litabeth Rife, wife. of. Joseph
Fisher, aged 53 years,
m.1;RTT,N:-In Ea4t Wawanosli, Allay
• 11th, Mary Isabel Dawson, wife
of Daniel Martin; in her 83rd year.
FILL 1Y-7111 Lower Wingham, _ May
Stli, :Airs. Jas. TX...Fitilay__'_
I .
Helpless Little. Children
1sk any Ittotller wise :has used
Teby's Own 'Tablets and she will tell
t-ou they are the best thing in th(
world. for curing stopiaeh an¢ bowel
troubles: and' making teething easy.
This.. is the highest' Praibe. a medicin(
can- got. Arid. we.. give, you the .guar•
antee - of a government analyse; that
tills ,I.liedicine is absolutely safe. Ni:
other ,medicine ' intended for young
children give mothers such a guaran•
tee. '.Ars, Rblit'..Mieth, Hotham,. Ont.,
says; -"I cannot'tell,You )low- mucI
goodI3aby's Own Tablets ]rave ,.dont
my. baby. 'I am sorry I did not kiioN\
'about them '(`arlier." "Sold 4y medd'
cine d6al rs
c or by piahl at 25 cents
box from Tile Dr'. Williams' Medicine
C'o., ` 13roekv1I1c, Ont.
= fill: ,k TANDARD I T'L*EV ATOR.-V'47.T
are- prepared 'to buy 'daily - choice
Wheat' Oats, t Peas and Barley fol
which the highest- market prices wil'.
. ier.C'o.
.,e paid. -The L. 5uitt. • 2f
•S.S.- No. 3., Stanley, holding 2n(
class professional certificate, dude,
• to commence Aug.` 22nd, Applica
'.Inions,. personal preferred, receive(
by the undersigned tl'ustees .up to
•June 20th : •John W-.- Reid, Janie,
Reid, Varna. P.O.,' Launcelot Clark
Secretary, Bayfeeld ' I'.0. 21
r -.
iif1.;il4r'-' . .
Sole Agent, Clinton.
Between all stations in Cana-
da, also to Niagara Falls and
Buffalo, N.Y., Detroit and
Port Iluron, Mich.
`1'Li'cels good going May 23 and 2,
Rettn'n visit May 26,
yI , - "
Goderiah NASAL CATARRH N� 0101 BMW �WINr
Rev. W. 1'4. Stoddart has hall an PRODUCES DEAFNESS
offer to become :state I•.'vangelist of RELIEF= IN PE-RU-NA,H, '
the Southern Presbyterian ,Synod of Mr, R. J. Arless, 401 City Hall Ave,,
Aiis�ouri. Ile prefers to remain Montreal, Quebee, Is an .014 gentleman
its Ills charge its Fulton, MO., of wide acquaintance, having served - . . -
11envever, thirty-eight years in tho General Post -
Rev. Dr. Tailing of Toronto re- office of Montreal, a reeord wbich are offerin;;,i;bletlligglg("cotiat
turned to that city, after having fill- ltpeaks for itself, Concerning Itis use of �� of frow 2$.9ton f99,oppeceat° ojW,
ed the pulpit of Knox church for four
Live 'Stock Market.
Toronto, May 18.--A significant fea-
ture of the trade. to -day at the City
t L the, sale f •-
Cattle Market t ,was acs c o fed
a c
ers weighing 975 pounds and over at
$6.20 per cwt. Two loads of Mani-
toba cattle of this class were sold to
go out on the grass, and they brought;
from $5.'25 to $6,25 per cwt. with
sdeli prices being paid for feeders,
inany of which arebeing imported
front .the'tiestern. Provinces, tho pos-
sibilities of easier markets for finish-
ed butcher and export cattle in On- '
arfo .seem rather weak.
Trade to -day, while not at all brisk,
did not" result in effecting the least
semblance of a decline in prices. The
heavy receipts of 'yesterday at West
Toronto natti'rally had the effect of
making trade stow, but the market
held -firmly. in every respect. The
rceefpts aniountccl to 87 car loads,
which contprlsed 1,9.45 head of cat-
tle, 261 sheep 'and lambs, 470 hogs
and 727 calves.
Good butcher cattle brought (,n an
average of from $6.40 to $6,75 -per
cwt. while the medium and eaaninlon
grades sold all ibe way front $5.25 to
$11.25,: .
A limited number of heavy e nort
cattle sold as high as $7 an -1 M.'25
per ' cwt., prices which iticideltariy
show that the city market •hlas its
export demand as well as +that (seining
from, the local butchers. t c. s , and
hulls sold at higher priers • tnau us-
ual, hrinlfrig iron) $4,.75 and $5. ,to,
� $ii and $6.10 per cwt. 'Trade* fee
milkers and springers was rather.dull .
and prices ranged.raj)wr .low, from
$tit. up to $62 each. .
Sbiep and lambs were easy at. the
prices quoted from Monday's market,
;and hogs) remain steady and firm :it
$9.25 f,o:b, to $9.50' fed and water-
.( d. '
"I have been atllicted with nasal
catarrh to such a degree that it affected
my hearing. .
$'This was contracted some tivonty+
years a;ao by bel ug or -posed. to draughts i
And sucidQn changes of temperature..
"I have been under the treatment of
specialists and h tvo'used many drugs
recommended as speeitics for catarrh
Ili the head and throat -all. to no pear.
pose: .
".about three years ago I was induced
by a confrere is oflice to try ,Peruna,
I'After some' hesitation, as; I bad '
doubts as to results 'aftar so many
failures, 1 gave Perima;a trial, and am
happy to state that after uslageight br -
toll bottles of Aeruna.l earn much lien• i
proved in liedring, and 'iia llroathiag
through the nostrils."
. I
Peery line of ()f)iruuL ttul stoops
This is. al grand „ctq:"1-00Uyytot
purchase Fiand•gy (liiisina a#;,•
greatl g i educed, vPideeef6rlr the=:
next -30 -days. ,tddzet+euafttw:
brightest and da ok0eieotaitildlde
are shown inowitsgeokk,
We are: offer haw (1:t'r_ , . '
piece T.eat:iin1-,
iland L,iinny s (Wi -
for $16-,50). l i '
price wa&:l5W-A ,
A, J.• � " f
Jeweler and Opt 6ldmi .,#
Issuer of X#vri*eilils=es:
. .
hand piano, 7 1M3 octaKt -rosewood
1 w
Alma Appearance
LEAVE 50DCitI4l't .1.02 I r
Saturday, Jnue Irl,,, I1 a y)04tjqu.PGkadg,".
rase.-Vltsley 1V"slicer. 30
doesn't come by chance neith-
. -
er docs it grow' on trees, To `
. . I
- town of Clinton will )ay, $3,,75 - or
. presentable you must I•
Be Well
cord for field _stone .for road bullet-
Round; AI)p
ing: —Apply to Thos. Bleacoin,
—_• =— ___
Cllai,rman, Street Committee. 30
Leak over our fine line of Suit-
GODE1�'ttl� UD u
....-----.: _-_ _.._....
i0s I'lcl oils ivliat`3 ori iT'hi <ind ave-
.9.Td idch t1,8n m.
.Special 'Cru ns l�;a tea.x ert►el;thhthtle;
will do the rest.U
prlu, for Clinton,. Iviuwttoil.lo',Pafj j4e., { -
on a vr,val of steaw,•r•1'•otatz;D!)C.rNt(Ist.
S S: No:- 12; Godcrich and I-Tuilett, .
Clothes "made here 'dress' .you ,
iluties to c,ilhidletice.11l •Augnst. .1.p-
well at small .charges..(",et mga. .
, Return Mo ojiy�.. )altitte 2,111'
]icatian rig salary', cxpericncr,
etc.,, will be received by the under-
eel,. We also'have a• large range of .
les you select Suit
1r:Are+.4.dha.,Ase,4rt' ..
signed tip Jo June 14tH -T, IT,.Har-
,sap ma'' your .
tp } Y
from. Only one suit:iZ;i'll be sold of
DOVIt,!(41r .
dy 5cc', U.S.S. No. l2, Gochcrich
a nd Huron, C halon P,O. 30
each pattern in the town. , ..
•_..'_ .:,._
_ .:. _...T .v_ -
_ -. . . __ _ ,.___.
W% R y� p
• I • L N.�. ger Co, '
A Spe(iuI 1a.xctn..lotW-!T0uln,Y3ltitk#Y9r
• Stratford at 7.40. ('Ajj )aa8AW0aa,mrt, it
.' Saturday, J+me ;15r l,,. '
I L ..r, '
' )TICF.' —AI.L ' P1,:R5UNS A:RE
. ..
- -
Prom hhicardige, wUgh8atn, 8tu.,
take morning traoA,,I+ute ldapalinkolig;,
lierebv forbidden -to... ` give. aliyone
.at Clinton (8.'40 a n,,, %4fI1hjjjspWhmlutnl,
for Goderich. ' t-rp.Ni+;Ex. T10idn'lewmess
a'1•edit lin ally, pante without. -a writ-
- • ak
ten order .'from mc. -1I, Carni
(3oderleli for Clintmp.. Whig hah(,soattt-
ford anti way sl,Lie,itlwa,ua(1(41°i'.Itllt ,oge,
s ,
i •
arrival of steumera\loh0o.'K+nig tit.
C1•ulton;` May 16th.
��''r 11 � _
at o a e
Ri . .
8.30 P.MA F D J I , .
wf1A' _
r r
.. urnittrl'e in first -class vondillon
o .
consisting .of ,bed room suites, 211
- -
Esbti-Mon .Train ;,w,fi�tahlfyi/mn t�:4te � - ' '
for vie '' 'r L wa ' t
d G. . 1 a, d.. a Nl
t gti:"
Y ti u o
s 1 lc '
ti 2 : � springs' Oa
' ln.', 5 l !
n its a Se s p g,
it 1 L
. .
_• 1 )ef • rd r n e
sldcfioaril, l C t)ucl , 1 (, r, a g ,
. .
1 ;'art Souvenir heater; i set of
r ,.•
diners, baby buggy and..)lclgh, etc.
.' . www.
. r
LEAVE DETR(71T,f'piT�ClOWNq •t } 1+
F1.111 �".
:-A p1S' - alt • time to .I+'. Ilernlan,
`ict .St . 30
, r :, •
, June herII.AU jw"-,%iils►tirttrte::
x. rive Godcrich (s:r>v 16,111„
Speoiitl Train lrrt• a (;4j%)iP19jjhviAaG4<T '
Y. to Stratfura :+nal ,h,4)Q-.1,Ppltgy•to;•I
blyth,ete„ 11.:te p'.ill,,
I.51 P,( l I
1 I
. .
, � . � I I
- PAST C'R•E � •T O , RT=N'T:=TIIL. ' U'V-
dersigned is prepared to pasture a
bout. 50 head of. cattle. at Lots S.
and _9,' ('on: '3, Mullet. -Jelin Park-
.. erg 25
stre.•t west. -Stone collar, ,hard and
soft water, ,all modern ,convollien-
ces Apply to Arthur Cantelon. 27
lot 26, con. 6, I-ltillett, for the
improvement of stock; a Polled-
Angus ' bull. -Thos. E. Mas6n 28
WORK WAN'TEM-The undersigned
Is prepared to go out by. the, day
washing or cleaning,-l3rs,' 11Ylsk, 28
fl,uggies and.'.
wagons for se,..
Wp, SI,.L'I. '1'111'1 JACKSON WAGON.
TIe I3ug�gies we sell late' made
by the best factorics.i and are
Ill site. latest stylrrjv.
)''+'leg a pratcal ,111*4M of long
expeit:ence, I know how to buy
the good article, ,:that which
will best shit the community
in which we live,
Call and see ny stock at . my
works, Iluron street, Clinton.
LEAVE 50DCitI4l't .1.02 I r
Saturday, Jnue Irl,,, I1 a y)04tjqu.PGkadg,".
Time, stoicklin at )'(„I. ;(tarrnttn
E.Noir•• I'litrludipmrbGt�trt•
We .make' A s. eCialt of
P.. Y,
A ,p ectal len” .. - ,—
ford tete ulol•nina or,,fu„ecldth s41p nF.
a,t litcholl. Unilnn;,8.ks:tetriAhi%lt14941013' ,
L me " d 'I t r.
Shoein 'a' Gln n e .
IIohntsville, i
:1 .
Hrou A las 1 a h•
e idea kta. ak
o+nil tru�n JI r,1 .h 4�l
m >; r , � t,, )ntl4Etts it �,
fering Horses and: guar
Ciieleu Ft 4n a. rn., .A,Ul+spxwiltiT54i)tn
antee satisfaction In that
I •
-7 RETURNING Tocr:�Qa�J31:q+fk•I - .
Leave Doroet ontiari:.AlnatPIA11ha-M.
p,. m.. Port fluron i,:lu."irjalln. A)IIItvfeEAlke
. . .
.9.Td idch t1,8n m.
.Special 'Cru ns l�;a tea.x ert►el;thhthtle;
prlu, for Clinton,. Iviuwttoil.lo',Pafj j4e., { -
on a vr,val of steaw,•r•1'•otatz;D!)C.rNt(Ist.
Leave underleh oa,.laai,t+d,jjt,tl.lDiit11014' .
Tnecday, Juno w'tsr• a4,t8ry(rtisanM.((>K?44@.
tlra r!cne B:SDa: m:; Csu%44ltM§,).)
... �---�-�----. ,
Meals wilt be service 11,A ,4.Inhigs9 .m .
for this Excur„lvaa itRgic.. 1
�.� ...a�.A..,.....: e .
A D S.
WHITE S�` til l'lh;
I L ..r, '
_.0: .
. r � I
I . .
Furniture and Rog
at Greatly, RoAltmdlF'nighiPc
for the mouth of Md5 when the ga ga
most required.
1.0 p.c tihscottnt all Rligs, lfattings, Linoleuuts. ("Urta xi'l."like.
. 10 p.c. of? Iron Beds --Beds front $'2 tilt to $'2;i. Oil)- . •M; etlsi, , l ace t $
is h winch r, •
10 pa., off Mat.tt esses and Tied Springs. -
I)ressers and 5tattuls for $8.50; Oak Rockeas, $1.00. i :ousl*t A o,),
Oar lea(ler at $8 i, not egitallo(1 ltt tlt(t prii'o in tbo,eltuAti';tr,
C ll•tain .Stretehei-i loalled to our eutitotners:.f'ree,,
Our This -Kot; Carpet Cleaner will he loaned free for, otaH.c1wv lj
Gorhard-lfeintvinan Piano for which I all] the onIs,%.1V, aftlitiriltti s
viehlity, need no introduce. ion --"no, bluff ,,celled to selti•ttc
Picture Framing and Repairih
Neatly and Promptly Done,
., _ .._.�-._ � _-_�._.�.,,_ _ -.
. -.---.
The storepl Nro1?a
wo al el I. of„Quality,iV'i*tdlt4*61
Furniture Dealer mid Undertaker1.'
- _ . 1. I.
t't_— ._ - ._..
,_�,.._..._ _,,.